China Mac Betrays Crip Mac! Akademiks takes His Scandalous Ex Back & More

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[Music] so just so the people know assuming this podcast is going to come out on Sunday we don't really know what the reaction is going to necessarily be to the podcast that we put out yesterday our most recent episode so if there's any like incredible clapbacks that happen on you know today's Thursday it is a bit later in the day but later on on Thursday Friday Saturday we don't know because we just put that episode out yesterday and we we we're waiting for the feedback to roll in aside from the comments and what not we're going to clap back you just never know if people are going to want to have their say I noticed that your boy spiffy luchano is already on a bit of a a tear I don't know that dude what I don't I don't even well he made the video what is he mad about you said good things about the kid and he was thankful for that yeah what the is he mad about he's a little kid you don't even fight kid you like slap fight them type of kids you slap kids I will slap the dog [ __ ] he's a kid you ever see like a disrespectful 8-year-old on the side of the road just park the car and just I'm talking about little dudes like him I'm like you a little kid bro like you you still built like a 13y old bro chill out but you've been around for a lot longer than me like you were around during the era where if your wife talked back to you you got to just B uh we seen that growing up in the household you saw it but your generation like wasn't cool with that well girlfriends the girlfriend era so the late 80s early to mid90s but when that OJ did what he did that changed everything for real over with really they changed Ru rules like um domestic violence got ru ruined for everybody by OJ like OJ OJ [ __ ] up domestic violence a bad rap so like it used to be um if she didn't show up to court or she called and reig on the statement and throw the case out but it was something like uh proposition something 115 or 114 to where heay would bound you over so whatever was in that report right it was St they didn't care what she double back and said okay so they were a lot more forgiving about smacking your wife around no what once OJ once OJ killed that lady it was oh I feel like my whole life I've really kind of had it in my head that you're not allowed to smack a girl no I mean listen me personally we was we was taught not to hit women right unless the female kept hitting you if the female was a threat knife gun bat pole even with like a bat you know we'll take it but if they kept coming at some point in time you about to defend yourself but tell me if I'm being silly but I would think that like in the gang world there's a little bit more tolerance for smacking the out of people in general maybe up to an including women bro gang church lady anybody can get yo I got cousins that's dead bro like stabbed up really hell yeah bro you got to remember bro like a weapon is a weapon a gun is a gun um you know these women is savages too bro hitting you with Hot Grits hot grease you know what I'm saying they bro you you ain't seen it the last it's like two cats got they you know they Slammers cut off two cats got their Slammers Yeah by cats do you just mean dudes yeah and Slammers you mean listen Slammers man are you talking about John bobbit listen well no that's the original dude yeah origal another dude just got his cut off the lady cuts it off and goes to the hospital and says y'all might be needing this the other lady flush this out the toilet you want to know the so I wonder what does his nub just get hard we should look into that but N I ain't looking probably like the time in my life where I wanted to hit a woman the most let me tell you the scenario let me and let me know if you would have been tempted as well I had a brand new allwhite Diplomat shirt Cameron Jim Jones my faves the year is maybe 2004 I'm rocking this 2XL Diplomat shirt that I had ordered online in retrospect I lived in New York City I probably could have just rode my bike to Harlem or some bought one I had probably spent like I don't know $30 $40 with shipping for this Diplomat shirt right I'm kicking it with this girl she's crazy she's drunk we we we go by the the corner store and um she decides that she wants to get a hot dog and she's putting ketchup on it and I said something that she didn't like so she shoots me a look of disgust and then like she doesn't throw the hot dog at me but she got she like does that with the hot dog so all the ketchup I'm sprayed up my whole shirt red looks like I just got yeah she got they whooped her ass at that moment in my head I was like oh I want to you up but but you didn't do it I didn't do it no you know would you have been tempted definitely brand new shirt yeah I might would have hit it with a Bruce Leroy what's that like hi CH it's like a karate move H those are supposed to like actually hurt people though it's not just a theatrical thing I mean you know that's why I said Bruce Leroy trying to water down a little bit you would say Bruce Lee Bruce Leroy H her with the Jackie Chan you know kiss my Converse you know what I mean so yo listen man um you know um today Sunday nope today's Thursday but this is coming out on Sunday y okay so today's Thursday but I'm act like it's Sunday the Lord's Day the Lord's day you know what I'm saying free blue face free blue face you you told us that you were going to have us accompany him to turn himself in then we we didn't get hit up about actually doing it you already did I already get information hour it be you don't run [ __ ] I'm in the build I don't have to check in with you you called me and asked me to send the cameram all he talk to the cameraman they don't just move when you say move that's the cameraman right there I check do you have with you do you have the information no no I've been tapped in two weeks so you you went and filmed him yeah Philly we got the footage already he seems like tomorrow oh it's Sunday okay I got you you f we're time TR today we're promoting okay we're promoting him getting arrested no no no free blue face free blue face forever all platforms free blue face seven song EP with the bundles y'all go check it out got them bundles uh so you're telling me blueface had to turn himself in this is not related to the shooting that you're going to be like right you helped him beat that he got I beat that we got discharging firearm City Limits this was a croon thing yeah kind the sort of sort of kind he violated parole because of something that with her yeah the cops came and what like how did he actually violate violate his parole well no probation probation well he was supposed he was not supposed to be in Las Vegas we fighting the case okay I got him clearance to come down to spar with Floyd business in out so tell him no you know no come back we later Chan's in his ear I want I want I wna blue telling her like n wack said I can't you know what I'm saying you know she gets you know the ladies get it whack your dad you going listen to whack all this [ __ ] right without me knowing the devil on his shoulder he goes back to Vegas right now I seen the videotapes after the arrest m M there's a fan chrishan we love you we love you we love you we love you chran but him this is the Persona you guys have built this is chrishan this is your fan base they love you they hate blue face right M she says it again she got the phone chran we love you oh my God oh my God but we love you chishan pregnant and all takes off on a girl under 7,900 cameras in a pal Motel blueface went to grab the girl's phone to make sure she didn't get some footage or whatever he grabs and looks at it gives it back Chan's Welling on the girl right now cuz I had him in the situation for the attempted murder where we were going to beat that case they turned around and used this situation and charge blueface with a robbery he never leaves with the phone it's like maybe four seconds 1 1000 21000 3 boom gives it back charge blueface with a robbery don't charge Chad with nothing seems like a stretch if he's just holding it for a few seconds like they're really taking the definition of robbery and stretching it to its limits so pause they charg Chan with nothing andan John knew and I told him on last court date in La yo bro keep our program to program don't bring chrisan on our court dates we've been fighting for years he pops up on sing date in LA and she hears all the terms I didn't want him to take the deal four years joint suspension because I didn't feel he was disciplined enough for that joint suspension is same thing should went to jail for it don't matter what you do you can go steal a bag of chips if you got 9 years joint suspension you getting the 9 years any violations so so now I go to fighting the robbery in Vegas the tempted murder doesn't affect me because it happened prior to us taking the deal in Los Angeles so whatever happened with the attempted murder has no bearing effect on the LA case I get the robbery reduced down to a Mr meter but it's still a violation M so August we go back to court I'm battling I'm pay these attorneys I'm pay these attorneys you know they like yo you know we supposed to go to the four you know how it goes right so panties attorneys panties attorneys we get down to like December and uh they like yo they want to give him the four years unless we willing to negotiate right so they like all right we probably can get him three years I mean 300 days you know in the county jail which I understand how the county jail works right 300 days you can be from a month to to 100 days they might just chop that down like crazy if you're you know my brother just my brother just went he did 18 hours on 90 days lit right so you I have had friends of mine go in there and they're telling me like yeah I got to go do 3 four months and then they come out like 3 days later and I'm like serious like I was all worried about that yeah so um but you know I for The Last Five Years brother I've been fighting I beat a lot of case for my artist especially him the free r shooting I walked out of there three years probation mhm uh caught a gun case in South Central um I beat that one in Compton Court Blue faces gun case yeah these all blue cases I beat called another gun case uh Super Bowl weekend in Hollywood I beat that one um the assault and battery on the security guard here in North Hollywood M that's the one he took probation on um attempted murder in Las Vegas I got that reduced down to discharge and Firearm City Limits The Robie in Las Vegas I got reduced down to uh to a misdemeanor so you know I've been my legal team is is vicious do you ever fantasize about what it would be like to sign an artist who didn't constantly catch gun and violence related cases yo listen man that would be nice Ray J Ray J but Ray J from music and television he drifted over to you know the electronics you know all that type of stuff and now he's into the digital world now he's got a house full of trans wom that's done oh we about to shoot part two though oh it's going to be worse you're hosed really yeah it's probably a decent percentage of the trans women that wouldn't care for me oh I don't know some some of them seem to get the idea that I'm a trans cuz I want you popping what you mean some of them on to and I'm like I can't do it also you do have some a line a limit cuz we all thought cuz you let a trans sit on your lap that was a joke that ain't no joke you had man ass on your man lab correction I had wet trans grundle on my knee what do you mean wet what the [ __ ] is grund what the yo break that white boy talk down the Layman's turn what is wet grundle picture the area between your [ __ ] and your ball sack up to and including some of the bottom of your ball sack you know that whole area yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now picture after sitting there in that chair for 2 hours how it might be starting to feel a little moist a little musty a little wet oh cuz that had on tight yeah tight and tucked and Sydney star to be fair got the BBL it's a lot of junk in the trunk so she gets up to sit on my lap and I'm just kind of I'm rolling with the joke whatever that [ __ ] was a swamp you felt the you felt the moist my knee and you just let the individual sit there you didn't get a [ __ ] body blow rib rib shot can you imagine how that would have gone over hey bro like know when they got swamp ass bro yeah and then mother planted it right down on my knee but all I'm saying is that over the years I've had more than a few trans women like realize that I'm going to the AVN Awards in Vegas in what is AVN one week two weeks something like that what is that adult video news oh Awards and so it's like a convention for multiple days where we