Charlie Rose - An Interview with Nicole Kidman

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Nicole Kidman is here it has been quite a year if you wondered how she could top the others in Moulin Rouge you start with the hours she is winning rave reviews for her betrayal the great English writer Virginia Woolf her directors of fulsome and praised Baz Luhrmann her director Moulin Rouge says it's like sleeping beauty she's awoken in full bloom a woman in full possession of her powers as an actress Anthony Minghella coal mountain says each performance is so different that it makes you feel here is an enormous rich instrument she was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sydney Australia she was taller fairer and very different at 17 she left high school to become an actress here is a montage of some of her work over the last 20 years don't make me well it's gonna make you stay there I just want to talk you want to control something that's out of control that's what you said to me was me well I'm going to let you in on a little secret that almost everybody else in this world automatically knows control is an illusion you've been fantail eco maniac nobody knows what's going to happen next not on a freeway not in airplane not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile ego maniacs there are some people you never know who they are or who they want to be until it's too late and that is a real tragedy in my book because I always knew who I was and who I wanted to be always men have to stick it in every place they can but for women women it is just about security and commitment and whatever a little oversimplified Alice but yes something like that if you man only do what sit tight Wilton clean friend puppy or smoldering temptress hot a smoldering temptress we're all relying on you Gosling remember and we'll show in a real theater with a real audience and you'll be for real actress who is that I don't know and tell me who's making that noise I can't tell you mommy you tell me I told you there was someone in the room and you punish me now I don't know what does then I want the truth tell me if there is someone upstairs if I were thinking clearly Leonard I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark in the deep dark and it only I can know only I can understand my own condition and here is the trailer from the hours directed by Stephen Daldry and based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel about one day in the lives of three women from different eras connected by Virginia wolves book Miz Dalloway the other two remarkable performances are by Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore here is the trailer your ass a very lucky woman Angelica because she has two lives she has the life she leading also the books she's writing mrs. Donovan's by the flood but mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself Sally I think I'll buy the flowers myself three different women this life that's what I've always wanted I had an idea of our happiness each living a lie I wish they'd say Clement I could be happy in this quietness each putting someone else's life good morning mrs. Dalloway first that is what we do that is what people do they stay alive for each other what about your own life just wait till I die and you'll have to think of yourself mom what's happening he gives me that look to save your life is so trivial it only matters if you think it's true my life has been stolen from me but you know you have an obligation to your own sanity I am attended by doctors everywhere I am attended by doctors who inform me of my own interest baking the cake for daddy to show him that we love him otherwise you won't know we love him that's right I don't know what's happening I seem to be unraveling come to bed Laura Brown I remember one morning getting up at dawn there was such a sense of possibility and I remember thinking myself this is the beginning of happiness I have lost those feelings forever mommy I love you don't worry honey everything's fine you're my god to look life in the face to know it for what it is to love it for what it is to the right of every human being and here is what David env said in the New Yorker magazine quote that Julianne Moore can be immensely touching as no surprise that Meryl Streep again playing a contemporary New York has achieved a new flowing emotional immediacy at the age of 53 will shock no one the revelation is Nicole Kidman as Wolfe tall pale severely beautiful eyes cast down with an awkwardly darting energy and a sudden harsh anger as of an enormous bird disturbed in at rest I am pleased to have Nicole Kidman at this table for the first time welcome thank you did you heard that no I hadn't Wow David didn't be um this enormous bird disturb rest lovely beautifully written Oh when they came to you about this what appealed to you about this story from the Pulitzer prize-winning book by I hadn't read the novel so I just read it as a screenplay I was actually preparing to do the others and I usually won't read when I'm preparing but my agent called and said you have to read the screenplay it's so good and when I heard that David Hare had done it I felt and he's a friend so I thought okay I'm I'll take an afternoon and read it and I just got swept up and thought this is very very powerful and it has three really complicated interesting women and each character you can't decide which is better you know and that's that's unusual did you know a lot about Virginia at that time I I'd sort of encountered her at school and resisted her I'd done fall in love with the Bronte sisters and