OpenAI's ChatGPT Just Got Supercharged!

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This is an emergency video because OpenAI  held their first ever developer conference,   so this better be something good, right?  Well, it is chock full of goodies,   so hold on to your papers Fellow Scholars, first,  because this is GPT-4 Turbo. This is a version   of their amazing AI that can now do 3 things  better. And there is so much more, my goodness.  First, the context length has become longer. From  8-32k, to 128 thousand. 4x. Okay, but what does   this mean? Well, this means that we can even  cram a 300-page textbook in there, and then,   talk to the book. Or add internal company rules,  legal information, mathematics, video game ideas,   anything you wish. Up to about 300 pages. Now  it will be able to handle all these. So good!  Two, it now follows instructions better, three we  don’t have to rely on random answers that change   every time we ask the same thing, as they just  introduced seed parameters for consistent outputs.  And, +1, knowledge cutoff has been updated from  September 2021 to April 2023, so it knows about   more recent things. Plus a promise that it  will never be so much out of date again. And all these changes are now part of  ChatGPT. It is now using GPT-4 Turbo. Yummy. And it gets better. Dear Fellow Scholars, this is  Two Minute Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. GPT now speaks in a more natural manner.  Also, when voice input came in, for me,   it was an immediate game changer. It is  powered by whisper, we saw in an earlier   episode that it can easily take a full,  several hour long podcast and transcribe   it nearly instantly with minimal errors.  Close to as good as a human pro. And now,   Whisper is also on version 3,  and it got even better. Wow. And check this out, this is actually insane.  It is now way better, and at the same time,   it got cheaper. In fact, 2-3x cheaper than the  regular GPT-4. That is insane. Why is that? Well,   we just noted in a previous episode that  it can give you great usability tips for   your already existing products, and it costs  about a cent, and it will cost even less than   a cent soon. On the very day I made that video,  they announce that they are making this 2-3x   cheaper. That is insane. Speed improvements  are coming too. However, in the meantime,   we already see that GPT-4 Turbo is incredibly  quick. Much quicker than any previous version.   If this is supposed the slowest future  version of it, wow, sign me up right now! And there is so much more coming. The annoying  model picker is also gone. My early experiments   seem to indicate that it will lean on  its own knowledge base when it can,   and it only browses the internet for new  information when necessary. Great improvement. And now it is time. Time for the other  bombshell feature, which is not some   new GPT, but GPTs. Yes, that’s right. GPTs. Now you can build your own ChatGPT with your   instructions and publish it yourself.  This will lead to lesson planners for   10s of millions of middle schooler users. Full  graphic designs from a single text prompt. Wow.  And look, here is where your GPTs will  live. And from here, you can invoke Zapier,   a system that has access to 6000 applications  and can control them. It can look at your   calendar and summarize your day for you,  find conflicts in your calendar, and reach   out to your friend and tell them that you have  some Scholarly duties for today and can’t go. So, how hard is it to build one of these?  This requires a great deal of engineering and   programming knowledge, right? Well, not at all!  This is in the spirit of ChatGPT and can be done   by anyone through natural language. Yes, we just  add the instructions for a startup helper bot,   what it is for, and what it should do. It gets a  little identity, like these video game characters   from this previous paper. It also gave a name for  itself, and with the DALL-E 3 system built in,   it can also create a profile picture for  itself. And then, it will give us some   intelligent questions on how it should behave.  Just think about it. A year ago, it required   a gigantic company to release such a chatbot,  and now, anyone can do it. That is incredible. And, now what? Well, we can upload some  transcripts from previous lectures of Sam Altman,   and then, the bot is ready for some questions.  Remember, this has the knowledge of GPT-4,   which is an incredible body of knowledge,  plus fine-tuned with the lectures. And…let’s   see…oh yes. The answers certainly sound  like Sam Altman. Now press publish,   and there we go. Perhaps a Two Minute Papers  bot would also be fun to interact with. Later this year, an entire GPT store will  also be published. This might be the App   Store of AI apps. Incredible, perhaps  a historic moment in AI research. I   am so happy to be able to share this  moment with you Fellow Scholars. And   if I understood correctly, you will  also be able to earn money with it. So you can create your own little doggie hotline  and perhaps even make a living out of it. And all   this is open for all of us. At the end of the  keynote, there was a request through voice,   to give a $500 credit for all of the attendees  of the conference. And then, this happened. So, where is all this GPT thing going?  Well, consider this. ChatGPT has a 100   million weekly active users. 92% of fortune  500 companies already use it. It is now part   of our lives. It is everywhere. From paper  to this in just a couple years. Insanity. Now, there are also lots of recent  startups that are thin wrappers,   thin layers over GPT. For instance, a  single programmer could build this doggy   hotline with a few software tools. And  now, the pace of innovation is so quick,   that essentially you can create these  wrappers through OpenAI. Just think about it. Now, one more thing to consider. A paper called  InstructGPT appeared in 2022 January. This was   perhaps a predecessor of ChatGPT, and of course,  there is a Two Minute Papers video on that. It   could do some things, but nothing too crazy with  today’s eyes. And wow we are approximately 1.5   years later, and look at all these improvements.  GPT learned to see, listen, hear, and speak. GPT-4   Turbo appeared, DALL-E 3 dropped. I have to be  honest with you Fellow Scholars - this does not   feel like 1.5 years for me. This feels like  a decade of research to me. This was just a   paper not so long ago, and now, 1.5 years later,  it is absolutely everywhere. People are already   using it to create an AI commentator for League  of Legends matches, an online battle arena game,   or you can even chuck a paper in there and talk to  it. Wow. So here, please make sure to invoke the   First Law of Papers. The First Law of Papers says  that research is a process. Do not look at where   we are, look at where we will be two more papers  down the line. Now we were not the first to report   on this, and I hope that the additional context  was worth waiting a little. If you feel that it   was, consider subscribing and hitting the bell  icon. Thanks so much! What a time to be alive!
Channel: Two Minute Papers
Views: 178,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, sam altman, chatgpt
Id: Vog9AuGaIA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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