Chapman Guitars Factory Tour - New Indonesian Standard Series

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first flight down onto our second flight and then our third flight Johnny wants to get a McDonald's energy by Allah no why no he won't believe that such a filthy choice mates thermos other great food around there we are in world to buy no no we're not but well it would have been a Royal Brunei from Brunei no I'm sorry for the earlier confusion when I service roll fly that's because I've been flying forever we met a real nice guy he did a really cool thing with his tattoos we had outlines done so his little dog cut of them in and I thought what a great idea Johnny and Johnny Jasmine hi the designer for each other guitars and I create old specifications for all the guitars coordinate all the ideas coming in from the public from Royal a Revere from Qatar tax and trying to assimilate it into some sort of coordinate effort to create a guitar and the big part of my job is actually time effectively communicative with the factory so that they understand what we want very clearly toilet it was useful hot cooperating some pepper for the bathroom releasing a lizard followed me to my room and it's just above the front door waiting for me good morning YouTube well this is a goddamn beautiful hotel feels like walking through a buff oh yeah people did I get breakfast but of Indonesian no papi just the way to head to the factory in Indonesia and see the new standard range guitars for all behave in the background doing what he does that who wouldn't want red curry nasi goreng and rice for breakfast McAllister Wilson chatters bag power changer power supply cable cable captain Lee Anderson's personal Yamaha amplifier the fits perfectly into this bag if that isn't the scientists or eyes then probably something else's okay no yeah no I just saw the volcano yeah people need to porque no that's insane [Music] you go from standard hot off the line being worth the plate is highly behind in Indonesia [Music] I have tried to break down some of that actor cats while I've been here and just say you know my name is Rob what's your name and just make friends with people that the work for me and the particular the people that are at the end of a line who I have more of an affiliation with because they do I suppose a job that I'm more familiar with which is the end by testing the guitars which obviously is what I've done with Anderton's for years and years and years it's a really rewarding experience to come to a completely foreign country meet people who are infused and passionate and produce mega high-quality products that I'm incredibly proud of and it's becoming a part of my family heritage and just for me it's just a great experience a lot of the kids products are made by committee and or they're created by the eagle of one individual which Armin guitars there is no place for an individual to have a big ego and dominate and other ends it's absolutely and democratic so I'm just going to die in here they're drawing will be bigger bullets you can see it's metal room where it's already incredibly hot and basically that up this is Matt Cutts Avenue it must be useful to be honest I really wasn't expecting to come down an easier this was kind of a last minute thing for me I've just had a baby Theo is 10 weeks old and so really in truthfully the last thing I kind of wanted to do was to leave England the leave fear with my wife behind and then come to a foreign country full of spiders and snakes but I knew that we needed someone here who could play and they had the experience set that I come with and fought Sonia mountains so much traveling recently Kjartan guitars I kind of felt like I owe them a duty to come and get mad at least bit of a traveling break I started but by the craftsmanship of the workers and Indonesia I absolutely didn't expect it and their handmade and people are experts of their station focusing and one particular aspect of the guitar and they become extremely good up and they take instruction very well so with the guidance of the guys the experts Inc does on the Korean production line and they can do whatever you want so we first picked up the first production models and they are consistently excellent in fact I would challenge anybody to tell me that they were made in Krypton Indonesian they're the wave of expectation to be honest it's kind of broken a lot of my expectations I mean I knew that Indonesian manufacturing was good I know this because I've tested tens of hundreds of guitars from all over the world China Indonesia Japan you know Corp which is jann WMI all the different factories there is a brand that I have a lot of respect for called state acoustic guitars and they manufacture in Indonesia and so I had always been interested in the local source Indonesian Timbers woods another step I now know there are lots of really good indigenous species of lumber in Indonesia yeah so my expectations have been kind of blown away because although I need them make good guitars in Indonesia I didn't really expect there to be as much experience and so what I'm finding is that if and when I find little problems they immediately resolve it without kind of any hesitation they don't have to kind of work it out it's just something that slipped through and that's