Chapman Guitars At NAMM 2019

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[Music] [Music] first car I ever drove in America was thanks to Sterling Hall put me in his vintage car look just like this and then as I was driving he jumped out of the car mr. Chevrolet Impala hey what's going on I'm Rob Chapman welcome to now as before though you can do better oh hi oh hi welcome to apply what welcome to the NAMM show we're going to see our friend David so a little bit of an unveiling these are the new b2 standard Series guitars from Indonesia so completely from the ground up reworked pickups massively upgraded feel and as I've already told you an upgraded smell [Laughter] [Music] oh my god I just finished this like yesterday [Music] Wow hey guys this is bad count amplifies this is John from bad cats guy is a living breathing genius it makes incredible amplifiers I just played some of the new stuff I'm gonna tell you all about it I make incredible amplifiers Glenn not a genius and trust me I am NOT a genius this is our latest this is that well first stop bad cat amplifiers I came from the magnetics industry we build our own transformers we designed their own speakers that are built by selection in the UK we make them all in our small shop in Santa Ana California and this is the latest this is the hot pan 30 player series the player series we took what is great about our hand wired amps and them on two nice heavy-duty PC boards still build them by hand in our shop and make them much more affordable for people who don't necessarily you know aren't CEOs and so this is the latest one we have a vendor style classic throw Rob's favorites forty us a player series and we are here at the NAMM show and I was so pleased to see Rob and and this guy what are you doing here [Music] victory amplification our brothers from another mother probably the same mother may sound insane the great guys we're gonna go [Music] how would you set it Revere so is the thing forgets to make sure you can happen haha guys this is Jay he lives with us and Ryan he's an awesome guy he's gonna tell you about Channel right now [Music] [Music] get on sleep related stuff [Music] I bring that the sound of India electric guitar playing which is just wonderful wonderful thing today so come and check upstairs [Music] slashing tape [Music] how come you didn't need one of the new pedals wallings so today is absolutely insane it's been so difficult to go anywhere isn't it this has been a nightmare but it's been really lovely we met some amazing people manicure instructor I met Larry Basilio I met tons of cool people but now we're off to new neighbor who can make incredible pals and I love them all so follow me when you neighbor welcome to new neighbor I want the incredible and everything they do hey Aidan I'm Chavez I'm here with Brian from new neighbor no never new neighbor new neighbor I love you neighbor puddles I have these on my board always have since I first found the inverse reverberates that I love them so much thank you thank you very much I thought it would be really cool to come here have you tell us about the really cool-looking Huron honey this is basically a full preamp three gain stages it's got an integrated noise gate a single knob compressor three bands of EQ plus the tightness control and a presence control it's got up to six presets on the pedal right now I've got it just set up for one so you can set it up for between one and six so it's looking interface yeah you could use intersted interface for recording guitar you can take from this into into a simplified premium sure yeah it's got an integrated cabinet simulator Roy so if this is basically all you would need to record guitar of some amazing it's also about MIDI in and out with MIDI you can access up to 24 presets right so I know about the iconoclast I don't know much about the expense so what's the expose well expanse we've had around for quite a while it's a reprogrammable pedal you connected via USB to a Mac or PC and you can load it with any of the effects in our library reverb shiver echo chorus with the optional exp controller you can load in up to 4 effects and change between them yeah take two at the NAMM show day-to-day - it's really hard it is getting into the show was uniquely interesting there's a lot of people here it's very very busy it is we saw two things yesterday it's a bad cat and well it's a bad cat victory I think that's it bye captain victory was basically what it gave Nancy we thought we'd draw up a list of companies that we loved companies that we have a great relationship with just visit them there are a few there are a few there are a few we just chatted to new neighbor right there right behind you and we're actually going to go and see our friends and faith guitars as well now faith yeah I'm still hanker instagrams I really want to see the Fender Custom Shop room we met that's just travel summer saying that we met some really cool people I met John Petrucci Larry Basilio Devin Townsend Eddie Kramer who did you meet no one as cool as that Jimmy I miss him Stella Chapman guitars retailers good I tried some really good origin effects pedals yesterday they're really really good right we're gonna get Minter on a show Celia hello everyone I'm here with mr. dick I'm here with him we're here together so Nikki as you might know as it's called company called cramps which is what's the boss where does the name come from it's my last name there you go it was an innovative naming process we worked for a long time trying to figure out what to name the company and I said let's go that's why I love your stuff it's just innovation all day long