Charleston White Interview with Reec! Explains why he is the most hated man on the internet!

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man it's Taylor Gang I died right now we live for media Campus West you know what it is live on Magic 107.5 97.5 real sound of Atlanta of course Reese radio shout out to my brother DJ Decepticon for plugging of all plugs right here we got demand to Memphis the legend the man has been doing so many great things for the State of Texas we're going to talk about that the man that always seems to find a way to set the internet completely on fire we're going to talk about that the man has been hitting every single stage Across America got a show coming up with TK Kirkland real soon y'all might not know this man really does comedy uh Charleston white is in the building you can find him on IG and rat Wings we gotta figure out what that's about and more man the guy that's here that like I said you you just like to throw gasoline sometimes and say watch where it lands right now live on the resale let me hit the hype Bell right now what's up big dog what's up with it man glad to be here man I'm feeling good to have you here bro you uh you were just dropping some gems when the camera was off we kind of were talking about this this space here this studio space here and you were saying you know you learn from the Vets now I want to say that because you doing comedy yeah but you just dropped two names in comedy that are legends in the game that have dealt with controversy but that means I just hear it in your voice that you really just don't do comedy you studied it I studied oh yeah uh I've studied all all the great comedians even from a Rodney Dangerfield yeah uh and so I I even went a little further uh as a kid Howard Stern caught my attention Okay uh so from the time I was 15 16 years old I would watch Howard Stern on the weekends yeah me too in the boys home uh you know that was the soft porn uh you know for a kid that was the soft porn because he gonna have the porn stars on there he had pounded so you get to see the tits uh can I say that on here it's too late oh okay well yeah I'm sorry hold on let's let's go ahead and clear the air this is a totally uncensored interview you say what you want we believe it out for the radio but you can say what you want let's talk we talking okay so so so so when you look at Howard Stern uh Bill O'Reilly a Rush Limbaugh uh even if you go back to Petey Greene right uh so so Petey Greene was one of my favorites Peter Green was one of the legendary radio hosts I was African-American DC came on the air had Super Shock value and say things but he always had an agenda underlying agenda that will move the culture forward and that's that's what I came with right so if if you ask me about anything uh that I've said that's that's been offensive that people may think I've gone overboard for I I can give you a reason on why I said it so there's nothing I've said on the internet where I just was saying it just to be saying it if you're happy remember why you say this about this right what about when you said you grape this I can give you a real reason and an explanation on why I said it and the reason for for my intent on saying it right yeah so uh that's where I got that from Petey Greene so if you go from PD green to to red fox uh one of my favorite movies was JoJo dancer yeah uh Richard Pryor so I learned his life uh Robin Harris uh so you know I studied all the greats homie so uh one of my favorite was Dolomite yeah uh I grew up believing that that Dolomite was a real person yeah he was some ignorant black guy right Dolomite right it wasn't until uh Eddie Murphy dropped the the biopic on Netflix about Rudy Ray more and more right who who the man was that worked in the record store yeah they got everybody's game from the city around him yeah he made it into a character so so so the same bomb or a drunk that he used to kick out the store he eventually ended up meeting him in the alley homie and recording them him and other guys yeah uh and so that's what I did I hung around the classic lady uh which was a hole in the wall juke joint gambling Shack uh [ __ ] house and this was Texas yeah and stop six so I I sat around and heard all this stuff for the game yeah and so I brought it to the internet but the light didn't come on until I saw the the movie uh uh the life story about Dolomite yeah so so what up so what I end up assessing is you have you cannot influence Black Culture or or sort of say black people being yourself um you had to put on a name you had to put on a facade you got to put on that mess it has to be a smile now cry later kind of face it it has to be uh it has to have some theatrics yeah the the the uh the preacher just can't get up and preach yeah or he teach he has to come with the well right they teach that yeah right so even even the school teacher homie the school teacher just can't get up and teach uh uh what they said about Dr King they said that because he wasn't even if he wasn't the most influential or best activist he had the most character to be able to get out there and move the people man his his speeches was was so uh the way he delivered them uh the tone so so what I learned in in at the community college level was I took introduction to speech uh and then I took a professional speech uh and even just writing in English one in English composition in college yeah or writing a persuasive paper or writing an informative paper uh I learned how to use adjectives and words and descriptive words and then I said Wesleyan yeah they said Western right uh so that's the university so I went to Tarrant County Community College first so I went from the community college to to the so rather than getting my associate's degree I transferred into a bachelor's pre-law program right uh but but what I learned in professional speech class was the first two to three minutes of your speech you have to have some type of uh statistical data that's going to get somebody's number one and three one two three say little homie one of y'all going to prison so when I walk into a school and I say one two three and I point out three black kids and I say one of y'all going to prison that's so shocking it makes the teachers uncomfortable right and then I stop and say hold on now this ain't nothing I'm saying these are the number of Statistics so now I got the attention for one I don't tell these kids they're going to prison right the kids are unfolding the teachers really like hold on so I use that same tactic on internet homie it's like writing a paper yeah it's something in your paragraph has to be uh uh it has to have some type of shock and awe some type of shock value to make people keep reading it yeah uh and so uh that that's what I brought to the internet but see the issue with that is and I mean when I say issue I'm taking this as a total positive thing yeah a lot of people can do the the ones and twos and the X's and O's but you still got to get out on the court and perform yeah a coach could