Charlamagne Speechless as Candace Owens Schools Him on Trump and MAGA!

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we appreciate all the support from you guys and we are working very hard on the next drop the pursue your dreams team will only be available for a few more days so be sure to go to today and get your order because eventually the black vote's not going to matter something that they were that they work so hard for is not going to matter they get enough illegals in what are we at 10 million under Biden and they're doing it intentionally like it's going to be the same thing that they did to Black Americans in the 60s um what lynon Bane Johnson did when he established welfarism in the Great Society act they want to get these people in offer them handouts and turn them into economic slaves that will continue to vote for Democrats because they're getting free handouts and it's it's incredibly racist first and foremost but because black Americans are still a lot of black Americans I should say are still living under this deception that linnen Bane Johnson was a good president even though he wasn't a vowed racist I mean he hated black people I mean one of the uh so many times I mean hard R referring to us as the n-word I'll have those n-words voting Democrat for the next 200 years and this man is being healed as a hero because he had to sign the Civil Rights Act essentially with a figurative gun to his head because the country was on fire you know JFK had just died and um there were riots in the streets protesting because of racism and he did not want to sign it but he did and with the other hand he signed the Great Society act and incentivized welfarism and you know programs to incentivize not marrying black men you know to think that we had government agents knocking on the door going into the homes of black women and being like there better not be a man that lives here we're just here to check to make sure if you want this check Dad can't be home every other ill that Black America is facing today is because we' removed fathers from the home so I am like a big you know I use my platform to talk about men a lot and the need for male leadership everything that is so harmful this you know me too false feminism all of this crap it's anti-man and it's anti-man for a reason because a society cannot survive without strong men a household cannot survive without strong men we need strong men to lead homes and so the fracturing of the black I think was the test like you know like we were the mice in the experiment like let's see how that goes and now they're kind of doing that RIT large and I just I hate feminism so much I can't even tell you because what it's about is it's just an attack on men hold you just said a lot K damn you said now now with the the politicians right whether it's Lindy me Johnson Trump Biden I think people are able to ignore a lot of their BS as long as they can get something done yeah that's why I don't even like to talk about the person I like to talk about the policy between I hate this I would say the between traditional conservatives and Maga yeah like before before what what the conservative party was before Maga and what it is now yeah so I think what you're describing is that there was this there was this fracture in the conservative movement uh because people realized that when he was referring to the swamp what he meant was it didn't actually matter if you are on the left or the right they were all working together in DC and selling out all of America I mean there is no reason why you go to DC and become a multi-millionaire you're supposed to be there to serve the American people you're you're there taking our tax dollars so what was happening was these lobbying interests like you know big farmer goes down and they Lobby and they'll offer money to a candidate to go push a drug like the covid vaccine or they'll Lobby for war it's like you know biggest Lobby of course military industrial complex so we're all suffering you're going to work because these lobbyists are getting their incentives done by buying out these politicians and so Trump kind of Hit the scene as somebody who wasn't bought and paid for cuz he didn't need their money he wasn't like a random Congressman going to DC with no money and he just started talking about the swamp like it's not even Republican or Democrat and I want people to wake up to that because I'm not here like ride or die for Republicans they all sell us out like the stuff that they did during Co is Criminal it's just it's criminal and found on that well I mean the just the the the free handouts first off trillions of dollars you're you're you're signing these Omnibus bills if you read into it where that where that money is going it's insane it's it's literally going you know to museums Boards of museums they're quite literally money laundering is what's happening when they sign these bills but they keep it so that the information level is so low for Americans that it's like oh CO's so bad like we're going to give you a check that's like you know $300 this basically describes welfarism right like despite the fact that there's been trillions of dollars since um the establishment of welfare black Americans are poorer today than we were before it people don't know this but during the time of Jim Crow before welfare was established in the 1950s black Americans were actually outpacing white Americans in this country in terms of economic growth and the reason for that was because our families were together we had good values the government