that's what we do there you go there you go once I lost you I so the new product is this guy right here the soma 63 vintage cramp sweets based around a vendor like crown circuit so it's got the brown tone stack in the treble in the base it's got a gain structure that's kind of reminiscent of boggling of ground deluxe and a brown concert if you were to kind of combine the two and massage them together what's really cool about is it has a transformer in it you can see the little transformer symbol right there yeah yeah get a good shot of that so that that transformer in there like basically the way that it works is the gain so long as the gain is halfway or below you have the sound of a vintage Brown circuit I never you get above the halfway point you begin to load that transformer and push it into saturation because it's an old steel core transformer so the manage Styles skill for transport so you push the transformer into saturation and you end up with this like really cool textural thing that happens where the notes just kind of fall apart in this beautiful and ugly but harmonically rich way I like it and it's really cool so with the game down though you can use it as kind of like a tone sculpting type setup with the gain way low like for cleaner type sounds and just use the EQ you can push it up a little bit more use it as almost like a drive petal and then whenever you get above that point you get this like weird fuzziness that starts happening my favorite thing to do though with it honestly right now is set it right about there with the aim just below halfway and then pop like a light speed right into it as it begins to react like an amp so like the circuit itself begins to react like an amp and you end up here in the push of the transformer the push in the pump of the transformer starting to work and do it Eddie Kramer famous for being one of the most amazing producers engineers inspirational Giants actually great pianists and then amazingly a penis you were an amazing pianist I love Eddie I don't see you often tonight I don't see you're doing a bunch of really cool things there on it we put a new album together where I remix the entire Electric Ladyland and 5.1 surround so and we're talking about Jimmy how's your father and Bob's your uncle I can't even imagine what kind of an experience it would be to remix that in five one it's at the original tape we found the original one-inch twelve tracks whoa and I recreated every single phrase in the way to geez la plugins or was all organic natural grass-fed a few plugins special magic trickery do you want to shout out to anybody well I stumbled across the toll this guy in the entire show sit down I'm sitting here with Ola Ola Englund what's up it's my bro we spent time in Japan we got closer to about a lot of time yeah we got close anyway the reason the reason we're here great great awkward lounge what happened in Japan we don't know hopefully you all know that Ola has his own brand of guitar called solo I want to know if I'm the rustiness but it's so low you know have anything to do with each other of course with us yeah okay fine there's applied behind everything I do yeah I like that well I mean here we are what's new because if people know that I'd have been around for like a year I mean yeah we've been around for a year we don't have anything new here okay but yeah I think we actually do have something new but it's gone I have no idea where fingers but anyway so solar guitars we currently have four different shapes actually five with a new one but basically this is kind of like the solar guitar fake right here whether we have the eight five which that's the car very soul are just like what people talk about so you talk to this is the guitar okay look of the guitar superstar chain this is the decadence guitar and you go fisherman influencing its signature guitar so the band of kids they have business tips on us a bloomin ways locking tuners and this is Jensen the other guitar player in the haunted my man Oh sick yeah Mississippi into guitar he uses he MDS type II the Explorer time a little bit of carve here this is an old map or swamp back finish and he has these really bright side and fix hero blogs because he's blind hey luminous as well yeah yeah oh man that's like a runaway that's like a landing strip yeah yeah he needs that you know it's like that's him right there it's over there actually pointing at me and then we have a wider different we have a be over there and we have servicing this is lovely this is a s series and this is a popular girl where it's our first Smeg crew guitar I really wouldn't stainless feel Bratz as well so I'm telling you say duncan solar pickups and all the guitars except the signature once okay and yeah it's a necro design and what's the woods what's the buddy woods this is mahogany yeah and I thought they call it we change what's in here okay I'm sure best whole England best salesperson ever there we go that's that one then we have the more classical s11 six of the lining looks like she has people up all over it let's just go over to mix up and then we'll have a bunch of sandwich drinks obviously and something you will see with all the solo guitar says I'm a big fan of every two bridges you see them all basically almost all the guitars because I'm such a bad boy but then we have the ones that have just fixed bridges and whatnot these two are twenty six and a half inch scale a little better 42 solid Rivage exactly exactly and this is another every tune and I think yeah hereness this is how I would pick up my guitar so this halen artist right yeah so this is basically what I play it's not all Language