Charles & Diana Royal Wedding ITN Christmas Day special 25-12-1981 (VHS Capture)

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well now here's Alastair Burnett the voice of the Royal Wedding to tell the story of July the 29th as only he can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day has begun the day of the wedding everyone has waited for said pauls has waited nearly 300 years now under the dust sheets the Cathedral is ready to dazzle the world outside it seems a good idea to dance the night away [Applause] [Applause] upstairs only in Park Lane they just aren't going home [Applause] [Music] they had gone to their beds early no one else will for one or two it's a little too much for others it's all in the night's work well no one could get through those crowds in on the steps of some calls our outlet laying the red carpet and the carpet lies more or less as or it's going to have a very busy day and the sand goes down in the roadway that's for the horses so they won't slither or slide now at last and the wee small hours of the morning London gets its head down some go for glitter others for comfort so they sneak and a dream and sleep right on all then a patriotically of course that means getting up into any language so where are we all off today fellow workers the police on the ground say they don't expect trouble but there are funny people about best beyond the lookout sounds silly but look out for persons who are carrying unfurled banners and just make sure he calls no aggravation with what's written on them you all know that you are facing the crowd apart from the sergeants the moussaka when the royal procession arrives once you have to be up you might as well see the dorm to 4000 policemen do and time to see just what the customers are getting up to there are only 10 arrests all night now in the parks before the palace amid the chorus of the birds and the rumble of the traffic a drowsy army is about to rouse itself mornings of seven the weddings at 11:00 time to be up and doing Her Majesty's forces have a hearty breakfast it's the cook houses idea of a wedding breakfast of course a knife gives a cup of something extra and the Constabulary to a copper doesn't notice his feet so much if his tummy's all right the mounted Force are getting ready they're dismounted ready soon sergeant I'm yawning but I'm ready for anything sergeant and I'm even light on my toes this young man is going to have to miss the bride just bad luck but everyone else isn't fine for not going to miss anything today what are you looking for feel like they're getting dinner Diana's bouquet ready gardenias freesia and of course Earl Mountbatten roses also their lily of the valley and Myrtle and Veronica grown from Queen Victoria's bouquet they're up early at Karen's house making sure the bride looks her best others can afford to be less passive he shouldn't be there he should be dressing in Buckingham Palace the queen is ready the Duke is ready the foreign royals are ready not long now in the sky above IT ends cameraman Bob Hammond gets a balloons eye view and London will get to know the balloon very well as the day goes on so of course it's properly address down to toasty vadik's the Scots and Irish guards are just falling in on parade the sergeant majors compliments and he'd like it smart and soda like and absolutely no idleness today it's certainly going to be a great day for everyone's back [Music] the Royal Marines to Trafalgar Square the Aria to Temple Bar [Music] all spick-and-span and hardly a note out of place but that's very idle indeed Colonel sir at Knightsbridge barracks the Horse Guards may just have a malingerer I was told to report to you with this horse sir I've been called the slaves where's it lain past fit house corporal major Lawson facing the heat and burden of the day well yes sir just all the heavy but I think because of the day there's so much to do while you're riding them and giving position and make sure the hostess is correct things really it takes your mind off the tip of the elements today the important thing I think is the royal couple of books such as probe day for a wedding anywhere the father of the bride and Lady Spencer leave their home I just like to say a word now I say a word the Spencer's have through the centuries for for their king and country today diana is vying to help her country for the rest of her life she'll be following in the tradition of our ancestors and she'll have at her side the man she loves still it's and poles they're a little worried about his health and about all those in the crowd who are bound to be crushed or feel sick or faint and a last-minute practice for the clock lady Diana's favorite hymn [Music] the bell ringers are warming up to they'll have to watch it all on television they'll be ringing until 6:00 in the evening at least outside the arrival of the state trombonist also arriving because it really is a musical wedding are the orchestra from Covent Garden the English Chamber Orchestra and the Philharmonia have no musician no instrument gets in unsearched that seems keen enough to and before anyone else even reaches a special branch they'll have to get past the Dougie's he doesn't care he just lay down thinking of