Chandrayaan 3, Aditya-L1 Mission, UFOs, Mars Exploration: ISRO Scientist Jijith Nadumuri | TRS 292

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so there are there are likely for example Uranus is a planet which is like having a pole tilt which is directly almost particular to the direction of Sun so it's something like a like a ball rolling uh because it's it's other planets are like 23 24 degree tilt but this is 90 degree tilt exetera that's right and another crazy thing is about the Venus which is having an up or Direction opposite rotation so that the sunrise the typical proverb will sun rising in the west and setting in the East will happen in that in that kind of planet instead of sending a person into the future you can transmit information into the future into the future the time travel to future is not having any theoretical problem it's only a technological problem but technology is ah technology is not available right now to send a actual human being into future I was looking forward to this podcast for an extremely long time and trust me if you like chatter about UFOs aliens science fiction oriented Concepts like time travel like the future of science this conversation with ISRO scientist jijit Nadu muri is going to be the conversation you've been looking forward to trust me when I say this if you enjoy these slightly alternative conversations but if you want to back it up with science this is the episode for you if you can't consume the entire podcast because this one was slightly long and heavy we have a highlights Channel on YouTube it's called TRS Clips if you want to increase your attention span then meditate using the meditation app level it will help you begin your meditation journey and then you'll be able to watch uh episodes in their entirety and finally I'll say follow us on Spotify where Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world UFOs aliens you'll get to know the truth in this particular episode enjoy yourselves [Music] thank you Nado morisa welcome to the ranveer show how are you yeah I'm fine thank you you know we've got so many demands to bring an ISRO scientist on the show uh you're a very hot property on the internet why do you think that is why do you think the audience is so fascinated by ISRO scientists because uh primarily because ISRO is such a different organization it's a government organization but it has caught the imagination of all the youngsters and of course and the entire Youth of the country because of the the way uh like the launches are happening and uh the kind of achievements Israel was having in the last three four decades and even recently uh so many uh kind of uh things which are like not I don't say science fiction but something which every Indian will be feel proud of going to the moon going to the Mars so it's like uh something like uh it has got an aura of itself that ISRO has that kind of uh you can say Fame and also it can Captivate the the mind of the youth definitely that's that could be the reason okay uh one thing I understood about scientists is that most scientists actually began to fall in love with science through science fiction and we all Saw movies we read books which actually got us inclined towards the world of science and then the ones who were very inclined towards it became scientists so in the modern days as a scientist what do you really do at ISRO like I know it's a very wrong question but what does a scientist address do like what are you kind of accepting research on and how is ISRO built specifically from a scientist perspective in terms of our different scientists um assigned to different projects assigned to different fields how would you begin to explain this yeah uh so basically uh in ISRO the primary focus is on the the launching of the vehicles that is uh the what you call correctly called Rocket but it is called launch vehicles and it has a massive power like take uh two two or three or four tons of payload into the space so that is the primary activity that Israel is doing but it has got uh the launch vehicle is the base and then it has the satellite part of it where you bring in all the uh like percent sensors Etc so it's like exploration exploration of the planets of the moon or like sensing the different parameters on the Earth surface so these are all kind of one part of it and the on the next level of it that is launch a vehicle satellite on the third level you have the applications which is like a specific like remote sensing for example creating the map of reverse uh even Saraswati River was like discovered like that so all these things happen so this is the three three different categories that you find in ISRO and I was fortunate to work in the launch Vehicle area mostly where I launched the gslv series Etc that's one thing and of course if you look at the organization is pretty much big uh it's like uh like around 60 16 000 to 25 000 there is a expansion that has happened so that that is distributed all over India okay with big centers being uh Dakota the launch pad or the the Spaceport of India and then Bangalore it is a focus for satellites and Ahmedabad is focused for the application part of it okay and like and trivandrum is another important original Center where a lot of things happen Abdul Kalam worked there with that small rocket which here took in the bicycle Etc that is very famous in the internet so those things so overall uh this is what uh primarily the Israel does launch Vehicles satellites and applications okay when you say applications what does it entail yeah so the uh like just like the satellites it's as a payload on top of the launch vehicle like a satellite some typically have a 210 to uh like 100 kilogram in weight the application sits on top uh off of the satellite it's a payload for the satellite like a laser or a camera camera a laser camera sensors or any kind of extreme experimental unit like it can do chemistry like chemical analysis of your atmosphere it can study the Rays coming from sun or some Stars any kind of you can say scientific instrument is the application okay uh and the reason it requires this much research is because up in space the conditions are different much harsher so therefore it requires a lot of work to be done on Earth to be able to work in space exactly yeah okay all right uh I'm going to ask you a slightly intense question it's a yes or no question um are there secret projects that you're not allowed to talk about yeah yeah definitely but uh that we should keep it aside okay okay um okay separate separate uh kind of kind of related question uh you know what this show is famous for like this show the podcast you know what it's famous for it you you bring uh like uh unknown facts to the youth that is one of the thing we also talk about things which are a little Larger than Life maybe a little bit on the Paranormal side so uh I've always wanted to ask an ISRO scientist this do you believe in Alien sir yes you believe in aliens yes okay yeah uh why do you say definite yes so because many people think that the uh the concept of alien is in the realm of a paranormal kind of or it's some something like a fiction yeah but uh just based on the pure scientific principles if you look at uh because Earth is uh just one planet and uh it's just a sun the the the star sun which is uh the Earth is rotating around sun is one of the billions of uh stars in the Milky Way galaxy and you have billions of galaxies in the universe so um the probability of only having intelligence species just in Earth uh if you look at all the billions and trillions of planets that is possibly available in the universe is very very rare I am just inverting that probability that just we being only intelligent species in the universe is the high there's a very low probability for that um like mathematically mathematically it is impossible okay so that just only one planet have intelligent species so the natural consequence is that in the universe it is teaming with intelligent species okay any of those secret projects related to aliens or some kind of alien life um I will not be able to uh like um this aliens is not the means you can say that's not many there are different kind of secret projects which uh which is better we cannot have okay no problem conversations but I am giving you the the most important factor that uh like uh means acknowledging or believing in Alien is not something which is absurd yeah and you can get it from like I'm giving you like authentically from a scientist I'm saying it's POS it's a kind of natural in the universe to have uh intelligent species like humans and the second consequence because your question have another consequence like because whether the aliens are there uh in our local neighborhood so that is the most important question the thing is you must you mean the solar system yes so the the natural because that is another because mathematically the existence of intelligent species is given there are no doubt about it people who argue opposite seems to be kind of absurd basically now whether the second question whether they're they are available or present in the uh in our premises that is uh like our neighborhood planets uh moon or uh in the in the earth like around in the area of earth that is what the kind of question where people will be like gray like some people will say yes some people will say no so even there so there are two camps whether they are there or not in our premises so I have like based on my own kind of it's not nothing I I don't put Israel here but uh my own kind of uh analysis independent analysis uh like seems that there