Chat With Documents Using ChainLit, LangChain, Ollama & Mistral 🧠

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hello guys welcome back this is the fourth video in the let's say AMA series I have already created three different videos if you are new to AMA please refer to these videos before I have created before a simple chat UI where you can use the uh chat GPT like interface right using AMA and to use the models out of it and then also how to use it with Lang chain right this is the simple application I have used before and now some of you mention in that video that can we use this to create a simple rag application right that is what we are going to achieve this by the way I have already created many videos where you can use the open source models to create the simple rag applications but they are you need let's say that this is provided by somebody else and there are so many code involved in it but if you want to have a simple PD of rag applications then that is what we are going to do and as I said you before also we are going to use AMA and use the models to download we with wama Lang chain and then chain lead to have the let's say deploying for the applications and by the way we are also going to use the lank Smith to have the traces of the applications as you can see here these are the traces and then also we are going to use the rag prompt mistol which is already in the Lang chain Hub there are many pieces here and there but you will have a clear understanding once we go through all these things let's get started okay so this is the GitHub repository I actually added this this content of today's video also in the existing one I have already shown before a simple application Chachi for running LMS locally with let's say AMA and Len I've added two different files here so I'll show you two different ways one how to inest the files already from a data folder and have the conversation with that PDF and the next one is having simple chain lead application where you can upload the PDFs on the UI itself and have the conversation with it all the instructions are here what I did first is already cloned this locally so what you can also do is if you want to follow along with me go here and either choose https or SSH and then copy this right and then you can go to your terminal which I did already here there is this Lang chainama chain Le and then I open this in the vs code you can see I'm opening the vs code here and all the things are here which you see in the GitHub so this is the readme files so you can just go through here I'm saying here we'll be going through example 1 2 3 but one is already done in my previous video please refer to that second and third is what we are going to do so second one first we will injest the documents and then create a chain lad applications right so what is the step this is what I said you you need to clone go inside that particular clone repository and open it in any ID you want but I have opened this in the vs code right and next thing is there is this EnV if I go inside this this will be as example EnV uh I I will rename that in the in the GitHub so this one we don't need to have any paid versions of API calls but we need to have I will show you this because I'm going to delete this later so you need to have this Lang Smith related things here and if you are new to Lang Smith related things I have already created three four videos related to Lang Smith and how to get started with it please refer to that right so now if I go to the read me the next thing you need to do is create a virtual environment right so you can just copy this right click copy let me open a terminal here so I will just open a new terminal here and first you of course I hope you have python install in your system so if I go here and say maybe python version I have 3.11.0 this should work for your system also I will do control V what this this does now is create a virtual environment and activate the virtual environment as you can see there is EnV here and I have set up my terminal in such a way that once the virtual environment is created it is shown something like this here right now I have uh virtual environment created and if you are new to Virtual environment also I have created the productivity videos where you will know how to isolate the projects or packages so that it doesn't conflict with existing ones in your computer right and the next thing what we can do is we can just install the packages right I will copy this what it is doing if you go to the requirements.txt here I have all the packages that is needed for this uh particular project I will just go to the terminal and do control V so it will install all the necessary packages as it is say it's using the cast one because I have already tested this before and there is already the cast version of this it is installing but remember that it is installing in this particular virtual environment once that is done the example one you can just run this chain lead run simple chat UI so this is here simple chat UI this is the previous video content just go through this and have a simple chat interface right please follow the previous video for this one I will not go through this and okay it is setting the environment now now what I will do is first I will show you the example two let me actually clear the screen example two there is Python 3 inest file and the main file right I will just show you what is in the inest file so here is the inest dop here all the necessary things are being imported and this is the normal path things that I have created here and there is function called create Vector database right so instructions are also mentioned here meaning that the data must be inside this data folder I have this CPT for all PDF what I'm doing here is initializing the loaders for different file formats but for this case it's just a PDF right so PDF loader I'm using the directory loader and passing the data all the PDF files and loader is p PDF loader let me do control Z okay and loaded documents is PDF loader. load and that is loaded here and you can just uncomment this if you want to run step by step you can also do that and next what we will do is we will split the loaded document into chunks right we need to split that into chunks so we'll be using the recursive character splitter we said that Chong size 500 you can play around with this numbers and Chong overlap is 40 so that we have let's say in two different CH some informations related to the previous one and yeah text split. split documents and we pass this loaded documents in the previous step there right so next as I said you we'll be using the AMA but before running this AMA and providing the model you need to have Ama installed in your machine if you are new as I said you before also I have already created different videos in ama so please refer to that but if I if if I just go to the terminal and run AMA list it should show me some models as you see here mistol and lava I'm going to use the mistol