really a relieving experience wow that was quick yeah attitude black the Sarkar bro so lunchtime okay the food is delicious I'm a big fan of satay sauce and gotta get oh and Massey got a call this kind of just love Asian foods so for me it's kind of right up my alley living in the ender ball dinner together very intimate thing so by the way the end of these factories is owned and run by world musical instruments from Korea there are Koreans resident at the factory 24/7 they bring a wealth of knowledge more than 25 years experience in manufacturing guitars for all sorts of brands way bigger than Charlie what is so exciting for me is that it's a truly 20% she company the marketing of the company is generated through social media it's got an instant and direct connection with its customers and its fanbase it is not driven by the idea of amassing a lot of money in capital and instead it just wants to create almost rare products of people and everybody that works on it seems to share this searing philosophy and to the point that when I first went to the creative battery they have a similar philosophy they're not driven purely by profit they're driven by the great job consistently for the long term I'm having customers on the long term business like 3:00 a.m. and there's something outside my door making the where's noise et even one of Google dangerous animals in Indonesia because it's wrong and it sounds like a monkey or a parent or a and I this keeping me awake is it's a bit freaky chapters out [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm very impressed I know I did I came from a design background in many fields and many industries from product design furniture design work with wood quite a lot and done a lot of graphic design websites things like that my son is a drummer and he brought his friends our heists and there are guitar players and singers musicians and I felt like I need to be part of them so I started learning the time and that's where it all started it's more than just a thing an object I'm not in fact that is why I really liked the idea of working the challenge gosh because I'm used to working with objects and products that are just that they're just products and there's not a lot of emotional connection with the product necessarily and a musical instrument particularly ATAR transcends just the object is much more to people control brings the bigger heads to the contract so he's bringing his ethos and his philosophy his energy to the factory monitors top is digested by them I'm not not stones of workers making sure every guitar is playing as it should and it was funny watching and over the last four days and be totally surprised and shocked about the quality instrument we got we left one please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] working with Johnny is an absolutely kind of breath of fresh air I mean I've known Johnny for quite a while now but I don't really get the opportunity to spend you know days and days and days on that we live in Ireland as you can probably tell and I live in Brighton in England and he does just best job he's the best person he's great he's really warm and friendly he's a dad it's got a lovely kick Orban he's a musician plays drums he still live additionally please rose and that hope man and the things about Johnny the making me unique in the Vigilant perfect for the job that he does at channel guitars are that he has a mega life of detail and he doesn't really adhere to the customary lie he's got some really hard work we are very fortunate to have him working with us [Music] yeah regula trees trees volcano volcano Wow what what I'm loving the most about the standard range Chapman guitars is that you pick them up and you forget it's a standard affordable range satin guitar they play really nicely they feel like a pro guitar it's I mean almost not to the detriment of the pro life that they just played great and I'm loving feeling the next or smooth woods look beautiful we using new with fretboard a new kind of mahogany for the body and just the materials are really good the craftsmanship going into them is fantastic I played so many tasks inside being here my fingers are absolutely killing me and some of them are just I mean that it's ridiculous I'm one wanted to mark them and take them home but I cannot do that right it's arm that's really good thank you thank you I love the way that the team at Chapman guitars are settling down into roles that fit and work for them and I think we we are stupid bunch of people we don't take ourselves very seriously when it's a life very seriously we take guitars very seriously music very seriously and then we're all musicians but I'm loving watching it all settle and build these foundations and you know granted looking for HQ and taking all more staff and and it becoming a real genuine serious you know we formed the limited company it's a real a real thing
Channel: Rob Chapman
Views: 305,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Chapman, Chappers, tutorial, Monkey Lord, Chapman Guitars, Guitar, Rock, Blues, Orange, Marshall, Lesson, Tuition, Gear, Demo, review, Andertons, Gibson, Fender, dorje, Jonny Jaffa, Indonesia, Factory
Id: a6_m6AUzxgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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