is a kind of alien that is intelligent persons other than human persons in our planet itself in our planet yes you mean Earth yeah yeah and there is some other intelligent yeah I mean saying that like there is an ambient uh Alien presence all over the universe what does that mean means because of the mathematical probability okay because uh you you should have the uh intelligent species other than uh humans in the universe that is the natural probability that is that is what why did you call it ambient Ambient means uh it's like it's again ambient basically based on probability okay so if you give if you take a given you take a sector of the Milky Way galaxy then there are certain number of uh habitable planets that is possible in those uh in that particular sector and out of that kind of habitable planets a lot of them can be advanced civilizationally advanced and a lot of them can be of the level of human human being so human being uh like our kind of capabilities uh if you measure uh basically uh like we have just uh have the full control I mean I would say more or less have full control of the single planet Earth and we are capable of exploring our Stellar neighborhood so there are categories for the designating aliens uh based on this this capability so this is the this is one of the base capability that we say that any kind of sentient beings that is what I'm including that's colloquial aliens uh they can have in different levels of technology so one is they have control of their own planet second level is uh not only they can control their Planet I mean they can navigate around the planet within within a day but they are also capable of exploring in the neighborhood the Stellar neighborhood so we are at that stage so you have you can have uh these aliens in different systems that is similar kind of habitable planets which are much more advanced than us mainly because they started earlier because that is a that is one possibility again this is again mathematical possibility that I am talking about because Sun started at the birth of sun happened uh somewhat uh like during the middle age of the universe so Universe the birth of universe the current theories mostly between 15 to 13 billion years the universe has expanded and it has already originated out of there somewhere sun is a kind of a second generation third generation star so there are stars which are born and died much earlier than the this current generation of sun you can think about Sun as a like second generation third generation star so you have first generation and second generation Stars which are older than Sun uh so all the habitable planets which are revolving around such as star will have a civilization which have already advanced more advanced than us so these kind of civilizations uh they can like go to the next level of your technological advancement that is not only exploring your Cellar neighborhood but inhabiting The Cellar neighborhood you mean for egg for example in our solar system creating a civilization on Mars yeah terraforming terraforming Mars Moon Mars and Europa these are the kind of even people have decided based on the kind of climatic conditions and the proximity to the Earth there is a kind of well-defined progression of how Humanity will expand into solar system so uh the the first will be Moon because of the proximity so moon is not habitable it is an empty space but it is very Pro very much close to Earth because of which you can transfer water or any kind of Natural Resources between Earth and Moon so Moon can have a very hyperbility of being colonized maybe just at the same time when Mars is colonized see Mars have a more habitable kind of an environment with a slightly blue like not a completely like a similar kind of sky but more or less very similar kind of Sky uh and every similar kind of around 24 hour 24 to 25 hours of a day everything is there and axial tilt exactly similar to the Earth's axial till very very close to that so it has got a very close neighbor like a very very good kind of a climate uh which like n6 uh minus 16 degrees that is some temperature that you get in Mars which many people can easily live in India in in in in a planet Earth so Mars and moon they are they can even combat which will be the first habited habitable kind of environment and then you have uh the asteroidal the asteroidal belt region uh but there are so many uh small uh like uh dwarf planets like Cirrus which have the capability to sustain human life in a kind of possible next stage which which planet uh serious Cirrus yes that's a part of our solar system only uh it's like part of the asteroidal belt it's the largest asteroid it's a spherical it's more or less like a dwarf planet but it's within our solar system yeah yes it's like for example after Mars you have an asteroidal belt inside that this is one of the planet one of the big asteroids one of the bigger big asteroid so it's currently designated dwarf planet or asteroid like that okay so that kind of those zeros and then Heroes so so many such uh dwarf uh these asteroids or dwarf planets can also sustain human life and that entire throttle belt is a completely mineral Rich because all kind of minerals which are required for sustaining human human life and also valuable assets for human beings like gold gold and then titanium then copper iron all this material that are required for constructing a spaceship see all these things are available in the asteroidal belt region so you will colonize basically ultimately you will be having human habitation in that area as well similarly Mars and then uh you have the moons of Jupiter like IO Europa ganymed Calisto these three four all the four planets are capable of sustaining uh humanly once you have achieved that kind of technological capability and you have uh some moons of Saturn that is Titan which is having even liquid nitrogen oceans all these things and this Europa have like a water ocean Etc so what I'm saying is maybe we are drifting from the question there's no drifting in podcasters like this only so what I'm saying is uh basically here the every civilization or every sentient beings will achieve certain level of maturity so that they will leave their home planet and start exploring their Stellar neighborhood okay so that stage is over and then they will go to the next stage where they start exploring the galactic uh that is the entire galaxy they will explore and at that stage because uh it is based on the statistical analysis the possibilities that there are minimum some 14 to 20 intelligent like systems in the uh in our our own Milky Way galaxy intelligent intelligence because of the uh the the habitable zones around this uh planets uh I mean on this at the Stellar the Stars which is part of the Milky Way galaxy system there are now currently people identify around 50 56 system such systems and our search for extraterrestrial intelligence is that kind of city and all these people are focusing on those systems to get some signals uh out of them so this is happening this is all uh already there in place and people are very seriously like considering this kind of things uh just like I mentioned like it's uh like percentage of aliens is and given thing it's not some a matter of speculation statistically it is the natural thing so uh ultimately what I'm saying is you have at least um more than a dozen of Intel systems that can produce a civilization which can advance to the next stage of Galactic exploration okay so when I say Galactic exploration naturally those intelligent beings will come to uh planet Earth because which we also is an intelligent being and um any kind of civilization that is I use the word civilization because again the same same word for aliens right so it's a extraterrestrial civilization can sense whether intelligence is there in a planet based on the electromagnetic signals that we release and we have been releasing it for uh more than uh 70 years so definitely uh those signals will reach them and they will be available person here we've been releasing them how through like satellite dishes because of the natural like the the moment you discover radio signals and we started radio transmission then we are automatically sending out radio signals from planet Earth okay and these radio signals will will never end it will keep on spreading to the like beyond the solar system with at the speed of light okay so this will be captured by any intelligent being and this they will aware that okay there is intelligent uh beings in planet Earth and they will come and seek so there's I'm coming back to that point because of which there is a kind of 90 I will always say probability so there is a 90 probability that some of the intelligent beings are on planet Earth watching us already already wow God bless you so thank you for being on the show that's it ladies and gentlemen no no I'm kidding I'm kidding do you like conversations like this do you like talking about extraterrestrial life yes uh so that is that was one of the area of interest for me and as you you just write like these are these are kind of such questions that took me to ISRO this is why I wanted to be part of a space research organization uh since the childhood like that I have two passions one is this space space research planets and there is this our ancient Mahabharat Rama with Vedic thought Vedic so these two uh there was it was like constantly pulling me this way or that way maybe in childhood maybe it's the same passion actually yes it's a little Larger than Life thinking Vedic thought and space are linked for all you know yes yes uh