Chaunte Wayans | #GetSome Ep. 145 with Gary Owen

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hey what's up everybody this is gary with the get some podcast uh my guest this week i don't know where she ranks in the wayans family i don't know if she's a cousin an uncle a niece and i don't know because there's so many of you shantae wayans you think who who are you in the wayans family tree you know you could act like you knew something about me gary like no because you know i don't trust wikipedia anymore because i had a guest a while back and i had um a guy named laura finesse a hip-hop guy and the wikipedia said he was born and raised in atlanta and i go so man when did you move to new york he goes oh my god i was in new york i didn't move from atlanta and i pulled a wikipedia wikipedia set right right so i go you know what i'm going to do i'm just going to ask the guest because i don't want to look stupid again i'll be like yeah so chantan's marlon sister right well it says it actually says nadia is my mom and my mom like curses wikipedia every time but my mother is a sister so i'm a niece and i'm marlon's niece yes i thought she was gonna say daughter i was like no no no i know you're not his daughter no no no i'm his niece i'm all of their nieces my mother is within that whole ten ten kids which and where is your mom in the weigh-ins cause it's keenan the oldest now he is my uncle dwayne was the oldest he passed away a few years ago that's right sorry so no it's okay all right 20 years ago yeah i forgot i cried it out okay it just got dark i think my mom is like the almost like the middle or maybe the uh yeah i think she's like the middle and your mom is not in entertainment no she can't at all she can't she cursed steven spielberg why because she doesn't care back in the day she when she she lived out in california for a while and she was working on set she was doing like writer's assistant work and she was coming in the lot and uh steven spielberg everyone was driving it she was like get the [ __ ] out the way for real and i was like mom that's that's this was before e.t yeah or after each afternoon because before eating you can kind of cuss out this was this one he had his uh small car and he was just you know on the lot no this is after and she just went off on the line just went off i was like mom that's steven spielberg she's like i don't give a [ __ ] i was like you can't that's why the alien left anyways ugly i mean i like his movies go home [ __ ] go home go home so before you got on set i'm i'm i'm happy you're here honestly but i'm a die-hard you don't even like sports do you i do like i was on an all boys basketball team in sixth grade no you okay yes i was that's what i knew the only girl but i listen monday night football was this week and i am a die hard cincinnati you know i'm from cincinnati right yeah you've been there do you mean the funny bone yeah do you like cincinnati i do it's a good city we got starbucks we got target oh no that's not toledo toledo is the the one where there's nothing toledo is the club i'm actually there new year's eve that's funny i love the club wait a pony the way they throw the line shawn no what are you talking about that's great promotion the only thing going on there is gary owens oh it's already sold out oh okay great hold on it's sold out but the club's only seating like 120 right because of social distance so it's like this year sold out both shows damn 250 coming to see you yeah all paid no paper why don't y'all do like eight shows then i'm there all weekend so we um i guess ohio right now the uh liquor laws that ev everything has to be shut down at 10. that's gonna be a weird new year's because i got one show at six then another show at eight and then i gotta be done by ten and i guess you just hang out i don't know in the parking lot with the crowd this this is what kills me they have all these rules and restrictions but still serve liquor when liquor and drugs are involved no one follows anything facts so go ahead to 10 o'clock on new year's eve on new year's eve no one's going to care and what cop is going to put you in jail right like what companies that are going to show them be like that's it everybody round them up or they [Laughter] have you done the the new uh well it's not new now it's like seven years old the funny bone in in cincinnati the liberty township one how how uh long has it been up it's been i think it's been open six seven years now oh yeah yeah i've done that you like that room cincinnati i love all of them i like um i forget his name is it jason the uh you see the gm there yeah i think so with jason coutosh is that the guy they'd be sticking and moving man you're gonna bring the last name there's two of them but i i like i i do like those i never got to headline those those are like aren't they like 400 seaters four or five well when you're on the road in your feature who you on the road with the most you think oh now i haven't been with them in a while but i was doing a lot with mauling maulin will go out well that's weird that's weird why is that weird you're with marlon yeah i mean you and these wayans man i ran into i ran into you uh at the airport with him oh that's right yeah that was baltimore i think so and and there was a guy who was trying to it was a guy with his son trying to get a picture and he kept following them all in around that's so weird and i i was like like literally followed him to the bathroom and i was cursing him out that's right i remember that yeah cause you you were like gary said man i should have you as my you went buddy dude a girl when you see a grown man doing this in front of a child trying to get like autographs like you know what you're doing if you're a fan go buy a ticket and then you can ask this type of stuff yeah or way to get in the middle of a conversation because i remember me and martin was talking and it was like this it's complete disregard of our cop we you know what we're talking about doesn't care it just comes in with his own agenda i hate it when they bring a kid involved the kid didn't even know who my uncle was he was just like my dad's oh that's right that's right i remember the kid came up hey i don't know who's who but i remember you was going all the baltimore airport you just don't do that it was it was early too it was yeah uh because i remember we were on a red eye and the layover was in detroit and i remember i i saw marlon in line and then i came up behind him hey man [Laughter] no they do it all the time cops try to be funny with it it's like bro you know what's happening and they're like hey you're under arrest just kidding you're like oh [ __ ] wow that was funny right you don't do that you don't yeah yeah yeah now how long have you been doing stand-up i've been doing it probably 15 plus now is that just like do you is this like christmas time is it just christmas party and the what's what is a christmas in the wayans household when shantay's like i'm gonna do stand-up well before they had kids you know because after they had kids the holidays got shorter like we weren't there wasn't so many gifts and stuff dude i couldn't imagine it it was too many of us the the mom and dad of the weigh-ins like christmas had to suck no there's so many kids they they started doing like double-ups so it'd be like hey gary you and me we're going to go get these gifts for this crowd and you know blah blah blah they start i'm talking about when they were little oh yeah we were what is it and grandpa stayed poor until they got famous so that was and then my grandfather's job was witnessed so there were no celebrations oh god you guys had it well let me just see your toys marla's making up for it oh absolutely marlon is absolutely up for all those non-gifted christmases right right can't speak up damon and keenan and even sean but i know marlon's making up for that [ __ ] he's living the life right now you ain't lying are you what covet state are you in right yeah going to mexico that's what everybody does it's like atlanta houston even florida but mexico there's no covet right by the way no i just feel like he's trying he's like where can i go to catch it he's going to every place have you had it yet i probably did oh i had it and i was a super spreader i gave it to everybody in my crew did you know that's like herpes that's like passing out oh yeah well what happened was like i don't know where i caught it but i you know the incubation period is anywhere between four and 14 days so i was touring yeah and all sudden i was like man i don't feel right and then i warned everybody i said i don't feel right so i'm gonna get back and got back positive and then everybody one by one ding ding ding everybody was in the green room just started feeling the symptoms oh my god and everybody got it worse than me i was the one that just like it ran through me and i was fine yeah yeah everybody else was like [ __ ] up but they said so did anybody go to the hospital no nobody went to the hospital i feel like if you don't go to the hospital because i know i was just having this conversation i know a lot of people who went to the hospital they all wind up dead everybody who just has to stay home and deal with it they've been surviving well i called um i called romney malco i called a girl named margo bingham i called everyone that i had worked with that was healthier me that i know is like because you know there's people in this business that are ate up right with their health in their body right so i called down i said as soon as march happened and everything shut down i said what should i be taking everything and they both gave me all this [ __ ] seymour some blood everybody says romney said um oil of oregano yeah mix that in with some uh apple cider vinegar and something to dilute the taste any kind of flavoring and then uh of course vitamin d and everything else but i think that's why when it hit me i wasn't that bad oh that's rude that sounds that sounds like a grandma they're calling me about the bengals game they want me to go this week to houston maybe i will maybe you don't know [ __ ] about it i think everyone gets tickets to that i think i know it's gotta be invited it's coming you gotta be real special to go into a game right now it's colvin it's like getting on living color and you're not a wayans not everybody can do it yo who is who are bingles it's this is a bengals i'm so mad at you you don't even like football