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Dark Souls to now we're live apparently that's good are we never on time with this Dark Souls 2 was mentioned already God damn it the version of our pursuer just Relentless Dark Souls like go away who's the Dark Souls 2 of the chaos Gods that's the good question none of them because none of them are perfect I'm going to say [ __ ] you are we live I don't is it we are live okay okay just making sure I didn't get a notification on my phone hey everyone oh it is live yes we are hello everyone welcome back to another episode there's a dog on it there's a dog this is uh the iceberg effect we're talking about chaos corruption today it's uh Mi how Eli Andy and Colin actually profit intro this time uh podcast is also on Spotify as well just for people who want to listen offline and um I mean to be fair we're GNA get bit heretical today it's going to look be a little bit I mean the emperor's great but you know this is these are the guys you know she told you not to worry about this is the chaos all kinds of chaos a bit of fantasy law here as well Colin will hard represent the uh the actual I don't even know what to describe it like the absolute Shilling the the copium of horned rat copium only his glory we are graced to be in his presence whilst his children are beneath our walls or in our war sorry um speaking of that first though we've got to do the question of the week Eli um I think the last question of the week was to do with what would you shatter in Warhammer I think and Eli's chosen some answers from You Beautiful People yes there were a lot of good comments I show was like five also somebody said I see sheets zero out of 10 for Colin's bed that was funny and Andy did change his home it looks like notice that's not the question of the week I've been here a while been here a few months but now it's bright it's getting bright now it's nice look Sun I like the sun our house is slightly change over time I hope to get more posters like to fill up the entire wall at one point I do need one just of like each of you just like a mug shot just to fill the background just that' be fun all right so anyway the question of the week uh was why you would you shatter in 40K uh first one is from our beloved DJ Beast L crime celebrity if we ever we ever meet him as shatter I would chuck negash to 40K him entering causes a second better eye of Terror to form as the Galaxy now has to deal with the great Necromancer her death the undying King the black Harvester Reaper Lord Elder bones the grave God and TI of bones for Fantasy I would claim grick since two gricks existing in one setting will cause a black hole ending the setting faster than archon ever could I agree go ahead go ahead call big fan of the first half of that s that one mentioned a lot of holes did a Freudian slip there we got it oh he's a real one we have we have two donations from Zan zero $10 thank you thank you brother thank you the true heresy is why you would deny calling and Eli their fortnite stream a this guy speaks the truth you're a real one bless you uh Angry leprechaun $ five thank you says first time tuning in live zch is the only chaos God who can win the great game he just chooses not to because he's a troll yeah kind that first uh first donation is average great horned rat worship fortnite stream will exist someday you deny my PC its purpose bro we going to we're going to Dos Andy and Hal so that the games don't work so that we can play fortnite why I'm not I'm not that opposed to the idea just like back in my day we didn't have Goku in the game we had I remember fortnite starting out when I was in uni that's how old I feel about that yeah I was like 2016 or something wasn't it it was earlier than that maybe I don't know eight years ago it's not called College okay anyway next uh next question our next comment was from my green gecko uh a shatter I would add consistent writing and quality control between writers that would be Jes ruin wow now next one from Mr idiot for 40K I'm throwing in Neil Neil Breen Neil Breen reference I'm so pleased I'm so happy somebody Neil Breen referenced you would add in Neil Breen is one of the long lost forgotten Prim marks and Tommy wise was the second one tell me why oh my gosh Neil bre shout out have you guys seen any Neil bre movies I've only seen media talking about how ridiculous they are and so like who am I what am I when am I like some of the quotes is so such a strange man like a guy an accountant and he has like a bunch of money like I'm gonna make films where I'm the protagonist and I saw all the world's Problem by murdering people there no self awareness it's brilliant I think th those two plus weird enough Gary Bucy is like a trifect to Green lore runs deep apparently I've only watched one or two Neil Breen movies but the one I watched was about like um like ecology being a uh what do they like what environmentalist and he's like environmentalist Neil brain Jesus and he does like Miracles and he and he kills people and there's like you're being bad people and they go oh I am and it's like what and he and he's and he's and people are crowdfunding him to make more films and he's like I'm a successful director and Movie Creator and he's like hero if you if you gave Tommy why if you gave Tommy wiso unlimited money then that's pretty much Neil Breen essentially and like a God complex too probably yeah definitely just I'm only remembering when he dressed up as a joker and he went and just like yelled we I'm the Joker all I got I got I got two more comments and I'll mention the donation we have so next one is from the wardner uh he says Johnny gramat gramat I know it's spelled different it's spelled funny though but Johnny grammaticus grandar that's what he's saying okay returns to 40K delete the Imperium and be more important than every other named character in the combined thumbs up from me buddy John grammaticus is the alpha Legion of human beings and I don't like him one of the characters of all time yeah he was in fact in Warhammer so then we have last one raris Pepe another classic another celebrity uh there's nothing I can think of that'll break any Warhammer setting quicker better than gw's own writing and there you go so true king now our donation is from core 6 6 for 199 thank you very much how about them reveals fellas reveals were very cool new Jean Steelers are baller and the dwarves looked pretty freaking Epic scaven trailer was real good would have been cool if there was some minis to go along with it but I I will take the fact they're being looked at and worked on if you got an lar you got an lar trailer as well would you literally like burst yeah I would too like holy cow and guys guys next year will be Emperor children guys it's going to happen next year it's totally this is the Year guys this even though it's been 10 years in a row this is the year bloodborne's coming out on PC too here Elder Scroll six bloodborne Emperor three even old what what are what are the other bangers what are the other Classics um guys this next go there will be an Elder Scrolls this year or something as well Emperor's Children is a higher chance than Halo being good got we got a donation by the way from Ral thank you brother thank you so much saying I'm currently listening to scaven Slayer and the Beautiful part where we hear of the time honored tradition of unal living God bless Colin and his nonfunctional pancreas do you think anyone else's pancreas has been talked about as much considering it's a branding thing as well Steve Jobs fair enough um is that the last one Eli yeah what is our do we have a next question of the week here I think we do we didn't write down how he wanted to phrase us but it was essentially you want to ask is which chaos God would you let yourself be corrupted by bearing in mind got go hasht worship so like which would you pledge your worship to of the chaos yeah yeah hasht worship again give your reasoning if you want to give a reason that's completely messed up within reason YouTube comments obviously I'm not going to censor some things you know make if you want to make it completely like ridiculous and funny absolutely go for it and um I think with that being said we're gonna head straight on into chaos corruption but before we do oh one more thing two more donations oh God we got a $5 donation from Jeremy golden thank you very much thank you than Jeremy says this is for Eli's Emperor's Children codex King you've given me another another Year's worth of willpower yeah and Ralph has donated another five saying also which primar will return next and why does Colin want it to be Russ I like Russ I just hate his children damn I want jaggery because I feel like jaggery is a a fun one where he's not going to influence the setting too much he's just going to do his own thing and that would be great I just That's my kind of that's my problem I want Super Dad they could also they could bring KX back and then they don't have to progress any storylines at all and they'll be ignored for the rest of the setting for for you get one night with Mor but you have to wipe you you already have a yes you have to wipe your ass with a great book of grudges in every dwarf no I'm in that's a great I'm in go you said that you're hunted for the rest of your life can we do we see Colin comment do we see Colin's comment in the chat L dkey man wow I'm not even dignifying that by reading that out I thought of was like the idea of the reprisal you know that Meme of is it Kevin Hart in the woman's arms she's going pointing and it's just Colin in moraff's arms like leave my boy alone leave my brother alone uh that being said though today is perhaps the you know the false Emperor the Emperor of mankind it disgusting heresy you know what I mean we hate that we cringe I can't stand it because today we're talking about the true pantheons the uh the chaos Gods all chaos gods and the corruption that spreads to you so not just what the chaos gods are but basically we're going to talk about how it affects you uh we're going to start off here with chaos undivided now this one might be a little bit shorter than the rest of them because it's kind of a bit generic but chaos undivided is essentially exactly what it sounds like it's all four of the main chaos Gods even in both the fantasy and the 40K setting they are kind of a unified apointed star that represents each God and their corruption can be sort of boiled down to the general emotion of just the word like chaos itself they are rebelling slash against order and all that kind of jazz they have something called the primordial truth which I will kind of get more into the end that could be a really long topic but I'm gonna sum up a like quite a lot at the end of this section though and they their General corruption is more about the inevitability of chaos itself you know the corruption is its own kind of force and they are pretty much talking about the collective emotions of sentient thought they are the representation of basically everything that's wrong with us MH so yeah Colin and his body pillars are uh I don't own any body pillars I'm sorry I'm sorry apologize please be accurate my dis all right I'm not gonna say no fre um I'm not going to go into kind of all the history of the each chaos gos because we're going to go through each of them at some point we're all going to tackle kind of more of like our ones that we sort of align to um but there's just an interesting thing about all the chaos Gods is they have this neutral meeting ground I can't remember the name of it I don't know if the rest of the boys remember the name of this like space it's in the warp and don't suppose Forge of souls might be similar to that um but there's essentially a meeting ground where it's just essentially the purest form of all chaos gods and they all get to meet together have a bit of tea and uh World burning up yeah they they pretty much just all that's the only kind of point in their history well the warp obviously doesn't really act like a normal timeline but that's sort of where chaos is Unified into one thing and they basically make a plan you know the emperor that guy's we don't like him we're going to bend him over and try and enter don't know why I went that way with it um what yeah that's more like that's more Eli's thing with some later um the general like effect of the chaos like General undivided chaos corruption uh you can often your skin will like gray you can grow like horns and things everyone has played Elden ring and there's like the O the is it the The Omen kind is the ones where they like they're covered in horns the foul Omen I think sort of similar to that of people like gross and things I think it's the um who's the elen ring bosses who like they're covered in there's Mor and yeah the Omens in like that that's like a kind of good example of like how some like a normal a human size would look the dude is horny in the wrong way and their skin Andy hasn't played Elden ring apologies for terrible reference there I haven't played either pain uh energy around people like just being corrupted by chaos sort of ruins everything around you like things rust uh the ground gets permeated and just the general sense is sort of it's almost acts like pollution in a way uh I was gonna make a joke about my UK government polluting recently there like a whole thing about them I st that they'll really age this podast at the time and they're also sort of the mental side of it these people are mad they're straight up crazy and they are enslaved enslaved to the general will of these chaos Gods sort of they embrace the worst emotions of each aspect of these gods and they are obsessed with something called the primordial truth I will get into this now so just finishing on here with undivided an example of undivided corruption is good old disgusting rat being l sorry I think I have a donation here by Angry leprechaun thank you brother says vas needs to ascend to godhood and bring pery