there are uh like for example you see you can see um some kind of uh like descriptions in Mahabharata where the the Arjuna is made the Arjuna is the main main like he uh there is a kind of uh chapter in Mahabharata called Arjuna by gamana which is like Arjuna is going in the space space means it can be interpreted as like uh this upper atmosphere or it can be interpreted as outer space as well really so again you can see uh that kind of uh you know the there he the in that there it is mentioned there are large number of P minus moving around in the outer space I mean wherever the egg is going either upper atmosphere or the outer outer space he sees other other vimanas he's also he's in a Vimana like uh like driven by matali who is the chariator of Indra and Indra has invited Arjuna to developer so Arjuna is like from the Himalayas he he goes something like uh upper altitude now the so the all these vimanas are related to Upper altitude if you if you look at very closely I have a different theory about vimanas but there is another theory which is connected with the uh higher Technologies Okay so uh so I handle all these theories as a separate separate uh like uh possibilities because we are at the possibility level and what is the exact reality we have to I mean we have to go to go with the time machine go to the period of the pandavas to understand so I have currently these different uh theories so one of the theories there is that there is a kind of intervention of it technological intervention during that period so that some of these Technologies which we uh only see in future somehow because of some reason the uh the ancient people got exposed to that that is the ancient alien Theory I have published one article in one of the magazines a UK based magazine about that so I have that line of research as uh one interesting part uh where I look at this possibility but how exactly it happened there are a lot of different theories uh because one of them I think I have seen in your show is that there is a kind of technological advancement in the past so that is one possibility but not need not be that is the only possibility because there are there is a possible of time leakage I think you uh I don't know whether you're aware of I have never heard this word before yeah that is like if somebody from the future uh start because we are all having interest in understanding what is happening in Mahabharata drama and period what if in future somebody in the in the remote future like from the 23rd Century traveled into the Ramana Mahabharata period just because of curiosity then they will introduce some element of future into the past that is the timely case wow go on yeah so that is one for that is kind of possible so it need not be that uh that there is an ancient technology in the beginning because there are a lot of counter reasons that that for understanding that it is not there because technology is an incremental act kind of uh component like it's an incremental thing you mean it grows gradually it grows gradually so it's not like uh we are not so super intelligent than our ancient people it's not because we have inherited a long uh sequence of technological growth because of which you can use a mobile phone you will get navigation you Google uh voice will navigate navigate you that's how I came here it's something like a devatha uh like talking to you through voice telling where to go there's a Google map is all about so uh this uh this kind of Technology right it has it is growing incrementally but your future information the information or or technology in the future can leak can get leaked into the past so then uh see that is what moral is currently I think about some anomalous anomalies means we cannot explain it in using a natural logical uh methodology you cannot explain some of the things in Mahabharata so some of these anomalous things in the Mahabharata could be a kind of a time leak and this is one of the theory there is another theory of because there is an ambient presence of aliens here that is uh the the Extraterrestrial intelligence that is the intelligence in the our entire galaxy or even entire universe uh because whenever these people when they have capability to explore a Galaxy or an entire universe then naturally they will be present here as well that is inevitable you don't have to have any special devices to check and say that they are not there is also another thing because it will validate what you said but otherwise statistically mathematically there is a possibility that they are here so then they will be they may be here because a few few thousand years is not big big deal so they may be here during the whenever the pandavas or Rama was there so they may be here that is another possibility act this is like you have to consider this as a theory because I have alternate theories which I have put in my books so all these are different different possible theories but it matters because you're an ISRO scientist you know so you have an Outlook of science as well yes which is why my next question to you is to the scientist in you yeah is time travel scientifically possible and if yes how and is this something you've thought about is time machine something you've thought about yes yeah uh so the answer for the first question that is a time travel scientifically possible yeah that is the kind of answer that comes from the general theory of relativity that uh Albert Einstein has like brought to us so uh basically um what it's uh what it tells to us is that the space that we call like that we experience right now like it has got three dimensions like length breadth and height so this floor if you look at it says length and breadth and the the height of the wall gives you that so we are accustomed to be in a 3D space so we assume that uh that the everything is normally three-dimensional that's what we normally feel uh but uh when you look at instance theory of relativity what it does is it considered time as a one of the uh like it's as similar almost similar to your length breadth and height as another dimension another dimension so uh many people find it very difficult to comprehend uh the the dimensionality in the entire concept of dimensionality is a very very difficult to comprehend so I normally give a kind of a mental exercise like for example uh if you if you look at a piece of paper uh and whatever you draw inside that piece of paper uh like you can draw a rectangle you can you can draw a house with uh like if you're an artist you can draw the house so if you feel like you have a kind of a depth inside that so assume that your 3D space has somehow got completely absorbed into a paper so once you have that that in your mental picture then you can assume that if you put a pencil as perpendicular to the paper then that can be considered as a fourth dimension so of course like when you look at the piece of paper uh you you will be see one of the dimension get compressed into the paper itself like uh if you're if you draw a rectangle you can see the length and breadth or aligning with the length and breadth of the paper but you are when you are drawing a house uh with with the full color shade Shadow everything so it's Full House in the like in a photograph of a house for example where you're seeing it from a diagonal angle correct so the the how the third dimension is actually uh you can say absorbed into the the paper itself that's what you are saying then you can concept less a kind of a fourth uh fourth dimension on the on that paper so that is how you can visualize the or comprehend the fourth dimension have you seen Interstellar the movie Yes yes so at the end of winter sort of the climax that they've shown is a good representation yeah it's the fourth dimension correct that you can actually move forward and backward on the timeline as well yeah right okay so for example this podcast that's happening now uh actually if someone had the capability of time travel they would be able to see the same 3D space but from a month ago when I was podcasting with a cricketer probably exactly yeah correct thinking correct correct okay so when you have in fourth dimension your body now you you you know human shape you are you are shaped like a human being like so but in the fourth dimension it's like a big snake your body will look like a snake uh as a four dimensional It's like because at the tail end of it uh you have your small baby uh you're born as a baby that will be your end end point like even go again further it will be a small as uh like single cellular psychot a single cell that is your tip of your lifeline and if you go uh to the other end you will see your dead body so between your dead body and your single cellular that's a psychotical form when you are born uh you have all your bodies that you have assumed in your life that all combined together it you will have a four dimensional lifeline and uh the way to look at it something like a big snake uh they that the it's a kind of your body is like a four-dimensional snake and this entire snake body of the four-dimensional snake body is in the time axis so you have uh like a part of it is in the past part of it in the future so this is your structure of your Universe you you know I just want to uh mention one thing this is kind of little difficult even for me to comprehend though I have an understanding of what you're saying there's a lot of viewers who may not even have understood this but the key to be noted here is that there are dimensions which are difficult to perceive Beyond human understanding correct this is one of those conversations