drop the plague which would be to college you could understand the formula but the way you perform it but that's pure talent uh because you is believable well that's that's that's that's where that's where having information that's where uh having knowledge and then that's where having the wisdom to the apply the knowledge so that's the application of the information right most black people most people know a lot of things they have a lot of information they know how to do a lot of things except the things they say they know how to do right you know what I'm saying so we know everything except how to build a business how to get some money so what I started noticing is all my guys who was coming home from prison they have all the knowledge in the world right they can talk it but they can't show you right uh application the application so that's what I started saying uh I I can't hear nothing I can't see so I get a lot of people start saying well man you need to do this okay show me yeah show me what I'm doing show me what I need to do right if what you're telling me I'm doing it wrong I need to stop doing okay you show me because I got over 12 years of of of of works yeah so there's a scripture in the Bible that says faith without works is dead so we got a lot of faith we just ain't got to work yeah you putting the work in though we got a lot of faith we just ain't got to work now one thing I've heard you say time and time again because you talk about hype in your Youth Organization the things you're doing because you were trouble you went through situations you was raising hell in Texas let's just put it there a good kid come from a good home or don't know what it's like to be abused don't know what it's like to be hungry at night I've never came home and the lights was off uh I've never seen a man come out my mother the bedroom uh I I I'm the kid growing up in Buckhead playing Gangster yeah yeah I'm the kid in the upper middle class neighborhoods that they get to go over their Grandmama house or their cousin house who still live in the projects spend a weekend over there come back to school on Monday mimicking everything I saw over there playing like I'm from there right uh I started claiming with my poor cousin number from right now why you think that is uh because the culture make you feel like you ain't real well first thing that goes y'all man you ain't never ate no syrup sandwich you didn't have a silver spoon in you so our culture will shame us because for being successful we didn't grow up poor uh because our mothers We inherited something right yeah I I grew up with my dad around and people would actually say that in a negative way yeah man you don't know what it's like I don't need to know what it's like right oh that's abnormal I remember asking this kid uh a young highway I said man uh what what it's like to have your dad in your life oh he couldn't answer the question because he don't know what it's like that was a foreign question yeah but that's abnormal actually yeah it shouldn't be like that yeah but it's become now even though it's abnormal it's now traditional yeah it's now for at least the last I'm 46 so at least the last I'll say 50 55 years this have been a tradition of for young black males to grow up in a single parent African-American home headed by his single mother that's a tradition now yeah yeah yeah and you said growing up you mimicking that because your peers are saying whatever you got going on you're not real oh well we we during my era uh the the one Daddy on the Block right so we had my cousin uh Stephen so he had we had my Uncle Joe uh [ __ ] games didn't didn't didn't come on the Block as long as Uncle Joe was there it's when I could join them left the gangs came on the Block right uh you didn't walk through Uncle Joe brass yeah you didn't cuss up there about Uncle Joe house so even though that one man presence he was like all of our fathers right that's it that's like how my possible because we had access to him yeah so it so one one dad can father many children are on the Block but but what's what happened homo we started moving into communities uh where it was white fathers it was Hispanic fathers and we we had access to their fathers yeah uh so when we went when we spent the night at their house and go back home we can only dream of what we saw at their house right so what we do we turn on the television we see Bill Cosby Bill Cosby with my dad you know yeah I don't care nobody said he was a lot of fun Yeah well black doctor the first one you've seen me without my dad Carl Winslow with my dad he's more like awful right but Bill with Daddy yeah uh because for for up until that time we just had uncles yeah and and so what what ended up happening was uh some of our uncles became uh that that that negative male image that sold the seeds of detriment yeah uh you know my uncle was a pimp uh and he thought it was cool to let us see that yeah and then the other uncles uh and your mom cousins so so so most of my parents home in the 70s uh they was teenage mothers uh in the 70s so most of us in the 70s grew up our mothers was young yeah uh some mothers did some things when they young just like you know me when we young right and our children see it yeah we forget what they see yeah it is Young they don't they know yeah they don't know so so when they grow up they're gonna display some behaviors that they seen in the first right zero to five years of their life those things are gonna start displaying when they reach the the the pre-ado listen to the Adolescent age 10 11 12. uh once they start forming and maturing where they can run away maybe Buck back and either make you kill them because they body size is a little bigger uh the behaviors that you saw from zero to five that's when they're gonna start displaying so you fast forward start displaying these behaviors some of these things that you wanted to see Amendment you get jammed up you get triggered yeah yeah uh uh I I had my my Aunt B was my mom youngest sister uh I ain't be with Street and ain't B had a boyfriend named my Uncle Curtis they was together before I were born yeah so they were they were the uncles who would fight and stab each other go to jail but they the cool uncle right every weekend uh so when when crack hit my mom would let a b come stay with us when she was getting out of jail but guess what she gonna do she gonna bring a Curtis wood right so Uncle Curtis getting out of prison he telling me prison stories and he making the story sound man like it's what you need it's like just like your uncle coming back from the military telling you what happened in Vietnam kind of like the music come on and he's making this and he cool right he keep mini got to Chuck Taylor's he earning the clothes throughout the day oh he ain't got no job uh and so so you hearing that from your uncle oh then you got Penitentiary one you have to move his Penitentiary so just like colors right so you got Penitentiary one Penitentiary two Penitentiary three who you got two sweet yeah