in the iron Warriors into the fold RP materium and IM materium they're kind of a v are weird examples like like a dark mechanicum twist to that character and he's quite interesting like visually I don't know what they're gonna well as a time recalling they've not he's like I'm a threat but I've not done anything really bad yet he mugged the Dark Angels and that was kind of it we enjoyed that as well so see just so you can be like look look uh so the story example just like a brief finishing on undivided here is good old as I was saying rat bag lar orelien I hate this guy the most in Warhammer how dare you yeah yeah sorry sorry I should we're gonna talk about rats later so I should exalt the rat this guy doesn't even deserve to be a rat this is the scum of the earth and logar's the Primark of the word bearers and his General story is when he was journeying with the demon ingel who in the book that thing is disgusting like they even say like it's not a nural demon but like the smell of it is horrific and I like that part some reason inel guides loo through his pilgrimage through the warp he basically shows him the history of the universe well quote unquote chaos version of the history of the universe an avatar of Kan gets beaten down sorry Colin he just deserves it he show he shows the F of the Elder entally like the elder get like erased like a mass wave of Flesh it's pretty disgusting and then he starts to explain what the primordial truth is the primordial truth is essentially the unknowing SL universal truth about how uh senent in life creates the chaos Gods because all our emotions Ripple in the warp and this essentially creates them and we have like sort of a symbiotic relationship with them they sort of explain as well like our emotions in our purest form so like anger you know ambition life or you know stagnation or sensuality things like that they are essentially they're the best parts of oursel and we should embrace those to like the chest level they also want to preach that extreme emotion is essentially the best form of worship ever and accepting this inevitable truth that humans should have a symbiotic relationship with chaos and allow to be like binded with demons this is like the primordial truth and that's kind of undivided corruption some characters as well like another th thing is like abdon is kind of corrupted by chaos but he just again they're not quite they're quite generic unfortunately from from a perspective of in law so they kind of approach it approach corruption more from like a philosophical perspective it's the it's the standard yeah they're like the the you know this is this is the pastor and then all the other things going to be source so uh I think going up next that will be Colin Colin's going to something speaking of sauce speaking of something horrific sauce go ahead Colin good old nurgle grandfather nurgle Papa nurgle the universe's sweatiest armpit it is gross he smells uh what's he all about uh pardon me I'm pulling back up the little thing I'm following uh he's I was gonna say he's about being the worst that's not fair I'm the hor rat I can't have that and and tell you nuro's the worst I'm not a fan of nuro I'm gonna be real I uh I do not appreciate nurgle followers uh no small amount in part because of dark tide ruining my runs but that is what it is he's uh in some ways he's a nature God because you know he's the god of life but he's that in the way cancer is life uh his followers like to Gaslight people to thinking he's a god of love which he is a god of love but uh does it quote uh loves you yeah quote a sander and Kota my mom has yet to give me you know baola and she loves me so you know not sure about her don't think I want any of that oh my gosh definitely a toxic relationship when you're with Nur yeah quote the day uh his Creation in uh in fantasy all the chaos Gods just kind of always you know been there uh they none of them have a specific date I believe in 40K it was a du check me if I'm wrong but I believe it was roughly Humanity's Middle Ages uh around the time of the Black Death theoretically and as with the other four Gods the war in heaven allowed the conditions for him to be formed then a couple million years go by and he finally pops out around the time we're we're dealing with plagues all over the place uh pardon me I'm getting a cold uh as he uh n's blessings are helping him right's right now it's it's not great I'm just going to be froing in the bath like on this is why this is he loves you um but yeah so he's uh entropy Decay The Circle of Life only in the most disgusting way there is that's what nurgles about uh he's corruption it it can be it's usually at least I've always felt it's much it's a slower thing it's a bit of a slower burn like uh he usually goes after people who you know they've Fallen to Despair and not really got much going for them you know you hear a little voice that says hey man just take a load off everything's going to be all right don't worry we'll give you a new life we'll we'll make you reborn and then Titus said go yeah and go this to this to then just like intestines and I have a question is the lious test like you can no longer smell the horrific diarrhea or something yeah when you're sitting there [ __ ] your pants you don't notice anymore this where mortari meets with Horus before they invade Terror and literally all the all the sons of abon just like and they're just like being sick in their own helmet like it literally is that video of the kid go like the mom cooking and then the K go oh it smells like [ __ ] and Mom's like no no it doesn't or is that scene in Metalocalypse obscure referen it's like oh we're going to have a puke tidle wave where like one of them pukes and they all start puking and then he say oh blood puke a great name for a song oh we did Blood puke oh or like what that scene in the you guys ever see the sand lot no no oh a movie only I have seen holy [Laughter] [ __ ] have you seen Dune yeah the first one okay okay we're getting better we're getting better yes yes as written so you can so you can no longer smell diarrhea as written I'm the leis guy guy of [ __ ] uh pardon me oh oh Don donkey man USA thanks for the5 a choice for of 10 new well-written Lor books are Dark Souls [Music] 22 the SE Dark Souls 22 we already have that that's just Elden ring Elden ring is Dark Souls 2 too or you have Dark Souls 2 but with the the lighting they showed off in the trailer I don't care about that I think the game looks fine I the people I the people who say that game looks bad are psychotic it doesn't look like a like a like a medieval [ __ ] Renaissance painton come to light It's a good-looking game calm down just a bit clunky that's my only problem with it I'm I'm saying I'm the one who needs to call that I'm getting heated I'm not doing corn I'm trying to do nurgle I'm talking about M zaki's poisonous swamps right now light Town yay the was it was it pox Walkers as well like they are a perfect example for like yeah it's and it can happen in a couple different ways like the you know the slow way like I was saying earlier it's like you know little little voices in your head like hey just you're perfect the way you are calm down you know don't worry about that stay on your shirt it's fine you only need to shower once a month it's all right which you know slowly transitions into SLE disgusting and all right well hang on that's not nurgle that's just me being abominable but also like oh my back hurts my back hurts oh don't worry that gets better oh oh I'm not feeling the pain anymore oh oh where's my spine like yeah see yeah it's an improvement promise it can it can also be typhus plague plead you know shows up out of nowhere and dumps yeah feces all over your planet and you've got like an entire Hive of I didn't mean this Dad grandfather I didn't I didn't want these kind of friends then Buzz around they make noise then Suddenly It's instant Hive of plague bearers uh it's usually uh given the status of especially the Imperium a lot of people kind of full of Despair nurgle uh generally does not have that hard of a time getting himself some followers given how miserable conditions are in the Imperium and 40K in general a lot of people end up turning to him they're also quite light-hearted to a strange degree like have you have you seen that uh there's a image of re of a guy who did an animation of a of a plague marine and there's just like this little nurgling in his guts he kind of like rocking back and forth he's like I time like like that's weird nine out of 10 like pictures of his great unclean ones his greater demons they're just they're having a great time they're laughing they're smiling big goofy smile like yeah Andy I made a I made a lore crimes lore accurate chaos uh grid if you want to pull that up in the also wasn't I think with the whole despair people my ass up in the chat again people find it weird with like the whole like why is noal despair but they're also happy I think is it meant to be like they they're so full of Despair like it goes full circle into like the sort of mad like happiness there's nothing there's nothing to live for so they kind of go like Yay it's like you you've just accepted I've hit rock bottom I'm part of nurgle's family now he's going to take care of me and everything will be okay it's like it's like well you already hit bottom you might as well enjoy your time there and then it gets worse with disease and P but you don't feel any of it so cares really yeah I don't I never I mean that's like honestly honestly I would worship nurgle just because you don't like even though you're like you're covered in disease like gross pars and maggots are falling out of like your ears or whatever you just feel amazing you're just like I just need my spa treatment yeah you don't really feel that's the kind of the benefit of that corruption really is like it's just positive for you on the other end from okay sorry oh sorry no I was oh I was finishing up was waffling my b no worries uh his his realm in the warp is the garden of nurgle which for a god of rot and Decay and the never ending entropy of life it looks probably about as you're imagining rotten forests Plains rivers of man that's disgusting to think about uh it's it sucks it's gross there uh every now and then you can find Eldar statues of crystallized Eldar who tried to save their goddess and did not work out so well uh it's I have some locations listed there's his the Mansion of nurgle uh you can even see it in total Warhammer I think you fight in front of it the campaign Quest battles that no one plays because they're horrible uh it's where he he lives personally uh there's what is it I I I just like this one uh the Hanging Gardens of thus BG uh in in honor of the great unclean one thus vlg who used his own intestines to hang Orcs go I'm a big fan of that one very nice that kind of goes hard and then they were finished they did that what's the game where you like you hop over the rope with like then they played Hots Scotch afterwards like we won the battle smells awful I'm just s it just smells like [ __ ] oh yeah Absolut absolute rank the filthiest but uh yeah it's nasty it's it sucks there um and then at the at the center of the um his realm is lies uh he's got his cauldron where he makes all his disgusting stuff and there's also depending on the setting one of two goddesses stuck in a cage uh in 40K we have Isa the Elder life goddess and in fantasy we have Shala who's a same sort of healing goddess just human uh he since they're goddesses they can handle what you know he's throwing at him what the El like what the [ __ ] is this oh no it's real it's real and cheer you know it who made that that image in the Discord by the way is that DJ yeah I was just making that now farting on my roommate's door the amount of times to talk about that video yes it's been a couple of months if anyone here has not seen type it into YouTube right now farting on my roommate door that is mirle H's favorite video in all of existence yeah but uh yeah uh in 40K isa's just been there forever probably never getting out we will never have free Isa we will never have that uh in fantasy in the end times they did break out Chala and replaced her with some random Priestess so damn I think it's safe to assume she's very Dead uh By the time of age of sigar nurgle no longer has his jar person and they kind of got a thing with insects don't they as well no's got yeah there's a bit of an insect theme they're gross and disgusting so I mean he's got rot flies the little plague drones lot flies mortari moth Wings flies are a big one there's moths too uh not anything and really anything just the take made takeaway anything gross you can find in nurgle's realm yeah you don't get gross you only get gross you don't get like oh there's a death guard lady bird it's like no you don't get nice insects you get the ones that it's like that's that's the rules you can't have a nice one like you won't get a beautiful butterfly you'll get butterfly wings that are purple and green and pus and yellow and they suck and the wings always have holes in them because of the aesthetic you know and they have those like worms if anyone sees it Kong Skull Island the one with the worms that horrifying I was getting terrified about that when they were young they were like and they saw the guy's head get it's it's a King Kong movie I'm not expecting whatever that was God that freaked me out um and then uh just a little a little story example I took a story not a character is uh wanted to talk about the Elder going to try and free Isa uh so there was a far there was a a craft world there a fault wait what I was gonna say far Seer because is a font I cut halfway through all right look it could have been it could have been better was on the door his roommate door but uh yeah there there was there was a craft roll that was under attack but not under attack but suffering from some of nurgle's plagues that he likes to share with the world