Chanterelle vs False Chanterelle

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okay so this video is about comparing for chanterelle with the chanterelle now the reason for this or the purpose of this video is to give you a visual comparison of the two mushrooms even if you've never seen them before if you found one then you can look and try and work out which one it is they are actually quite different once you get used to seeing them but dancing them before they can look superficially similar and the full chanterelle is high grow for roxas or antioch a-- the hug refer up this means it's similar to hydro forest mushrooms and high grow means water forests kind of entertaining so they tend to be higher on us Agra for us and what that means is that they take on water and the colour of the cap and stem change depending on how wet they are so that's kind of why they're called high growth forests or hydro for OPS's a similar to a hydro forest mushroom the or auntie akka means orange because it has an orange color now for chanterelle are very good for the forests they produce a lot of oxalic acid which helps break down the soil they are sometimes listed as edible and sometimes listed as poisonous but they are actually eaten in for example what hacker by the zapotec people the Pablo's of there and in other parts of Mexico and perhaps other parts of the world too so they are eaten by some people and maybe the effects or the reports of hallucinations from this mushroom or poisoning from this mushroom come because there's another mushroom which can sometimes be confused with the chanterelle all the full chanterelle and that's called the jack-o'-lantern so on pilatus or the arias or on flatus illidan's contains a poison called Illidan s which causes severe gastrointestinal problems it's actually quite toxic and they've derived a a cancer and cancer agent from this mushroom so it's also useful mushroom that matters nature is is worth keeping and worth saving because it's beautiful and because it's part of us we are it now so this is three mushrooms n Jack O'Lantern four chanterelle chanterelle that could be potentially confused in the UK however the jack-o'-lanterns extremely rare so it's mainly the full chanterelle that you might get confused with the chanterelle the jack-o'-lantern can be distinguished from the full chanterelle and the chanterelle by the fact that grows on wood so it grows on rotting wood as a wood decomposing mushroom now that might sometimes be difficult to see if the roots are buried you might not immediately recognize that the growing on wood on roots like on actual wood but um upon some digging you should be able to find that out given him in the UK it's very rare and if you find that combination of characteristics then you know it's like Lee's jack-o'-lantern the jack-o'-lantern also has bioluminescent gills now many people have struggled to actually find this actually did actually observe this themselves and I've tried finding it so apparently that varies quite a lot the bioluminescence of the gills and quite interestingly it contains a compound which shows you how much mushrooms were maligned in the past and it's kind of held back mushroom research because they were maligned by the church and things like that contains a compound which they named loose luciferase so an enzyme an enzyme called luciferase which breaks down a compound called Lucifer in in the jack-o'-lantern and causes bioluminescence so oh it's a Lucifer you know it's the glowing in the dark well you know they obviously they didn't really understand nature better now so the jack-o'-lantern as a is growing on wood it's got a spore print that is white sometimes pale yellow whereas the chanterelle has an oak raesha sport print so this ball printer those two might not be too different but the fall central has a white sport print so in terms of poisonous the jack-o'-lantern is poisonous but it's probably not going to be fatal so although there's no reports that I can find what people died from it they just have severe gastrointestinal problems diarrhea headaches you know it's pretty bad the Falk chanterelle on the other hand it's most likely anything it's more related to the police than it is sated packs Andersonville Otis which was previously what they thought it was related to so it's probably edible when people do eat it so I personally I would try eating it and I think I'll try it next year because though it looks like it's edible to me and there's no like cases of like fatalities as a few reports of like hallucinations but I care about that so what we're going to do is in the next parts of the video I'm going to look at a full chanterelle and a chanterelle so I'm both sides to give you that visual comparison now it's worth consulting other books if you got any mushrooms that you pick in the wall you need several reference books to compare with but this will help at least assist you in some way now the first example is going to be quite a poor example this is because whilst they very common in the UK find them every year sometimes I go to one wood and find the chanterelles another time I go to another wood and find the function trills you know I've been spent three hours in one word and had to go home so yeah I struggled to get both of them at the same time so by the time I got one the other one had kind of rotted away so they were quite poor by the time I made the video in the first example but that's good because you might find them in that condition in the second kind of part the video I find some