Change Begins with You - Pastor David Crank

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[Music] I wrote this statement just because I know that today no matter what I say I'm gonna say too much for some people and not enough for others and so these are my own words but I wrote them down just because this has to be said one of the things I love most about our church is that we embrace and we love all people you guys the people of Faith Church have not only made a community but a family you go it above and beyond to help the down-and-out and be up and out you stand up for what's right you go the extra mile you give generously but something happens in our nation our community you guys are always there ready to respond with love and unity so today I know as we start this conversation which isn't an easy conversation I know you will have ears to hear and a heart to understand because you always do because that's what love does that's what faith church does of course I know part of this discussion today is not going to apply to everyone or everyone joining online but I'm asking you to sit back lean into God and the message he has given me for our church community today you probably understand a lot about what's going on but as a church there are some things I want to make clear where I stand and I would ask everybody to ask God is there anything I need to hear today I want to be not a know-it-all but I want to be a learn at all so god help me be willing to hear help embrace the changes that I may need to make in my heart in my mind there's a scripture that I want to go to first it'll set the whole tone and this scripture is about love and it is found in John 3:13 35 it says by this will all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another how do we know that we have the love of God in our heart that the love of God is shed abroad in our by the Holy Ghost this week this month in the last three months as your pastor has been tough I know it's been tough on you it's been tough on me I've missed you you've missed me this is a world in which we've never ever seen I think we all can agree on that but I would say if you took all of that and you put it in the last ten days what has been happening that has hurt my heart more than anything I want to let you know again that this church is a very diverse church I talked to a lot of pastors I'm not I'm also want to make sure because people are so sensitive right now like oh it's great you have black friends I don't want any of that today from and we'll address that in a minute about some people who say I can't be a racist I've got a black friend but I would just want the permission to speak to you as your pastor and it can settle however you want at the end of this trail but I want to help bring understanding to people that when you get to heaven it's going to look like this Church there's gonna be black people red people white people yellow people all people because God created all people in the like this in the image of God he created each and every one of us no one is better no one is less it's not a political state statement it's real now this weekend it would be easier to say it on video and edit it or have somebody else say it for me but I didn't build this church I'm playing it safe I built this church as it Church for people to feel loved acceptance and embrace no matter what color ethnicity education background if you've heard me say at once you've heard me say in a million times when you get to heaven there will be a First Baptist or a second Baptist or third Baptist or Catholic you're going to see a bunch of doors and if you believed in Jesus that's the non-negotiable and you come in and then I make that joke where I say you're gonna be surprised it's God black or is he white and he's gotta say buenos dias and everybody laughs that's my weak little attempt that he to try to tell you that God is not white I'm gonna say things tonight that are really gonna make if you've got any racism in you at all tonight you're not gonna like this sermon the picture that somebody drew of Jesus boy's God black God is not an American God came from a land where people had a tent about them a color about them and we cannot judge any man on anything except their heart because everybody in here everybody online we're all kind of brown in a way in fact you get brown you go to Florida and I've been quarantined in Florida so when I was here I left and I was white and then I turned kind of brown and under my armpits where it doesn't get a lot of Sun it's kind of white and the thing is true where some people are judged because they're not black enough they're not wide enough so people say well he can't represent because he's not black enough he can't represent because he's not white enough pastor Omar he doesn't count because he's not really black that's what they say to me this week some people he was black enough for them to call him and his black wife the inward and fintan and he decided to move to Ferguson because of the color of his skin and that makes me mad and I can't do anything about that person who said that but I can and you can make a difference to say people ought to be able to live wherever they want to live and they ought to be able to drive wherever they want to drive and they ought to be able to go to church wherever they want and I didn't want to church at the 11 o'clock was the most segregated hour in America I want us to look like heaven where everybody has right to safe peace my god and he's not black he's not white he's God I want to talk about conversations that I've had over life that might help you some of you been here long enough to remember one of our dear worship pastors Manuel o West anybody remember Manuela Manuela went to school in college with a guy by the name of Herbert Cooper Herbert married a girl who was white Tiffany Herbert is incredibly educated well-spoken any day of the week could out you know orator was preach me phenomenal but he at if and he fell in love and now he passed there's a humongous church in Oklahoma City they do together she fell in love with them and she brought him home to meet the family and he loves sports and the dad loves sports he was white Herbert's blood he was educated the dad was educated the only thing that really separated them was the color of his skin in Herbert knew when he walked into the room and Tiffany knew when he walked into the room that he was going