Charlie Watts on playing with the Stones: "Work five years and 20 years hanging around" (1986)

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[Music] videos do you enjoy this bit of the job we're doing these things yeah no it's a waste of time but yeah you sort of go along with it because it's a good idea to sell a lot of records oh we're told aren't we by the industry this is the way to solve it let's talk about your other career apart from the rolling stones you wrote the career the charlie watts big band or orchestra what do we call it tell us about it what tell us about the charlie watts big bend that's what it is and is it it's a really large band isn't it it brings together enormous it's called self-indulgence does it cost you a great deal of money to run that it did do to start with doesn't now are you pleased at the success well yeah it's nice people want to listen to saxophone players and does it take a great deal of adjusting when you come to play with the rolling stones do the same thing really but really yeah you have to play the drums isn't it as well as you can how long can you see the rolling stones keeping going for as long as someone wheels you out isn't it i really don't i mean i thought well when i joined them i thought there was another six months three years was the longest i've been the band what are you doing between going on and on what are you doing between making records nothing i understand you you collect things yeah i see these aren't it you have great enthusiasms outside the rolling stones yeah is it possibly true to say that other members of the group don't have those in the same way that they're more devoted to the group than you are or is that not true what do you mean i don't follow that well the the other members of the rolling stones for them the rolling stones are more important well i do have a life outside of them but i always have had but i think they've got a life i said i don't i don't really look the name rolling stone don't mean anything to me what do you mean by that well it doesn't mean anything for me i mean it's keys to me ronnie and bill what would you be your attitude if uh there was to be talk of going on tour showing this in the near future what do you mean shameless i might i don't know i mean there's again you know if they said we're on the road i think i don't know really i mean obviously you get involved in it setting it up and all but i mean it's a lot of work it's not something you relish what going on at all it doesn't it's just it's working i mean i just don't think about it actually that's not true but i've been dead years ago i thought about it thanks for watching today i mean what we've done nothing it's absurd you must have done a great deal of hanging about in 25 years the rolling stone work five years and 20 years hanging around
Channel: Robin 69
Views: 38,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlie Watts, The Rolling Stones, Dirty Work, One Hit (To The Body), David Hepworth
Id: m8r10iWpQlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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