you know that was my passion George Eliot so my discovery of her actually happened just prior to making the film because I had to go and suddenly researcher and and that has had an enormous effect on my life actually also her works she just she came along it's interesting because there was a line that was in the film it's saying the dead give us gifts and that really resonated with me because Virginia gave me a gift at this time in my life by by exploring just what she says about life which she feels her ability to sort of exist within her struggles and then let that feed into her art I think is so admirable and so extraordinary how she managed to do it did you see any sense of parallel in him so you know that she was very much uncommon comfortable shy hmm in the sense feeling a little bit of an outcast hmm with me I mean I in terms of growing up when you were growing up and my voice but also just at that particular time of my life I was just ready to receive her and it's that's the same way with great art with it with a painting that suddenly suddenly comes alive because of where you're at with your experiences life experiences and so for me I was something about being trapped there was something about not actually desiring you know grappling with what's my future do I want a future do I need a future what is life anyway Neal ISM I mean suddenly everything was starting to play on me and and she sort of kind of guided me that makes you think that that a role comes as a reason I think you have to at some stage give over to you say destiny I mean you give up your control pretty early on I think as a person once you can do that once you say life is going to deliver so many different paths I'm going to be sort of carried along on them and I can determine where I'm going but part of you just has to say hey I'm here for the ride as well do you have a feeling now I mean you've earned this place but they're on a roll because you're playing so many interesting women if you look at the Human Stain mmm interesting woman mm-hmm you know if you look at this and then call them out and then cold mountain a tones are fascinating it done man yeah three in a row write novels yeah it's interesting cuz I've encountered Philip noise Charles Fraser and Mike Cunningham so there's you know three extraordinary writers and got to play women that they created take a look at this scene this is a scene of a train station because you said somewhere that this made you reading this scene made you want to do the movie yeah rotate period is it is time for us to move back to London I miss London I miss London life this is not you speaking Virginia this is an aspect of your illness don't you kiss my boy it's not just mine and my voice that you hear it is not it is mine I'm dying in this town thinking clearly Virginia you'd record it was London I brought you love if I were thinking clear report you to Richmond to give you peace if I were thinking clearly Leonard I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark in the deep dark and it only I can know only I can understand my own condition say that again I'm saying the lines along with it only only only I can understand my own condition you know people gonna watch this in there and hardly believe it you because of the way dark hair mm-hmm the No mm-hmm voice why how did you get up for this I mean what was the preparation for you it was interesting cuz it was more um I think just I read so many of her letters and I read so much about her I listened to a little bit of her voice and that didn't help me and so we I went into the rehearsal process still panicked you know she get this panic as an actor where you think oh it's got to come soon it's just going to come because you really don't want to force anything and you wait for it to sort of seep into your skin which is what happens and I was started the first hour rehearse and we had a read-through which I hate doing your total reads because I never dreadful at them and I never put any effort into them and I'm so bad now usually I can see the director and the producers get worried because they think oh my gosh she's madness seriously huge mistake um but then I met Stephen Delaine and was sat and within two hours yeah within two hours she was starting to live and I was starting to feel her so and that's how actors should work its together you create and there was some such you coming off of this is the first major role after the divorce after the split the only thing that I did last year yeah I pulled out of everything else I tried to pull out of this but I was not allowed you were not allowed by by a whole series everybody because they were so sure that you would I think they just wanted me to work it wasn't a huge amount of time I was also I had a knee injury I was in a lot of pain and stuff so I was like oh just it's like where your whole life collapses around you and you just think this is so insignificant and unimportant and I don't want to go and do that now I just want to be alone with my children and heal so was it therapy the this role therapy I think that's sort of almost indulgent to look at it as therapy it was more like I was able to understand her on a very deep level and therefore just say what you want to know something I'm gonna give everything I can to this and I'm going to trust even Daldry not to sort of abuse me with it and he didn't but your reputation is that you rolls exhaust you that you give it all every one of them people say directors who work with you say I don't I think you give yourself yeah yes I do I think you're so lucky to be an actor let alone an act of