Channel and Floodplain 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS, Part 2/4

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Hi everyone, this is the second video for channel and floodplain 2D modeling with HEC-RAS. In this video, I will add boundary condition lines to the previously developed 2D mesh and check all the developed geometries using geometric editor. After that, I will connect flow data with unsteady flow editor. So, let's get started for editing boundary conditions using RAS mapper. So, very firstly you need go to this boundary condition and then expand its boundary condition group, then you can check this the boundary condition lines. After that, click this boundary condition lines and then right-click to press this edit geometry button. And then, now you can create any boundary conditions on here, so very firstly, I will make inflow part for this upstream of the river. So... in here I will start to make the boundary condition and then double click, you can find it, you need to enter the boundary condition name on here. So, I will use this the boundary condition with the inflow okay, then click OK. Now we developed this inflow boundary condition okay, so here is very important message for you this boundary condition must not intersect this the developed perimeter of the mesh, okay. So in this case, I just create near this mesh with my newly created boundary condition line okay. And then, let's make on here the tributary boundary condition, so I will make another one double click, and then I will make this name of the Marsh Creek okay, just click OK. And then need to zoom in on here part, and then you can also make the boundary condition name of the Beech Creek, b e e c h creek, then just click OK. And then, another one should be in here, so in this point I would like to make another boundary condition line on here. After that, you need to insert with this name of the Fishing Creek okay, just click OK. So, now we developed one inflow boundary condition and three boundary conditions for these three tributary okay, and then very lastly, you need to make another boundary condition for this downstream of the rivers okay, so double click and then just give downstream, OK. Now we just developed this boundary condition lines okay, so we need to stop to save this boundary condition and yes. After that, one more save with this file save, okay. So, now I will close this RAS mapper and then go to this RAS main platform with this edit geometric data, after that you need to open just developed the geometric data on here with this geometric data window. So, file and open geometry data and then you can find this box to import this geometric data, okay. So, just click OK. So, now you can see this developed geometric data with 2D area mesh and these boundary conditions for the... give the initial flow conditions for this river, okay. And then, how about to see this inflow boundary condition details, so just zoom in... this point and then it is just associated with these 2D mesh and boundary condition this BC line, okay. Inflow, and Marsh Creek, and Beech Creek, and Fishing Creek as well as this lastly the downstream, okay. So, we just need to full plot then, we just checked it is the developed geometric data, after that go to this file and just save with geometric data, okay. And then just close this one. Now I will open unsteady flow editor, so you can have two options to click this button view and edit unsteady flow data or edit to click this unsteady flow data, okay. And then you can find this editor for unsteady flow, okay. So, very firstly click this downstream boundary condition line okay, and then you can find these options are activated. So, in this case for the downstream boundary condition, we will give just normal depth, okay. Just click and bring this box and then just type the slope, friction slope with 0.001, okay, just click OK. After that, I will give the very firstly for the inflow things, so in this case also these the options are activated in here, I will give actual flow data, unsteady flow data hydrograph. So, just click this flow hydrograph and then we need to bring some the data. Actually, this HEC-series use this kind of DSS file to store all the data required, this is very unique type for this HEC software, okay. So just... because we already prepared the DSS file, we just need bring that kind of developed DSS file, okay. Just click select file and path, and then you can find this one - pick DSS path. And then, open this window, then you need to find the temp under, HEC-RAS 2D folder under, this flow data. So, this is DSS file, just double click and then... since we should selected for the inflow part flow hydrograph, so you can find these the part B, you can find some the name of the flows. So, we should click this dam inflow, this would be inflow of the this our developed river a system for the upstream, okay. So, here are two scenarios for the inflow, in this case I just use this one 1998 case, okay. Just double click and then you can find this one is selected, then just click OK. Now we have this flow hydrograph for this inflow boundary condition, okay. After that, you need one more thing for this slope, EG slope for distributing flow along boundary conditions, okay. So, we just use the same number of the downstream the boundary condition 0.001 in this case. How about press this plot data button, so you can see this is hydrograph, flow hydrograph. These would be two days hydrograph from this high amount of the flow to low amount, okay. You can check with this plot data button, okay. So, just click OK, so now we edit this flow hydrograph for this BC line for inflow, then also you need to hydrograph for Marsh Creek, okay. So, same way to select the DSS file and Marsh Creek, okay. So, 1998 case you can find this one and just click OK, then here is same same one, 0.001. How about plot data, so different amount for the tributaries, okay. Tributary river and then just click okay, so after that, Beech Creek, so flow hydrograph select, then DSS file, Beech Creek, 1998 scenario, and double click, after that just click OK, okay. Lastly, Fishing Creek hydrograph, flow hydrograph, DSS file, then Fishing Creek on here, so 1998 scenario, so click OK, 0.001, okay. How about plot data, so same way some small amount relative inflow, upstream inflow data, okay. Just click OK, so now we all edits required the boundary conditions with flow and normal depth for the slope, okay. So, you need to go to file and save unsteady flow data, and then you need to save this flow data on the same directory folder. I mean, the C:// under, temp under, HEC-RAS 2D flow, okay. So in here, I will use the name of the flow title with the flows just okay, then just click OK. Now we are ready to use this flow data for our unsteady flow simulation. So, this was part 2 video and I will continue 2D unsteady flow simulation work with the following video using unsteady flow analysis editor. And also check the results with RAS mapper. Thank you for watching!
Channel: Younghyun Cho
Views: 3,342
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Id: Ega2wfG0J7E
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Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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