little light-skinned dude that can fight so I haven't seen all the penitentiary movies on top of my uncle indoctrinated me right so in my mind I grew up believing because Uncle Wayne went Uncle Curtis went uh man uh it's almost like a writer passage and it's almost like college in some way it is so just so just imagine this homie to to a kid we a kid have a young impressionable mind right right it's easy to oppress upon a kid right so if this is all you seeing in the males in your family yeah that's what you're supposed to do come on homie so not only that when I go over my homeboy hell his daddy in prison yeah his brother going to prison his uncle coming home from prison right so now you got the television that's propagated through the culture prison through the culture right it's just like during the black exploitation they were home they propagated prostitutes and pimpsed us through the movie Superfly the mack so those movie was propagated through that to that era it was literally called the black exploitation so we're getting bombarded with all this information these images all this imagery there you go now yeah so I get it so so so I'm we're so me and so depend on what age you are we're the first generation of black children for for these mind controlling elements to be projected to this wasn't civil rights kids [Music] and see that I definitely understand that because being 83 and I'm growing up watching the that was the drug dealer era so the drug dealer era was they were the cool people that was the people that you wanted to have the money to cause the rims to change and all that stuff they was the Robin Hood the Robin Hood right yeah but it's it's it's so funny because when I hear my pops talk about drug dealers he calls them drug addicts he has the same respect for them as he has for drug addicts because he's like that's not nothing to respect uh Mo most people who don't live on that side of the street see no Prestige and a drug dealer a drug addict a thief a con player a liar any sucker that don't get up and go to work and understand there's no prestige in that right somehow our culture have made all of those elements prestigious over a working man Lil Wayne once said in a song a nine to five is overrated how right when when we're taught if you don't work you're gonna steal if you don't work you don't eat you don't go ask your neighbor do they got no sugar right you go get it come on now so uh so the the culture homie shifted and changed but I'm saying homie I'm the product of this culture right all the negative stereotypes and the things that it was propagated and then even though it was used as propaganda when we step out into our community when we cut the television off uh uh the first video NWA then made Express Yourself them [ __ ] were rapping from the jail yeah yeah somebody expressed yourself they were rapping from jail right so all these images before they start putting guns in the videos they start putting the dead body chalk lines yeah almost in every video come on now the police so these images uh man they they've been it's been it's been propaganda at this point right well that said we've been fed a lot of narratives that we shouldn't have but what I what I wanted to bring was you went through these things and literally firsthand you get locked up you seven years in I caught a murder case for for we we killed the white man uh uh I was I was a young black kid who who when I went outside to go play uh because of my uncles and and all the old guys around me right oh I took on I wanted they was giving me their hate um it's just like if it's just like if a [ __ ] had a dad at home homie and every day your daddy didn't go to work uh and he told you about what the white man won't let you do mm-hmm it's a lot of people believe the white man they can't do something in life because it's the white man uh I never had nobody to give me that but they gave me they hate yeah uh man if you go go do something you go across the railroad tracks and steal you go breaking today don't do it here so they made me think as a kid well if you're gonna do wrong it's okay do wrong over there and it's okay oh but it's no it's not it's not okay it's not yeah because my mother because my mother is teaching us son God has no respect of person he has no respect of color right and I'm saying yeah because as a boy you hear your mother right but you're gonna if you don't but but if you got other man you saying yeah I heard what you saying Mama but man they said yeah yeah and then you bought on this team yeah so you got your uncles really in your family because even even though your mother's trying to teach you right she's she's emasculating you in in her teachings out of her frustration and then out of her out of her desire to keep you safe and protected right for once you don't want you like your uncle than your dad right so that alone is gonna distort her teaching rather than letting her see her uncles and her dad and let him not to decide he'll want to be like that right you see what I'm saying yeah it's gonna distort her teachings my [ __ ] because she don't know what to teach him other than not to be like that and you don't teach a kid not to be like nothing you teach him right from wrong right from wrong sometimes the tone to turn you off right yeah yeah so uh but it's hard when you had those conversations because we men and I could tell obviously you have male influence so when we talk we can hear each other and sometimes and outside looking in they're like oh he talking bad about women that's not the case that's not what we're saying at all my mother never heard me because I want to smoke cigarettes uh and I live with my mother she never will see me put a cigarette in my mouth she walk on the back pool I put the cigarette down I would never uh if we had a family function we can be with all my cousins and relatives boy my mama never see me with a drink in my hand so I'm very respectful around my mother my mother don't watch my videos right the first time I really cussed in front of my mother was my my comedy show my birthday last week okay uh so uh so now I'm not I'm not I'm not bashing women right but but uh the a woman can only walk a boy to the starting line of becoming a man she can only walk him there and they can stand there forever until he's 45 but she can never help him cross that line and even begin the process I don't think she should because then he'll be a crush onto the whole life he can walk up there it's just like walking him off to college he's standing at that line they either standing there looking at each other arguing fighting forever or you're alive but yeah she have to it has to be a man to take him through that Journey right oh my mother understood that oh and she went out of the way uh to try to go find the men or out different uncles different cousins uh different coaches to get an influence but I I tell mothers all the time just just put your son around men and let him pick his own Mentor right so you make this mistake that lands you in