have a plug talk booth and I'm going to be in there with Lena and all these other girls and we're going to be signing autographs and taking photos and doing all this kind of and like through that like mostly we interact with the Stars that we want to interact with but when you're at the convention you start running into a lot of stars that you would not normally interact with and so all of a sudden you've got you know a disabled woman who's telling you that she wants you to her stump and then you've got you know a trans performer and she's telling you about how she wants you to suck their dick and then you're dealing with you know a 400 lb woman and she's telling you that she wants to be your first BBW scene and so it's like you're standing there in the booth and this is Fast and Furious just like I want to you I weigh 400 PB uh okay this is my assistant she's going to take your information you turn around like this hey I want you to suck my stump uh okay this is my assistant she's going to take your information it's a lot to take in now that being said I love the trans Community but I feel like I'm not ready to a uh a boa Burger vagina at this point in my life so you think there will come a time where you might be ready well I do notice that a trend in my life is that I get freakier as I get older so that kind of makes you wonder like well what's 50 or 60 going to be like so you're potentially gay I didn't say that and these are women they're not women they are a type of woman no they're not it's a man no I have I have to differ from you there God this facts scientifically Godly and factually listen I'm going to respect in the eyes of Science and God I would agree with you that they're probably not women but I choose to treat them as women I have respect for them that being said that respect does not necessarily necess to treat them as women you you then you be sexually active with them and there in lies the problem is that I don't think I want to cross that line because at the end of the see see here goes the problem right uh they want us to respect and acknowledge their way their movement right mhm but in the same voice they want us to disregard our way our movement so my equal medium is this incr medium equal medium equal medium okay this where I'm going to meet you halfway at if you ask me what is a transgender right and from the community M I'm going to say they identify as a transgender woman right when it comes to their you know what they are want to be represented in the community when you ask me the heterosexual man Alle what is it Tren no no Alle ain't no swamp ass sitting on my lap not yet I might come over that Happ when you ask me what is a transgender woman as a heterosexual manator as a man because you have to for me to respect what you want to be identified as you have to respect what I identify as in the minute I start calling a man a woman I'm now psychologically crossed over to how they see things and I'm a heterosexual man so I'm going see it the total opposite my thing is just I will respect them as whatever they prefer to be identified as I'll call you by your name if your name ain't nothing too crazy if your name is Juicy Fruit or some crazy [ __ ] hey juicy Bubblicious I'm not with you hey Bubba you know if you call yourself uh mother you know Steve at or some sh cool I do you know part of what I want to tell the trans community is like just just to be as polite as possible I want to be like and tell me if you think that they would appreciate this I'll say I want to F you but unfortunately due to my role in the hip-hop community at this time blaming on hip-hop bro I know but it seems like a pretty good skateboard right you can hip hop your ass over there if that's what you into if that's what you went to Hip Hop your ass over there and out of your business like what what what are you talking about don't put that on us me you ain't part of the hip-hop Community anymore h Huh no I'm doing a podcast with you what does that mean this is a podcast I know but you're a hipop guy you're hip hop see if I call Joe right now he wouldn't agree with none of this [ __ ] you talking about who's Joe Joe Joe Nemesis oh Joe Button put some put some respect on his name why that's my partner man partner in what yeah he's involved in the diaper business I'm offend that's my partner man we know we got a mutual respect for one another I think it respects you I used to feel like I had the degree of mutual respect for him y I heard that you were supposed to like go uh partner up with his Network and he dissed your ass and then you were scared to go over there what it seems like a creative account academics said I don't know oh I didn't actually watch that clip so I don't know what academics said he said you were supposed to go over there Joe dissed your ass and you got uncomfortable why would you get uncomfortable if you going over there up under your thing what that got to do with Joe I'm not sure if you're misquoting what a said or anything no I'm not misquoting you misquoted him last week about a year and I had to press play year and a half ago I went to Joe's podcast and did his podcast and then I think that he had a little bit of a grudge against me after the fact because of the fact that I was sort of uh flaunting what I perceived as a w in our debate he also may have been annoyed by the fact that I had aor in Maul his top Ops on the podcast soon after I believe Joe don't give a damn about that yeah I would assume they care about that either but yeah I have people always ask me like do you think that you'll ever get along with Joe again and I'm like I don't really know how it would happen because I can't really imagine anyone in either of our Lives going out of their way to try to patch that up whack 100 you are you are that guy with debate talking about what am I talking about we need we need to second debate me and Joe would be a moment we need to Second debate why not throw 69ine and Hassan Campbell in there too what that got to do with Joe but it would be like the rra that we jack in episode that was that's like the best podcasting you've ever done was that act 69 episode you're trying to throw a bunch of things in there to avoid the direct interaction what am I Mr Joe Buton what am I avoiding with Joe Buton I don't know you you running from something why you didn't sign the deal over there what deal the deal that you had on the table the only deal that he and I ever had on the table and I wouldn't say it was really on the table but it was back in 2018 he uh for a moment in time suggested that he was interested in me being one of the co-hosts on state of the culture which was the show that he did on Revolt with what's his name Jinx Scotty beam and Remy Ma was the cast it didn't last a year from what I recall I'm going to they maybe did 20 30 episodes something like that I don't think it would have worked with me on that [ __ ] anyway I told him I'm like I live in California I can't do this yeah you was a wild You' have been a wild card though yeah I would have been the one getting bullied the whole time but can you imagine me moving to New York to do a show that didn't even turn into anything and like abandoning no jumper that would have been a bad career move no yeah been a bad move bad Mo bad move bad move man but I was thinking like am I going to fly back and forth every week this is insane like am I even considering doing this I wouldn't have done that I mean they had been paying me some real money yeah glad I didn't do that that that's a light little trip you know what I just got done doing uh scouring the history of no jumpers interviews trying to find different examples of me saying the n-word I can only find one cuz Okay I'm writing this history of no jumper it's about the first four and a half years it's basically the middle of 2015 up until the very beginning of 2020 and it's just the history of that that whole period of no jumper that a lot of people don't really remember that well you know what you know what your problem is here we go what this is real [ __ ] you like the little kid that never got his ass whooped I have gotten my ass whooped no you haven't yeah a couple times you might got beat up you ain't got your ass whooped that's probably fair you I haven't really got who whooped a good day and a half you can't really get out of bed oh no I never you know you look at A Mir you like oh [ __ ] I got jumped one time and I had a black eye that was probably that that's like like regular yeah it wasn't that bad because you playing with things like the nword this clip is from get canell it's from 2016 are you trying to get cancelled it's made the rounds on social media plenty of times so you trying to like the reason why I was looking for examples of me saying it is because in this video that I'm writing about the first four and a half years of no jumper there's multiple different white people that I acknowledg said the n-word at various different points in the podcast history so it's like I have to acknowledge that I said it too even though the the the time that I that like a trophy for for you guys to say o I said the NW and I got to tell the tale so you doing like a nword gold nword silver nword bronze I just wanted to acknowledge that yes I'm acknowledging that these white people said it but here's an example where I said it now for the you said it too I said it you're proud of that sh I was quoting a future lyric no but you it didn't really seem that bad to me at the time you knew the lyric well yeah I listened to the song enough times that I knew the lyric yeah who you did it on purpose on camera in front of a bunch of black guys yeah actually no a couple of Cubans Hispanics I don't know you're trying to get cancelled it's bad timing this has been out there for so long that the odds of me getting cancelled for saying the n word8 years ago when quoting a future song seemed pretty low Bill Cosby [ __ ] some women 40 years ago okay did he did he [ __ ] them or did he drug and rape them he [ __ ] them once he drug drugged and rape [ __ ] Dr them and had sex with them out po cocaine it was regular basic party drugs you didn't have to B nobody's arm back in those days they were Wily getting high okay but he was putting stuff in people's drinks so that they wouldn't know what they were about to consume cap says who the white man Bill's free is he they didn't try to lock him up at one point free did he get locked up for a little while and had to let him go okay well I do think that saying the n-word is less serious than drugging and raping a woman no it's not what makes you think that do you know the pain the history the horror the terror Behind that word but you don't because your people didn't go through that I do think that if we were talking about like aggressively screaming the n-word in someone's face then that might be a little bit more common uh have a little bit more in common with this whole drug and rape thing screaming it saying it but just saying it when quoting a rap song Like how offended would you be if I was quoting a future lyric to you and I said it I would strongly advise you not to do that with me what if we were just kicking it though we're just on the beach margaritas and not going to happen CU a lack of respect a lack of respect is a side of disrespect why would you want to play with something want that has that much the reason why I'm put evil video is to acknowledge my own wrongs it's not like I'm proud of it I know why you thinking about I'm acknowledging that I did something that I would not do today no but I know why you're thinking about the N word because what you got to stop doing is watching that [ __ ] tape you keep watching that [ __ ] tape screaming it and you start screaming it I hate you green lit your wife I hate you to do that brother speaking of the AVN Awards when I'm there guess who's nominated for like sex scene of the Year y your wife my wife and someone other than me the brother from the tape how does that make you feel they're saying he [ __ ] your wife better than you bro you got a million sex scenes you got a million sex scenes to versus the one with him well when you put it like that that would make me say the N word too damn are you for real yes so is he showing up do you think that I should go up on stage with them if they win also do you think they're going to sit her and I near him because it's normally when you win an award you kind of go up together right you should go up there with black face [ __ ] it if you going to do it do it I feel like that would be a good way to never be invited back to the AVN Awards yeah black face I mean that's a lot I mean you like to say the N word [ __ ] you won't you just feel like one of us it was eight years ago and I was quoting a a future song okay so who you chased