Candace Owens Fired From 'The Daily Wire' After Breakfast Club Interview

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J is going to bring you numbers on the um where's my other intro come on now it's Jess with the worldwide mess right Jess with the worldwide mess all right uh Princess Kate announces that she is undergoing treatment for cancer so this is the latest update that I have on my UK news on Friday Princess Kate um announced on um via video message that she has been battling cancer the Princess of Wales is 42 mhm for those who didn't know and she is going through preventative chemotherapy after her abdominal surgery showed cancer had been present um Kate did not make it clear exactly what type of cancer that she has but her doctor was basically saying like um colon can it could it could be it looks like early Co colon cancer um that was removed and cured surgically or early ovarian uterine cervical cancer that was found incidentally so basically they they don't know um King Charles III put out a statement saying he is so proud of C cine uh for her courage and that's her real name Catherine cuz he called her Catherine her name is Kate that's not right Kate is short for Catherine oh okay but Kate is K and Katherine is C over here oh I don't know how she spell her name fully yeah well he said he's so proud of Catherine for her courage and speaking as she did King Charles is receiving uh cancer treatment in the same hospital is Princess Kate um cuz I did report to you guys that he also has cancer as well princess Harry and Megan also show their support for Kate speaking out in a statement shared with people on Friday and um they said we wish well and healing for Kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace haret Megan said in the statement K Kate is c a too it is yeah yeah yeah show for C it was just it was just giv like all right come on call her Kate it's Kate um what I noticed uh and that I want to shout out is her husband was not by her side in that um in that uh video where she had told us that she had cancer and I find I think that's crazy she did speak on him she said me and me and princeon I mean me and me and Prince Will are you know but will wasn't right there and so I find a problem with that but we have more to report so we'll we'll see but I do um send her healing energy don't we yeah you know the human in me says I'm sending her healing energy and that's what I'm going to do I'm going to send her healing energy but it does make me feel terrible when I feel like I just don't be believeing nobody because we in this era where you know everything feels like a damn conspiracy yeah I'm just I don't know if it's probably because of all the news reports Jess was doing and the stuff out here in the news he couldn't find her and all she just pops up and says she has cancer but it makes perfect sense yeah it makes perfect sense you know and we're not saying that she does not um but we're this is this would be like the big whammy to make everybody shut up about everything else you know like the impersonator and you know her and Will are going through things and him you know he got a couple Honeys running around the UK all all of those stories make us skeptical but we shouldn't be that way we should not but they shouldn't make us that way either however however I am praying for her um The Daily wire severs ties with Candace Owens um the right-wing media Outlet co-founded by Ben Shapero said Friday that it had sever tied with Candace Owens and uh Owens took to her own post uh saying the rumors are true I am finally free okay spoken like a true black woman if you would like to support my work you can head to Candace where you will be directed to my locals page or you can give a gift at go I don't know how many gifts you going to get but uh there will be many announcements in weeks to come all right so basically when she was up here uh she had spoke a little bit about that before they seever tized with her because you know there was a video circulating of him calling me a disgrace and a faux professional or whatever it was and I decided to choose peace and then when I chose peace he responded to the peace with not not peace so why wouldn't he just fire you well as I explained on tuer Carlson show like Ben doesn't have the power to fire me um I mean there was rumors for a while that uh Candace in the daily wi was going to part ways hence hence why I asked her that question uh to begin with but Candace is going to be more than fine because what folks don't understand is Candace has a huge huge audience already so she'll need to keep she'll need to keep doing what she doing which is her podcast and YouTube she'll do that independently or she'll partner with somebody like tuer C yeah so this is this in her saying she's free this seems like a win for for her and um I don't understand how somebody can be like so so hated but have millions and millions of viewers and followers and stuff right right cuz she'll be fine that's just like anybody I tell y'all about the rule of 10 all the time the rule of 10 three people going to like it three people not going to like it four people don't even know what the hell's going on I love that and that's for everybody on this planet okay anybody that does anything I don't care if you do Radio podcast sing whatever it is Dr you going to have Dr but not drugs not drugs but you going to have in the 10 you going to have three people who like it three people who don't four don't even know what the hell is going on that's put that make that the positive note listen moving on Megan Fox defends drinking a few drops of MGK's blood so she sat down um on a podcast called her daddy podcast and um she was talking about the backlash that she got after the Blood Oath with MGK during the engagement U Megan Fox insisted that swapping blood and drinking blood with her um soulmate MGK isn't as gross as other things that couples do back in like the 50s even how many times did you see like probably never but like on Leave it to Beaver or like movies from back then or even the 80s how many times did you see like little boys would go out with like their little pop guns and they would cut their fingers and like Be Blood Brothers right and they're like we're best friends forever now and they would like smush the blood together on their fingers uhhuh that's not satanic right that's normal and that's cute that's sweet that's like an innocent like little Bond yeah it's a little bond between kids who love each other they have a pure friendship it's like that except instead of rubbing your fingers together the drop of blood goes in your mouth oh that was before diseases and so many diseases was so uh so known but she did say something else did you have that the other clip that she said yeah she did um say something else I didn't know that one was going to play no she basically said um I think you should let her see well do we have it okay how long play it what I think is weird I think it's weird that girls are out here letting guys in their mouth and they don't know these guys you're letting somebody put their in your mouth and you don't know what he he doesn't even have a job you met him on entrepreneur or whatever he's in a startup and you just let him in your mouth that's disgusting that makes my back hurt that makes me sweaty so you you're so offended that I got a drop of Machine Gun Kelly's blood in my mouth well some people saying it was a some people saying it was a drop listen let them people do what they want I think the problem is that we know you know what I'm saying stop putting your business out there you know what she said is kind of true though got a point fantastic Point got if you let if you're letting random Stranges bust off in your mouth you just shouldn't judge can't say that bro you got to do sensitivity training well if you're letting random strangers ejaculate in your mouth you shouldn't judge is what she said wow I I still think she bought all this up and this is why the backlash is coming like whatever this is what comes with it you drink your some blood if you want to that's fine whether it's a drop or a cup it don't throw some ice in it sugar whatever you want to do go ahead but the fact that everybody know now now everybody calling her a witch that's what it is the only reason that there's even an opinion about this is because I guess we saw it she told us told us it's like so girl it's not like people running around here talking about hey I let strangers ejaculate in my mouth right I mean that's just something that we know but nobody ever did it take that clip just just that clip of saying that you land straight yeah take that clip yeah okay that's just what a mess for the first hour okay everybody grow up all right when we come back we got Front Page News Tes fig will be joining us and then Joiner Lucas will be here so don't move it's The Breakfast Club good morning wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 504,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: XaslcBzumq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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