only wants to give you the bare minimum but where's the rest of the money where is it going they signed these bills making you think that this money is going to you it's not they are stealing from the American people and it's you look at your Congressman whoever it is that you guys sent down you know send down to DC and you realize that they're all just puppets I feel like we're watching a performance you know and who can say the most outrageous thing you know the Republicans don't want to sign this because they want you know slavery and they want you back in change the Democrats don't want to sign this because they want Grandma to die whatever it is you're watching just performative to me it's a play that's why I don't think that's why I think if you're black you shouldn't be beholden to any political party Democrat are Republican right I mean I I think that any concept of saying that I am a republican forever a Democrat forever is a nonsense you know you should always look at the candidates that are running and any person that is running saying that they want to grow government is your enemy why do you think people give you a lot of backlash for questioning people and having questions I see all the time with Charlamagne if we question something that kamla Harris did or question something that Joe Biden did or or question somebody that's Democrat did why do you think uh our people have so much backlash when you ask so many questions because I think that they don't realize that they've been manipulated against their own interests and a lot of it is you know when you start telling the truth you become a problem to The Establishment right so if you're the military-industrial complex and you want people to just kind of Sleepwalk into another war and I'm sitting here telling you that you know Pentagon just can't keep finding the trillions of dollars that they send overseas they've got this budget and they're sending all this money to Ukraine and then they say oh we don't know where all the money went it's being laundered and it's being sent back to a very small group of powerful people and so when you have someone like me who's cutting through all the emotional arguments you have to turn that person into Persona nrata right and what better way to do it than to have their own Community attacking them and saying that they're you know pro-white or anti a nonsense things that they say about me if you listen to what I'm actually say I'm sitting here providing a blueprint for black Americans to get ahead because it's time okay it's time we've been doing this for a very long time in this country America they don't like you they don't like us okay there America yeah like the government the American government why would you think the American government wants to help you at what point in history has that proven to be right and I'll challenge that and I'll make it wider to all Americans when has it ever been the circumstance that you felt that the government really just was out for your own best interest interests think of them as a corporation they want to grow themselves they want new departments bigger departments uh larger budgets like any other Corporation would want and they never want to leave DC because that we don't have term limits which we should have right if we had term limits and said you can only serve for four years well then guess what they would be doing for those four years trying to shrink government because they'd have to come back out and and be us right um when you look at the way that your tax dollars are being spent you should be Ang you should be angry that the enemy is you know constantly have us arguing against each other women versus men black versus white you know it's a nonsense the reason why they want us constantly Waring is because it distracts from all of us coming together and taking a look at who the real criminals are and the real criminal criminals are this small group this small Cadre of powerful people that I think we're virtually all still on a plantation they just made it look nice you know you got a nice chair we got nice chairs here we're all still on a on a plantation shut up a baby shower um Li is this the reason why I haven't really heard you pushing people to vote for any particular candidate just go around yeah well I mean I'm very clear about the fact I I let everything play out but I absolutely love V ramaswami obviously he's not running anymore but his ideas and his laser sharp focus on what the actual issues were I thought he was absolutely brilliant I'm obviously voting for Trump you know we we were all doing better under Trump it's that simple I don't care what else they have to say the libl the smears I get it you do it to me so I I just don't even pay attention I actually find it to be quite boring now you know what what economically what were the reasons cuz you know you said that you know you didn't like that Republicans were giving out money during 2002 both yeah both they were just giving out money during Co it was crazy but that's what a lot of people loved they loved the stimulus checks they loved the the PPP So when you say you were doing better under Trump that's what people point to but look at the circumstances it took for that to happen we don't want to have to go through another pandemic in order to get get that money but the point is is that that that should provide to you a lesson how the government works because people weren't even thinking ahead you're like yeah I'm getting this free check um so I'm not going to work again incentivizing poor Behavior