around no no never mind let's say sorry they win that almost got real let's say they win which it seems honestly through looking at the list it's kind of like all these random porn scenes offense they're all kind of random and then you have this one that was like the most viral thing in the country for like a month this the first time your wife would have been won this kind of this kind of award well her and I won a podcast of the year last year and then at the PornHub Awards a couple years ago she won celebrity of the year which so that's the first time she would have won a sex scene Award right yes bro if she wins and the people out there go to my Instagram story right now or uh or or her Twitter or my Twitter and you can find the link so you can actually vote for her to win this category so you can find out what I'm going to do if she wins so interactive you know how people get excited spare the moment you know they just spur the moment they just get excited M so what if they win and excitement you know gets to best of her and she turns to the brother and just wraps her arm around her pulls herself up and just lays one on him a fart or just a nice p and when and when she does that he naturally just grabs her ass so she can and I'm just standing there like what the [ __ ] but why you standing there you was in the sex scene you should be sitting your punk ass down in the audience wait oh okay in my mind I'm up on stage right now but you're saying I need to be a let's say you're standing there the question is like how good is the filming because if the filmers are really on point then they could go up together and then I could stay in my seat and just so what would you say if she got if there's not like a filmer who's filming my reaction then I kind of have to go on stage to get my clout from this bro I'm going keep it real with you I'm going keep it real with you when men see women that was special we react we be like damn I remember that when women see men that are special They react my whole thing is am I going to be able to sneak in a little chair so that I can like go up on stage whip out the little chair and then sit in my little cuck chair while they accept the award I got to create incredible um panty liners because uh she [ __ ] might get she might get soaking by the end of this bro for real she Bro think about it that's the best she ever had some would say uh no no no she said it and did she bro she said she had to wait 3 days cuz she was too stressed out to even deal with you vaginal teage doesn't necessarily indicate pleasure damage was done there anyway it is kind of awkward because we're so like we're cool with him he's shouting out the scene telling people to vote for it I see him liking my photos I might might have liked some of his photos and stuff but we're kind of opy still so it's going to be kind of weird when we run into each other but you know I'm determined to keep it professional you have to cuz you're scared he is much larger than me that's a good point yeah I mean that's what your wife said not me no I mean like height wise mus I don't know just I don't know what's going on you know I'm in troll mode shout out to the Hun you know what I'm saying you know I'm shooting it's going to be very very interesting to say the least the award and the other weird part about be uncomfortable some of the awards they just like name it off it'll be like best boobs so and so everybody cloud next up best this everybody CL when we won best porn podcast last year it was like that it was like they they're announcing kind of like a bunch of Awards in a row you're not going up to accept the award but we didn't know that so even like when they're announcing the award like we at that moment we realize like oh [ __ ] like we're we won and we're not going up like you find out in that moment but also I kind of feel like if you're I don't know like if they are going to have you go up maybe they tell you in advance hey bro um I had little birdie tell me uhuh that academics was already like up to some [ __ ] up to what he was he had a statue made a little small one and he was trying to get somebody to deliver it a statue of what um it was just like Shak Kulu Mandingo looking dude standing up all the muscles and he was gripping this chick she was bent over by her waist like he was like what's a shakaz Zulu black dude oh and he was going to have that [ __ ] delivered to no jumper so it probably a good thing we kind of got off I don't know bro how are you feeling about that because you this a weird aspect of doing podcast you to pre apology it's a weird thing doing podcast with wack because we recorded that podcast I guess probably on like a oh actually I think it was a Friday and we got it out by by Wednesday so we had like a nice little 5day period before it came out and you went on clubhouse and you basically told everybody what I said in the voicemail that we played no I didn't well I didn't watch it but I saw the YouTube title that said wack 100 says and then it's the exact quote no I didn't well they should a lot from that okay I did not say it I just made people anticipate what might have been said you didn't see my pre- apology I said a bunch of [ __ ] without saying nothing I blamed you without saying your name that was funny right um what's funny is act is over there it's kind of quiet it's been about 24 hours since that episode came out and we haven't got a reaction yet but you you realize where he is right now right oh not to be too gossiper or anything but it would appear based on an Instagram live so they're back together who a Shake Lizzy oh my God so oh come on bro godam I know somebody like you I believe she has an apartment in Texas and she went on Instagram live and you got to see him like sitting on the couch in her apartment and stuff which was kind of mindblowing because it's like so y'all went through all that and you didn't even just like fly her out you flew there to go kick it to Pat [ __ ] up you think you think he's whatever cron got between between her legs shake Lizzy must have that times 10 because hopping on a flight to go chill with her after she did all that [ __ ] [ __ ] sending your dick piics to Troy have whack in the 22er so this is what I'm saying see when I see [ __ ] like that it leads to speculation do you think ax scared to leave her because he's comfortable with her being comfortable with him being uncomfortable if you know what I mean I mean my honest actual opinion is that I think that she must have something on him although even that I feel like for him at a certain point it's like no matter what you got on me I'm so sick of dealing with this [ __ ] that just go ahead go ahead and expose me especially if it's some compromise and [ __ ] yeah I mean I don't know I don't know how bad it could be but cuz yo he been quiet it's got to be a ratio got no idea it's got to be a ratio between blackmail and love cuz I wouldn't be surprised if he's like got he's 30% in love with her and he's 70% being blackmail it's a little sucker in there though I is he stsy back you [ __ ] [ __ ] me I mean I just seen him in her spot on Instagram live I don't know if he's actually back with her but I did notice too that like before he went there and was on Instagram live in her apartment that she posted up like a I could probably find it in my phone but she posted up on her Instagram basically saying like I never said that act raped that girl la la la like kind of cleaning up a bunch of the stuff that she had said during their prior argument so I'm assuming he kind of like made her do that like hey if I'm going to keep dating you you got to like kind of clean up some of the horrible [ __ ] you said about me hey man listen man to each his own it's a sucker born every day I never seen got to realize it's that's your birthday I never seen act like in love at all I've actually never really seen him like express feelings towards any girl ever besides like a little bit to Selena Powell but he's always denied that that was anything real at all but it always felt like they had a little bit of something that was a lie that was a joke no no I remember that he brought a G wagon no he took it back he has it I don't think so I'm telling you trust me if that was true that would be so [ __ ] funny we could talk about it all the time but I I'm concerned with the truth and I don't man you just [ __ ] me up that you're telling me act is back with this chick but that feeling is this the chick that stole the 500,000 yes but she also she said that the whole story about the 500,000 before they got back together I think she said that that whole story was a lie to take attention off of the girl who made the sexual abuse allegation so that girl was before her if that's true that's crazy like that's some crazy Evil Genius [ __ ] oh I want everybody to take their attention off of this assault allegation so I'm gonna say that you stole half a million from me if that actually happened that's nuts well that's some real strategy Thea should have been where was addressed yeah that's true but remember all the clickbait and all the headlines that came out the day after all that [ __ ] was I got half a million stolen from it wasn't a x says that he did this this and that it was just the half a million story man you [ __ ] me he really went back to that girl but that feeling that you're having right now of being like Oh my God I can't believe he's back with her I can't believe this [ __ ] I've had that feeling like four or five times over the course of the past few months of like Oh I thought for sure they had to be done after this thing now they can never get back together oh no they're back together it's hard to imagine what she might really have to do T Adam says y'all are back together um yeah I you really went back to your ex tell me you didn't do that and it went through blue so he's getting it this is crazy yo hey look brother you know you got to remember a lot of people that got um some type of stardom of Fame some of these people like when it come to women you know um if you can't look up and see like in high school they had some [ __ ] going for they s College they got some [ __ ] going for their s and they just kind of finally got some things going when they started getting a little attention in the in the industry you know what I mean getting a little money then I understand why you know people are scared to like let go the thing is is that a has had money for like seven eight years like he was he had a show on complex like eight what was that 2017 that was a long [ __ ] time ago okay the question is what women can we identify wait in terms of like public relationships I mean there was the Selena thing there's this girl come on man you can't and then I mean I know of him kicking it with a lot of hoes over the years just like randoms but I I I I I I don't know of like a time that I knew him to be in like a real oh no no the Angelica girl there was another girl named Angelica too didn't really end so well but I I what happened what did she say she [ __ ] some SoundCloud rapper Little Tracy and then things got kind of weird and complicated after that I remember little Tracy Dick Tracy see Lil Tracy is a SoundCloud rapper Dick Tracy is a fictional detective from the 50s that my dad was into so that's kind of I hope you and my dad meet at some point everybody keeps [ __ ] a broads well this was like a long time ago but okay I'm going to I'm going to give a the same advice that I previously heard him give to someone I think I remember him discussing w at one point w the rapper not the guy named W who he does a podcast with now I think but W the rapper and he was talking about what I think I think the conversation was what w should really do if he wants to like stay in the spotlight and be popular as a rapper and everything like that and one of the pieces of advice that I gave him was you need to have a high-profile relationship you need to be fiance and and fiance with like you know a girl who's in the in the public conversation you know like look at Jonathan major he gets in the worst PR disaster of his life what's he do he gets in a relationship with a strong black woman is undoubtedly very good for his career even though a lot of people were kind of suspicious of uh this this seems a little odd maybe like it's a weird time to announce that you're in this relationship but if a got into a serious relationship with a girl of some status within hip-hop or hip-hop adjacent probably be really really good for his career right it would like humanize let people see him as a a real person think who you think would be the fit that's the problem what about scar lip acting scar lip I mean I'm just brainstorming cuz I'm going to be real I don't think glorilla is the the one she seems a little too hard-headed