England and hundreds more just aren't getting to the church on time they're jammed up in the Strand rolls two rows the police helicopter investigates their own picture now the band is what's holding up a whole but you can see the cars just going past them now the roads clear to Rennes Church for an hour to be the center of the world and they're getting through former goon Milligan former Prime Minister Matt Miller the great men are arriving mr. David Steele in his kilt the Scottish nationalists mr. Donald Stewart in his trousers and mr. Milligan without his invitation mrs. Reagan's there far from the front row between Nigeria and Iceland the king of Tonga is very much there as large as life and twice is impressive he's got his own chair and a good view over the Japanese crown prince and princess sitting on the bride's side her former flatmates her grandmother lady Fermoy and her sister Lady Jane her sister Lady Sarah and her husband and her mother mrs. shan't kid the family's present and correct but the odd-job men are back everything's not correct get that polythene cover away before the Queen sees it the Queen's getting ready to leave the palace inside the courtyard out of the crowds view the sovereigns escorts ready and the sovereign gives the order they move off into the forecourt and into the limelight the command is royal salute present arms the guard naturally the Prince of Wales Company 1st battalion Welsh Guards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother a day she couldn't miss with her new young man Prince ended Lando's in line ahead the past the Victoria Memorial Princess Anne and Princess Margaret Princess Anne's hat divides the country but it seems to show up to now the Queen's horses the Queen's men the Queen's family all go down the map the Duchess of Gloucester Princess Alice the young Earl of Ulster and the Jew after Cathedral the two youngest and fluffiest bridesmaids Clementine ham bro and Catherine Cameron are escorted by Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones an old wedding ham next Sarah Jane gays Lee and India Hicks behind them the midship Knights Edward bad captain and Lord Nicholas Windsor [Music] [Applause] now the bride groom and his best uniform and his main supporter Prince Andrew princes don't have best men he had said long before I hope I will be as lucky as my own parents who have been so happy [Applause] a look to Karen's house where the bride should be ready in the garden there they're all waiting to be the first to see her for those at the back necessity is the mother of ingenuity [Applause] and here she is the girl in the glass coach off to marry the man she loves who happens to be the Prince of Wales with her proud father at us [Applause] five minutes ahead her future mother-in-law and father-in-law are bowling down each Street and Fleet Street has got all the superlatives all the hyperbole out already [Applause] in the Strand bridegroom and supporter wave and wave back to make sure is a lucky day a sprig of orange blossom up top the bride and her father come through Admiralty Arch and out into the cheers of Trafalgar Square now pay the bribe the Sun shines off the family walked together up the red carpet to the west door everyone says how tall Prince Edward is how grown-up that even grown-ups have to be reminded about their hat not far to go now inside the door the handshake was the Dean the chapter the bishop the archbishop and outside the bridegroom's Landor draws a prince andrew asked the senior officers permission and gets out first and then the bridegroom climbing briskly up the stairs the last short walk of a single man the Queen the duped and the Queen Mother take their seats the Archbishop's reassuring but husband's Andrew got the ring [Music] the crown of queries said Johnny Johnston is an old hound but are you sure you've got the ring [Music] it's a time to grin and then think better of it and walking up the aisle to spot old friends and say hello [Applause] and very old friends will get a wink the cousins stand in line they'll get a wink too the two senior bridesmaids Lady Sarah and Miss Hicks go down to meet the Glasgow in just a moment they'll all see the dress the police want to see it too whatever the orders David and Elizabeth Immanuel the designers are as nervous as anyone first out Lord Spencer he'll need a little help after steps now they all wait to help the bride out and here she rustles down in parchment silk and every knowing IR lights on the veil the neckline and the billowing sleeves and the full skirt puffed out like a crinoline there's 20 yards of the Train and those who are nothing of fashion just know how great she looks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a moment to think of what it's all about most people watching see only a great ceremony of state it is her marriage [Music] the bridesmaid scary about getting the show on the road [Music] and this is a bride who reassures everyone else [Music] now it's time father puts in a word fathers usually do [Music] the bridegroom smiles as he sees ER for the first time [Music] he says you look wonderful she says wonderful for you [Music] outside they're following the service and as we will see they'll do so throughout