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every single year I do a character hunt and you've never been in it hey it's me a Julie and I'm here Disneyland on Main Street for my fourth annual character hunt marathon today I'm going to be trying to find as many characters as I can in one day last year I did 28 and today I'm just gonna not only try to beat that but see as many characters as possible the Disneyland app says that they are 51 characters available today and that doesn't include probably some of the Roman characters I doubt very highly I'll get 51 characters so that would take forever but I'm gonna get as many as I can so come along and join me and just like last year and for the first time ever I'm actually getting autographs I never do it but I'm gonna do it last year I met 28 characters many 28 in one day [Music] [Music] 17th this week yes I'm gonna leave room for the other citizen I love that hello I piss on there you know that this is my fourth annual character hunt you're number four when you say Hut you just mean you're looking for us right I should maybe you wouldn't believe something else sure I want everyone to see how gorgeous you are look at that face look at that hair those eyes that should be nice all right thank you good to be how are you nice to be well I'm leaving as many friends as I can today Disneyland's yes I've met or so far okay the big mouth else how does she make a good adventure well thank you yes please terrific so tell me you see anything suspicious out there I should know about mmm no everything's good no you always tell me I always win yeah I never get autographs like ever but I figured today I should because today's my character hunt marathon I do it every year you're on a marathon America you're running No no you're number seven let us met today oh okay well lucky number seven yeah look at that see I usually have meant more by now but I'm kind of closed today you're taking it in that's a great day I never fall outside of me that's all I guess lovely something Sue's me you know what I love that okay it's dude hi guys so just going to update you today has been difficult and it might be because I started a telephone adventure but I never really have that this part of a time meeting characters in this amount of time like usually I would have meant a lot more by now I've been here for almost two hours so I'm gonna Disneyland and hopefully it would be a little easier over there so wish me luck today and I've never made it before so this is awesome well in my book universe yeah thank you you look beautiful thank you by every single you are doing character huh and you've never been in it it's not me good I don't want you to be this because you're always running around and I gotta because girls always want to kiss me and I know I don't want to kiss you I'm gonna believe that little girls always want to kiss me like wind no old people no big girl oh these are for old people like if you're a thousand or something oh I know it's so gross no you want to get old because then you'll grow a beard and those are just disgusting oh okay well thank you yeah whatever but quick so quick Sophie okay okay I'm happier now cuz Peters never been in my marathon if I could never find him or catch him my wife is what how are you what's your name Audrey guess what what well today is my character Hunt marathon I do it every year and last year I'm at 28 so that's the number to be friends and your number 13 its lucky I like it so much so you have a great date today yes I'm having a beautiful day are you I am I love your outfit belts anchored it for me oh she's a little pants I know yellows my favorite know everything to learn my friend here doesn't love ya I have a book for you today I normally don't but I thought I should get autograph city guess what you're the 14th character of it today oh my goodness woman on a mission yes so I haven't beat my record from last year oh thank you so much Tiffany poverty food that's for good luck thank you give you this I've never actually had it man I don't really do autographs but I got a today yes guess what today is think about Tuesday what is now well it is my fourth annual character hunt oh yes and you are number 15 yeah good number right that's okay you're here now right here now I wouldn't touch the first thing but you know you would oh no how much is oh that is so lovely fawns here today because no good to see you yes please my first time ever getting your autograph even though I've met you so many times I want you to guess what number you are and your hint is that it's very significant to your story I've heard I haven't seen her today but I might try to find her okay I'll make sure she does not know you could be this and wonderful well this is my annual character hunt day I do it every year try to meet as many cute oh my hero I'm so flattered I got to see you wanna take a wild guess what number you were 717 yes oh gosh so many I just how are you wonderful also many Emirates no and of course I saw fairy godmother and you fall on the ferry and Tinkerbell so lots did fairy godmother have her wand on her she didn't I win it I could have used to play down today and thought to help her find she does misplace she does yeah save you so much would