actually scar liet seems too hardhead scar she's just the first one I'm pop of my head scarps a little too gangster F you got any ideas I can't believe you said uh um that's a [ __ ] up idea wh do not say that don't say that little birdie get off my shoulder do not say that um that's not good I'm not going to say that do you think that he would be better off like an artist or like a only fans girl or maybe like a a actress like an exec like a chick who's like higher up at ATC that might work something like that right she's not like 100% in the public eye but she's like respected that might work what race are you thinking I'm thinking of Dominican and Puerto Rican okay black girl too strong for him and a white girl might be too boring for him I don't know if I ever seen him with a white girl I don't know if he could find enough enjoyment out of a white girl well if he gets a real toxic one how about um how about a a comedian Tiffany had it she likes drinking just like him she had a couple du in the last couple years that's my home girl what you talking that's my home girl too but she got D okay but it was dismissed and she went in Beverly Hills I talked doesn't count if it was I talked to her she said she was amazing she said drunk that night Des oh what the jail she went in the morning the be wait you get arrested in Beverly Hills you go to the Beverly Hills Jail yeah oh that shit's incredible they burgers are better than [ __ ] rallies is that why everybody does home invasions out there [ __ ] listen mattresses memory foam shit's amazing memory that's [ __ ] up it's like 20 miles away from the LA County Jail Bott water in the sale what crazy I might go get drunk and drive around until I get I her after that and she was in uh she was in Hawaii or Maui or some [ __ ] when I was talking to her and uh she was like yo it's like 5: in the morning or something she said but the stay was amazing I got she was in no rush get out a and uh lunell that could work how about the age difference might he probably wants a chick who's young enough that she could bear children which I think is reasonable you know what I I got I maybe have a black girl four and she's kind of in the area who Jess aaria she needs something to do they took her off Breakfast Club oh did they yeah well Charlamagne was bitching about it uh and say like he hated on Jess no he wanted Jess he wanted her to be the new Angela y they even announced that she was going to be the new Angela y there's a video footage of of uh jarus on stage celebrating it and everything and then Charlamagne like yesterday or today comes out and says that iHeart basically overrided their desire to have Jess Aris be the third mic and the theory that I've heard floated is basically that the ratings are significantly down for The Breakfast Club so they're trying to like get a third who will maybe bring in a significant audience which to me doesn't just hilarious have like a couple million Instagram followers like yes she's probably bringing in some kind of audience right like she seems like a pretty good good option but I don't know maybe iHeart wants somebody more high-profile or maybe there's another reason that we don't know about how about um they let Jess stay there then that replace Charlamagne well then I think the show's over show needs a new name first of all get the [ __ ] en the show Charlamagne talks five times as much as Envy Charlamagne was the add-on show was there with eny Charlamagne is the whole show [ __ ] out of here what happens what happens to Joe bu's podcast if he leaves and it's just all those other guys what you mean they're GNA get like 20% of the views this the same thing with the Breakfast Club Charlie man's the whole thing so you saying Joe but's crew ain't [ __ ] I'm saying that he's still like the Fig and they all know that they all know that the show doesn't exist without him right what did they bring Remy mob there you're thing is state of the culture ma to The Breakfast Club did they try her did they I don't know that would work they tried out uh Mona love AKA don't call me white girl Remy M would have worked I would love to pod with don't call me white girl all the time she needs to just move out here and just be my little sidekick Remy M Papo would work they seem to have broken up what does that have to do with the chemistry of business so they're going to get divorced and be co-host together they're raising a child co-parenting and co-hosting quite different they're both strong enough to show up that is New York that's Brooklyn I just assume that they're not terribly fond of each other right now I wouldn't say that yeah respect people I hope they're getting along and everything but wouldn't say that man like I we need more info about how exactly that [ __ ] went down but the idea that Pap held her down while she was locked up for all those years I witnessed that oh I remember that was no you missed the point you were up close and personal me and djk slay like this okay and he signed back in the day signed the case at the time I witnessed that I could not believe it right one of a kind of D go to Party slay would have Pap come out straight stud magazine parties all this [ __ ] no [ __ ] Pap would come out do whatever he needed to do with slay and he was out of there he wasn't dealing with no women he wasn't doing none of that [ __ ] I call PAP on a Thursday or Friday he was on his way driving upstate new York or whatever to go for real you go up there like every weekend yeah he would tell me what's crazy bro is you go to a men's facility and you see a lot of women in the visiting room the women's facility two or three people really so you're like a superstar if you go in there best guy ever you know I know Pap and Remy and um I don't know man I hear this little dude that this little dude is like easy the block he did some clout chasing [ __ ] now I don't know if it's true or not not he's the only one saying it I know Pap socked him out you know I don't know I okay that could have been over a disrespectful phone call I don't know I'm hearing that Remy signed the dude you know I'm hearing little bits and pieces about it if you're a woman and you shoot another woman and then end up having to do what like seven years in prison and your rapper husband who realistically can go and get all kind kind of buns his prospects were probably very very open at that time all kinds of women who were perfectly happy to deal with the lyrical Slaughter that would be imagine that like the way he can rap imagine him eating your [ __ ] oh no we had um Law Library was big him and K slay was winning the the just awards every time they went up for that [ __ ] you know Pat was moving and then imagine you get out and I don't want to like toss any accusations that aren't trowing Remy m but if this is exactly what happened you get out and you are so horny that you cheat on that man with a random Battle Rapper like what the [ __ ] I'm GNA be real um I have yet to see any of them really speak on it yeah um you see Gucci Gucci Gotti like air the whole [ __ ] thing out during a rap battle while she was standing right there Stone fa I'm saying is that was a rap battle shout out gei Gotti shout out gei Gotti great guy that's the homie shout out Rick Rock shout out compt man Rockstar was not happy with the way you were talking about him last time but I um sorry rockstar I didn't mean to didn't mean to mention your name Rockstar he's a runner he's a crackstar um he's an energy drink I don't know brother because if this is true if this is true let's say all of this is true they get the award and they should be the example on how celebrity couples should handle things because they haven't really spoken on it even though seemingly like everyone around them is talking about it they haven't said anything back and forth there's no subs going back and forth um every time I see Pap doing something he's working I see Rim just did a song with somebody she's working um I I believe I seen them at Christmas they were together you know with the children so if this is true the way they're conducting themselves should be the example for every celebrity in the industry on how you should act when there's a falling out because this just is a money thing or I'm tired of you thing this is like you you you did some you pated some sexual [ __ ] note to self don't get involved slash cheat on anyone in the battle rap Community because this is really what they do is they make content out of making fun of each other giving each other a hard time I would much rather do battle with somebody who's a little bit less skilled linguistically I mean you know the rumor can only come out if somebody leaked it and I think little dude uh whatever his name is easy the block Captain you think he wanted this clout yeah he want but you know what's crazy he ain't getting it you don't think hell no nobody gives a [ __ ] you know why nobody gives a [ __ ] because Remy and Pat when they came to the industry was the couple of of black love and we don't remember hip hop they had hats that said black love we don't want to believe him they had a clothing brand called black love so until Pap or Remy confirms it as far as I'm concerned it never happened mhm you know one thing say what you will about my wife has never said a thing about me has never taken a fight to her Instagram Story the people at home even if you've watched intently every single thing that's ever happened to us you never got a whiff of any beef between us which to me means a lot I really appreciate that and I know and I know you guys have your days every couple does yeah you know what I mean that's real you know because some women shoot Subs they can be like some [ __ ] but they know you understand it right you know what I'm saying so um me personally I hope it isn't true and if it is true I hope they can at least continue as friends they are friends of mine both of them they have know me children together which basically forces your hand that you have to stay cool on some level and and my girl has even said that cuz I've I've said to her if we break up oh my God you are going to be on every podcast saying this this and this to me I said that to her to kind of feel her out see if she like what her reaction would be to that and her reaction was oh are you kidding I would love to I can't say [ __ ] about you because you're the [ __ ] dad to my kid that's real and I appreciate that you know that that the priority right you're supposed to respect yo so listen Cat Williams He Set [ __ ] a blaze switch the topic up right there yeah that was a good one I watched that whole thing yeah you know it's it's it's entertaining watching cat I know cat cat's a very smart guy how do you know him um cuz he's sh Knight's friend no I met him in that era okay I met him through Nick um some business with he W cat's always been cordial and cool with me cool dude what I like about cat is he's down to earth he's going to say it to you if you like it you like it if you don't you don't but he's a real giving dude I think he's given way more than he's received um I think out of all this Mike apps is being the realest in the situation you know [ __ ] if you [ __ ] stole some jokes you stole some jokes M you know a lot of y'all that cat spoke on they ain't even on cat level mhm that's a fact and the fact that he respect Nick Cannon um you know he always gains my respect but I remember when cat was running around with Suge right and U Haz and it was a point in time where he shut down if I could remember he had like this home in the woods and the mountain was like a cabin home he just disappeared mhm and when he came back he had a show at uh LA Live down here and uh I remember being in there me and AD from KDAY doing a security meeting how many ads are there in this city Only recognize one ad okay as he used to be the program director at KDAY um the other AD is homie say he on paperwork so I don't know right so um here we go you want to hear it I got the content no it's okay shout out to Loose Canon we need to bring loose canon up here too yeah we need to work in I don't know but yeah you get to know him he got a lot of content up but in the security meeting out of nowhere and this is at the time [ __ ] was going on with SH KN and all the [ __ ] um he was like sh can't get in the building and I'm thinking he [ __ ] B Su tried to come up there get in the building they shut Suge down wouldn't let him in the building once I Noti when he you're with him you're with him but once he turns it off on you it's over with he don't give a [ __ ] now I did learn I didn't know he adopted all those kids and unmarried man adopting seven children while being on the road doing comedy like all the time that was definitely a moment listening to that interview that I was like have