Chatting with Hannah & Hailey ✨| Bookmarked Announcement

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Wow hello everybody welcome to our QA live show chatty time that's what this is I am Zoey you're on my channel read by Zoey and we have oh we didn't discuss it hi I'm Haley from the channel Haley and Brooklyn and I'm Hannah from the channel a qua quick reader I almost forgot my channel names okay you remember your real name and that's more important sure earlier on twitter we asked for questions for all of you to provide us with some questions you wanted us to answer because that's what a Q&A is and so now we are going to answer some of them also if you have any more questions let us know in the chat bar on whichever side it is on your screen I have no idea um but first oh hi everybody hello everyone saying hi say hello hello I'm sorry I'm trying to Instagram this I'm kind of funny it's such a struggle oh okay which one should we start with oh there's so many good questions okay 94 year olds training look at the tweets I'm gonna look at the chat and see if any questions come up oh my gosh so efficient there we go forgot about that sorry everybody oh um Leah Leah I believe from only Kissy said how to start a booktube channel I think that's a really good way to start this um well I think definitely watch a lot of booktube before you start booktube just to know how like I mean you definitely can make your own types of videos but if you're just starting out it might be best to do some they are already formulaic ones here on booktube so maybe like there's there's a booktube newbie tag oh yeah yeah still oh oh ah hello we're not going to do this like the last time you and I did a live show where you literally made everyone go and watch my first video and made me [Music] unprofitable like Zoe was saying it is nice to do some of the like more formulaic generic booktube videos that you see around a lot book hauls TBR's wrap up stuff like that but obviously you don't have to do that but watching booktube is a really good way to start just cuz like it starts to get you kind of involved in the community and truly like that's the most fun part of booktube like having other people comment on your videos and getting to comment on other people's videos so yeah watch a lot of booktube comment on people's videos and then just like kind of I would suggest making like a plan for yourself of what kind of content you would like to start making like maybe have your first three or four videos kind of like mapped out in your head like I wanted to do like I did like an intro video which was the cringe eeeh sting in the world but like I did that video and then I knew that my I filmed like three videos in one day and then my second video was a book haul and then I mean a book review and then I think my third was a book haul or something like that so I'd had like an idea a few videos that I wanted to do so I would definitely suggest doing that cuz it helps you and it helps you kind of like have a bit of a plan to start off with so yeah also make practice videos I think you can I said this so many times but you don't have to post the first videos that you make I think maybe in pieces it might be good to present it later and hey but that's really just getting to know how to be yourself in front of the camera I know so many including me the first videos that I made because the first videos on my channel are not the first video that I ever made um but I was definitely not myself on camera I was so cuz I'm naturally like a shy person so just sitting in my room talking to a camera I was so confused um and I was not myself at all so just getting more comfortable especially learning the technical skills or how to make a video there's lighting there is you know setting up a camera editing all of that it just helps you to come up more comfortable so don't rush yourself at all you don't have to have a perfect video your first try and that's usually not the case yeah trash like mine too yeah mine's awful I sound like I'm 12 I'm like everyone really you should I March oh it's still there but it's not private I'm trying to be super deep and like like that's Jah hate it iconic so I was not looking at the chat another too many questions don't know just have a little a little watch I'm so breathless was i running I know I wasn't honest like yours is honestly not that bad oh no we're all we're also critical of ourselves with anything so Zoe you've watched mine I make fun of it but yours is about the same sounds like a smart yeah it is caress my eardrums real name in here Hannah this is this is a reason why Zoe's tip is a really good tip because I did not know how to edit audio and my audio is trash in that video and it sounds 1 because I'm whispering because there are people in my house and I didn't want them to hear me and know how to edit the audio oh my god no oh my god oh why why anything else I mean you are real deep due to that oh that's something that hasn't changed that was life-changing I will never be the same oh my god well o true friends are gifts ed Zoey OMG torturing her besties that's me so you can't even find mine because mine's not up well cuz I had I had a beauty channel first so did I completely deleted that yeah hey we both had really ok the names of ours where legendary mine was X pretty in polka-dots X and I had no idea what I'm doing I still don't know how to do makeup so you know I was 14 years old at the time I had a year before was the first year I was ever allowed to wear any makeup and that was just like powder and mascara and I thought it was beauty guru icon oh my god but yeah those are my first videos and yeah yeah mine was bright eyes eight eight three three I did nothing I was like here's this pretty look for me going to high school and then everyone was like you look like you got punched in the face oh my god I don't mind we're like you don't have to put on lip gloss like I know I don't you don't have to where does the lip end in the skin begin I still don't know I almost no actually it was awful I mean now you do look book so you're kind of kind of but I know I've filmed videos I just didn't upload tip number one you don't have to post all the videos yes so many book tubers do start off as Beauty youtubers I got your stacks we talked about this at UM look net fest that I always had Beauty channels um so yeah okay from the Beauty now we're here started that's terrible yeah sort of okay yeah we can move on sorry about that got really distracted there um there's a question from the chat yeah do all three of you like writing if so how are your writing projects going who's like actually serious about them she's the most successful teacher oh that's thank you I appreciate your welcome you know that was a nice road and you're like literally like a rotisserie chicken right now the things that come out of my mouth I'm a writer um I've always loved writing writing is what I liked before I liked reading I haven't always liked reading so I always knew that I wanted to be an author and I had been kind of dealing dallying about it and just not really committing to it so recently I decided to fully commit to it and now I'm working on book of sisters which is not the title that's just a nickname for it I am racking my brain for a damn title for this thing and it is the biggest struggle I don't know I don't like it though it doesn't fit the whole story that's the thing but I am yes oh my god but I'm in the revisions process for it right now so that has been happening it's a struggle I'm on chapter three and I've been working really hard on revisions for like the past two or three weeks so it's kind of slow going but I'm hoping to be able to be done my second draft by the end of the year so fingers crossed you can do it I believe in you thank you Hannah you go next with your the next most successful that's literally untrue I am the worst for left I used to hate writing as a kid I absolutely detest it it because I thought I was terrible at writing that was in part because I'm bilingual and learning two languages at the same time is real confusing when you're a child especially when you go to school for one language but everyone at home speaks a different language and then you have to start writing essays and then nobody at home can edit your papers for you so you have to edit them yourself so I hated writing when I was little but as I've gotten older and like I I started like truly truly liking to write in college but like obviously like more papers not fiction I was never into writing fiction I actually still don't really like to write fiction per se but lately I've been working on writing a lot more poetry that's something I've always kind of done and I've been working on that a lot more and I've been trying to write a poem like at least once a week so I've been doing that and it's coming along like I don't know if I'll ever publish like a book of poetry or not but we'll see so yeah apart and apart from that like if I do fiction that's like five years from now and that's being like hopeful so yeah um with me like everything in my life I'm always like now isn't the perfect time I have to wait until I'm this mythical version of myself who's perfect at everything hahaha so I kept I have always I mean obviously I've always loved hurrying and so I'm like I've always thought about being a writer but I'm like I haven't experienced enough of life to you know write the perfect book I need to be you know a grittier more mature version of myself who has lived through life so I have always started writing projects and then especially the fact that I had like no romantic like experience at all yes but people told me they're like you're kissing scenes are really good room like okay the key there then is to not write from experience whereas a bunch of ladies listed there is nothing wrong we've not have had like not having a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a significant other or not having your first kiss okay it's fine I was 22 years old when I had my first kiss so anyway moving on um but I've always wanted to write romance we're just moving past that I've always write a contemporary romance cuz I love reading it it's the best way for me because you know how it's going to end it's like predictable but you don't know the way you're going to get to your destination and it's a way for me to live vicariously through people who are having you know a happily ever after so I've always wanted to write one but again like I don't have experience so I can't write about it so I make all of these character sheets I make all of these like basically sims because I love playing Sims so yeah it's Haley knows yes but I plan so much I love outlining I love making acquaintance and just then I break like two chapters and I give up on myself so I really my big goal of 2019 is to write a first draft of something I'm not planning on publishing anything but I just want to prove to myself that I can do it because you know that it there's never going to be a perfect time it's something that I have tried to tell myself so many times it's gonna happen I don't know if you will read it I can't read it no it's about you oh I love a level of people and chatter like I still haven't had my first kiss it's okay it's okay don't feel unique nowadays though everyone does all that stuff so much older or they do it it's it's a weird divide I feel like I know so many people who had their first kiss when they were like 14 and then I still haven't had their first kiss and they're older than me yeah well I'm the only person that I knew who hadn't so I know plenty of people yeah especially with my little brother who is like 13 and he's like wow you haven't kiss like you're 13 you're taller than you know offended okay dream jobs for the future we already know what Haley says author yeah right in her BS no no your it's gonna happen she's already editing it you're on your way to success what about you Kanna what was the question I'm sorry are you job okay um I don't know man I don't even know what tomorrow looks like what ASMR voice we're not doing that oh I just think I feel like I have no idea what I want with my life so I don't know like was like what if failure or like money wasn't a problem I would love to be an actress but like that's not gonna happen so you can't you know do it on your own YouTube channels yeah I don't think I want a professional extra with me background