Chance the Rapper - The Big Day ALBUM REVIEW

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hi everyone so that you sad tan oh here the Internet's busiest music nerd and it's time for review of the new chance to rap or album the big day this is the new album from Chicago singer-songwriter rapper and also kick cat sales rep chance the rapper aka Chancellor Jonathan Bennett here it is the big day the day that one of modern hip hop's most beloved figures finally comes out with their debut full-length commercial album because believe it or not up until this point chance has sustained this incredibly high profile in the hip hop community just off of free albums and mixtapes tenday coloring book acid rap and even now chance still seems to be doing it without a label as the big day is self released now look I've never been a huge chance the rapper fan a chance the rapper Stan but I did enjoy coloring book quite a bit I thought chance put out a lot of good singles in 2018 generally I think the guy is one of the more standout exciting and one-of-a-kind rappers in the current field the way he fuses elements of hip-hop and jazz and soul and gospel are pretty cool when he's doing it on a quality track generally the man's verses are pretty poetic his pen game is good so going into this album chance has style he has personality he has flow he has lyrical ability he most likely has a budget and a mountain of producers stumbling over each other to work with him so going into this I had no reason to expect anything other than just a quality album but God sweet Lord baby Jesus that is not that is not what we got the big day is essentially a 22 track torture chamber with 77 minutes of runtime lots and lots of features some of which are kind of bad corny skits offensive vocal performances and honestly chances worst bars to date the worst ones on nearly every track here I can give this album some light praise on some of the features being pretty good too baby meagan the stallion nicki manaj all of whom brings some decent guests versus there were also some instrumentals here that I thought were pretty cool but what chance offers vocally and lyrically on these tracks is so off the mark so obnoxious so excruciating that it completely just cancels out any positive aspects this album has going for it it's not merely that we have good features and good beats and chants himself is underwhelming or not really standing out or he's just you know a little boring this time around no that is not what is happening here I wish that is what was happening here I was dreading doing this review because it means having to go over most if not all of the terrible ideas that chance has to offer on this thing but I think this album's biggest problems can be boiled down to two major issues one we have these weird genre and guest fusions that don't really come together all that well that mostly sound like a mess it seems like chances trying to prove himself as a kanye protege who can essentially bridge these musical and cultural gaps between hip hop and indie and about a dozen different other genres and orchestrate it in a way where it all comes together harmoniously but instead what we get on this record are tracks like roux which sound like chance is trying to incorporate these same cold electronic flat aesthetics that Lupe was trying to apply to his infamous album lasers I thought the small cocoa rosy appearance on the track was kind of cool though there's also the opener all day long which sounds like a very peppy mix of synth funk in electro and rap and gospel it's like a kid that just won't stop jumping around stop stop calm down please instrumentally the title track sounds like a bad acoustic trippy b-side from The Flaming Lips discography and the song found a good one is likely the worst hip house song ever recorded ever it's also one of a few moments on this record where chance is actively trying to throw back to a more nostalgic time embracing hip house embracing older shades of R&B there's even an instrumental here that suddenly breaks into a Juke breakdown but even when he switches his musical backdrop chants lyrically and vocally still manages to fall flat on his face the other major issue I have with this record if I didn't already make it clear its chances singing his rapping his lyrics explaining how god-awful a vast majority of the writing on this album is is difficult because chance isn't just throwing out one or two or even four bad bars in a song or in a verse essentially he dish gallops or overwhelms whoever's listening with all these painfully mediocre bars the opening verse on the first track alone is filled with landmines if you blink you might miss it you got a click it or ticket life is short as a [ __ ] but mine's a little LeBron I'm about to book a show at the dimmsdale dimmadome and shout out to miss Sylvia Rhone we get along but that boy advance got to be bigger than Diddy Kong he knows Diddy is the small one right Donkey Kong is the big one or is he saying the advance was small and he wants it big and he's he's insulted by it I really don't know it's not a very good simile I need stock and it got to be pipi long are we serious my next tour it got eight legs like daddy long what the hell are these similes the Charlie's Cologne line in this opening verse just sounds like straight-up product placement and it's not just bad writing on this record which there is a lot of obviously but there are also plenty of tracks where chance goes just disgustingly sentimental like on the track do you remember with none other than Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie Fame instrumentally the track just sounds like a mclemore song thematically it sounds like a Macklemore song with just lots and lots of bars that feel underneath chances Penn the song eternal is even worse it's a track essentially about how side chicks and side dudes aren't as good as what you have at home they can't cook this good they can't take out splinters and not that I'm advocating for infidelity or cheating here but who is this track trying to fool it doesn't feel like a genuine expression of love but more like a an attempt to stamp out this nagging temptation and I feel like those suspicions are confirmed as chance seems to go into some lies and some transgressions that he addresses on the track we go high but sticking with eternal there's also a completely comatose feature from Smee no on the track that just doesn't go over that well then we have the track hot shower more like hot garbage this song features some of the worst bars chances ever recorded point-blank period and look there are some rappers that would sound amazing going this ridiculous yes no denying that but nothing chance says on this track is even remotely funny most