much better specimens so you can see what a newer specimens look like when compared and in the third part of the video I try and do a spore print so I'll show you how to do this for print but the sport print doesn't work well it works for the chanterelle but the full chanterelle ends up rusting away and that kind of illustrates as well just how kind of crappy and insubstantial the fall chanterelle actually is because it rocks away much quicker chanterelles are like virtually rock free and rot resistant so I think I said enough about that let's go and check out the comparison of these two mushrooms okay so I hope that was useful and so we should reckon is avulsion trailer which is a chanterelle so look at the fronts can you tell which one is which mmm well probably the more experienced among you will have recognized this is a fall chanterelle so even though these are in poor condition it's it's reasonably easy to tell now the first glance you could easily pick this thinking it was a chanterelle but on closer inspection let's take a look so the Chateau is more yellow this will be more orange light whereas this is a lot more yellow now also these gills are they're going to remain wet for a lot longer and they're very fragile kind of gills they're not really very rubbery the chanterelles gills are very very flat they're barely raised above the surface and they feel quite rubbery the cap textures about saying it's split it in half and I were looking at the flesh there's a flesh of that the flesh is actually quite similar we don't have the stem on this one you can see here that the the cap pedicle of the cab the pellicle of the pileus is also yellow whereas here it's not really pronounced at all you can't really tell the difference between the cap and the flesh it's have a close look at the gills so on the full chanterelle you can see that these are gills now they look like gills and they kind of behave like gills when you twist them around and they're they're not very substantial they're kind of pliable whereas on the chanterelle see how they're not really moving about because they're they're a lot more fleshy that this is a lot tougher on the whole on the chanterelle see that whereas this is just so this is softer the full chanterelle is softer than the chanterelle I've got a couple more examples here so let's take another let's take a look at another couple of examples which is a photon trail which is a chanterelle and from the top you probably can't tell you till now can you tell now how about now this is a fall chanterelle and as you can see again it's more orange we've got some stems this time the stem of the photo is more orange as well if we look at the gills of the full chanterelle you'll see that there they've got that bifurcation now this looks really fantastic on a large specimen and a large round specimen that it it branches and then branches again and continues to do that but there won't be any apart from that branching the web or any any kind of random connections whereas if we look on the the chanterelle you still get bifurcation but if you look the gills are not as crowded again they're more substantial just take a look at them side by side look at the stem so this one is more yellow and more consistent with the color of the gills but both the gills are the current and run down the stem let's take a look at the flesh inside these to see if we can see any differences so there's false shrimp trout and just behind the camera preparing the chanterelle for you there's a chanterelle since this has got a little bit of orange in there whereas this is bit more substantial so I've chosen these old specimens just because that's the ones I could find but you might find our specimens when you're looking on new specimens of chanterelles the the kind of differences will be quite a lot more pronounced let's put it that way and this chanterelle mushroom will just feel a lot more robust and you'll be able to tell by looking at the gills you know I mean if we look at these are the gills on the old in the classic chanterelle this is the full chanterelle you can see that these are just bigger and not they're not folds they are gills and when you look at a variety of specimens especially on the new ones of these that are more rounded you build just obviously be gills whereas these are more like folds on the chanterelle as you can see if you're a beginner you're probably thinking wow that's quite they're quite hard to tell apart there they're not once you know what they are and once you've seen them it's kind of obvious the only time you make a mistake is when you first look at them on the floor and you might make a mistake I've made kind of been caught out a couple of times picked them up and be like Oh full chanterelle I managed to find a couple of fresher samples so which of these is the chanterelle yeah this is quite easy to see so this is the chanterelle and you can see it's pretty obvious from the back you know look the gives a much more widely spaced they're much more rubbery they've compared to these which are Gill like the stem is much more orange on the fall chanterelle much more yellow here this is completely more yellow this is more solid than this so there you go there's a fresh example just to make it easier to see umm you see the port of forking on here you can see the forking here where it goes along Forks there and then folks again so this is that bifurcation and repeated bifurcation and walking so that's Kozma in the background wants to play where it here you get forking but you will