being given a great role to show up and not honor that is so disrespectful to the thousands of actors out there hundreds of thousands of actors out there who would die to play it you know so you have to go in there and say I cherish this opportunity and I'm going to do everything I can to help the director achieve his vision and it's why I love to work with directors that are deeply passionate about their work obsessive bass and Steven and Anthony Minghella and Stanley Kubrick and Jane Campion and lars von trier I mean I want that experience I really don't want to go in and feel like it's a nine-to-five job it's not why I do it it exists within my soul within my blood and I denied that for a number of years because it was almost embarrassing to sort of admit that you have that commitment and that passion towards something and also you turned said well it's just acting and it's ridiculous and it's sort of a frivolous sort of thing you know it's when I'm not doing any huge world contribution here and then you have to say well no art is important and commitment is important in the pursuit of excellence is important so but in these works oh no no no work these are works that also I suppose for me it's a base types that have something to say Macomb and has something to say yeah heydo a fascinating character oh just you know a treasure and clearly here there's something to say about and Mandela's rendition of it too and Charles Fraser has visited the set and he was there and I mean that's always quite daunting when when the author comes because you think but this is this how they envisioned her and he was he was very supportive but you know Minghella is just extraordinary and how he created from cold mountain this this woman and then I come in and have to you know make her breathe make her bring her to life thought they shot it in Romania we shall look we shot some in America and then the majority of it in Romania because we got to get the four seasons actually within the seven month time frame because we needed snow we needed summer we needed we needed everything in that space of time it's an epic it was said about you shooting the hours that the water at the death scene which is at the top of the film yeah and most people know what happened to Virginia Woolf in 1941 mm-hmm and then you go to a flashback of her trying to write miss Dolan you did it scene after scene after scene the river was cold they say yeah what does that say about you that I'm mad I mean I actually it's weird yeah I don't feel pain when I act is why I hurt my knee on Moulin Rouge and I didn't even feel it for three weeks and then I kept dancing on which was ridiculous but I don't know you just start to operate in a different realm and it gives me it's a she AIT's me in such a enormous way being an actor I think I'd probably be pretty crazy if I didn't have it so it's wonderful that I can go and express myself and I've known ever since I was a little girl that there was things I just wanted to say you know I always had a very strong kind of inner life because my mother would read to me you know since I was tiny she was obsessed with educating you thank God and so she created our us in terms of imaginations and she would feed our imaginations constantly my sister and I and I would spend a lot of time alone in my room reading assistant and I credit literature with the reason I act because that was sort of the door to to me saying oh I can be somebody else I can exist as somebody else and I would become you know Madame Bovary I would become would you repeat their novel what did your parents say when you said I'm going to leave at 17 high school um my parents were interesting because they were strict um had a sort of a pretty strong moral code yet they were also very liberal so I said I'm going to go to Amsterdam when I'm 17 that's what I said why Amsterdam I had a boyfriend that was um I had a place there and he said you know come with me and and so off I went so I was willful I was sort of it I you know desire to please my mother still to this day and some sensitivity where she's come to you and you've been to her too poor important moments and she come to you an important moment I mean you had to come back from Europe because she was sick mmm cancer yeah but when you had when you needed her she was there as well yeah she sighed and said get up girl yes yes get out about this ah yeah well she's you know tough love il Matto I said to her I said oh you're gonna read an article on you she's like please just stop no more about me I don't want to hear about me but um she's a huge influence on my life as is my father who I have an enormous amount of respect for because he's a really good man I think when you're raised with a strong father who but has a lot of goodness it sort of gives you makes you feel good about men this is a good time to be an Australian in the movie business isn't it it is there's a lot of you and Russell and Phillip Norris and Naomi and list goes on and on who are all um we're all very very good friends my hair yeah odd actually we talked about it but we really watch each other's backs you know have that thing where we'll protect and take care of each other through thick and thin so it's not time to you they're all there all of them I mean now me moved into my house she moved into the house to make sure that you were yeah a friend yeah I had three women move into the house that my friends they just moved in I mean I was you know very lucky because they just that's it they left their homes and came and lived with me Russell sent a note or something so Russell arrived in a car and said