and they they heard tales that Isa was stuck in his uh his garden so the they got their best brightest far seers and projected themselves into his garden now they showed up they're creeping through trying to you know America their way through the Vietnamese jungles that is Nur Garden uh when they are eventually spotted and for days straight are under just constant assault by nurdles forces they burn them away with warp fire more come same repeat this for a few days the whole time their uh bodies in the real world are suffering from nurgles plagues kind of weakening them on the warp and eventually this reaches a point where their souls are fully cut off from their bodies so their mortal bodies die their souls are now Trapped In The Garden of nurgle and without any uh connection to reality to Anchor them they are turned by nurgle himself into living trees in his garden that he likes to walk down every now and then and enjoy the horrible wailing coming out of them and it is said that Isa looks at them and weeps for her children jesz for all of those who think nurgle's a fun happy dude yeah no no he's not that one scene in the uh the plague Wars Trilogy the where just like a I think he's like a dock worker like senior guy and the death guard just watched this guy like fold in on himself and like all his SK spills out and then it like reforms and he's just like basically rotting and then regenerating and rotting and regenerating and like kill me like no thanks not a f of that tyer just stands over him jealous being like you're so blessed meanwhile he inverts anus for yeah tyus is just said just being like you P you pulled him out like a sock like inside out and it's like it's say it weird like his body bloats first and like like pass and maggots are coming out and then it just shrinks and then it's to the point where like his bone start cracking and his skin is like all dried up and diseased and it's like uh Jes what's the hell of a story it's uh yeah he's I like to think he's nice by these standard of the other three chaos Gods which is not a high bar because speaking of um something that's GNA really well I say rub people the wrong way uh Eli's gonna talk about slanesh now sles first we have a donation though from uh diacon Deacon thank you brother thank you thank you for the 9999 join the stream late and we started it hello from the past question for all of you what would be something that each of you would like to see happen 40K that would cause significant change clone fulgrim come back please please and he can lead those primaris marines that are definitely Emperor's Children it's never gonna happen I just hate it I know it's never gonna happen but I can say it I think I think the main thing will be uh finding out what the tyranids are running from and it just happens to be the scaven like more tyranids we thought things were bad out and then it's just like that wave of them invading on all sides is actually supported by an even larger wave outside of that even just going is yes yes I think I would like almost like an equivalent of how like the horror heresy itself was more of a novel exploration rather than what we have in 4k which is it's a campaign book that then is essentially supplemented with models and like law books are added on to it to sort of enhance the campaign thing I'd rather just have a thing where like this is just straight up like a law Journey like again like we we we law people over here we just want law stuff you know what I mean I don't necessarily always have to have a model with my Warhammer thing it's nice but you know that is pretty much what they did with the badab war back in it's not it's not a novel form though no it's not I wish they had badab War novels I can't believe they still don't but yeah it's an easy dub this is The Game's Workshop moment I don't know what you want aial armor they've got a couple of those which kind of I like books you can't actually see it what about uh what you Colin what what would you what would you want changed just about oh there's a lot there a lot to that question I'm sorry just in general no like the the donation was what would you add to the change it I I missed the donation so I got really confused for the last 30 seconds uh ah just kill a Primark and for I don't care who just get rid of one of them real and true actually andag like corx going back he's like I'm back everyone and he died in the same book yeah look at this you got the the gr comicazi pilot is that the best model you've ever seen Commando thank you for welcome to lore criminal yeah I'd like to change my answer kill all primar and AR Gil them and get rid of them kill the Mortal ones and turn like put the demon ones all in a t water a tron's Tess labyrinths I'd honestly kill I have corx and lar kill each other I hate primar like it's the same result if you know what I mean so let's bring all the primarchs back to the 41st Millennium you know all those characters we've been building up for 30 years in real life they don't matter anymore because their dads are back I think Len was right let dawn let Dawn be dead let Dawn stay dead let all of them be dead yeah it was cooler when they're just like a myth and in Legend and stuff I agree no one cares about marus galagar cuz [ __ ] Gilman's right there why would I care is cool though Gilman is yeah I like Gilman a lot I don't like the fact that every Marine is now irrelevant if you kill him and is involved in any way yeah yeah uh like really grinds our gears but so that's going to make our gears do something a bit more naughtier than grinding Eli's G to mention what are we what's going on what's going on it is slanesh with the need an adult you do need an adult yeah I'm getting distracted by all these cool old sles sles is the youngest chaos God who as we know was born from the eldars the boty the Eldar got so deviant and insane that they made their own chaos God and it killed virtually the entire race uh we also have a donation from anag 1992 $4.99 thank you very much as a fantasy lover order tied all the way zinch is the best he actually screws chaos to keep things going the only redeemable chaos C if you say so if you I'm not a zch I'm not a zch guy personally but he sucks uh anyways slash is the youngest chaos God which is the only justifiable reason why she's not the most powerful one because with the like she's the god of excess and pleasure and Perfection and all things that feel nice and all things that feel bad so basically everything which it would make sense that she would be the most powerful chaos God because all the other chaos gods are their own aspects but in excess you know like corn is excessive violence and murder and hatred and nurgle's excessive sickness and disease and like Blissful ignorance these are all seshi type things so in my opinion she should probably be the strongest chaos God and keeper secrets are very zeny like as well so I don't know but anyways following slesh usually it starts out pretty pretty slow like could go from a few angles so like take the emperor children Legion for example they are obsessed with achieving Perfection and I mean to be fair they probably wouldn't have fallen to slesh if fulgrim didn't pick up a sword but regardless of that they follow Perfection so far that eventually leads to slesh because she kind of gives you the idea and the Temptation that you can find perfection in her but you know in reality you get down the line and you realize you've damned your soul to eternal torment and that this Perfection is something completely different but by the time you're corrupted you know you don't you see the slashy corruption as real Perfection and it's just the ever ever chasing idea of perfection trying to get there even though you never will SL also brings a lot of pleasure so it starts out pretty you know normal take your little pre-workout to the gym but then you know the more you take doation S zero donation thank you very much for the5 thank you brother thank you thanks calling for that recent stream Soul BL gab be first AOS Army hell yeah I mean at this point does someone going to blame you for making irresponsible Financial choices I that's I not held responsible for what other people do with their I'm a fan of irresponsible Warhammer purchases personally also that yes big fan I maybe I maybe might have thought I need to get my world eers Army a little bit beefier and so therefore he he didn't want to buy angron so he bought ushiran and then he all thought heed he needed Wings to make him a little bit more like an actual demon Primark look so then he also bought the demon Prince model just so he could take the wings from there and put it on all right halfway acceptable and I'll just get him to actually play Flesh eater courts and it'll all be good maybe oh man I want to buy though we gotta stop talking about this before I make more purchases so uh basically you start taking your you know you take your pre-workout for the gym right uh and then you know it's okay it's pretty good at first but then it starts not work as well so you buy a new pre-workout and you know this is you know it's a little bit more intense and you go all the way down the line and essentially you're taking meth before every workout and you're insane and that's pretty much slesh and but the but eventually the meth doesn't hit either so you have to take super meth with you know chaos dust and you human beings blended into it and so essentially it's yeah it's it's a pursuit of pleasure and slesh often blesses her servants with more ways to experience pleasure so at first like there's all these new experiences and it's just wonderful and but then you know they doll over time just like any Addiction in real life things dull over time so you need more and more and more and more to eventually you know you're mutilating yourself and you're surgically altering yourself so you can hear sounds ladder and then you can see wacky colors and you're adorning yourself in like colors that hurt to look at you're are reaching hurt to look at wow yeah that's like classic thing in the books where it's like sles Marines they hurt to look at it's so like intense like noise means I regularly go through King's cross and outside of the uh station in the car park most days there's a there's this pink sports car that's just parked there and I pass it most days I'm like that hurts to look at it's like that it hurts if it's a Ferrari and it's not red it's one of those like Sleek it's like it's like fluorescent pink Ferrari actually has a like you can't change the color of your Ferrari I'm pretty sure that's like an actual or they'll like sue you or something you mean the Su it's my Ferrari he's not wrong he's not wrong we do have a uh donation here by Jeremy Gordon he says to everyone what's your favorite chaos unit tabletop or not uh Eli do you want to start off with that noise brain have always been my favorite their models have been crying and lacking out reaching out for an update for the last 10 years but it's coming it's coming guys I swear guys this this next year it's gonna be there this is gonna be such a weird pick but I like chaos spawns I yeah I respect that I really like them too but the vermintide versions not the current mod old art as well ver verman tide old art and Total War the model for them is kind of you know whatever good for its time has not age too good what you Andy Andy what what's that is it the Lord of SC that gigantic oh yeah oh yeah with the with the dick cannon that's fun I need to get one of those that's like that's the last piece of my Army cuz it's like 430 points or something my God I need that so bad match all of a sudden like I've almost routed house forces and you just go that I saw I was looking up like what's good for like a World eers list and there's a guy who says he just you run three Lord of skulls and so you that and the rest of it is just like fodder and you basically just they just sit on point and they ruin your bank and your time another donation um thank you very much by Bane blade thank you brother sesh the chaos God of jars oh no also the gaming Storyteller says he loves the defiling model I agree it is an incredible model also if you remember deffy from mini War gaming shout out to that my childhood right there also Zan zero says how much for an Andy metal playlist for 40K is that something like me just making a playlist of songs I know I think because of the Mask they might give the uh maybe it's like a slip knot something just put on Glory hammer and there you go to be fair I've always in the wi hours fantasized about making a a 40K themed metal album I have ideas but well there's a band called corn that yeah knows that they're there's another has like a guy do the artwork who did the artwork classic Warhammer and their songs about that but yeah yeah I think they bth is what they're called uh my favorite unit is possessed just because I like nice world eer word Bearer models looking crazy basically we we have a uh message from DJ Beast that is not a nice uh not a nice memory but he says sles two demonet one cup oh godat know how many years been since I thought of that yeah God I've I've never seen the video I'm so I'm so blessed I Haven either but I know think the screwdriver as well no I don't want to know what that is shut up seen ton of those t-shirts taking the mick out of it it's just like oh you know H the gaming story oh good he's here for [ __ ] two demon that's one cup too welcome we need to have you on brother we need to have you on oh we have another donation from man 4.99 thank you thank got 4K after I watch Luke Skywalker oh my gosh drink titty mil love the Grim dark what does that mean I know exactly what it means from the from the eighth Mo I don't remember the name of it I don't I now the BL things [ __ ] blue milk I don't want to think about this honestly that he's kind of lowkey right a lot of us like shut off at that point so that if that was a towel yeah you but you don't drink when you drink