Center it's just a whole language guitar will you make an O langland signature solo guitar you did yeah actually but it's not here right so I can't show it but I just have no idea I'll do too if I'd shown if I should not we just do whatever comes to my stupid to blow mine I mean if you can do everyone that's exactly what I'm talking about if I want to make a penis on the guitar I will make the yeah those are their the the malls that we're showing right now I just want to personally congratulate you in this venture how much you're awesome and it's really cool to see people do really well thank you so much nice with the one and only mr. Kemper he's absolutely outstanding been a kid that I've personally used my studio for a very long time and really enjoy it so thank you very much hello Chapman guitars that's our new cabinet okay and that's for the guys who want to play em in the room so what's it so is it FR FR or is it just a straight-up driver or like yeah first of all I don't like the word fr fr but I think it's been stupid okay this is maybe what I always wanted to talk about if are afar it it sounds like it's something special especially my very linear for guitarists the flowers yeah it's just you know something that's broadband is like every we could say every every headphone is FRFR every monitor speaker be bad be a speaker right is FR FR or pretends to be have are far yeah and some say well they're but they're not really flat or as flat as it can be yeah but most real FR of our speakers that are label FR are they're not they're not flatter than the others right so and it's only the guitar is saying FR FR there's no other it's a fad it's not you know the good of people say never around all producers know keyboards know drummers no bass players so those that look silly it's a foreign speaker so it's not it's not it's not straight a guitar speaker so it can play back your full range sound as you would expect like from PA speak and so on and you can so we have a well okay let that song about the specialties right now about that speaker it's a speaker made by celestial exclude exclusively for us okay so we designed it together and there's also a digital section to it and let's say the intelligence of that speaker yes in your profiler okay because they're saying there's a DSP anyway and it can take over that work so we can let the speaker be passive so that is the passive speaker doesn't even contain the power end okay but in the future we're planning to turn out that speaker with a building power rams well okay but no intelligence because we bleed the intelligence in the profiler so I have a look that's the button to activate their function okay well it their whole thing we call it Kemper comb and Kemper cabinet both with K so you can you can select different impulse responses of a speaker in a way we call it imprints yeah we gotta imprints because it's not it partially words on impulse response to technology but nothing to you to load it in okay it's nothing that you can load or save or or change or modify it's just there it's actually embedded in the code okay right [Music] but that's really interesting only cuz we caught an imprint you have to make a distinction between inference and impulse responses yeah and it makes the speaker in the room sound like another speaker so you could do a cream back a silly T 12 yes and they're all in here right so first first of all if I disable that we have a full range sound okay right but still that speaker it has a narrower dispersion pattern than a regular linear speaker like a PA speaker it's narrower close to what a guitar speaker does interest so even when you run it linear yeah it still feels like a guitar speaker right okay or like a like a old cabin yeah right and then if you want to go for the real a maroon thing you press that button and then you have the choice it's right now at 16 speakers you can just go through three bags g 12 h g 12 blue g 12 t 75 Celestion which is a using a marshall cab oh that's amazing man yeah there's also some very rare speakers like this hooks for it right there's to have Genesis and stuff in there as well yeah so thats why they say it's a company that doesn't exist anymore oh really and they they acquit fender with the speakers way back I don't know exactly when there was I guess in the 70s maybe even in six days but they have disappeared and what we still have that speaker and can can bring it back to life nice that was a lot of fun actually one thing I personally wanted to ask it says so a double loaded question and it was basically I wanted to know hey what the motivation for you personally was behind just this new technology in this new way of creating guitar sounds and B what did you think to yourself when you realize you'd nailed it and it was like oh here it is so to answer the second question once out daily I was like do you really when it works every time oh yeah so what's so why did you want to do come but why did you want to make this piece that was a musician yeah of course all time an engineer so ever engineering curiosity yeah and I was I was always interested I always loved the idea of making a guitar amp in the digital domain yeah I was laughs that idea and as many as you know we do in synthesizer since 20 or 22 years now in ours watch that scene and always I always liked it and then one day I thought like now I want to try it Fairplay there so it's some of the most groundbreaking guitar technology as far as uncle said we all own members and we're all massive fans of it and you know I think for me personally it's amazing that you've made this product you have your own business doing really