Character Creator 4 Playable Characters in Third Person Unreal Engine 5

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what up what up wimbush here and today i'm excited to show you guys how we can take a character that we created and character creator for and bring it into unreal engine 5 is a playable character that we can even use our xbox controller with so without further ado let's jump right into it so as you can see right here i have character creator 4 opened up this is a character i already created it's method man of the wooten clan and so from here what i'm going to do is make sure i have them selected and then i'm going to go up to file and actually export this out to iclone because we can't use the fbx exporter out of character creator we have to bring it out of iclone for it to work inside of unreal engine the way that we want and so i'm going to come up here to file and i'm going to come down here to export and then i'm just going to come down here to where it says send the iclone and i'm going to send this over to iclone and after we say send the iclone it should open up iclone 8 for you but in this case i already have it opened up so it imported it for me automatically so if you look right here i have method man right here he's just in a regular a pose and i don't have to do anything crazy from here basically just make sure he's selected and so we do see like these yellow boxes around him that make sure the character is selected and then i'm going to come over here to file and i'm going to come down here to export and export fbx now from here from our target tool preset i want to make sure it's on unreal frame rate doesn't really matter i'm going to keep it on current frame i'm going to embed my textures make sure they're at 4k and then delete unused morphs delete hidden faces and merge face here to one object and so if you're happy with everything here you're just gonna click on export and i'm gonna make a new folder on my desktop let me just name this one f same thing for my file name just name it meth hit save and then this is going to pop up i'm just going to click ok and while this is saving up i'm going to actually open up unreal engine 5 now and i'm going to show you the template that we're going to use so here we are inside of unreal engine 5 if i come over here to games we're going to use this one it says third person i'm going to turn on ray tracing just have it saved to my desktop and for my project i'm just going to keep it as my project just by default it's just a tutorial so i'm going to click on create and i'm going to let this create itself as well okay so we have unreal engine 5 opened up right now lower right hand corner as always just click update for whatever reason it always asks us that i'm going to come down here to my content drawer i'm going to right click and i'm just going to make a new folder and i'm going to just name this one cc4 just going to bring a character over from character creator 4 and i'm going to double click on that and then let me make sure that my fbx exported in which it did so i'm going to close out iclone i don't need to open it anymore i'm going to come down here to my file explorer then i'm going to go to my desktop and find that folder which i have right here so i'm going to take that fbx that i exported out of iclone just left click and drag it into my contents folder and then we're going to have up a menu this is fbx import options so from here this is really important right here where it says skeleton where it says none i'm going to make sure i use this bottom one because we're going to be using the unreal engine 4 skeleton system we don't want to use 5 it's not going to come in correctly you can't make it work but the hands and everything aren't going to come in properly so we want to make sure that we use an unreal engine for skeletal system and then i'm going to show you how we can easily retarget that to unreal engine 5. so again make sure you're selecting this one at the bottom you should see mannequin underscore ue4 in there make sure you have the correct one so we're going to select that and then right here under advanced we're going to click this down and then right here where it says update skeletal reference you want to make sure you turn this on and also the one below it where it says use tl as referent pose we want to turn this on as well and then we're just going to click import all we don't need anything else in here and then that's going to bring up this message log once everything is imported i'm just going to close this out and if you look now we have everything brought over from character creator 4 which everything looks good in here so the next step from here i'm going to come over to this folder that says characters and then i'm going to click on the one that says mannequins right here and then we have another folder called animations we want to double click on this so we're going to be using the one called manny we can actually use either one but since my character inside a character creator 4 that i created was a male i want to use many if it was a female figure i would use the other one you can see right here they have two different type of builds and so i'm going to use manny right here and i'm actually going to right click and then retarget animation assets duplicate and retarget animation blueprint like so so again you right click on manny here retarget animation assets duplicate and retarget animation blueprint so i'm going to click this on and that's going to bring up this retargeting window and so over here this is also important so where it says none under ik retargeter i'm going to click on none and then i'm going to click on this one right here where it says ue5 manny underscore ue4mani so i want to click on this one right here and then right here under target skeletal mesh right here where it says this one right here sk underscore mannequin i want to click on this and i want to click the character that i brought over from character creator for and you can see method man pops up in our window here and then from here i'm just going to click on retarget and now you can see it retargeted everything down here so you can see him and all the different animation sequences and everything so from here the next step is we're going to make this a playable character within our scene here so in order to do that we're just going to go to blueprint we're not going to do any programming basically just swapping these assets out so if i come down here the way it says third person and then i'm going to come right here where it says blueprints i'm going to double click on this character as so and that's going to bring up this window right here which i'll make it full screen so we can see it easier so we're not going to mess with any of the blueprints right here where we want to go is this viewport tab right here so i'm going to select this now i can scroll in a little bit and we have the female mannequin right here but what we're going to do is we're going to select her and then we're going to come down here to where it says skeletal mesh and i'm going to left click and i'm going to find method man right here so this is the character that i brought over from character creator i'm going to select that and you can see it has them in the a post and in order to bring the animation assets onto him what we're going to do is right here under animation class i'm going to select none and then i'm going to use this top one this is underscore manny but if you use quinn it would say underscore quinn so there's two different ones in here so it's usually the top one here and you know you selected it properly whenever you see him going to the idle phase so if i went back and i selected the other manny you can see it goes back in the a pose so i want to select this one to make sure he goes into the idle pose so once you make sure everything is corrected and i do see an error sometimes this will happen i can see his foot through his boot here so i'll actually fix that here in a second but i'm actually going to hit kapow and then we're going to exit this out and then let's fix that boot first before we have you know go into our game play or anything so i'm going to go into my character creator folder i'm going to look for that material which would be this one right here so i'm going to double click on it and this is easiest just come over here to the details panel and where it says two-sided i'm going to select this i'm going to hit save and i could probably do this for the hat as well so i'm going to come over to my hat and i'm going to make it double-sided so usually if you can see through stuff that means that you just have to make your material double-sided so that you won't see through it anymore and it should be as simple as that so from here i'm actually just going to click play and then i'm going to hit w on my keyboard so i'm just going to use wasd to move around my scene here spaceboard and jump and there we go so now we have our character inside of our scene and as a bonus if you use an xbox controller like i do right here you can actually use this to control your character as well everything is going to be perfectly mapped for your character so as you can see i'm actually holding the up on my joystick right here on the left joystick the character is moving around if i hit the a button he's jumping like so and he's moving around the scene so it's as easy as that to bring in your character from character creator into unreal engine 5. so hopefully this helped you guys out this is something that kind of threw me off today whenever i was trying to work on a scene and bring a character over it didn't work like it did in unreal engine 4 but i found this work around it's really easy to retarget everything and you should be good to go so if this did help you out make sure you leave me a comment down below and subscribe to the channel if you're new leave me a big thumbs up helps out with the algorithm and until next time stay fresh keep creating and i'll catch you guys in the next video i see you soon take care [Music] what up what up wimbush here [Music] you
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 9,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, winbush, tutorial, immersive, school of motion, mograph, creating the unreal, create the unreal, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, looking glass, cinema 4d, c4d, motion, after effects, adobe, artist, epic megagrant, megagrant recipient, character creator 4, iclone 8, reallusion, cc4, unreal engine 5, third person, third person template, playable character, swap character, game dev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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