to have to win this guy over simply based on the color of his skin in which he had nothing to do with which by the way kind of sounds derogatory there's nothing wrong with being born the unique beautiful way that you were born don't apologize for being black and white people don't apologize for being white you've heard me say it a million times I can't do anything about it but I try to tan it because tan fat looks better than white fat so this weekend I want to share with you that he had to overcome some obstacles Tiffany says that she didn't really realize being a white girl what white privilege means and again as you can see I'm not staring at my notes they're here but I'm just trying to say the things I feel like the Lord wants me to say and I'm not again gonna say it all Pastor Dave you should address this and that's related you should have trust that I'm doing the best I can considering this is the most emotional week and I'm unhinged in a lot of areas of my life right now and I'm overwhelmed that I need to go back but I'm scared I'm going back and it's just I'm just asking you to hear me out Tiffany married to Herbert didn't realize the white privilege that she had until her son's turned 16 and she realized oh my god I have to teach them when they get pulled over about the cops that they have to turn the engine off turn the interior lights on throw their hands out the window and she never thought about that and maybe you tonight have never thought about that I had conversations this week with a lot of people so anybody who thinks I'm talking about you don't think it's you because I've talked to a lot of people this week and some people say that white privilege I I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and I built I've heard that for many people and most of those people they're not racist honestly they just are uninformed they don't know but until you see the paper from the other angle then you don't realize that we've got to walk in love but we also have to walk in light so that's what most people not all people but most people mean by white privilege I know this firsthand one of my spiritual sons you got to understand that I passed her thousands of african-americans it wasn't intentional it was because that I was created to do that from a child I told you my dad listened to Merle Haggard I listened to put on your red dress a little yo hair no Johnny Gill Bell Biv DeVoe all that I did that then in the inner city went to the hood you know and it's unpopular to say that but that's what it was and risk my life and KB in what would be a no Marwan and we just did it without the funding of the churches when I wasn't a pastor my dad was there and those were the seeds that I was sowing into the black community that I reaped now to have the privilege to be their pastor and speak into their lives and so tonight I want to speak into not only white people's lives but how white people understand the diversity of black people and I want to be clear and say to the black people who might be mad at me right now I don't know what it's like to be black this is my attempt from my heart I could have played it safe tanned hired somebody to do this for me could have had somebody with me kind of pulling me back and pushing me forward but I wanted you to understand that I owe it to the little african-american boys and girls who have grabbed my leg at the Christmas place for 16 years looking at me and watching them grow and grow when I couldn't pick them up and anymore and now I look at them and they're like this to let you know that I want to speak into their lives and say you do matter you are called the God you do have a purpose and I stand behind you and as long as on the facts of this church we will always stand behind you this is not a racist Church there is only one God giveth privilege and that is that we were all created in the image and the likeness of God God created male and female that's the only difference you're no less than you are more than a conqueror through him that loved you and gave himself for you and I want you to go around with a chip on your shoulder thinking they're looking at me funny and I can never be you can do exactly what God told you to do and this is still your banner year this is the year for you to come out of prison and the prison of racism it's being broken this very year somebody ought to give the brace time oppression Isaiah 117 says learn to do right seek justice defend the oppressed learn to do right Amos 5:24 says but let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream justice helping white people understand for a moment and also at some point scary as it is want to help black people understand why some white people think the way they think are they're racist white people absolutely racism is real and I want to make sure everybody hears me loud and clear and it is wrong it must be abolished and we cannot stand for it and we're doing things to try to you know help with marches and protests and and not burn down buildings but say something's wrong with this and we must change that it's wrong it's not just it's not right but in my earliest recollection a preacher by the name of Carvel and his wife named when my dad heard that they were going to the laundromat and they didn't even have the quarters to do their laundry so they would take what they could well my dad heard about that we lived at 14 24 26 hurt and LeMay Missouri and he invited Gwen and Carville to do their laundry at our house well if you can imagine in probably 1978 the people in the white neighborhood shamed to say that but there are those things which I hope is gonna go away someday and my dad invited them over and allowed them to do their laundry and people have a hard time with it neighbors did but then the next thing I know my dad because they they couldn't pay the rent he allowed them to just live with us we're not here all the time and so they lived with this so for the black people that say that I don't have the right to talk about I have a long long line of things that I'm just trying to inform white people I'm not saying that I know everything about black people but I'm trying to help white people see that there's beauty in the diversification but also the racism you've never lived that way I would hear them yelling the n-word at us why do you let those money bugs live at your house all this stuff that was going on but to me it was like dad what are