so if this is running or swing here it knows that ama is here once this is done you can install the models that you want I'm not going to make this video longer but you can follow my previous videos if you have these models downloaded you can provide this in the AMA embeddings and the model name the good part of using Ama embeddings or AMA is that if you maybe now have let's say Lama 2 installed you can just provide Lama 2 here and by default actually Lama 2 is being used but you need to provide the one that you want to use so quickly changing different models from the AMA website this is the beauty of AMA right and now we will create a create and persist a chroma Vector database right I'm going to use chroma in this case so this is normal things that I have been explaining many places and after this I said this persist so that it is being persisted here it will be created a new DV folder because I have said here to create a DB folder and yeah once this is done I will run this file so how to run this now is just you can go to the terminal Python 3 and then you just say in. F so it is going to do all the necessary things here and once this is going through the steps you will notice here a DB folder being created now here right inside the the DB folder now it is just showing chroma sql3 but the process is ongoing once this is completed you will see some other files also being shown here this is still ongoing so when this is ongoing what is the next step we will be doing we will be going through this file so if I go inside here again here also the normal importing things are mentioned here and I have also provided you link from the chain lead documentation where I have taken this this code you can go through that normal things here I want to use from the persistent DB and as I said you before I'm going to use the hop right Lang chin hop from there you can pull the prompts that's what I'm doing here if you go back and I will show you here here this is the hob and I'm searching here for mistol and as you can see this is the rlm persons user ID and then this is the rag prompt M if I go inside this so somebody has provided the prom template for us so we can just pull it like this and use in our existing code so this is quite easier to make the code look better right I will go back to the PS code and now as you can see here python in. f is completed so if I expand this DB and there are many files here right meaning that our embedding things is now completed and our knowledge base is ready right and we will go through this and we'll be using this rag prompt mistol and we will load the model here as you can see I'm using the AMA mistol right and was true and you can just provide the call back and return llm so this is the llm things and we have the retrievable QA chain just there is not that much of the things I need to explain here and there is the QA bot which goes through that existing persistent DB and get the information and here also you need to provide the same embedding model that you use to embed the particular PDF so yeah now we have the normal things this chain lead on start chat what it does is it goes through the QA bot and it says okay starting the bot just the normal prompt things in the UI and hello welcome to chat with documents you can just customize this and this is just the normal on chat start and once you have that and this is the on message kind of when you ask things then it goes through this process as you can see it goes through the session and gets the session information and yeah just the normal things here and also we want to have this Source also printed along with this answer right so I if if you have followed my previous let's say rag videos then this is the normal things and you can just copy paste and if you want to know more you can go through step by step so that's all so now let's start this application right so I have already embedded things I clear the screen now to run this you need to run chain lead run and you can pass dasw if you want to maybe have uh something change in your code and update as it goes I will just pass this one you can just run any of these things so it says create a default config at this so it is created by default things and yeah here is our simple chat UI now we can ask the questions related to that PDF right so maybe I will say here what is the paper about right so now as you can see it is going through the retrieval QA and when this is going in the UI as you can see here in the terminal there is already the answer being printed right and now we have the answer the paper is about the introduction and release of open instruction tune large language models and all the different things is being provided here and if you want to know if it gets the information out of it or not you can just go to the data open the PDF file here right and then you can ask the question from here let me ask one question by the way we can just go through the PDF here and what questions do we do we want to ask from here let's say let me see if it gives me the total cost okay what is the total cost of creating the model something like this right so I will go to the application here I will say let's say what is cost to train the model let me say something like this if it gets the answer or not so here it already says down something okay I'm unable to determine the total cost okay this is how llm works and also because this is the local model it depends upon your Hardware requirements also it sometimes gives the correct answer sometimes it doesn't give maybe you need to modify the prompt or be precise when asking the questions for example if we go to the PDF let's let me ask some some other things what can we ask from here okay maybe something related here what uh what is the fine-tune variant right of the CPT for all model let me say that let me ask here on which model is GPT for all model let's say dependent something like this right maybe so here it says here okay DBT for all model is something gbt for all model is dependent on the large scale data especially the data set of with GPT 3.5 model with dis still is important to know that GPT for all team does not train model something something it shows the source also here and GPT for all it is giving us the GitHub of this model and in the source two we have all the sources here three okay it is getting the informations from here and the fourth one is here okay I'm not going to go in depth because it's just getting the information from these chks right now you get the idea the right and wrong things is not what I want to show you but you can just ask the questions from here locally without paying something right when you do some prototyping kind of things this is really good or maybe also if you have good Hardware resources and if you can tweak uh the parameters or the prompt of course why not the local models can be also great now let me cancel this contrl C and let me clear the screen this is what we do the inje part separately and we ask the