well but then also other people can have their own businesses making profiles and it's created this entire journey and I just think all them all the respect man my honesty it's really cool thank you guys so some of you might know that Ola is the brains behind Stromberg is that fair to say I guess that's fair to say and well I want to come stronger cos I'm a huge fan of the guitars and I'm gonna have a caveat that and say I actually haven't played a load but in terms of design I'm just in love and I have a big respect for the guitars so I wanted to ask you more about design yeah yeah I think that's the what I did differently I guess from a lot of other brands since it wasn't it wasn't my dream to become a luthier it was more compassionate industrial design and stuff like that so I approached guitar making from an industrial design perspective rather than trying to build a guitar yeah so it's really designed from the ground up to be organ ohmic from from the body shape from the fact that it's headless gives you better balance and the feel the way the way that the neck is shaped is more restful muscles the tendons and it was really I would have been happy if it sounded good but as things turned out all the design choices that I made combined the construction techniques just turned into better sounding instruments and that's really I think what what separates strand bird from from other brands is I say that we we make headless guitars others making jars without headstocks right okay hope it's not too cocky but uh yeah it's kind of we design our guitars headless first and they're designed that way from the ground up so what's your background pitbull Strandberg I started out as a mechanical engineer that's that's what I went to school for yeah so that's really what I've kind of built the song that my most of my career has been a software so high high tech software for the pharmaceutical industry right fair enough and I was on the bird ship burning out and making guitar was way to take my mind off yeah other stuff [Music] and the guy in the afro will push them to do mouth haha I'll tell you were gonna say why are you such a Bella they're gonna be brilliant guys I love you all thank you so much for being you [Music] hey everybody I'm here with myth horse pebbles this is my very good buddy Sam Broyles hello Zac hey I Love You Man love you you have been such an incredible person you have made some of the most amazing puzzles I've ever played honestly he's a genius and you've got some new stuff here at the show I do have some news what have you got for us the tapes take a look at so three new things really to go over first is the Argo this is an octave fuzz you have a fuzz octave a clean sound and you can blend the clean and the fuzz together so you can have just pure clean and then mixing the fuzz octave to your taste choice we have a new version of the me linear with top mount jacks okay it's been tweaked a little bit lose less gain because who blades it up here to do this light less games are yeah I'm gonna forgive you just this once please don't do that again and it actually has a similar voicing to the Titan on the tone control so I picked it a little bit for every time you say less game a fairy dies okay then the rune stone the rune stone this is an exclusive to riff city guitar and so this is a revamp of the Daedalus which is like my blues breaker but it's way louder you can drive an amp the voice is a reworked tone control and the gain control has been retai purred so it doesn't have any dead spots which is very important unfortunately there's no amplifier to listen to these through right but what we have got is a set of cans so what we're gonna do for the first time ever and probably the last time ever because I want to try this Argo is we're gonna put these cans on your ears [Music] if anything is going to give you an idea of the incredible tones these methyls pedals that demonstration probably is one of the best could you please give our beautiful viewers just a tiny encapsulated snapshot of your brand what it's about what you do where you're from sure so look based out of Nashville Tennessee make everything at home with my wife she does most of the circuit boards so we build everything just in our apartment and it's a labor of love for everything it's everything it's designed by us so far and that's kind of it we're just trying to recapture classic tones that you've heard on so many records or pedals that are unobtainium kind of things but just trying to make a great pedal that is handmade and not be a crazy money so just unobtanium yes I love that you said I've obtained it that's great Zak Broyles Rob chap I love you I love you thank you for being awesome and we'll see you around the show hey we're just at the D marking booth and now checking out some cool new strings they really fly these ones are the breakable series they break on every first note each one breaks is a really new thing check them out really really excited to introduce a brand new signature set of strings for max Taylor from this is the barley slinky really fun [Music] so we stay three as you know we're just flying around the show we made it over to my friends a knurled SP who both Rob and myself we've done videos with over the last year and our friend Dan works with neural as well so I'm here with Gus and we're going to talk real quickly about what neural does and what you've made waves in the industry for banks in the last few months doing so we're happy for that actually is well I guess well Francisco has been the one who has been a lot involved in the process of of the the whole development of the appliances in