that it's just a difficult concept to understand correct so uh once you understand this uh see going to going and seeing your past life is nothing but like because you have millions of bodies in your four-dimensional timeline so you are just uh like uh using some kind of a scientific methodology you are taking one of the body and going back to your past life body or your future life body like that regular human life you can only perceive the three dimensions yes but this is some higher understanding maybe correct correct okay go on so this is the overall uh Einstein's uh basic principles of uh like uh um which which actually give out scientifically or mathematically give out the possibility of a time travel so the general theory of relativity doesn't prohibit the time travel because you can move backward and forward in time that is go to past and future just like you go left and right uh forward and backward or upward and downwards you can go past and future so all set that is everything fine but there are certain uh kind of uh laws which actually can uh create some kind of interference with your full freedom in your fourth dimension some of them are like entropy that is the principle of entropy which is like which insists that uh yeah any kind of activity uh cannot be reversed backwards like for example uh if you're if you have a glass if you throw it on the floor it breaks into multiple pieces so breakage is natural but there is theoretically or maybe probably still it is not very easy for all the different pieces of your broken uh like glass to assemble back so this is one one problem that uh affects the uh this principle of free full freedom of time travel so whenever you device a kind of a machine so they have to consider this kind of thing another thing is cost effect relationships so all the effects are result of a certain set of causes maybe is it something like uh you you are actually the son of your parents so your two two of your parents your father and mother is the cause that created you so there is a kind of a chain of cost uh cause and effect relationship that is in play so some of see for example there are certain actions it's called the Paradox time travel Paradox grandfather Paradox so many names it is that if if you go back in time and kill your grandfather and do you even exist correct so there are certain such questions so these are the two cost effect relationships and the entropy are the two main things that actually curtail your freedom to travel backward in past future there is no problem because it allows the costs affected no impact on the cost effect no impact on the entropy so you can travel into the future but traveling into the past there are these two problems so scientists have so this is all Beyond whatever Einstein has thought so these are all happened in the last century after Einstein has gone people have thought about of course after that quantum theory has expanded little more with the possibility of time travel in using quantum mechanics everything has been thought about and uh when that that is the player you you get the black hole concept like black hole actually wraps your space time so that it creates a hole which have four dimensional holes into which you can travel and naturally you can get into a place which is like space area in space time which is past or future yeah I I just want to explain it in a small way take a paper you draw One Dot at one corner of the paper on the opposite end as in on the opposite corner you draw another dot when you join those two dots by folding the paper that's how a black hole Works in space time okay exactly okay so uh you have a lot of thought experiments which can like explain this concept very nicely like whatever you mentioned okay so these are all these are all uh like theoretical advancement happen both in the theory of relativity and quantum theory uh so uh then this Stephen Hawkings he has introduced a lot of Concepts into that uh which allows or disallows you the going into the past in in your time axis so the whatever recently or maybe not very recent but at least two two decades old Theory I mean it's starting from 2000 1990s we have got a theory of Multiverse you may be heard of it maybe we might have done some podcast on it so uh when you have a Multiverse it's something like this grandfather Paradox itself will not be a problem and cause effect relationship uh or entropy all these kind of problems will not be uh creating any hindrance in the time travel because according to the Multiverse theory if you go back in time you're actually sprouting out a new universe itself so whatever happens in that timeline is exclusive to that timeline whatever happens in your original timeline is just how it is correct so uh when you are moving into a past you are not moving into your own Universal past but it is a parallel Universal past you are moving because of which you are not it's completely a new territory okay whatever you do there it will create a kind of a new chain of events and that universe will be see the only problem that happens is that there were infinite number of universes infinite number of copies of yourself infinite number of grandfathers copies of your grandfather copies but you happen to go into a reach the universe uh where you kill the grandfather so that you are not born in that universe but you are still there so the grandfather Paradox is uh eliminated Okay so uh time travel you have to segregate separate into two categories traveling into future traveling into past if you want to travel into past then you have to accept that there are multiple universes and that is where we are standing right now the world of science the world of science is standing okay I know that science and scientific discovery eventually lead to engineering correct yeah has there been any engineering that's happened in the direction of time travel or has anyone attempted anything um officially like nobody Israel is not attempting that I can clearly say okay but there are certain uh interesting organizations which who are trying that but I think currently we are little bit premature in trying for the time travel but there is another interesting concept I mean it has been around for only four five years so it's not very much came into the literature uh is that instead of sending a person into the future you can transmit information into the future into the future see the future the time travel to future is not having any theoretical problem it's only a technological problem but technology technology is not available right now to send a actual human being into future what would be required ah so here what it what is they are suggesting is that of course this is requires a kind of cooperation with the future people but assuming that there is a kind of people who are ready to receive your information what you can do is your entire human body is nothing but a lot of information like for example all your tissue cell then DNA so if you if you transmit to all the information in your DNA and if there is a technology to take that information and recreate your DNA then of course your body characteristics can be uh transmitted similarly mental so you have information and coordinating in your DNA and also in your brain so information insured your brain is nothing but your memories your thoughts Etc so it's a different kind of information different than genetic information so your brain information and genetic information has a two main information that defines you who you are I mean so when all this information goes and it gets assembled back exactly like this you become like you just get transposed to another place you're basically taking tiny bits of yourself and throwing it into the future yes my question is what is the device to be able to throw it yeah so this is uh currently we don't have it I mean basically the all the devices which can transmit information uh if you make it Advanced you can do that but currently we don't have it but one one second so I'm so sorry I'm interrupting and this is just to understand it better I'm a telecom engineer and I've learned how you transmit information from one device to another device and it's not as simple as people think people visualize it as a laser comes out of one device probably carries information so when you're actually making a phone call to someone also Telecom engineering is at play where your voice is broken up into tiny bits yeah and then sent from one device your mobile phone to the mobile Tower mobile Tower to mobile center then another mobile Tower then the other person's phone very rudimentary explanation yeah so you're saying that if a device is powerful enough it can actually not just transmit to another location in space but also in time but also in time in future but when you say powerful enough do you mean a very high voltage or something oh no it's not just powerful but it's also the technological capability see currently if you if you look at realistically in our current time period as of 2023 we have the capability to map the uh like uh human thoughts brain verbs you can actually and there are certain devices where you think you can move the mouse of a cursor mouse cursor on a on a laptop so that kind of capabilities are there so that means now you have a rudimentary level of capability to map some of your human thoughts and transmit it into a external device and then you can do it for actuation ETC so there is a brain based Control Systems everything available just like uh in a virtual reality device if you have seen you can use your eyes and you can control your uh the 3D