I'm taking you out to a club you got to get out you've got I was like oh and he said no no move on move on you know he's pretty pragmatic Russell and he and he's tough to doesn't indulge you in your emotion which it's good Phillip noises and we mentioned Phillip noises now having two great films been around well rabbit porch wood cinema the rabbit rabbit proof fence rabbit proof fence and you're very welcome for our country Aborigines taking a long trek across across the country mm and just you know the situation there with the children and everything which is a pretty complicated situation but he's some yeah he's doing really well you know he directed me dead calm that was a first we all stay in touch the weirdest thing not weird should right share things and you should stay in touch so when Russell wins the Academy what you're there cheering on the phone yeah and after that Days of Thunder gamer who was it called you and said we've seen dead calm and we we want you to come meet um to talk to Tom McGann oh oh um yeah they called me in on Days of Thunder yeah - oh yeah on a big American movie in and I came and you were reading it I don't know if you're ever ready I sort of came over and I remember sitting in the Beverly Hills Hotel I was like oh this is unbelievable and I remember switching on the TV and they were like sixty two channels mmm I you know about actually and then I went to New York soon they took me to New York and I I stepped off the plane and I just went ah this is a dream but then of course I went into the hotel room and didn't come out because I was too frightened ridiculous and then you introduced to Tom and then I met um my ex-husband yeah and made that movie yes yeah and then sort of you know then I wanted to have a baby and everything else goes out the window mid-90s greats have very strong maternal kind of um instincts actually like ever since so it's a teenager I wanted to have a baby more than one yeah yeah - I have - yeah Isabella Isabella and God can do worse than being called Bella oh yeah now I'm call a Bella and Connor and Connor mm-hmm the movie to die for yes you had to go and make your case yeah it's interesting I mean I think that had you know it it was one of those things where I'd seen Drugstore Cowboy I thought go Spencer really really good and and but can we had written this great script and of course they you know weren't even remotely interested in me and I was just at a stage in my life where I thought well I I was my child was now 18 months and I was kind of going wow it doesn't look like it's ever really going to work out for me in terms of the work I wanted to do but I've got a great family and and I've got my baby and then this script came along and they said well they're kind of interested but they're not sure and so I went and met with Gus and I talked to him on the phone and and I just said you don't understand I just need to do something I need to play this role because I need to do something good so that I can feel good about myself in terms of I just want to in Australia's you're kind of suffocating in terms of not having the kind of role thing versus you know if you're creatively you need an outlet whether it's cooking whether it's doing something that you're good at that's creative and for me it was as I wanted to act and even if it was on a small stage somewhere that would have been fine but it was just the just having the chance to kind of let those creative juices flow out of you rotate piers the scene mr. Da'Ville really looking for someone to answer the mail run a couple of errands you know minimum pay no benefits Oh money is not my main concern mr. grant I just want a chance to contribute something I think you're fun to have very valuable ideas about programming in them nobody be do you're not hearing what I'm saying take a look around you if you I mean Suzanne we're talking local cable station here oh I just want a chance to get my foot in the door mr. grant everybody has to start somewhere do you know where every time art started no I I don't know will neither do i offhand but i don't think it was at the top to you hmm I live only five minutes away from here I will be willing and eager to respond to any newsworthy emergency you put in front you anything you want mr. Wran this is a dream I have had all my life - anything to get this job anything hmm this is my associate George Oh pleased to meet you George Oh we'll think about it mr. Wren I believe that my assets Hey I said we'll think about it and and we will okay thank you thank you thank you I believe that in our fast-moving computer age it is the medium of television that joins together the global community and it is the television journalist who serves as messenger bringing the world into our homes and our homes he has always been my dream to become such a messenger I look to you gentlemen now to make that dream a reality we were told my standard cubic while watching that Eyes Wide Shut Stanley Kubrick changed your life you just said to me yeah he did because he's one of the most brilliant people if not the most brilliant I've ever encountered and I got to spend two years working with him and then you know a year after that sort of talking to him on the phone and seeing him did is this something and he just did I mean he was he was a professor of life a professor of art I mean he just knew everything about so he just knew things and I would sit on the floor of his office and he'd let me go through all his things he had a big office very very messy but he knew everything was within it but and I would just had to talk to him and we talked about