charge of the whole team there he can't talk because he lost the I can't are you talking voice on the first day you already shown he did a great job the birthday and that's a so for anyone this unfamiliar with knurled ESP they specialize in software based guitar and bass modeling so that you can be anywhere in the world with your computer and plug in and get the same sound as the amp that was modeled in this case it's the Fortin nameless amplifier and the forted nameless plugin by new of this me so this up in particular was made famous by [Music] that's the sound that he gets and has to sound people look for when they want to sell so there's a bug it made for that purpose so I guess we're just going to jump between the amp and the plugin and we'll have a will have a direct out from the plug-in and the amp so you can hear that [Music] [Music] I mean I've never heard them side-by-side like that before and that was I was crazy the bottle is slinky [Music] oh hey we're we're in the perform room and we've just this is this very very my lady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you this is Cameron is my new best friend what is this thing called soprano sax soprano saxophone I know it was a really quick guitar plays okay when we play guitar we do this like facial expressions we can't control I noticed that you move your feet your right foot there it's like it goes down buzz thank you so where can people find you on social media you can find me on social media under Cameron Evans Cameron and our planet Cameron evidence out there what else a saxophonist from composer and musician G on Instagram I do it on Instagram I'm gonna find you right now okay so what I sex man Evans 97 baby hey man how you doing it's Bob Chapman I just faked met you that's amazing awesome Alex mu all right I've no Explorer 10 News yeah I think we've got got a couple of new cool things for both guitars I mean it's worth saying in fact just before that though though I'm very conscious as I guess you guys will be to that the the helping the support over the years that we've had from from you and from your followers and from and from you guys to and this is Matt and beer and down as well is it's greatly appreciated but you're absolutely welcome it's all because it's gistic Brotherhood love thing I love you've done so many things for me many people weren't know the things alex has done for me no guitars left at all sell every single one of my guitars because I was really bored and I was like maybe I just can't have you that way and you sent me a guitar well I remember if I may share this I remember you dinner you did a demo of a demo for us in melton mowbray which is in Leicestershire which is not the largest of locations place once again Dolphy long time ago and your car broke down today you can fix it or something I had an accident I got oh you did yeah yeah indeed and I don't forget that and it was an old in my mind it was a green Volvo is very involved but unless that was many years ago and now you have many green Volvo's I imagine I actually don't own a car anymore oh do you know ladies out there play but you know there's a horrendous experience tinge to made slightly better by the fact that we work together at the time in them stories yeah it was great so what is this he's got a scooter scooter he can't see a lot Gatto Vader what have you got new we're at the faith guitar stand let me just say this because I have to say even though this isn't brand new these blood moons they're so popular oh there you go that's how they sound these have been fantastic mate you gave one away last Christmas either but which was about to in fact which was fantastic but they've been consistently popular right around the world including now in the u.s. thanks to our us partners Connelly music solid trim Basie job back insides Blood Moon finish very very proud of these they've been do you know that there was a really cool game RPG game in the 80s called blood me was the really yeah it was well I was sick I played it for hours yeah yeah you're a found these things I know Fair Play whatever it was like it was a few weeks ago wasn't it there was a super wolf no to see the Blood Wolf Moon or asleep the wolf blood moon yes so made whether Wolf Moon in the few guys cry I do maybe should definitely do Wolf Moon he'll be they got a very what's this really nice-looking thing here this is no this is actually solid mahogany Wow but it's in a copper black finish it's beautiful so little dusty I apologize sorry it's a copper black finish nice deep dark stain but this is nicely because you can see all the natural colors of the limb hugging in there the great greens the Browns are stuff but without really nice copper black simple and low trace bring some Brown sound much better than the other palette of colors that they do great reason Browns famously are there was a song maybe who's that song okay and but there is one other thing that I must just show you which isn't super awesome you know that would you mind just holding two mics momentarily thank you hello nice hi so this is one of the two incredibly limited edition faith and monarch guitars Wow okay handmade in summertime the United Kingdom hi Patrick James Eagle Patrick PJ oh yes they're very very nice indeed that is a torrefied Sitka spruce top which is again a little dusty I apologize for these static announcement torrefied is essentially where the wood is is is baked in a kiln that's brutal when you see roasted maple or baked maple it's the same process it's good Torrance is horrified it's just a cool way of saying baby a lot sure it's baked all of the moisture is taken out is then as