they saying going to this is going to bring you light when my dad left the police department by the way not all cops are bad but there are a lot of bad cops but also that not all people are bad but there are a lot of white people that are bad there are a lot of black people that are bad there are bad people everywhere but there are good people everywhere and never throw all cops in one pile and all and I do believe in policing the police and I know people will get mad at me and I might get tickets it might be thrown in jail but I do believe that justice must roll on but somebody has to speak up for justice if somebody has to March and somebody has to peacefully protest but we also have to remember that most of all we have to pray and for the people who say we have it we've been praying forever I get that faith without works is dead but it all must be done in love because love never failed what is hate hate can't drive out hate if you live by the sword you die by the sword and I realized some people will be upset with me on this and that preaching a sermon this today this weekend I'm I'm trying to bring clarity you understand me raise your hand if you just understand so now we go to Mississippi in the 70s we live in this motorhome not because we're rich it was everything we my dad sold everything we lived in a travel Tura trailer like a mobile home trailer in Stenton and then the late 70s he sold it all and bought this motorhome and we lived out of it and you've heard this story where we would have to look for soda bottles every day to try to pay for you know get some food so we didn't have much money but we went into Mississippi we rolled in then there was this group of little african-american boys and they were walking on their hands trying to raise money flipping around doing cool little tricks and they were out in front of the ice cream store and my dad stopped in with the last few dollars that he had he bought all of them ice cream and he brought them some of you heard this story before he brought them to the meeting that night said be at the church we're gonna be here for a week heaven revival and as soon as we went to the doorsteps the demon board Deacon board met my dad at the front steps now I'm about this big but I watched how my dad handled racism they said these people can't come into this church because they're black my dad said well if they can't come in I can't come in they said well I guess you're not coming in my dad said that's fine we're gonna get in the Motorhome and we're gonna leave and they said we've advertised it what are we gonna do so they finally agreed as I stood there to let him in but not this one the oldest boy he was about 12 he had no shoes why because his dad of all those children were in prison by the way there are some things that need to be done there so these poor boys are now being raised in a single mom no real dad to speaker in our life by the way that's exactly what I'm speaking today because I speak in the lives of white people for sure but predominantly I am the spiritual father of a lot of black sons unfortunately because sometimes it's a single mom most of time at our church who brings these little boys to Pastor Omar pastor Phil or all of our team and we do our best do we do it all right no but I'm here to tell you that that's the reason why I'm speaking today to speak into their lives while they're hurt because they have a reason to be hurt but I want white people to understand why maybe they're hurt hurt people hurt people so they said he can't come in because he don't have shoes on my dad says what size shoe do you wear he says a nine my dad had one beautiful pair of preaching shoes maybe you can remember this it was white in the middle and black on the side there were floor shops and he they were his prized preaching shoes and he takes him off of his feet and he puts him on the boy's feet takes his socks off and puts him on the boy there was no cameras there there was no social media I was watching my dad say we're gonna do what we can about it and so now my dad goes up with no shoes and preaches a sermon I don't remember the sermon but I remember the deed that was done outside they say that's wrong and if it is wrong we're gonna try to make it right and I believe that's what I want to continue to do with the rest of my life I'm a half a hundred but I think I might have a fifty more to go and I'm gonna the rest of my life letting everybody know that God loves black people God loves white people God loves red people he loves everybody he created this entire world and the devil comes to kill to steal and to destroy but what's in the world I don't want it I don't buy into it for one second we are the church and we have the answer now at the end this would teach you something at the end of the cut of the week we were there and my dad takes all of them and puts them in the motor home and we go to that one last trip to the ice cream store my dad wants to make sure that they know that Jesus is the answer and so he looks down at the littlest one about this tall it says do you know who Jesus is and I'm about to say something that I've always said which is going to be corrected from here on because I learned something this week the little kid looks up at my dad and says you know what you know Jesus isn't said you is it was so cute now with conversations I asked this week some people about that story and they said the part is beautiful until you say you is it should be you are so I want to be the type of person to say okay all we have to do is change that you are my point is to everyone to understand if people feel like they're being profiled if they feel like you're assuming that they're less than not as smart as that's the way it happened but that's it doesn't add to the story or take the story away I'm telling you we have to figure out in this moment of conflict how we can make sure that if a word is offensive if something is offensive you know what's greater than all the words in the world the word l.o.v.e the love riot that we had here when Michael Brown was shot we had black people and white people come on somebody ought to give God praise today and you might say I don't understand that I'm not asking you to understand I'm asking us to change and do what's right and be just and be sensitive to what God would speak to us there's a passage I want to read from it said murder begins in the heart it says you have heard it said