everything I mean really actually about our film and more about everything else he never thought about coming back to New York or did he he didn't like to fly he wasn't even a fly no I didn't want to live in America he had a beautiful place and surrounded by his family and his work and his animals and he was able to just exist there and do what he wanted to do I really admire him for that because um and everyone else you know go oh he's so weird or he saw this and I'd say I mean I don't know if it's because I am but my but I see he did not seem terribly strange to me he just seemed brilliant you know and I've now worked we encountered and worked with some of the most brilliant people in the world and they're all pretty similar you can take all the loop that we just talked they're all sitting there they have one second loopy it's not loopy or weird it's just who you are you know and to be it's just sometimes a different way of looking at the world a different way of existing in the world walking in the world old it's different because there's no right and wrong no now when you made dog though did you do that because this was a director you wanted to work with yeah just that simple that simple but just again with him actually what I am we're doing a trilogy but you never saw a frame of the footage nope anything you'd shot it with digital hmm you show up for six weeks well longer access it for a couple of months yeah yeah yeah in the middle of Sweden and this place called twelve hutton I take walks with Lars in the first week and I thought he's going to kill me yeah he is going to kill me because we'd go up into the forest and it had been a long road getting there because I had not wanted to work so I had passed on doing the film because I just want to be with my children and I also pulled out of in the cart I pulled out of a lot of stuff thank you're producing yeah but so to get to that stage of it I said the okay I got to get through this year I cannot go and do a film this is not what I want to do and to make a film I have to really want to do it so I said I'll come in January little did I know that's the middle of winter in Sweden there's hardly any sunlight but it was an amazing experience I love that I love to go around the world and work with people who are visionaries and go to their countries I did it with some Alejandro Amenabar too and work within their world and be part of their world and give to them and walk away better because of it better oh gee Kate or whatever walk away you something you got weight going I'm so glad I did that I'm gonna look back when I'm an old woman and remember trollhättan Sweden and and walking through this kind of white everything was white this white grey blue light and white everywhere cuz of the snow with Lars in the forest talking about like to remember Las ephie being challenged on Who I am what I am you know he was he thought I represent Hollywood and and then I said lives I'm here doing this move for no money because I believe in you I'm here I came to your country here because I believe in you have you seen the film yes I've seen it now yeah are you pleased with it yeah I mean it's a very unusual film the season I got that yeah yeah and some people gonna love it since we're gonna hate it I would think but I've made a lot of films like that isn't it says something it's political actually political Dogville so it'll be interesting to see the reaction to it but I'm very very glad I made it after Eyes Wide Shut you whose idea was it to do the Blue Room it was Sam Mendes and I met I actually through Patrick Marber who wrote is a closer and Patrick said I've got a friend would love to meet you sir before Sam Mendes between these Sam Mendes before E one is Academy Award and we sat and clicked and I said I'm not doing theatre yeah I'd like to do a piece of theatre with you what do you think and he came up with doing the rond but where you play all the characters and David hare who I knew then agreed to adapt it and it was one of those things that blossomed very very quickly and I'm so glad it did because I remember it I love doing theatre and I remember it as being one of those times when you're just walking on air because it had been such a risk and I've been so terrified by it terrified and then to actually sort of push through that and we got a wonderful reviews and it was just one of those things we're doing eight shows a week going oh this is why I act roll tape here's our scene from Blue Moon where was it Jim Bob - oh yeah I'm rambling but my life is a search a sir yeah yeah for a love which stays real more - miss Clooney's views on the subject what is this with Brigid she's your girlfriend after all she it says in the papers somebody should have told me Oh Oh Malcolm come here David Hare said that when you started you knew nothing about acting in theatre yeah well like getting some I don't do magnolias in Australia done Midsummer Night's Dream but I hadn't ever you know done this sort of work so it was it was that was frightening I think looking back now I would go if I knew how how frightening it was going to be I don't know if I take the plunge again but there's braveness is like a pattern and ignorance right the vagueness in naive you take the plunge and then you look back and then you go what was I thinking I do this for B you say if I'd known this I would have done I'm so glad I did it yeah right it comes down to you really can't think about it too much you sort of have to listen to your gut and you just have to say succeed or fail it will be an experience and what did it change um I would changed my career