inside the Dean the very Reverend Allen Webster has begun dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate instituted of God himself signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined therefore if any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace Charles Philip Arthur George wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony wilt thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live I will Diana Francis wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband to live together according to God's law in the holiest state of matrimony wilt thou love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live who giveth this woman to be married to this man I Charles Philip Arthur George I Charles Philip Arthur George take the Diana Frances take the Diana Frances to my wedded wife to my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse for richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish to love and to cherish till death us do part till death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto I give thee my truth and thereto I give thee my truth a slip becoming now I Diana Francis take the Charles Philip Arthur drawer to my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish to cherish till death us do part according to God's holy law and thereto I give thee my trail bless our Lord this ring and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other and abide in my peace and favor and live together in love until their lives end through Jesus Christ our Lord with this ring with this ring I thee Wed by the wood with my body with my body I the armor by the honour and all my worldly goods with the I share all their goods to be I showed in the name of the Father the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost amen [Applause] those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder for as much as Charles Philip Arthur George and Diana Francis have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company and thereto have given and pledged their truth either to other and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring and by joining of hands I pronounce that they be man and wife together [Applause] and of the Holy Ghost [Applause] it's the organist mr. Christopher Denley the director of music at Sioux Falls with the first performance of the anthem by the modern Welsh composer William Mathias let the people praise thee O God and the choir master is mr. Barry Rose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Speaker of the Commons mr. George Thomas though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not love I am nothing love suffereth long and is kind love in Vietnam love vaunteth not itself is not puffed up that not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face and now abideth Faith Hope Love these three but the greatest of these is love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God the Holy Trinity make you strong in faith and love defend you on every side and guide you in truth and peace and the blessing of God Almighty Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be amongst you and remain with you always [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the prince a new Princess of Wales bridegroom and bride follow the archbishop into the dean's aisle to sign the two registers the royal one and the state one the royal family follow though Princess Margaret waits and shakes her head to her son by captain Lee [Music] the Queen Mother smiles of lady Fermoy the other grandmother and an old ally and the Spencer's follow to [Music] what the congregation hadn't seen earlier on were two things had made the Queen smile first the bride takes her husband's have the Queen saw that [Music] and she saw what the camera didn't the exuberant cloud master quite carried away knocking over one of the cars lampshades it took quite a bit not to be caught nothing [Music] as everyone could see there was one lamp without a shade when the speaker got up to read the lesson [Music] now handles Aria let the bright seraphim from samson sung by Kiri Te Kanawa the New Zealand soprano with John Wallis solo trumpet the BA kua and the orchestra conducted by Sir David Wilcox [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now to a fanfare the prince and princess man and wife a curtsy to the Queen India Hicks smiles to her parents [Music] give them away if he said oh look it's the Asha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bell ringers are ringing a touch that's 500 changes next appeal that's 5000 [Applause] the start of life together for the Queen's son and new daughter assistant they were all right the father of the bride oh there's the Asha the Spencer's are leaving travel bug goggles there did you enjoy the service is it lovely thank you and dairy dining look fantastic absolute fantastic what a wonderful service man it's in every way I'm very beautiful in the religious sense as well afterwards yes and how did you think very Daniel oh perfectly beautiful and I'm sure she'll be wonderful and bow to her country and do all the things that everybody's so much hoping she will do at the front the former lady Spencer chats to the Jew [Applause] it's very much a