CHAPTER 4 MEMES (best season)

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foreign intro hit myself in the face anyway the joke was that fortnite's not dead because there's a new chapter new map new activities fortnite is alive again and I am going to give it my review sorry this video is late took me 15 hours to film they have added many things and of course I have to get my first win but apparently they've added a hammer a big hammer I want that hammer this chest apparently gives you the hammer every time oh there we go I want that this Hammer looks like an anime weapon it's gigantic all right let's see what I can do with it oh my God can I just bounce across the whole map like this there's a guy right here can I kill him that Guy brought a gun to an anime fight this Hammer is insane I don't need this gun I've got a giant hammer it's very sad that you can't just spin forever but I'll take what I can get guys I think something has broken I am just suspended in the air I've been playing for five minutes I have already fully broken the hammer I can just levitate now yeah this chapter is completely bug free there's no problems with it at all no glitches no anything what an exciting first game of the new chapter if you want normal fortnite gameplay go anywhere else on YouTube I'm staying like this this is the gameplay you get on this channel subscribe I'm just slowly heading to the center of the Zone I get to see what the entire map looks like how have I not been shot I look like an idiot I'm taking this levitating [ __ ] to the very end all right it's the final two players surely this guy gives me the win I'm gonna go ask really nicely hey bro I'm levitating surely you can see I'm doing something special give me the whip you're a [ __ ] loser I'm currently under spawn Island I I don't know if I should be here am I gonna get banned I don't know how this happened I don't know how I ended up under Sport Island I'm sorry epic games don't bend me man this chapter sure is bug free this guy wants to kill me huh oh I gotta kill this guy first smashed him anonymous probably anonymous because he's horribly embarrassed that he got destroyed like that okay this game I definitely have to use the hammer on a motorbike I could probably just use a regular gun but I want to smack him in the head oh there's a guy right there my bike did my bike just hit him smack smacked him again how is he not dead get back on the bike Yeah by kill drive by with the hammer I am so lucky that guy was dog [ __ ] at the game I got a perk that makes it so my bike never runs out of fuel oh I can just keep doing this the rest of the game you ready you ready oh that almost looked cool a lot oh that was almost sick you know what the damn hell hold up hold up bro my bike is magical I'm definitely dead surely I'm dead surely I'm dead ah done my luck ran out all right I've got something funny I want to try I have spent five hours unlocking this party time perk but basically it gives you infinite balloons so if you use it with the hammer you just spit in the sky forever infinitely maybe it doesn't seem that crazy to you but it took me five hours to get balloons just so I could try this I'm gonna get very dizzy but we're going for the win I'm a stay up here all game other players are gonna look to the sky and see a gigantic spinning fidget spinner so far so good I am Crossing this map man this is why I retired five hours of grinding just so I could spin in the air with balloons I hope you're enjoying it I hope it was worth it I'm just sitting at Max height getting dizzy Just endlessly spinning man from up here we can really appreciate how beautiful the new map is 10 players remaining still just spinning around in circles when this video is late you know why it's because I wanted to spin in the air no one else is spending their update night doing this oh there's some intense fighting going on not me though oh it's okay all right it's the top two It's the final guy I'm gonna see how long I can survive before he notices me it is kind of getting hard to see I won't lie this is a tiny Circle Dude oh I can't see dude I can't see I can't see oh I've just got to go for it oh it's such a small circle oh please let me win ah I should have gone down earlier just a reminder getting this balloon perk Is Random so each attempt can take an hour we're going again can I get the win this time oh he's dead all right top two situation I've got to go for the win earlier this time I just gotta wait for him to sit still I'm going for it I can't wait so long this time yeah I crashed where did he go oh God I just had two [ __ ] with it I'm gonna go for the win I'm going for the win die die I need my balloons back dude I don't got the mats for this no I just missed him when I fell down I'm going for it and bonk him on the head Bonk him on the head I cracked him so good how is he not dead wait how did he even hit where did it where did he even hit me from I'm in the top ten we're going again I'm currently eating dinner I started filming at 8am it's now time for dinner I have been grinding for this it's the final player let's go for it hey I cracked him he's in the storm surely he dies oh no oh come on I just I just I'm getting so unlucky he's so confused man why does no one ever look up do you not have a neck all right circles currently going over a tree I don't think he can build this could be our Victory he looks confused I gotta go for it I cracked him where is he oh he's so far in the storm [Music] oh the balloons are killing me Oh my he didn't he died he died does that count does that count that was a win but I don't think this video can end until I get a kill with the actual hammer it sometimes takes me an hour to get the balloons forget the balloons there's other ways to get him with the hammer through walls with the hammer I have discovered that now I'm actually destroying people with the hammer by the way annihilate it these hammers are the best thing they've ever added to the game it's the top three it's an old strategy but I'm cone in the entire top of the zone I will win however necessary oh you can't shoot me down it's impossible I think I have to go down and fight foreign that was a good win oh that's my umbrella look how beautiful it is use code laser
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 6,831,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x41zqK4JLA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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