Change Your Life ~ Manifest while you SLEEP MEDITATION

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welcome to doxie meditations as the new year comes up i tend to always think of new year's resolutions and then i think well this year's gonna pass by whether i have a resolution or not and then of course i have an existential crisis as i tell myself my life is going to pass me by and there's nothing i can do to stop it it is something that is just inevitable so i ask myself this and i'll ask you the same thing would you rather continue to live the current circumstances of your life and maybe you do already have a good life with many things to be grateful for but what if you had the option to trade in a normal average life for something incredible i know you think about it i know you dream about it why not make those desires and dreams a reality why not change your life this meditation will help you accomplish that i'll say it again this will help you manifest your deepest dreams and desires not just your sort of wants or would be nice to haves this meditation is meant to create that deep desire inside you because it is desire that is the catalyst that will bring you what you truly want in life i'll give you a few examples if you've ever seen the movie forrest gump when forrest finds out that he's a gazillionaire he's told that he doesn't have to worry about money anymore and forrest says well one less thing when i watch that scene i always think to myself what if i never had to worry about money anymore how would that feel i would feel incredible unbelievable that's the feeling i want you to have when choosing what you want to manifest how much money would it take for you to actually feel that type of desire inside you or maybe money isn't a deep desire for you maybe you're tired of being lonely you've been willing to settle and say i just want to date anybody please or you settle for someone who isn't worth their weight in salt and treats you like crap because what you really want is someone there who you actually love spending time with someone there who loves you someone who challenges you to grow with them in life every day someone there to share all the ups and downs of life with someone to experience all the celebrations and the tragedies of life with you where no matter how bad things get everything is okay because you know they are there with you or maybe health is your goal you want to lose weight i'm sure you've made goals or resolutions in the past to lose a little weight 10 or 15 pounds you may get reactions from people you know who ask oh did you lose weight not sure if they are being nice or actually can tell if you lost weight when your true desire is to get a reaction more like wow you look incredible and you can actually look in the mirror feeling excited proud and confident you probably have no idea how you will accomplish these things in life i'm sure which is probably the reason why you gave up or never even tried in the first place well this is where the magic of this meditation comes in when you listen to this meditation nightly as you fall asleep it will unlock what some people call the law of attraction some call it the subconscious mind or some call it more specifically reticular activating system it doesn't matter what you call it this is what will happen to you you will begin to attract the people circumstances flashes of insight will come to you that will show you the way and what will happen is you will start to truly believe that it is possible to manifest your dreams and desires and when that happens everything will change you will no longer accept anything different you will raise your standards and when you do that you will begin to attract and manifest these things into your life as if it were by some magical force it might even freak you out when these things begin to just appear in your life you may first believe them to be a coincidence but i assure you it is more than mere coincidence in this meditation i want you to pick something that you want and deeply desire then you will create a vision that is compelling something that you are excited about do this for 30 nights give yourself 30 nights do it for you because it will change your life forever so let's begin allow yourself to get comfortable and relaxed then take a deep breath in and out feeling as your body lets go of all the tension from the day now i want you to set your intention of what you want to manifest that one thing that excites you just thinking about it knowing that you can have it and be specific ask for it now and plant that seed inside you then just let it go as you take another deep relaxing breath in and let it go allowing your body and mind to fall down into a relaxing state beginning to slow everything down slowing down your thoughts and slowing down your breath as you take a deep breath in and out slowly clearing the thoughts from the mind now letting them go as soon as they come it is time now for your mind to rest breathe in rest and relaxation and breathe out those racing thoughts just let them go now with every breath out just let go of those thoughts letting them go until the mind is quiet and calm with every breath in and out just let them go quiet the mind and let them go take another deep breath in and out beginning to let go of all the tension in the body letting go of all the muscles feeling a wave of relaxation wash over you as you finally allow your body to just rest and relax you release now all the large muscles in the legs letting go of the muscles in your back and the muscles in your chest feeling yourself fall even deeper now into relaxation feeling as if a heavy weight has been lifted from your body taking another deep breath in and out now letting go of all the remaining small and tiny muscles in the body letting go of the muscles and the toes and the feet letting go of all the muscles in the hands and the fingertips let go and relax the muscles in the neck and finally release and relax all the tiny muscles in the face feeling completely loose and limp now as you feel your body begin to open up your body is now open to all the flowing energy around you this energy that you were unaware of before flows so smoothly into your open body now creating in you an even deeper relaxation creating in you a deeper awareness and peace within making you aware of the glowing light shining down on you now with your body and mind open the warm glowing light shines down on the sea you have planted inside you that seed of desire the size of a mere mustard seed begins receiving the beautiful light from above with that wonderful light shining down on you now you feel tranquil at peace and so deeply relaxed you also become aware of how that seed is beginning to grow inside you and as the sea grows inside you you can feel the desire grow inside you as well that desire to have what you want beginning to realize that you can have what you want with that seed growing larger and larger now and your desire growing more and more inside you now the desire to have what you want you then feel the urge to begin to visualize that what you want creating a visualization that is so compelling to you so captivating that the glowing light becomes stronger and the seed of desire grows becoming now more than just a seed you can feel how much you want your desires to become reality that which was once a seed is now coursing through your body feeling the desire now seeing the vision you create becoming so clear in your mind you can see yourself already having it how wonderful does it feel to already have what you want you realize that as your desires become stronger and stronger nothing can stop it from coming true that one small seed continues to course through your body giving you energy giving you insight guiding you to the right people and opportunities creating that clear compelling vision in your mind creates the path for your waking reality a path where you are attaining manifesting your deepest dreams and desires envision imagine now see it all happening now feel the desire inside growing stronger and stronger now see it in your mind and you will see it with your eyes and touch it with your hands now i want you to just let it go let it go now and release it into the world just relax rest and allow yourself to fall into a deep relaxing slumber as these following affirmations sink deep into your subconscious mind ingraining your visualizations and desires as you sleep i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and that will circumstances me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i'm attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i i'm attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i am attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want i have the motivation to acquire what i want i have the patience intelligence and wisdom to obtain what i want my desire fuels me i believe i am receiving what i ask for i am worthy of receiving my deepest desires i am worthy of great things in life i am so grateful for my deep desire to make my dreams a reality i am so grateful that i am receiving my deepest desires now i am manifesting my deepest desires i am compelled to attain my desires now i want it i can have what i want i am attracting what i want now the more i desire what i want the faster it will come to me all my dreams are coming true i can feel the deep desire inside me it is possible to live the life of my dreams it is possible to live my deepest desires i am creating my dream life i am attracting the people and circumstances that will guide me to my desires i'm attracting the opportunities to attain my dream life i am so excited to have what i want i know i am receiving what i desire all i must do is ask and i will receive it i have the energy to obtain what i want you
Channel: Dauchsy
Views: 134,138
Rating: 4.7708235 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, meditation, guided meditation, manifest, manifest meditation, manifest guided meditation, change your life, sleep meditation, sleep guided meditation, meditation music, sleep music, dauchsy meditations, manifest while you sleep, dauchsy, dauchsy23, sleep, meditation for sleep, affirmations, manifest series, while you sleep
Id: 2WmCijIt_0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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