objects Etc or you can create a menu if there is a menu you can control the menu and you can do a lot of things just by looking and the advanced version of is that you just think about it you don't have to look about it look at it you have to think about like you want to move the mouse on a particular like if you want a coffee so you have a coffee machine and it's an augmented reality based in menu is in front of you uh you want coffee means you can move the mouse onto the coffee button click on it then you get the coffee this already exists it's already there this kind this much kind of things are already there and they've done this by mapping brain waves brain waves when you think about or move in the right direction or move towards the top Direction a particular part of your brain lights up the sensor picks up which part of your brain is lit up yeah and then sends the signal to the device saying oh this person is thinking about moving the cursor to the top right yeah and this is itself is very technologically a leap because uh this machine is able to decipher the coordinate you know what is the kind of motion like left left to right top or to which amount you have to move all these things are able to get coordinated into the machine okay so that's a very good level of capability so the advanced version of it is that assume that you have got a cooperation of a future uh like entity like uh maybe 21st or 23rd century is throwing the 23rd Century yeah okay so you can act uh so then your robotics everything will be Advanced to such a level that uh you will be able to have a robotic brain which can absorb everything a human brain is capable of so that means it can download the entire human brain's memory as well as human brains thought onto its own brain so you can have electronic or artificially created robots which have assemble like assemble you like of course uh facial resemblance is already available you can actually create a robot of exactly looking like you facially it is possible so uh you have a your own uh like uh what do you call it it is something like you can use the word avatar for example but it's not in the sense of uh Avatar in a metaverse but it's like a physical robot which is actually ready to embody you know but how will you send it in the future again like as in when you're seeing a powerful device to be able to send information into the future is it through a wormhole yeah here this is this is we use a Quantum tunneling kind of concept so it's a it's a kind of a wormhole but it's a Quantum tunnel okay like a micro black hole Yeah it's like a uh you can create a local Black Hole uh in your in your device I mean uh the quadrant collateral Etc that they are actually like leading towards that so you can actually uh like uh create a wormhole a local wormhole in your in your in your own space time okay and you can direct it to any any point in your future so once the Wormhole is ready sending information is easier than sending the entire human body yeah to that future because I believe that according to the theory of how wormholes work yeah if you throw Mass through a wormhole the Wormhole collapses yes uh so therefore just throwing a laser in without any mask but just with information actually might be able to be a transfer of uh data into the future so you are only transmitting data and data is electromagnetic verse so it's like uh and you can go in the spirit of light Through the Wormhole and reach the other other part so and there is a receiver so this particular what I have designated as Avatar it can also be called as a receiver so it's a receiver of your Consciousness so then the first time I'm using the word Consciousness because nobody has defined it yeah so currently we can already Define it as like for example my Consciousness is nothing but my memory which is a lot of data and my thoughts so once these two things are transmitted then I am transmitting my Consciousness understood like that you know people don't talk about crop circles as much anymore it used to be a very hot topic 15 years ago when I was in school everyone used to talk about crop circles because of this movie called signs uh it was about aliens again but malevolent aliens you know evil aliens yes uh and I remember seeing some Discovery and Nat Geo shows where the end of the episode they would actually show a guy saying yeah I went out there in my field in the evening and me and my cousin crop circle so the whole show leads you up to getting excited about what crop circles and other aliens are at the end of the episode they kind of throw water on your fire of excitement by saying oh humans created this yeah but you're saying that yeah if you ask them to do it again they probably won't be able to yeah I am uh actually I am making very factual here because I don't want to make any kind of statements uh which I have considered like I am like an authoritative statement yeah what I'm saying is there are there were some core crop circles and many people came and said that we created like a group of four or five people said that we created it they were not able to recreate it that much I am telling you know anybody can take any inference from that yeah see somebody uh their crops are circled getting created I mean that is a reality people can take photograph it's not like UFO it is on the ground you can take photograph everything and the question comes how it is created nobody can able to explain it and there are different ways the people try to create it it's all the it will be like a Shabby kind of job that has been happening how do you create something that's symmetric that perfect yes yes um okay what do you think they are for crop circles yeah that's a very important question because anyway I put some one or two years on the crop circle as part of my curiosity really yeah okay so what I have felt is that this crop circle has very much similarity with semantic patterns semantic patterns are the patterns that create uh when uh like for example just one example is you you take a copper rod and there is some water uh in a copper ball and you something copper like copper spoon for example you make a hit right create a pattern in the water that is a pattern of the sound sound vibrations so these patterns uh will be like which is very similar like floral patterns that you make uh when you are you know in Malayalam in Kerala you have pukalam and in uh Maharashtra you have rangoli so that kind of that kind of very beautiful and traditionally looking kind of patterns will start emerging because pure because of sound vibration sound can create that kind of pattern and there are people who have studied omkara the sound of omkara and other mantras how it creates this kind of you know beautiful traditional looking patterns in sand uh on in water and other medium so I'm sorry I can't help myself sorry sorry go on yeah yeah so the when we study the crop circle patterns are matching with the cymatic patterns and Rangoli kind of patterns or any kind of traditional patterns cymatics uh then crop circle they have match okay so we know why we are creating the uh the Rangoli it's like it's create an auspicious Aura around your premises it's like swasti uh that that is well create a well-being uh yeah I we've had archaeologists on the show who've spoken a lot about archaeological and historical symbols they say that a lot of ancient structures contained a lot of symbols because lots of cultures believe that symbols actually have an ability to capture power now again what is the science behind this I have no idea you're the scientist I'm sure you've thought of this also that yeah even in the world of Tantra when we use the word yantra it's basically a symbol that represents God it's the equivalent of praying to a murti a statue in the same way that a statue might contain some kind of divine energy maybe even a symbol contains some kind of divine energy correct so ah another way to put it is like our ancient people have an idea about uh certain patterns that can create a physical well-being and healing power maybe an electromagnetic field of sorts or a change in the EM field um I think it has more to do with of course like em filled but modded with their Consciousness okay uh because uh for that I need to say a few more things because Consciousness is considered as the fifth I after all the four forces if there is anything left that is consciousness you mean four dimensions Force another electromagnetic uh Electro like uh the gravitational then uh nuclear uh then weak nuclear forces and electromagnetic forces there are four forces okay and of course there some of them are joined together into one like Electro weak Force etcetera but people were cons thinking is there anything as a fifth and that fifth is the Consciousness that is what Quantum Consciousness theory is saying the fifth uh entity which is similar to the forces is the Consciousness so Consciousness we can consider is not appropriate to call it as a force but it is something similar to the force like your from magnetic or gravitational or weak nuclear forces this is a four this is a kind of operating attribute of the universe so this particular pattern actually heals the Consciousness boarding electromagnetic of course but your own Consciousness gets healed that is what you look when you look at your pattern one Rangoli or a hookah that same thing you feel so these aliens or whoever is creating it I don't put an agency here whichever intelligence is creating this crop circle they are creating some healing power in the on the planet Earth so in question for you is to the scientist in you