Charles Berthoud Hears "Miss You" by THE ROLLING STONES for the FIRST TIME

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hi my name is Charles Bear 2 and I'm mostly known for doing crazy things with solo base YouTube is my main thing I do a lot of stuff ranging from Funk to Hard Rock a little bit of metal I've never heard these songs before I'm interested to see what happens here all right let's hear [Music] it Charles be 2 have you heard this before I have not yes right one I miss you I've been on the phone I've been singone I won't [Music] you Charles what are you doing right now are you writing something down are you I'm getting some foam oh some foam nice yeah I like that you saw that bridge coming from a mile away [Music] got a fade the old classic fade yeah okay what are your thoughts right now you've never heard this song before or well yeah the first thing I realized was that I'm going to need to change the tone a bit it's going to need to have that old school thumpy muted sound so that's why I got the foam pretty much straight away so what I normally do with this type of thing is I put markers in logic I like put the chord symbols in logic right that that's not going to be possible here but it is mostly the same chord progression a lot of the time so you trying to write aart are you trying to just Groove along like what's how are you thinking about it mostly I'm trying to get the main rhythmic pulse down I find with songs like this where there's a very strong rhythmic Motif like it's always a bit of a question of do I play that or do I play something that compliments that sure sometimes it sounds really cool to just go with the main Rhythm but it can also actually make it Groove less if everyone's playing the exact same Rhythm sure so I'm trying to figure out if this is one of those songs where I play the main Rhythm everyone else is playing or if I play something around it I mean it's your choice it's your choice yeah honestly I'm probably just going to keep playing this over and over again tell me why you so [Music] loud very [Music] ni oh yeah catching the end of the bridge y I also just have to say I love that you're not just like ah it's a simple thing whatever like fire me up I love that you're like ah I could either do this rhythmic Motif or I could do this kind of thing like it it makes me love you even more Charles if you're interested in learning Charles version of miss you and of course the original Bill Wyman Baseline we have a link in the description to free Tab and notation go grab it when you get songs to do as sessions do you tend to like hang with them a long time before you commit to like laying down a part you play stuff over and over and try to like really get inside of it yeah often I do cuz basically by the time I actually record I don't want it to sound like I'm playing it for the first time it's like I want to pick up on all of these things that the other instruments are doing and I want to have tried out a few different options so and sometimes I record a few different options too so that whoever I'm recording for has different things they can work with it's like you don't know what works best until you've tried out a few things well don't worry just the entirety of the internet will be judging you that's all but but you're no stranger to that no that that's that's how it is all the time so it's that's old hat yeah exactly I feel like now you're in tasteful like session guy mode yeah but also feel free to like if you were playing this in your band would there be a moment that you would do something that would maybe break out of that kind of mindset of like oh just support right right now you're thinking about it so supportively which is awesome then could you take it to another place I mean that's of course up to you but you have free reign yeah all right well just see what happens yeah let's do it all right here we go [Music] oo playing that [Music] Melody [Music] been I've beening on the phone I've been sing I won't [Music] you we my sleep star in dream you [Music] I've been waiting in the waiting on your callone rings it's friend of mine and see hey what's man we going to come around to 12 with some Puerto Rican girls is just me too going to bring a case of wine going M some around you know for you to [Music] I [Music] say everybody went so [Music] L why so long come [Music] come I've been walking Central singing after dog but think I'm crazy stopping on my feet Shing to the street asking what's the matter with you boy sometime I want say to myself some say I'm myself just do I child [Music] [Music] just riding it into the sunset yeah man oh my God hey oh so good yeah that was fun oh man okay before we tell you who it is I wonder like what do you feel like was challenging about that what did you like what did you not like your takeaways from playing that song it's funny cuz sometimes it's more challenging when there's like fewer chord progressions when there's fewer chords it means that a lot more as writing on your kind of Baseline writing ability it's funny cuz if there's like a different chord every beat you know taking an extreme example then it's like half the Baseline is already written for you because you're probably wanting to play the roots of all those chords which means that like they've already written like most of the Baseline but if it's like eight bars with just one chord I mean unless you're just going to be playing a the whole time or whatever the root note happens to be is you've got to fill in a lot of that stuff so that's the funny thing is it's like sometimes the simpler stuff is actually like weirdly deceptively difficult uh cuz structurally it wasn't too complicated either it's like you've basically just got a minor to D most of the time and then that bridge comes along and actually so often when you're like about to go into the bridge the drummer will start opening up the high hat uh and that's exactly what happened in this song it's like he's got a very tight high hat most of the time but then you hear him start going like it's like he's leading you into that bridge so well it's no surprise this is uh a guy on drums considered to be one of the greatest like simple pocket players in Rock and Roll History all right you want to take a guess as to what band this is as you were listening did you have any you like oh okay I think I know or are you still like clueless about who this might be I'm pretty clueless to be honest with you I'm not I'm not sure who this is I love that so the band is the Rolling Stones ah okay nice yes classic rock band with the great Bill Wyman on bass so let's check out this tune and let's see how close you got and uh and see what you [Music] think Charles I loved that you grabbed the Melody I loved that why on some of those offbeats right yeah yeah he's got like very disco yeah right right but you got that you got that octave thing as it rolled along right like you started to do that octave thing I was like damn and it looks like also in the video he's playing with a pick too which is interesting right is there foam is there foam I love though that you put foam in it yes we do I love in this down moment too that you took some Liberties up and kind of took like melodic up high moments Bill not joining in the gang vocal party holding it down in the back like a good bass player should yeah we haven't got time for messing around like that damn right I like a lot of the choices you made Charles like you heard those climbs you did some disco octaves but you didn't make it like fullon offbeat disco Vibes you're like rooting it down with the drums right right I was not expecting this Baseline I have to say it's uh it's more melodic than I was expecting and yeah a lot of offbeat like almost every offbeat's being played that's right that's crazy it's also surprisingly active yeah yes it's like it's constant he's moving it around a lot yeah yeah very different from what I was expecting but it sounds really cool though it's it helps it Groove a lot having those all those offbeats in in there but I also loved you holding it down and then flourishes right in in typical Charles be two style Charles if you could pick someone to do this after you who would you choose who do you want to subject to this experiment I don't know if he'd be up for this but I would love to see Davey in this in this kind of setting like that'd be so cool oh man we challenge you Dave yeah I am here by challenging Davey OMG incredible and hey let us know too in the comments who you would like to see just absolutely have to go through this ringer of an experiment we would love to know and thank you Charles for doing this with us today of course yeah it's so fun right we'll see you in the next one everybody
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 86,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolling Stones, scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, beginner, beginners, scottsbasslessons, scotts bass lessons, sbl, electric bass, bass lesson, beginner bass lesson, beginner bass lessons, rolling stones miss you, rolling stones miss ytou, charles berthoud, charles berthoud bass, charles berthoud challenge, the rolling stones, the rolling stones miss you, hears for the first time, hears for the first time bass
Id: If32exPgvWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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