that from those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders will be in danger of judgment but I say to you whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment and whoever says to his brother rayko which means empty one or worthless one you shall be in danger of the council but whoever says you fool shall also be in danger of Hell fire therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and you remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there before the altar and go your way first to be reconciled to your brother and then come off or your gift anger murder things that I see that are happening right now outside the church and I watch it creep into the church I don't want that this is the most diverse church in fact the biggest african-american denomination in the world called me last week and said can you talk to us this last week this this next week which I will this week because we've built a very diverse church one of the ways that we built the diverse church is because I see color all the white preachers always said for years I don't see color and you've heard me say this raise your hand if you've heard me say they don't ride with that person because they won't know if they're red so red light a yellow light or green light would you please raise your hand online I talked to me all that is intentional I've seen this for so many years and I see color but not in a judgmental way I see it as in the beauty of it yet at the same time when I talk to someone on our staff that's last week they said when I walked out of the gym in Florida into the parking garage I saw a white woman walking and I knew she's terribly afraid and I started smiling to disarm her because that's what I've done my whole life and I realized I have a mask on oh my god what am I gonna do hopefully that brings perspective Dean let's talk about vision culture that's what we're talking about justice being discriminated about the Bible's full of discrimination Jesus was discriminated against david was discriminated against Esther was discriminated against discrimination is nothing new but also it's been kind of swept under the rug a little bit in America well have a little bit a whole lot and now for the first time I want to talk to all my black brothers and sisters but the first time I do see light at the end of the tunnel because there never has been protesting in all 50 states at the same time there never has been protesting in 15 other countries and I'm not saying for other people say oh you validating all this I'm not in violet I'm not validating violence but I am validating people's right in fact tomorrow and in Florida already did it but tomorrow I'm walking through a protest myself I'm not gonna loot but I'm gonna let people know I'm on the side of God I'm on the site of equality I'm on the side of abolishing racism I am on the side of freedom for every man every woman and every boy and if you're not on that side then you need another church with the different pastor because I want to do what's right because that's right and I want a diverse church and if you don't like this church you're gonna hate heaven because when you get there if you do get there with hate out of your heart you will see that God says that beautiful because everybody deserves Matthew 5 write it down read it later it says blessed are the peacemakers be a peacemaker and all my african-american sons and I'm saying that wrong because in Florida they get mad at me cuz they go I'm not african-american I'm Bahamian I'm not african-american I'm Panamanian so my apologies the right way to say it is black people and my brown people Latinas and my white people learn modify through conversations because I was exposed to such diversity off in my life and I raised Ashton in such a diverse Church that I will be flabbergasted if she marries a white guy I told that to a young white guy the other day who's in love with her and I said I don't think you have a chance because you're the wrong color it doesn't matter to me what matters to me is that the person is full of God the person is motivated towards God and the person wants more of God and the person has a father speaking into them even if their biological father is gone the Bible said you have many teachers but few fathers but I don't want anybody going around with the chip on their shoulders let's talk about black lives matter for a minute why because so many people have understanding about some people that might fund certain groups but the fact is take that I'm asking you right now to take that out of the equation what you know about some organization that might be doing something bad just like you would for me there are some preachers you might be watching on TV right now and just because you heard that some TV preachers are bad you can't throw me in the TV preacher because I'm not I'm a pastor who's on TV the difference is I don't say do you feel like sending me a thousand dollars right now God's telling me to tell you to send a thousand dollars we're gonna send you this holy oil and will set you free for the red sugary a lot I say hey if you come to church we're not point the finger too this way we're pointing figure into this way we don't want anything from you but we're here to tell you that God's not mad at you he is mad about you he wants to put a ring on your finger a robe on your back all this language is culture I'm giving you that you have heard out of my mouth for years that's what I built this church on so if you take away black lives matter because some people in the organization have made that bad black lives do matter so people say well what about white lives don't they matter of course they matter all lives matter but here's the best illustration that I have my daughter told it to me this week and I loved it she said if four little boys get stung by a bee are there four little boys and only one get stung by a bee and they put in these for him on the one that got stung by the bee and they put a bandaid on the one by the bee he's got something by the bee does that mean the boys who weren't stung aren't they don't matter if there are four houses in a subdivision and there was one that was burning down and they only bring the water hose to the one does that mean the other houses don't matter no all houses matter all people matter in this moment right now black people are the people that have been suppressed abused and now it's okay to say