chaotic academia at its finest | reading vlog

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hello welcome back i'm kat no cat yes if you haven't noticed i haven't really been posting content this month because the scariest part of my october has been the fact that i have been having a streak of pretty bad luck with the books that i've been picking up i also have school and you know there's quite a lot of it so i thought to give you all some scrap of content i would vlog a normal week in my life i say normal but that word literally means nothing anymore so let's go with a week that is not particularly special in any way i read these books and confusedly stare at a computer screen for hours on end so i hope you enjoy it so upon editing i realized that for each of the days except for wednesday i provided almost no context as to what i was doing i just started filming because i am good at this i am good at this here's the deal on monday i was writing a many page paper about the development of mycenaean culture art and architecture in the bronze age so you can watch me become increasingly unhinged it's very fun it's 8 10 in the morning [Music] um i've been working for like 15 minutes and i figured that i should do like a you know do work with me type of section for this video because look at me this is what i'm doing i'm all set up as you can see from the the foreground of this video that's an art word i'm in my mindset i'm ready to go so i'm gonna [Music] time check it's 10 26. you know i've written a page which is not great things could be worse though they could be better but they could be worse i'm having a really hard time writing this paper because i keep getting confused how things developed on the mainland and so i'm going to go through my textbook and i'm going to use this thing that i don't know if i'm allowed to use but i'm using it anyway and i'm going to write like a timeline type of i don't have any idea i'm just trying i think the essay will be fine to write i'm just i can't like i'm trying so hard to figure out how to organize it and how to structure it and i have no idea so we're gonna do this we're gonna do this and see if it helps because i'm having a hard time so here we are in early bronze age which started around 3 000 in the year 3000 as our faves joe bros said blah blah blah okay so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello and welcome to this i finished i think i swear to god if this does not get me through this essay i don't know what will we start in the early bronze age we have architecture we have pottery we have graves we have middle bronze age pottery nope architecture pottery and then you flip the page because there's more late bronze age stuff general graveshit more grave [ __ ] we were really hot on the graves in the late bronze age everyone was like how are we going to handle these dead bodies they did the most which i think is really interesting i mean this is like okay and then you flip the page because there's more and then you have architecture you have more architecture you have even more grave stuff because they switched it up and i didn't realize until i had already moved on so we're back to the graves and you have pottery and then you have sculpture and this is my game plan see i've written my first two paragraphs so that's like my first page and then i'm gonna go through not by period but by like type of what i'm talking about so i'm gonna do architecture i'm gonna do pottery i'm gonna do the grave situation i'm going to do you know like that because i feel like for me that'll be easier because i can be like in the early bronze age they did this in the middle bronze age they did this in the late bronze age you get what i'm saying and i think that's where i'm at i think that's where i'm at gotta keep yourself hyped it's really important oh that was loud oh my god time check it's 12 18. so that's the update things are going great yeah can we talk about the fact that i've been writing this paper for eight hours should we talk about that fact probably not i've been writing this paper for eight hours it's 4 30. how's it going katherine well thanks for asking my eyes are burning from staring at my computer screen for so long but i'm on my last paragraph and i've already hit my page count limit so i would call this day a success anyway i don't know anything else to say bye-bye what up tuesday i was doing a lot of assignments a lot of assignments and i filmed almost none of those assignments this is what i did film i was racing against the clock trying to get to my why i lit zoom on time while also attempting to write and turn in a passable discussion post on uh the commentary that was in [ __ ] planet volume 2. did i do it watch to find out words my class is starting what are the words i'm gonna be late i'm sorry i'm gonna go with it we're turning it in i'm only two minutes late it's fine create thread i'm ready uh what is it week eight ew i've been doing this for eight weeks and it's been submitted now get to your zoom class this is a mess this is a disaster okay no it's not you're fine where's the zoom link oh wait i don't want to be like i'm oh okay well it's happening i decided to rent a movie and that movie is dog tooth which i know at the moment nothing about however i have heard about it like in passing and people i