British day though the British know all along they're playing to the world audience and there are good reviews already no one but the British can put on such a magnificent pageant it's memorable we're just always remember those what did you like best mrs. doe just beautiful [Applause] the Queen insists no you go first and the tradition of centuries has changed for one fathers very special day coming back down the Strand a hail of rice for Prince and Princess a smile and a wave to say thank you [Applause] that's and balls all the guests are leaving now an uncle can have a smoke he's got his memory of the day everyone else has got theirs to tell thing I've seen since then just the bombing of Cassino it was a over-the-top man I mean the after the test match and this I mean I've been order to do well you go now I'd given you the home that day this morning about your ticket now that's not a good passing tell this he'll they didn't believe me there's a touching a very very good picnic yeah I've got doors I had to stand in this up near the gents loo [Applause] so back home though not home exactly for that to be Kensington Palace and Highgrove the prince decides not to try to carry bride and dress over the threshold and everyone's all smiles the crowds march up the bow and there are thousands and there tens of thousands it's something the police are good at are ready for and they know the drill but the sheer numbers take them by surprise and come near to swamp in them for a moment [Applause] [Applause] the first chat we won't die up on the balcony the first appearance they seem still a little shocked so this time you just chased me kiss her hand now the cry we want the Queen hand-in-hand the bride with the littlest bridesmaid hmmm team Hamburg and with particular affection we want the Queen Mother but no one on the outside knows is that as this film shows in the shadows at the back of the balcony that prince and princess have been sharing a private very hard kiss just to be sure we'll see it again now outside in public Prince Andrew suggests kiss her nah I'm not going in for that caper there are millions watching well just an idea what's the form anyway it's something the Queen ought to know about oh go on give her a kiss oh all right how about and that kiss goes round the world though it's too much for one yellow balloon between the couple in the shadows the Earl of Litchfield the chosen royal photographer of the day is recording the moments the crowds and the world can't see and here's one of them a special one for the family album and a special memory for any photographer fascinating thing to actually witness because of the noise and normally I would be amongst the people making the noise but I was privileged enough to be in a position where I could hear coming at them and it meant they moved their cameras to actually the naval commander and his young bride behind them is a palace bed sheet with the creases still in it the big official group over 50 of them the two families and almost all the crowned heads of Europe all in all it's really very forbidding what I did was I worked out all their heights the night before and got bits of tape and put them on these steps down then they're all the way up and then gave them all numbers so at least they that got happened fairly quickly having done that the difficulty was that having put these people in first they started to talk to one another as I arranged them and when I got back there was no way that I could can you know get their attention and I had taken precaution of the whistle which is never kind of famous this sort of referee's whistle which I blew like mad and they all turn run and it seemed to made some of them crack off a bit so that was fun Princess Margaret made me I think I must have shot it but cause of Princess Margaret's wave and it's such a charming photograph over I think I set myself what's it lovely is the princess an unheard didn't collapse finally there's one more friend and it was really sniffing some get carried away at weddings others get left behind but does help attach the some Johns Ambulance deal with things with just about everything they've got two thousand three hundred volunteers from all over the country nice to have a sit-down and a picnic in the park at the Bank of England the Prime Minister and her husband have asked much of the rest of the world to lunch it turns up [Music] out in Hartford sure the home of Miss Barbara Cartland lady Spencer's mother who's given up her wedding ticket and is now holding court we wish long life some happiness and just like us a life of service to our people the young couple at the bank the world is still arriving at the Emmanuel's a get-together of the dress designers team and the makeup lady barbara daily she was so calm and Dave and I were like so nervous and shaking she was so calm the kids were so good good wonderful but and they would look so people talk they were fantastic oh she was just terribly sweet and came up and said a few words dress did she like the dress mm-hmm two of the ladies who actually made the dresses Rose and Nina relive the our dream come true you dream about things but you think they would never happen to you and to actually meet her was also so