Charlie Watts - Tonight With Jonathan Ross 1991

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yearning to be a jazz musician try as you might his only success in the music industry has unfortunately only been as the drummer for The Rolling Stones what a disappointment but he's now trying to forget the money the fame and the women that accompanies such a sad life let's find out if the jazz world is ready to embrace the man who once said I hate rock and roll please sketch your welcome to mr. Charlie Watts but I sold a tuck to your microwave analysis no I moved Mart soda now I thought I was interested to meet you because you're on your the rolling stone I'm most interested in if I may say because I think everyone has an opinion on idea what the other welding stands are like everyone things like Jagger very good for his age you think of Keith lucky to be alive you think woody you do don't get woody cheeky young fella Bill Wyman what could it be we've all got a thing or two to think about Bill one and we got but you ought to cut them out I think people know much about you is that deliberate do you keep yourself out of the limelight yeah now that's a good answer that's very nice that's fine I don't know yeah but you strike me you've always struck me as being like the straightest member of the band because I know you you know you you got married in the 60s and you've stayed with that one wife which i think is admirable and you haven't strayed it seems like the other fellas do you look back at you embarrassed any of the stunts that stands for like wearing the dresses for gotetsu father no no either I've only ever been those who think I've done there's this illusion about me but I have actually not a stress and tuefel thing well maybe you can share that with us afterwards everywhere cool sorry but what I'll be wanting thinking that you are the only member of the stones who doesn't use Grecian mm oh now let the cold I threw out there the beginning those that that you'd said at one time is I hate rock and roll was that - did you say that no I only met anyone who said anything about that at all ever and I I mean I've never had a yearning to be a jazz musician I mean I just play in various settings why I was under the ocean I was on the peshan that's what you had wanted to do when you were younger but you know that's what I started out actually with the bass player miss quintet we live next door to each other how do we played in a skiffle band and from there we went to jazz and David went off into jazz and I join ya but playing with the stones of the same as playing with a jazz band really it's the same job but it's a different sort of music and a different flow you just listen differently that's all you ever try to lure the stands more to jazz ever try to do jazzy stuff one is one no I might have done but I haven't done anything - why you love them because they things giving me these incredibly short answers and they can see me make it calling the cab and get ready to leave now you know cats on this to last you how mad is it Sally uh no we haven't talked about Charlie Parker because you just got this book that you you won't in 65 Oh bleep I wrote it then she I'd wrote it in 1960 59 60 I wrote it it was published in fifty sixty four so I came around sort of vaguely in the 60s we're talking about yeah I'm in a white deck idea why they interested in Charlie Parker man are you a jazz fan but why Charlie Park in particular I don't know I heard him when I was 12 and I musically fell in love with it it says I know just there's a interest in that music what do you think of the the Clint Eastwood movie that came out there was a bird by our pick that came out that was I thought it was very well done the only thing I didn't like about it I think Charlie Parker and I spoke to read well Denis who actually played with him you know the little Jewish guy dance but it was a was he trying to play oh yeah and I saw a Stephen is he said I said I thought that Charlie Prague had more fun then he looked in the movie because it's a very down movie I mean his life wasn't exactly hugely happy he totally wrecked himself destroyed itself by the age of 35 but he and he said that he was an awful lot of fun and I'm sure if that didn't come across in the film to me but I don't think you can do a movie about someone the biggest Charlie Parker without people like me sitting there going oh the date was wrong you always been a three on a window you know something to knock about it perhaps or so yeah and you just get protective about these things this has been we released because you have an album out of you've done a couple of them Charlie Parker compositions and many of you on which I believe they time without the book has been sorry signal can we release the book acid year reprint it and then the guy who publisher said will you do some music for a little yeah it's almost like kids book and it's very simple in its yeah like when I was designed that they asked one of the things to do is like design books and kids books you get away with murder with so it's kind of lasers there so you're gonna finish the shows even you're gonna have some cool jazz to kick off the fighting you love what you call it at the end of the I think really called me and this is one of your own compositions where just won a peter king's console and wrote music for me in this project for the quintet and this one's called practicing practicing just great well you've been fun to have on the show today to meet ya I'm sorry you go to anybody I like to meet ya we got the quintet waiting back okay Charlie what's that isn't anybody there we go thanks Johnny informal guest tonight see on Monday with newly a volume of pressure bug and that twelve-year-old kid I tell you back james house until then is the Charlie Watts jazz quintet we practicing practicing just great have a good weekend good night you
Channel: Tourmaline1973
Views: 346,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonathan ross, charlie watts, jazz
Id: seusg92tFQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2010
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