of the time it's like he's just trying too hard to be weird I don't want to sit and argue good burger should have taught you we all dudes I'm all professional and proper but my baby mom has stopped me in a meeting skirt skirt just to air drop me some nudes not only is this a track we're chance essentially just BS is his way through a track bead but this is one of many moments here where a guest rapper handily outdoes him and there's also the track slide around featuring Nicki Minaj where I would much rather listen to Nicki rap on this beat than chance though I do find it kind of weird that both of them at one point sort of rip off the drake kiki do you love me flow lyrically there's just no relief at any point on this album i think the the longest-running lyrical oasis was maybe the first few minutes of five-year-plan but outside of that nearly nothing nearly nothing the track we go high which in that songs defense it does have some pretty musical passages on it but then we get we give the glory to you God one living true God he make us booyah pretty sure I need you in the season like a flu shot my wife nanny like Fran Drescher three damn Grammys my granny like no pressure [ __ ] going straight to the pros I'm Pro fessor and there are moments on this thing we're just the sound of chances voice is unbearable and look there are songs in the past where I felt that way like on 10 day or acid rap which I noted in my review of that tape however I did think that he was on the mend with that sort of thing when it came to coloring book but now it's like it's it's gotten worse than ever like on the track I got you always and forever which is sad because I do love the shimmering glamour R&B throw back the instrumental provides but when chance pops in on this track he's got this squeaky ass voice this terrible flow that seems just like a ripoff of shaggy or Bone Thugs it just makes me cringe so hard I feel like my teeth are gonna grind down to nothing the most aggravating moments on this record of which there are many are the tracks that sound like hey this has a pretty good start this could go somewhere this has potential this almost sounds good but then at some point chance does something to just rip that away whether it be with terrible singing terrible bars flat production a bad guest the bucket freaked out on the title track which is cringe as hell sounds like a bad Death Grips impression on that same title track Francis and the lights has a guest vocal appearance which is pretty awful too it's like he's in a competition with chance to see who can do the worst vocal and the worst impression on this track he sounds like boney bears less talented cousin Don Ivor there's also the sudden peanut butter jelly time references on the track Balin flossin the totally sucky flat vocal production on the track let's go on the run not to mention the opening lines hey there lovely sister won't you come home to your mister I've got plants do oh good guess yeah I've got plants do hug and hug you oh good I just feel like I'm non-stop ranting about how trash the lyrics are on this record but that's literally like all I can do they're really bad the songs and ease and fools is an attempt at trying to create this epic gargantuan closer with lots of group vocal samples with West African drums some smooth and moody synths as well the whole thing sounds like what you would get if you forced at gunpoint tune-yards and Kanye to collaborate on a beat and it just came out really crummy which is not the only point on this record where chances obviously copying Kanye chances bars are weak on this track as well and he allows Nicki Minaj to tie the last verse of the song and the end of this album up I do appreciate that she tries to address the album's themes of love and marriage and family but I don't know man it just kind of seems like he's letting her have the last word when it really should be his chance I think should be making some kind of attempt at summing this record up this mess of a record up in some way shape or form and he just doesn't because there isn't a way to because this album is a pile of slop I now see why the album on here I now see why it's clear because I see right through this BS there are other points I guess I could go over like the weird licensing bars on the track Sun come down or the lifeless singing and super bland production and non song that is delivered on the track town on the hill but really what's the point at this point there are so many terrible ideas written and employed on this record it's either falling short because the the bass concept is terrible or it's just been carried out in an awful way I did not love a single song from this album not one single track there were moments where I caught a breath of like oh that's maybe could be could be decent but it just did not pan out and considering how long this record is and how consistently unbearable a lot of it is I just don't know what to say I am genuinely feeling like a strong zero on this record it's like a strong zero to a light one the strong zero to a light one boom boom boom boom boom boom hey you did a lot say negative reviews and you unlocked a super special reviewer challenge item no no none I'm not interested in that behold I give to you the Infinity flannel it's got how the flannel colors that Reds in the greens and the whites and then the yellows no it just looks really dumb it looks it looks stupid you don't why it's it's a it's a nice flannel it's perfectly good no I don't I don't think it's very good I'm not gonna I'm not wearing that it looks it's probably doesn't even fit fit good you're a jerk you're real jerk buddy he's a completely good thing I'm gonna wear it I'm gonna wear it now transition have you given this album a listen did you love it did you hate it what would you rate it you're the best you're the best what should I review next to the like if you like please subscribe and please don't cry hit the bell as well over here next to my head is another video that you can check out hit that up or the link to subscribe to the channel Anthony Fantana chance the rapper forever
Channel: theneedledrop
Views: 4,277,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: album, review, music, reviews, indie, underground, new, latest, lyrics, full song, listen, track, concert, live, performance, update, the needle drop, anthony fantano, vlog, talk, discussion, music nerd, chance the rapper, big day, rap, hip hop, pop, neo-soul, r&b, trap, hot shower, found a good one, eternal, we go high, all day long, nicki minaj, dababy, megan thee stallion, smino, kanye, do you remember, ballin flossin, peanut butter jelly time
Id: RjriHA-MLPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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