see some odd things because it's a chanterelle right there it's only forking into three and it's all irregular whereas the forking on here was actually pretty regular they were all kind of at about the same place and it looks a lot more linear and regimented and then this which is just kind of weird forking and sometimes there's no forking was on his consistent so there you go there's the chanterelle and the false chanterelle there's one more thing we can do which is to take a spore print which is where we put these under cups of glass leave them so that they drop their spores because they've got slightly different colored spore prints so let's do that and then have a look at the result so we're going to do is just place these upside down on a sheet of white paper I'm going to just cut the base off like that so that it's can layers to be flat now I'm going to put a tumbler or some kind of glass on top just stop them from dehydrating too much and what's this what will happen is these will continue to strop spores if we leave it overnight that should be enough that they've dropped enough that we can actually see a print on the paper because I've dropped millions of spores we'll be able to compare the color of those two and look at the differences so let's take a look at that tomorrow if you just look at the base of those stems that cut off you can see that the chanterelle is and white inside with the yellow edge where this is orange but we saw on a bigger chanterelle that it can also look a little bit white inside but how you can see by now that they're actually quite different mushrooms actually so the video just sends there and I don't show you the result of the spore print that's because what happened was is that the fall chanterelle rotted and it actually had maggots in it the next day so it dropped a lot of liquid and it was impossible to tell what the sport cream was because it kind of sucks the paper the chanterelle had made an a very light yellow spore print so sorry I haven't shown you that but what I want to do is show you just a few spore prints because I tend to collect small prints from good specimens I find because you can use the spores to germinate mushrooms so here's a few examples of some sport prints so what I have here is some small prints of different mushrooms just so you can actually see what's what print would look like so this one is on foil and this is of a enjoys mushroom and the spores are very fine and they kind of dissipated so just you can't really see any gild definition because usually you see definition from the gills and kind of see it there at the edge you'll see very clear Gill definition on some of the other examples so that is pale but you can still see it you can still see the color and see that that is basically white we've got another one here and this was an oyster mushroom from brothers wood and you can see the cast characteristic Gill pan of the oyster mushroom and that is a spores and the color is being distorted by the camera but it's kind of Oh gracious yellow perhaps slightly brown this is a spore print from a pavement mushroom where those just a part of a pavement mushroom you can see it's very dark brown the spore print from there you can seal the suit the kind of where the gills were there where there's a striations now when you take small prints you get lots of different colors you've seen in the examples we showed white on the st. George's mushroom and then it was kind of a no crisis yellow brown on the oyster mushroom a very dark brown on the pavement mushroom the spore color can be critical in telling the difference between mushrooms so taking spore prints is a good thing to start doing and getting used to doing and looking at the different colors of the sport prints of the mushrooms because sometimes that will be an identifying feature which is crucial to identifying the mushroom so if we had this ball print from the photo central in the jet rail the walk print from the fall chanterelle is whiter than the sport print from the Chateau but unless you've seen but if you only had a fall chanterelle taking this Walkman and you're seeing it's kind of white are you really going to know what it is so you still need all those other features as macroscopic features of the mushroom and everything you need to combine all that information to get a good assessment of what the mushroom is anyway I'm not entire video so it took me a long time to put this up I filmed it last most of it ICN I'm filming this part now because I didn't find very good specimens I couldn't Frank lessons at the same time this bull print didn't work you know this is the reality of collecting mushrooms I'll try again next season to get better specimens and maybe make a more succinct video but I wanted to put something up because when I was first several years ago first looking at for chanterelles of chanterelles I was really quite confused and it took me a long time to work out the difference so I think it's better have some information out there there no information and there's nothing misleading in here so it's just perhaps not the best information you can get like it could be blue presentation could be better having said that I hope you found some use out of this and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ashley Mills
Views: 150,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: False chanterelle, chanterelle, mushroom foraging, mushrooms
Id: y_is0A2Nz1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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