and not even talk pretend to eat pretend to talk via pretend human Wow I would Excel it honestly same but no honestly I don't know like I don't know what I want to do with my life I used to want to be an actress and now like the more and more I think about it I like I just don't think I could keep up with that life you know I think I want to know how you look like all the time like I already do that I don't need that to be my job also you know what I mean true I got you yeah I wanted to be an actress going up but then enough I got anxious and I got real self-conscious that too very shy so I think ideally I would love to there's there's too many things I want to do I really want to do something that helps people as Ashley if it relates to book books and reading and creative writing like getting kids to experience the joy of words and especially in our technological age there's so many kids who maybe they start off at a lower reading level and then they feel shamed into not improving their reading or or writing for fun or reading for fun so I would love to be able to help people with that I just I simply want to help people and I would love to be a writer I would love what you're so pure I like this answer well Haley like obviously like writer and I'm just like I don't know what I'm doing with my life and you're like I just want to help oh I'm just like I want people to read my books I'm help them read Sankyo we can work together wow that sounds like a really like sketching charity only one book oh my god if I could do book two full-time while also just spread and spread in the word of books cuz no one knows about books obviously I don't know what I'm saying but I would love to work in publishing and there's too many things yeah I mean ideally I would also like to do book two full-time but I don't know strike I don't even upload every week's do I upload every month sorry you're the queen I can't decide I'm the queen of taking mental health for example Oh someone Oh someone asked Oh Leah from a little bit of Leah on Twitter asked compare each of your curly hair routines because we're the curly girl squad yeah that's true we are yeah but you're straight right now they're messing it all up wet your hair we're here then it would be definitely the kuru true nya oh now my hair is curly but it's like it needs help getting more because I've used so much heat on it um so it's currently about like a wavy curly mix so I use like this mousse when I get out of the shower and I just like scrunch it up it's the same brand by Hana uses the shampoo and I use a common yeah I've been using it so it's my favorite ever it's so great so I use dye and then I use a really like 1/2 inch curling iron to just curl like four pieces on the top because the top doesn't curl the bottom is currently the top doesn't curl and my mom has the same problem so I just curled the top to kind of make it blend in and that's it tada I like that you know what shampoo I use but I know I use the coconut curls the or like OGX coconut curls shampoo and conditioner and then and I do not wash my hair every day don't wash your hair everyday hair it's really bad for your hair um I wash it every like three days or so and then I use usually I use the coconut curls like cream it's like the same brand but they have like a cream instead of a mousse I prefer that because mousse makes my hair like too crunchy and I don't like it but the coconut curls mousse was the only thing they had at Target last time I went so I got it and I tried it out and I actually do really like it for a mousse like it does not make my hair so yeah it is a little bit crunchy but like it's not too bad um I prefer the cream but the mousse is still good so like that's what I do I just basically use like shampoo and conditioner for curly hair hair only brush your hair while it's wet don't brush it while it's dry don't kill your neutral Ani yeah don't do that unless that's the look you're going for like have fun but like you want it to look like you know these curls or like something similar don't brush your hair it unless it's wet use a wide tooth comb yeah yeah I use a wet brush the wet brush works really well too something something that won't snag all your hair and then when your hair is damp put like a cream or mousse like something for curly hair in it so that it helps like the phrase and it helps the curls like you know not fall out as much that's what I do also hi Lala how are you books and Lala's here my friend too okay that booktube channel yeah we were literally talking about this the other day we were channel so much we're not the kind of stalkers but that's okay but i use it's taken me because no one in my family has curly hair and i grew up with like my single dad who does not have much hair love you dad but so i have gone through so many different regimens and i finally found one that works so I use the lush um coconut cream shampoo it has like chunks of coconut in it so kind of there's a lush coconut shampoo yes it's like actual coconut in it so you just eat it okay that's why you have to brush it up immediately because or else look at your really big chunks of dandruff in your hair learned that the hard way Brian chunks of coconut and you're like oh I'm a pina colada like I feel really good you did oh my god I knew that not very often I you probably yeah twice a week or once a week I wash my hair so that's nice but I take a shower almost every day I went down my hair almost every day I just use conditioner and then for my conditioner I use shea moisture conditioner and then I use my fingers or like a wide tooth comb and then after that I used Miss Jessie's pillow soft curls it's a cream you can find that Target or Walmart or on Amazon or anything what about I'm sure they I'm sure you have it but it jump do you don't I do give it as Amazon you can buy it on Amazon that's true it'll be like 30 dollars though but I can get to the states so it's fine continue I'll stop and drug no thanks so good I started using um sophomore year of college I believe so a couple years ago and then my hair because I used to use mousse as well and I made my hair so crunchy so crunchy but it's so soft even if you haven't you know crunched your curls to get rid of like a little bit of crunchiness it still like unconscious eye itself in a couple hours yeah I used to have very crunchy hair but that's our and I never use heat I never use the same I really shouldn't I'm so afraid of it but sometimes if I'm in a real time crunch I might do like it's a cold setting of a hair dryer but I usually just let my hair air dry which is why my hair looks well I know often I always let my hair air dry I never use a hair dryer but I straighten my hair all the time because I just can if sometimes if the curls are just too much that I look so weird when I have straight hair I refute ooh I'd really like two different human being okay you hear though I may like you more like curly hair like everybody more curly hair we do but like I feel like I just look like a different person like when I have curly hair I'm not Hannah I'm like Hannah 2.0 or something terrible night evil twin yeah I don't know oh how old are you guys hi I'm 22 22 21 Wow youngster I'm gonna add the fire I'll be 22 in December though I'll be 23 and November the end of November so oh my gosh wow you're old I know wow we got a youngster and an old lady theoretically 90 I'm the perfect date everybody else's okay do we have another oh my gosh it's almost by 30 hey leo would you like to are we making our special announcement okay so Zoey and I were facetiming the other day and Zoey came up with a brilliant idea that we are now going to start so we are going to be doing weekly live shows every Tuesday at 6:00 okay so at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time yes right okay clearly we know all the details but you're going to be doing weekly live shows where we have a topic and we are just going to discuss it for half an hour so it can be about books and can be not necessarily about books but the name of our little group between the three of us is going to be bookmark so every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we are going to meet just discussing a different topic which i think is going to be really fun so it's kind of like a book club but it's not a book club because you don't have to have read a book in order to tune in to the live show like it'll be spoiler free whenever we're talking about books but I think it's gonna be really fun I'm super excited about it yeah and we're all going to you know have like a cup of coffee or something like that it's a really nice bookish talk about any topics somehow related to books that interest us so I think what are we talk and that our first one is this upcoming Tuesday and we're going to be talking about what made us readers how we started reading we all have very different stories so I'm really excited to talk about it so just come and join us and every single week it'll go to a different one of our channels so make sure you're subscribed all of us ha ha ha look at my little ploy to get more subscribers that's what I came up with but also we might have some special guests maybe some book tubers maybe I don't know we haven't ironed out everything no we have some good ideas we did ok like a chill thing like yeah I'm caressed like get together like three of us and all of you who want to join and just like talk about something book related and just have a fun time and like it's no stress no obligation you don't have to read anything like Haley said rich them talk about something book related and it's gonna be fun we're gonna channel and I'm sure we're going to get off-topic because yeah I'm gonna end up just talking about like chocolate I don't know someone asked us to talk about Halloween we are Tuesday Halloween's on a Tuesday isn't it or is it on the Wednesday Wednesday we will have episode on Halloween II if that's going to be Halloween themed which will be fun so it's I'm really excited about this idea me too super pumped Lala said you love this idea do you love it so much yeah it's joy your guests I love you but yeah it's gonna be really fun because we can talk about all sorts of different things and it's gonna be a way for us to interact with you guys a little bit more in a more casual setting and I'm excited yeah I just I just like chatting about books yeah I thought why not make it more public so we all can shop welcome chat about books so yeah it's real low heat it's not going to be like you have to prepare a thesis paper before you arrive or anything like that just it's not a required of anyway yeah it's a requirement for you for these live shows but not the rest of us okay I also think the name is so adorable bookmark I was really surprised it wasn't taken are we just talking about it and we googled it and no we don't wonder heroine took it so so we claimed it's ours someone asked if the live stream will be saved yes oh yeah if I figure out how to do that yes hmm are there more questions on Twitter oh there's a lot okay wait sorry a bunch of people are asking if you're gonna do another 24 hour read-a-thon I'm gonna answer on Zoey's behalf because she answers this question all the time she's very busy right now in her last semester of college and she has a lot of work to do and not a lot of time so when she has another 24 hour read-a-thon it'll be after most of this work gets done and when she has more free time and you are all free to do one whenever you want to and just have fun but please stop asking her that question I'm having one on Halloween Day by myself so if you wanted to do on on Halloween Day join no that was simultaneously doing once join Haley Haley thank you I I love doing 24-hour readathons it's just the more people ask for one I feel so it makes me feel so much more stress so I start to feel more negatively about the 24 hour readathon I make it more of a stressful event than it has to be it's already really high stress for me because I make it really stressful for myself but I do love making them I just need to make a 24 hour readathon video it takes about 4 or 5 days so I don't have that before it and you know but after I finish University we will have lunch it'll be great okay Leah Jean said Haley and Zoe i watch who you are because I'm really confused honestly I don't even know who I am like how'd you get here no why did you I don't know I don't know who I am I don't