again uh I know that science doesn't have a definition for Consciousness and everyone has different opinions on what it is uh because you also have this whole dharmic side is Vedic side I'd love to know what you think about Consciousness as a scientist and then connected to this whole crop circle and Rangoli thing the Western uh thought westerners like for a long period of time they have thought Consciousness as an emergent property of the systems so any system which is complicated enough will have certain attributes and properties which are more than the sum total of their accountable properties so for example uh human body human body is aggregate of so many number of cells and but after joining all together it has got a separate attributes and existence so they thought that a lot of things come together okay even computer for example uh transistors everything come together then it creates a kind of a experience of a computer so they thought our universe the Consciousness can be created by assembling things Etc and this is called the concept of Consciousness as an emergent property that is it emerges a new attribute when you combine together a lot of simpler systems and make complex systems three four level of complexity then Consciousness just emerged but then this Theory got a big beating from the last uh like I'd say two decades from 2000 onwards visited because this emergent property Theory reached nowhere people started looking at brain different parts of the brain and try to find when the Consciousness comes etcetera that that biological studies reach nowhere they're still going on but there is no conclusion Etc then there are certain people like Roger Penrose and Mark hammeroff these are like quantum theories scientists working in the area of quantum theory and they started formulating certain theories that Consciousness uh like because the emergent emergent Consciousness and emergent property it is not giving any result so then let us we think consider Consciousness as an attribute of the universe and then things started emerging for example um we already have the quantum theory principle like like they all this uh what you call collapse of the quantum wave function that you are familiar with that is basically everything that is there in the universe exists as a probability Cloud as in only when you look at it it exists so for example whether there is a there is an electron or not so the universe don't say that there is an electron or no electron it already said that there is a probability of having an electron in this particular location for example everything is a combination of atoms together and electrons together uh so these plants actually only plants when we turn towards them and look at them is it a fair assessment of the theory yeah I mean that is one way the uh many people look at it but actually this particular there or not thing works mostly in some automatic level it is more true in a subatomic level okay in the electron level not in our realm Yeah in our realm it is there is very difficult to make something is there or not of course the Schrodinger cat experiment Etc is there but mostly it is mathematically more palatable in the subatomic level so it was you can actually for an electron you can ask this question so if we were able to shrink ourselves down to a subatomic level then this Theory would exist so it you you are correct in a way because we are all like our entire human body is made of atoms in which you have electrons so there are electrons that we are talking about so of course when the electron is not there and large number of electrons are not there you your cells just not there I mean that kind of situation will come but more productively it is in the quantum or sub atomatic level so you have a probability right uh so uh subatomic particle is mostly like electrons and quarks quarks are the components making the protons and neutron all of them are defined by probability waves and if the something has to be like from the from the level of probability it's like a cloud it's something like you have to consider something like a vapor kind of thing from that probability if something has to be concretely uh realized then somebody need to observe it so then you have an act of observation so till the point of this quantum theory is principle of Act of observation every scientist thought that me as a scientist or an observer is independent of whatever happening in the universe but from that point onwards it becomes very clear your Consciousness plays a role in creation because see till the time of this Ervin schroding this Stephen Hawkins for example just they put out this Theory and they were not thinking anything further they said okay probiotic wave function will give you a concrete object like a electron when you start observing it and they left it in but it has got a bigger consequence which only that there is a H whose Foundation is in vedanta basically so in the vedanta like for example if you look at us principle you there is a kind of a theory Theory means it is a part of the Veda like whatever the entire universe doesn't exist s it is not existing only when you are like ready to observe it there it is our it is there so that is the principle of advaitha when you when you look at it you see it otherwise it's not there that that kind of a concept now there is uh no existence other than in your own consciousness so it is like uh if you ask foreign they will say the entire universe of multiple people multiple people talking to each other everything is here on man like coming out from your own Consciousness you create that like that that is saying and if you look at the quantum theory of probability wave collapse collapse of the quantum wave say it is same thing so that connect is established uh very recently basically Consciousness is the source that creates reality correct correct yes So when you say a Quantum probability Cloud collapse into a reality when somebody observe it basically you are pointing to the Consciousness okay the Consciousness is uh observing and creating the reality how did we reach this conversation over Consciousness no I can't remember because we enter a very deep Rabbit Hole yeah uh okay but let's come out to human level yeah I do have some questions about ISRO for you again yeah um while I've enjoyed the heck out of this conversations I think you are one of the coolest people you've had on the show like you have so much to share with the world and I before we move into the rest of the vodkas I want to highlight that you've written a bunch of books related to vedanta as well and I find it incredible that you're an ISRO scientist who has now written books in vedanta and that's what we've had uh other scientists on the show he also keeps highlighting vedanta so there's got to be some stuff in Vedic literature which is very parallel with quantum physics and astrophysics and all these sub objects that you are dealing with am I right correct correct yeah okay the thing is we are living in a period I mean I can say exactly from 2010 to last 10 years we are living in a period wherein there is lot of synergy between vedantic insides and Quantum Consciousness studies you mean in the world of science people are understanding oh this is already there in the world of vedanta yes yes so there is a lot of of course it was there for example Albert Einstein of red bhagavad-gita and Erwin Schrodinger and this uh Paul Dirac all these people have full understanding about uh Advanta everything so it's not something that has been started now but earlier they were very skeptical so this all happened in 1900 1920s Etc and the last 70 years people were still talking the both ways uh saying vedanta is different Quantum the Consciousness theory different Etc but now after a lot of back and forth they are more and more converging and acknowledging the kind of similarities in the thought process the most important being the collapse of the wave function and the role of the observer in collapsing the wave function is equivalent to the vedantic point of view that Consciousness create the real the reality from a cloud of uncertainty okay so they are now together and that is why you see a lot of people many scientists will be talking about Quantum uh like uh sorry vedanta and vedan this will talk about quantum physics as much of the level they have they will understand it okay like that IO books also dealing with similar subjects um actually like there is some difference the whatever actual two books I have written is one is on rigveda that is called reverse of rigveda and another one is on ramayana that is the geography of Ramana so my focus is on the geography of the Ramana part okay and as you said I have like on the subject of vedanta I have written articles but the books are primarily on the weather in Ramana okay and it is a kind of a Trilogy basically so I have created a book on uh and of course the topic is little different because it's on the geographical aspect of Rick whether the reverse as well as the historical chronological aspect of regular and it is continuity in valmigiramana and it's continuity further into Mahabharata so these three things uh three text time connecting into a thread a single thread okay and finding the chronological and geographical continuity from regular to ramayana to Mahabharata so that's the books all about crazy we will link them down below uh I have a few more questions about ISRO also so yeah uh I don't think too many people have an understanding of ISRO other than the fact that it's a very budget friendly organization like in very small