why don't you just adopt the bengals is your squad no i like i would go for the chargers why would you go to the charters because that was the first team i watched when i watched football but you don't know anything about them right now you're loading nothing i do know what do you know about the characters who's a quarterback they got a great young quarterback yeah it's um oh what's that guy's name herbert what you can't say what are you talking i was i was saying her and he was like oh god first of all the bengals look like they actually play on this field what's wrong with that that no just this thing that thing is a no no one and the ball is floating and look it turns let's just watch this is that a college [ __ ] okay well this is a great episode it's gonna be the shortest one yet this 15-minute episode [ __ ] shantae the second easter cousin claiming claiming she's wikipedia generation wikipedia so how many how many weigh-ins are doing stand-up whoa ah cause let's let's go through the list there's damon junior damon damon well so who we're we're doing it so big damon keenan sean maulin uh kim did it for a little while damon jr me uh keenan's son keenan jr he's doing stand-up yeah and he it's so cute because he doesn't care like he he has the the courage that everybody wish they had when they started like he he when his first time doing it mongol sean let him do stage time he was supposed to do three minutes so weird he did like ten how does he give a [ __ ] about the time we're like lighting him and stuff he's bombing and we're like he's like and then hold on when you say we're lighting him or you just at somebody's house like we just said the korean there's enough we create our own audience like literally the lands can have their own tour with family members impact the club you don't need nobody else with the family that we know forever the ones kevin did this special in his living room i was like duane's could do that and it could be in a [ __ ] theater with just the family are you at the staples center with williams that's the best open mic night because you uh here's what's dope and bad about it so like at family functions the crazy thing is everybody tries to outdo each other so somebody would start a joke and then somebody would do imp impersonations and then they just keep like trying to outdo each other whoever it's always one always one at times to try chime in and then they get silence and then there's this one's laugh that everyone does that explodes so we all have this like high octave like ah so you bomb is everybody looking at you you you get like three seconds of that and then it's just like this explosion of different laughters it's amazing who would you say is the funniest in the family at the christmas party not on stage like that's that's the hard thing uh so craig is hilarious that's my cousin oh yeah craig i got some craig stories yeah craig is brilliant little damon and then the uncles just like i said they outdo each other even keenan keenan is probably like he's the hidden jewel because you don't expect him to do stuff and then he'll he'll be watching everybody and then come with the the punch at the end see keenan keenan reminds me of the uh the old player at the club with the fried fish and the and the french fries right here with the cigar all right and all the youngsters are coming out going hey mr kanan he's like go and get some fried fish baby girl i think everybody's looking for keenan's approval right right it is he's the godfather we called him the guy yeah i mean he's a godfather not just to the wayans but black hollywood yeah he's he's mount rushmore no he's as far as opportunities for people man it just just alone like when i when i shot my special i went back to him he was like punching up my stuff and i was like i wish that i came over to like do this is that the the one with tiffany yeah yeah the netflix no no no it's a netflix special now how did that come up tiffany just called a bunch of friends of hers yeah tiffany um you know she'd been rocking with me for a minute and uh she hit me up and was like you know what would you do for this and i was like anything would sell my soul and she just it was a great number you know something that we we would never get if we went out on our own yeah and she hit us up and then like a month later the deal came and that was uh everyone got 30 minutes or was it yeah 30 minutes so 100 like 20 20 something and then it was like two an episode right two different people in an episode no no no no everybody got their own third yeah they own thirty six episodes on uh they ready thing oh okay yeah yeah okay tiffany's good at just like not forgetting about the i don't wanna say struggling comics but comics that the doors aren't open yet no and she'll like put people on that like was open mike and him rocking with her back in the day tiffany gave opportunity like we didn't have to change much about ourselves we didn't have when i say much you know the network likes to get in and maybe you should do this joke maybe you should change it around and tiffany was just like what do you want to do like for me my background i wish somebody took over and was like nah we're gonna we're gonna give you something else because i picked this background in my head i thought was amazing and i could have came up with something else but other than that she allowed all of us to be us and just go for it it was like if you fell you felt like you know what you wanted to do and it was all over the place that yeah the girl she picked she was a flame monroe tracy ashley april macy sexy marlowe and uh ida rodriguez yeah yeah that i mean you had you had straight you had lesbian you had uh trans trans or black white yeah dirty yeah you had everything yep marlo's just la hood yup yup when marlo i remember just every time i used to see marlo when i was out on the scene a little more in l.a i go god she is l a through and through swap meet sloth if you didn't know l.a you you've seen some people like we're visiting they're like what the [ __ ] is she talking that's about south of 10. [ __ ] ain't coming down there like this south of tamworth right right right people saw the 10th but that's that's what was dope about everything she really she really gave back i always i always admire stuff like that because i go like for me there's loyalty in it like i always you know if i had a project or anything like that and and she was accepting of it i would always go to her you know what i mean it's like you're building an empire still making money off of people that you looked out for you got any horror stories from the road the horror stories are the best stories i was telling somebody the day like uh no i had sydney castillo on last week yeah when you're talking about when you have like something shitty happened to you on the road like marlon told me he got ripped off at a club yeah and that guy put a gun on the table oh he was there he didn't go off that day no no no no but but i was trying to get him to come like let's leave like marlon had three shows that night we didn't leave the club we didn't leave the comedy club until like one something and the actual club i think ended at like two or three you know you gotta do your 45 minutes to hour and it was the funniest thing because we get there and it felt like uh what's that game it was like it was you just saw him like being like pushed everywhere in the garland yeah because they was like taking pictures but it wasn't a gang of people there at the time um so he just was like getting shifted through the whole club and then they had us on this little stage and they gave him this like bottle and was like all right come on take these pictures and then as we were walking out the guy was like so you know uh you know i took care of you right and it was like he was the security guard saying that it was the scariest thing ever he had a gun out he had a gun he he put the gun on uh i think the the what's it called the glove compartment uh console mm-hmm listen y'all want to walk around with bodyguards i don't have no bodyguards but that's some scary stuff yeah i i don't i just leave i run do you go do you do the club stuff uh not as much as i used to the only time i do like nightclub appearances now i have to have history with the promoter cause i almost got i almost got uh taken a little bit last time i was in houston yeah um have you worked with chanel he's doing all the the pop-up comedy series right now i don't know i don't know if marlon's done any dates or not he's he's a good promoter he's somehow he got tied in with 50 cent now he's doing a lot of the branson cognac parties but he's a good promoter so he and his he booked a uh after party in houston during covet by the way and i was like this and i thought okay there's got to be some socially distant stuff right no no if you had a mask on he's like what's the problem right now i was like oh i already had it so my immune system's good i think you're all hollywood working and stuff so while we were there this other guy was like yo i want gary come to my spot tomorrow and he was talking about decent money to come through and i was like i'm talking to my oprah do you know you know say em no little asian dude i'm sure you know if you saw it i'm horrible with names gary he's a little cambodian dude that opens up for me a lot he's like yo this guy got some money and i was like this all right and then who was the guy and then sure enough the couple people i know was like don't don't go to that don't go to that club don't go to that part of town good luck right right you better get all your money up front right like i don't if i do club appearances now i don't walk in until i have all the money right right yeah i mean i might get the money and then go back to the hotel drop it off and then come i'm not even gonna take a chance with it in my pocket you're gonna bring your id yeah that's the idea i've uh i i think my one of my worst things always has to deal with like um i did this show it was an irv it was called urban something and the guy won didn't he kept trying to not send me my deposit so there's always a thing like he had this thing where he wanted to it said video recording and stuff like that i said i don't want my stuff recorded so we got into this whole thing about that he was telling me he's trying to uh put together something to go sell and i said you can't take people's material and go sell this you got to get