know what's going on at all right now yeah if someone told me my name was Hannah but I don't really know channel name so like it really tempted to make my bio on Instagram or Twitter who is that way no but it's all yeah I'm Zoe that's Haley that's Hannah yes please down below if you want to subscribe to them they're real they're really cool um okay oh I like this one Miche Michelle five one eight eight six seven to nine on Twitter it said if you had to pick one favorite book in every general genre thriller fantasy contemporary what would they be so let's pick on fantasy and one contemporary okay when you've read this year to make it simpler what have I read this year I was so much good fun to see I can't pick one the first one that comes to mind news of nightmares use of nightmares by Laini Taylor I don't read books oh my god and I can't be friends anyone your video about unread by Sony but is that a sequel to a book the secret strange the dreamer oh I haven't read straight into the tree I can't believe you're friends with England Time Warp she doesn't know anything okay okay probably muse of nightmares or children of blood and bone and then my contemporary I'm gonna go with seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo I'll make sure you haven't read it yet Haley no I read it read it I can't believe it I've convinced like everyone in my life to read that book amazing every time I see somebody in public reading it well my whole I was like slo-mo me when someone's reading the book these I'm like okay I contact with them but I can't say anything cuz I can't talk come on yeah I think that's definitely my favorite contemporary have I read any fantasy this year I don't even know what I've read have a the night at the Raven cycle yeah there we go I have read books didn't you read children of blood and bone I haven't finished it I haven't read it yet I started it before I left for London I don't finish it I have to restart cuz it's been too long but it was really good the 50 pages I read it was a real nice I don't know what I've read except for my own draft it's really good like that's my favorite fantasies focus sisters oh my god I'm just kidding that was awful I hate me dark decisions I don't know what my fantasy would be I think oh I really like to always number yours by Emily liberally in Austen Seidman Broga for a contemporary also the astonishing color of after by Emily act surprised me too you'll love that one anyway yeah it's really good well I cry yeah absolutely um I haven't read a lot of fantasy this year actually they're focusing on your own yeah I can't read fantasy when I'm writing in it right a lot of people are asking what audio app audiobook apps we use I use audible and I use Linda is that that the one from my library yeah Libby Libby I use Libby if it's at my library if it's not my library then I get it on audible I was gonna try Scribd I don't know K but script has been having issues lately I usually buy bigger yeah I've been this like whole thing where they've kind of like backlogged like a ton of their books yeah and I would like in the middle of some books and then all of a sudden they were suddenly like not available until the end of the month so they're available for me tomorrow supposedly but I don't know if I'm for sure gonna get them all again books that I've had saved for months and I like even you know them about it they're like oh sorry like this is happening like they didn't really give an explanation no I am out too and they just said hey Dad it's took backlogged so yeah and it's happening for a lot of people yeah not others so I don't know because they can only get the certain yeah it's a monthly payment it's like 8 99 $7.99 and you're supposed to get unlimited access but now but if yeah yeah access the books you want to access yeah yeah movie Paris so I had a movie pass and then they were giving out more than they could give and then they took it away exactly what happened yeah so I'm sad because I haven't listened to an audio with him forever I'm actually radium listening to vicious by ve Schwab is that a good audiobooks yeah I have the audiobook from audible you listen to Sade II know that's one of the ones that I wanted to listen to let's finish that one yeah I've been reading it but I wanted to listen to the audio books one that you have half that's a book that you cannot read physically you have to listen to it I mean I'm loving it physically too but like I want to I want the audiobooks really cool if you have the option to read it as an audiobook take that chances okay um see oh someone asked how do you make internet friends that is a good question it's typically yeah I make a lot of mine through Twitter I'm on Twitter a lot I probably shouldn't be you know for mental health reasons because it's not the best place to be especially nowadays with politics but anyway oh look I definitely go on there too my friends and I like to comment on people those YouTube videos I've been doing that more because I used to have like performance anxiety or something commenting on people the YouTube I'm like I have to have the perfect if you like oh I like this thumbs-up it couldn't be that Wow this changed my life like oh wow for me I'd be like insightful but I've been getting better at that and I think that's a great way especially for fellow booktubers to have people know that you are watching their videos and that you appreciate them because I am subscribed to a lot of booktubers but I rarely comment on any of them and then I know some people are like they're they're subscribed to me like you know Hannah sometimes you don't comment on my videos and like does she even love me anymore I don't know sweetness that's definitely a great way to reach out especially if you're just starting out on booktube find someone else who's just starting out too and you have a friend but oh I think on Instagram - there's dm's there and you can just comment on people's just try to reach out to them on multiple social platforms and sometimes you'll make a friend and if you have the option to go to in real life events take that chance because that's where I've solidified so many of my online friendships that's what a way we've realized that we're actual people and not you know old creepy dudes on the internet yeah um so voila said stalk their social media until they pay attention to you and I think that's solid advice yeah but like that's actually like obviously not stopping because stalking is yeah yeah like yeah no literally just like follow their social media I think you just have to like find people that you think like oh would I click with this person yeah I feel like we would really click and then just like try commenting on some of their stuff see if they respond to you if they don't like yeah I can feel discouraging but like sometime just like be persistent but not like you know don't message them every five minutes on every social platform there definitely is a place that they're there's a threshold and do not pass that otherwise it'll they will never respond yeah especially think of what you're commenting as well don't like I love you or like talk to me talk to me where are you talk to me don't do that say I appreciate what you're doing like and maybe say do you want to but you read something yeah three regular way to make friends yeah it's like wait and that's a excuse for you to talk to them again because you can be like how is this go it won't just be a one-time interaction exactly honestly though I think it's mostly just like it's just like making friends in real life like you'll talk to some people you'll kind of click you will like you can be acquaintances but you're never gonna be like super close and then you'll talk to some other people and like maybe you're not super close at first but then all of a sudden you realize you have so much in common and then just become like really close the thing I think that is the most important thing to remember is just be like patient it doesn't happen like super quickly like I didn't make my booktube friends like instantly it took at least a year ha like actually find who my friends like my true true friends from booktuber and i have like a lot of friends from booktube and i'm really grateful for all of them but they're like people obviously that I'm much closer to and that like took a while just like yes and that took a while because like it's just like making real friendships mm-hmm people friendships really quickly some people it takes a long time so yeah just just be patient yeah it took me a while especially because I'm very unsure of myself when it comes to you know getting to know other people I always some second guessing like did I say this correctly like Bono um so I it takes a lot for me to make the first move but that had me making the first move has always led to me making a new friend like I reached out to Hannah was that when we first read when I first reached out you need to be a part of ostentatious yeah that was like my excuse to talk to you I thought you hated me what yeah I thought you hated me I thought you hated me because you asked me to be a part of ostentatious and then you ghosted me for like two months that's the G me being an awful socialite no literally okay because she is like an amazing texture when it comes like compared to me because like I am the worst texture alive and I look looks every I will go literally everyone yeah I goes people daily it's nothing personal I just suck at texting I love everyone's like spill the tea okay but no you're right because I've been watching her for a while and then I was putting together awesome pieces and like who would be up to read they knew some Jane Austen and I was really afraid to reach out to people for that because I didn't know who would have who would be interested in reading classics and who would be interested in reading like romance see Jane Austen and who had the time to react lassic and have a live show every single month so that's why I was really unsure who to yeah so oh okay oh yeah what about you Haley because you're up in Canada yeah I I think for me it's really easy to feel isolated like a hundred percent it's like watching like every year when like Book Expo and all that stuff would come around I feel like I'm watching like my friends go and hang out and I don't get to go so I I didn't like really feel like I was part of everything until I went this year to be honest and that's just like that's kind of a personal thing to like you feel like you're not really friends with someone until you actually like meet them in person and you get to like actually talk with them in person so I think it's harder when you don't live near everyone and you don't get to go to all of these events but you definitely still can like talk to people but I think meeting people in person I now have built more relationships than I ever had before and I've been doing booktube for three years now and it took me like three years to finally build those friendships so it's normal to feel isolated when you're in an internet community that's just kind of the nature of the internet you can't really like socialization on the Internet is so much different so it's really easy to feel that way but there's nothing wrong with it it's just kind of something that you have to deal with there's not really an easy solution to it be honest and I think definitely just talking on the internet and not seeing each other's face if you can FaceTime or so yeah that will put the words to a face even if you've seen each other's videos and you know what each other like looks like try to chat you know person to person because that definitely can help and it can help bridge the divide if you live because I live in Florida you live up in Canada no one goes to Florida for anything except book net fast luckily decided the visa but yeah no book tours or anything come to us yes nothing's in Canada everything see you Hannah but I feel like no that's like true because you were like one of the first people that I had like facetimed with before I met and I feel like we were already really close before we even met in person yeah I'm kind of really just like wow we've never met in person yeah the only thing I remember being like alarmed by was how short you are because like I thought you were gonna be my height but you're not a teeny tiny package very tall five foot one person thank but ya know I think that's like really good advice