Paranormal Nightmare.. S5E1 A Haunting In Chicago

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um [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey my brothers and i were recently contacted by veronica from south chicago claiming her and her children have been under attack by something dark and evil shawn and i have traveled up to chicago to meet with veronica and see if we can help her find answers veronica has spent the last four years documenting her paranormal encounters through her home security system [Music] so is this the first time you've ever talked on camera about everything yes i don't i don't want to like give it more attention and i don't know piss it off i guess and 2016 i moved in stuff started happening just usually with just like a bunch of weird noises but then it just kind of like progressed with like my kids waking up more stuff happened and that's when i started like actually believing and stuff because it just all the stuff that the cameras picked up with like everything and all the noises and just my kids crying and everything and then after that just more and more stuff happened and my camera's picked up a lot more and people would come over and they would see stuff and then it just got really scary and i had paranormal investigators come over the first time they came over the one guy felt something like touch him by the closet i've tried getting a lot of help and no one can seem to even help with any of it i've had mediums come numerous times i've had the pastor come numerous times minister calm and then we moved eventually after everything that was caught on camera and then we moved here like it started here right like right when i moved in stuff started you can still like feel stuff and hear stuff and get that feeling you're being watched when my kids would always cry and wake up and my son would always point at the walls and talk to nothing he would just stand there and talk to the wall like there was somebody there and there was literally nobody there and he would just cry and point and there's nobody or nothing there it picks up motion detection and it'll like send me the alerts on my phone the footage you are about to watch was aired on a travel channel episode a few years ago several video experts as well as paranormal experts have all agreed the video footage is authentic and has not been tampered with you can clearly see this transparent female figure opening the door [Music] we seen that and i was like you could literally tell me that it's like a camera error or like anything else or like interference or something like i will i'll believe you just to believe you because i don't want to believe this and they can't something else opening the door and his hand not even touching the door but at opening and he even said that like he remembers like not opening the door you can see him like turn around and look behind him in the video in that one and he even said that he felt something behind him and like you can hear everything so like and he was the only person there this second video clip shows the same man leaving the front door again as he is followed by what appears to be an elderly woman and you can see him turn around and like because he even said he felt something behind him but there's there was no one there there was no one else there who's leaving there's something else there it disappears both of my kids got locked in the room tried to open the door and the door was stuck if something bad i'm not even moving it took all three of us to break down that door took three of us to break it down to just to break it off the frame to get in there to get to my kids we still have nightmares um my oldest is the one that's affected the most he still has nightmares now and he'll describe things that he shouldn't he's had marks left on him he's had scratches and bruises and it shouldn't be doing that at all my wi-fi is actually not even connected because i didn't do anything and that camera's not hooked up to the wi-fi yet the wi-fi is not set up 20 minutes into veronica's interview you can see the security camera in the living room turn and focus on us verifying that the cameras were not connected to the wi-fi we were unable to explain why they suddenly focused on us almost every day i wake up with a new bruise or mark i won't sleep without every light in my house on now i have nightmares also i cry a lot i guess and uh i don't like it here gonna have to facetime him just to sleep [Music] and what are you feeling right now stupid crazy why i was nervous about you guys coming like i told you is the last paranormal team that came they just sat in my kids room and all they did was just talk a lot of crap and try to make it mad and uh you know that made me mad because i'm like you know you guys don't understand what it's doing here and to me and my kids and you guys get to go home you guys don't have to stay here and deal with the aftermath so you know you guys get to leave we're stuck here so um i actually just recently reached out to a priest he said he was gonna come over and he blew us off and then i actually went to the church and uh blew me off again so and then everybody else just says that they want a lot of money that i don't have to just to help and it's like i get it you know you want to be paid for your service but it's like i don't i don't have that and it's like [Music] i also don't know what to do but i know that my kids pretty much telling me that like something's sitting on his bed at night and tricking him into thinking it's me and it's leaving bruises and scratches on him and it's the same thing leaving bruises on me and you know but no one no one can help you scratch me i scratched you in your dream yes not to what happened when right here my arm he's broken it it since i'm sleeping he's on my bed he got me booze he's ticking me he's tricking you yes i have to close my eyes and open my eyes let's see what is that go we're going to leave go we're leaving just go go we're going to leave it's terrible i feel like i can't even protect my old kids with this [ __ ] like how do you like i i can stand up to somebody that's physically in front of me and it's physically here i can't i can't do that to something that's not physically here like that plays games like it [Music] do you need help are you stuck here move the camera if you need help oh my god oh my god oh my you can see shadows uh you've heard it respond to you on camera you've seen it like