permission and stuff so we had this whole big back and forth thing i told him to send it through zell you know and all this stuff so he was like i don't know zell i could send it through uh paypal like some old school [ __ ] and i was trying to brazil right i don't trust i was like he's not in person i don't trust zell yo all this stuff so i get there i'm not the headliner um i was already you know kind of whatever about the money but i went there i landed and then the guy was taking me he's like oh i got to drop off these tickets so he took me to go give these tickets to someone who purchased it and then the guy was like uh why you ain't out in these streets promoting the the tickets i was like wait what i'm the promoter right so like they're the it was the thing because of my last name earthquake was the headliner and there was some other people and he i went to go do radio and so all the stuff that i was doing i was like this is not you're supposed to have this guy do all this stuff and if he's not doing it i know it's bs we get to the show everybody before we even got on stage just do go yo go get your money go get your money so i went got my money that was like we ain't go you know uh screw you all his stuff and then uh the last bit of it because i had to sign the contract was his daughter walked in without knowing and she was like dad i got uh i got it filmed and i i it was just like yeah so she recorded the thing it wasn't syllable but she recorded it and it was just like but those are like my kind of stories because i'm always getting caught up and like what's the city last name uh florida what city and you said state oh jesus christ shantae hey bingo it's still spinning it's it's an air hey that's a city in ohio hey what city chante florida is oj playing on your team this year huh [Laughter] it was on i think not naples uh what are the cities in florida well you got miami jacksonville fort myers when you say naples i think uh fort myers i think so isn't it funny and you're in this business it's the promoters that haggle over the least amount of money yeah the biggest headaches yeah when you get there and everything it's oh it to this day i try and not i'm thank god i've had those i went through like everybody stayed your career where you're just trying to get work and you're just like you're working kind of any promoter yeah really in the beginning and it's always the one and even today every now and then i'll work with a new promoter you know eight times out of ten it's smooth but then every now and then you'll get that one you're like this you're just yeah or they're looking for excuses why if it ain't sound like they think or they don't realize uh black shows sell more last minute yeah yeah they think i'm gonna put the name up and we're gonna have this pre-sale code with ten dollars off like no yeah and somebody explained about black audiences and it did and it made the most sense it's like the reason black audiences sell late is when they hear the promotions in their brain black women especially they're like i'm going yeah but okay i still got eight weeks so six weeks out i'm getting my shoes right right before i said i'm getting my dress two weeks out i'm putting the money aside for my nails and my hair the last thing they buy is the tickets themselves and that's why it's always last minute i gotta make sure i'm seen right right you know what i mean it's that is that or i don't believe it they're not coming i i don't believe they're coming cause you always get like promotions that's like yo we got such and such and such and it's always the replacement of you might have one of the hardest when you get the things on the ticket subs that says artix are subject to change without notice wait but y'all couldn't even get in the same level that's the worst i have uh i have one that topped that but i remember uh damn i don't know if it was chicago or see chicago's a city was it the city of illinois don't [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] up my magnet you know how long it took me to get that thing to flow if you ever want to see gary punch somebody don't [ __ ] up my magnets it's a good hour to get that [ __ ] i got my superpowers the jupiter and saturn dude i went to one city and the dude had me fly out on a buddy pass and i didn't know until i got there uh but i get to the city i'm he hasn't even sent me my deposit and i'm asking for my deposit i'm in the hotel the show is uh that night i think the show got canceled not only did it get cancelled but there was locks on the door because he hadn't paid rent for the place he's you know what he was doing he was banking on ticket sales with the uh with the doors locked he thought maybe there'll be a the pre-sale would be crazy and he thought you know i guarantee you he probably owed money was the whole building just shut down or was it that night it was no it was the building it was shut down it was like uh eviction they had it boarded up he might just hustled everybody but why would he do that i have no idea so i did get my deposit but i didn't get the rest of the money and then i i had to figure out how to get home goddamn wasted a whole a whole time was this oh this had to be like six seven years ago that's the worst it i think every but those are the best stories i always say that the one you know the boring story shantae is yeah me and marlon was at the toledo funny bone and everybody laughed and it was fun the hotel was nice you're like this great [Laughter] yeah i had a coffee maker it was great and then i went down to the uh pantry and the front desk didn't even charge you for the oreos didn't charge me it was crazy that's so hard i left your ticket that's a horrible story the good stories are the ones where the promoter rips you off bro what was uh i was in um let's make it about me let me just story is any of the worst you tell the stories i might disregard it all right great story show right let me top that no but i i like i don't know they make the the reason i wanted the podcast is to peel back the curtain of what comedians go through on the road yeah cause people did you ever see the there was a documentary and it was it was the most accurate one i'd seen on comedians i can't remember theo vaughn was in it and they were just talking about the shitty hotels you go through and sometimes the promoters are trying to double you up put you both in the same room one time i went to new orleans and the guy what happened was he promoted this show at the praline connection which is a restaurant again new orleans and he wanted to do once a month he was like i'm just going to do once a month comedy shows and i was supposed to just headline and then all of a sudden whoever the headline the host didn't show up like all these people didn't show up yeah it ended up being a one-man show yeah so i did like an hour and a half and it was packed so he got greedy he goes y'all i think i want to go to once a week i said i wouldn't ah i wouldn't i would stick it once a month you want to over saturate right because nah man i know the market new orleans is starving win got a comedy club and he wanted me to come in and become the host now because i just use your name as the host so i came in the first the first show was packed but he had time to promote everything yeah when i came back a couple weeks later when he rushed it about half full right he said uh i said i would do every other week so he we worked with me when the third time came in the same thing happened i landed he's not there to pick me up he's not answering the phone uh i have no hotel he just left me because i guarantee it just was going yeah yeah and i was trying to tell him dude if you just did once a month fine and you could have got good headliners that way you're only looking at 12 headliners you got to find for the year yeah he rushed that [ __ ] yeah and he wasn't trying to book anybody else he was trying to book locals me hosts and locals this was like 18 years ago but at last that last you don't talk about empty feeling when you get off the plane and reality kicks in like right oh this [ __ ] is right but he was doing what that um promoter did you said was taking you around doing press yeah first time i came in this [ __ ] had me a church's chicken signing autographs church's [ __ ] chicken in the hood they love you there man oh my god that's your that's your audience that's what he said too he was like this yo gear see i don't look at it like i don't i don't work with people they family when you when you with me we breaking breaking bread is a kiss of death to me with promoters right right they say let's break bread i'm like yes oh right you mean let me make you a lot of bread right but you don't you give me a small right right you're taking most of the life i'm getting the heels i always meet people like that and it's never even an actual comedy club it's always like a bar or something like that that they're like they got these big dreams and all these things you know we could sell tickets for like 150 dollars this is what they get you like nobody is going to buy those tickets oh it's vip they get to meet you we're gonna be a smokey's bar and grill they got nicer you like no people don't realize like there's only few a few comics chappelle uh kevin chris where they can kind of go anywhere and sell tickets i mean look what dave's doing right now yeah he's at a [ __ ] place called stubs barbecue in austin texas recording albums and it's a it's a it's a barbecue restaurant that they usually have little live bands and they there's outdoor seating and basically dave said i just want to get out the cold for a couple of months what the [ __ ] man he did didn't he do atlanta too well he did atlanta comedy theater that's what he was getting ready for snl oh okay okay okay but even like that whole um uh chappelle summer camp did you go to that did you get a chance no no it was there was like i said it was kind of like our woodstock where you're in a field and nobody else could do that i don't think anybody else could pull it off but chappelle and yellow springs ohio like that yeah all them headliners coming in for no money i i think those that's dope i just i don't like being around levels like that because you feel so little like if that's the only time where i'm like hey uncle oh could we go you want to be with keenan i just yeah it's like because you're so like it's when it's so many big people around like your credits