you ever seen the children no that's what got me he's never he's never used that as no type of publicity stunt as no type of anything he that is something that when cat was in a world of [ __ ] right getting in fights with the little 15 year old whatever that was all the [ __ ] he was being accused of I've never seen him take a picture with all the kids around him I've never seen him use that I respect that he's always protected those children it's one thing to have seven kids and then you take care of them because they're your kids but to adopt them to do something that you blatantly don't have to do I'm just kind of confused about what the motivation would be to to to adopt all those kids well see said he wants to be um sounds like he's [ __ ] a lot of girls too so why didn't he just have some natural babies he said he wants to be friends with God and maybe he feel like he's helping the the children that need the most help I do think that adopting a kid is definitely like one of the most selfless things that you can do because the reality is is that the foster care system through doing these interviews I've just really realized that the foster care system is [ __ ] a huge percentage of kids come out of that scarred because a lot of people doing it for the hustle bad people in there yeah doing it for the money doing it because you want to do some kind of weird abuse [ __ ] to the kid people who maybe go into it with good intentions but then basically like realize how much work it is and then they end up just kind of pushing the kid off to some other foster home like I've had some real heart-wrenching conversations with people who've uh been adopted so the fact that he's apparently been a very good father to all these kids but then just like being on the road that much what the [ __ ] are you doing with the kids doing like 100 shows at a time maybe they you know maybe they uh home school maybe on the road I wonder what agees with him because my kid's three you don't even know the names of these children we've never seen them but like I feel like the first three years Williams Kids the first three years you want me to search it let's see if it comes up cuz he's done one hell of a job I feel like uh is this song stop abusing the black mouse oo I'll abuse your mouse man you really you really on the funny side huh why is this it's moving the opposite way of the way that I would think that it would move at this point oh it's cuz I'm holding the mouse upside down look at that boom okay God damn it that's embarrassing [Applause] um Cat Williams adopted kids C Williams is a Christian and often wears a cross during his shows as a symbol of his faith though he briefly joined the Nation of Islam while living in Oakland uh oh um well this is a picture of oh look at look at all these that yeah Ian it's it's tiny but I guess that's say black is wait is that it might just be like him with a bunch of random kids at a party or something like I'm not I mean this says Cat Williams is kids but all these kids are well I guess they're adopted so they don't have to look like him I don't know I don't want to dig too far I don't want to find anything private that is also available on Google cat Cat Williams reason for adopting so many of his kids God damn it I can't even look at it because somebody put ad blocker on this computer who did this oh wait we just turn it off right pause on the site okay now I can do it um he wanted to save the kids from hardship that's a great reason that's what you just said yeah I mean I feel like it's about the most selfless thing you can do having a kid is also kind of selfless but your kid is literally like a tiny miniature version of you that's going around in the world doing things that you to some extent get credit for that feels like fundamentally very different than adopting a bunch of kids where you know they're not this like tiny cute version you notice he didn't say anything about Dave Chappelle yeah you know why you figured out who he had respect for by the end of that interview da SE is one of the greats yeah yeah he's definitely one of the greatest yeah um but but okay you watch the whole that whole interview and you kind of like start to feel like everything he's saying is true but then I watched a clip of Charlamagne talking about his description of Kevin Hart's career and I really realized that he was kind of like purposefully misrepresenting certain people's careers right he's acting like like uh Kevin Hart had this completely like fabricated commercial come up and then I'm listening to Charlotte man talk about it and I'm like okay so you you really like can't believe everything that cat William said in that thing because he definitely like glazed over a lot of details and sort of smoothed out some stuff well quite naturally he can't tell you everything about Kevin Hart's career because he's not [ __ ] Kevin Hart right so it's the time in Kevin Hart's career where cat may maybe wasn't plugged into it many of the day Kevin Hart worth for $500 million I don't know exactly at the end of the day so you can say what you want I don't know how real he was being about his come up but the way that he described himself making a list of like the 40 most successful people in Hollywood in terms of Comedians and everything and how he basically just like worked his ass off until he was ahead of all of them it's very motivational like really imagining this guy who is living this existence that was 100% focused on becoming successful and wasn't allowing anything to get in the way of that that was very motivational to me I like when I see stuff like that that really takes me back to the point in my life where I was solely focused on the hustle and wanting to be a success story you know but how how successful is CAD Williams I mean he seems like he's doing quite well well for himself but I don't actually have any clue like how much money he has or anything he seems Rich As [ __ ] the way he was talking about himself 20 million for a [ __ ] Netflix special I don't think um I don't think he can line up with Kevin Hart when it come to the Mone yeah but Kevin Hart's been grinding his ass off doing all these movies all this commercial [ __ ] all these years I feel like yeah for sure Kevin Hart probably has more money right definitely but we all know people like once you get to a certain level some people make their entire existence about getting more money and some people like I would suggest even some of your clients somebody like the game the game could be he could probably make 10 times as much money this year as he actually will make but he doesn't really seem like committed to just doing [ __ ] to make money he seems like he wants to enjoy his life and the game definitely his priority is enjoying his life his life is children right and once you decide that you want to put a lot of your time into your kids Yeah by definition you're not going to be making anywhere near as much money as somebody Who's down to grind 12 hours a day doing hard work in the show business world you know shout out to cat man if I was the game I would be on tour well if I wanted to profit maximize I would be on tour all the time traveling overseas doing all this [ __ ] that I know for a fact he doesn't want to do I mean there's just all kinds of [ __ ] that he would probably do that probably isn't that enjoyable we firing up 2024 though 2024 going to be a different year for us all so you're on his ass uh no I just put you know I put things in front of him you know ultimately you know when it comes down to the business where um business partners and he falls in the position of being my boss um so all I can do is put it in front of him and ultimately he's going to make the decision I'll debate him he gives me that leadway to debate him um to put things in front of me but you know we got a few more few big things happening we're going to move towards television uh music will still be there um we got a baby game edition of incredible diapers that definitely will be coming out baby game yeah baby game I like that right um so you know we we got a we got a few things going on how did you feel when you saw that China posted a long- winded explanation for why he was choosing to no longer be cool with KP ma he kept listen approximately one month after he went to prison he kept sending me [ __ ] China directly to my DM like these little videos yeah he kept messaging me too until I blocked him yeah I ain't going to block him but I didn't get it like did you see the little the little corny [ __ ] where he's like eating and he was trying to eat and he held the fork there too long and the foood start falling off the fork the one we was talking about me yeah yeah you seen that one yeah he's like trying to be like a movie villain type thing but I didn't get what the [ __ ] that was yo he's washed bro it's over but see this is what I'm saying Troy ad marked his ass out what happened Troy ad [ __ ] over China M really I didn't even know he like nine of them China M it's like nine dudes that was attacking Troy he [ __ ] over them one by one by one he created the shirt he turned them into cartoon characters he was dissing them and they all stopped me his name really swear to God so my thing is while you [ __ ] with Adam who on the west coast why you ain't cleaned that up with Troy have right this is a fact we ain't forgot and I don't know why he mad at you what he mad at you about cuz you exposing the fact that he laid down on [ __ ] ma okay so the order of operations is like he asked me to go to that uh thing that wasn't actually a bail Hearing in in which I would have not had any ability get we have that conversation on here he did not make it clear to you the way we made it clear to you what that really was and what it could have been exactly and then he did I know that for but then the way he talked about it afterwards after we did it was as if I if I had just shown up then everything would have been okay and as if like you know it was just such a [ __ ] misrepresentation of what actually happened and because he is a Shameless clout chaser with no Integrity he jumped all over it and made a whole bunch of different videos about it and basically acted like he was KP Max's best friend in the entire [ __ ] world and then a clip came out uh Lupe on the phone with him and it was KP Max saying some [ __ ] that I still don't really know where it came from but saying that somebody had came to his cell and told him that the Southsiders were looking for China mag and they had issues with them and all this [ __ ] and I had no idea where that came from or what motivated kit ma to do that I do believe believe it could have had something to do with the fact that I know Lupe is not a big fan of chinax so I don't know what kind of conversations they were having that might have led to that either way China blamed me for the fact that kit Mack came out and said that stuff and then soon after China decides oh I've dealt with so much disrespect now from CPM that I think that now coincidentally yes I may not be able to make money off you because now you're locked up and it might actually cost me money because I'm going have to send you money behind bars but now is the time that I'm G I'm so sensitive and you you said one thing about me on a jail jail house phone call that now I have to exit the situation and for me I obviously seized upon that to say this is the guy that some decent percentage of the fans believed and became convinced that I was a bad friend to CPM based on me the one who was making him money this whole [ __ ] time while China mag like what deals did China ma as a manager what money did you bring in for Kit Max no he's a leach come on he leeched come the [ __ ] did you see the slap in the face him counting the money oh now they tell me he's he's uh the MC Venture [ __ ] he locked up on on [ __ ] Mac Page so so what happens is we got a East Coast dude who came over here and jacked somebody for the blood oh just kidding that was a rumor but I don't believe it there's some music videos though where China is looking very bloody this is some bad boy death row [ __ ] M yeah bad boy death row [ __ ] going on you have to understand where China was at in his life when he decided to start working with kpac on this level because I remember when I was on that honeymoon and I'm kind of like texting Remo and we're going back and forth on like what moves we should make with no jumper once I get back yada yada and one idea that Remo kept kind of tossing my way was like oh we should do this Mac eats thing or whatever we should we should really like lean into the China Mac and CP Mac doing food thing I was like they're already doing this I don't want to [ __ ] do that whatever so I I I said no to that but then I did a meeting just right