to it but I'm like with you Haley - I feel like we became friends like a really fast it was really like literally dying because I was stupid and you were stupid it was just stupid yeah so when you talk to people online like it is easy to pick up like right where you left off I guess on the internet because we had talked but like it's harder to have a conversation on the internet like everyone's busy you know it's people don't always respond and it's just that's the way it is but literally everyone that I met at Book Expo it was like we picked up and I had already a known everyone for a really long time so oh I'm just kidding it was great we also it just picked up right where yeah you just like turned around we had different hair color - so you turn around oh she's probably alarmed by the amount of swearing that I do and I'm not on the Internet naughty lady we're too many times today I apologize okay oh this is what we were talking about Hannah how do you think the booktube community has evolved in the time since everyone has started their channels would you like to start us off yeah and I had like a four-hour FaceTime that started about like something else entirely and devolved into like a whole discussion on the booktube community but the question was how do we think it's like evolved since the time we started I think like I think obviously a lot has changed because it's clear like you hear a lot of people complaining about how like they're not getting enough views and like views are down and like subscribers are down and like everything like all across the board for like people who are really small and people who are pretty big and I think we were talking about how like we feel like less people are just kind of watching and less people are just kind of engaged in the community and we feel like it's kind of just taking this turn to focus on something different because I feel like there are different shifts in the community from time to time like sometimes there's a big focus on like I don't know like like book hauls or like a theme that's kind of running throughout the community like positivity versus right now I feel like a theme is negativity yeah we talked about that yeah so like I feel like it's shifted in what people are kind of like looking for but I think that's also true of what's what are kind of like the shifts and the patterns of what's popular on YouTube in general so I think like booktube obviously kind of falls into the ripples of that so we end up like we end up like having those things come into our community too so I think like when I started I started at like a little bit I want to say kind of like there was like this booktube like renaissance period where like people were getting like a ton of views like all the time the community was like totally active people were like constantly commenting that's when I first learned of booktube I believe yeah that's around the time when I first learned to and like I just remember it was like so like involved and that was before I started making videos I feel like I started making videos on the tail end of that and then when I started it kind of started shifting into like like unpopular opinions videos became popular and like popular books I don't like like obviously videos I I wonder yeah I'm calling myself out too no no like um like those like those videos became more popular people started looking for like critical reviews and things like that versus just more recommendations and book hauls so I feel like I kind of just like seen a shift in like patterns of what people want to watch and like yeah this is what we were talking about and how we kind of like are tired of this current pattern because it's not really productive and it's like that so clarify it's good to be and that's definitely something that I love about our community is that we're all very introspective we all evaluate what's going on and we all have it really we all put thought into what we put out there and into what's going on we don't just yeah we're not just mindless which is well but I think a really big thing is actively trying to create negative content and that's just something that I'm not personally interested in and I think that's part of why the whole community is not as active we there are definitely more people creating booktube channels but it's not as much of a community as a family as it used to be that's when I first learned about booktube is one of the first things that I watched on booktube was a live show with I believe these are the people in it I think it was Jesse the reader it might have been Christine it was like the og book tubers it was chapter stacks I think I don't remember who else was in it raylene from Padfoot and prongs I think but they were all just having a live show giggling about books just having a fun time and that's what made me want to start a booktube channel because I wanted to have friends who were readers so I came to booktube to find like a family and that's what I think I found but I also want to expand the family I want the family to be more active and have everybody have a voice in it again yeah no I completely agree and like thank you for clarifying of me because I wasn't trying to say that like critical reviews or negative reviews are bad I've made them myself I think they're really good but I think that I think it's because of the YouTube trend of like call out culture and like like the tea and like those like drama channels you know what I mean not that booktube has those but like I feel like that like the fact that that is so popular on YouTube is kind of affecting yeah you can see but if you Lu ins yeah you know what I mean and I think it's like it's affecting booktube in that like that's what the content that people are looking for and if that content isn't being made on booktube books who becomes less popular so then people even though there are more people creating channels right now and they're like the community is bigger than it's ever been those people aren't like scene you know what I mean and they need to be seen like smaller channels need to be able to grow and I feel like we're at a point where like that's not really happening there's such an imbalance of hardship and that's something we that's that was what I think took up the biggest part of our four hour or face time is because this is also why I was really interested to create like a weekly live show thing where we could all just chat because I I really want there to be a way that everyone can have a voice in something and I'm trying to figure out how I'm trying to figure out how I can help bring us back to where we're all more of the community and if you have any ideas please let me know any way that I can help because I don't want to be like in charge it's like that sounds weird like I just want to be able to use the platform I have you know do good and like make it more of a community so if you have any ideas please let us know because I think that I would love to see book to be more a positive place where we can all because a lot of us came here to find other people who read and to have this big digital online book club digital online I don't know what I'm talking about but I think if there's any way we can get back to there I think that would be a way to you know kind of revive booktube oh yeah that's what we're talking about like a booktube revival we felt like it's kind of like I feel the community dying honestly sometimes and it like makes me very sad because I care so much about this community I would not be here if it weren't for this community and I think that it's important that other people have the opportunity to have what we have had to grow like we've grown and I think like this community could be so big and so cool and we have like the ability to do that it's just finding the right way to go about it and helping like lift up like lift up those people's voices so that they can you know have their platforms too so if there's any any thing that anyone's doing trying to do that let us know if we can help at all of course like again we don't want to be in charge of any of it because it's about promoting other people but if there's any way we can help if you have any ideas yeah I'm just repeating myself I just like I just really want booktube to thrive once again yes part of the thing with bookmarked too we were talking about doing a shadow for a smaller booktuber at the end because I think that will be important to like show people them but also because we want bookmarks to be a conversation not just between the three of us but also with you guys so I think that that's a good step in the right direction and I think that's why I'm so excited about it personally because it is really like building that community aspect once again I stopped looking at the chat so now I'm looking let's find what were the first booktube channels that you discovered says Tricia Pratt 99 on Twitter I think the first folk Tube channel that I discovered well the first first one that talked about books was do you remember ah what was her name all that glitters yeah yeah yeah power yes she used to do glitter atures yes and that's what I was I was really into beauty videos and then I saw that she was talking about books and that was it blew my mind because talking about books on YouTube who they thought um and then one of her recommended videos on the side I think was oh oh my gosh what is her name she doesn't make videos anymore no okay I forget her name but she did a video on Anna and the French kiss I believe and that's when I first read and on the French kiss and I loved it back then and I know if I rewrote and the French kiss now I wouldn't love it as much but it was one of the first books that I read it because it was recommended on booktube though yes just the reader was my first one and then I think Sasha Oh for me it was it was also glitter atures and then threw glitter atures a recommended video for me I think I found a booktube video but i know that i also once like searched for a book review or something I searched for a book and then I found Reagan from prairies project so she was the first one I ever watched Oh Priscilla from the readable z-- yes I was trying to remember but I found her videos and I wish that she came back because Oh Maria Hicks says Haley you were mine and says dot may said you know it's her so that's you oh wow that makes me feel like real we were weird because like it's kind of like full circle you know yeah isn't it Wow so oh yeah Rachel and Zuri I was doing Zoe your so many people as fairies well we're on my channel so I kind of have the upper hand in this hello yes welcome back yeah everyone's a lot of people are talking about old booktube but oh my gosh hello Teresa Elizabeth yes hey oh well Georgia said I found so ease a Hogwarts sorting video first I didn't make that that long ago so it might have been a long time ago oh I've been the problem with being gone so long yeah how long feel like it was that long but it was a long time ago it wasn't that many videos ago but it was timewise a long time ago um okay people are asking about Zenith daño Stiles said Zenith honest thoughts I have not read Zenith because I'm not really into sci-fi so it's just not something that I'm interested in but do support Sasha writing books and you know reaching for the stars going for her dreams I'm just not interested in sci-fi so that's why I have not read it yet I read it which I feel like everyone knows but I read it and I'm not a big fan of sci-fi either and I didn't like it and I didn't hate it though I think the criticism of it is so harsh because I went into it I was like this is gonna be horrible but I'm still gonna read it for whatever reason and I listen to the audiobook and I thought it was really enjoyable but there are a lot of editing issues I don't think that the book was given the chance to be as good as it could have been and it was very quick turn yeah exactly and Sasha like fully knows that I didn't like it and she yeah you have a conversation yeah she totally respects my opinion which is how you should be as an author and like I completely admire her for that um but she's been helping me with a lot of stuff with book of sisters and we've talked about projects read or Ally and project read sounds really interesting to me like that's something that I'm interested in so I think I I'm definitely going to read project read and I think I will probably