start to really get better it's like can we bring something to people to help you definitely small fish in a big-ass aquarium just a little [ __ ] guppy oh there's a shark hey that's my uncle guys my grandpa and grandma [ __ ] and then they made keaning yeah and then they [ __ ] the ganymede my mom yo i've met dave chappelle five times and every time he meets me he doesn't know me he's like he or he remembers after he'll be like like he'll say how was the crowd or something like that or he'll bring something up and i'll be like oh they're good and then he'll be like so how long you been doing stand up like dave i was at your house it's like [ __ ] another one it's the same reaction every time but i was in your place in yellow springs yeah i gotta i got pulled over right behind him what and they were like you got like the cops yes he got pulled over no i did but how are you behind me you were on you were falling yeah sean and i did a show at the beaver creek the dayton funny bone yeah the date and funny bone and so dave found out he calls shawn and goes meet me at this bar so we're like well where is it and he's like look for the freeway when you see the gas station get off and come we're like what is the address so it took us like an hour and a half to find this place but we finally find it uh hung out you know were drinking and stuff like that i think i didn't drink that night and then i followed him and i got pulled over and he kind of saw you go yeah you did well yeah he was like are you going to daze i was like yeah but i was turning the corner i was trying to stay was you at a bar was you at his his bar that little party shack he's got it's probably the party shack yeah it looked like i mean it was pretty much closed down it was probably his party shack yeah that's his [ __ ] yeah is it yeah he's got it's the weirdest thing man like he's trying to he's basically buying yellow springs right now they just got announced today he bought like the firehouse he's gonna turn into a comedy club and yellow springs damn but when when i did summer camp he kept trying to convince me to move there he's like gary where are you at right now i said well i'm i got a place in northern california and i i got a place in ohio still he goes why don't you sell the place in ohio it's dope here man he was trying to really say because i and he told me he was on he goes i'm trying to get everybody get a place here yeah but i was like he's really i i just read it today he bought this old firehouse he's going to turn into a comedy club and then they started talking about all this other property property he's bought in yellow springs but nobody knows really knows what he's doing with the properties and i got this i go he's trying to make his own little encompass world out there for commit because if it's it's almost like keenan when keenan called me to do little man it was funny you can't say no when you're on the phone with him yeah yeah hey guys like i said yes and didn't negotiate it's like it was like this yeah right wait a minute i don't know how much money i don't even know where i'm staying and then uh we did little man tracy morgan was telling me the same thing he goes gary gary how much money are you losing doing this movie i go what do you mean he goes he goes yo keena [ __ ] call and the same thing he goes i didn't even [ __ ] negotiate i go i didn't either he just but it's there's some people let me tell you something if jamie foxx calls you if dave chappelle calls you if keenan calls you you just say yeah yeah you just want to work with them you're going to be like then afterwards you're like hey wait a minute right right you're like i can move the yellow spring all right yeah it'd be a good place for my children number to have me on zillow oh this shit's 20 thousand dollars oh my god this is right there right ain't [ __ ] here are you not doing it huh you're not i'm not saying i won't cause i only live 20 minutes i mean you're like i'm packed i got a place my my apartment is 20 minutes from yellow springs right now because i'm on the outskirts of cincinnati so i'm like it wouldn't be nothing but i ain't alive they've called me like this all right dude he just has a that's why you said when you say when you're around them you feel like a small fish there's some of those people man when you get around them you see you get why they are who they are because they just suck it's not about i mean he is brilliant on stage but just when you're around like look at bradley cooper he couldn't get enough of chappelle yeah he was like almost like his groupie right wherever dave was bradley wanted to be around right right and then when you're with me like this oh cause it just makes you feel so welcoming it's it's a different power it's like uh i'll tell you when i did get to go to his place i literally like dressed like this and all i was making him tea i was like i felt like like all the feminine came out of me and i was like hey dick yeah i want dick tonight i was like massage like anything i could do for you just let me know i was cooking like it was the weirdest freaking thing for me ever you got around all your girlfriends how was it i i [ __ ] the guy shut the [ __ ] up they were like that was dangerous yeah yeah you get it you you still there's hall passes you're still gay oh i'm [ __ ] i'm telling you if i ever get a chance to do kamala harris right oh i'm jumping on that's a vice president and i'm not i'm i'm just because she's gonna call my wife right before like this look it's about to go down i'll call you when we're done right what is she like make sure you do that thing yeah but my wife will want details details it was like this she's left-handed i never knew that she's left-handed did she gonna have the tim's on yeah you had to come out yeah hey could you put the tim's on please i just want to make it real though right right there there's always a power though um meeting certain people i remember getting tickets this is after like michael jackson was going through trial and all this stuff it was like his last days kind of uh but i got tickets to go to neverland and never met him before never seen him perform got there i took a girl to try to impress you know her and stuff like that so we drive like three hours away to go to his ranch get there waited another like two and a half hours i was getting so pissed because i thought he wasn't gonna show up so i'm like yo let's just leave like screw michael j jackson bro as we're walking out i just saw the umbrella and was like oh for real literally almost fainted i saw him joe jackson and 3t is uh the group and the whole group 3t then you took it back the whole group was there and i and but it's it's a certain energy that you're just like i was like that with you and uh like kid capri we did we did something in new york um with rip michaels oh that's that show with 85 comments on it i get like there's there's a level and it's it's you know you guys being oh geez and like seeing you guys how funny you are and all those things so god that [ __ ] oh my god i was like this how many people are on this show and i was second to last i was like i think bill bellamy went last that night but i was just like oh [ __ ] this is taking but i those shows they start at eight and they don't start at eight and then you're second to last but the promoter's like yeah can you get a 30 minutes four show time i go i'm not going on before 11. you know that right yeah why do you want me here so early that's that was the picture we took you look like i'm going second to last oh god i'm pissed i hate those shows i ain't gonna lie i respect headliners so much on those because i've been on the road with epps the last couple years where you know there's like five of us yeah and i go i that's always tell comics man if you're if you're you get on tour with somebody be on time and do your time you'll always work yeah yeah because when you get somebody going along with it it [ __ ] the whole show yeah i'll cut a joke off in the middle of it if the promoter gets the light and i'm like oh [ __ ] and i look down the clock and it says 30. right i'm like yeah so i had this [ __ ] been over the bed right good night and people like did he finish the joke like it was 30 man i'm on the nose with the [ __ ] like i got it down to a science right right but that's why i think they always they always call me again to go on a road because i'm like you know i ain't going long yeah you know i ain't going live that's the worst i think for me like i had one person who hosted and did like his special and i was like bro i can't i don't care if you're funnier than me if you get a standing ovation or anything like that because i feel like that's me just learning to grow and work and stuff like that but this dude did so much material by the time i got to the audience they were so drunk i couldn't even do my jokes so that that's what was like frustrating to me but um it's mullin would make me go longer sometimes like he'll wait until i'm about to finish my set and he did that to me a few times but he'll be like hey dude longer time i got to use the bathroom i got the doo-doo are you going to tell he would you know i do the introduction like yo you see them on this you see on this give it up from all the ways the music playing he opened the curtain he's like hey do more time i gotta but that's the headliner that's okay if the headliner is telling you to do that yeah but but not when you have the crowd good and then i'm like shut your load you up you shot your load you did your big closer like this oh [ __ ] that's that's it i've had that happen my uh my my guys here i am story topping again i'm sorry shantae i missed the big story my guy said that he shot his load one night he gave all his a material and uh he was hosting and the feature had literally run to starbucks to get me a coffee because i said dude and the club didn't have one he goes and the feature was like dude i just want to get you one that's right was it the dc improv and say was supposed to do like five or ten which wasn't a big deal i didn't even told the club i go just have say stretch a little bit until he gets back with the coffee and he'll go up and he only had a stretch like five ten minutes when i say he he was shook that he starts sweating and he's just going like this gene is jean back and then he would he tell a joke and it wouldn't hit and he goes is gene back yet was that wait was that even