because from that point that's how Steven Daldry thought to cast me as Virginia Woolf because he saw me in the play and I played five different characters all different age ranges so and the Baz Luhrmann came and saw it and that's how he cast me in more long rows it's just weird how things lead to other thing Baz Luhrmann comes to see it hmm which I didn't know thank God you didn't know he was there no no no that would have been hard I never liked knowing I'm always like don't even come to play please don't come to the play and I Sam would have to teach me so will teach you how to take my bow because I would go on and apologize to the audience because I thought it was absolutely dreadful you know you would say I'm sorry oh wait the bow I'd be like huh hmm terrify it's a very hard thing to come on and say to take a bow I just you know I'd never learned how to do it and everyone say you were being so strange up there taking your bow here is what he said Baz Luhrmann recently here said about now and watching you and Mulan in the Blue Room oh really what's it I could never get to anyway I eventually because I had sent a few years and eventually um went and saw the Blue Room which was a fantastic game I seen her there's a her character received roses from a guy in the theatre in the play so I sent her the same roses backstage and said little card says she sings she dances she dies how can you refuse so pretty quickly we got into a little workshop and and you know discovering the voice and realizing that you see the thing is in the golden period of Hollywood it wasn't about having a big voice I mean I work with opera courses and they all have big voices it was about having a voice that could affect you emotionally that you could tell story through and it became clear very quickly that she had what it took to tell the story vocally like a like a Malina Dietrich you know like in the same way Marilyn Monroe that nicole has a bigger voice than that but can be very very emotionally available through her voice so that was the decision having said that you know yourself Charlie there a lot of people going to Kidman seeing Dan's happiness you know and I think that what I love about beloved about it we both went through a very intense journey ourselves during the period of time she is one of them she's inspiring in her ability to be so good when things are so bad and difficult and I believe that in Milan Rouge it's not the only part of Nicole because she is an actor but that that kind of warm electric personality that is is captured in that from their wackiness that humanity that's a big part of her that we she hasn't had the opportunity to reveal we've only seen the tip of the ice and that if she comes in you'll receive that probably in buckets as opposed to yes indeed she can be extraordinarily strong she can be very precise she can be regal you know ahead what do you think of that that's ballsy that's it's mine that's your bazi yeah here's the quick you know you trick people in life when you just click and you know this is not just about a film this is about a lifelong relationship somebody will be with you forever and you'll be friends with you make another move your another play or anything do you think there's a connection hmm here's what I don't understand they're all these things they're all saying mm-hmm do you view this as sort of because you've got a series of roles you were able to do things that even surprised you perhaps or be you knew all this talent was there it's just that all of a sudden people realise it themselves because they saw you in rules that they had roles they admired you no no I think you always think you can't act yo looks like because it's such an intangible thing you know you're relying on your emotion or how I work it's all about feelings so you just go you never quite know if it's all going to come together so therefore the directors that you work with are the ones that they sort of draw you out they coax you out they see things that then they that that you let them access I suppose and I mean that's what happened with Baz and I you know he was Hicks as wacky well he he's the one that brings that out in me you know but there is this sense that I'm not sure I can do this oh all the time even today oh yeah yeah I mean I'm about to start a film next year and I'm thinking oh oh my gosh I have to go away I have to be alone I have to sort of sit with this and then and and you're so worried you're going to let the director down you know you feel so grateful that you've been cast I mean partly for me at this moment I know that this whole time is fleeting you know so you don't wanna get too attached to it even because it's beautiful and it's but it's fleeting so you want to enjoy it and do it and make sure you do whatever you can to give it mm-hmm white hmm and be generous about it to just say well what will be will be rather than rather than trying to say well it has to be this or it has to be that it's more just saying okay and and then being willing to walk away from it too you know so that you have a full enough life that there's many many other things in your life that you can family and children in and register I mean I like to Don write something eventually I want to be a great cook I love to cook you're pretty good new I'm okay I'm not really good but I love to do it I mean Sydney Pollack's said a wonderful thing he is a wonderful cook and he said you know just that being creative with that meal once a day is that can satiate you create it's so true so in terms of that my life I know my life is not this this is a period in my life and there's