he calls it then the motion is then reintroduced and essentially it helps the would settle much more quickly than otherwise would I like that Patrick needs a little business card in solid yeah it's all it's all handmade so 25-6 spruce lovely pretty hand sprayed by Patrick about the play I have video to prove it it's the bracing the same as the factory month to be fair actually yes it is because that's the best way to bracelet but and then African mahogany which has been again finished with a nitrocellulose lacquer that's aimed at the farm but the back and sides have been hand burnished can I do a geeky question about the locker yes is it nitrocellulose on gloss or is it just light recession just nitrocellulose and how many coats does it take for him to sit on the mahogany I think this is about I think this is like two coats maybe I thought from memory I can't remember two or three coats it's not much really not big a night Rose always thin anyway yeah by the paracin first I'll spray this in England it's always been in England its coloring in everything claw the neck is also the deck has been torrefied also this is torrefied mahogany so it's an it's its natural color right so rather than being the kind of orangey brown stuff is actually naturally grown like that so you're no longer using rosewood well we are using rosewood oh you are yeah we I suppose but still it's it was tricky with the whole society stick yeah but uh it's cool as long as you get the right paperwork it's no problem okay and we get the right paperwork everything's legal and aboveboard and it's cool it's just a little bit more fiddly than it was before to be fair right so you can buy a faith and you can get a playbook and you can go abroad without it's no issue yeah yeah yeah so to her first hey don't we're good we're good where are we Matthew where Ian gives we're going to see Gibson and see what they're up to yeah no this double cut flame maple top look everything rhythm trouble you know right huh like [Music] it's fine I know it's the back the back does this turn on but you can't touch them and turn them around so it's a bit it's a shame it's really we are at the PRS booth here at the NAB Show 2019 just ogling stunning-looking guitars they give you one coming out how's it going everyone good have a good show are you a magician supa dupa this kind of job man yesterday this is pretty sick it was pretty cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my changes waiting healthy sometimes at home are you gonna say anything interesting and we're the fender moon right now it's really impressive really big Fender Custom Shop Mitchell I'm sure you've all heard of straight off the mark favorite one black Mount Airy black Mount le via Fair Play this is probably one of the nicest things are seen on the show actually quite surprised it's a walnut double champ amplifier 120 volt natural master built by short ring here look at this thing I'm sober offender right now in the the masterbuilt section and there's a Telecaster over here which I particularly like there's an artist who's done this piece in the frame it's an ice called Alex Carmona I think it's a beautiful piece of artwork and then he's basically hand carved it into the top of this Telecaster here which has a roasted bird's-eye maple neck it's really really beautiful I'm not suggesting I'd necessarily buy it and I mean it probably costs a lot but the artwork is just amazing really really liked it so this is I'm standing next to deaf mccoggins new signature precision basses or jazz basses even and I'm a huge Guns'n'Roses fan he was doing a signing yesterday at rotosound I had a text from a friend of mine saying get down to rotosound dopplegangers gonna be there I ran down and the key was like so giant obviously big that I couldn't see him but he's the coolest EMF in town limited edition rarities made from elevated materials handcrafted in California it's fender they're doing something different are using interesting elevated materials what I'm particularly drawn to are these really beautiful single coil pickups they look really cool I have no idea about this guitar at all except that I think it's a one piece quarter sawn modern C shaped European maple neck and it looks like about a 9.5 radius fingerboard two-piece chambered roasted alder and flame maple body Tim Shaw designs single coil Telecaster bridge that looks like a modern C 9.5 radius fretboard as well but and again I'm just making an educated guess here [Music] we've made it up to the fender floor and on the fender we also have companies such as Gretch Jackson and Chevelle so we've walked into that room where we can basically see around us is lots of metal pointy guitars lots of wonderful things speaking of which if we hey man having had a look at the Mischa Jackson range I would say that they are definitely purpose-built for the style that Mischa does I've not spent tons of time on them but they are modern feeling guitars they're really well I mean anything from Jackson Custom Shop is well made to be fair anyway that's Jackson if we move around we can see we got a bit of evh going on over there let's turn around and go this way let's go to Gretch cuz me and Matt both agree that we think Gretch are a great brand and we personally love the semi hollows that they do because they're just really nice and I really really really really like the Gretch penguin and I'm looking for one whilst I'm talking on camera and I can't really find one but essentially what you're looking at here is new Gretsch models since 1939 as it says there I didn't know that that's just the electromagnetic ace I just think they sum up class