his voice yeah i was saying his voice would be like this and yeah is gene back yet where's gene gene i was like this yo what the [ __ ] what stage i go what the [ __ ] was that i go you've opened for me you've done 30 minutes you only did like 10 what he goes yeah but i did my like closing [ __ ] i would say this why'd you do that you just hosted why did you do your clothing [ __ ] i think for like for me at the time i because i do storytelling you have your stuff in order so like if i was if i knew i was going to do that time then i would have my stuff lined up that's that was the night though i i realized like you just got to be ready to come at it anyway but that's that's you get like two sympathy laughs of going well that's all i got and and i low-key feel like mullen was just hidden behind the curtain just trying to mess with me yeah just trying to see so yeah and then to have the energy to bring them back up again i'm like all right guys try this again commercial break is gene here is gene is she back where's gene yeah it was like i was watching a comic have a mental breakdown where's jesus and i kept looking like why are you what is the deal you were fine exhausting he just i guess in his brain he just lost it i have uh i want to see if you have a story like this in your early career but virginia has been probably one of my toughest places the city or the state [Laughter] richmond the funny bone richmond so i do well when i was featuring right so i went to headline uh he gave me five shows i go to headline and they have me first of all they promote me with my hair straight and stuff like that so i got like church people in there i got like all these people that when i get on stage is like who the [ __ ] is this so i get there i do really well like i'm almost sold out um all that stuff i get on stage for four shows i bombed the entire time not only was i bombing so like the lights was low enough that i'm like well at least people you know might get some merch you know some sympathy merch but when the lights came up there was only like the two rows well the only people there was like i didn't even see them leaving so for four shows i was just on there for 45 minutes dying what happened i i don't know i don't i don't know when you have your host and your feature destroyed especially when you're sitting there like man they ain't even that far well here's the thing were they destroying with like good material or was it like the feature was funny suck no no no put in your ass come on your face like i think the host was kind of like that the feature was actually that was like his knee she was you know from the south all that stuff so he just brought in different he was able to talk to the crowd like i said it was like looking at the crowd seeing it's like i was looking at god in the audience trying to do certain material and i was like this is not gonna fly that's so weird no comedian you're one of the few that are openly talking about bombing because because most i always say when when people ask me like you're bombed i go it's like [ __ ] an ugly girl every guy's got it we just ain't talking about it do you i never i always hear stories about comics bombing i know but to to be so open like yo i was enriched here's the thing you'll bomb but you you you rationalize it in your head right you like oh it's something else you know what i mean that's why i even i tried to give you an out i tried to be like so the feature was doing hacky [ __ ] right like genius material oh so the host was hacking here these guys were amazingly original and i just struggled i mean i would look at her hear that [ __ ] from a comic by the way i refuse to bomb and be my fault i i think it was bruh i think those are the stories that make me laugh because i i can you know go back now and to be different but you sure you're not really the keyman son cannon is funny he just like you don't give a [ __ ] i don't think honestly i don't think i've ever heard it come i'm trying to think i've ever called me just go like dude i just [ __ ] up cause i mean when i say i've heard some of the most amazing excuses of why people ate it one one comic was on the side of the stage and i'm not gonna say no names i'll tell you off stage but we're on we're on tour together and he was sitting on the side of the stage and i was a headliner and he was going right before me and it was one of them four or five guys on a theater show and literally he's like man that one [ __ ] knows i talk about sucking dick and i went what so you have a monopoly on [ __ ] jokes the guy's joke had nothing to do right with his joke but the fact that he was talking about getting a blow job in a different manner i was like this but the real reason is he was having a hard time going after this dude every night yeah on the weekend i was like that's really where it came from yeah if you're destroying you ain't worried about what they talking about in front yeah yeah i like this and both guys are really funny dudes yeah it was just for some reason this at this point of time this is like eight years ago this comic was just in the pocket for 20 minutes yeah and i was like ooh he's really bringing it for 20. and then and the comic had a rep of of sampling oh so when you get those comics even if they do come up with an original bit yeah we still always look at them as samplers yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean i i will honestly say like it's it's like you being in the bible belt and i went out going i'mma just be me and this is when like my whole material was just about my lifestyle you know i was trying to stretch to get that hour so i went out and i didn't really have nothing to adjust on or like try to go a different way but i doubted myself for four of those shows and the fifth show i didn't give a [ __ ] and that was on a sunday which was crazy to me because that was church day so i i mean i i love owning it well you own the [ __ ] out of that i gave you everything out possible he was he was original he was and he was coming in the green room like he was the headliner he was in a he was selling merch by me let me ask you this when you headline an or you're featuring do you go to the headliner and ask if you could sell merch i never sell merch with the headliner i i just feel like it should all go to them like i'm grateful to be there you know especially like with my uncles i was like counting the room i was i was the assistant yeah i'm doing that so i just you know i feel like that's did he come to you the feature come to you and ask for to sell me i feel like after he saw my set or after he watched 20 minutes of it he was setting his table like ironing it he was like well i think i'mma sell and i had family come because i had my mom promoting and stuff like that because they know people in different cities yeah so i'll have them promote for me sometimes and give them money i had family come in still wasn't a pitcher but it wasn't he's like you know what they're going to buy myself right yeah merch is a um it's a it's a great way to make a lot of money yeah that a lot of uh i think comedy fans don't even realize how i i'm so mad the first like five years of my career i didn't have anything yeah i just didn't i was like wait then i started boxing up dvds yeah and then t-shirts t-shirts never go out of style yeah yeah but i've had i've had i've had uh conversations with openers where i'm like hey uh i had like i was selling my teacher for 20. yeah this guy literally got on stage after the first show the next night and goes yeah i got t-shirts only ten dollars sounds like this yeah what the [ __ ] was that so i had to pull them aside i said hey i don't know if you meant to do that yeah i said but you just like underbid me yeah you know what i mean like well i can go get this and i was like i don't i like i don't ever stop guys from selling merch i just always if you're opening for me i'm like just be over here i don't want to overwhelm people with merch so if you kind of be like this no yo yo you're after me but feel free to sell it over here it's it's not it's because even like let's say you don't do well it's still like paying respect you know what i'm saying it's your show it's very hard to get to be able to feature open up for somebody so sometimes if your thing like i i don't want to say stroke eagles but i just feel like when you're at that level it's a you know it's a respect thing but i i've been in florida i remember having uh two guys one was a host one was the feature and one the first thing the dude the whole said to me was like yo uh you mind if i like do this joke because like it kills and i'm like do you and he's like i'm telling you it kills so i go bro you supposed to make yourself want to get booked again right goes on stage the joke he did was basically entertaining the crowd having him come on stage so he can dance they love it they're participating they love that type of [ __ ] no jokes the feature comes on same thing yo you mind like i get to stand ovation go ahead another dance brought somebody on stage gets a standing ovation i go on stage do my material i do very well not a standing ovation but i do very well i go and wait by the door uh like where where they're gonna exit they rushed with their merchandise with you know so it's the door you come out of the club and then it's the door to exit the comedy club so i'm waiting by the exit the second exit they're right there two people bought their stuff everybody walked by me and and bought my stuff so for me that became about it's for for the real point of it nobody gives a [ __ ] about the openers and the features they're here to see you they don't so i don't care how well you destroy it they're going that sounds heartless but you're you're so on the money because that's why when was ever featuring for me i always tell them i said look you know we start adding shows we could do eight nine shows in a weekend right i said if you don't try something new you wasted your weekend yeah because you're in a perfect spot if you don't do that great if the headliner's funny which if i'm funny they all leave happy right but unlike your weekend enrichment right [Laughter] hey man sorry about that the last show was really good unlike your weekend in richmond i'm just kidding yo but that's the truth i'm like this yo you got to try something does marlon tell you that when you're with him i would always be like do you like god and it's not even