this situation you get out and you start hype seven years uh seven years of my life in the boys home so so I started uh probably like 10 years after getting out so I started hype in my 30s so I got out uh when I was 21 my record was sealed so I have no felony convictions on my record I haven't been to prison I went to the boys home right I spent all of my time in the Youth Boys Home yeah so when I got out at 21 and you were lucky because I got a boy can't my homeboy Kenyatta he was 13 called assemble occasion was tried as an adult and that changed the laws in Georgia yeah I saw nobody's case yeah yeah so so that's my homie so yeah I know about this case uh luckily your situation is your situation oh it it was early 90s homie uh we're first generation of children in America uh who began to be tried and adjudicated for crimes such as capital murder murder were the children that that Hillary Clinton uh and Joe Biden went before Congress and said uh they sent a wave of Fear To America this is a shock wave of Fear To America or they said that there was a bunch of children that was born in America uh that they was bigger that they was faster and they really described an NFL as an NBA player right they said they was bigger faster stronger or that they was heartless criminals and that that we was that we was encourageable and the word incorrigible mean that we we wasn't going to be able to change right so they were describing us yeah uh and we were just children who was dealing with childhood trauma childhood pain who was acting out of the pain because what I understood uh from spending seven years in an institution with other kids who committed violent crimes is that uh no child is born bad yeah all behavior is learned Tommy I gotta talk I got all Behavior children children mimic what they see and repeat what they hear so if America if you or me have a problem with what we're seeing in our kids and we we need to look at inside of our household and see what they're seeing because they're mimicking what they're seeing I think you just shared a light on with some of the things that people uh feel like they could jump down your back about some of the Republican support Trump support uh Confederacy yeah yeah support is because you just said Hillary Joe Biden we all know Bill Clinton's record when we look into it yeah like three strikes situation and different laws that would change the incarcerated Mass amounts of black people for a long periods of time it seems like you were directly affected by that not just you but your community was affected by that and that's why you take the stands you take am I in my own point with that yeah that's pretty much uh but but mainly when I went to college uh for most of my life I was I was a Democrat I voted I voted for Hillary uh uh the first time I named my daughter or Chelsea after the Clinton's daughter but that's when I didn't understand that's when I lack knowledge but when I got to Community College and started taking government classes yeah uh and I had a a professor by the name of Dr Geoffrey Mitchell uh he was a brother from South Dallas that was teaching uh but he spoke about conservatism uh and when you think about conservatism it's what our grandparents believed yeah uh God family a liberalism is you do whatever you want or if you feel like you're a girl today you're a girl if you want to be whatever you want to be and that's that's not the case uh and so when I start understanding the two greatest factions uh that controlled our lives in America is Democrat or Republican and it's nothing in between they won't let nothing yeah and so I started really studying the two the origins of them and so most people think that the the party switch uh the the southern strategy when Nixon became president the Democratic party and the Republicans never switched there were some who switched sides but for the mostly they remain they have remained the same uh one became more clever with their slaves than the others yeah the Democrats have always owned slaves they have they have always owned slaves so they know us better than the Republicans yeah because Republicans are the party they're free slaves because Abraham Lincoln was part of that movement of free slaves the Republican party was mostly a northern party textiles yeah yeah the the freed the slaves running up north getting free and getting all the protection working building cotton building genes the other slaves down south picking the cotton sending the cotton up North and then you know in the factories right yeah so so so let me kind of stay on topic yeah so to to piggyback on what you just said uh if you look at the civil rights legislation in America um 100 of our civil rights legislation was not only signed it was authored by the Republican Party a young Republican wrote the 1964 uh uh legislation act the Democrats have always been against uh uh giving us civil rights so when Nixon became president you have LBJ who came into the faction LBJ became the most cleverest most smartest Democrat president that they could ever think of because he's quoted and documented as saying I'm gonna have these iggers voting Democrat for the next 300 years he said it out loud too he said out loud because they were so proud and what and what they did was they came with government entitlement programs yeah food stairs what happens right come on homie right and if you look the the second part that's behind food stamp program and everything like that destroyed the households yeah well uh up into that point man uh uh almost 90 percent of black household was married families yes and then we got government assistance yeah yeah oh so it wasn't it wasn't nothing um the the black woman had no control over what happened to her household yeah uh the black man got weak he he saw how easy it was man for him to lay in the bed uh he felt like he needed a break because he was tired of struggling uh then there was a group of black men that came along who your daddy despised he called him dope fiends I called it that's that's that's that's that's them man that's the [ __ ] they wanted to feel good the big one to get high it's a bunch of them [ __ ] today just want to sit around they want to have sex they want to come all day long they want to get head they want to eat they want to watch they want to feel good and they don't want no struggles they don't want their muscles to hurt from doing push up they don't want they don't wanna they don't want no struggle this this is a new group of that only just to feel good generation uh those were the hippies Make Love Not War yeah uh then was our Daddy's homie them [ __ ] made babies at the top of the projects the bottom of the projects around the corner they just feeling good coming yeah uh so that's that that's that's what the week in the black boy homie he just want to feel good every day wake up you just want to feel good yeah you don't want to put the work in no so uh so tell me about it so tell me about it let me just tell you how so so this is what I'm saying homie