in my book like my heart just aches that see sensitive sorry I'm just trying to not make you think a certain way I'm trying to show you that sometimes certain systems through systemic racism have set up an advantage how many right-handed people do I have in the building even at home right down right right hold it real high right look around everybody it's okay look around okay put put your hand down put your hand up if you're a left-handed very few left-handed people struggle in life because our world is set up for right-handed people can't go just to the store and get a glove a pitching glove golf clubs if you're left-handed because it's set up does that mean that left-handed people are no good no it just means that they're left-handed so this system in which we're living in right now we have to make sure that we understand we're going through something right now you ought to read the story Jesus told about the Samaritan woman that was a story of racism and instead of trying to go around it he went through Samaria because he wanted to deal with the racism tonight instead of going around mariya instead of dealing with the racism I didn't hire anybody in I'm not doing that we could have done that I have loads of black friends loads of black pastors but I didn't want to go into this weekend feeling like that I was on trial because my ministry speaks for what it is and I want to make sure that I'm speaking for what this is and this is racism and it is wrong and I'm gonna do what I can do and I trust it you're gonna go with me to help change the world and free people and allow them to be who they are called to be because when Jesus went through Samaria you know what he did he changed the city I wasn't here to build a big Church I wanted to build a healthy Church and I wanted to change the city and so that's what it is now if a church is the biggest Church in town that's part of the reason why we play the way we play and do what we do and try to play along you're in covetous best I could to try to set good examples for people I just want you to understand I understand a little bit more than some people don't have it all figured out but I want to help white people understand right hand left hand Genesis 1:26 it says and God said let us make man in our image and our likeness it didn't say let us make white man brown man yellow man he said let us make man in our own image you were created in the image of God so what do I mean by that I mean try to identify with everything that you can amongst people stereotyping of people I hear this a lot and I've heard this my whole life I don't have a racist bone in my body maybe not but I'm cautious about that because sometimes it's not racist or intentional it's just you've never been around a different people group so you automatically prefer or assume that or say they or if the white preacher mostly says I don't see color and you know dude you're a liar you only say that to black people so like it's really a screwed-up statement we see color so at this church I don't want people going oh hey how do I just be you enjoy you but be around people and raise your kids around people and also make sure you validate your uniqueness I found that in in Psalms 139 verse 14 it says I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works so validate the uniqueness God is an artist and he created the rainbow and he created the world I know for sure he likes blue and green a lot because you just drive down the road the whole sky is blue and the whole thing is green and I wonder because blue and green aren't my favorite colors but I'm like I think he likes that color I'm he ever thought of that maybe I've only only weird one but it's like it wasn't a preference I want you to not have a preference I want you to understand that God is an artist and that's why a lot of times for me fearfully and wonderfully made in the in the uniqueness of it makes me get a lot of heat from white people while I built this church they don't stay long when I make statements like mixed babies are the prettiest babies and we all know that then I'll get a bunch of emails from white people going what do you see a weight babies very pretty I shouldn't say that probably we'll stop saying that just my preference I think your little white kids pretty I think your little black kids pretty well there's just something about the mixture and the beauty of it and maybe that's the thing that I love about it is I want to build a church where it is mixed and educate you of what little I do know but I'm learning I'm always sitting down and talking to people and having people speaking in my life so yeah I can understand what black people call a dog whistle do you know what a dog whistle is like in racism we blow on that whistle and the dogs okay but you can't hear it never hurt you because you didn't hear it but the dogs certain things trigger black people because it's a dog whistles of them things that you would never know and that's why I want you to get involved in small groups which need to get around black people just talk because in our church you're probably gonna have a hard time going up to somebody and talking to them and then go on go educate yourself don't do that they're trying to say teach me because if we trust the world system to think about it in the church I'm gonna talk about the world at Faith Church this is what I wish that you could educate each other to have a better understanding and teachable spirit in a hope open heart I want to be as I read in that statement at the beginning not a know-it-all but I learn at all so when cops do this or people do this and you see that that'll set them a black person off in a minute because that means white privilege most of you who are white probably didn't know that raise your hand so the black people can see your hand where you said I thought it meant I'm okay okay so that will set them up so when certain images go up they say oh my gosh and not saying because it would look to me before edge fruit for somebody at our church educated me the monitor guy I might be like up here singing like this is how I find my battles and my monitor is good and I'm looking at the guy going give me more heaven give me more oven give me more of it and then I look at him and go like this somebody had to tell me don't do that I just think that's too much I'm just telling you the world in which we live in right now we need to understand that if it's