cow's milk you don't call it milk you just call it milk yeah wild to go like just have my my like animal titty milk in the morning when you're drinking almond milk you don't call it nut juice you call it almond milk well I guesses would be right at that alley though continuing on in oh there's a question just that I can answer I guess he says what music do you think the necrons would listen to if they were coherent or narcissistic enough uh they do have music they're just really terrible at it and it's uh like in the book The guy had a composure of music and I think WTIC described it as like metal clanging against each other and people screaming like it was just terrible even before the even in the time of Flesh they were really bad at the only art that they're good at is art that glorifies the uh dast essentially so like big statues and paintings they're really good at but everything else they suck at yeah the only kind of thing they'd be into in our music archive be like Norwegian black metal where just people oh this is great this sounds amazing but anyways yeah back to back to slesh uh slesh is not just the god of like sex and drugs and yada yada that you know everyone kind of memes about it but it is the true like path to Perfection and passion so like pursuing poetry and music and bodily improvements there's all things that can lead to slen she's kind of all the aspects she's pride and lust and vanity and greed and gluttony all at the same time I she's the most like multi-dimensional chaos God that isn't just one trick in my opinion although GW usually doesn't do a great job at actually you know giving that Justice it is kind of in keeping with the idea of like oh I'm not just going to pick one thing I I have all these things I want excess there you go can I can I go on a a small rant yes there are two of the most infuriating to me subx of people in the hobby you have the one end who go sles is only sex and [ __ ] and then and that and then you have the other group of people that goes if you so much as think of a titty you don't actually know what SES is about and I'm like you're both [ __ ] stupid yeah it's both it's everything in excess SES is all encompassing yeah which is why she should be the strongest chaos card you know it's it's it's you can have all that stuff but it's probably also going to involve a car battery a pizza cutter and all sorts of other things that you're like oh that's weird and a political debate live like two donations here two donations thank you very much one by ban blade says necrons exclusively listen to Super Ghostbusters probably I don't know don't know if we want to look that up get another one by anaran targarian he says hello guys keep doing your work thank you brother I find it weird that there isn't a creation and destruction God uh in nurgle doesn't count he is rot Colin your bed what happened at the end of that sentence just full it just full stop I mean kind destruction Jesus I think the katana more like that the katana yeah and Mal malice is very destructive we'll get on that later I'm talking about nobody can stop me um Harry I think the main the old ones I was say the old ones allegedly created everything but it's kind of like the creation of the universe and is pretty up in the air I'm pretty sure what I would say Harry Ballentine I think you I I think the main sles character in fantasy fell because he ate his dad wow I know that sigval died because throg beat him over the head then pissed on his grave that's just a oh my God take more lse [ __ ] loser another one by Gaming Storyteller thank you brother opinions on Lucius the eternal hecking hate the guy myself but you're such a well-written [ __ ] yeah I mean I hope he explodes you hate him so much because he's really irredeemable not a single good I mean s tarit h friends I wish you just kind of had an objective like arman's got his whole I'm just gonna try this rubric one more time yeah K's like I kind of I'm stucking that I'm a mad lunatic and there's no escape and you know tyus is kind of just being a pet literally I wish Lucius had a bit more of like oh I I should be I should have a goal but instead he's just kind of I'm just I'm here yeah he I want to doal people but my but my gimmick is I have to lose for my gimmick to happen so the writers make me lose all the time so that my gimmick can happen and it's just like this Perpetual terrible state of existing to be fair that's just a a problem with any character who can respawn you can kill them forever and it means nothing yeah and then they break the rules with it too like with the nekron guy and stuff oh it's so silly I do like of him one day like charging headlong towards the lion like this will be a good fight and Lion's going to kill him and not feel anything and then one of his men goes let me my Lord he's like no and then he kills and then he resurrects like just being a nuisance what about uh sesha's realm though because I bet that is crazy yeah it's cool if you there's in all the demon cortexes since like fifth edition there's the little short story of the silver Knight which I always SP over a little bit because it's a really good story I have a video where I just read it um but he kind of he wanders through the sl's realm sles has six circles in her realm there's no guards and there's no there's no soldiers or anything but each circle in her realm will tempt you in a different way until you get to the middle so it's uh versus the circle of greed and I believe then is gluttony lust adoration and achievement is like Pride and vanity I guess and then um the excess of of uh sloth that's what it is sloth and then finally the Palace of pleasure is where you meet slesh and essenti in the short story The Grey Knight goes through all these circles and as I said they all tempt them in a different way like there's the one where the lust one is all these like beautiful nibs striding around and there's perfume in the air it smells really nice you just and you just want to stop and you know do all that that stuff and but then you know he sees somebody else there and he sees the truth of it it's kind of like the little Flash and it's the scary demons and the horrible things that really does encompass what slesh is on the outside she's beautiful and perfect and everything you ever wanted but on the inside when you get everything you really wanted you realize how big of a mistake you've made and all the Terrible Things you had to do to get there and it's it's very like kind of a reflection of what happens in real life quite often then the circle of gluttony it's a big ocean of wine and there's uh Giants bent over and there's bone Bridges going from the Giants and on these Giants backs there's these tables with the most greatest feasts you'll ever see uh cirle sloth it's like this beautiful beach Paradise in the in the air just makes you sleepy and you want to rest you made it so far and there's the the vanity Circle where it's this nice beautiful forest and you look into the Glade into the uh pool there and you see like everything you ever wanted people adoring you and cheering you on uh but then you know you look to the side and you see that the vines slowly creep around you and grow on you till you are stuck there forever and what did I miss let's see so is oh the first one is the richest one and it's just like stacks on stacks of gold like Ruby Ruby roads and beautiful gold statues and gold coins all over the place but if you take even a single SLE coin from that uh Circle you'll be stuck there forever trying to grab more and more and more till you know it all falls out of your pockets and you have to try again eternally trying to gather up gold so yeah quite Dante's Inferno isn't it yeah it's very it's very Dante Inno we did have a uh donation I think as well oh the vote thing's in the way I can't read it by um oh Deacon Deacon God how did I miss that up for 999 thank you brother he says would you rather spend a week in comra or for the rest of your life once a day having to randomly do the entire Pacer test one own Guy saying down oh included it's beamed into your brain it's better than dying I mean nah put me in C I'll be a chair for a [Applause] week just be useful they'll leave you alone morathi will not sit on your car yeah you never know I could dream and in targaryan as well uh Halo precursor equals Warhammer old one thoughts precursor MOG my reasoning I like Halo more behold the 4Runners are kind of like the old ones though right if I'm not mistaken those the precursors that's different yeah Humanity at the same time but then there was like some strange we're going to devolve you and then the humans are like what to be fair the humans did start burning Foreigner worlds they deserved it we never do that in real life they didn't I mean there was because of the flood it wasn't without reason but you know they they also didn't tell the Foreigner the flood were a thing yeah shout out to the Halo show for ruining the flood but bro reach is happening R reach happened off screen and master chief is allergic to his armor wow that is just so depressing uh but anyways the the champion of sles is Lucius the Eternal um and the pride Markus fulam obviously kind of like the issue with all of the chaos Gods the moment you give into chaos you're a slave and it's over and it's like it's literally never worth it to give into chaos which is like the faction has no redeeming qualities unfortunately uh nobody wins ever joining chaos you damn your soul for eternity to eternal torment and servitude instead of going to Emperor heaven so yeah you you you know you stick it to the man but come on so don't yeah propaganda of a forearmed Emperor worshipper hey forearmed Emperor is for real for real ful Grim kind of just sits around all day and feels good yeah and that's it that that that's the that's what forg Grim's doing uh yeah kind of explained it earlier about how their sense is like ridiculously heightened I can see more colors yeah and I guess yeah there's there's like the good side uh slashy Champions and corrupted people are usually really fast and then anything that they were pursuing earlier they'll be really good at it so but yeah the whole sles thing is usually like glass Cannon but also at the same time on the tabletop they usually have feeling little pain because you know they enjoy the pain the pain feels good so they're also tough and really fast so you know take your pick I guess but Lucius the Eternal uh it's been a while since I've read his book but essentially he got corrupted in the horse heresy uh after losing an unfair fight to Logan he won that he he won that fight but whatever after Logan punched him in the face and then you know he goes to the Len Temple I think he shows up there and he's corrupted instantly which sucks but you know and he starts scarring his face and before this he was like he was their best dualist and now he's so obsessed with the you know being the perfect duelist every time he makes a mistake he cuts his face and So eventually he's just scarred mess and uh shadow nikoni shadowkin kills him in the end and then you know shadowkin turns into Lucius and you know starts the cycle of lucious the Eternal because his whole gimmick is that whenever you kill him if you feel any Pride over the act at all will doesn't transform does because he kills him before he's the Chosen and then it's like oh he gets resurrected and we don't know sharken killing him set starts the whole and then he will resurrect but sharken as in like sharken doesn't feel an when he kills him and because liked that it set the rule of like you can only be killed by someone like him that's not a bad idea okay I see yeah so yeah so whenever you kill him if you feel any Pride at all uh even if you were like indirectly linked with it then he will kill he'll take over your body and you'll turn into lucious in like a agonizing process you cannot tell me the servator making minds and hi Forge World sub level felt any pride in the matter H it's a fair point if the guy who making the hand grip of the Bolter that killed Lucius by accidentally discharging that's a valid if he found pride in making that grip this a valid valid I guarantee you that dude was a servator he does not have pride he's been laotto how unfortunately GW takes the worst scenarios and makes it which is everyone hates him because GW writes him in these ridiculous scenarios that shouldn't work and then they break all the rules of the rules that they set earlier for his whole gimmick and then like the guy resurrects out of a nekron with no soul for Pete's sake and should just have a dread not just sit on him well they just have him win and which he does win a lot to be fair he is pretty goated during the dropsite massacre he like on v10s all by himself and you know he wins so he is actually really good and he does he kills a lot of Champions but GW likes to put him in goofy situations and you know just stick it to the man I guess guess goe well he has the lair blade which is you know kind of a fun little fact he carries the original lir blade that corrupted everybody yeah and he has the Lash of Torment which is like a demon lash thing that's connected to his arm now he has a stimulant pack that just pumps him full of you know the good stuff and his armor of shrieking Souls all the swirling faces on there are the souls that he's taken over and and been turned into so yes every face on his armor is one time he lost a fight but it's it does damage to whoever damages him and it's fun little thing on the tabletop and he still has no updated model even though arm and tyers and car got updated 10 years ago and I'm GNA keep seething and coping for the rest of my life well you see the sles was born from the Eldar which means she's never allowed to have update but but they even they saw that people like sles they updated them in age of Sigmar and they look amazing allowed to have fun but you just said about how unlikable Lucius is and everyone's like oh it's [ __ ] like yeah that's why can't wait till use on the tabletop my favorite my beloved he is fun to use on the tabletop even though he has no actual like Eternal rule but usually like his old rules were his the difference between your weapon skill and his weapon skill he got that many extra attacks and he had like weapon skill seven or eight I think so he was a pretty good dualist you know take your pick how were you GNA say uh remember I think I forgot sorry sorry no that was it wasn't I like two more or one more example I was trying to find the name of the war band I was looking through the Codex but I couldn't I don't remember what they're called they were on they were on around Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade and they're like they're blessed by sesh and they have good military tactics they're actually organized and not completely insane and they're like they don't show anybody they never take off their armor because nobody's worthy of seeing their like perfect sculpted physiques and so I kind of Imagine when they do take off their armor they're like Jojo characters do they have um like a logo because I might have made it yeah they do I just it's like sons of excess or something I don't remember but their dreadn guy is pretty cool they have a dreadn chapter Master who's dead now I'm pretty sure that might be them yeah they so they dreadn not chapter Master you think you know you want to be able to feel pleasure and stuff as Adrena but when he opens up the sarcophagus all of his nerve endings are like hanging out of his body so he can feel oh yeah it's just it's it's it's brutal but uh sigval also shout out to sigval sigal the Magnificent is so beautiful that not even the ground is worthy of touching his feet so he hovers off the ground I think that's so awesome I think my favorite bit of lore is he burned down a bretonian city solely because a bottle of wine they made like 200 years ago was not to his likeing so he showed up and torched the place what a bastard that guy give him credit he is winning sles gives him anything he wants assle Chap's baby love that model he also has such a cool model I have a he's in the he's in the container right there oh yeah he's painted like full model yeah I'll pull it out even though the camera won't focus on beautiful boy it's pretty much slesh from what I from what I can tell it's been so long since I've read a chaos book you can't you can't see much of him but my friend painted him and he's looks really nice I don't know how to make this camera for oh here okay you can kind yeah for audio listeners it is Sig fold deed out an emperor children colors yeah looking sweet so I use him as like a proxy for a demon Prince eat what is Sig eat he ate one of his family members I just remember gave like a baby brother or something yeah he ised in the container oh his so his dad kicked him out because sigval kept eating people Jes the uh and then Sigmar no not sigval killed him when his dad went to sleep said he in the jaw why is it with jaws and sles Jaws under his bed know why the uh I like the age of Sigmar like little trailer for sigal he was in his like uh celebrity trailer in the warp pretty much talking about like how pretty he looks and stuff that was fun uh well that was horny but the next one's a little bit more angry because I think Andy going be mentioning corn the most recognizable chaos corruption and God corn corn for the Corn Flakes yeah yes angry well here's the thing uh Eli mentioned earlier that slanesh has a hell of a lot of you know variety and stuff not so much with corn corn as just one thing and we all know the quote blood for the blood God skulls for the skull Throne uh he's he's a big Mighty lad covered in heavy plates of armor he sits upon a throne made of skulls within the Sea of blood within the the bloody sea among the mountain of skulls within the planet of Scully blood stains and skulls and blood and blood and and and that's basically just corn it's is anger skulls blood killing violence I mean people give worship to him whether they want to or not so while there are cornate Berserkers and you know World eaters who just go oh I'm going to go you know skin this child and Corn's like fantastic um at the same time people can unwittingly for example if you're a primitive tribe in some Bumble [ __ ] Planet somewhere in the Imperium if you're going to like go hunting Korn likes that if you're going to go beat your neighbor's head in with a rock corn likes that so even to an extent the Space Marines by committing acts of violence are kind of empowering the god of violence and killing um The Duality of the chaos Gods does mean that he has some good qualities for example he'll he'll never stab you in the back is the is the classic one he doesn't like people being sneaky he doesn't like uh you know any subterfuge worshippers of Korn typically don't like any psychic powers they don't like bolters they don't like ranged weapons there's um one of the hammer and Bolter episodes the the sorus are defending a temple and these cornate Berserkers are rushing in and one of them points a gun and one of the other ones cuts his hand up and goes no no guns and then think he kills him because he's just like you're not a true you're not one of us you're you're you're using the filthy ranged weapon um they hate campers they just detest Camp go in with the knife back attack um that's it's Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 lobbies remembers back in the day he us RI shielding yeah that's sorry I need I need to change my mic to the webcam to get the authentic cor's way cooler in fantasy in my opinion he he's he's a fun chat to an extent um but he's kind of he's kind of dull in others because because here's the thing he's so one-dimensional and you'd think he would be um what can you say other than he likes a good fight he likes blood he likes skulls you know where you stand with him but that's kind of all there is to him I mean he where he lives is basically just any level from the Doom remake just oh it's red there's like dust and fire and brimstone and blood and people are screaming more traditional hell isn't it yeah it's just hell he's basically just big space Satan um I think I think warmer fantasy he's got I I to be fair all these things that I that I say about the good aspects of the casos I've heard since I was like 10 years old but I never knew where people actually got this idea from so maybe I'm completely wrong but in warmer fantasy I think he's a lot more about the killing yeah but he's also a lot about like self-improvement and honor and like pride in your work and of those influences online it's just like you get up at 600 in the morning you got to go to bed at 7 in the morning so that you can go to the gym at 4 in the morning it's like hang on a minute don't pay for your kids to be in first class they need to go an economy like the losers they are they're not up and not rise and grinding at the age of eight it's he'll give you the strength to kill a giant you need to prove you can do it first without it yeah yeah I think in fantasy he's probably the best God to go with I feel by the way we we got a donation from Bert uh thank you for five saying why you should choose corn you get the best speech faithful enlightened ambitious brethen in but a decade a few mere swipes of the pendulum I like that I'm aiah Kyra speech I have a quote here from eron of the skull takers who just says there is no peace there is only time wasted between battles it's always about the ground guys cjb says pay for your kids to go into cargo so they can work their way to First Class Jesus chist um so yeah and all all the gifts that you can get from corn are pretty standard but they're they're no less impressive like you're going to be stronger you're going to be faster you'll be able to be like I can take a bolt around to the face possibly and still live that's kind of cool um the more you murder the happier you get at a certain point you'll become like a froing maniac and every time you kill someone you might be like H that's quite a nice relief sensation oh wait and then you're going back to like slaughtering you do get a swall though you get swall you get swall yeah you get gains this why Eli is like cor corn the meme of man to get back in shape might go to prison just for a bit just myself corn is like corn is like the Jay Cutler Ronnie Coleman type 300 pound bodybuilding and slesh is like you know your classic like Arnold Schwarzenegger I'd say that makes sense I wouldn't say SES is that it's more you know river dancing meat Mass I'm just like comparing to like to like how jacked you get it cuz and cor are both going to get you know jacked as yeah you'll pretty sculpted as you'll be like yeah you'll be like a perfect physique as that it's it's it's difference between the the bodybuilder build and the like you know the sumo wrestler build yeah we got another donaci by way than fire spitter hello my friend welcome back uh it's very difficult taking the chaos Gods seriously sometimes corn got whoopy cushioned CCH got outsmarted by a little girl and nurgle hit by arson over plague lies yeah yeah chaos will never win anything because if chaos wins anything then GW has to win will never win anything hey hey Eli what happened to Warhammer fantasy where is it that's why they don't win yeah also yeah they don't want to win again which is why joining chaos is dumb because chaos don't want to actually you know completely beat the they just want to fight the great game for all of eternity Champions want to win put end times in the chat for Colin he an end times just mentioned and they'll never give you like sent of what you want you're like I want to be the most powerful thing in the universe they'll be like and get your part the way but they'll hold out on like the last stretch even if you get really strong they'll be like a bit yeah man it's the classic like reality of come on Wy slavy yeah you you'll always want more if all you care about in life is like pursuing power or wealth or stuff like that you know to be first you must be last all that stuff imper Perfection is the perfection coming back up the best God coming back up the best God to worship is Boingo boly makes you more round and bouncy and eventually very rotisserie so he's the he's the god of early 30s to late 40s God ofor Jesus is there a um yet is there is there a story you've particularly think is a great example of Chaos cornate corruption Andy the classic one would just be you know um tusco demon killer because here's the thing one of the nice things about Korn is he's not um speciesist you can be human you can be an elder you can be an orc he doesn't he's very Progressive the saying goes corn cares not where the blood flows it's like he's an equal opportunity employer he's like yeah we've got you know equality for days as long as you're bashing someone's skull in it's fine it's a it's a good thing that out of everything you can accuse Satan of racism isn't worn of the chaos God of everybody can catch these hands I'm assuming because they don't really have passion and they also are sess automaton so he probably doesn't like them much nekron aren't people yeah enough hey yeah they're not they're not real people they're copies of people yeah so story I'm sure we've said it before but the story of tuska demon killer is this guy was an orc he was well good at killing in it so he went around the Galaxy and he went all right there I'm going to kill some homies and he killed the humies and then he went right there I'm gonna kill some pansies this is what Orcs kill Elder so he killed some Elder oh I'm gonna go kill some stunties which is what they call the the squats or the the voton now or killed all them get bit bored look that big thing he goes to this big thing called I believe it's the eye of Terror goes we're going go right in the middle full spead to the middle of that thing or as demons in here oh they're quite good at fighting a lot killing these things are quite tough they eyeb walls or cover this isn't like Gears of War in the early in the early 2010s where it was all cover B Shooters no get out doomstar you know 50 billion guns you can just go straight in so he's having a great time and he gets to um he gets to K's like domain it doesn't get very far to be he gets in and he gets completely butchered I believe it is or is it it's like a blood Planet it's like a demon yeah yeah like a demon World they start like rising out of the ground and he gets massacred but K's like I like this guy this gu this guy's a piece of work I like this and this is how K Sounds by the way this is Canon isn't F American fantastic I can't wait to meet him so he resur we do not negotiate with Lanes anyway so basically he he resurrects yeah fun fact K hates Lanes he like my my fellow Americans we must uh drone strike the nearest Imperial World any other pres go my fellow Berserkers we're going to go and kill all I want is a little two stick and I throw my ax in his head I don't I don't who is that bint Clinton We I don't know if we said that the C Gods all hate each other yeah B Bill Clinton is not in corn and then hates a bit less he doesn't hate nurgle as much as the other two that I'm aware of we got five5 donation thank you brother thank you corn is a chump glory to GA Mora true God of fighting hell yeah we don't see 40K though that's a bit of a shame we don't see G that much shame um we need a book but yeah so basically K goes all right Tusa I like where going I I I I'm going to be your manager I'm not going to pay you but you can uh you can fight in my bronze Palace and you can fight as many enemies as you want every morning when I'm having my wife are we all switching accents now because Eli and col have to do a British accent they have to do Irish ACC and has to do a Welsh action there we go I I don't know what the Welsh acction sounds like see that you a from Wheels a from Wheels in it's lovely oh the how would I just pull up one of like