enjoy that more and I'm hoping that it is given the chance to be as good as it can be and I really think it will be but just because I didn't enjoy Zenith doesn't mean that Sasha and I aren't friends and doesn't mean that I'm not going like I not proud of her and don't support her because I fully do like I went and bought the zenith paperback when it came out even though I didn't enjoy it because I'm so happy to see like a friend on the shelves of like the bookshelves at work I think that's amazing and I'll buy Nexus when it comes out to like I'm completely proud of her but like I said project red seems like something that I will enjoy more given what I know about it and just because you didn't like her first book doesn't mean that she can't get become a better writer as well exactly like yeah yeah sorry what you have to separate the author from the work that's important to me like if you guys hate my book that's fine because it's not me about your judging like sure you're judging something I created but like you're putting it out there knowing that people aren't gonna like it and Sasha totally understands that and I completely respect her for that because that's something that's really really difficult yeah I've read only the first twelve chapters of the book and I actually read them or I listened to the audiobook with Sasha in her car as we were driving so it was actually a really fun experience I asked her to put it on because I wanted to listen to it because I hadn't heard the audiobook at all and I kind of wanted to like ask her questions as I was listening to it so it was like actually a fun experience so I'm like not far it's a very very long book the first twelve chapters is probably not even 100 pages the book wait you're flipping pages shorter than that how long is that there's 95 chapters okay yeah so I'm shorter the chapters 534 yeah I guess yeah so week long um so I haven't I haven't listened to that much of it so um like I can't fully say do I love it do I not like I don't know because I've only listened to the beginning and I don't plan to finish it like right now I do want to finish it eventually but like genuinely what I have listened to so far I did like it and I don't even like sci-fi so it's like thoroughly enjoyable yeah no I liked it and I don't know I I just get like really tired of people constantly just being like do you like it do you hate it like give me your honest thoughts oh they don't think me like wow I hate both Zenith and Sasha there's so much more I liked how we had such a variety like I haven't read it Hailee's read it and Hannity or in-between so Wow um but I'm definitely I'm more excited about Projekt RED I think I know what it's about she told me very vaguely like a while ago when she was first working on it but I think that's more my cup of tea yeah and also that's kind of solo book so we can send more of her own writing style yeah Oh what about Christine's book I am so excited about Christina for so long and has done so many edits of it and like talked and had so many beta readers and sensitivity readers the I am I think it's going to be very well done she's written or and I know what her book is about I mean all of you know what it's about now you know but it's about like something I've done and I yeah wow I'm really great about it and the cover looks so nice I'm it's exactly the type of book I I'm like I'm sorry go ahead oh it's okay I was just gonna say I actually messaged her when they revealed what it's about because my contemporary project oh you're getting an inside scoop it is something similar to that so I think it's gonna be fun it was kind of like setting broad and then he said that and I was like dang it I know right there can only be one study abroad I'm really excited for her book too mostly because I like there's one aspect of it that she that it's in the synopsis right I don't remember just just read the synopsis yeah oh wow what promo for her you're welcome [Music] shane has been doing college all wrong pre-med oops no ad popped up dang it okay pre-med stellar grades and happy parents sounds ideal but Shane's made zero friends goes home every weekend and romance what's that day I I that's me University right now oh how dare okay her life has been dorm and dining hall class repeat times a-ticking and she needs a change there's nothing like moving to a new country to really mix things up Shane signs up for semester abroad in London she's going to write all of her college of the stakes make friends pursue boys and find adventure easier said than done she was soon faced with the complicated realities of living outside her bubble and one self-doubt sneaks in her new life starts to fall apart Jame comes to find Shane Shane Shane comes to find that with the right amount of courage and determination one can conquer anything throw in some faith and a touch of magic the possibilities are endless but like that's my life does she just write a biography on me I am very offended that is what my that's what my college experience has then but yeah so like I'm not a huge contemporary person in general like I've read a lot more contemporary this year so I have them like liking the genre a lot more so like when I first heard that she was writing content writing a contemporary I was like I don't know how I'm gonna like it just cuz like I don't really care about like romance II contemporaries as much but I do really like the fact that she's in college cuz I get like fangirl bags and I like like contemporary she's nineteen I think that's what she told us how old I was when I said I'd abroad for the first time from the coincidence I think not so I think she's 19 and then I think and then it's the the touch of magic part because Christine explained that to you and I write Haley a little bit more yeah yeah New York yeah so she was talking about that to us a little bit so when she was telling us like about that part I was like real on board yeah I'm excited I'm excited to see how it is yeah I like a cover it's oh my gosh it's it's it is gorgeous wow I was expecting not that I was expecting it to be like way more like wild and crazy and just more Christine yeah it's it's more subdued but it's so yeah yeah oh I'm not in London anymore people are asking I'm back I'm back in Florida I was only there for this summer but I'm back in Florida doing my last semester at university so I'm so excited and I'm so proud of her in fist I know I will read it so much okay I want to put your questions oh we were both looking at this okay I'll go back oh I can go to Twitter to just wait know how I'm on Twitter okay so sorry Christine's book is called a gun but better yes he has punctuation it does oh I would love to see you all compare your Europe trips from one another said Oh faculy I'm sure we've all done the Arab trips yeah who knows not Hannah Zoe knows mine has been a nightmare don't talk about I didn't think I told Hannah how my picture your many injuries you had in your what you do that so something everyone will appreciate get ready for me to talk for a little bit wait one sec I'm gonna eat some snack so I'm you myself you do yeah I'm listening to you okay so got to Europe that planned this whole month on backpacking trip with my sister and I on the way there we had to drive for hours to the airport because we were flying out of Toronto and that was a long drive obviously and then we had a six hour flight to Dublin so of course the day that we're leaving I wake up and I can't speak like the night before I was feeling like I was gonna throw up like I felt awful I was getting the chills like it was horrible so everyone was like oh you're just nervous I see we're gonna be by yourself and I'm like yeah sure I'm not dying over here like it's gonna be fine but that day that we woke up to leave I had white spots on my tonsils so I had strep throat I blocked the entire thing so you can see that like you can see how it goes downhill as it's happening if you want to watch my vlogs self Club but um so I got there have strep throat and then we go straight to you The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland and that was another three hours so we were traveling for like a ridiculous amount of time and I didn't end up sleeping and for like I don't even know how long it was more than 24 hours I did not sleep at all and I was like sicker than a dog in my hostel and like this hostel was horrible it was the worst place and I'm just dying so then finally my throat stops hurting I'm feeling better it was a nightmare but then I'm feeling better and then we went on this walking tour and when we're on this walking tour I was on the ha'penny bridge and the ha'penny bridge has steps on it I've never been on a bridge that has steps on it before but I'm sitting there and I'm thinking about the story behind this bridge how it was like rich people could only cross it because you had to pay half a penny ascending so then you didn't have to walk through like all the horse poo on the other bridge and I'm like oh interesting sister point something out in like the river or whatever so and I look and then I'm like well I fall I grab my sister this little old Irish lady comes over is like are you okay like my ankle like completely snapped it is still not the same and I have a picture of it that is oh it wants me to show you it's the most disgusting thing ever I don't know if I can find it please hold oh and the picture of your eye I don't know I have it anymore one is horrible she has so many have it so um this is so bad this is the most disgusting thing I've ever shown people this was my ankle wait is it gonna yeah yeah wait that's my ankle right there yeah yeah so that was fun enjoy that nice finish literally like I know you just explained it but like how honestly I don't know I still can't walk on it so then this is the most disgusting picture I've ever shown anyone in my life and I hate the Internet you have to I know but why - um because now people are gonna want to know so then I wake up we're in Amsterdam it's the next day I can walk on my ankle mysteriously I could not walk on it the night before like it was awful but then I don't know if it was just adrenaline whatever but I was like I can walk again it was a miracle so that was the miracle of our trip and then I wake up on our last day in Amsterdam we're staying with family and I'm like cool I can't see out of my eye so are you ready I am so ready please yeah he is beauty she is grace there's my author picture for you all I don't know I still don't know I just woke up and it was full and shot and I was like this is super thank you everyone I really didn't want to see anything in Amsterdam like it's fine so I was a nightmare and then the other thing that happened was I lost my passport when we were in Munich I left it on a bus after a tour so then we had to lie Ryan and Ranjin up in labor Switzerland it was just fun times I didn't get pickpocketed though super so unfortunate events that war is a son honestly that wild right so who has the worst luck me man honestly oh my god it's like the other day at work so I'm at work and I'm I'm peeing we have a public bathroom and I'm in the last stall and then someone opens the door hold me that block wasn't working welcome to you that's like literally the opposite of what happened to me because I was I went to I went to a concert like a few days ago and I had a couple drinks and then I was in the bathroom and I went to go pee and I forgot to lock the door and I didn't realize that until an animal I left and nothing happened but Wow so lucky yeah so we when was that Haley I don't know yeah Tuesday or something last a couple to students of the hello men oh my god wow I could be like that movie sliding doors where one one mistake changes your entire life but you with the two different timelines don't don't speaking of pee I have to pee so badly so I'm gonna be back I'm like dying we're that's with you I mean that one lady so me anyway oh oh oh people are asking um what if we were going to announce something this live show we already did at 5:30 but I will let you all know again if there's a new set of people here okay so starting this next Tuesday which is October 2nd we the three of us and I mean Haley who's not here anymore um but all three of us are going to start a new live show series a weekly live show where we talk for about 30 minutes about bookish subjects it can be really anything as long as it relates to