Charles Barkley on Shaq’s Bad Gifts, Meeting Kareem, Turning 60 & Kevin Durant Going to the Suns

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our next sketch is one of the best reasons to own a TV set he's part of the funniest Sports show maybe ever you can see him from Utah starting Friday as NBA All-Star weekend comes to Salt Lake City from inside the NBA on TNT please welcome Hall of Famer Charles Barkley [Applause] [Music] man thank you for the kind words I mean I always look forward to having you here and uh you oh I mean you're you've got a lot to say about a lot of things and I love that yeah I'm having a rough time Jimmy are you what's wrong the Super Bowl was expensive oh [Applause] you I know you have a tradition you go to Las Vegas even though the Super Bowl was in Phoenix where you live you went to Vegas yeah well this is a 24th Street year I got about 14 guys oh are these old Pals these are old Pals I mean they're at least 24. they got to be old they had a great time yeah we had a great time until the game ended yeah uh you had the Eagles you're a Philly fan yeah I love the Eagles and they had a great year but I love Jalen hurts and it's Fletcher Cox and all the guys but shout out to Pat Mahomes and Travis Kelsey Yeah well yeah they cost you how much foreign Patrick was here last night how much did he know I I want to come by last night to beat the hell out of it [Laughter] you know I lost a good little penny I had heard you say You're Gonna bet a hundred thousand dollars on that game I got a little carried away when I was there oh really beyond the hundred yeah because I was winning oh so when you win it you have to go for it you're playing you're at the car tables winning I was at the card tables Friday night and Saturday night so I was feeling pretty confident I see you feel that that Mojo carries over into sports bets whatever you happen to be gambling on that weekend yes yeah and uh despite the fact that sometimes it doesn't yeah but that you know I look at gambling like this you got it's a 50 50 proposition either gonna win or you're gonna lose that's my theory that's quite a yeah but am I right you need to go windy gonna lose you're right I mean it's not maybe sound mathematically but I understand what you're saying well because there's that 10 that the casino gets if you lose right yeah yeah so but I don't count think like that I think I'm always going to win do your buddies bet like you do or are they no my friend's a PO yeah you no no those guys all stay in like one big room or you have individual rooms how does it work I have a four three guys stay with me uh and then we spread out everywhere always the same three guys or you mix it up it's always the same three guys okay Roy Brennan and Stewart they stay with you yes do you well like you guys get up at like noon or are you up all night how does it work well we get up early and play golf oh believe it or not oh wow so you're gambling there too yeah well that's just fun gambling ain't real Gumball got you and then you guys do you go to a show do you go see Adele or something like that I'm not part of the weekend first of all I love a deal but you don't go to Vegas well you know what's crazy I've been going to Vegas probably 40 years I've never been to a show is that true I I'm tired the Eagles are my favorite band okay I saw the Eagles in Vegas one year but that's the only time how much did you lose on those Eagles hey I know I've been traveling with the Eagles for close to 30 years no longer than that wow and for my 50th birthday party my agent got me a signed guitar and this was when Glenn flower was still alive right one of my most prized possessions wow yeah and you have a 60th birthday coming up on Monday huh that's uh man Beginning of the End are you gonna have a party or multiple parties no you know what I'm just gonna have a quiet night with my grandson oh how about your grandson 10 months 10 months his name's Henry right little Henry the greatest thing ever happened to me the little man he he this close to walking and there's nothing better than being with little Henry will you teach him to gamble [Laughter] like a Legos kid yeah yeah you know hopefully you know about I got to save money because by the time he go to college it's gonna be like a million dollars a year that's right it is going to be I know it's ridiculous in this great country we charge that much for people to go to school yeah you know it's going to be up to his mom and dad I got I I stay out of the parental stuff you do yeah I do yeah you can't tell people how to raise their kids you show people pictures of Henry all the time yeah I thought white people did that way too much it's a white thing uh yeah my black friends don't go around showing their kids they don't but I've been around Ernie and Ernie Ernie thinks people want to see his grandkids all the time speed of Ernie will um like your your work co-workers get you Chris I mean birthday presents for your 60th like well Ernie and Ernie and Kenny will probably do something nice and thoughtful okay and Shaq is probably gonna do what he do every Christmas give us stuff that he's endorsing is I'll say y'all like me earning Kitty we always get something like what can I get Jimmy something nice and thoughtful and I give come down to what crapper Shaq endorsing like yo man you in this commercial this is not a gift it's not thoughtful so you get like a box it'll be a big tube of Icy Hot or something like that no oh he's got a jury line uh watches and we like yo man you endorse this that's no thought here but I know Kenny and Shaq Kenny and Ernie are going to be thoughtful but that's the only thing that bothers me about Shaq he never gives you like an original gift interesting he's like I'm endorsing this here yeah because he is a guy who will like hand a waitress a car he's like he does that kind of a thing he does yeah he's a really thoughtful guy he loves making people happy yeah I love working with him but that being said you got to put some thought into people's gifts you're right I hope Chad pays attention to this yeah I mean you can't just be giving away stuff because there's no thought that goes in when did you get checked for his 50th birthday uh about a year ago I can't remember yeah yeah I got him something EG got him something no I always get to God something you always get them yeah but