budgets ISRO is able to do a lot uh it's able to build extremely advanced technology yeah uh what are some of the projects that you guys are currently doing whatever you can talk about in the public domain I'm sure there's a ton you can't yeah um but whatever whatever is in public domain itself is huge uh one is uh there is uh the currently active project is like trying to get one human person into the space so that's called gaganyan of course it's when you look at from the point of view of uh NASA has done it before but there is lot of excitement in our country doing it right so that kind of things are going on so as part of gaganyan uh you need to have a capsule uh that is a that is capable of uh sustaining a human being while it is it is in space flight so that is one there so there is a gekkanian capsule which will actually finally go as a payload to one of the largest launch Vehicles Mark III eslv Mark III Etc so instead of a satellite which will be like a payload you will have this module which will have a human being inside that you have the spacesuit everything is covered with spacesuit Etc and this has to um now start from say record it starts to launch from Cricut that is the most ambitious thing that is going on I was part of this software simulation studies of the chandrayaan one that is in 2001 software simulations yeah so you have to like uh whenever your spacecraft moves from like release from the uh like a launch vehicle it will be in a Earthbound orbit so it will be a hundred kilometer orbit around Earth and it has to be slowly slowly uh like uh moved to a lunar transitory orbit okay so it's like a h-shaped projector so it's the spacecraft is rotating 100 kilometer height around earth when it is thrust the Retro rockers fire it slowly moves in an eight-shaped orbit and start connecting with the moon and then it starts orbiting Moon and you become a satellite of moon so turning the Earthbound satellite that is a the spacecraft rotating Earth turning it into a satellite of moon so there is a lot of Maneuvers etcetera and it is a very complicated mathematics intensor calculus multi-body problem Etc so that kind of that entire simulation that I I actually I was part of that and I was also fortunate to meet apj Abdul Kalam okay as part of that project how is it meeting him it's a very very short meeting uh but uh like I got a chance because I was in trivandrum and uh apj Abdul Kalam was just about to be the president of India some one or two weeks before he became the president of India I was a like I saw the project all the details and he was like highly appreciative of that one what is his Aura like is uh I mean very simple person and some of the things you mentioned about ISRO how they are doing uh economic launches is mainly because of the people uh Abdul Kalama and the people who are in the generation because they were having this uh sounding Rockets Rock any sounding Rockets they were taking on as bicycle so what motivated them is the passion of uh like uh making ISRO succeed even with the limited budgets and that kind of culture continued and that is how now we are able to have the we saw is the lowest budget uh kind of uh space launching organization which can launch a spacecraft to Mars lesser than the budget of a Hollywood movie about Mars it's crazy yeah that's what we're proud of Israel for all of India yeah and the another thing uh the gaganyani is one then there is another react reattempt to uh because second the chandrayaan two little slightly failure because the plan was to actually on like launch on the surface of moon but it didn't succeed but the orbit everything happened uh so chandran to the retake that is the the new mission for Chandra again going back to the Moon with a little more technology pieces and then the the other one is the one successful mission of orbit so orbit is easier Landing is little more difficult so Landing is what we are doing and then they are also have suryan and uh what I have understood is that there is a kind of interest in uh just like what NASA have done uh like props to Mercury and Venus as well so all the neighborhood uh planets okay that we will cover that is the kind of immediate requirement this is over how many years it's a decade like a plan of a decade okay so but uh this uh gaganyan is very much progressing very fast and a lot of different stages of that like uh bringing that the the Space Capsule like whatever capsule it when it falls down after a single one single revolution around Earth with uh like a human human beings it will come down to the uh ocean so you have to get it intact all these studies are happening now experiments everything is going on and is it true that if you all had higher budgets maybe the chandrayaan 2 mission would have been uh successful the way you all wanted it see for India it was still a successful Mission because India's like backing ISRO like crazy yes but if you all had higher budgets do you think it would have been a success yet the higher budget definitely but uh here uh the The crucial issue was uh some kind of a navigation control system uh which when we when you when it is reaches near to the surface of the uh like mode that uh whatever control and navigation that there was some kind of uh misplay in that like there was the the stability of a spacecraft is based on the Retro Rockets the the rockets that is uh connected to the surface of the spacecraft so uh it's it's something like uh like like uh if the on both the sides of a spacecraft if you have some Thruster going on if the thrust of one rocket is slightly lesser it starts spinning so that spin that kind of spin that is so it's a kind of a technological glitch uh which uh it will be resolved in the next okay and it's basically a kind of thing where experience counts and to attempt it in a faster second kind of uh launch itself is an achievement that's why we consider that launch and run to the orbital is done and then the launching there was a fellow still it is a kind of success it was the similar organizations in NASA or European Space Agency or Russian GK or they have done multiple trials like in case of Chinese they were initial missions were complete failures and but uh our uh this chandrayaan one was the first attempt success which is very rare and uploaded by all the other organizations also so if you look at the total number of Trials the third trial is not a bad thing actually yeah first trial success second trial there is a technical which the trial definitely a stupid question but raw question do the people at ISRO want a lot more funding definitely and you'll have made appeals to the government I'm 100 sure yes but I will not be the right person to make any comments on it but definitely more funds uh will uh like uh increase your capacity like for example for any any kind of uh budgeting or you know that funding definitely help but there is one more point I would say there is like now there is a commercial wing for uh Israel as well with the commercial launch launches of the third party satellite Etc so there is some kind of Revenue Source but definitely funding more funding definitely strengthen your entire capability so for example maybe like a big Telecom company like jio will actually pay ISRO to create a satellite to further the telecommunication capabilities yeah the that kind of types are already there because Israel is completely tied up with all the industries that uh the all the different industrial units uh in like uh private Industries though there are tie ups so in a way that is happening but uh I'm will not be the right person to comment on funding uh for like in any manner like or the private or government funding uh my honest question not to you but to God is that why don't Indian billionaires fund this there is money lying around it's Rose the pride of the nation so it doesn't make sense to me why Indian billionaires haven't already done this and it's also my own motivation to become an Indian billionaire and to be able to create these changes at some point yeah uh what I do want to highlight is geopolitics a little bit the space agency of a country is very very geopolitically relevant and important because they say that any technology used by the military is actually developed by the space agency of that country or at least the space agency has a massive role to play parallely we had someone called Rajiv Malhotra on the show he's a geopolitical Observer he said that the big place that India is going wrong in its own geopolitical game is not enough r d not enough research and development in order to strengthen our own military Technologies yes we have started to build in India we started to make in India but we need to put in more Firepower more brain power more money basically into this process of developing our own Advanced Weaponry uh ISRO is involved in creating Advanced Weaponry like futuristic weapons things like that um see there are a lot of things in the public domain which I can actually uh underline for example it's not a secret that uh Abdul Kalam was a scientist in ISRO and moved to drdo so uh definitely like uh all the intellectuals are connected and we have a kind of an intellectually cost system for uh all the both the kind of both organizations and uh both like for example it's a proportional technology in both in both of the launch vehicles for space missions or for uh any kind of mission related to defense it's a propulsion technology that is being used so there is a lot of common element it's not as secret every organ every country have the same it is a similar something when you talk about uh NASA or