walking in my hallway me and my oldest have woken up with scratches and bruises terrible smells my friends have witnessed stuff and all of my electronics just don't work anymore my phone my internet but nobody else's are affected my neighbor has the exact same internet as i do see and hear things a lot and like even before i hooked my cameras up like i'd facetime like jay and i would tell them like you know i can feel something like in the hallway by the bathroom like i just feel like something's like right there looking at me i feel like someone's like right there watching me it's not a friendly thing and i definitely don't know anybody that would want to do this to a kid all the stuff that doesn't work and all the nightmares and bad smells and bad luck and it all points to not a good spirit like you know and there's i just wanted to go away that's why i didn't want like everyone to keep saying like call these tv shows and go on tv and have them do this type of stuff and i don't want that because i didn't want to be on tv i didn't want you know people that just want tv ratings and footage i just want i want help i want it to go away but i'm terrified of being here like i [ __ ] hate it here not wanting to push veronica too far we decided to end the interview and begin our investigation during the entire investigation sean and i would experience several equipment malfunctions our batteries that would normally last several hours would be drained within minutes i think it shut off about halfway through and that's some of the stuff that you're experiencing is your cell phones the wi-fi the tvs anything electronic is malfunctioning inside this place yeah did you calls our camera to go off all right move to the kid's bedroom what part of the house do you think feels the creepiest to you where you're standing the hallway i thought this room had a stranger feeling whoever you are we want you to show yourself make yourself known for us my name is josh this is sean we're here tonight to talk to you do you have a message i feel like this room you get you know how you get that kind of like fun house effect where you feel like you can't stay on balance do you guys feel that big time i'm over here swinging come in here and talk to us please that was the hallway i smell something there too right here it's where you kind of look great in this bathroom like right there you can see it because you can see it from the beds where you feel like staring when i was in the bathroom earlier i didn't smell anything but right here you could definitely are you in this hallway you've got to talk to us we're just here to talk to you are you hurting veronica and her children we're not going to chase you you got to come in here with us things are but probably certain footsteps not for sure if i'd just seen something but almost like a flash or something off to the right it looked like it was right off the left of your shoulder i've got a device here that'll help you communicate with us if you try really hard we can hear you are you inside this house right now yes or no can you tell me your name can you tell me your name who are you are you a man or it's woman man what is your name what is it is that a closet laundry room another door can you hit something really hard for us and let us know you're in here can you say one of our names are you in this room where are you at are you following veronica [Applause] why are you following her and in their minds you know they don't want you here we want you to leave are you able to leave we get that one spot that feels weird [Applause] do i try asking anything yeah so i'll move over here and get a camera on her let's say that i was in my mind on your spirit box why are you here [Applause] do you know what you're doing is no good we want to know why you're here let me try that other camera and see if we can let me i'm going to set this here real quick let me grab that other camera and yeah twice now on the screen i've seen something about this tall let's see if we can map out a ghost just remember no i'm recording the screen just record the i don't need you recording the screen anymore just shooting night vision i was standing here and there was something in the kitchen can you back up a little bit sean can you show yourself again i seen you earlier i know it's going to come back up i just need to be patient i want to just read them for a little bit who is the little spirit i keep seeing can you walk over by the bed i literally want whatever that was to show back up on the camera are you in the bathroom please show yourself your camera's moving again we would hear the security camera move in the living room are you messing with the cameras if you're in the living room show yourself so if it moves the camera do you think it's got to be close to the camera or or just like electronically doing it what is it like whatever you saw was it like this tall yeah i was talk about that tall that's how tall it was right behind my couch in my video that i have it that was talking about that you can't free it moved so fast you can't freeze frame it what do you do frame by frame well both times i've seen it i didn't have the record thing going just yet i've got you mapped out i'm just trying to see if anything comes up near you i'm here where are you take a picture together for the third time during the investigation the security camera moves facing us our hope is to document whatever or whoever is messing with the cameras on video nobody was ready for what we were about to document we hear you over there come stand in the middle of the room please i want to see you can you go over by the couch oh got it can you get over by the couch oh got it i see you it's on the couch you're on this couch right here right right in front of me is that the right couch on can you move off the couch i knew i would get it just have to be patient it's like its legs are laying across the couch you can clearly see this spirit laid out on the couch its head on the arm of the couch and its feet propped up on the other arm and that was the exact same time that uh camera did you guys hear the camera right before that yeah did you hear me say i had goosebumps right now can you move off the couch it's like it's waving or something yeah go back get them a wide shot get a wide shot of old i've got a camera filming in there it's like it's laying on the couch look at that you see that see right here's the couch and it looks like it's just laying