question right let me close this one also now let me go to the example three what I'm doing in the example three I have this rack Pi file and same things as before but then we will be uploading the files on the UI itself and by the way many of you also mentioned in previous videos the code is not working or maybe some functions are not working because the reason for that is because Lang chain as well as chain lead are rapidly growing right and the code might be updated maybe the functions does not exist anymore something like that right best way to get the answers of those things is to go to the official GitHub repository and just create a issue so that if someone else also has faced the same issues that you have they will provide you the answer of course I will go through there and I will try to provide the answers if I have because I will be creating some video let's say five months before and I will not be going through that video right but somebody else might have gone through that so they might provide you good informations before me right so just keep that in mind and here this is just a normal importing things as I did before also and here there is the text splitter again recursive splitter so Chong size now I'm providing 1,000 and overlap is 100 as I said you it's the parameters that you can you can just tweak so on chat so here I'm saying please upload a PDF file and you can provide the max size 20 and the time out 180 because some of you also mentioned how how big of the file size it must be right so you can provide here and yeah and and some of the things also again here also because this code was working before and now it is not working and some of you also get the issue so now I have fixed this in such a way that it just use the P PDF 2.pdf reader and we need to pass the file. path here and it works right before there was the content things and now it shows that okay there is no content available anymore something like that right so this is the normal things we are reading the PDF files and again the splitting into chunks and this is the metadata being created now we have the chroma vectory store similar as before and we have the chat message history also here right so that we can ask the follow-up questions as we go and yeah here is the creat a chain that that uses the chroma Vector DV I don't actually need to explain maybe now you know I'm using by the way chart AMA here you can just try around with this chart Ama or AMA just try it because this is the chat kind of things I I think if I provide chat AMA it's also fine right but it depends upon your use case also and now here once our file is uploaded that means the edding is done it will say Okay processing done you can ask the questions and now we have this it is stored now in the sessions and now we have on message kind of thing and here the same things like before but in different format right it it just takes that particular chain before and then we can ask the questions it goes through the knowledge base and get the information out of it the normal rag kind of things so yeah now let's run this how to run this again same as before but now I will draun chain lead run and then it is rack. pi as I said you we can just pass DW or without this also let me run without this I'm running all at one go now right as you can see here now we have different looking UI it says please upload a PDF file to begin I can just browse from here maybe upload the same GPT for all paper I will go here and it says processing GPT for all PDF because we have mentioned here to do that right processing and the file that we uploaded do name and once the processing or the embedding part is done it will show us the message uh that okay processing the file done you can ask the questions right let me go if it is already done so it's still ongoing here so once that is done we can ask the question and by the way the good part of chain lead is also that when you ask the questions here you can just ask the history from here and ask the same questions here right processing this St you can now ask the questions now let me ask the same question that I asked before what is the paper about and I will just say here okay what is the paper about it is going through the knowledge base and then it will provide the answer for us the paper is about GPT for all or whatever it provides right so here you can see the paper is about original GPT for all model and all the different things and maybe again if you go here it will provide you the uh sources from here so it also depends because now I have the chunk size of 1,000 and it has more information in one chunk so maybe I see that it provides better answer on that also it's it's up to you you just go here and play around okay which number works the best right and now if I go here again and maybe I will say what is the total cost to train the model let me see if it provides answer here because same PDF is being used here and there right what is the total cost of to train the model OKAY the text does not provide information okay strange I can say there is can you search it for me just random things it will understand this if not also you can just play around as I said before also prom the main idea here is to show you how how you can achieve these things okay the text does not provide any information so it doesn't provide let's say in that way so yeah I'm not going to go through all the things again and trying to get the right answer out of it but you get the idea how to run this and and and let's say that now this is for PDF right you can go and go through the documentation in the chain lead or Lang chain there are many cookbooks there just try with CSV or try with normal text document or docs microsof dos or any docks kind of things so yeah just play around with it and just practice I think if you do that then you will have a simple looking chat but if you want to have the sophisticated one let's say the private GPT and the QV are the best ones to go if you want to have the ready made solution from from someone who has spent lots of hours there right okay that's all for this video If you enjoyed the video or if you find some useful information out of it please give thumbs up you can share this or subscribe if you haven't already thank you for watching and see you in the next
Channel: Data Science Basics
Views: 10,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openai api, code, chat ai, large language models, llm, chat, langchain, langchain demo, langchain tutorial, langchain explained, openai langchain, what is langchain, langchain tutorial pdf, chat models, prompt, chain, langchain use case, chainlit, huggingface, web framework, open source model, mistral, ollama, chat ui using ollama langchain, run llm locally, langchain ollama, retrieval augmented generation, rag, rag fully local, retrieval augmentation generation, open source in action
Id: 2IL0Sd3neWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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