about France it's the similar kind of saying everything is similar like that wow uh one last question for you sir is it true that we are still discovering the total number of planets in our solar system Ah that's uh it's not very exactly true because uh there is a new definition came for the planets based on which Pluto is now demoted as a dwarf planet yep so now the number of planets in solar system will remain eight no but do you think there are undiscovered planets as well of the size of Neptune no see for example the planets of the size of Neptune or even the now Mercury is the smallest planet So to that extent there are nothing to be discovered I can very clear because that definition is very clear it's only because of the definition that a new definition has come from the for a planet which only consider I mean in that definition only the eight planets will be there that is Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune okay uh the kind of objects like Pluto even Cirrus that I talked about is all considered as dwarf planets okay so dwarf planets are Unlimited uh there are like the size the planets of the size of Pluto are very like a lot many of them are there and maybe you are probably talking about a big sized Planet uh which are like bigger than Pluto beyond the uh like the boundaries of Pluto yeah but even those things are also now not considered as a kind of a uh Planet by this particular definition because eccentric orbits which are in a which is in eccentric orbits Etc are considered as part of the old cloud system which is like a IC uh dwarf planetary systems uh but this they are also orbiting around our sun only yeah our sun but they are not uh but they are purely like all the gases are frozen into a kind of ice because no heat reaches that it reaches there and uh the reason is that uh like um its impact like any kind of impact it creates on to the uh like any other inner planets you know I mean it's not not only the four planets but even the planet up to Neptune that is very minimal uh for that kind of so um there may be like uh planets bigger than Pluto which may be like part of your root or Cloud it's very far away secondary is very far away and it's considered as a kind of outer shell of the uh heliosphere so it's something like your asteroidal belt but it's too far away and creating a kind of a shell for your star according to you what's the craziest thing about our solar system the craziest uh thing the weirdest things about this yeah right so there are there are like clear for example Uranus is a planet which is like having a pole tilt ah which is directly almost perpendicular to the direction of Sun so it's something like a like a ball rolling uh because it's it's other planets are like 23 24 degree tilt but this is 90 degree tilt etcetera that's about and uh another crazy thing is about the Venus uh which is having an upper Direction opposite rotation so that the sunrise the typical proverb will sun rising in the west and setting in the East will happen uh in that in that kind of planets and then the craziest thing about uh yeah I mean yeah of course then liquid nitrogen uh uh ocean uh like that is the that is discovered in Titan for example and then water even water ice ocean in Europe so now one of the craziest thing I heard is that Europa have more water than Earth yeah yeah which might mean it might have something like sharks or whales or fish for all you know uh yeah I mean but at least microbials for sure and uh kind of a new different kind of a cryochemistry like that you know we've had on the show a lot he's an astrophysicist okay and once we did a special on the history of our solar system in terms of from where it began to now okay and if you actually study the history of human life we evolved from fish fish evolved from unicellular organisms yeah but the question is what are the unicellular organisms evolve from and that's actually where science stops that's why scientific understanding solves we don't know how the first amoeba or the first cell actually began on Earth and one of the theories is that it was brought from a comet from another system yeah that's that's a very important Theory because uh current model about uh you know the uh in the planet Earth in the earlier period like uh somewhere around after its formation few billion years uh we were thinking that uh the ocean became like a poodle of this um a lot of hydrocarbons and then lightning and all the things started creating uh biological life forms but there are a lot of loopholes in that theory where certain because people have simulated that conditions and the hydrocarbons were not forming properly you mean in a lab they tried simulating the same the ancient uh Earth conditions they have simulated and now there is a lot of weightage for this theory of extraterrestrial origin of hydrocarbons which create the live human life form so now as the exactly like you mentioned the Commerce are considered as the Bringers of life because the Comets may be forming in anywhere in the uh Galaxy and there are certain Stars which have died in a previous generation star which are Diet before the the sun they have thrown a lot of hydrocarbons already into the space some of them will be collected by the comets and the common go of common have a bigger orbits longer elliptical orbit so it can go and get connected to another star so in that star when it does such Commerce hit the planet which is habitable this Seeds of Life come from that combat onto the planet and then the life begins so basically our true ancestors are possibly from another solar system okay at least another planet uh like uh that is what that is what I also think that the reality is much more uh strange Than Fiction uh like we were all like we were talking about aliens and I'll be ourselves our own like uh the built up the hierarchical may be extraterrestrial even otherwise see any nitrogen or any Oxygen any kind of elements which are uh like uh other than hydrogen and uh helium they are all created by another star when the universe created only hydrogen was there and the hydrogen slowly became helium and the during the time of big bang and anything else you are seeing including your carbon your oxygen your nitrogen everything has been cooked in another star the previous generation star so even Carl Sagan has famously mentioned your body is extraterrestrial your whatever like chemicals that make up your body is cooked in a star yeah Jiu Jitsu yeah that's it that's the episode for today sure uh how was this podcasting experience for you yeah it was uh wonderful I would say and you have a kind of ability to bring in the a lot of you know like asking exciting questions and it automatically comes from uh from the from the person you are like interviewing no thank you sir uh for me this podcast began as a way to understand isromo but as is the case with any of our episodes I've understood the universe more thanks to people like yourself but also thanks for teaching me about ISRO and I'm looking forward to having more conversations with you sure I'll be linking your books down below any last message for the audiences yeah uh the thing is uh the most important message I want to give because I have talked mostly from the point of view of as an instru scientist and from the science is that uh our civilization has a very unique kind of uh kind of uh upbringing compared to the Western Civilization is that we have never considered science as a kind of a hostile or negative or a threatening thing uh Dharma and science were all always together of course like it both have the parent Ruta in rigveda so you have to utilize that upbringing that kind of a thought process that the rishis has created and I see like for example in the social media if you look at it's as if like science is something from coming from West and Dharma is something coming from East and there are certain people who think that we have to develop our own science to beat the Western sense that's all not required because science as it is even though it may be adopted by the west and it grow in the western civilization is a part of Dharma itself beautiful so thank you looking forward to speaking to you again thank you yeah thanks that's right baby we just got a scientist to speak about all these things if you're listening to this episode till this point it means you want more of these episodes if you want more of these episodes I'm 110 sure you have some guest recommendations so when I ask for guest recommendations don't recommend Neil deGrasse Tyson because I'm sitting in Mumbai he's in America recommend Indian UFO fans Indian scientists Indian astrophysicists tell me what else you'd like me to speak about to these people tell me that you're going to download my meditation app level tell me that you're going to follow us on Spotify because we're a Spotify exclusive and every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world and if you dislike this episode Go Tell it to your own audience base don't drop it in the comment section TRS will be back soon with more talk on uh ghosts on aliens on science and on uh all the things you believed in until the world took your innocence away from you God bless you guys if you still believe in these things keep being that kid that you are because you were born to be creative lots of love I'll see you later [Music] thank you
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Id: HnRrA8ay_Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 45sec (5025 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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