over there in my office with China about potentially working together and I said to him I'm like how would you feel about being on like a podcast on a weekly basis like are you interested in that at all and his words were I've done the stream and [ __ ] I've done the podcast and [ __ ] because keep in mind he moved out here to be a podcaster to be a streamer he was doing his whole streaming thing for a while and he said I really don't think that my strong suit is talking on camera and I remember hearing that and thinking like oh so you you gave up on being a Content cre you know why right because he kept doing it and nobody really cared bro he has a [ __ ] butt face like [ __ ] don't you know what I'm saying like it throws [ __ ] off you know what I'm saying you be trying to like watch a mother [ __ ] [ __ ] like he has a butt face it's hard to focus on that you're right his face looks like a butt but no hair on his face oh yeah yeah that's what I mean by butt face no hair it's like it's just smooth like godamn take a de bit and just shave your skin make that [ __ ] grow uh do the Beijing I don't that's not racist he's Asian it's actually called Beijing what is Beijing you know the [ __ ] where they kind of make paint your mustache the tattoo thing they put a bunch of he should do that to his whole face no they painted on and it's [ __ ] up because it's called Beijing and then he's like Asian but that's just you know I was and so okay he told me that he basically thought that he wasn't qualified to be a participant on a podcast because he didn't think that being on camera was a strong suit whatever okay fine and I that always kind of stuck with me because I was like oh so you you get it you know you suck on camera that's interesting but then I had him on an episode of the no jumber show and he was like you know I'm going to have to like give you kind of a hard time on this or whatever and so I I encourag people to go back and watch it because I basically got to sit there and listen to him try to like make me feel guilty about some [ __ ] that had happened throughout the history of no jumper and it was so bad it was so weak like his attempts at trying to Own Me were all like old ass arguments that it felt like I was in a time machine it was some [ __ ] that I had just argued with ad and house phone about like six months ago and he's just trotting out these super lame talking points and that was when I really realized like oh yeah this guy's just washed he's done like there's no [ __ ] coming back he tried to be a rapper too right he tried to be a rapper he tried to be a Vlad talking head Vlad [ __ ] candom Vlad don't [ __ ] with tried to be a CEO of a transgender record label which people think that I set that up on purpose but actually I agreed to interview that girl Ava and then she shocked me and blew my [ __ ] mind by telling me that China M had tried to manage her or whatever but keep in mind your boy tte naughty I'm talking to him boom he tells me that China ma reached out to him try to manage him he's in Texas then I'm talking to uh who who the [ __ ] was the other one oh who was I talking to the other day that told me that he tried to manage them [ __ ] oh it was uh it was four extras told me they tried to manage him too so think about that would have beat the [ __ ] out Tred to make KP M gets locked up and you go and you find the other most aggressive [ __ ] you can find in South Central like what the [ __ ] just got out you're going to try to lock him up in a deal that's some crazy [ __ ] that's when I realized like oh my God this guy is out of his [ __ ] mind anyway I mean y man let me tell you something what's he gonna do it's over like you you're trying to manage a trans person you're trying to find a new cryp to manage it's like come on man let's just in the tow we can't hate on this hustle maybe we need to just go Um get a job you know what I mean at you know [ __ ] um hot dog cter or something you know okay see yeah I've avoided turning this into a racist thing what Mr child what you mean that's the spot no great great spot actually yeah but I mean you know he no I would think he might know more about Asian food than anything else what's wrong like that's like telling a Mexican or something like that to go [ __ ] you know open up a a a Mexican restaurant [ __ ] Mexican you could see how that would be kind of weird right why well if I told you wh whole podcasting thing ain't worth working you need to go start a soul food restaurant I'm going put some thought into it okay but you can see how it come off a little racist right tell someone to go do the one thing that is directly intrinsically connected to their race can never be considered disrespect but you're right because if you told me to go start a [ __ ] burrito cart I can't do it it's cultural appropriation that's what I'm saying like why would that be you got to start a food cart related to your race sound like to say chac go open up a soul food restaurant well I mean he he does seem to be a big fan of Black Culture so it would maybe makes sense right I'm just saying I mean [ __ ] you know um I don't know what he going to do but I do know this he looking crazy as a [ __ ] right now yeah that's what he gets for playing with those kits was just weird sitting me [ __ ] bro I like why is he sitting me this [ __ ] but what's he sending you is he like trying to be aggressive towards you or he's trying to send me [ __ ] around what he say click it mentioned you in their story he keeps inting he's just like tagging you in all his story me a bunch of [ __ ] trying to get some likes I don't know what this one is what is this [ __ ] he's standing with some gang members or some [ __ ] I don't know what the [ __ ] this is yeah he like reposting old photos where he like saw for in the studio and [ __ ] he's trying to be like look I got friends is going to leave Adam for a black he posted this today she leaves what a psycho gay porn he's out here like fantasizing about me doing gay [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz before I blocked him my last messages from him this is hilarious my last messages hopefully yeah I could see it yeah like it's all [ __ ] about Lena just over and over oh he was like text talking [ __ ] yeah dude like just over and over just saying weird little [ __ ] about how he thinks I'm going to be gay and how he thinks that my like you know it's just like weird I was like bro he was really telling you that [ __ ] I got to block you like he's literally it was almost like sexual fantasy type stuff showing up in my [ __ ] DMS and and texts I had to block them on both that's crazy yeah I don't really understand what goes through his mind or anything but it's just weird to see somebody who seemed like they had a ton of talent at one point because when he first went on Vlad we were all very very intrigued by him like oh wow like a Chinese [ __ ] gang banger who's got all these crazy stories and just did all this prison time everybody was locked in but man whatever like potential he had his his life meter was all the way full I got some crazy [ __ ] one of my spies sent me some crazy [ __ ] on him trans stuff no like some some below the age stuff I don't know anything about that yeah sending pictures and [ __ ] they got the picture I mean yeah I told him I don't want to [ __ ] with it save it in the world the war chest send it the Beast case his ass get out of line he got out line with me I'mma fry his ass up so Beast has a war chest yeah yeah we got 33 spies 34 34th is he spy 33 and the third wow and all they do anybody they he speak on me they go dig and get [ __ ] anybody they think May potentially I might get into it with they dig [ __ ] and get [ __ ] so when when [ __ ] pops up on stage with them they'll start sending it to me informational see that's my problem is that I start arguing with somebody like China Ma and I'm actually arguing with him about like the ideas that are present here like no I need to have a few a huge haul of like dirt on people to just Trot out as soon as they but how you going to have dirt on somebody that's really shallow yeah what does he do there's not a lot going on upstairs from what I could tell what does does he do though like on a daily basis I kind of wonder that too it seems like he just sort of hangs out just tries to I don't know I don't know I mean know a few people you know maybe tied in like that maybe um did you see the clip of gface saying that he tried to pay a podcaster $20,000 to set up milk I seen that should we play it for the people play it for that okay you don't like milk um the [ __ ] he using his cereal milk we're not logged in again so we're not going to be able to play it on here I'm thinking that sucks but it's on the no jumper Instagram or I'm sure you can find it on YouTube if you were to search up uh gface milk 74 I think milk just made videos talking [ __ ] about him and so he wants his revenge on milk actually that's true cuz at one point G asked me for milk's address and I mean I used to be in possession of that information at one time in my life but I did not have it at that moment so I was not able to provide it but apparently he went one step further he told uh drinks with Jinx shout out to jinx another local La podcaster he told him they would give him $20,000 if he were to help him set up milk now even if Jinx doesn't have a moral obligation uh against setting someone up I would tell him probably not worth it because if soon as you get the reputation of setting people up as a podcaster it's probably going to be hard for you to get uh podcast in the future as well as that I mean I don't know exactly what terms they're on but milk is from a relatively uh affluent neighborhood that you probably don't want to be starting a [ __ ] gang war with right g face you know he he from a side they can handle it true but still like if I were him probably wouldn't want to like you know create something that serious off of someone making YouTube's videos of I don't know if they would go to war about some [ __ ] like that I don't know either it just seems like you know if you start setting people up on a podcast then that might be the kind of thing that people might be ready to go to war about but I don't know either way I just want would recommend it I I've never set anyone out up I wouldn't I wouldn't never do that it's like you got to have some Integrity in this game what you said you never set you never set anybody up no nobody but but just by nature of us we used to do the podcast in like a very public location multiple different situations where people basically like accused me of setting people up I can't even imagine what it would be like if you actually did try to get somebody lined up it would it would be all bad somebody would tell somebody would probably tell at a certain point but like yeah I I did an interview with this dude uh rob banks from Florida I was just writing about this in the history of no jumper thing and while we're doing the interview some Ops of his basically like showed up at the door and there was a lot of screaming back and forth and I'm standing there in the clip just looking white as [ __ ] just like oh my god what the like I didn't know what the [ __ ] to do luckily they weren't Holden from what I could tell nothing really took place no fights no nothing just a lot of yelling back and forth it was actually very strange oh shout out to the Busters you take the time to pull up on something something supposed to get pulled up on sh out to the Busters that's a fact you know who lefty gun players yet hell no oh my God you're going to [ __ ] love that [ __ ] probably a shot sh Lefty Gunplay just did nine years in prison he uh shot up a party is what I basically ascertained but my interview with him just came out and let me tell you he's taken the razza World by storm oh this is a Mexican dude they love him where he from he's from Baldwin Park but he pronounces it Baldwin Park Parkway Bal Balwin Park like no no syllables at all he's a rapper or something he'd be rapping yeah his music is pretty good too they're calling him the Mexican crit Mac the what the Mexican crit ma he oh [ __ ] was not very enthusiastic about being called that but whatever energy KPM has brought to krippin I think it's fair to say that Lefty Gunplay is basically bringing that level of passion and dedication to uh you know his race uh did you did you hear what this Mexican had to say you're pointing at the mic did you hear what he had to say which which Mexican sure I don't noce Mexican hey the Mexican said it not me I [ __ ] said when I said Mexican rappers [ __ ] suck Mr Criminal Little Rob Swifty blue koras now leave the rapping to the blacks and if somebody feels disrespected or say I'm saying racist [ __ ] no I'm going tell you