Changes to Azucena in Patch 1.04 - Tekken 8 Balance Patch Breakdown

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it is time the first big balance patch for Tekken a has gone live with a wide variety of changes for most of the cast aenna might have been the character that's been hit the hardest by these changes but the future for her is still exciting and bright let's go through her changes and explain what they mean starting off with the balanced direction of the character the developers have done a great job at explaining their intentions for a center and Tekken a by including a few lines on what they intend for a gameplay to summarize them they're looking to Nerf overly strong moves and they're trying to move her away from the lowrisk poking style she want had by nerfing these tools and instead focusing on her stances this is in line with the general philosophy of Tekken eight balance so nothing surprises me here as they're trying to move away from lower commitments and instead move to more exciting and expressive gameplay the second half of the paragraph they've included explains that buff start as as senters moves that make her distinct will be coming in the next patch so while she's being nerfed pretty hard now there are exciting changes to look forward to in the future the first change on the list is a buff that's been given to many characters and it involves her rage art during her rage art she will now move more forward when intercepting attack so it's more consistent however in the example I recorded a center's rage art still seems to have hitbox issues so whilst it may be more consistent it's not quite there yet Azu Center's one one jab string has received a pretty heavy Nerf firstly the hitbox of the one jab itself has been nerfed to make it stepable to the left on low plus frames previously the one jab would track at plus one whereas now we're with the move has also moved from being safe on block at minus 9 to unsafe at minus 10 meaning it should mostly only be used for punishment where you want to enforce herberto door stance finally the push back on both hit and block has been reduced which will make it easier to punish for opponents but also keeps them closer for liberta door mix when you land it 21 has received pretty similar treatment to one one like the one jab the hit box of the two jab has also been nerfed so it can be stepped left with the second hits recovery being increased by four frames the string moves fromus 3 on block to - 7 while still safe and usable this is a huge change as it prevents you from spamming 21 into 21 on block at minus 7 this also means azuen will struggle to S side step the opponent's attacks when they block blet meaning you have to commit to a riskier option on a read such as finishing the string with a third hit or using the subaki on hit it is also less plus moving from plus 7 to plus three meaning the opponent will still be able to move around most of your follow-up attacks when they get hit so offense will need to be well thought out whilst the move still jails on block Aza Center's down forward four string has also received some big tweaks firstly the input window on the second hit has been reduced meaning it can no longer be delayed on the previous patch Aza Center could delay the second hit on block and counter hit confirm the third to catch people attacking after down for one this mind game no longer exists next the damage of the second hit has been reduced by four from 17 to 13 damage making the string as a hole do less damage this means that one of her main wall combos has also received a slight Nerf the second hit has also received a big tracking Nerf last patch it would often catch opponent side stepping the first hit forcing him to sidewalk around it but now it whiffs quite easily with a small step finally the duration and hit box of the third High extension has been reduced this is to prevent vent opponent getting counter hit when they are behind her this change also allows the opponent to step the third High to the right without much effort Aza Center's down back three has also received a slight buff moving from 12 damage to 14 damage this is really strong as it's a core poke that puts her in back turn that can be made safe with the back turn Parry it also hits on the ground and tracks extremely well to both sides so having a damage buff to a move that can be used in many situations is always a bonus this change was likely enforced to encourage the player to utilize her back turn stance attacks aer's other corow Pok however has received a slight Nerf with down back form moving from 17 damage to 13 damage this hurts a little as it was like a power low for her which she no longer has in fact it's now less damage than the buffed down back three and cannot be made safe with a m game meaning this Low's utility will mainly be for high crushing long range or for playing a different situation to back turn I wasn't able to replicate the issue described for this one but a center's back one one string has received a slight quality of life buff to prevent the second hit unexpectedly whiffing on hit or block whilst likely just a bug fix this move also tracks extremely well to both sides so with the Nerfs to jab tracking this might be encouragement to utilize this move more when opponents are side stepping you forward forward four has received damage reduction with follow-ups doing less damage after a combo scaling move forward forward four into the guaranteed Crouch grab now does 42 damage instead of 51 whilst a big damage change I never really thought this move was any good so I don't think it change as much now the one we've all been waiting for Aza Cent's running 32 has been hit hard again the second hit now does seven less damage for a total of 30 damage it is now also also moveed from plus 5 on block to only plus two this change is huge as it means opponents have access to more consistent movement and are able to respond with attacks more frequently as well as armor opponents who jab will also be able to beat a centers down forward one checks and opponents are able to use armor such as heat burst and power Crush to contest her Jabs opponents can also now step around a the Cent's jab checks in this situation when they couldn't previously a center's down forward two still tracks quite well in this situation and can only be avoided with a sidewalk left which could be done last patch but now it's much much easier however since a lot of the Poke strings whiff on a slight side step left into guard the down forward two can also be blocked by doing this for a punish finally a slight Nerf for aen is down 1 plus2 that I don't quite understand yet but apparently her boxes for opponent's counterattacking have been increased and a quality of life change has been implemented to remove unintentional Sid swapping and that concludes our breakdown for the AER Center changes in patch 1.04 look there may be a lot of Nerfs but the patch notes do imply that exciting things are coming for a future so we're just going to have to ride out for the next couple months what do you think do you think the changes are perfect do you think they're too much are you rejoicing are you hating it let me know in the comments down below a big thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: chipzeeh
Views: 5,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tb8ZH0AECjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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