I'm I'm the product of a system so I went into the boys home at 14 years old yeah 14 years old I got out at 21. oh when I came out to to the black community uh there was no re-entry program I just said she lose to go back really yeah uh but but but but it's it's the black community Homie we supposed to have something for our people when they come back we supposed to have something when a kid get in trouble in our community in the in the court system said we want to do this we supposed to say Yana we think he's supposed to get harsher punishment and they said you know what black people it's just like the tribal Chiefs in the Indian Community we supposed to have Tribal Chiefs yeah they can go speak and Advocate homie and and they were they are buffers outside the preacher boy right because the preacher board and got in bed with our government by way of faith-based initiative programs that were created by President George Bush and now they get a tax exemption by Why by way of a 501c3 standard now we can't trust the preachers in the churches no more on the damn bed with the state yeah and that was never supposed to be so yeah we saw a lot of pictures surfaced like that yeah that's a lot of questions so so so we supposed to be picking our buffers homie uh our spokespersons uh we supposed to be looking in the high schools and in the middle schools and seeing which kid is playing uh student government and and and and all of that and we're saying okay you're going to be our next city council member yeah okay little brother you're going to be our next judge that's what they did to Kwame and Kilpatrick yeah uh that's what they do today kids we suppose don't we ain't supposed to let nobody show up and say hey y'all I want to run for City we didn't pick you [ __ ] no no no we'll pick you man we got a kid instead of graduate from high school in two years we gonna put him in a race yeah that's what we supposed to be doing yeah but that kind of goes back to what you said a while back a few minutes ago when you were talking about um we kind of beat up the people that have a future we kind of don't respect the people that really are smart we better not catch no kid or that deck and that can uh spill and spell good and he from the hood in the projects and he want to wear Van tennis shoes and he don't want to wear Michael Jordans and he want a skateboard or he want to violin instead of a basketball and football somebody go kick his ass somebody gonna kick that ass where you don't want to play that violin no more he gonna want a gun by the time he reached the status where he can be uh a genius at his at his gift yeah uh we put out the fire Homie we blow we we bust the lights right long before they can even get to the to the level or we can discover they got this gift right but you building a hype let's talk about that because at one point the light bulb goes off and you like I need to be the change oh I became a change I wanted to see tell me about it oh oh I uh after what happened to uh uh Trayvon one uh I feel like if Trayvon Martin was the kind of kid uh like most black kids should be raised yes sir no sir yes yes ma'am no ma'am even if you're wrong respect I think that kid is still be alive but he was a kid that was angry uh and this is from research this is from studying this ain't just from the verdict uh this is a kid who had to go live with his father because he was having already having issues uh some of the evidence that they laid out in court uh the kid could fight very good kid had anger issues uh it displayed a lot online through a social media post so that's how he was able to get off oh he was kicking George Zimmerman ass yeah he was he was the kind of kid couldn't wait to kick somebody's ass rather than saying say that say listen baby let me call you right back hey Dad uh this man is stopping me around the corner he's saying I did okay son right right there uh a lot of our young boys are walking around angry yes and when somebody do something wrong to them they responds make the person who've done wrong justify our response to a lot of things homie right even with even though yeah I'm now I I'm not agreeing with you know I'm saying now I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna say this now parts of what you're saying are true and people are gonna click on it and take the bike and say oh he's saying that I'm gonna put this out here that I think the response from Zimmerman was trash if you should have killed that boy this is what I tell my son right you don't fight no grown man because they gonna treat you like a grown man and they got the advantage you call me you know you a kid yeah no matter what that grown person do [ __ ] you stay in a kid's place yeah he got the UPS he got the UPS gotcha and look what it cost you you're like he got a free kill yeah so even though Jaws were wrong I'm saying man we was born into slavery what do we take so you saying what we take from this situation is a disobedient child days shall be numbered is what my mama kept saying why do y'all think we seeing so many kids die um he was a disobedient child already dealing with issues where he had to be sent to his father to be in his new neighborhood yeah most of our young boys all the Trayvon Martin's walking around with that same anger and can kick your ass right with that angle yeah and get on top of you and when he get on top of you guess what he ain't got no mercy yeah he gonna beat your nose so yeah you're gonna have to kill him now you shouldn't have been [ __ ] with it yeah you see what I'm saying yeah I get what you're saying so that moment that situation made you say I need to start changing these young minds oh a black lady by the name of Jackie Craig uh call the police on the white man who lived next door to her for choking her son her son threw some trash he made national news the police showed up uh and arrested the black mother and her children yeah uh it made national news yeah uh I met with all all the leaders uh they called me in uh and I wanted to run a con game rather than asking for the police officer to be fired uh I asked for uh for officer Dean to be put in the black neighborhood because I was working to stop [ __ ] got to let him come over here and work with these pole [ __ ] babies one disco cuss him out and call him out where he can learn yeah so rather than that everybody went for it with his head so they had a private meeting with all the city officials uh man they they had all the black pastors uh man Reverend Bell Pastor mckissey man had all of them homie Bishop Daniels yeah so these are all the black leaders uh all the top brass and so as I'm listening to the police yeah tell these people uh that they got a program that they want they want to bring to the black community to teach black children how to interact with with the police yeah so as I'm listening to the to the program it's saying it's what they would teach their children that normally they wouldn't teach you put your hand on a steering wheel cut on the interior light right tell him