in a guitar [Music] we have made it over to shovel shovel and Jackson were kind of partner brands back in the day not so much anymore but they are kind of still anyway if you ever look around you can see all the shovel super strats just hang in here and to be fair to shovel they've really upped their game and the stuff they brought out over the last couple years has been phenomenal especially the introduction to their new range at the DK 24 I believe which is kind of inspired off go threes you know super strap that he released with them way more affordable but it still features the bait maple necks and comes in four really nice colors that being said all the kind of super sharp stuff that Chavel are doing at the minute with the Floyd's and the humbuckers and it's just great and for the money as well like me and Matt use ease and sound like all the time just because they sound great they're normally branded pickups branded parts good feeling next and for an affordable price we've seen the Joe to plumb ta signature if you don't know who he is he's the singer and guitarist for Gojira who are absolutely awesome we got Jackie Lee his SIG's as you can see nice super straps with inverted slanted single course and then we've got satchel from Steel Panther rocking his absolutely awesome and Larry like Tiger burst tiger print lime green and fluorescent yellow guitars and then as we move over to the end we can see angel Vivaldi who is a lovely dude his signature seven string which I must admit is quite the looker love the inlays love the color choice love the carve in the lower horn that is a really great-looking guitar to be fair I'm not gonna lie yeah yeah hats off it's great it looks really nice and then finally below we've got the Guthrie's which we all know and love flame tops and quilted tops and bait maple necks and just awesome well voiced pickups and just saw they've been around for some time but it doesn't matter they're great and that would conclude the fender Jackson Charvel and Gretchen let's carry on Barry sinkers know reverberation or anything reason for that is that Brian chef Brian our we have great synchronicity with food with guitar playing were being really attractive men yeah and that's probably especially being attractive man yeah that's why our clapping was so perfectly synchronized everybody this is chef Brian's our and I'm honored that he's fed me the food that he fed me lasted for at least six months because there was so much of it I didn't need to be nourished at all afterwards my whole life was like and come to dine with me right you also uh you also facilitated an amazing hangover which was which was really appreciated I had a really cool idea to hang out with Brian and invent this thing called other than was really cold but I want to come up with great recipe ideas for album titles and song titles and own like cover them yeah so I kind of thought you know Appetite for Destruction would be a giant pizza or back in black could be like a linguine with squid ink and I love it Oracle even get inspired by instruments something with roasted maple roasted maple neck will inspire roasted beef dish for exam humbuckers where can they find you you can find me on Instagram Twitter Facebook chef Brian south-south spell TSA oh you can find me there and find what I do and what I'll be up to I got a lot of exciting things going on this year be sure to stay tuned we will definitely stay tuned hey guys you know I am I'm the pretty guy Marlon since you know that we here at Nam just having the best time ever we're with the chapman guys and that just comes as cool as it gets so keep on rockin ma'am at 19 is Matt right we're in Hawley still and these guys are called space drum we often see these around the streets of Brighton with people playing like super cool chillin vibes so we're gonna get a little demo here from the guys at space drum hi I'm mark I'm from France a representative middle sounds company we are building designing and building hand pans and Stilton drums for 12 years now and let me introduce you this bass drum which is a metal stainless steel hand pan made by also I show you now [Music] [Music] [Music] we are at the rev booth I'm a good friend of the guys from Reve I've known him I met them a couple years ago and they've always been awesome they sent me a generator 120 amplifier and I've done demos for them of their pedals the g3 and the g4 which are based off channels 3 & 4 on the Rev generator so known each other a few years now great guys and it's really cool to see them grow this booth is massive and it they've got full flight case racks of all their new Rev goodies but they also work together closely with the guys from to notes as you know I'm a massive fan of the two non-stop pedo studio I use it at home and the torpedo lives I used for home and life and so they've teamed up together to do the d20 and the d20 is the 20 watt pedal platform-style amplifier that also incorporates two notes technology so the idea is you have a clean and then it's a push-pull part to make it a crunch like channel 2 on the generator and then the idea the premise is that you get pedals g3 and g4 then you've got channels 3 & 4 from the 120 in this thing so you're running basically a generator 120 at 20 watts or 4 Watts then it's also got effects loop you can use it with a virtual cabinet it comes pre-loaded with 8 cabinets 2 notes cabinets and then you can also load on your own so it's a win-win situation really it's also USB if I grab this you can see on the back the inputs and stuff you've got to be able to use it is a tube head I must add is it's a tube head so don't be thinking it's just