about trying a new joke yeah but mix it up yeah and sometimes you're cutting and pasting like it could be the same premise yeah but throw in an extra something or take something out just to see yeah you know what i mean but if you're just like on autopilot i'm like it kind of even me like even my headline i was like i kind of wasted the weekend yeah if i just did every thing the same every night i almost get bored by like if we're doing eight shows yes i'm on the seventh show yeah now i'm like i want to try something different yeah and they don't laugh yay i got a joke right now the last three weeks i don't have an ending to it and literally it's everything's funny but there's no closer and i literally like this ah [ __ ] it's a new joke and i almost like want to put in my special like i can't [ __ ] think of and i'll sit there on stage like it's gonna happen right i just don't know when it's gonna happen but the joke just kind of [ __ ] ends i'm like the whole crowd's like i go god i don't have a punch side of this yet is that your last joke no no it's not the last but i'm just like everything about the joke is funny but there's not an ending to it yeah yeah and i'm like and i'll just be on stage like i thought something would pop in my head but nothing did again that i'm surprised social media people aren't like throwing stuff at you because sometimes i get a lot of like tags if i go live and i just start talking mm-hmm they there's some funny people that you don't know that's sitting at their house doing nothing that's tagging you're just tagging stuff have you seen the videos where they um there's people now that are getting on youtube and though their whole page is pulling up comedy bits and laughing at it i so you know sometimes i'll get tagged and people send it to me yeah but there's literally people that have youtube pages and are making money off youtube and building fan bases off just like hey i got shantae wayne's i'm gonna do this this is a bit she did on the the the tiffany hatta special and they'll watch five minutes of your [ __ ] and they'll just be like either they liked it they didn't like it they'll laugh at it but it's not like hating stuff they're literally like just like cisco and ebert but there's a lot of them out there that's i never i'm gonna look that up yeah yeah i didn't i didn't realize too people started tagging me and then i'll go to youtube and look and it's funny watching them react and it'll be a whole bit and they're acting like they've never seen it right you know what i mean like my black church show but let me see what this is man this guy's going places he's really funny i'm like this that looks like 11 years old now it's my first joke like double wide west side wow talk about what you were saying like they would sit there and go now i would have did this joke this way no they'll just like they'll just i haven't seen one where it's just hating usually they're they're there to have a good time and most of them are laughing their asses off at your bits and then you'll go to their paintings making money this is so weird youtube i'm just saying like the stuff you can make money and why wouldn't that be copy written well it's like they're not um it's not like music where they're just reacting to your jokes they're not like repeating it they're not trying to you know there's so many loopholes in this they're so i'm about to go put that on my youtube i'm gonna put your whole album do it and just watch it just tag me then i'll repost it on your page i've gone back listen i've gone back since the pandemic and you i was unemployed for four months i literally called my manager i said what are we doing how how can we have some revenue coming in during this pandemic right and just we i own all my specials so we start cutting them up and i hired this the social media firm to really cut them up and they're good at getting algorithms making sure your shit's getting recommended and you know i i'm just shocked at how much money you can make on facebook and youtube i'm like this that i'm i'm this close to hitting that uh whatchamacallit i mean i'm eligible already but is it like a thousand subscribers no you need to oh i don't know about youtube youtube i'm already monetizing um facebook i'm at twenty two thousand because you gotta have one minute views you gotta have thirty thousand one minute views in 60 days okay [Laughter] wow aim low chante well i just i just got hipped on it like i i wasn't it's too many let me tell you i can't keep adding apps to my thing although i like clubhouse sorry let me just tell you there's so much more money on facebook than youtube oh people say youtube [ __ ] facebook right i don't i don't realize until i get my updates weekly i'm like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you can get like one dope ass video that just gets shared like you know i think the biggest one i've had i turned my black church joke into a sketch and then i posted that i posted that [ __ ] on facebook and it got shared i'm talking like a hundred thousand times which equals out to like 50 minutes gary weaver i was like well there's been other ones that ding and shared a lot but it's always the ones let me tell you something when you start posting videos yourself it's always the ones that you like just like throw it in there like oh that's kind of funny yeah like this why did that one take off yeah yeah yeah and the [ __ ] you think is gonna be like this the heavy this this that dancing clothes that it was selling merch right right yeah it's the weirdest thing but i think it's the attention span because it like it's funny watching my stuff grow i got like five hundred thousand three second video uh views and i'm like why can't some of that just shift so i can be eligible to start making the money already what's your facebook you gotta pump it while you're here oh it's uh c wayne's so c-w-a-y-a-n-s no hyphen no underscore no so it's backslash c wins wingins yeah w-a-y-a-n-s yes cause i'll get people that's like i couldn't find it and i was like it's not wings right there or one w-a-y-n-e-s yeah they'll spell it that way and and how do you misspell wayne now i would there's so many and the wayne's been around for 30 years now i think that would be the people would just know it's w-a-y-a-n-s gary i've said that i was a niece of my uncles on stage while they're headlining and get off stage and they go you a wayans or who's that and you all kind of look alike too but people want to think what they want to think or maybe they just don't know what to ask but i've been asked who's your mom i said who my mom was on stage like are you damon's daughter did you just not hear i could tell them word for word everything and they still answer the opposite question they're not paying no attention they just they're there to see marlon they're there to see more they're there to see the headlines i've tried merch maybe once or twice with them it's like i'ma just i'ma take these 500 shirts back thanks for buying two let me just take these yeah i think i still got some of those shirts when people always ask like um i'm trying to word this correctly when people ask like well you got like okay so there's so many weigh-ins right and then i remember when we did little man sean made a comment and we was talking about people always saying you went you know like sean and marvel's always working together for a long time and sean was like you know people always say like why are you always working with your brothers work with somebody else and sean was like why so i can work with you right why wouldn't i want to work with my brothers i like them i was like this and i remember just i was like this yeah that makes sense yeah why wouldn't i work with these guys i know what i'm getting yeah do you ever like go to marlin sean or keenan and pitch anything i do but they i've i have what's great about them is that they take your idea and you're just stealing i didn't kill it little man was smiling like this i knew it i knew it when i was i said this is so shocking with white chicks like i knew that too uh no they make they make it so much bigger they the frustrating is going to get ideas from them makes you not want to do it you don't want to follow through because she's like i wasn't even thinking that in my brain now i have to rethink everything and add on but it's it's a dope thing even in comedy they would come to some of my shows and i would get stuck on stage and uh they would just start throwing stuff out there they'd be like well what up what if she did this or what else did she do i can't do i can't there's no way i could talk comedy with not i could talk sitcoms and movies with a round table of the weigh-ins but there's no [ __ ] way i want to talk stand-up because they will try to break everything down i go i'm just being funny i am not trying to figure out the origin where this character came from is that from childhood trauma i'm like this look i'm just making these [ __ ] laugh and i don't even know what's gonna pop my head they will give you a history oh my god like dude yeah but that that's what i'm saying sometimes taking ideas to like people like that you're like never mind i don't even want to do it i'm just gonna go to uh tv one yeah where they ask no questions i'm gonna bounce with this because right now you guys are msnbc you're breaking this [ __ ] down keenan what the [ __ ] are you talking about as brilliant as that is forget it bro it's oh man that's funny they will break [ __ ] down like that they will no part of that [ __ ] i do not wanna i remember just trying to be funny do you remember marlon did the uh he had the pilot and i don't think it i don't think it went anywhere but i i was the i was there with breisha webb we were coaches we were coaches um i don't know anyways this pie didn't go anywhere and marlon shot it and uh i remember we were back we was on the whatever sounds he was on talking and keenan was talking nutrition he was breaking this [ __ ] down like what this food does your body and this food and i was really asking inquiring questions what should i eat what shouldn't i eat and then i think marlon was in the room and then do you know lisa bloom yeah she's my manager now we used to be marlin's manager yeah um like i just took her as manager she used to be marlins but she got sick of that [ __ ] and now she says nah but at one point she had a lot of the weigh-ins yeah and i just remember there was a