books so the one we're going to have on Tuesday Tuesday October 2nd at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we are going to talk about how we became readers and we're just basically going to chat and have you know some fun we're gonna you know talk to you all on the chat and all of that and every single Tuesday we'll pick a different topic if any of you have ideas for topics let us know we have already a pretty long list of random topics and I think some of them are like coming-of-age stories libraries I really want to talk about libraries because I love my local library um and don't bunch of other topics and sometimes we might have special guests it's going to vary every single week but it's going to be on Tuesday oh I don't see any other questions in the chat right now oh yeah if you have any questions please let us know I go back to oh someone said Phyllis Turner said I would love to tour your live shows to have small booktubers as guys that would be definitely an idea um I thought something we were talking about remember we're talking about that yeah I don't think it won't be every single week that we'll have a guest on because that will it's just really hard to plan and Tuesday at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time isn't really usually a time that everybody is available so that might be a little difficult to plan but that is something we have been planning okay oh there's more questions Oh have any of you guys read manga yes I used to read fruits basket and I have read a lot of Sailor Moon because I love Sailor Moon I don't do well with graphic novels or stuff like that I don't know why I just read The Prince and the drive I'm actually three so good I loved it the art style is oh yeah after here with you I was like I need to snow badly I've been I loved bracket novels I haven't read manga no problem with it but I just haven't read any yet I just feel like I don't know where to start everything you guys said it's fine we are just doing a knight Leone it's a look how beautiful it is inside I want to read it so pretty you know I mean it's a graphic novel so you can read it in like a couple hours I have a really good like Halloween graphic novel recommendation I mean it's like I think it's more like a middle grade but it was just like a really cute fun story it's called fake blood it's from Simon & Schuster I think yeah recently yeah they just sent it to me recently and I read it and it's kind of like a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Twilight spoof yeah it's really funny it's very cute and it's just like very simple not scary at all like it's just fun it's basically about this boy who's in middle school and he has a crush on this girl in his class but she's like obsessed with vampires and so he tries to pretend to be a vampire to impress her and it's really funny that's beautiful it's great though you'll love it I love Buffy so much and that's so cute oh my goodness oh my gosh that I feel like the art style nice okay so oh how do you who said that I don't know I lost it I lost it come back to me could you go I'm trying to oh Tatem tatom's padam lynn said how do you handle negative comments and i just did a whole video reading it that's why I called up Bob I filmed that video in July I just uploaded it last week but um yeah you know they affect you differently I think depending on what the comment is yeah I think every person has things that they are very sensitive to so like there are certain comments that like there were a lot of comments I did not mention in that video didn't read did you ever see a lot of racist comments yeah I do receive a lot of racist comments I receive a decent number of comments on my body like stuff like that like those they just like I can't handle it and I think about them instantly when I get them I delete them but like there are other ones where it's like people being like how dare you like do not like this book like how dare you say that this is not feminist how dare you care so much about diversity like whatever you're just saying like dumb stuff do you how many people were like um who cares about diversity in books why do you have to care so much about that why does it have to someone commented something that was like the comment was a heteronormative kill yourself and then he saw that I don't understand or like all of you need like these books to fill your race quotas and I was like heteronormative race quota what but anyway when it comes like stuff like that honestly it's just easiest to laugh it off anyway that's what I did in that video like my friends and I were just reading them because it was genuinely funny like those don't bother me but like with the other ones that like are just truly bad um it's it's honestly having like a good support system like I remember when I got like this one really bad comment I texted Zoey that day and I was like talking to her about it all day because like it affected me a lot and I couldn't handle it but like having friends there having people around you having like people who understand especially like people like you guys who like understand what it's like to receive those types of comments you get it more than like some of my other friends who don't make videos you know um and it's important to surround yourself with those people and it's important to know that like the people who are commenting these things like they are wasting their time and wasting their life and they're projecting their own insecurities onto you and it's not you it's not about you it's truly about them anyone who believes you anyone who does anything to like harm you with their words truly just trying to figure out how to deal with their own insecurities and it's like dealing with a bully honestly yeah same type of thing but yeah I feel like the stupid comments like you said where someone's like how could you not like this book like those just make me laugh like honestly any comments on my intelligence just make me laugh because that's easy to be like I like you're literally an idiot like sure buddy on the internet you know more than me like obviously from a 10 minute video you know who I am but there if I ever get a comment on my appearance that's the hardest for me to deal with and I will delete that right away because I swear it must have been like two years ago now but I got a comment from someone and I think about that comment on the daily like constantly I think about that comment so if you're thinking about what you're commenting doesn't affect people it 100% does because I will never forget that one comment and it does like it has an impact on your daily life it's not just a comment as much as you know that that person is just like hiding behind their computer whatever it doesn't make it any easier to deal with when it's something that you're already really insecure about so yeah your words there's there's one that I basically well there's a few that I think about so often I basically have them memorized even though I deleted them and they're there again ones about like my appearance I know one of them was like have you measured your forehead it's like three feet long I don't like oh what are you telling me that oh my god I'm like wow something already insecure about thanks for bringing it up um but it's just it's it's difficult I'm not going to sit here and be like oh yeah like you know you'll develop a thick skin I mean you will become desensitized to certain types of comments if you receive them often enough and definitely ones that are are Dumber that are like oh you kill yourself you didn't love like Percy Jackson or something like that um and but then there's ones that will always sting and you just need to really focus on yourself in that moment and just try not to let it you like remind yourself what you like about yourself and not what other people dislike about yourself it's it's difficult and it's something that I still struggle with often but definitely having a really positive support system and knowing that this one person it does not speak for everybody and the entire world doesn't speak for you because again like having those comments memorized they start to become thoughts that I think about myself so they start to become my thoughts and that's really toxic so just try to focus on the positive I know that's really cliche but and don't be afraid to delete comments I already having you like you don't need that negativity and your comments thoughts like or the one who is in charge of that I delete comments all the time if they upset me and like that person who commented that one that really bugs me they deleted it literally right away I didn't even get the chance to delete it which I'm like why would you even say it then like my like thank you for putting that thought in my head and now it's something I think about all the time but you were too afraid of me at responding to you so you deleted it yourself but basically the point of that was delete comments if they're annoying you yeah sometimes I'll write out responses to it and then I'll never send this because I just really ranging back because like the one to my like my forehead I'm like oh no actually my foreheads like four feet long like that I never send that obviously um but that's a really nice way to handle it to like just like rant and be like no how dare you and then just delete it and delete the comment as well so that's that's one way I have developed a little life hack for all you ladies out there but yeah oh yes Becky Pratt I'm going to try to save this live show afterwards if I can figure out how to do that still trying to figure out lies that's really good question I'm just looking for questions yeah I'm going through are you in the chat or on Twitter I'm on Twitter Oh Lydia from PS I still read you read you is said what comments do you have outside of reading this is a really hard always I what what we wait what comments you know what Holly needs to read that music is funny what hobbies I was still in the last question always a hard question for me to answer writing is I always blank yeah I don't really writing in photography I guess but I don't have much else sleeping daily self dough you know is that a hobby anxiety crippling anxiety anxiety yes well I like I love music so I like singing used to play the piano I haven't touched one in like over a year because I don't have it anymore um but yeah I like singing I've been practicing a lot more recently because I haven't song in a really long time um what else do I do I like talking to my friends yeah also soft out oh that's true I don't like talking my friends cuz I respond to their texts you like receiving text like receiving time and then typing out a response whenever sending it yeah yeah I used to you know I like dancin alone in my room to music I used to I used to dance I danced for about 13 years wrong MLA yeah you never told me that oh I was a a ballerina I also did hip-hop I did about you wow we're so cool and I did jazz and all that and then I was in chorus for seven years so I used to sing I no longer sing I will not sing I refuse um I like to act as well but you know acting by yourself it's called talking to yourself and making up scenarios in your head which I do but not it's fun and I like reading and making videos and putting since and sunny Valley Valley yeah I wish there was um like a multiplayer Sims honestly that's a cool time it'd be amazing and I'm sure there's other stuff but I can't remember I like watching Netflix yeah that's my biggest hobby are you watching TV shows yeah Parks and Recreation it's not like I'm lonely is that a singular cat cats I'm at my dad's house and he has two dogs and two cats so I don't spend all of my time around animals yeah well they kind of hate the cats the cats also kind of hate them oh yeah the cats sometimes hate each other too less sad story I'm sick cats yeah spend a lot of time thinking about how much I love animals yeah me too so aggressively the problem with being in university is that I no longer feel like I have hobbies I can't remember you know just we got no cuz I had I didn't have really a summer so I haven't had just time to do whatever yeah what do I like know that I was gonna say the same thing I feel like all of my hobbies are things that I used to do yeah like I used to dance yeah I used to be in theater I used to be in choir like now we do anything that's someone earlier asked it's lee juris we all had