a city name and try Andor we got another donation from incoming backup for 30 squigglies thank you thank you one of my favorite immediate corn corruption moments was when he manifested his fist to destroy a city and instead of running all the people in the city uh tried to punch the giant God punch back goes hard yeah I'm ready for this Welsh accent by the way you're going to be ready for a while there say like I'm from we I'm from we feel like an [ __ ] what was Eli's one is it Irish accent what the [ __ ] is a vtuber accent high pitch girly voice yeah I guess is definitely Scottish though is yeah go all right then yeah your wee bastard he's a viking what no he's Scottish he leaves a h AC cross the heavens he has two hellhound companions he has a literal Valkyrie yeah he is [ __ ] Valkyrie he's own fantasy corn is so much cooler oh my gosh it's not anyway Korn goes all right then lad I like where you're going I want you to fight every day in my throne room and you'll never guess what every time you die you can come back and fight again that's aom and then T is like oh that's that is I like this so every day he just gets like massacred by like K's best generals for sport and him and his men absolutely love it they couldn't be happier it's Paradise for them because every day they get to fight they get killed and they do it again every day and corn is there and every day he's just like go yay cor if they ever pop out of his realm the Galaxy's gonna be overrun by C and then at the end of the day uh corn is on his phone he goes Scotland forever and then that's that's cor Scotland corn was Gib should we should we talk a little bit about yeah I was going to mention scar skull scar brand and skuller are two really cool uh demons to be fair corn is the coolest demon Bros in my opinion and really cool Mar they're all called skull something skull taker oration by Tom Warren thank you Tom he uh he put corn can't be Scottish or get sued by the dwars I don't think they have legal paperwork in on it's all on fire can't say that that's ours who was the equivalent of like so because obviously like warmer is pretty British up there's obviously the Scottish but who's the Welsh in in warmer fantasy or 40K they don't have like a equiv I don't know was um what like standard Imperial Gothic is it it's like my Orcs are obviously like Cockney slang uh I guess Imperial stand is like May Imperial standard's American yeah true true American Patriot the emperor was a true American Patriot bro if I we enough I think the emperor because was the last Church animation they had an American voice actor for the emperor and I think it just works better to be hon I I really enjoy in like the Dragon Age series The Dwarves are actually American which I think is an interesting twist so like all like they have like a the surface dweller ones yeah even the ones who live underground they're all like they're a little bit more Scottish aren't they but then the the the surface other ones like have like varic isn't it they're like American has like a very thick like is it California an accident I think it is I've never played Dragon Age it's not it's definely not California I I feel it it's a bit that would be a little bit more like you know deep roads so like I was in the Deep roads I was in the Deep Road Valley Girl accent yeah my my my my axe was so heavy uh anyway um like that in real life a weird little what just happened talk about corn accent is going crazy this K has a German accent CCH has an Italian accent slash has a French do that don't do please is it make enough can't don't make sles French the French would follow sles though like real that is real that is so real I um yeah uh still waiting on the Irish and well I think because of the amount of people I maybe have offended with my accents I will there with corn all you need to know he he likes fighting he likes blood he likes skulls kill with brick talk about scar bra and skull t real quick littleit K as well yeah yeah yeah you can talk about K because I don't pay much attention to those guys anymore um but scar brand is like the OG blood thirster that we all know and love he like pretty much he was super powerful he got really really arrogant and so he thought he was strong enough to attack K uh he attacked Korn and dented his armor which is pretty impressive to be fair but uh Corin was not too happy about it especially because he did it when he wasn't looking and that was why he was unhappy he wasn't unhappy that scarb attacked him he was unhappy because he did it when he wasn't looking so he like ComEd him down to the Galaxy burning his wings so his wings don't work anymore and now he's eternally trying to redeem himself just killing a bajillion gillion people for corn uh skull taker I think is I think skull taker's name is UL who was a uh the first thing that happened he was a blood letter and the first thing moment that he was born he beheaded the first thing he saw which was another Blood letter and so he and he went on just beheading people and then Corin was like I like this guy and he gave him power and he's corin's executioner now he wears like a cloak of skulls of all the dudes that he's killed and he seeks out challenges um and when he gets you because he always wins uh he like chops all your limbs off and then sets you on fire and so then your skull like the flesh melts off of your skull so he has this nice shiny skull and he tries to find skulls of foes worthy enough to add to Corin skull throne and uh he's a baller he's cool have another donation by Donkey man USA thank you brother he says my follow him like I guess he's doing is follow Imperials we must uh follow Imperials we must uh drone strike the r real so real oh go Jesus we're getting bad at our accents we have to read them all out and the George Bush meme uh a little bit on uh that was was that Obama that was Obama meme yeah same let's be honest Mar man was always going to say oh Michael Bay is all four of the chaos gods in one he's the airation of all four chaos gods I just thought of that he's the ever Chosen and then sorry one more thought the from some somebody said earlier if chaos wins they lose which is true which is why the Alpa Legion were cool for one entire book because they wanted to extinct Humanity because then chaos would win and then implode on itself and would rid chaos from the Galaxy forever but then they didn't do that and nobody wrote about that anymore so I hope amigon gets crucified Jesus uh last little bit last little bit on uh cornate corruption a human character is the example of Khan the betrayer really well-known character and his for of cornate corruption was more of a internal War where hatred and rage was building up and eventually he would he's one of the better examples it takes him a couple books of fall to it and he fights it off as long as he can but generally like it shows a better example like the mental torture that comes with cornate corruption and unfortunately he's kind of a bit boring now but Khan has uh his fall is quite well done and he sort of loses himself to rages and he's you know the perfect example of just skulls for the skull Throne uh the next chaos God though my boy um beak beak lovecraftian mess himself zinch zch is the changer of ways he is ambition he is fate he well he is just the master of magic entropy and and zinch is pretty much just lovecraftian bird God in the warmer setting now this is a bit like colum mentioned earlier about how some of the gods were formed like during the medieval time I really hate this because I added this in not long ago there's new Lord to suggest that the chaos gods were sort of well the main three which are Korn nural and Z were they were coalescing around the time of the war in heaven but they just weren't because they like it's one of those things where it just shows that they've that the new laws like basically the chaos gods have always existed in the not in like in the war but in the actual like Mortal timeline yeah and it's was like no no no they're why can't the war in heaven be its own thing you know so and zch was probably one of I think corn is probably considered the earliest although in some older lawers like it was said like zch was the first one is a little bit controver like yeah go ahead sorry it's like old fantasy lore he used to like it was just zch and he was the strongest chaos God but then the other ones chopped him up and he reformed eventually but he wasn't the head hono anymore and I think in Old L Kan and Abel was when Korn uh existed the first murder have another donation by Tom Warren thank you brother he says if zch is the god of change then he should change into something less ugly damn so true so true he doesn't have a he doesn't have a true form uh zenan oh so one last parts of his back story is what cin kind of mentioned earlier at one point he was kind of turning into the most powerful God just because there was so much change and zenan you know with being empowered by Fate itself and the Futures and many different possibilities there's a point where he was the most powerful chaos God in the other ones when we can't deal with that oh we we got and um essentially all the other chaos Gods went they just literally threw themselves at him like body first until corner eventually got close enough to give him a little shank um so then but then to be fair that could have played into what Z really wanted cu the game would play on forever there one of more annoying Parts about zch is that is a little bit Alpha Legion Vibe with it because it's like it was my secret plan all along oh I got another donation here thank you very much thank you it's Captain fire spitter thank you brother corn must adore Humanity the most half of the species has its blood boiling my fellow scotsmen are giving the the GL go kiss while brawling and the other half of the species has the time with the month yeah I think that was the idea that corn was the strongest in 40K at one point I think he currently is now supposedly it's a war game setting so he kind of does by default all right DJ Beast Ricky is getting caught Jesus leave Breaky out of this um zenian corruption is much more like the word chaos personified it is pretty hectic they have mutation such as like you can gr like wings beaks Aven theme to it extra eyes you're always going to get an extra eye hopefully if it's in a good spot you don't it like right like the Nate of a neck or something really awkward um the worst of zinan corruption though is being a chaos spawn it is literally like a mutated flesh thing you are crazy horrific horrific fate that's the worst version of it but again it empowers z s you don't even have to do anything bad for that to happen you'll just do it because it's funny yeah it's like any any moment Arman could turn into a chaos spawn and Z wouldn't care be funny goofy a bit Goofy and he also when you sort of hear the corruption and like like col mentioned like you know hear voices and things like that one of the abilities that will you start to notice about your body if it happens to you is your magical abilities if you had some they start to get a little bit of a buff you're like oh I could do things I couldn't do before zeg also grants insight and power of you know as the Weaver of Fate often a boon is the fact that he you can sort of participate and get to sort of see visions of the future he all often has the powers to distort time not necessarily going back in time but there's like particular even magical ability that literally affect time in itself or there's entire plot lines where someone lets themselves be killed like in a certain way only to then like reappear as like an earlier version of the in the timeline really weird another donation by uh Jared ezin he says will the emperor ascending to godhood be the equivalent to sesha's birth for Humanity I really I don't know what you guys think maybe kind of but I also I wanted I should wanted to say uh maybe it probably would have been better if they made the alpha Legion uh corrupted by zinch and then the Thousand Suns could have I don't know stayed like pure and true to the emperor they could have the Thousand Sons could have turned into the great Knights I think that would have been much better but but Eli don't you know Alpha Legions a loyal Legion yeah but that's the whole point they're so trixy and they they would get caught in their schemes and eventually and get tricked like to follow zch as part of a scheme cuz all the Aly thousand suns embody for zinch is the magic part they don't embody like anything else really like the and Magic I guess but there's no scheming there or anything I think Z likes fools as well zch likes people who kind their fate is interesting not necessarily like they are like Magnus is the ultimate fool because his whole thing is you know the Thousand sons have their saying is you know the only sin is ignorance and yet magnus's ignorance was the only thing that got them corrupted by Zen because he was like I knew better no you didn't um he's just that annoying kid in CL just goes did you actually did you know it's not pronounced encyclopedia it's pronounced encyclopedia it's like just insufferable know it all aidis looking boy uh another thing of zch is his realm of z uh Z's realm is messed up like this thing is I mean it's like it's a Labyrinth of crystals there's things called the Silver Towers which like jutting feat that like spur out of the ground the Flora and FAA supposedly defy physics whatever that really mean so things that are impossible happen in the realm of magic it's it's basically that scene in The Labyrinth where he's just walking upside down and all these corridors is like he's all over the place he's not David Bo though oh no the child girl David Boe um also in the realm of Zen there's sort of structures called one of them is called the city of Light which used to be Prospero kind of got ratioed um but now it's like crawling with all kind of Twisted pees and Aven like creatures