guy and he was like an opener and he was with somebody that was on the show and he came in and tried to make a joke as keenan was really breaking down what these foods do your body and i'll never forget the look keenan gave him he was because the dude literally came he goes yeah i'll just drink a [ __ ] mountain dew and eat doritos and keenan went so the macros you need 30 grams and i remember thinking i wouldn't i think when i say the guy disappeared i looked around he just faded away and i go and aquino's talking like yo did you make that [ __ ] disappear like he's literally not here keenan gave him it almost was like never work with him again sorry it was the most he went he was a desk there he became transportation yeah he went to the grip department oh my god when he came in with the doritos yeah but it was the worst it was comedy's all about timing it couldn't have been the worst timing i've ever just thinking i'm so glad keenan likes me shoot your shot shoot your shots literally shoot your shot cause when i'm with those guys when i'm with marlon or keenan and working with him i'm always like this what are we eating today yeah i just asked them order me what you order because i know i'm gonna feel better about my body well have you seen uh the new kenan eats meat and stuff i know right yeah i came i can't went to his house as a vegan and he was making he was like you want some burgers i was like oh actually i'm doing the vegan thing he's like for what hey people in africa don't eat [ __ ] berries you didn't say that a little man vegan eating [ __ ] i'm not gonna call [ __ ] you might hear it he does that it was the eat right for your blood type he's like you don't [ __ ] eat he eat berries and uh stuff in the wild i've never been to africa what are you talking about i ain't [ __ ] [Applause] there's no calories you eat meat right i mean that's a lot of mercury i was like what just you can't you have to what you be careful yeah you don't know what these girls are eating you're good and you don't want to get that he will go into that he will break down their enzymes and stuff you like never mind i could and i'm sure that's when you're talking about pitching the show i'm sure it's the same way it's breaking everything down but that what i love about them is that you don't ever really get shut down it's never like don't do that no matter what you come up with it's always like now listen you're like oh they hate this and they'll go if i was you i would do it this way and that's what i think a lot of people don't realize in the business is a family like the wayans who they do you guys do work together a lot yeah but they just expect like yo sean tay why aren't they putting you in movies or why they write movies for you and stuff yeah and i go they one thing i've well i only worked on little man and shot a pilot they they but i pitch stuff to them yeah and with them they make you earn it yeah they're like this you got to do the work yep and we'll we'll we're in your corner yeah but you got to do the work we're not just gonna do it for you and and they're still working you know what i'm saying it's like the the way they actually break down stuff keenan to this day he could probably shoot stuff like this but they really like trying to put in that time you know and do it that's why when they did scary movie one and then versus scary movie two they it was like a little bit of hate in that one because they had to rush that you know the second one the second one it was like we need that in two months and it was like that's not that's not how we got scary movie one you know what i mean but i it you learn you learn so much from them i know that my whole career because it's funny people be like yo i'm so it's crazy that you like build yourself and you you know made a lane for yourself and now i tell people like that was probably one of the dumbest things i've done because you got a family who created the empire and you wouldn't want to follow that like no matter what i did people are going to think i got it from them or because of them you know what i'm saying so like now it's like that's [ __ ] dumb i'm doing postmates i'm doing all this stuff to try to make a name for myself which i'm glad i did that work but people still reference me with them so i know i wouldn't have you on the show if you like i know you wouldn't i know shantae smith i feel like i should just call molly and keenan right now i already have martial i already have my line it's fine did you did you ask him about me i asked did i maybe i did i don't know if i did or not sorry about that i just i'm like this yeah did i just ask him why he farted on me before i went on stage no you know like on your face he's farting on my lap why'd he do that and i that was the day i stopped touring with him i hated him so he just sat on you and i didn't talk to him for two years and then it was probably something organic farted on me and then literally you hear coming to the stage chanting wiping off i had to go on stage and talk about it i was so mad i was so mad jean jean no i was so mad then i came back when i got off he was like doing this like oh come on don't [ __ ] touch me nasty ass don't you touch me martin looks like he would just have the [ __ ] phallus farts too he's some people you look at him martin looks like his farts oh gary like shawn's like like it'd just be like a like a queef why do you have the sound effects with it like shot sean just like and keena looks like he would he would talk to his fart before it came out like this um i'm gonna try to hold it i'm not sure if i can so everyone if you want to leave the room it's gonna come out in literally 36 seconds kayla's like he knows his body so well all right this is the unexpected i have three of these a month uh this is one of them so get ready it's coming again and shawn just looks like it wouldn't even stink sean just be like be like hey it comes out marlon his farts do this all that tequila mexico is coming out of his parts marlon is the most he used to freaking uh grab he used to eat everything that could make his breasts smell bad and then they would hold us down and lick the side of our face since the kid when we were kids yeah he was so i don't think he's outgrown that disgusting i don't think so i don't think he's done i don't think he he probably did that when he farted on me he was like what can i have to piss her off why don't you go on tour with like uh jordan rock and like one of the murphys i tried i tried to do it with uh uh pryor would make something oh yeah basically there's all these like family trees of comedians that are just out there on the road now no nobody really wants to do that though and it's still harder to try to sell that like i feel like if you had them behind you in some way it'll be cool but you when when people hear like rock or weigh-in sometimes they don't they're still trying to figure out if you're really related well i'm being serious like i feel like you have to be pumped up in a different way it has to be like a real package like you could just look at the weigh-ins the rocks the priors i'm like this listen it's a more episode if you're not no i i i know i know i've tried with mason pryor his mom was the manager and i called her and she was trying to tell me you ain't got to use the name and all this why not why wouldn't you i was like we're just like second gen it's like when um when uh bill bird donald rollins and charlie murphy went out they were just like the chappelle show guys yeah yeah remember when chappelle like the show went off the air yep all the clubs the three of them was together and it ended up working out really for all three of them yeah they all kind of ventured out and eventually created their own lane yeah what was that uh like 2004 i remember i was getting a hold of chappelle and cat and this before they both of them blew right before they both blew up and i was trying to like dude i was like let's do the new ohio players because we're all from the same area and i go we'll just do like cleveland and columbus and cincinnati and toledo we'll just do like a couple weekends just in we could probably do a little theater to the three of us yeah and they were both kind of like listening but not committing and i when i tell you like the next week like both of them blew up i was like what the [ __ ] happened they knew it was coming they was like yeah we'll talk to you if this deal doesn't go through next oh my god like who knew chappelle was going to take off like that and you knew cat was going to just tails like this oh right guess we're not doing that are we okay you guys gonna come up and i remember thinking uh one thing i'll i'll say all the people i worked with even coming up like the ones that really took off i was like i saw it cat i saw yeah chappelle i didn't see kevin like the the level that he is like yeah i know he'd always be working yeah didn't see that coming at all didn't see tiffany coming yeah so not all but i remember chelsea handler opened up for me one time and i was like yo there's something there yeah ollie wong i was like yeah there's something there yeah and there's been so many i was like man they're gonna take i toured with cat victor i told him like twice what what years was that i want to say like 2005. oh that was right well that was before he really blew blue no no 2005 he he wasn't he already blew i thought 2006 the eight hbo special came out and that's what really was what was that it was really the bt comedy awards wait where are we at we're in 2020 [ __ ] yeah when was i in atlanta i think maybe 2008-9 that sounds more your timeline works out he was already he was already fame like he was he was huge well was it because i remember was big too huh who was kevin hart already blew it well that had to be like 2008 2009. yeah yeah okay i'll tell you two funny stories like briefly i was in hartford connecticut and kevin was coming the week after me and i went out to this little hole in the wall club and uh i was with a couple buddies of mine they worked for espn and they start talking to these girls and they say yo gary's in town i go oh my god they go i got tickets to see kevin next week i don't have money to see him this week and i go wait wait a minute so you bought tickets in advance because i remember looking like oh my god kevin's headlining now that's what's going through my brain right and that's what i went wait a minute those girls bought