Charles Leclerc - On The Road | F1 TV Originals

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[Music] hello oh yeah it's really good how are you I'm good I'm good French Grand Prix looking forward to it I'm looking forward to the journey these are wheels very very nice car you'll see basic company car you've got exactly part of the job yeah let's go [Music] you'll see so here we are hey where how's the car very nice yeah these guys very nice the sound is amazingly if you go in high rpm Thomas Lewis it's nice tell me about life in Monaco I really enjoy it yeah just beautiful weather with friends and trying to enjoy as much as possible and try to to relax as much as possible in between races seeing the family and that's it basically it was the television awards last night right yes I was there are you were there yeah I did that was there giving a prize receiving a prize nothing just just be watching yeah I've been been invited so I was there and then what school what school there was some actors from you know La Casa de papel which is my favorite series ever cuz I think about you don't know how you should watch it I love it it's amazing so there was one of these actor then did you go and ask yourself you know I didn't you'd hate it when people ask you for a self no not at all of these I think he's good save people are selfies with you so he said there was Megan gamer yeah yeah singing she was amazing is it Megan game on I think is it makeup we're gonna have to go [Music] he's game off for sure ta why em oh I'll show you well you will know the songs for sure sorry keep going I'm still not with you know it's coming so my phone was being slow yeah yeah okay no not at all not at all that's very famous for sure you know but you're not me more game or artists might be gained or GAE gay no i think it's game over Cleo you gay no a chlorine a no num I don't know why I'd get cheese million so I said sing the song again how has the reality of being a Ferrari driver compared with what your expectation was before coming I think once I think it's always different once you leave the things to once you trim the things because once you dream it sometimes you might think it cannot be real so obviously it adds some things even more your face sort of fits so well thank you you speak Italian yeah yeah this is a this is a good point very good to speak Italian in Italian team like Ferrari although make an exciting tyre speaking Italian so it's a very proud I've I have learned Italian early on in my career so ladies and gentlemen Charles Leclerc is currently in seventh gear we're doing just over 2,000 ribs and we're doing 120 to case in a 130 so we're being very well behaved very well behaved there's a gene meter here we're not pulling any gia them at 15 I did move if you ever had a speeding ticket I did but always stupid amounts was at 93 instead of 90 and whom to get free no they knew the names oh yeah do you know who I am no no no I never do that but even though you can eyes then better for me but if they don't learn he's fine out here I hate doing you don't know who I am so can you remember the first time you drove into marinilla was with Jules Bianchi he was not yet in Ferrari so I was still in karting I think and I only so Maranello from outside because I was not authorised to go to get in for now it's a little bit different so I washed it from from outside I was very very impressed with with the facilities and things like this and and then we we went back so that's the first time I went to man hello Matt the end man hello is a city that leaves around forever you know and everything that happened everyone leaves for Ferrari there if you go there every 20 meter there's somebody with a Ferrari jacket and and it's just so nice to go there because you just understand how much it means to to all of them and to all of Italy and especially to all of Maranello Ferrari and Formula One in general can you remember your first race at Oregon or Rica they have a karting track I've been once there but many people think because it's close to my house that I've been there million times but I've only been through there three or four times racing no not even not even I've been I've been racing there last year that's it that was your status at a time and Paul become last year yeah okay give me a top 5 track like our our number one yeah when I go to this is in order right yeah the cow Monica back off Singapore since Jackson came here is that yeah yeah I I love Norisring I really four corners I love it right everything you've just mentioned it's it attracts to city traffic I love it I love it's fine no room for us who's the best driver you've ever raced in any candy I think in karting to become leader as there were the level was quite high in some races I think there were some races where were Alex album Marcus messed up and yeah Nestle and Esteban icon so probably Alex one other two how is the intensity of the relationship so you won't speak in terms with them yes I am I think there has been a period with especially with Max but quite a long time I mean in karting the karting days were like enemies basically oh we were we were fighting for Championships together and so it was always quite tricky but then we have grown and things have changed and both of us muttered a little beaten and now it's all fine so yeah now I am in good terms with all of them I think maybe