owning the big numbers right you don't get people stuff like 41 42 you go it's something when you get older you do 40 50 and 60. that's it those other birthdays in between don't count okay all right yeah it's a good tips from Charles Barker he's with us uh TNT is up in Salt Lake City for all-star weekend this weekend we'll be right back with Charles Barkley who is uh headed up to Salt Lake City this weekend for coverage of the all-star weekend for TNT is that a fun event for you and I would imagine it's like fun especially when you're a young player I wouldn't say fine oh you wouldn't say fun it's it's amazing and everything but it's a lot of work oh okay we don't normally work four days in a row gotcha yeah we know I'm gonna work one day in a row as a broadcaster it's not that much fun when you were a player was it fun it was great getting together with the guys and just having a nice relaxing weekend and then you see all these great players walking around it's great as a player right uh but you know what it's just a great celebration for the NBA I get so excited I mean obviously I know I got to work but just being around all the older guys because you know bless these young guys today for how much money they make I don't ever hate them but I think it's real I really I think it's a bit serious now I I think it's really important to see all those older guys walking around who built the NBA and made it was what it is today who's your guy Dr J uh it was Moses Malone so he passed away right Moses yeah and because Moses was like the most important person in my basketball career and then the last 30 years 40 years has been Bill Russell we just lost him right yeah yeah so hopefully this year you know the great LeBron James I just broke Kareem's all-time scoring record I hope that we take this weekend to celebrate Kareem oh yeah yeah I like that idea yeah because Kareem is a low-key guy what was the first time you met Kareem yeah it wasn't a good time oh was it so at the All-Star Game all the guys get together in a room beforehand Justice before they announced it to the crowd so Kareem is sitting in a corner and I'm with like bird Mikhail and Karl Malone and I said you know I never met Karine before they're like go up and say hello to him and he's sitting over in the corner by himself with his head down got a book and I walk over I said hey Mr Mr jabark and I talked to you he looks up I'm reading foreign laughing I it would say like I'm reading and I was like I didn't know what to say I was like okay but he's a cent we've we've been cool since then he is a great man he really is beyond basketball uh he's had one of the most incredible lives ever everybody know about the the base the basketball exploits but his Humanity these essays he right yeah he's so thoughtful and always man I have so much admiration because I got lucky to be born at the right time I couldn't imagine with some of the Civil Rights issues these older players had to go through right and things like that so I always tell them thank you I'm so lucky and blessed thank you because you know because of that little stupid ball I've had one of the most amazing lives a person can have but I always appreciate the older guys Spencer Haywood always that's great you know being in a great basketball players I don't know if you're aware of this but our very own Guillermo is going to be playing in the Celebrity Game up in Salt Lake on Friday what game he's going to be playing the Friday night game you know what you're good a little bit you know what he's better than you'd think yes well you know if if you if I would have been on the show like two weeks ago the Lakers would have used him before they got you know because the Lakers speak until like a week and a half ago they made all them trades they could have used you here man yeah you should have told he's available I'll get you LeBron's number all right cool yeah you uh you know I want to ask you one basketball question if you don't mind Kevin Durant going to the Phoenix Suns yes your former team where I live yeah where you live now well I think it's going to be great it's great for our city uh Kevin's a great player we got Devin Booker Chris Paul DeAndre Eden team a word about our depth on the bench we need a couple more role players but we got a really good chance of winning it and uh it would be great for our city I remember when you went I remember when I was living in Phoenix when you moved there when you were traded from the Sixers and what like what was that experience like were you happy to go to Phoenix Arizona it was the greatest thing ever happened to me because because now I lived there uh-huh because you know when you when you go into NBA City especially I'm in the East I go to Phoenix for like one day maybe two at the most then you're out so you really don't get a chance to see the city or anything like that and when I got traded there I was like yeah I'm never leaving here I'm now because you know I love Philadelphia but number one I need sunshine and the fans are fantastic and I really want to see the signs especially for Chris Paul he deserves a championship he deserves it yeah he does but he's doing yeah I'm never leaving Arizona yeah well it's great to see you happy birthday thank you bro I hope you have a great one with your grandson yeah yeah don't get him into cards or any of that kind of stuff don't hey little Henry just gonna sit there and smile at big big pop that's right I'm big is that what he calls it that's what I want to be called Big Pop oh can you dictate what he calls you If he if he want all this damn money when I kill other people yeah it's big papa watch TNT coverage of NBA All-Star Weekend 2023 the All-Star game Sunday night 8 o'clock Eastern Charles Barkley will be back in Paramore [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,245,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Chuck, Charles Barkley, NBA, NBA on TNT, All Star Weekend, Inside the NBA, Gambling, Las Vegas, Sports Betting, 60th Birthday, Grandson, Kenny Smith, Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie Johnson, Mosses Malone, Bill Russell, Lebron James, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Basketball, Lakers, Kevin Durant, Phoenix Suns, Chris Paul
Id: Qvs5AvhyZrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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