I am double majoring so I'm getting two bachelor's degrees one in advertising and one in English so that's nice I'm a Gender Studies major I was English but I graduated successful I am behind it's all good someone asked if any of us watched the office I've met Pam I'm the first time I went to New York City yeah they told me that never mind yeah yeah she was walking by the NBC studio sure thing and we had just done it I can probably find the photo but yeah she was very sweet she had to go somewhere because she had just had a baby but she still stopped and took a picture with us which it wasn't very nice at 30 so she also had great shoes somewhere but but to answer the question yes I watch the office I have watched the office like all the way through probably five times I love the office I prefer Parks and Recreation I could not get in and either you're the only other person I've ever met hanging I couldn't do it I couldn't do it the first season not good yeah I went down for a crack first season and then getting into it no no no no no no that is when Ben Wyatt comes changes the game you've got a struggle before you can succeed amazing no but it's the same at the office though the first season of the office wasn't that great are you getting it at first seasons incredible okay it's like season 2 season 1 season 3 and then everything else gets kind of mixed up in there good about my creation everything but season 1 yes so here we go what oh yeah Andy's well the exposure is so bad lower your brightness okay well it's not gonna make it different well like a difference you just said the exposure now you oh my god there we go Oh fetus blonde oh my gosh you're blonde yeah Wow I was going through things cannot yes thank you to all the people thank you to the two people who said they liked parks and recreation well it's me and two others so we outnumber you to another question what are our reading goals for the end of the year um to read it early our reading goals I would like to still read but my goal is book writing so I'm boring and I all the time no one's gonna want to read it because I never shut up about it but I mean everyone seems to like my reveals on Twitter so yeah I'd rather I do I know I really need to read it you sent me like the whole thing that is entire thing and now I'm on the second dress so I'm gonna need to send you this send me the updated one I'll start it soon no it's fine like no rush good eventually I am 11 books behind schedule on my Goodreads reading goal so I'm ahead I look to 12 books [Music] my goal was 52 and I was too I've read 80 I think well I'm trying to all out of the water I mean that's fine I mean there's no shame in only 27 books but I wanted to read one book a week that's why I said it yeah yeah that's what I want come on I mean most months I've read more but now I've only like this past month they only finish one not even read anything this month audiobooks have been my Savior who's my audible affiliate link what are you all currently reading shameless plug my channel there's not a link go to my channel and use my affiliate link I'm rereading vicious like I said and then I need to read vengeful because I'm going to okay I'm just gonna announce this on your channel because we're here anyway tomorrow if any of you are in the Colorado Denver area I'm gonna be at Victoria Schwab's vengeful tour a tattered cover bookstore so if you want to hang out with Victoria and get your book book signed there like you don't have to buy a ticket or anything I don't even know if you have to buy the book to get the signing line I don't think you do um but yeah I'll be there nya's gonna be there we're gonna hang out just have a good time talk about books so yeah cuz her book just came out so I need to read that that's why I'm rereading vicious I have it I was supposed to buddy read it but you read the first five pages I'm reading the assassins guide to eleven treason which I've been reading for a very long time that's not the sequel to and everyone is saying what is nice and it's funny because on Goodreads Mackenzie Lee reviewed it and she really liked it and people were like I thought like Oh plagiarism blah blah and she's like not gonna lie I was a little bit salty when I first saw the title but she really liked it so it is everyone hasn't asked me that though but it is no I um that's the lady's guide to petticoats and piracy yeah I keep on thinking it because I need to say my idea and then I'm listening to one of us is lying on audiobook because everyone was talking about that so what are you reading sorry oh I am getting a really fun book for my Asian Studies class let me okay cool computer down everything goes cramping down a metaphor for my life right now I'm talking about me nobody's saying how funny it would be if you pulled down your computer and just everything comes crashing down is it wouldn't actually be funny it's I don't know what I would do so I'm reading memories of my ghost brother by Hines into Fink go for my Asian American Studies class and yeah I've actually it's actually a interesting class we talked about Nagini in our last class have you heard about like yeah big things and I still don't know what's going on I don't know in a fantastic piece to Nagini there's going to be the only I think I think it's the only person of color in the series so fantastic piece yeah I believe right so I think yeah um so she is I think she's South Korean and she is playing Nagini but at the the which has like a blood curse so she eventually becomes Nagini she can change in and out of like her snake form but she's going to permanently become Nagini and just talking about why it's the only Asian woman is turning into an evil creature who eventually is the pet of an evil you know dictator and it just all of the implications of that I yes I think it's it's interesting that the Guinea the idea of Nagini being a woman who has a blood curse but the fact that they made it the only person of color and an Asian woman especially saying how you know people of color have been treated in Harry Potter and all of that so well that's a little sketch yeah oh yes there is so be zoe kravitz but still only two women yeah I was gonna say what isn't she the one newts knew it was in love with or something yeah yeah Lestrange hmm I don't know not really into fantastic space meaning there but anyway we talked about that for a long time in our class so I'm not I'm not really going into as much detail as we went into class we're just talking about the implications of that it's a very interesting class and I have not had really good luck with English classes at my university even though I have an English major that's why I'm really happy I became a double major because we don't have the best English gram so yeah this is one of the two English classes my entire time at university I've actually enjoyed which is sad I took one that was like a why a class that one was really fun especially he was really into why not away yeah that's why I liked it but I've had ones that were I had American poetry class and it's not the one from last semester that you hate us I hate so much this is also why I don't read poetry in my free time because every time I've had a teacher teach me poetry it's always been you have to interpret it this exact way and you have to have my exact viewpoints on this and look so you need to read some just like contemporary poetry that is entirely away from the classics yeah I've never read milski and I like Linux I don't like the contemporary so I love it all you should read them with that and then get back into the classics I think it's easy yeah I enjoyed some of them but still it makes me mad oh and I'm also reading the Guernsey literary and potato peel high society I love about movies yes watch it it's on Netflix it has Jameson and it was so cute this is very different really very different everything's told out of order where the movie was it's on all told in letters yeah it's interesting I think I might like the movie more just because of how streamlined it all is and you there's different reveals at different times Oh Jodie Petrella says ask Haley about her school library program and if people can donate books it's just me I just bring my old books just because shipping costs and everything and I wouldn't really have anywhere for anyone to ship them to so I just bring my old arts and duplicates that I got so it's just a teeny tiny little library thing but it's a place for me to put the books like I'll have a bunch of duplicates I don't really want to like sell them or anything in arts you can't sell them so I just bring them there and then students can take them and they can leave something if they want to if not and it's fine too it's basically just to get like kids having books in their hand because you might like the school district that I'm in they got rid of libraries so now they only have a text center they don't have libraries anymore so Wow yeah so they're putting the little library for them really nice idea that I'm really happy you did that it's something that yeah it's very good because a lot of times you have like so many books doing what we do that you get like unsolicited things you get like a bunch of duplicate copies and everything so I don't always know what to do with them so it was a good way for me to like actually have a place for them to go to easily especially since I just did a million on hauls so I think we might end this live show in 15 minutes so at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time or wherever you are in the world so please leave all of your questions right now if you'd like us to answer them before we're done yeah so we're gonna go through them oh oh come on I knocked him guessing his fourth October said would any of you do NaNoWriMo I once dated camp NaNoWriMo in April of 2016 I failed but I would like to do it one day I cannot do it let's talk to this November though I really want to it's just I have you at the end of my university career I have a big capstone project that I have to work on but I would love to do camp NaNoWriMo next year and you know official NaNoWriMo next year what are you to do I did it last year and I started something I got 30,000 words into it and I haven't picked it up because I didn't have a full plan for the story and I don't think I'm going to do it because I don't find that it's productive for me I find it's just really stressful I can't write 1,500 words a day and when I am working at 5:00 in the morning and I'm trying to get YouTube videos up like three times a week and I just can't do it that's way too much so I'll probably use it as motivation for revisions but I'm hoping to be done revisions by or at least my first round of revisions by the time November's here but I just don't find that the like time limit is something that works well for me I need breaks like I can't handle trying to break 1,500 words a day it's too much no I feel the same for me like I've never even tried I had never even considered it cuz like I know myself and like I know that it's just gonna stress me out and I'm not gonna be able to do it like I write so sporadically like I get ideas so sporadically to that like one day I could probably write 10,000 words and then the next day I probably couldn't write five and that would be spread out over months not one month and I just like can't I can't do things like that but I might like I've been like toying with the idea of like writing a poem every day in November just like something you know do that you might do that just to like I don't know for fun and her practice feel like November's the worst time for it because it's like right before Christmas it ends on my birthday like I don't wanna be spending my birthday all stressed out trying to finish them but time of year for everybody no that's not why because Christmas so like work is so busy so I would always I mean now I'm not working on the floor anymore I'm just working behind the scenes at 5:00 a.m. but like any vessel in the bathroom yes in the bathroom where people can interrupt me no in the back room but I'm like putting out the new product and stuff so we we get a lot of stuff around then so I'm gonna be working more shifts like it's just I'm always working more in November and especially when I was in school it wasn't even a question like the end of the semester yeah and I was like I'm trying to study for finals I can't possibly do it so but I do I