the one I'm closest with his beer because P I know it Sam five or six we used to go in holidays together our parents know each other extremely well my father was very good friend of them off of his father my mother very good friend of of his mother so so yeah we are we are very close with the end still still now so we've just pulled off the motorway and we're heading towards put in your cart and train yes so we are here so has it changed at all this is still the same this is the same this is the paddock actually during the races all the teams were here yeah yeah all the team all the awnings and there's a busted-up Julie yes this is new actually I've never seen it very nice very good touch yeah that's where he started to that's where we both started yeah you know show y'all city Jonas mucho need one sure look my logo perfect brings back memories yeah definitely but that's how I started every Wednesday after school every Saturday on Sunday with my father on your time here as some of the happiest times of your life definitely nothing is taken seriously here and then you just come here and you do what you love most which is driving so it's definitely memories that all keep that keep forever actually I have quite a good story too in that was a 24 hour race and I was in the in the team with Jules my brother and Norman not oh I don't know if she not also and it was around 3:00 in the morning or something I say Charles take the take the cards and and you do this session of one hour you know we will go and have a party and then we come back in one hour and I remember I took the I I started driving at 3:00 and at 8:00 in the morning they were still not coming by because they were just passing somewhere here near we found yeah and I didn't want to stop because I didn't want to lose the first position so I would have been driving for five straight hours and I was completely dead but they eventually came back after after five hours to save me from dying inside the car thing which was nice how enjoyable where you're cutting is for me were the best times because I said nobody takes themselves seriously it's all easygoing and then you just enjoy everyone is friends with everyone which is something I'm it's a little bit informal one in from one you're in your own thing and and you don't to be honest you don't also have much time to spend with the others because but in counting is just driving and then you go and to the bar with the friends and and drink orange juice because obviously were eight years old and and then go back in the car sing for the race so it was yeah it was amazing I think there was quite a nice picture actually posted on the phone on Twitter some the last racing kind of Jersey for the parade where all the new generation sitting down together so that was that was quite nice was also very nice because they were actually quite a lot of people I knew that I haven't seen since a long time it just reminds you a little bit of of how it was and from how far you've started and how you felt also at that time because I remember when I started Carson was everything and if one day I had the possibility even to only drive one single seater I mean it was a dream for me to draw only drive one single season and and now I you come back there teach 12 12 years later and and actually for more on drama Ferrari so you feel that that's crazy what is your mode of relaxation do you listen to music do you music going out with friends what music do you listen to apart from flora this is a question I hate your again oh yeah you're gonna be listening to Megan on the grid or something yeah now I'm actually never listening to music when I'm going getting into the car but I hate the question what is your favorite music because I'm I'm weird because I I don't have I only stand everything apart from classical and rap so anything can I just ask you about metal yes how are relations with him is he generous in terms of how he helps you and the sharing of data and things and I think as team mates is quite difficult to to help each other driving because even though I'm younger even though I'm saying Ferrari I completely understand that he wants to beat me it's normal otherwise it will not be a racing driver so obviously the advice is we give each other for the driving silent how very limited but I think we found the right compromise and I've always found I think the right compromise with my teammates I can be friend with my teammate there's no problems you're a Whistler oh yeah typical Sunday UI right yeah you do a lot of driving on a Sunday that's true yeah true thank you it's great it's a great tool you give have to say here we are on the right [Music] eggs-actly thanks for the ride no problems [Music] when you appreciate your time between let's be like socially yeah well thank you so much thank really Yoda and really enjoyed it see you around yeah in the product okay what can I do one thing yes can I get a selfie of course okay you all ready for the selfies now so I'm allowed to ask yeah so we do sell thing [Music]
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 1,092,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing, F1 TV, Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, F1 Documentary, Jules Bianchi, French Grand Prix, Monaco
Id: DygcD5gmBwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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