think have recommended it to me a couple of times at least so um i'm excited it looks [ __ ] up ooh rated 18 plus that's me hey today my main task is not school related but i'm going to be helping my mom clean our house and i figured to be doubly productive i would also listen to the audiobook uh of catherine house while i do so because i still have not read any of this this week so let's fix that right so that's what's going to be up for at least most of today it's going to be another riveting day of content that you can get nowhere else say hello to my main man jebediah those piercing eyes smize sir hello time check it's 2 38 and i'm having food product but i wanted to tell you that plans have changed because very exciting news noelle asked me to be a part of a video that she's putting together where she reads my favorite horror books which first of all the fact that people want to read my recommendations like that's bananas to me um but anyway so i knew that she was doing this video for a few weeks now so she messaged me today this morning on instagram like asking if i wanted to be at the end of her vlog and we could do like a zoom or something like that and like you know about uh the things that she read i was like obviously yes i would love to so we're gonna do that later tonight and one of the things that was specifically on the list that i gave her that i know we're probably gonna have a lot to say about is the troop by nick cutter which i haven't read since august of 2018 so i'm putting katherine house on hold for just a little bit longer because i wanted to reread re-listen to an audiobook of the troop so that's what i'm doing now and i'm about an hour and a half in so far i'm on chapter eight so i forgot how quickly things start i forgot how disgusting it is like from the get-go and i also forgot i don't know it just it has this old horror vibe like this classic 80s horror vibe despite not being that old so far i'm really enjoying it and i'm just gonna try and listen to it as much as i can before i talk to noel that is the update okay i don't know what it is about nick cutter's writing but there is something about the words that he chooses or the way that he puts them together in sentences that just make me want to just lay down and die but in like a good way i've never come across an author who makes me want to unzip my skin suit and slither right on out more than knit cutter and i don't exactly know why but it just there's something about the way that he writes his scenes i just read the one where scoutmaster tim and max perform that surgery on the the guy and um that's a fun element of this it happened with the deep it's happening the second time with this book like it's really it's really [ __ ] me up what a time to be alive i am thriving kind of not i'm i don't have any idea oh that's my update i don't have any idea okay back in time check it is 7 13 which means that i finished the book the troop with about 45 minutes to spare it's been a long time since i've had to speed read like that and honestly i did have to up my audiobook to three times speed but you know i've already read the book so i feel okay about that usually i don't do that that's a little aggressive even for me thoughts on the troop round two oh wow she gross i forgot the yeah and then also the whoa and then just some of that little like every time i read this book or think about this book i just hi yeah it's a lot it's a lot for sure because you've got the body horror layer with the parasites which is for sures he's gross but then you also have the horror of the breakdown of the psychological stability of multiple boys on the island after scoutmaster tim bites the dust i don't feel like that's a spoiler it's it's pretty apparent from the start he is not gonna make it and if that's not enough for you then there's also the bigger evil scientists creating these parasites for like a military weapon mass destruction type thing that's that's spooky basically what i'm saying is nick cutter created a multi-layered horror experience just like the first time i genuinely don't know whether i like should praise this book and say that i enjoyed it or if i should be honest i hated every second of it and yet i'm gonna maintain that five star rating because oh anyway i feel like i'm not saying anything so i'm gonna leave you with i have what 40 minutes until this thing with noel which i'm nervous for but we're gonna do it it's gonna be great and then i don't know what i'm gonna do after but uh i have finished a book look at me finishing a book in a reading vlog what the [ __ ] she's a bad [ __ ] wait i'm trying to put my hair up it's only 8 30. that was really fun i'm so glad that i did i'm so glad i was like nervous but excited and now i've blacked it out and i don't remember anything i said but i am feeling fine i need to relax i need some [ __ ] water hang on the timeline of this video is not linear i did a poor job of filming i'm not gonna lie there's a reason why i don't film vlogs very often because i just don't do well with long-form content that i have to keep up with for days at a time it is a struggle for me this video is an atrocity and yet it is the only kind of content you're getting i'm so sad okay so anyway friday what happened what happened i decided that i had made enough progress with my school work