Watch This Before Buying That Off Grid Inverter

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30 years ago all of the major inverter manufacturers in the US used heavy duty low frequency iron core copper wound Transformers in their inverter designs these classically trained Engineers understood the value of using a lowf frequency iron core Transformer in these heavyduty devices because of its ability to provide a far longer life expectancy a much safer product and a superior Peak power capacity for starting High inductance loads such as refrigerators microwave ovens AC units and power tools about this same time the Chinese decided that they wanted a piece of the lucrative American inverter market so they employed an army of workers to begin building their own lowf frequency inverters to export into the US it didn't take long for most of these companies to realize that the cost of using expensive pure copper coupled with the cost of shipping a heavy iron core Transformer to the US would take far too big of a bite out of their profit margins to counter these expenses many of these Chinese Engineers made the decision to trash the most critical component in an inverter the isolation Transformer and replaced it with a complex assemblage of high voltage high frequency short-lived chinese-made components unfortunately for American consumers this inferior highfrequency design results in a much shorter life expectancy than a Transformer based inverter and a far poorer Peak power capacity in addition the lack of an iron core copper wound output Transformer means that there is no galvanic isolation between the DC voltage boost stage of this inverter design and its AC output which poses a fire risk to your AC appliances or your EV during a catastrophic failure of the inverter's protection circuitry as expected the first 15 years that these highfrequency inverters were produced for the US market was a total disaster with nearly 25% of these inverters failing right out of the box and the remainder experiencing a catastrophic failure within a year which eventually earned these products the reputation of being disposable or throwaway inverters fast forward another 15 years and the bigname brand American inverter companies and a small handful of Chinese firms are still building their Advanced high- performance inverter products using low frequency heavyduty iron core copper wound output Transformers and while low frequency Transformer based inverters are now lasting as long as 10 to 15 years the Chinese on the other hand have only been able to to increase the life expectancy of their high frequency inverters to an average of only 2 to 5 years less when high frequency inverters are repeatedly powering inductive loads another critical weakness that the Chinese have failed to address over the past 30 years and probably never will is their high frequency inverter's miserably low Peak power capacity despite ramping up their cooling fans to full speed these inverters still overheat and repeatedly go into overload mode when powering High inductance residential loads and despite all of the early highfrequency inverter failures that resulted in damaged appliances and even fires the Chinese are still flooding the US market with these poorly designed unsafe highfrequency inverters only this time these Chinese manufacturers are stuffing these lightweight short-lived low surge inverters into larger more modern looking metal boxes with little to no improvements to this outdated highfrequency technology with claims that they can safely power your entire home with over 24 years in the inverter repair industry it is our recommendation that if you're planning on powering inductive loads in your home such as microwave ovens refrigerators power tools or AC units that you purchase a UL listed low frequency pure sinewave Transformer based inverter charger we're the inverter doctor since 1999 we have provided inverter repair services to thousands of customers Nationwide based on that experience we know full well which inverter technology works and which inverter technology doesn't in our professional opinion when it comes to safety performance and reliability a highfrequency solar generator or inverter is the last thing on Earth that you want to power your home or charge your EV [Music] with
Channel: Kick Gas
Views: 11,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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