so many you know there's the next decade and then it hopefully you know you never know touch would but the next decade will be something different possibly and that makes someone like Meryl Streep even more extraordinary because it is gone and you know it's gone from decade a decade to decade yeah and she also shows you how to do it because she's managed to raise four children she's managed to keep her integrity her sense of humor her wit her which she has great wit and to be a full person I mean when you meet Meryl you say this woman is rich right and so she's not vacuous there is so many things behind those eyes and that is glorious to see and it gives you great hope you've touched on this a couple of times um when the news came that your marriage was over hmm you feel that which no the held fear mm-hmm darkness a sense of what's no sense of the future you were scared about the future yeah I mean I had been in a wonderful relationship 11 yes since 2010 I was 22 yeah and so I didn't know anything else and he was really my first major relationship and and that was all I knew and I was sure that that was going to be all I knew so you know it was one of those things where yeah and I think every person that goes through divorce realizes I mean it's terrifying because your life partner suddenly isn't going to be your life partner and you've got to somehow learn to be alone and that was not what I was good at so then that's when friends came and made sure you weren't alone in them yeah but partly now I look back at it and you have to go well Oh life gives you these strange things I mean there were so many other things to because if I had that you know the health problem and the health problem I lost my baby mascara come in couple weeks so it wasn't I feel so embarrassed aw 'king about it they part of me says to talk about it because you just say well it is part of my life and it's there and everyone sort of read about it and I will never ever deal with details on it because of my children but you did but you do say well I got through it and you know and life goes on with because of friends and because of work and because of Fran yet primarily because of family and friends and that's what your mother came to you and said I did not indulge me in any of my grief um pick yourself up and get your act together you got two children get down in that kitchen now and put you know and let them see that their mother is okay so and you let them see that yeah and at some point in a relationship you also come to the notion that I am a divorced person and I you know that life goes on yeah took a while to get there I think you live with it for the rest of your life it's a long I mean for me it was a great great love so it's something that you and I don't give up my attachments easily you know in terms of emotionally I don't I don't do it with a film I don't do it with their life experience or with a partner or with anything you know when I there's an intensity to my personality I suppose for fun water wipe things lightly which is why I don't enter into something lightly either you have to find out what what replaces love I mean there's some other car connection replacement trust being there all that few share children you find some others you have to grow up you grow grow up mmm you have to be an adult with the when there's children involved here your varies their protectors and as their guidance so your you have to be worthy of their respect and that means as my mother says you are a role model to your children you get your act together and it's true you know even though at the time it seems so harsh well I can't you just love me unconditionally and really it's like no come on and I'm grateful that I've got that sort of attitude from my parent I mean thank God you know I mean there's a great love there from them too and the the idea of success coming so as you say now it's fleeting you don't know how long it's going to last you want to love it you want to make sure you think you're created you're as creative as you could possibly be but if you don't know thank you right back as well I think so much of it as being you know it's interesting because what can happen once you become far more well-known is that you pull away from the world you start to go oh I'm not gonna leave the house much you're going to do and I'm going to surround myself so that I don't have to deal with live in the world yeah and really if you push through it you can actually end up meeting the most interesting people and having really interesting conversations because people come up to you on the street you'd normally would never made and as long as you're open to them I think so much of it is about staying accessible you know emotionally accessible right you are almost saying that I mean somehow you spend 10 years why because with so much intense public and all of that you're kind of living in a bubble and yeah and you won't be in a relationship though I mean I think anybody can say that it's very difficult in an intense relationship to let anybody else in yeah you know it's hard to maintain your friendships it's hard to maintain your the other things that you should know why there's when you're in a very intense relationship partly you don't want it you just so interested in each other you know and it's incredibly romantic so you know now I'm going there's all this these people out there and change me and and and their life you know our lives can cross and that's sort of quite exciting when you tell me about the future I mean you've got you you may do Stepford Wives or not is that gonna happen yeah we're