to kind of take a day so i decided to make some progress with my reading for the week seeing as this is a reading vlog here you can see me finishing the catcher in the rye for the first time in my life there is backstory to this basically i'm really close with one of my aunts and so i was hanging out at her house earlier this month and on our way back to my house i asked her what her favorite like book that she read in school was she was an english minor i'm like half an english major so we have about the same level of collegiate english in our bodies and so we got on this conversation about how the education system kind of [ __ ] up teaching kids books i said something along the lines of like in high school i hated being forced to read things and these days i kind of want to go back and reread a lot of the stuff that i read in high school because i feel like now i'll have a completely different outlook on it when i'm not sitting there the entire time dragging my feet through it going oh my god i hate this i hate this i hate this because i had to read it you know what i mean i was like i want to read classics but also like i don't necessarily love having classroom discussions because i feel like you're getting graded you're getting judged you know so i was like i want to read like classic literature that everyone should read and then just like shoot the [ __ ] with someone who i know isn't gonna like make fun of me for saying something ridiculous or making a dumb joke about a beloved character and literature you know what i'm saying and so we decided to make this mega list of books that we either have read or have not read and we're going to read them together and just kind of [ __ ] go at it i'm excited about that because i didn't read a lot of the books in high school that a lot of other people did and in college now a lot of the classes that i'm taking are reading more modern contemporary literature which like i have no issue with but i also feel like i've missed a lot of stuff that most people in the world or in the us like education system have read we decided to start with catcher in the ride because it's short and it's something that you tend to read when you're younger so it's not like super complex old english whatever the [ __ ] um and so a quick review personally i gave it two stars although i am glad that i read it because number one i now understand why it is so freaking polarizing and number two i can speak my truth about it because you know books are subjective y'all in the end i understand the intention of the story and i respect what it brought to the table re like the preservation of innocence and exploring uh human hypocrisy and things like that holden is an interesting character study however comma the reading experience itself was unenjoyable to a fault and i hope to never repeat it in my life as you can see from my face here when i immediately ran to the library to return the book after i had finished reading it i was ready to remove it from my vicinity it's something where like it's interesting to discuss or to think about and you know consider when it was written and why it was written and why it was written the way it was written that's a lot of words but it's not something that i'm like gonna tout as a favorite for sure definitely not because the misogyny the classism holden's general vibe and also the repetition in the writing style that's a big no-no for me if we hearken back to my past when i used to um dissect a specific smutty fairy series you'll know that when an author leans on a pattern in their writing whether it be in sentence structure or just like the physical words that they choose to use i cannot help but notice it and once i see it i can't unsee it and it just grinds my gears moving on when i came out of the library i obviously had new books to read because obviously next i hung outside my house with sarah and she was kind enough to allow me to film her and prove to you all that i have human interaction outside of the internet so that was very fun and finally on friday i made some progress on the catherine house which i then updated you on i just got to the end of year one which is like 40 through i'm conflicted because half of me is like the atmosphere is great i'm really loving the gothic vibes i'm loving this boarding school college-esque setting but i feel like there is a lack of drive i'm kind of sitting here going is there a mystery unfolding or did elizabeth thomas just forget to add a plot in and so i'm not really sure like where we're headed i don't dislike it i just also though i'm kind of sitting here and i'm like what am i supposed to be taking away from this does that make any sense oh hey welcome to the abrupt ending for this video because that is all that i filmed i don't know either i will see you in the future i'm not going to make any concrete plans because clearly i'm not going to be able to keep up with them and well this is the end i hope you have a splendid day and i will see you again maybe okay i don't have an outro bye
Channel: paperbackdreams
Views: 118,877
Rating: 4.9841428 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, booktube, reading vlog, study vlog, paperbackdreams, book review
Id: 7T5eJo5ceFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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