you like to take a short yes please somebody up to today how's your other day so far it's been pretty good it is so wonderful side it's not too hot [Music] what is this what am i signing is this a contract just your name thank you you're number 20 by the way people I've met today I'm headed a cat Alice there she is oh hi there present yourself my name's Audrey I find the lay I'm inviting my some documentation yes you're right it is a marvelous day we must commemorate can I just say you look so beautiful I know Halloween time is one it's your time right sure marvelous time to be invited some Miletus thank you so much you know you're the 22nd person I've met to be 22 in this very baby that I have to beat well you've come to the ride I can't see I shall have Diablos the first time so you're making a very big memory but yes I think this may be my last year doing it it's a lot of work I heard Maleficent is here I just saw her yesterday wonder how is she making a lot of magic spells she's been she's behaving herself I think she knows me well maybe she's too full that oh yes we can't upset Mickey Mouse Thank You picture with you thank you hi yes I like your shirt thank you just be nice do your best do you remember last year I did my character hunt you're both in it must be but I didn't get autograph so this is my person I think it's my last character I think you can do it I think you can walk around and see we can fight them case make a penny tell me you said hi whenever you feel sugar thank you you know how to spell it right let me double check good job has bail been helping you well why would you well I know that you have trouble sometimes reading and writing and she's so good the only trouble that is there is the blocks this is open learning space no just holding a book up there oh no how to read well why in the world wouldn't I thank you very much hi oh you signs already are you gonna take it back now but but I need it and this year you're number 27 I know and I promise you that you'd be number one this year but I'm sorry [Music] don't do it chip don't turn around [Music] [Laughter] you can have your do you want your own page all right next to that works thank you so much love you know one moment darling wake up turn I think you're the 29th character I've met today buddies and I yes I think that means I beat my record I did 28 last year well yeah I'm gonna be honest yes well no I haven't even initiated the best for loss that's Mickey come on he invited you here you have to be nice invite he practically begged me [Music] [Music] aided the escape of a fugitive rebel spy it is not true very well which should we find otherwise rest assured we will find you [Music] well thank you you're the thirty-third percent met today you have you all in there we will read you that wait I'll find a way if I could get my soup out of a bottle I can get you out to [Music] everyone take notes write your night I know Wow no no this yes he's always like yeah explain it's not too hot smile take either back-to-back you were great today is my fourth annual and last number 30 it's in the same day I'm never doing it again I wasn't aiming for last but I saw you I'll see you Friday outside no you the 30 nights I'm an American I think she's gonna go in front of me hi again why you're so scary you know you're too cute to be scary sorry it's okay no cutes good oh that's beautiful thank you and I also have a surprise for you today is my fourth annual character head I said that's my last you're it and you're number 42 I've met 42 characters today yeah you're number well I know you're number one but I saved the best for last not good yeah everybody I mean not everybody but so many people let's see wow that's quite a heart you know all those those needle villains are all out Princess Aurora yeah yeah I had to wake her up for that one goofy and then best for laughs there's room for more but I gotta go home I'm tired but thank you for being in my book okay guys that is it for this video I literally could not be any more characters every character from the app I've met I met 42 characters and one day was 43 hours my god but my record was actually blown out of the water so I'm so excited thank you so much for going on this journey with me like I said this is my last year doing this so I think so much for watching this video if you haven't watch my 2018 2017 and 2016 character cuts videos make sure these out page right here to learn how to help my channel grow and if you're not subscribed make sure you hit the red subscribe button love one another and I will see you next [Music]
Channel: Audrey Lee Young
Views: 1,063,243
Rating: 4.9499197 out of 5
Keywords: Audrey lee young, disneyland, Disney vlogs, Audrey lee, Disneyland characters, Disney tips and tricks, disney trip, Disney world, vlogger, dca, Disney secrets, California adventure, Disneyland actors, Disney characters, MAD HATTER, JACK SPARROW, Peter Pan, EVIL QUEEN, MALEFICENT, CHARACTER HUNT, Gaston, Chewbacca, Darth vader, captain marvel, Spiderman, tom holland, Angelina jolie, elsa, THE MOST DISNEY CHARACTERS EVER, rare disney characters, biggest disney character parade
Id: aivRJCYw9TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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