over there so I'm seeing the pastor squabbling about money so I jump up and said man ain't none of you [ __ ] trying to raise no money to help getting Miss Jack and Craig out of jail oh I lost favor with every black Pastor uh in the city after that sounded all right uh but but but but the the the city officials saw the revitaleness uh and the accuracy in which I was speaking yeah and so they they brought me in uh to start helping them teach black children or how to interact with the police right and so in my mind I'm like [ __ ] man it's a good game man so it it really works or if you get pulled over by the police homie and you cut the light on inside of the car yeah uh and you don't move until they get there you tell them my license is in my back pocket registration is in the driveway in the in the glove box you let all the windows down well what you did you gave him Clear Vision into the car you caused him not that's what they teach them for official safety there you go but nobody's teaching us that homie but we do that around the country with a program we got Clips because I'm literally in Milwaukee Tuesday to go talk to schools in Milwaukee because of blacker city in Wisconsin right about these same similar situations so that's what that's what made me get on this homie so I'm saying man why would I lead us but I started realizing the reason we don't have a lot of resources I'm not going to even say funding the reason why we don't have a lot of information at the bottom and a lot of resources at the bottom because our buffers are fighting for those little bit of crumbs of funding instead of the message instead of the messages yeah in the in the information in the knowledge is what's going to free us yeah it doesn't say that a people will perish from a lack of funding this is a lack of knowledge [ __ ] come give us the knowledge tell me what to do come on yeah tell me if this police officer do something wrong to me I got a right to go file a complaint and it's on his record just like my criminal record it's gonna affect him and his rage is going to affect him with a promotion because I said he done if somebody tell me that right and you could you know you can call the police on the police come on I don't seen the police sitting in the parking lot too long I feel like he harassing the weed out and calling this up man he's sitting there too long how's our tax paying money and he ain't come on this house ain't no investigation so you anybody can get it anybody can get the police speed through the neighborhood man 9-1-1 why did police flying this fat man he know his kids threw it up right yeah anybody get it what's funny is I got to see The Duality and who you are so like I see the activism and I don't mean just the person that's calling themselves activist I mean somebody just really hit the Boost where I'm running right but I also see the Learned person and then I'm feeling like you're taking all this stuff on stage for your company I I do uh uh uh I was admitted into a mental Asylum one time hold on you're not just finna drop that bomb uh yeah but yeah I was admitted to a minnow Silent One Time by The Police Department homie uh and and see most people think uh it is it's not ironic uh that our government is pushing this mental health uh narrative uh that they're coming up with all these mental health assessments and now the police have access to to admitting people to the mental health so the police not only have the power to arrest you they now have the discretionary power if they think your mouth too smart they think you're another Sandra Bland under the Sandra Bland act and people have to pay attention to acts under the Sandra Bland act on me the police now in Texas have the power and it's coming to a state near you yeah they now have the power if you got a smart mouth like Sandra Blaine oh we taking you over here to the mental Asylum so once we take you over here to the mental Asylum this is now medical this is not criminal yeah and you're also discredited from now on so hold on it goes different you are now been convinced of your constitutional rights to Due Process because you never see a judge now the power of release sits over uh a poor and you can't let yourself out you can't bond and bail yourself off you can't so you never even said so mandatory hole so so check this out so when your family say man well [ __ ] he was riding through goddamn Subs got pulled over by the police and and they took him to jail they called her jail just in all these jails he's not here they can never release your information under the HIPAA law right so what did you say to get you landed in um uh my homeboy uh my homeboy son uh Deshawn Steptoe oh I killed the high ranking uh police officer on the footwork or SWAT team killed a high ranking yeah bad boy yeah uh officer Garrett Hull uh 18-year veterans three-year Tools in Iraq or they call them Rambo yeah he was a bad boy oh the police have been training me uh on what procedural Justice is okay uh the 21st uh 21st Community 21st century community policing okay uh our federal government was running a pilot pilot program a pilot call of the national initiative after the Baltimore and Ferguson ride so I was on a private phone call with Barack Obama after the Baltimore Ferguson ride so uh how the hell you get on the phone call Barack Obama oh man I've been doing a lot of work homie yeah let's do hype yeah just do hype you know I've worked with over 50 U.S Congressional members to get juvenile life without parole abolished in America in 2016. uh man I was I was selected to to campaign with with Trump before he became president president Trump to uh key three three Battleground States yeah uh so so I was on the phone with him just coming up with ideas it was it was many leaders uh many leaders throughout throughout the country uh so so after the Baltimore and Ferguson rise our federal government looked out into the country and they said what was the most likeliest place in America that another Baltimore Ferguson could erupt right so they picked six cities to do this this pilot program that was called a national National initiative uh in Fort Worth Texas was one of those uh that makes sense it was one of those cities so uh when they when they came and pitched it to the black community leaders uh I thought I thought it was something uh that That Could That Could Bridge a gap between both black people in the in the police department right uh as well as give black community leaders uh more more power yeah uh in dealing with public officials as well as in their communities so uh so I jumped on board and took the training uh they they trained me uh I was teaching it uh in the community I was teaching law enforcement officers uh but had they been following uh their procedural Justice uh then then both officer Garrett Hall and Steph told will both be alive right and so I started saying that publicly oh man like that nah most people don't know homie uh uh don't no laws apply to you if you kill a police officer no no no uh your family