Change This ONE WORD to 10X Your Sales Revenue

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what if I told you that changing literally one word in your marketing could more than 10x your income like go from earning $20,000 a year to earning $200,000 a year or even way more than that okay so the basic idea here is that packaging matters like really matters I mean think about this you go into Target to buy some shampoo and there's lots of different options right some of them have nice bougie Lux look bottles maybe they say words on them like natural or organic and they look high-end and you might pay like $20 or more for that bottle of shampoo then right next to that on the Shelf you've got some bottles with cheaper looking packaging packaging that looks lower quality packaging that looks Mass market and you can buy that shampoo for a fraction of the price like five bucks or even less now there is no way of knowing whether that shampoo in the nice looking bottle is actually better it might be but that's not what most people are paying for most people who buy that $20 shampoo are buying it mostly because it looks so much more high-end now I'm guessing that you probably don't sell shampoo but whatever your business sells you can apply this principle to sell your products for a dramatically more money more money now a lot of the people that I work with are digital entrepreneurs they are sometimes called like infopreneurs they're people who sell information they're teachers who teach online in variety of different formats maybe they write books maybe they sell online courses maybe they have a podcast or YouTube channel or some other kind of content marketing maybe they are coaches or Consultants so in short there are just lots of different ways or versions of selling information or selling education but here's what I want you to think about you can take the exact same information and package it a lot of different ways you could package it as an ebook or as a printed book or as a course or a group coaching program or something something else but how you package it is going to have a dramatic impact on how much someone is willing to pay for it for example the ebook you could probably sell for about 15 bucks now it depends you know if you do a really good job marketing it and you really sell the heck out of how valuable the information in it is you might be able to sell that ebook for $50 maybe that' be kind of pushing it for an ebook right but on the other hand if you package that same information of as an online course you're teaching exactly the same things you're helping the people who are consuming the material get the exact same results but now a suddenly you could sell that online course for 50 bucks easy like easy you're not even trying and with just a little bit of intentional marketing you could sell the course for a few hundred and if you really tried you could sell it even for a few ,000 and then think about well what if you package the same information up as a coaching program instead now they wouldn't be surprised at all if you were selling it for a couple thousand $2,000 $2,000 in fact you might might even be able to get five figures per client at that point okay interrupting myself for just a moment to tell you about a training that I recently created basically I screen recorded through one of my business's six figure funnels to show you exactly how it works from the text standpoint and also the messaging standpoint so that you can see how you could build a sixf figure funnel like this in your own business so if you'd like to come behind the scenes in my business and let me help you hack one of my highest converting funnels then check the description right now for the link to get access to that free training okay now back to the video now at this point I think that it's important that I clarify what I'm not saying I'm not saying that every product should be packaged as a coaching program and sold for thousands of dollars if that were to happen it would not pan out there would be so many coaching programs on the market that they would be devalued and they wouldn't sell for nearly as much money obviously not everyone has thousands of dollar to spend on whatever they want to learn and even if they do have thousands of dollars most of the time for most things we want to learn we don't have the emotional investment that would make us want to spend thousands of dollars on it or we might not have enough time to spend on it that we feel we will be able to get a big enough result with it to make it worth spending thousands of dollars on there are all sorts of random topics that I will buy a $20 book on to learn a little bit about that I would never spend thousands of dollars on even if it was a very thorough high quality coaching program about just because I don't have enough interest to make it worth that much money no matter how high-end or high quality the product itself is so there is plenty of room on the market for books and even ebooks and courses and coaching programs but if you want to maximize your business's profits then it is important that you make sure that there is a match between the results that you are getting for your customers with the information you're teaching and the format that you are putting the product into for example if you are coaching people on how to make a really big change in their life and then you package that information up as an ebook your customers might struggle to get results with it because they need more one-on-one guidance more one-on-one coaching they need that support that comes with a different sort of container for that product to be in like a group coaching program or even one-on-one coaching another great example of this would be what if you were teaching people how to design website now I remember back in the day not really that long ago even there were lots of books about web design those days are kind of passed because once the opportunity of digital courses became available people quickly realized that was a much better vehicle to use to teach web design in because web design is so visual and much better communicated via a screen share where you can see what someone else is doing on their computer and there is just no excuse for graining black and white screenshots printed in a book anymore so to put this principle into action in your business and change the perceived value of your product I want you to First think about the result that your product gets for customers and then think about how much that result is really worth to them then make sure that you are putting the information that you are teaching into the Container or into the format that you will be able to sell for an appropriate price for that result you're getting for them so if you're getting them a really small result is not worth very much well then yeah just package it up as an ebook or even a free video here on YouTube on the other hand if you're going to be changing everything about their life or helping them start a new career or start a business or some other big thing in their life well then you'll probably want to make that at least an online course and maybe think about how you can uplevel the experience to turn it into a coaching program and sell it for a whole lot more now there is one last thing I think I should clarify and that is how you could change literally a single word to dramatic ially increase your income okay because I was kind of talking in this video about how you could change the format of your project and that might seem a lot more significant than just changing a single word well the case where you could change a single word and change how much you sell your product for change how much you earn with it is in the case of a lot of online courses I see this all the time people make an online course and then they offer incredible support with it where they are literally offering coaching to their course students they are answering all of their customers emails and every single question and they have a Facebook group with it and really that ends up being what a lot of people sell as a group coaching program and so something that maybe right now you are selling as an online course for say $300 you could literally just change the word course to program or coaching program and sell it for $3,000 instead of $300 and people would be excited to pay that much money to get their result that you are giving them with the level of support you are already offering all right well I hope that that makes sense and I hope that that helps you make way more money in your business if you want to learn another easy little change you can make to the words you use in your business to make way more money then watch this video right here in it I share how to write a money-making tagline for your business
Channel: Gillian Perkins
Views: 42,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Change this ONE WORD to 10X Your Sales Revenue., Gillian Perkins,, Raising the perceived value of your product, Here's how to 10x your prices, How to raise your prices, How to raise your prices with one word, 10x your prices, Make more money with your products, The easiest way to raise your prices, Changing this one word will raise your prices, How to package your online product, The best way to package your priduct, Maximize your profits
Id: qv9-mKxMGrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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