and things that fly hey don't forget zandor don't forget zandor zangles do exist they are they by the combat Patrol the damn goat goat people are there it's surrounded like a weird place where like I remember in the miston book he talks about how he's near the city of light and to get onto it you have like an Ascend like a Stairway thing like a Stairway to Heaven almost and around it it's like weird like sand dunes of like Crystal and like colors just don't make sense it's really bizarre and another structure in this is called The Impossible Fortress this is where zinch supposedly resides again there's no actual law of like how to describe it because it's described as it just it's in constant flux and change so no one will have the same experience unlike you with like sesh's um sort of Realm pretty pretty messed up Place Zen himself has no true form he often looks like in art depictions like a sort of a lovecraftian um nthp sort of creature he doesn't have any like that's just what he chooses to I guess present as because he's kind of similar to that but again like even for people being corrupted by sesh they often have as much like in sesh's one they like they will sculpt their form they have control over their form because of the aspect of change future and all those kind of warping sense they don't really have control of their form so often they'll warp in something they have no control of because it's the it's the best amount of change and he really hates nurgle because nurgle is stagnation and seems his change uh the last bit is basically my example which is the story of AAC ariman thousand son sorcerer the corruption of this started basically right the beginning when he was in his gestation pod zch messed with the Thousand Sons and essentially they were turning into chaos spawn the corruption is like deep with encoded within their DNA even Aran like no matter even to this point now he still feels like he's resisting the sort of inevitable change of magic like deep in his core he enacts something called the rubric of ariman his friends are all turning into chaos born he goes I'm G save you book of Magnus I choose you and it's just this NeverEnding mixtape like I promise it's better than the last one like dude he is a terrible boyfriend in all regards um he pretty much just turns most of the Legion into like Locked In Dust inside their armor they are basically trapped automatons but the rest of the sorcerers they get a massive increase to their power level again the corruption of Z flows within them so a zian sorcerer such as um Kon iscon who sounds isander who is like the FR you know good old La Channel there as well they that that character literally is the equivalent of like a entire group of Grey Knights as one guy so we do have a donation here as well by um Joseph polard thank you brother he says question has K and sesh Ever every team up once just the two of them I love when two people who hate each other are forced to work together keep up the good work they did team up and uh guess who was the guess guess guess who the one time they teamed up guess uh suffer no no no it's way more recent they uh they teamed up and they blew up be tan pain for El off F I love work it's great the Yari were involved in that too because of course they oh Yari mentioned quickly everyone get there you evitable Victory inevitable victory uh the last little part of like Aran story is basically he doesn't realize particular with some zenin characters They Don't Really exalt zch the way other chaos factions do Aran doesn't even realize he's corrupted by zch like supposedly his face under his helmet is like a massing like writhing thing of eyes and he doesn't even realize it he can't even perceive it because he's so corrupted perception is way better and I have now a panoramic view but I have no idea no no why why would I AR and you know most people don't have a 360 field of view right yeah like the whole the whole like because there's a subtlety to Zen was like obiously scheming particular like for a lowly even just like a regular person getting corrupted their whole thing is they'll start to set more like you know he already picks people who like to set schemes but now your schemes are like way more crazy because you're like I see the Futures and my the eye in the back of my neck can see the past a legion really should have been tees thing what the heck I mean to be fair like I think the Thousand Sons cored by zch came way before even the horror heresy happened so forget of War one two wor two alpha legionaries one of which is a sorcerer went and tried to worship Korn sorcer did it again dawn of War's got a bit of a habit of that is weird the the blood Angels chapter master in dawn of War 2 is corrupted by corn Blood Ravens The Source Blood Ravens we did it did it again did it again oh they actually we have another donation Tom Warren thank you again brother he says the one thing everyone can agree on is not liking elves well he didn't say Elder so elves that's even more of a crime I like elv that's kind of it for the zenan corruption the next one is the the the Blessed the great horned rat can I add one final note to make fun of Z sure he is the Ascot of Co op because he will hear yes oh yeah the yeah the the zch knows everything he's got his hands and everything he knows everything he can do anything he wants my source oh greater Demons of zch of course yes there is no bi no bias to be found in that argument zinch is the guy who made all the alpha Legion stories for horse we were we we planned it all along what he says the end of every story I will counter he is the everyone thinks they won the argument not realizing the person they're arguing with like you're basically too dumb to have like the the full conversation with so the person walked away went I won being like you just you couldn't hack it let me let me counter that he's also the god of Lies so he's inherently full of [ __ ] yes also to mention the changeling if you want do anybody a fan of oh the changeling is a cool demon prince who pretty much is the ex the epitome of Z himself he is Absolut goofball this thing can turn into anything impersonate people to I think even grey Knights they had trouble detect they didn't really detect that he was infiltrating or betraying himself as a person again like the changling or even something like the blues SC they kind of their enactment of zenan Fate weaving and changes on the level where like just one little small demon can ruin entire sectors and it led to something called um particularly in a big Bo la which was the months of Shame Space Wolves getting attached by you know Inquisition and stuff so that's that's stuff for another time though he's also uh he also got basar gelt thrown in jail in the end times the change oh pain uh but yes the horned rat the the greatest truly the greatest chaos God uh actually officially now uh the fifth God of chaos as of the latest AOS Edition which is funny because I thought he ascended at the beginning of age of Sigmar but apparently that was a that was a prank but he's now he made a deal with archon he's now he's now a chaos God which archon can apparently just do which is good to know uh he is the chaos god of the scaven of course and he represents just just being the worst like there's there's no other way to put it I know I said that a lot with nurgle the horn R actually is the worst cuz like the other cast gods have something anything positive about them K Honorable in some level and not racist and he's not racist nurgle you know some Twisted form of love for his father even though I don't want Abola but you know there is some kind of caring for his followers zch technically the god of Hope sesh pleasure is not inherently bad the horned rat none of those positives awful all around he exists to ruin other people's things including the scaven he he's awful like he is like the concept of Decay but nurgle's kind of got you know the circle of life going so it comes back not the horn rat he's he's ruined he literally exists to ruin to the point that his realm is called the realm of Ruin uh that I believe he created by just taking chunks of the other chaos gods realm and shiding them up a little bit he's almost like his own undivided isn't he he's like technically a chaos God and an AOS the scaven are part of the Grand Alliance chaos no one likes him even more than the other Chas gods don't like each other no one likes the horn rat when he was going to bless Aron Aron spit in his face uh no one likes him he's awful but that's why I love him cuz he's such a he's such a phenomenal piece because you just have to say every time like he's not a rat he's a rat like he is yeah he worse than Nash though yes say that's like a really tough that's a really tough question look I'm just he Nash is the rightful ruler of the Mortal Realms it simply is so Sigmar we have conf we have confirmation as of the latest edition of age of Sigmar trailer he just up steals a soul from Nash's hand truly Sigmar is a thief of what is rly nashes but this is a whole different tangent uh no the horned rat his uh his history begins you know around the same time as the scaven when the scaven were the city of tylos and Warhammer fantasy was getting invaded by rats and then scaven is uh presumably one he popped up he for a while he wasn't super influential he just had the scaven go out and make make lower property values by their pris basically uh and uh it was the I believe the first or second the scaven get into great civil wars every five minutes I don't remember it was the first or the second he finally showed up but in one of those to end it uh he the gray seers summoned him into the world to get the scame to stop killing each other whereupon he showed up and just started eating scaven for a pretty decent amount of time like it wasn't a quick hand fill he just started grabbing them like popcorn and then eventually G is it no but you know it's it it is what it is uh eventually he managed to satiate himself for a bit and he was like listen scaven it is very funny watching you do this I'm not the the genuine reasons he thought it was funny they were killing each other he's like the joke's getting old I've had my laughs now you must work together and then the scaven work together and go out to kill things uh so he doesn't make appearances often when he does a whole lot of scaven are going to die uh but he'll then you know kind of get everyone get everyone together sort of again these are scaven like mostly yeah yeah they're afraid of him yeah because of that they don't really he doesn't really corrupt people there is I think in one of the Warhammer fantasy supplements a cult that worships the Great Horn rat I think it's in mid but I might be wrong on that the problem is the Great Horn rat doesn't really do anything for them like this is a Stockholm syndrome Terror cult and uh scaven don't respect them I think the scaven might use them as like meat Shields that's that's it horn rat doesn't really mess with uh humans he messes with scaven very often but for the most part it's not an enjoyable experience for example there's the the Vermin Lord his greater demon Screech Vermin King who was formed when he took a bunch of scaven like the great like the council members threw them in a pit together and then just kind of shut the door for an indeterminate amount of time and when he opened it back up they fused into one being his greatest uh verman Lord so that's the kind of blessings you could expect to get from this guy not not great uh other than that he he did give the scaven the the black pillar which is can be used for any scaven that challenge the ruling Council of 13 uh with the horned rats backing because if they touch the pillar make their argument they can theoretically get the horn rats blessing and become a council member problem is most rats that touch it blow up so you know 99% fadia rate yeah if if 9 99 might be a bit low jez yeah yeah uh he's got his realm of Ruin which is uh is filled with greater demons his Vermin Lords it is uh I believe it said there are as many Vermin Lords as there are scaven in the mortal world Jesus which is which is a couple billion minimum jeez as of AOS probably trillions or more and uh yeah it's it's it's filled with warpstone all you can hear is squeaking rats uh it's it's it's just awful it's just horrible I'd rather be in Kar uh he's he's really well personified but I hope this character you're gon to mention oh you you should know damn well who I'm going that's the best way to explain it yeah but uh he uh they even have their own mirror of the scaven Council of 13 there's 12 exalted Vermin Lords who have the shadow Council of 13 uh it's little [ __ ] uh but that's that's all the scaven uh and of course how could I not mention yes Champion funniest clown than the graay Seer who is not the horned rats Avatar in the mortal world but sometimes it really seems like it thanquol is if you ever feel like you're a failure just remember you can always fail so hard that you succeed in life because that is that is thankful he's on paper the ideal scaven he's genuinely cunning he's a very powerful wizard to the point that like some of the other most powerful Wizards shown in Warhammer like thanel shows up it's like oh you are a threat that is a problem uh he he nearly ripped an Airship out of the sky he nearly ripped like the dwarf Hindenberg out of the sky by only stopped by an incredibly powerful wizard in gotri and Felix of course uh hates gotri and Felix uh and that we'll get to that later at another time and he's just he if if thanol has the sights on you you might not die but everyone around you was probably going to including the the scaven because the problem with thanil is he's so self-absorbed and so self-destructive that everything he does is ruined and he's also also incompetent on top of still being competent like uh age of Sigmar once again we are ruining the gash's plans because that's what the scaven exists to do