tickets before me and he's here the week after me i go oh this guy's starting to move some tickets yeah clearly cause dave was like they apologize can't do both we chose kev or we can't see you was like oh and then i remember cat um he did a special in cincinnati like did his own bought the theater out just put up his own money and i remember seeing the flyers around the city they didn't even say cat williams the catwoman's was small there was like money mike from next friday that's how they were promoting it and i remember he did that special in cincinnati and then he did the hbo special right after and it's basically kind of the same special yeah but i think he did it independently and then got the deal at hbo and then they're they're both kind of out there now chronicles it was the first one yeah that he did in atlanta that i think that was from chronicle is that pim chronicles they talking about the weed the cryptocurrency and he said [ __ ] michael jackson yeah at the end yeah yeah cats had so many specials since then i don't know i can't remember the name of it but i remember seeing the flyer going damn they're promote money mike yeah and then he just the next year i remember austin texas me and cat got booked together and i thought we were going to do a theater and we got there and it was the basketball arena frank irwin center god and i remember when i got there go why would the promoter do that that was stupid right that's not going to sell me and cat are go for about 2 000 tickets that [ __ ] was so crowded and i was like [ __ ] did this happen all right looking around like ah cat blue right right whoa when the did see the crowd go nuts when they announced his name i was like holy [ __ ] cat took off i recorded do you think it's easier it was easier back then to sell out when you had that name like why do you think it's so hard for people to sell out now and and i say that to say like do you feel like because it's more comedians doing stuff or you mean like sell comedy culture theaters or yeah like like today because there's so many more comedians versus like back then i feel like when you had a name it was like good to go i still feel like certain people struggle sometimes even with the name oh really i don't know i don't know i think it's all just it's a big roller coaster you know i thought this question was going to be very brilliant no and i thought you [Laughter] i don't know i can't explain it i don't know like i said you got those people i'll never blame like a club or anybody if tickets don't sell i was like for whatever reason it didn't happen because when uh dave allegedly went crazy in 2005 he came to cincinnati and they announced on wednesday night they just put on the website dave's coming the next wednesday through sunday did two shows tonight 10 shows that'd be sold out so goddamn fast i go oh if they really want to go people will find out you're in town and they'll go that was that was right where i did the show russell and uh uh what you'll call it i think dayton uh funny bomb russell peters yeah i did a show with him no promotion no anything and the club owner the day of the show he we were like in the green room he was like oh my god tickets blah blah blah he was like don't worry they had such a long line russell said don't worry yeah he said don't worry they had such a long line this is like a 450 seater such a long line they had to turn people away all indians indians and asians that [ __ ] your guy he got that he got the ethernet mark it unlocked bro people love people out there it's like i heard about russell's show i heard like sometimes the this crowd isn't the normal comedy club crowd right they're coming to see russell yeah or sometimes the features they'll just be looking at you like when's russell coming on um this is fine but when's russell coming up that's when you don't look at the crowd at all you just like yeah and this you just talked to the ceiling we had we had good good times he's amazing he's one of the best guys in the business yeah for real really really nice dude i remember him not even knowing who i was um and i was at the laugh factory and i couldn't get on stage and i don't it was the weirdest thing how we like said hi to each other and he was like you're going up i was like nah man i got to do my three minutes to try the book he was like come in and he told him to throw me up on stage and i was like yeah he's a dope can i go to every club with you i know right yeah he's he's already he knows he's gonna be packed yeah yeah yeah he's a solid dude is there anybody you okay so they're like shantae wayne's this is your movie who do you want to be the co-star that you haven't worked with that i haven't worked with oh [ __ ] i would i would want a girl that i liked oh i could try to really brad and angelina jolie the opposite of that do you want to see somebody i know you was mad i knew you was mad when you know it's funny i'm supposed to be that girl i went out for the same [ __ ] role but i couldn't play the guitar nah um what it would probably be just for braggs to try to get something like you know what is uh uh lisa bernay's daughter zoe yeah i'm like what's uh she's a good actress you know i seen her on the hulu yeah i could see you with zoey and you can see me both kind of earthy yeah a little jesse reyes you know be having acai bowls for breakfast together no overlooking the ocean zoey i put some extra coconut flakes and almond butter in it thanks shanta shantae i pushed some extra i loved you in big little lies you were so good your husband was so abusive i would have left them too so zoey crab you're the first one that says zoey kravitz the top two has been denzel and will smith i think every people i have on i always ask that question no you i can see zoe though they're gonna take over you wanna you wanna like get somebody you could possibly you're trying to have a relationship though right you're trying to work i'm gonna write it down i'm gonna write it in the script oh you went there yeah we cool yeah it went all the way i'm like we're gonna have sex and okay every year another scene there's monsters non-balls balls great monsters we gotta get you monetized on facebook so pump it again come on monsters non-balls balls monsters non-balls [Laughter] yeah pump your face against we get you monetized gotta make you some money yo go go to backslash c wins c w a y a n s and she gonna root for these [ __ ] bengals i'm gonna i'll tell you right now for the brother i got my superpowers from this past week what what have they ever been in a championship they've been in two super bowls and lost both times you at least you're loyal die hard very uh look my my freaking podcast all the colors are bingo colors they're orange and black that's this isn't on accident this is on par you want a t-shirt hell what's well actually let me get a medium put that on your chest i'm on shantae's titties i'm going to be on let me know you don't even have hold on could you medium you sure you got a medium who who have they um played against ever they're the bengals they play against everybody do they go with the large they run small i don't know what size your breasts are huge yeah you're gonna need a lot they're excel nobody knows how big sean day cities are female that'll be funny what the [ __ ] you're gonna have all you have zoe hitting you up hey wanna do this movie i'm gonna be that perv in uh in hollywood you're gonna be like um hold on shantae's gonna have like a bikini and everybody's gonna look at her like they did when chris pratt got in shape and all the things was ripped up on guardians of the galaxy like he was fat on when he was on tv yeah and then he got all ripped up for guardians of the galaxy and i was like what the [ __ ] it was a sex symbol that's what i'm waiting with that t-shirt on spray some water on that [ __ ] [Laughter] put a little split right here yeah bring them in chaute i got you all kinds of nieces gonna be coming at you why you keep saying oh no because that came out of left field boom she was married to a dude and it was funny she not only submitted to a guy but she was telling like women you got to suck a lot of dick to keep your man you got to suck a little dick and i was sitting there going what were you thinking about though when you were stuck in the back hey we got dicks it's just different playing frank ocean in the background [Laughter] thanks so far forever that's that that's that serenade see men y'all don't realize you wonder why women are going to women some more it's because a lot of dudes keep messing up and the more y'all mess up there's always somebody to cry on their shoulder look and that's us i i agree but if a woman likes dick she's gonna want some more dick eventually yeah but we we kind of you're there to fill in listen you don't under if you catch the right lesbian not only do we give great head some but if you know how to strap it on correctly it's a woman will forget the only thing we have real skin dildos like i could take your penis skin and make a dildo right now why would why would you do that you know why would your money would take you i'm trying to get that for my uncles i was like yo we could come out with a weigh-ins collection of dildos [ __ ] where's kyle you want ball in this you don't know who it is there's so many of us keenan's gonna die okay what kind of skin is it make sure you drink pineapple juice it's gonna taste better [Laughter] this conversation was way better than the stand-up stories we should start talking about eating [ __ ] earlier [Laughter] turning chante into a sex symbol it's coming down wow yes all right well thanks for coming on i appreciate it coming up uh yeah uh uh in my crib starting mitch [ __ ] is that that's i'm building a studio in my studio oh so i'm doing live streaming shows in my studio yeah i have a live stream uh show coming and all that stuff so just follow me on facebook all right gotta get you monetized c-w-a-y-a-n-s why are you thinking about it because i'm a slow smeller got a ged sorry all right well thanks for coming on thanks for having me i appreciate it go bingos there you go close that [ __ ] out you
Channel: Gary Owen
Views: 73,828
Rating: 4.9373369 out of 5
Keywords: gary owen, comedy, comedian, stand-up comedy
Id: tcHUOe0m_kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 53sec (5333 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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