working on this group I like to do a comedy just Paul River and redneck it was the one of the funniest people well yeah mm-hmm you're very funny when you're working on the script as well well he's doing it on sort of um you know involved but he's doing all the work and yeah I wanted I would like to make fun of myself a bit so he'll come in haripada being in this dragging you gotta take the piss out of yourself take the piss out of yourself that's right well as you do this taking the piss out of yourself yeah how are you gonna do that I don't know I think Paul will manage you have Frank dogs is the director and Paul yeah what am i cause they did in and out in and out and um yeah he's sensing that what about Bobby things do you have a list of things of Directors and people you want to work with who you're I'm gonna work with Jonathan Glazer next to some head director phone called sexy beast yeah oh sure I'd have sexy beast work with Ben Kingsley what's the story excited about it's a complicated so I won't go into it do you want to come back you would you come back to Broadway to do something I'd love to I'd love to come to off-broadway - yeah you know I like to not have too much pressure oh yeah well theatre is an experiment you know I want to support theatre it's so important to count I've got to get back in and just otherwise the fear governs you again so you just got to you know be pushed into it it is daunting and it's hard with children just the eight shows a week and you think oh I'm gonna the hours will be good but it's actually quite difficult you just end up getting very little sleep that's one I had to go to sleep and then get up and they want to get them to school that's why Merle doesn't be more she's Tommy yeah the same reason because of yeah back and forth - but gosh there's so many great place to do you know are you you might think it's important it's important to say yeah I believe in this artform and I want to keep contributing to it you are glad that you said yes to all those times when you didn't really want to do anything coming out of the divorce when when you know the one Tony I was oh and Liza's movie yeah Lars just move in you'd already finished Human Stain by that or no not like that yeah if not this year yeah then Philip Roth was there Philip visited the set once yeah and then you interviewed Felder no I've tried very hard he's - does it do a lot of television yeah so when you look at do you feel a sense nail that you clearly must have at least a realisation beyond that this is a great time and you know that the performances you're giving are what David's do David Denby said I caught it oh you and I would I be embarrassed you must know Anthony Hopkins who worked with you in yeah oh he said the following she doesn't know how good she is yeah you know what they did say that yeah you don't want to deal with that certain almost it's almost like you're just doing it I take it serious he would look at me and be like what are you doing he was out with solo I loved working with him I loved working with him he's so good in the movie showing him it's dying it's so easy for him yeah see here's what I think would be the greatest thing to be where you are now give me advice on Aiden what tell me Charlie yes not yet people believe that you will add something special to their creative project so they want you you know that's happening you know you see things now you have more choices more options ah more power in some way you know but it's but if your goal as you say is to grow and expand you know it the success you're having gives you an opportunity to you know to to serve that appetite more mm-hmm yeah and I suppose it's about choosing the things that or the people that you know you can that maybe they wouldn't be able to get a film made unless you got behind it opens it up so that it's sort of seeking out that those films or those those people and saying hey it's also though you know choosing your friends and keeping them close and supporting them to you know getting helping I'd completely believe in helping a friend get a job if they've got the talent you know you go help them why not it's a tough world you know did you change anything and the way it is today the world or no your life your my life oh I change I would um yeah I mean I've said it before I would I would have my oh it's two person I would how do you would have work well I would have you know what I had before over this I would but you will surely you know that you will it's you don't know anything really do you know you don't but I mean there may be I mean you do you feel that there was just one man for you and I don't know signing Wow I know you do but help me into me you don't you you too you're too much a part of life and you you participate you know I don't want to be a lawyer I'd much rather be a participator and delivered mm-hmm live but where my heart on my slave my battle scars that liveth thank you for coming thank you it's a remarkable performance by you hey can you know that I feel honored to have played her and I'm very honored to put what I perceived to be her essence on screen thank you again Nicole Kidman has been here for the hour and we are very pleased that she came to share this time with us thank you again thank you for joining us we'll see you next time
Channel: selinakyle
Views: 127,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlie rose, nicole kidman, actress, the hours, interview, moulin rouge, dead calm, to die for, eyes wide shut
Id: yu1EGe_xPow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2012
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