right now Mexicans are Comedians and they make good at loras blacks are funny and they're [ __ ] good rappers and actors like on some real [ __ ] your music sucks you're a PC case and you guys are [ __ ] lames cuz you know what you pull up to their neighborhoods you're going to catch them they ain't out there they ain't out there like that but you know what even though I'm out here in Arizona and I'm a Sudan from California I'm on the Block I don't give a [ __ ] I'm not stupid like that so why I [ __ ] said what I said shout out to my man runy mon he said that to me there's a lot of good Mexican rap out there right hey I didn't say it he said it he's Mexican cypress [ __ ] Hill man last time it's a black guy in that group isn't it yeah but I mean be real is like the main raer last time I had opinion about something about what I wouldn't do Snow the Product crazy snow the products no I [ __ ] with SN we even got women uh King Lil G Lil Rob cap g ain't heard about cabg in a minute uh we we got burner throw burner in the mix we got ogez why is Fat Joe on here ain't he Puerto Rican he's Latin uh Big Pun also Puerto Rican I'm quite sure this is just what Google is serving up to me but even some of the people that he named off right there that Chito Ras guy he's hard that Mexican OT he's coming up fast as [ __ ] hey bro I don't know he's we could do this all day shout out Phoenix flexen I mean drummer boy drummer boy I mean you know honestly like yes the black clearly dominate hip-hop coyote but there's a lot who who what they left your uh Your Nest huh oh they still with me I saw a video of them uh announcing that they were free as birds and it was like click baited to say they announced that they were leaving wack 100 and never said my name I know I watched the clip waiting to hear your name and they didn't say your name and I was wondering did I just get click baited you you'll never cuz we're always together so what you have them in a lifetime contract I don't do lifetime contracts with none of my artists is just the respect is there so was always lifetime did you set them up with Shaq they set their self up with Shaq I mean I I I introduced that music to Shaq I seen Shaq a bunch of their videos did you have you ever known anyone throughout the years I feel like enough time has passed I can ask this question I have a friend who for a period of time would be would make extra money by driving down to San Diego going to a specified location there was a guy who was paying him to do this go into this location and then he would have to like call a number and then a bunch of Mexicans dirty as [ __ ] like barely having clothes on and [ __ ] like would run out of a bush and get into his car and then he would drive them back to LA and drop them off at like a safe house so basically like because the transition is that we were just talking about the coyotes the rap group this is called being a coyote basically transferring immigrants illegally from Mexico into America and he was getting money to do this and I I didn't even really believe him when he told me about it until one day he sent me a selfie like this and it was him driving the car and it was three [ __ ] Mexican dudes dirty as [ __ ] in the back who had clearly been picked up in this way and he he was making money doing this and when he told me about it I was just like Jesus Christ dude like what the paying I think he was maybe getting like a th000 bucks a person or something sound all right yeah see they know they probably done it couple coyotes in the room oh did you ever hear about people doing this cuz I guess it's not that UNC understand uh what coyotes do and who they are understand our borders but why did you say they have to be dirty bro I was just being descriptive because they've literally been you know traveling on foot for days and days climbing over [ __ ] barbed wire swimming through lakes and [ __ ] like they look terrible in theot was like tired and soil you called him dirty ass Mexican you said soiled yeah man you know if we look up dirty in the DI in the thesaurus it's going to tell us another word Mexicans first you said it bragged about using the nword and now you're saying dirty ass Mexicans and then you on [ __ ] ma talk about he need to use Beijing you said that you China China I was with the Asian girl yesterday and she told me that she don't even have to shave her legs she don't grow hair I know so she's like the littles the little mouses but I've had that a few times remember the littles the littles no it was a k was a cartoon I don't know there were little mouses in the wall no but they were hairless yeah one of them looked like China m 2 really yeah when I'm I heard China might be like moving to China they whoop China's ass it's pretty Meek culture I feel like they probably he's probably the end boss of China like they're just going to look at him like he's like the most most intimidating one hell no I don't know man I did see one fight in China One Time as a bunch of guys all wearing suits fighting outside a restaurant and I could not believe it because it's such an orderly Society like everybody just kind of plays by the rules out there and then I see all these [ __ ] Kung Fu Fighting I'm like what the [ __ ] like it was just so shocking I'd been there for a week the littles the little Rotten Tomatoes though the littles bro you never seen this no that's crazy you play it for your kids or something no I watched it as a kid you ever watch llama llama red pajamas what the [ __ ] that is no I don't know what that is I'm familiar with all kinds of weird kids programming now through my kid who you yeah little why would you call it weird it's just stuff your kid watch the um Tom and Jerry no not really no Sesame Street and then like Disney movies are really kind of Sesame Street well she's actually kind of old for Sesame Street now she don't really give a they're making a killing you know why they never have to change [ __ ] Sesame Street I know cuz that's what I watched when I was a kid and then she's you know it's 40 years later she's watching the same [ __ ] same [ __ ] exact same [ __ ] that's why a lot of those Sesame Street music videos have like 50 million views on YouTube and [ __ ] multiple generations of people watching it it a got to change anything you don't got to do nothing you list just so state of Hip Hop I've been really thinking about it what you think where we're at yeah I mean it's certainly not boom times like it once was no but that being said I think we're in a very advantageous position as people who have you know well entrenched situations within hip-hop so I'm not too worried any anything could go I would love another SoundCloud rapes era um that'd be great for the I know the old way of doing things is overweight what's the old way whatever the [ __ ] it was uh street cred um tattoos on the face I think I think the whole sound has to change I agree with the sound they looking for something new but okay like it's still feels like most of the time when you see a young rapper getting a bunch of attention they quite often have a face full of tattoos and a bunch of crazy ass War Stories and a 50 round clip pum at your I don't think I think the labels is baging up from it and I don't think the people care anymore it's tough to impress them you know what I think he going to crack a skateboarder a skateboard rapper blp kosher you familiar I think that'll work Jewish rapper with big ass Wick dreads sticking out of his head and no I'm just's really good skateboarder I'm being real like all the gangster [ __ ] all the Glock switch lean perk that [ __ ] over with yeah I mean certainly like you don't have like a whole nation that is just like Amazed by some young kid talking about popping perks like 2016 that was pretty much like you could just become a millionaire if you were like writing songs about perets what you think about this whole [ __ ] this is [ __ ] you see the [ __ ] they said about Gilly disrespectful [ __ ] you seen that [ __ ] I can't believe that he even responded to it if I'm him and I'm doing an interview I'm saying and they asked me that question I'm saying I don't want to answer that question because you shouldn't even give attention or light to trolls for the record he's talking about Gilly did an interview with somebody on bar stool and they asked him about how he felt about people saying that he had his kid sacrificed those of you will know that he had his kid his kid got killed his kid was probably 20 or like early 20s and he got killed in Philadelphia he was a u a rapper Street rapper of some sort and I don't know exactly what happened but he was he was murdered he wasn't a street rapper he was a rapper been to my studio gillies's from the streets right quite naturally he's gonna identify with you know the streets of Philly but Gilly's kids not in the streets like that like Gil's a dad like he not you know what I'm saying but people who say he sacrificed his kids so his podcast could be successful like what what is the logic even here like does someone come to you at your at some point in your life and say like hey his podcast was already successful we're going to make you a millionaire but you got to kill your kid like what the like he shouldn't have even responded to this it's so stupid okay give me the success first and then you can have them yeah because by the time his son passed that robbery successful yeah I mean but but there's always this it's always this now it's always like the dumbest opinion possible it becomes not the mainstream opinion but like enough people acknowledge it and talk about it to the point where it almost has to be acknowledged by somebody like him and I mean you know you know Lil Dirk has the same thing oh he's sacrifice vaugh so his career could be big I mean it's just like the dumbest ideas just get kind of propped up by these people who leave these comments and it's because a lot of people just want to get the attention of the Superstar the podcaster the rapper Etc that they'll just come with anything and a lot of times they do get acknowledged I mean [ __ ] Lil Dirk has lyrics about how stupid the accusation of him sacrificing vau was but I mean he does have lyrics about it so it's like these these sort of troll people they kind of know what they're doing I think Kodak they going to let him out or they going to make him finish his sentence I I know what is going on with that they're saying um they want to make him go back to the federal prison and complete the sentence he had before Donald Trump pardoned him like looks like we got to re-elect Trump that's [ __ ] up but they lied on him it wasn't even cocaine yeah but what what was it like oxycodone crushed up oxycodone snort that what's going on no whatever he was he had a um prescription for it yeah I have a CO prescription as well it wasn't cocaine white guy it was oxycodon they said free Kodak free Kodak that's a fact let me ask you this you previously said I didn't actually ask him about this but you previously said you wouldn't sign a Mexican artist because you don't want to have to deal with the that's what I said well that's a slight oversimplification no it's not slight as [ __ ] I said I wouldn't sign a sureno ah which is every Mexican rapper from La no and surrounding areas no all of them aren stos who who isn't few of them not coyote isn't they aren't [ __ ] no they're totally not affiliated no I didn't even know that was a thing okay do you do you understand why why if that culture that movement is very disciplined is very controlled so let's say I signed Sudan your artist right the minute he blows up mhm I'm a be approached right I'm not going for it so then they'll do is they'll control the artist whatever family member he got in the joint or County Jail whatever they're going to control that artist with that right it's politics and that and I know that this is something I know so for me to enter in something like that I got people with me people that love me people that come from where I come from that's going to stand with me right M so now I'm dragging in into some [ __ ] right that I know I know is going to bring a bad taste to the business so I will help you if you come to me like yo whack man we need help on this uh points the right direction need some beats you know um ads YouTube whatever what radio whatever no problem as far as me entering a contract with him I know at the end of the day the politics will work against me so I just choose not to do it now a Mexican artist not an affiliate all day right lefty gun play definitely an affiliate he's AO he's got an affiliate code yeah so Lefty W want to holl at you what's up bro man I want to sign to you can't do it okay this was the conversation that me and him got into but if he ask me for like help Point him in the