uh if you noticed they never mentioned the families of Makai Johnson gave along none of that yeah it's like they erased these people uh so when Deshawn do this homie uh they killed him on the spot they could have took him to jail yeah uh so that's my nigga's son yeah so uh you know when they got really had a police officer funeral uh police officer from all over the country impeded upon Fort Worth and of course you know they're gonna they're gonna your family go get death threats yeah from law enforcement supporters right uh they they wouldn't let my they wouldn't let my [ __ ] and his wife uh Deshawn mom they wouldn't let him see the body uh when they finally seen the body he had a literature mark from around his neck where they choked him oh he was a little skinny guy like me they broke his arm and two snapped it like a pencil wow oh they had a bullet hole in the show yeah they executed him yeah so uh me being who I am uh yeah man I went I went in held security for for my [ __ ] and his wife so they can rest you know with all them with all them death threats yeah so I backed my car in with all my ammunition and my guns uh and held security all night uh and then when I was leaving yeah yeah so all I gotcha so uh you know I I I talk about this on stage at a comedy show yeah but now if it wasn't for the streets uh and the gangsters in the streets uh making threats to the police and the city officials saying uh they told me at least better tell him tell him you know tell my mama where they got me uh yeah yeah and I got some old [ __ ] in the streets homie uh they'll lay their life down for me uh but I can't be it can't beat by no [ __ ] yeah but I think because you put so much groundwork in that that's why you got those cars you don't just get them for no reason oh let me just say this uh there was a pastor who was involved uh who was who was sneaking uh and freaking with a with a homosexual uh and you know the streets go get involved uh the streets went and got the homosexual uh the homosexual gave up the preacher they called a preacher uh and yeah the preacher told everything yeah so he went to drop a name saying that this wouldn't happen this wouldn't happen um within five to seven that I think it probably about seven days they let me out but by the time he let me at home I was already shot up with so many different kind of drugs I don't even know what they gave me so that's how I ended up going to California gotcha yes I ended up moving to California Manchester to get out of Texas uh so what they labeled me as uh my medical record says that uh I'm homicidal and suicidal by ideation in preparation with marijuana psychosis so these these are just medical assessments that they can just make up on us yeah so anytime I have any action with the police that screen reads yeah you know what I'm saying so I'm very respectful yes sir no sir uh yeah yeah uh I can't play with these people know how to play the game I got you all right so we know how to play the game yeah why you keep getting into with all the rappers man did you hear what I just told you what happened to me the white folks getting in two of these rappers are ways hold on on this I'm fighting a polo who who you know [ __ ] the police you you and come on Malcolm X yeah brother and not only that homie they told me you're being admitted uh-huh to the mental asylum on the Senate bill 14 something y'all can look this up the Sandra Bland act yeah I'm thinking they [ __ ] homie it's a real law that they can do this and they got you with it man yeah so so for me to come out of that yeah I know plenty of [ __ ] don't been to jail I know plenty of [ __ ] have been to the penitentiary I know plenty of [ __ ] have been the War I don't know many [ __ ] been down there and made it out I feel you on that one so your car is your car got to check on it tell me this though is it comedy or is it real when you coming out here just saying Wild Things is coming behind or something it's coming everything I say publicly uh yes it it is I don't care I really sound I'm in a character okay I'm not bringing me too you Dolomite that's Dolomite that's wreck uh well is there a rat or is it which is what Charleston has never been on the internet okay amazing yeah yeah house and get so much in real life he can't come to the internet home gosh uh the internet is Charleston's escape to come be with everybody else here everybody else come online and pray like they pray to God love God but in real life they pouring down Freaks and drunk everybody coming to the internet to be something they ain't it's no different I come to be a villain in real life they call in real life that's how men is OG kind heart yeah but on the internet I play like a villain and I man this is a con man's dream a person just sitting and looking and listening to you and believing whatever they heard you get paid for it so uh this is a stage yeah when I found out that they pay you for this how am I had to figure out how to get paid this is a stage so even before I got here [ __ ] I was on Facebook Holland I'm the Denzel Washington the favor because I was getting millions of views on Facebook yeah I wasn't getting a dollar yeah for years I was getting millions of views on Facebook and wasn't getting one dollar to somebody told me man you get paid off of it then I start feeling stupid just logging on social media yeah I start feeling stupid waking up every day when I wake up in the morning before I brush my teeth [ __ ] I grab my phone looking at this [ __ ] and I ain't getting no money so I started feeling shame because what I started noticing is me and you I make a post on Monday uh-huh and I don't know you and me and you done generated 400 coming or until Thursday right now I got a disdain for you I don't even like you now I don't even know you home I start feeling shame as a man I'm in my daughter's gymnastic practice she sends Daddy Daddy I look down at her I look back at so I can hear you and respond to your comments yeah and it's been home I start feeling and I ain't getting no money right would you get money now don't feel bad now I don't feel bad man I've been on there all day long now yeah because now it's a platform for me to get money right when I find somebody on there talking homie you man I think you the dumbest person in the world typing on the internet to me yeah I think you stupid if you run your bag up I wouldn't care what I'm running up you giving me your mind your time and your energy and you misspelling words not only are you misspelling words you're intentionally misspelling words yeah I don't know how the brain works like that for you to know how to spell a word but you intentionally misspell it thinking that I can comprehend it um I don't get this new stuff homie so I try to shame everybody on the internet that's looking at somebody typing and watching and you ain't getting no money and they pay you for this yeah yeah I shame everybody make sure y'all go see this man stand up I gotta see it yeah yeah you got you homie so I came to mess with the