Charlie Hunnam is "Indifferent" to Marriage

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um so you're 40 and you're about to have a little bit of a crisis trying to figure out where I'm I'm 39 still 39 months but I do feel like as though I'm on the precipice of some sort of crisis no you're good you're gonna figure it all out in the next 10 years 40s are no I I feel like it was just gonna be a temporary crisis of actually you know putting a fall on to the old age yes you know are you are you single to it no I've been with my girlfriend for 14 and a half years Wow yeah I think and 30 years maybe what is your love what is your POV about marriage um sort of indifferent she does not feel the same she's very eager how are you yeah so you know I'll do it because it's important to her but I don't have any sort of great romantic feelings towards it I wouldn't go with that line when you pop your question no no one listens to others massage don't worry I can help you with that did you just say no one listens to this show it's very much worth all of your time this is the most bit of press that you're gonna do leading up to the premiere of the gentlemen I hope you all know that and of course the film is in theaters on January 24th what can you tell young Charlie Matthew about the period of life that he's about to embark on Derek Charlie's gonna be just fine the 40s are man's best decade and I found it I think the 30s for at least for me and a lot other men I've talked to or about process of elimination you get rid of those things that don't really pay you back and in the 40s you begin to customize and you start to double down other things that do pay you back um it's a it was my favorite decade by far by far besides you better mate same I've never enjoyed any decade where the 40 is a smaller level of disgust as far as decades ago for you do the same level of disgust who knows what's gonna cut as to who's the you're the boss of this place they're very nice bloke I met in the green room - Scot greenstein's got yes yeah and we talked about golf because we belong to the same Club and okay he was when we talk about golf with with with Charlie and he doesn't play golf and he said well the a cost you go golf you go clubbing then you go Golf Club that's how life goes but my locker life went clubbing Golf Club back to clubbing which is when I think I first met you yeah I had four lost years really yes you did I bet you during the last year yeah you did it was fun you were clubbing as well uh yeah I think so yeah I think so yeah yeah you were not quite the animal I had turned into by that stone well I mean that's a very that's a high bar you said mister was Sir grant I remember going to stay with my brother out in Southampton he you know he lives here he's gonna house out in Southampton for his 50th and apparently I disappeared I disappeared in Southampton I believe read it that's I believe that I was a Jason to that were you yes I was yeah yeah you
Channel: SiriusXM
Views: 377,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SiriusXM, Sirius XM, Sirius, SXM, Charlie Hunnam, charlie hunnam interview, charlie hunnam girlfriend, matthew mcconaughey, Matthew mcconaughey interview, hugh grant, hugh grant interview, the gentlemen, the gentlemen interview, the gentlemen trailer, the gentlemen cast, the gentlemen cast interview, behind the scenes, hugh grant 2020, matthew mcconaughey 2020, charlie hunnam 2020, charlie hunnam wife, the gentleman, charlie hunnam on fallon, guy ritchie, jackson teller
Id: lK__HwKzd7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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