How To Integrate Webcafe AI Automation Software | Webcafe AI Marketplace

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welcome to the web Cafe AI software Marketplace in this video we're going to show you how to integrate the software once you have purchased it on our Marketplace if you're watching this video on our Marketplace website go ahead and download the sample order above here if you're watching it on our YouTube you can download it below in our description from here though let's go ahead and walk step by step of once you have purchased an item on our Marketplace here how to integrate it into your back end once you've opened the PDF all you need to do to add the AI automation to your zapier profile is by simply clicking the logo here so if you just went ahead and clicked and then you say open in whatever software you use such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer once you have opened the link here you're going to be able to add it directly to your zapier profile by simply coming over here and clicking try this zap the first thing that you'll notice is that when you integrate in AI automation into zapier's backend it's not going to have the custom data that we input in our end automatically put into your front end this is due to the fact that currently zapier does not carry over data from shared zaps so we have come up with a troubleshoot for this solution and you're gonna be able to find that in the PDF that is why it is important to check out the following pages in The PDF we provide as they are fundamental for the installation process here we want to comment out a couple of things here so as you see here we're going to use the exact same structuring that we had in the zap we shared but this time we had changed the titling as that can't be carried over to Shared zaps but you can see them here so this is very important down here essentially when you see an asterisk that means that that specific block needs some type of action when you see these square brackets that means that that specific block has a variable that needs your inputs and then finally if you see the slash slash down here that just means that we're leaving a little comment whether it be a tip or a suggestion for the underlying prompt all right so now that we see that within this flow that all three blocks need our attention let's go ahead and proceed looking at the first block I have identified there is an asterisk and on top of that I have identified that essentially it's asking for us to select a time for this context all right so let's go ahead and do that we're going to go ahead and select the time this is all a fake AI automation we purely did this just for the tutorial of this video so for now we're just going to choose every week you're going to want to choose the day of every week and then you can choose the time of day hit continue here and congratulations for the first step for the first block we have successfully implemented what we was required in our PDF handbook here which was selecting your time now as you see the second block requires our attention as well and this specifically looks like it wants to be a text message in this context so if I scroll to the next page here you will see that we have outlined the required information that you're going to need to input on your backend so for the second block we see number two the title and then essentially The Prompt we're gonna need to input is going to be this text right here we've made it easy for y'all so all you need to do is come over here and drag copy go over back to zapier obviously we want to choose the event of conversation hit continue here continue here and then all we need to do is paste so that is the first step on inputting these specific data requested the second thing I want to know specifically when it comes to chat TBT blocks is that information right there notice how we are identifying the type of model being used in this context and also whether or not you should choose a memory key for most AI automations we encourage a memory key in order to ensure consistent output all right perfect so now that we have added the text directly from the PDF we can go ahead and manipulate this a little and as you see here this is actually going to require some of our information here so as you see with these square brackets that means that it requires our input to change this variable so the context here is typically we'll leave an example so you can kind of understand a possible variable that can be inputted so let's say we're running a pizza shop and maybe the context is pizza Joe a pizza shop in New York and then as you see here we got another request for a variable to be put in from our back end and we're essentially going to be putting in Pizza Joe here because that is what is requested and now it knows from the context block essentially what pizza Joe is and then what you'll see further is that we have the comment structure and as we have identified in the underlying text here essentially we use a common structure to give more tips give suggestions prompt you in the right direction what we want you to do though is when you want to fully integrate and proceed to turn on your a automation make sure you come over to the commented out section and hit delete in order to ensure that there is no mix up for the underlying output perfect and we also want to choose a memory key like requested so we're going to say pizza text we're gonna go ahead and continue here and then we can go ahead and just test this action all right perfect so for the chat gbt block we have successfully implemented it we have addressed the commented section we have addressed these square brackets and we have inputted all the data that is relevant to our business context here let's go ahead and move over to the next block here which is going to be the send SMS and we know we need to adjust or have a required action from us due to the asterisks being in the title and typically we'll give more context with the actual underlying name of the block as well in order to ensure it helps you out but from here all we need to do is go ahead and copy the text that's provided here over to our block and we're going to do an addition of send SMS continue continue and then we can go ahead and paste here due to the fact that we are limited to our ability to transfer over unique data specific things like data blocks being put into prompts should be taken to account of essentially what I mean by that is that little box right there that is grabbing the data from this block right here and inputting it into our text block all you need to know and all that really matters to you is the fact that we can come over here see that the original text block of the PDF said assistant response message and then in order to ensure that you don't get confused when there's very complex flows with multiple chat gbt blocks always just take into account that that little number two is referring to the second action in that flow perfect so now that we've added our variable data we've copy and pasted our fixed data we can go ahead and see that in this specific example we've identified a lot of comments so please note that for output blocks like this we can include comments as well we just want to identify that here at web Cafe in order to ensure that for you you can essentially get more insight lights on possible outputs this could be related to maybe Instagram captions Twitter captions uh YouTube titles and so on so an example output comment we could put in this context due to the fact that we're doing for promotional text could be at fixed text here that you would want to show up in every SMS message so maybe we add have a great day let's eat some pizza and that is added to every single one of the text messages no matter what's on top of the variable data that we created through chat gbt that concludes our tutorial on how to integrate any of the AI automations found on our Marketplace if you ever get confused or stuck with any of the automations that we are currently selling in this Marketplace go ahead and reach out to us and contact us and let us know what issue arises or if there are certain improvements that you would like to see for future AI automations but without further Ado I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Webcafe AI
Views: 173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, dalle, bannerbear, synthesia, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education
Id: k3J_TSTopoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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