rappers because between the rappers the street [ __ ] the gangsters and The Killers who's more disrespectful in our communities than those guys who's more disrespectful to our black women than the rapper [ __ ] hold this this you see them they make video they damn they're about to drown them girls pulling wine down a mile we can take them all the way back to the uh Ain't Nothing But a G thing baby man with a little fine girl walking through with the dress and they saying probably on a homie we just do girls like that for nothing huh yeah take them up they just dive in the pool with them yeah so you you are fighting single-handedly oh the culture homie because I participated in it yeah oh this is how you write your wrongs in my mind I got you tell you yeah we don't run train on girl man we don't slap girl we didn't play pimp uh we don't just had girls tell everybody don't give them no money feed them jacking them Jumbo Jack sandwich every day uh yeah we don't done all kind of thing we'd have made I just kept our mamas up all night crying so now you're making amends through what you doing on social media oh nah I I made my mens in real life homie yeah uh we're raising them kids that's how you that's how you make your minions right oh I'm on social media making money yeah my mens don't have nothing to do with well I'm just saying that your approach my Approach is to make money I just figure out a way to attack the culture of my men's is made by the actions in real life the social media Antics homie is just a character to vent the frustrations from what I see in real life just like everybody else I'm just doing the opposite Derrick Jackson came on her to talk like he uplift women and he is and this [ __ ] was a freak [ __ ] Clint I'm sorry I've been sleeping with plenty of women yeah I come to do the opposite I got you so uh everybody want to play Jesus everybody want to play Tupac everybody want to play Malcolm everybody want to play Martin yeah I come to play the villain I got you and you're doing a hell of a job yeah all right man we got to get to the Fast Five man I got five questions for you answer them however you want to answer them all right uh could be one word could be a whole sentence you ready yeah all right man best piece of advice you would give yourself at 17. uh shut up listen yeah we go one I thought I knew everything it makes sense one thing you you wish people knew about you before they meet you for the first time or hear from you on the internet yeah I'm playing I'm bullshitting on the internet they say I'm just playing yeah yeah man now listen to me I'm just playing on the internet okay oh it's like being in the hallway man man you had some of my partners want to get at you for real man I got the world wanting to get at me but this is my mind how you want to get at a [ __ ] you don't even know him you can't be talking about those kids why I can't I don't know you listen how do I know you got kids cause you talking about their kids but listen how do I know you got kids how do I know if you got a son or a daughter I don't know the only way for me to know you if you say my name other than that I don't know you okay and if you say my name I'm no different than the gang banger who shoot your house up and shoot your daughter I'm no different than the guy who killed that seven-year-old girl Linux model did nobody get mad over I was out here living in yeah that seven year old girl got killed with her daddy and then it's small and nobody got mad I got males on radio almost put me off so so yeah so this one so so if you say something to me your ugly kids ain't off limits your long hair dog ain't off limits yeah your big feet mama ain't got yeah she go get it too man that hurt under your wife's chin we gonna talk about all that that's bad I'm saying Homie we grown man yeah so you willing to throw your life over over some a [ __ ] said on the internet yeah and you don't say something to your wife you don't say something your daughter you don't say something your neighbor so your feelings more important than the feeling you don't hurt guys instead of what I'm saying it's mostly black man man I don't like what he gonna say well what you done so much what you don't like so so the black man done got so much like his mama he she mad at what's the man on the soap operas he mad at the man on soap operas he ain't got no business watching so he's saying it's just a TV show now that's what I'm saying if you're a grown man in America you ain't got no business sitting up being mad at Charleston white for nothing he'd have said for one you ain't got no business listen to nothing he said I understand go go cut your grass go apologize to you baby mama the little time you watching me text your kids look read a self-help book why are you black man sitting around in your feelings caught up into what another man saying because I thought and this is what they told me in the game okay excuse my language hoes wanna hit and [ __ ] wanna see it when did [ __ ] start wanting their head sitting around on the net listening to another man that's why when you see your woman say baby send me a picture show me that a woman want to hear why are so many men sitting around hearing another man you ain't supposed to be listening with another man saying no way brother sound like a t-shirt to be let's go to number three you own Comedy Tour you get to bring four other comedians with you but y'all shooting a reality show too who is on the bus uh Cat Williams uh Dead or Alive anybody Robin Harris uh Richard Pry that's two baby yeah yeah yeah oh Empower morning oh yeah that's real I like that one I like that one now last question you get a dinner guess four y'all are also taping this who you got coming to the table oh man me TK Kirkland uh Tupac you say four and Muhammad Ali um tough yeah y'all got to bring the greatest I'm gonna let you talk with pops about that afterwards yeah yeah yeah yeah I got the Brandon uh and this is why I say I agree I lead it I to me I lead the greatest uh-huh uh because he let the people touch him um absolutely absolutely he should let the people touch him homie yeah he walked his kids to school his jaw or we ain't had after James Brown and Ali Homie we ain't had nobody worth the let the people touch him uh other than Charleston why there we go there it is man appreciate you for the number of resos once again shout out my brother DJ Decepticon man for hooking this up of course we're gonna be bits and pieces to this interview we can't play it all on the radio we got the rest on the internet yeah yeah see it in here there you go and thanks to the women who just listened to me when they get out working don't pay me no mind during the daytime I love it man this is we appreciate y'all totally a we out [Music]
Channel: Reec Radio
Views: 35,716
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Id: _x1o0020pVA
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Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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