have an idea that I really I really like I'm not gonna like go into it because I feel like the problem with like I have had two NaNoWriMo plugs out before and people are still asking me about project milkshake which that was two years ago thank you for still having faith in me that I might have finished it by now but no that's dead um but anyway um I talked so much about that I made it so public that I think I've ruined it doing that um but I think what I'd like to do in November is maybe finish outlining an idea that I have that I would do vlogs on it because again that might ruin it all so November busy so yeah I like the idea of how I'm good with timelines and especially due date so the end of November yeah so I think it would be an idea but I cannot hold myself accountable to that cuz I don't know what November is going to be like depending on where I'm at with book of sisters I might use it to do an outline for my contemporary project which I'm still not sure if I want fully outline or if I want to just go into it so someone uh Shaniqua Kelly asked Haley are you up are you a pantser or a planner when it comes to writing a little bit of both book of sisters I definitely I never knew what I wanted to do as far as planning because whenever I was writing something formally for classes I would always have like a point form list of things that I would go off of terrain is A's but whenever I'm writing something creatively I've always just kind of had the seed of an idea and just kind of gone with it but I learned with my first NaNoWriMo project that that wasn't going to work like I had the seed of the world and everything but I didn't have a story there um so that's why once I got to once I got to 30k I was like I don't have anything anymore like I have no clue where the story is going so with focus sisters when I got the idea I started planning it out a little bit more I started with the snowflake method and then I did it as far as I wanted to and then I got to a point where I felt like I was ready to start writing it and then I started writing it and as I went I realized there were things that I needed to outline more like once I got to the end I made another outline and I just kind of ended up working for me was outlining as necessary so I think that's why with my contemporary project I'm not sure how much outlining I want to do because it's contemporary so I don't need to like build a world or an thing but right now I have an idea I have some fun twist I have stuff like that but I don't really have like how they get there which I didn't really have with book of sisters either so I've started the contemporary project I'm two chapters in I haven't picked it up in a while but I'm not sure if I'm going to outline it more but basically I'm a mix of both I'm a planner that's also why I love editing so that's why I am happy that Haley's letting me help her letting me help me her because I like I'll help you Tina ingo um 9:10 on Twitter asks thoughts on the live-action avatar I don't know the question I was about to cuz I just saw that on Twitter and I was about to say that question can I go first yes I am so excited so like I know a lot of people are really hesitant be kind of what I'm hesitant it's okay we've been burned before yes but we have never had the two original creators like Michael and Brian like work on it before to create the actual story the way it's supposed to be with all of the cultures of like this world represented properly and not whitewashed and not had the names changed to weird things I don't care what they said about haven't even watched it I mean that name was on song apparently that's the correct correct way to pronounce it but like it was done and then sokka's name was Sokka and just everything about that movie was the worst thing ever and like I understand why people are really anxious about it it's it makes sense but like I have faith in Bryan and Mike to do like the right thing with this adaptation because literally in their like press release about it they talked about how they want to make sure it's not whitewashed and that it's like cast correctly and that it represents like the true message of the story and I'm so ready I'm also always ready for more avatar content so I can't wait I'm dying see I love that but also I feel like what part of what made it so great was that it was a cartoon and there was so much physical comedy and just over-the-top I don't think it's going to be it's definitely going to be a different story and I think the darker I think it definitely will so I just need to I need to make sure I mean they just need to make it not exactly it and then copy and paste because then it won't be successful and I don't think it to do you have to distinguish it and I think I would have been more on board if it was a different story no I'm excited that they're doing it though because like think about it it's like such a good opportunity to cast so many people of color in one film in one team I I love that it's just I'm like so like why not do but they could change stuff they could do things differently I love having a rename are you okay but I we're also getting the Kyoshi but you know that's why I'm like why can't we have a movie I would love a Kyoshi movie oh my god that's what I was thinking is like this could be like the gate to having like a Korra show and like a potential prequel or is it a movie it's a show it's a show I could honestly just read that they're doing alive they were doing a live-action remake and I was just thinking no that morning I literally woke up to I swear like 50 tweets and messages from people asking me if I had seen it oh my god oh that was me after Emma approved there was like um you know what my proof yeah I've watched it okay good um but they're they're coming back and I got a bunch of tweets but not as many and I mean I'm excited but I'm not as excited because they used to date and no now they no longer date anyway I'm so excited about that no one asked me but I'm just letting you all know uh oh my gosh what if Zuko and Katara don't matter your heart okay yeah okay are they gonna be in the same age as though I think they're gonna age them up a little bit okay good because I don't want to see a 12 year old me neither romantic setting see that my thing is either they need to make it accurate to the point where like they cast 12 year olds like stranger things did we're like they look like kids because they need to or I think they should age them up a little bit not too much because it's still supposed to be a story about children yes what makes it so yeah great yeah but I I just want to see like a 14 year old Katara and like a 12 year old eh yeah no me neither getting it on like no thank you okay somewhat sorry someone said still trying to figure out what happened to Zuko's mom read the comics you heard the expert Oh Miche Michelle five one eight eight six seven to nine who is back with another question asked what is your favorite experience that's been a result of being on booktube going to conventions yeah honestly one person is awesome I have another one no but I can't talk about it oh yes she's dead exciting things um I mean as a result of being on booktube I got more experience with making content so that's how I got my internship this past summer so that's kind of a tangential experience but I mean it's not my fav experience I mean it was but also meeting you all yeah honestly yeah everything is like hanging out with like you guys getting to meet you guys and like becoming your friend and also like meeting people who watch what gonna be better again this live show okay do we have any last questions we have two minutes left [Music] looks like a shot oh yes Tuesday 6 p.m. Eastern Time many people will be there because I just am so excited about it it's such a great idea in my mind thank you this is random if you cosplayed who would you be you would be Katara no just in general that's yours why are you signing them for us no you get that one okay I'm signing yours well what what wait it wait we should okay who does each person remind us of like we should do that okay so what would Haley be or who would Haley be hmm let's examine her face I cannot think of any characters with brown hair right everyone you know look why it's so sad everybody in the common I assign her somebody I'm gonna have to say Haley's Bella Swan because she's prone to falling over I always get bail from once upon a time I have it but looking at will always say that I look like her she's Australian oh you kind of do I see it a little bit yeah yeah I was gonna go more like based off of personality got to do the hair thing oh my gosh well Belle effect on it oh yeah I got this on my last video actually um someone said Bellatrix when my hair is curly like this and I had on dark lipstick and everyone was like you literally look like Bellatrix oh my god who would Hannah be I get Bellatrix a lot to you because I Bellatrix for Halloween yeah but I don't know I know usually is oh he's blue from the Raven cycle like you just already oh yeah I don't look like her what do you like dressed as her one time thank you they're making him a TV show I have not been contacted which is so rude they're just right now and I've been take talk let's do this sci-fi channel honestly I want to be an ex there's a hair in my eye this is tragic okay I want to be an extra in that show where do I sign up here it I would like just the back of my head and extra experience the back of my head is gonna be in dumpling possibly as though watch that are you allowed to announce that yeah I've talked about it before hey guys I never said I wasn't time so it was a year ago that I won so I feel like I mean everybody you can see the back of Haley's head gonna be great you're famous I know where you look like me because I changed my hair because you're gonna be too famous that's true I needed a disguise you're a Netflix professional okay Oh final question what book do you want be you want to be turn okay what book do you want to be turned into a movie or TV show says Raya Conway or cross by Marie Lu Hugo wait no that would be the greatest movie ever it would be incredible yes her newest book the one that hasn't come out yet just got picked up for a TV series I think what is it called um Daisy Jones and the six I think I just purchased when it's ready to be five and then four and then two and then um I've read all of her books they're all really really good cause I'm kind of just after I do after I do is really good I really we don't yeah after I do is my favorite one besides but I believe Hugo needs to be a movie like it just needs to that would be the greatest movie of all time yes Wow because the movie about movies yes which is the movies about movies are the best yeah also movies about books are good too but you know anyway I can't think of one right now wait hold on war cross would be so cool because the world was so hard for me to wrap my head around that I want to see it come to life like so so I'm going to read that one it was really good the second book I didn't like as much but maybe I need to reread it it's feeling I just pulled he's helped Oh struggles can you so here is I can't like here I have one headphone now which is oh sorry okay um I think that's it so much for joining us for two hours talking about random things remember next Tuesday over on the Haley's channel we're going to have our first bookmark to live show and every week after that we're going to go to another channel another one of our channels not just a random tale it's going to be like Where's Waldo you're gonna have to find us but what idea terrible idea terrible idea you can find all of my lovely friends down below there are their links down in the description Haley is from Haley and book club okay I was from Canada lady lady she's still here oh boy I mean that's your one defining feature it's true from a clockwork creator they have amazing channels please check them out and thank you for being on my channel that's really nice you didn't have to do that so thank you and I'm daily charity done yeah so much not you Haley but everybody else thank you talk to you later bye [Music]
Channel: readbyzoe
Views: 50,007
Rating: 4.9282217 out of 5
Keywords: readbyzoe, BookTube, BookTuber, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: EcHNd_lNIFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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