he led the invasion of his like next greatest set of black pyramids and the scaven digs successfully blow up blow them up and ruin the gash's plan they also accidentally tunneled into an ocean filled with zombies and flooded scaven light uh it was called the year of the drowned rat that is that is the fun of thanil his book I've started reading his finally reading his books recently it's starts with him being captured oh donation let me give that a read thank you donkey man USA for the two despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage a song smash it yeah uh but yeah he uh he's captured and the entire time is being carded off to no spoilers wherever he's going he's blaming other people for getting him in that predicament despite the fact this happens right after gotri and Felix books which are about 300 like you know a couple hundred pages of thankles worth of him murdering his underlings and sabotaging their plans that would have succeed fault it's not his fault bro and yeah and then going this is not my fault I am the greatest of GRA I'm perfect uh in the end times he was made the de facto leader of all scaven because the horn rat showed up again ate all of them all the great like the Lord the Council of 13 and put that Quil in charge there was no reason given I believe for why this happened so I have no reason to believe other than the horn rat thought it would be funny sense of humor yeah the reason he ate the you know the great like the Council of 13 was given it's because they were being incompetent and infighting and for why thanquol was in charge funny funny laugh put the funny ratman who's hurts the scaven so badly that a slam let him live in charge Jesus it's truly the horn rat's strongest Soldier there is um there is another chaos God though who do does need exaltation if I'm right Mighty hashut who will have a much shorter Spiel because hashut only does not have have much he's there he's there uh although I'll just tell you right now we don't know what his realm is or if he has one so that section's already out uh hashut is the father of Darkness so irrelevant doesn't even have accommodation he's he's making a bit of a comeback he did come back in AOS Jud he's got a he's got a chaos God flat share somewhere yeah yeah it's like he's the chaos God of you know tyranny Darkness greed uh but he might not might be a chaos God he might just be a really powerful demon he might be something else entirely connected to chaos never really clarified exactly the the daiz are the chaos dwarfs worship him as a God and he is their Patron uh when the chaos dwarfs were not quite cast dwarfs yet they were cut off from the ancestor gods of the dwarves so as supplies ran out they were suffering pretty greatly hashut came along and was like hey fellas I got a deal for you get me some get some slaves just do some Evil dark magic [ __ ] and I'll take care of you and to be to be honest he is probably the best cash God to worship because he doesn't lie if you do what he wants he's he's not going to screw with you like zch may decide your chaos spawn now because why not the horn probably wouldn't lie either he will punch you you will definitely get punched at some point fair enough but you know Corin is it's he's still like proper chaos like he if TN gives you tooo much love you can still turn into a chaos spawn that zinch does that the most but that's not strictly speaking unique to zinch right there is a downside to hasher I if I remember only the sorcerers that the thing with that is in theory Sorcerers of the cast dwarves do Turn to Stone after a long enough time the thing is I'm pretty sure that's more of a dwarf problem because the dwarfs were made by the old ones to specifically not be able to use use magic so hash lets them use magic but that might just be like dwarves aren't supposed to use magic you're trying to put a square peg in a round hole it's it's the equivalent of being lactose intolerant just being like mil still eating yeah cheese AB blowing up the magic yeah like that that might I'm pretty sure that's not specific like hash is you know ticking them over that's just like I'll give you the magic you're probably not supposed to use it but I'm not going to stop you I know I shouldn't but here you go yeah there's a little like a mechanical theme to it as well yeah things he's so he's the god of tyranny it's just uh the thing is his main followers are the cast dwarfs the dwarfs cast dwarfs they're still dwarfs they're still very industrious they're smart they're clever so they use that to fulfill like what he truly wants which is tyranny go out there get slaves build your Empire oppress you know whoever you find that's what who shoots about it's just the dwarfs being dwarfs are very efficient with it they're industrious by Nature they've got great factories stuff like that um his history is like I said he ever since that first bit where he found the made the cast dwarfs the cast dwarfs he's just been helping them out uh I don't believe it was ever made clear but he did somehow show back up in age of Sigmar uh shoots round two baby he's coming back to get a single War Cry release and then nothing else ever again chaos DFS truly are the most oppressed race uh and it's yeah there's not much to he's more of a minor entity isn't he kind of hard to I I appreciate that honestly I like when you get the small little like characters like that it's like it add a little bit of flavor to chaos it's like you know you don't want just the big four hey is this fella here lot of bull themes as well because he's like a m isn't he there are chaos dwarves get like their teeth uh grow out as well I yeah it's it's like they're kind of like sort of ancient Babylonian kind of theme they got on they got the bows and stuff the Beards beards yeah and uh notable you know some chaos dwarf characters go look at the total Warhammer legendary Lords you know AST goth iron hand he's a and such an old sorcerer that his body is turning to Stone that he's got himself a little mechanical like pair of legs that walk for him not inclusive he's stoned over it's what like he can't walk because his legs are most of his body is Stone so he's got a I I don't even know what to call it it's I want to call it it's like a Mech but it's clearly not a Mech I know what you mean though like ex yeah yeah exoskeleton there we go he's got like an exoskeleton that walks for him so he can you know still move still I think uh oh go so in that shoot follow doesn't mess with people very much he knows he's got a good thing going with the chaos dwarves so he's pretty he's pretty content where he's at shoot say what you want about him might not be the most powerful he knows what he's all about he knows his place speaking of a the guy's got the Exelon he's not ableist so that's good no he will gather any slave no matter what condition they're in and then SL them into the factory speaking of um I think finally finishing on our last minor chaos God and their corruption I think Eli's going to explain perhaps I don't know if this one gets him going some reason but talk about the last one here malice Eli number one malice number one think out the real God of copium he's Canon guys he's Canon I swear he's there James Workshop oh my gosh okay palis is the fifth and Canon chaos C for real for real real Spiel call the Great Horn rat I guess Great Horn rat's only in fantasy mice is in 40K he was malal fantasy but then malal got copyright uh banned for something I don't remember what but British Licensing Laws of the 1980s there you go yeah uh he is the god of Anarchy and the god of a of just chaos he's the chaos God he's uh like complete contrad ition made manifest essentially and so worshiping him causes your like it strains your soul so you're slowly like drained of life for worshiping him because it's such a contradiction because if if malice were to win then chaos would just blow up and it'd be it'd be like it' be real chaos you know he's not the god of hipsters yeah yeah he's he's the god of like actual chaos right cuz you know the other gods are bound by uh the things that they embody and that they like like so laul isn't Bound by any of that he just embodies like pure Anarchy crazy stuff uh his Space Marine Legion is the sons of malice and essentially the most their lore comes from like little codex exerts and also battlef Fleet Gothic of all things um they one story as well yeah they were this I I don't think there's much knowing about them when they're loyal because they were a loyalist chapter uh they were eating people and an Inquisitor saw this and thought man that's whack and so he brought in some Imperial Guard and some sisters battle the sons of malice obliterated them and ate them cuz sons of malice really like eating people then they painted their meanwhile the flesh eaters chapter was just like yeah pretty much yeah that's so weird why would people would they eat people they're not they don't actually eat people but they're just called the flesh eaters like suspicious love it so they became the sons of malice and they changed their paint scheme to look really cool it's the nice white black and uh gold they reside on a space Hulk called The Labyrinth and to gain malice's like favor to become part of the 13 because 13's the number I pretty sure it's either 11 or 13 but I think it's 13 um they have to go through these like crazy trials in this Labyrinth and the people who come out alive are the like get on to the council basically you can summon malal malice into real space which they do on kadia and then they just don't talk about it anymore but it did happen it happened guys he's there guys I swear so yeah but he's pretty cool the sons of malice uh never say anything they fight in complete silence whenever they fight and then they take lots of prisoners and then they eat you afterward it's total Rebellion isn't it from other imagine yeah and they yeah yeah chaide go gosh they're not on Chaos's side and they're not on the Imperium side they fight everybody because that's what true chaos is so they are literally just chaos they're just a punk band they're a Marines punk band speculate in contradiction to the other chaos Gods being corrupted by malice you probably don't show much of it just because of the fact that the other chaos gods do and therefore he wants to rebel against that idea um but I think yeah malice is there does need a little bit more love um but malice is kind of a again as said his purest form interesting not much is known about his realm is it really there just it just mentions the space Hulk and then they like they summoned him in that story don't they and he just looked like a big creature and they're basically like you know it's undescribable you know that guy's beefy I swear Bros I don't have the words to describe this really cool thing I'm looking at I think they also betray each other as well Vis is cringe I'm just not yes that means nothing they they have a thing of they will betray each other because um it's to do that's like also helps serving Mass so when like all them when mentioned they become like part of the council the council gets sacrificed to bring him into real space so anything like you know you are you expected a reward for your service no that would be a contradiction so I think complete opposite to everything and like when he was malal I think the idea of his followers were like he did not have a lot because he hates chaos but what followers he did have were like the weak the weakest malal follower is the is the the strongest cornate Champion yeah and I think in 40K it says they they gain immense power and then they kind of leave it at that yeah that's I'm fortunately that that's kind of the main ones of the chaos Gods Al there are some other gods in this setting they don't really have like a warp corruption obviously all chaos is warp you know warp mushroom Source essentially though I think uh with that that should be the entirety of chaos corruption and how it fects you and ruins you and makes you want to subscribe the channel you made it this far great the horn rat worship the horned rat there's only one valid chaos God thank you uh everyone who donated over the entire stream uh if you listened this far in again please do like it helps us out massively uh we should be back with a teer list soon as well got some more cool stuff and we hope you all enjoyed this episode and this sort of Deep dive into to the multifaceted layers of basically being the worst human being ever and the Great Horn rat excuse me thank thank all mentioned um I think that being said anyone else anything else any want to add onto the end of that chaos raise the emperor and you can go to heaven promise the emperor the false Emperor uh T that could be a fifth chaos or six chaos God excuse me for Emperor for Emperor best chaos that being said though thank you guys so much for watching watching and listening and we colum did make his bed we swear we'll cat you all look at the it is I got I got stop I got to stop doing I got to stop do make thank you guys so much for listening and we'll catch you on the next thank you thank you Tom for the2 donation people love you guys love you a long time thank you so much by bye bye they'll fish people oh
Channel: Lorecrimes
Views: 7,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, 40k, 30k, pancreasnowork, amber king, deadlifts for the darkgods, the remembrancer, battle report, 40k lore, lore channel, 30k lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, loremasters, 40k podcast, warhammer podcast, fallen 40k, fallen 40k lore, dark angels, dark angels painting, dark angels lore, dark angels 10th edition, dark angels 10th, the risen 40k, risen 40k, lion el jonson, lion el jonson lore, caliban, caliban 40k, fallen painting, the fallen, the fallen 40k
Id: aNLw4JPuCXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 25sec (7585 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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