wonderful something for your grandchildren yes what about you Nina how did you feel this morning you know I want to cry but I say you know don't cry because you make up the bride slippers low-heeled they took four and a half months to make and the princess herself chose the monogram with the heart absent polls they're queuing to see the wedding register already [Music] a Majesty's own loyal consumers camped here and left their mark behind still it's all work for the working man to do a million stood along the route and it shows I dreamt I went to a wedding the palace gardens bask trimly in the Sun by the Queen's orders the fountain plays in the shape of the Princess of Wales's feathers bottom right the bride's father reunited with his camera makes up for lost time before the going away the guards are back at attention in the forecourt now around the happy couple the confetti is flying fast and furious and this is what the crowds have waited for all through the afternoon appearances must be kept up up to a point but it couldn't be anything other than the start of a honeymoon the Royal Lando is specially adapted by princes Andrew and Edward based in an idea by princes Andrew and Edward who also supplied the balloons so off they go with the world's good wishes going with at Waterloo they're shunting the special train into platform 12 it's the general managers saloon no less and the engines name gives the honeymoon destination the way as if no one had guessed the drivers mr. Bill Turner last time we travel his journey on the freighters rather sad occasion that was with the gold mountain Baptist funeral train but this is Robert George occasion it's quite a part of pleasure past the Cenotaph in Whitehall now normally apart from the coachman or postilions royal carriages are manned by Waterman but the gentleman on the right at the back needs a nudge to take his hat off and put it on he's a detective a little necessary precaution clémence teams back in the swing she's got her bitter wedding cake [Applause] a very good time indeed to hold hands as the chairs break over them and the land door is filled with confetti and rose petals all the way to the station [Applause] [Music] not a time for ceremony just time to say thank you and for the man who organized it all the Lord Chamberlain Lord McClane a kiss [Applause] all aboard for the broad wings Express they're sure to be on time after all it's a public holiday there are no commuter trains to get in the way goodbye to Waterloo goodbye to the million who came to the wedding goodbye to the hundreds of millions who watched it around the world goodbye for the moment to a London that for one day has seemed almost at peace with itself love health happiness Charles and dying from the East End cockneys at Romsey are the last lap to broadens it another big crowd and the police here don't seem to what is so much about security as the car passes one of Mara on the Left throws confetti through the open window and the photographer on the right runs as he pleases by the car a good job he's friendly [Music] [Applause] now the last seclusion and peace and even the welcoming party has something better to do Lord Spencer comes home with his believe you know how did you enjoy it I enjoy it very much very impressive we would want to do well to chose to do very well as a bridegroom and my daughter was actually wonderful there was some concern yes very beautiful ever wonder what I got pfanzelt reserved November the fifth the day the princess's pregnancy is announced she and the prince are at the guild hall in London the lunch with the Lord Mayor Sir Ronald Gardner thought and his wife and six hundred guests in his speech the Prince gives his own story of the great day we still can't quite get over what happened that day neither of us will ever forget the atmosphere it was electric I felt I know my wife did the noise for two nights running outside my bedroom window partying Palace was almost indescribable and it was something quite extraordinary as far as I was concerned I remember several occasions when I was small I remember the coronation large clouds and the Jubilee and various other major national occasions and our wedding was quite extraordinary as far as as we were concerned it made us both and we've discussed this several times quite extraordinary pride to be British I say that quite unashamedly lattissima of this country this and although we go through difficult periods as will always happen throughout any nation's history every now and then you realize just what stuff people are made of if only we could continue the feeling that existed a few months ago which is all there and ready to be tapped in one way or another then I think this country has nothing to worry about at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 2ombieboy's VHS Vault
Views: 73,330
Rating: 4.7863817 out of 5
Keywords: VHS, Betamax, VCC, V2000, vintage, retro, 1980s, tv, hrh, royal, wedding, video, itn, news, news report, special, queen, prince, prinses, Diana, Charles, Bride, dress, gown
Id: ORTQs6bkbBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 21sec (4281 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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