offensive to our brother it's offensive Doris sir we need to understand that we want to be a church of equality we want to be a church that that hears people that are different than us and it's not us maybe the Bible says judge not lest ye be judged I'm almost done I'm really not even close to done but I'm gonna have to be done it's been kind of wild preaching at home like when I was done I just walked upstairs and put on my shorts got a drive home how many y'all in a way really miss it but in a way it's kind of cool you like oh yeah those are the people that are home right now like I ain't really going back I'm afraid Ephesians 4:31 it says let all bitterness and wrath anger clamor evil speaking be put away from you with all malice be kind one to another tender-hearted that's what I mean by saying that hurt me be tender-hearted well I don't think they I think we should just let it go Romans 12 9 says let love be without hypocrisy abhor what is evil clinging to that which is good be kind ly and affectionate one to another with brotherly love and honoring prayer and honoring giving preference one to another not lagging in diligence with a fervent spirit rejoicing don't lag in diligence some things that we have done we're not going to go through all the millions of things that we've done to make a church what it is over the years but I will say going forward I want to do more I love what Will Smith said this last week the racism is not getting worse it's getting filmed and I agree I want you to know that I believe that God at the end of this is taking what was wrong and he's making it right but we have to make sure that we don't get in the flesh and try to help God by pushing something that would divide us from our brothers and sisters whether you're black or you're white we have to make sure that we're walking in love you have no right to be me because you're black you have no right to be mean because you're white I'm talking to you like a dead right now we all get to get along if you're going to go to heaven because you cannot go to heaven and be a murderer and if you have anger towards your brother you are a murderer you got to get that out of your heart and I realize you've been hurting I realize you've been betrayed and we're gonna do stuff about it we are gonna create more things like the love riot and marches and we are even financially have always done things but in a moment we're going to pray over some seeds that we've sown we're getting ready to sow this next week but I want to solve the stand right now and I want to pray this prayer which I have written down and they'll put it on the screens and I want you to agree along with me in the goal I want you to join me in a moment let's pray for our nation our nation God it is in you that we trust we pray that your presence would saturate every city every state every zip code and every soul our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven God we pray for freedom from racism God that we would recognize and honor your divine image and likeness in every human being we pray that this demonic spirit of racism in America would be destroyed at the very root from which it was formed and removed by the mighty name of Jesus may your love and your light replace every fear and every shadow because God you created man in your image in your likeness created you male and female now let us love others as well as you have loved and we love ourselves god we pray for justice for all well we pray that divine wisdom strategy grace to bring vindication to the violence the voiceless the protection of the unguarded bring justice for all got in your word in Isaiah we pray Isaiah 1:17 that we learned to do right and we seek justice and we defend the oppressed we ask the justice roll on like a river and righteousness that we pray for the brokenhearted god we pray for the families of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor D'Amato Bree and many others who have been victims of racism and police brutality and injustice in our country and we ask God that you would be near to all who grieve in the pain of their loss and that hope would rise in the hearts of the discouraged because God we know that you're close to the brokenhearted and you rescue all those who are of a crushed spirit God the church we pray that the church would be the light to shine fiercely and a beacon of hope through your church through our community through our service we pray that we may position our hearts to be vessels through which your love will prevail you said God in your word I will build my church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it now we pray for those that are in service god we pray for those who are an authority in leadership and its service to our nation and our people and God we ask for the Holy Spirit to flow through every level in every office in every department in every station we're moving any who abuse power convicting all who commit crime and protecting all those who carry out your peace elevating those who can bring true systemic change may that be faith church yeah we pray for places of business we declare Lord your favor and your restoration over every business owner and over their employees that might have been affected economically during this time in the name of you'll take care of their loss of stuff can we pray for peace and unity right now it is in you that we trust it's in use that we pray it's in your presence that we saturate every city every state every ZIP code in every soul in the mighty matchless wonderful name of Jesus say then we take authority over you today and God you said in your word whatever we bind shall be bound whatever we lose shall be loosed I bind racism I find terrorism I find police brutality i bind hate i find it crime and I loose love in st. Louis today and the Gateway of the West and in the middle of the country right now God we release it throughout from north to south to east and west and I'd say this thing is coming to a quick swim in and freedom is coming racial equality is coming in the babe [Music]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 1,783
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor David, David Crank, Faith Church, church in St. Louis, church in Palm Beach, jubilee, racism, black lives matter, compassion, injustice, love
Id: wvfpcGbsEGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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