solid-state straight up yeah basically it's going to be a really cool flight easy solution if you've got the g3 and g4 pedals from revenue-based a lot of your sounds off that buy one of them get yourself a Pelle backhaul and there you can fly around the world we'd be rig really cool so we've moved about three feet to the two notes booth and as you know I use the two notes torpedo gear I've had the live and the studio for years now love it I swear by them to be honest at home and life and they have brought out a new product which is basically it's really really sick it's a pedal version where it's a pedal version of torpedo cab if you remember it was like a pedal like a square box pedal whereas now this is much smaller form factor and the cool thing about this is that you can use to mic impulses and to speaker impulses and record those you've got full fully functioning control over that so you can load in your own tires as well if you wanted to do that and then also it works as a through which is the best bit because it means that you can get your rig sounding how you want and you can plug in a couple of these going from you through your amp head into this out of this into the cab and then you can basically record XLR out on the side you've basically self a really cool live recording tool that also can give you a really awesome sounding sort of speaker impulse recording of it so how you'd use that in context would be if I was out with Tosca and I was wanting to record the gig live I could put two of these between the amp and the cab and then I could also have the cab's mics if I wanted to so when I come to mix I've got two different recordings I've got my microphone to the cab recording but then I've also got the torpedo preset that I've got with my impulse and my mic impulses going straight into logic and I've got way more flexibility just by having that so that's a really really cool addition to their range [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we just happened to stumble across ribbon our guitars and you may know of them from guitarists such as Tom Quayle a few others I only actually know Tom crow but now this guy because we know for a long time hey man how you doing I was TJ Wilson I'm very tired are you really very tired but happy to be here lovely tea and yeah really grateful to be playing this thing yeah he's got his own signature guitar which is why this video is happening yeah he's an absolutely phenomenal guitar player it's far too overdue for him to have his own signature model and to be fair getting it with these guitar fibbin ra is nothing short of awesome yeah I I'm very lucky boy man and they're so accommodating to what you want because everything is absolutely hand-built from you know the bridges okay that the pickups apart from everything apart from the tuners and I think the potentiometers right okay they make everything Wow you know it is when they started making guitars in Hungary back in the day they couldn't get any American parts right so they had to make their own yeah and so if you look at the guitars they made early on they were making everything yeah it's really it's really a labor of love for these guys play well can you tell me a bit about the spec granule okay so this is based on the Fibonacci FB model which I kind of like a Super S type guitar it's got stainless steel jumbo frets yep it has my one again all of these options are changeable depending on the order okay this is kind of like the the base model so it's got stainless steel jumbo frets the neck has a evany sort of binding yep with maple strips as well so if you look really closely at the neck there's all sorts of details there oh that's tasty brass nut oh yeah brass nut sound shallow shallow locking tuners they're absolutely fantastic - yeah the neck the bay but to be honest you can get it with just normal Mabley you want or super-duper flames doesn't matter you know the body what did you say the body would was the body's older with a this is a kind of coppery gold II finish I kind of deliberately went away from the sand of gold okay cuz I have a sort of T type guitar in this and I just love the way it looked the the pickups are their own okay but I asked for them to be slightly higher output other features include this noiseless switch Oh interesting so it has a dummy coil and the dummy coil just connects to each of the symbols when you need it and so I like it better off it sounds better on ya but if you're in a place with dirty power or for whatever reason using a lot gain or not yeah all of a sudden your night is ruined so this this mitigates with that and a push push that's a real live player feature right there well I do lot of work in in theaters playing shows yeah where there is so much electricity knocking about and you're a tiny part of that big machine yeah no one's going to listen to you if you start moaning you have to be the person who solves the problem there you go so so that's what this is for right it's a looker yeah yeah thank you so I want to hear it okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rob Chapman
Views: 62,173
Rating: 4.8673544 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Chapman, Chappers, tutorial, Monkey Lord, Chapman Guitars, Guitar, Rock, Blues, Orange, Marshall, Lesson, Tuition, Gear, Demo, review, Andertons, Gibson, Fender, dorje, Namm, namm 2019, rabea massaad, matt hornby, chapman guitars v2, new guitars, interviews, celebrities, performance
Id: eoQZTIXv_yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 12sec (3912 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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