what ended up happening was a lot of the mom and pop stop a lot of the mom and pop stores closed right a lot of businesses actually had to fold because they couldn't sustain it under um under the economic environment they just couldn't Thrive people did literally employees did not want to go to work it was crazy and so what ends up happening is the individuals get weaker and the corporations got bigger right only the corporations could have survived in that environment which is what unfortunately ended up happening and then we put our own selves on the hook to be taxed into Oblivion to to got that money got to PA into this ridiculous thing that we AG great agreed to pay into it would have been much better for us to instead say I'm happy to work I don't want your small check I want you to stop taking tax dollars from me you know shrink government don't make it bigger that that always has to be the economic narrative how if if you want to make government bigger are taking from me government does not make money we make money right government can only take money so when you're advocating for more Government Solutions you are literally advocating for the government to come into your check and take more money from you that makes she she articulates it so well her and V are the best articulators I've ever seen I ain't going to lie bro she might got V bro she need to to really run on the same ticket and she she just dropped a she did dropped she she said so much true things we need a a nationalist president especially especially that part about how they were like why do you think even they notice the backlash you get if you just criticize Jo bid or criticize K La Harris and she said that's what they're trying to do that's their plan their literal plan is to do that so that if you think a different way go against what they want you to think then therefore you're not black I'm not going to be okay after this interview I won't be able to walk outside okay I'm going to watch this whole thing no I have to man they talked about sent tweet Kan West and T the Candace on damn right I did she absolutely on fire no yeah this is I seen her on so many different podcasts going crazy so so so so we're getting her next month though right uh she spoke supposedly allegedly we're supposed to make some content with her in April okay y tell figure out call me dress super nice my hair question though my boy Char said something what's the difference between conservative and magga I say this a difference so they're trying to say that Maga is a rightwing C that want to take over America and push the white supremacist narrative and they're pushing Nazi rhetoric and that's how they demonized the following of trump rather than typical conservatism or the original conservatism just being conservative like you have conservative values morals and beliefs being the nuclear family etc etc they've started to demonize it with their rhetoric and uh things trying to make it seem like they're extreme and they keep referencing the the January incidenty be as way to justify that rhetoric and narrative that they've been the best but besides that has mag done that has been extreme besides maybe yeah well they didn't do that day but mag I'm talking maga maga was there that name oh yeah yeah yeah but who see that's a group of people but we don't even know if they were there I mean you know like who was M Donald Trump told them the leader of Maga said don't do that make America great again so I'm Maga me too yeah I want I America to be great Sor I just I just I just am trying to support a a better economic system for my life and my the structure that I'm trying to build as a young man in life and the foundation I'm trying to build on I'm going to pick the best political candidate that stands on that I don't care about everybody feeling represented and all that [ __ ] they trying to do on the left with this nonsense they pushing I'm not with none of that I'm with my morals and values and who's going to stand on that I support having family I support economic and building a business and all these things and the American dream and anything that threatens that I'm against feel I feel like everybody in the Democratic party right now is trying to threaten that and they want us to be controlled and I'm sorry I just I just haven't seen anything that tells me anything so I personally am going to go with what I truly believe if they demonize me for that I'm Not Afraid no more I'm standing on what I believe in I'm standing on my best interest Republicans are the threat to democracy but then they have people on their side of the party that believe in communist hey I'm going keep it 100 I think the demat I even you know party to gives power to the government and Joe Biden guess who was he met with and cleaned up for chinging Ping ching ching yeah guys oh man I literally love Candace this was a great interview though They Don't Care About Us bro man it's all right I'm fully suppor of trump now ain't nobody can't tell me a goddamn thing we going to make G that hard man you to GD that hard man you that hurt you like that I'm I'm sorry we got to save America guys we're going to make it happen I definitely do believe that we have a bright future guys we're out of here we're going guys
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 621,637
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Id: G3VtIwtOo10
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Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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