across the couch i'm trying to figure out which why are you laying on the couch anybody brave enough to sit on the couch right there she will okay would you say you're recording over there yeah just get a wide shot i don't know which guys i think it's this one right here in front of you yeah doesn't matter which seat yeah right there in front of you is where you need to be you're sitting on oh it's gone it moved the minute you sit down it's gone where did you go okay stand up for a second jay can you go back to the couch now we're sorry we didn't mean to sit on you oh it's back i did it was back go back to the couch now it's on the other couch it's on the couch josh it's on the far couch i know i'm trying to get it all the way over that we know where sean was sitting during the interviews jay hey josh that's i think where it was just that is where jay was sitting on the couch come sit next to jay please something sean did you hear that yeah i don't know it's gone it's like whatever once he sit there left and then when you stood up i told him sit back down and came back and sit back down whoa did you hear that oh yeah a girl or something yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] that was it's all it's all in here in this room it was not my stomach i swear to god hey josh can you set that up on you and you sit on the couch and we'll walk downstairs outside yeah just i need some lights on real quick let's restart these i need some lights real quick okay i got to make sure i need to make sure i save this first yeah you can get up you're fine oh yeah okay great this this is picking up audio and everything and you guys can hear like it say [ __ ] later yeah yeah i need something is that going to hurt you no i'll show you it's fine that's pretty crazy the minute you sat down they got up and left did you feel any different when you sat down and then the minute you got up it appeared right back on the couch but moved over to this side could be afraid it could be if you have if you have that strong energy it definitely could my name's josh we seen you earlier you were sitting right here on this couch can you come in here with me what is your name can you tell me who lives in this house going to do a cleansing here tonight yes we are yes we're going to help you cross over show yourself where's the kid [Applause] what is the kid's name [Applause] i don't think you're a child [Applause] yep are you back here please show yourself they say that you sit on this bed do you sit on the child's bed [Applause] can you come over here and touch me [Applause] please you gotta tell us why you're here [Applause] we can help you tonight do you need help [Applause] we've seen you show yourself right now please if you're a demon we're not afraid of you we're coming for you tell me your real name right now please here [Applause] back in the boy's bedroom is it is anybody in this room with me what's your name you come in this room a lot holy [ __ ] i gotta get josh hold on a minute i'm gonna hold on look at josh want him come in here hey josh come back in here with me real quick seriously i don't know what the hell this [ __ ] was i was just talking to me hey i'm back i got josh in here are you in here with us how many people's in here with us we're gonna make you leave tonight yes we can you're gonna leave veronica alone you're gonna leave the kids alone i don't think you're a child was that you on the couch [Applause] did you come from the other house yes did you all come from the other house we both heard it it came across a planet staying just deep cause uh that's that's that's what i go by is ronnie i think what we'll do is just do the cleansing go over the evidence we have even with the session we just did let's like multiple spirits for whatever reason okay so we're going to start the cleansing now we're going to work from veronica's bedroom to the children's bedroom and just work our way through the house we've got a window that's opened out front we come in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit lord we ask that you protect us and defend us we ask that you watch over veronica and her children and just keep them safe while they live inside this house and you push out all the negative and evil energy from inside this house we're going to seal this room with the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus christ lord we seal this room with the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus christ cast out all evil and negative energy inside this house we seal this doorway with the sign of the cross and fill all this darkness with the light of the holy spirit we seal this doorway with the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus close all entryways doorways and portals with the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus christ it is jesus who has authority over this house now we seal this bed with the sign of the cross lord we just ask that you please keep the children safe stop their nightmares we cast you out in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ we cast you out any spirits here go be at peace you can go be at peace and be free now we want you to leave this family alone stop hurting them stay out of their dreams lord we seal this room with the sign of the cross and your blood we open the other window right yes let me hit the stairwell lord we seal this doorway and this threshold with the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus christ and in all spirits we command you in the name of jesus leave this house and leave this family alone it is jesus who has authority over this house now you must leave you are forever banished we seal this door the sign of the cross and the blood of jesus we seal this house tight forever in the name of jesus christ you
Channel: Paranormal Nightmare TV Series
Views: 356,087
Rating: 4.8874283 out of 5
Keywords: living dead paranormal, chasing evil, paranormal nightmare, missing, vanished, scary, sad, scariest video on youtube, fourman brothers, marina boelter, missing person, cold case, ghost, spiritbox session, spirits, demon, ghost adventures, most haunted, ghost hunters, scary as hell, poltergeist, real ghost, Amiah Robertson, gteam paranormal, paranormal activity, real ghost caught, caught on camera, scariest video, paranormal caught on camera, paranormal activity 2020
Id: baVZ2zNiCX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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