right direction for [ __ ] no problem that's actually a great idea I would love to bring him on here I'd so want to see how you guys get along but Lefty Gunplay told me he has an only fans doing what he said he hasn't posted on it yet which is confusing but he said he has an only fans and I told him I said well at one point KPM was doing a little bit of stuff on only fans and from what he told me it was issued down from the higher ups at [ __ ] Inc saying we don't really approve of people are flying our blue flag having an only fans all I said to Lefty Gunplay was I feel like being that the Southsiders allegedly run such a strict tight program that there might be a similar policy at sereno's Inc I know uh SOS are but the rest of the [ __ ] you had into it you play with they [ __ ] no I'm just saying I don't think think that they're really going to be eager to let one of their own be out here slanging dick it might be a weird look for them oh that's bad work what y Lefty man I don't know I can't even call you that after he said this [ __ ] I asked Lefty I go you got a big dick he goes he goes it could be better like he's like I do but it could be better or something like that yo he's so sick you're gonna [ __ ] love him got to watch my interview how does this dude well he got N9 years he did N9 years when he was like 18 or 19 so he's probably like a little under 30 28 something like that yeah yeah well you know one thing about sangel they go through a crash course in there you know if he's still good I don't know if he's good I don't know if he's bad he said he was cellmates with jab five at one point in the county yeah or in prison I don't know that's crazy right I love the idea of people just going in there and having all these rare collabs a lot of um I found out over the weekend there this dude named booger brim booger brim I'm very into that name he's on he's on a SNY yard sensitive knees yard his brother he's the brother to do Sims do Sims is telling everybody sensitive need I guess D Sims found out that um that dude has some relations with you know and uh he mad at his brother he found out his brother that knock something down as close to him so he letting us know that his brother sensitive need y' I guess you know we all thought the dude was like stand up dude but um booger brim your brother he's letting us know these things bro sensitive knes yard SNY is sensitive need straight Roll Up is it comparable to PC is it the definitely PC it's the same thing definitely PC booger brim PC up do s's brother yeah la la Monte booger brim I apologize for being a conduit it for this information I have no idea what he's talking about I'm just a dude named booger brim the name's crazy right and his brother La lante AKA do Sims let us know that his brother did some things and he was upset and I'm sitting here thinking about this [ __ ] like why would your brother want to put you out there like that your brother like your real brother like you know what I'm saying like what would what would make you how you said your wife would never do you like that what would make your real brother to do things to where he exposes you like that what what do you think he did you said he knock some [ __ ] down he said some you know maybe you know usually people get emotional about their chicks oh you know you get to find it out [ __ ] you go through them text messages boy you never know what you'll run into sounds exhilarating um why does blueface owe the strip club $14 million he didn't make the court date um I paid the attorney about 3 weeks ago he' get us back in court we I'll get that reverse so that will get overturned yeah I'll get that reverse 69ine had a similar thing though right where like it was announced that he owed millions and millions of dollars to this person that he had this brief altercation with and then it got overturned why has that not happened to this judgment that was put against game he just recently talked about it on his Vlad interview but there was the girl in the reality show and he what like allegedly put his finger in her [ __ ] or some [ __ ] and then he didn't show up for the court date he didn't show well it that he didn't show up he just had a bunch of dental work done the day before and um the dentist told him he couldn't fly right to a point to where he said give me the judge's number I'll call in he called in it's on record the dentist called in they got it on record told him the type of work he had done something about the um alha elevation or what I don't know what it was but he couldn't fly so the judge didn't give a [ __ ] he went H long with the proceedings anyway so we filed for appeal got caught up tied up in that uh we fought him fought him he fought him they ruled against him so he went to the next circuit and the next circuit and the next circuit um but that's a situation that you know I'm kind of like didn't know a lot about because I wasn't part of the reality show okay I kind of had I didn't want him to do it for my reasons right um then it was things that had happened on the road that I had to fly out for remember when gam and Thug had the little thing yep yeah like that was doing that I was trying to get him to fly back there from that was serious at some point huh yeah I had to fly out that was a real serious [ __ ] I had to fly out took me about 50 60 heads to work that out you had to fly out 50 or 60 heads no I had to fly out they was there already my team is in Atlanta but I had to get there to bring them out and uh I had to draw Thug of them out so I hit the Linux mall like 60 deep and I knew they would come out and we called Rosco in the parking lot who's Rosco Peewee okay we C he we in the parking lot and uh brought him to me talked to him and I had him get Thug on the phone I knew us hitting that Linux ball like that was you would find a yso affiliate yeah and um got Thug on the phone had a conversation with dougz we had a you know we cool when you show up as a group of 60 people that I'm going to assume look pretty intimidating on average at the Lennox Mall 60 of you as a group does the security come over and say like uh hey y'all need to like not what you going to say I don't know not thousand people in them all right we just 60 of them right and so that so you get Thug on the phone and what's the conversation like I get we cash PE we low and you didn't have a better way to contact Thug at that no we catch peee lurk he didn't want to talk we catch peee lurk in the parking lot I'm bring him to us Tom get Thug on the phone M he gets Thug on the phone Thug I'm here with whack and about 60 people you want to talk to you I talk to Thug put him a game on the phone peewee's there with us he by himself right so the Gest of respect was you know let peew we uh get back in one piece and know they talk had the conversation and it smoothed it over you know we had to do like two three days in Atlanta and it was it was a edgy two three days there are moments where you thought things were going to get very tricky definitely really and game you don't lay down flying out 60 game members holy [ __ ] that's a lot of [ __ ] fly them out my team was there oh I I just had to get there okay I was here in Cali and I guess whatever was said happened in Louisiana so once I got there you know shout out to my boy special you know but you know I got a squad ain't pry much about land on that saw I got a team there but it worked out but that that it was I ain't going to lie it was real edgy real edgy like at any given second cuz game still want the club strip club party go here go here go there go eat after hour spots so it was it was it was it was it was edgy I want to live that rapper life [ __ ] no you don't you sleep till noon shout out to incredible diapers go hit Lennox No you don't get an outfit go to the studio maybe you like go to the club you go to a nice restaurant you go to the strip club you're just doing cool [ __ ] all day and you stay up late as [ __ ] you know I anytime I stay up late at [ __ ] sucks cuz I wake up at like 700 in the morning so by the time it's 2:00 in the morning I'm staying out it's just like I'm [ __ ] done I got nothing left yo man I'm gonna be real I'm I mean listen unless it's some [ __ ] I gotta be there for I didn't heard all the music I didn't met everybody you know but if it's not just a new artist I'm building you know I get in there do what I got to do and get out yeah I noticed like I tried to get you on my birthday no show went to the blueface show that you told me about no show I've never seen you out really past or um I was out of town for the blueface show I'm never going to be the common man I'm never going to be what you expect me to be that doesn't make sense and by that you mean you're never going to go out at night I'm out every night I just may not be where you expect me to be or where you want me to be I feel like you're not out out at night always I've never seen a picture really I'm always out at night cuz my whole thing is like either I'm at my studio or I'm at meetings or in other people Studios you know um [ __ ] like that now do you do you think I'mma Be in a [ __ ] I'm not a club guy I'm only in a club when we picking up a bag right no bag no whack at a club I don't drink I don't smoke I don't even get dressed I will go to clubs in the sweat suit they got to let me in I'm here to get my bag get the bottles get everybody in 60 minutes is up you want to stay a little longer cool time to go go to the crib at the end of the day you got to remember I bring sand to the beach my woman be with me I don't go to the club to meet a female I don't drink I'm standing around watching 30 people in the area that's supposed to made designed for 10 right a bunch of [ __ ] spend 3 4,000 on the out outfit and can't nobody see you cuz the lights is D you understand what I'm saying how much does blueface get paid to go to a strip club uh depending on what region we in anywhere can range from anywhere from 25 to 40,000 Jesus Christ depending on what region we in we in our backyard you know it's a little you know we got to get on that plane to get there you know it's going to cost you during the AVN Awards me and Lena are hosting an event at a strip club like a party like the first time we've ever got paid do the strip club booking thing where's it at in Vegas was it Floyd's Club I can't remember the name but I will announce it closer to the date but that just really made me feel like oh [ __ ] I got to try to figure out a strip club situation in La like we should be doing this semi-regularly no you definitely could do it with a total different crowd into the work there you go you know Nick got owns a bunch of properties through Hollywood really Nick Cannon no this is real [ __ ] I guarantee if I called him tonight he got a few that [ __ ] could work I don't know you guys will bring a totally different crowd she's sick right now so tomorrow I have to do plug talk without her I got to bang the girl and interview the girl myself I've only done this one other time oh and then actually well the Selena po thing but that was different so you got to bang the gr this you on her one onone yeah oh that's crazy that's a whole new world is she going be watching no she's going to be at home probably sleeping she's not feeling very good oh Hey listen man I I could relate to your relationship can you yeah I can relate you live a great life you don't have to hide anything well I got to hide some stuff what um you get to bang four or five different chicks a week yeah but there's other stuff that you can't tell your wife about like what Papa Norco with the homies don't tell her about that she notices you're going extra 5 10 minutes in bed I don't know maybe it's the pain pill what the [ __ ] is a Norco you'll find out one day I got to take a [ __ ] what is a Norco bro it's a pain pill I got to take a [ __ ] well I'm not going want to talk to you if you take a [ __ ] no if I took a [ __ ] right here right now that would be flagrant we not listen I'm proud we just did like two hours without a lot to talk about this is Adam and wax oh can I do that too he got to take a [ __ ] so this [ __ ] is a rap that's it we out we out
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 220,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katt williams interview, katt williams shay shay, katt williams shannon sharpe, china mac adam22, china mac interview, akademiks interview, akademiks ex gf, akademiks adam22, akademiks charlamagne, joe rogan interview, joe rogan podcast, joe rogan katt williams, joe budden interview, joe budden podcast, joe budden adam22, joe budden akademiks
Id: 0MzNshyvL4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 27sec (6747 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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