15 Worst Albums of the 2010s

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hi everyone decade the knee over tanto here the Internet's busiest music nerd and it is time for another edition of list week where I go over essentially what made for the best and the worst music now not of the year we have done that like 10 times up until this point no I am talking about the best and worst music of the decade I've already done a video talking about my worst songs of the decade and now I'm going to do the same for albums of the decade with the 15 worst of them yeah I want to kick off this list with a bit of an honorable mention if one could have an honourable mention on such a list narrowly escaping the list you could say dodging a speeding bullet on this list is actually a none other than kid the Custer Cudi with speeding bullet to heaven while I do not care for this record yeah I still do not enjoy it and the beavis and butt-head sketches suck my soul and make me internally cringe you know I will say with this record b-plus for effort and you know in a - for the big musical artistic risk that was taken on this record while in many ways I think this record was the sort of malformed a bit of a miscalculation I think it comes from a more heartfelt and studied place than some of the other awful rock rap crossovers that have happened this decade for sure the even worse ones will be turning up on this list so let's see where they fall at number fifteen on this list I place little dickie with professional rapper this is one of the most long-winded inane annoyingly unfunny experiences I have had with music this decade what of the most difficult things to swallow with this album is that it's not really sure of what it wants to be entirely it wants to pass itself off as being clever and humorous though much of the jokes don't really land and simultaneously it's so desperate to be perceived as like deeply talented and profound and and it just it just begs to be taken seriously and yet there isn't really much about it that is worth taking seriously I mean sure you could say that little Dicky invests a lot of time and effort into some of the concepts on these tracks but the concepts that he wastes all of his time investing in are often cheap and obnoxious and I don't know kind of dumbed down production is weak vocally I think little Dicky is underwhelming as well I guess if you enjoy his jokester bars his music is kind of tolerable but because that element of his music doesn't speak to me at all I really and truly get nothing out of what he does number fourteen on this list we have imagine dragons with origins imagine dragons has grown to become one of the most hated and disrespected bands of the decade and I guess it's not hard to see why with their very toothless boring melodramatic overblown overproduced take on pop rock music while I'm not against the idea of fusing genres together and experimenting with different aesthetics and musical concepts within the popular music sphere imagine dragons does it in a way where they're bringing together elements of electronic music rock music a host of other things too and and it all in their case just cancels each other out and becomes this bland bombastic soup of nothingness it's so loud and yet it lacks any edge whatsoever it's so over-the-top emotionally and yet it feels so I guess numb and calculated and in my opinion origins is the worst musical offender in the entire imagine dragons discography not only because it suffers from a lot of the same problems is every imagine dragons record does but on top that the production on this record is awful the mixing and mastering trash songs on this thing compressed to the point where they are soulless bricks of pop rock noise and it's just not good also not very good on the list is our number 13 pick logic with supermarket you know some albums really make you sit there and reflect God what was he thinking just like this one god what was he thinking supermarket is essentially the soundtrack to the book of the same title that logic dropped pretty recently and logic previously just being understood to be a wrapper he broke out of that mold as an author but also broke into I guess some rock and pop music on this one as he fashions himself I guess I guess a rock singer a pop singer on this record riding on some instrumentals that basically sound like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Mac DeMarco yeah over which he writes some of his most embarrassing lyrics to date I feel very sorry for anyone who didn't walk away from this record with a big fat check in their pocket cuz if you've ever thought logic doesn't do what he's typically known for well just wait until you get an earful of this at number 12 on our list we have nav with bad habits what can I truly say about nav and his music at this point other than that it is really just again I've said it before I'll say it one more time devoid devoid of anything devoid of anything interesting engaging memorable funny clever witty it is as if he's trying to make every aspect of his music as underwhelming and is uninspired as possible especially on this new record over here and if that is his intent great [ __ ] job dude at number 11 we have 93 punks and vic mensa with 93 punks vic Mensa's really awful attempt at crossing over into punk music with cringy edgy lyrics some awful songs and songwriting awful fusions of hip hop production as well as loud distorted guitars some of the preachy political messaging on this thing doesn't really go over all that well either even though I [ __ ] with and agree with a lot of mensis politics oh very little about anything happening on this record is redeeming and I just don't think there's anything else that I can really say at number 10 is a record that in a way I quietly admire and that is broken side with will never die one reason I admire this LP is that up until this point the title has been true as broken side still are a functional musical unit another reason I admire this awful very difficult to listen to album is that it's also a bit of a cultural marker for a point in time when I guess you could say Krunk core because that was in fact a thing some of y'all younger types who don't remember the worst of the worst garbage of the 2000s the myspace era may not remember things like crunk core which is fine you kinda had to be there but I'll say that for the most part I feel like this record over here is is is really the genres swan song haha in that it is honestly one of the worst combinations of that screamed aggressive in-your-face glammy brand of metalcore that ruled the aughts fused with elements of hip hop of dance pop music and electro and yes even though all that stuff sounds horrible coming together in theory in actuality it's about three times worse than you could have ever imagined next number nine on this list is xxx 10th Ozzy owned with bad vibes forever though I will say my biggest issues with this LP don't simply lie with the music which is painfully mediocre not really all that flattering to X's memory really the worst thing about this album is how thrown together it is how X is barely present on a great deal of the tracks here and how this record is just one big attempt to exploit X's memory and pretty much that's it there has been a bit of a trend with posthumous albums from a lot of artists this decade who have died young being put out and being presented in a very exploitative manner and I would say that bad vibes forever really kind of takes the cake on that front it's the worst of the worst of the worst when it comes to examples of of that which is why it ranks so high on this list it's a pretty bad also embarrassing is our record on the number 8 spot and that is Lil Wayne with rebirth which should not have been a birth at all really should have been an abortion I don't know how anyone allowed little Wayne's who do a rock crossover record where it's nothing but shitty beats awkward distorted very loud guitars just squawking and wailing and groaning underneath I guess little Wayne Auto tuning his voice throughout many of the tracks here yeah even the most hardcore little Wayne fans have a hard time rationalizing this one when or if I have gotten any enjoyment out of it it's only really been ironically or just as you know just just kind of like just a joke goofing on it but this thing is very grating it is very ham-fisted it is clumsy it is ugly it is horrid it is basically every bad thing that can happen to an artist and an album when they get really lazy on creative they have too much of a budget and they feel like they can do no wrong I think a lot of these same attitudes carry over onto the record from our number 7 spot Miley Cyrus and her dead pets from from Miley Cyrus what a harebrained attempt sounding experimental adventurous and out there and I have no idea why the Flaming Lips were down for this but ok hopefully they got some clout out of it I guess but again with this Miley record it's just a lot of awful ideas terrible songs bad singing bad sound palates despite Miley Cyrus having the profile and the presumed budget that she has if she wants to put it into a record if she wants to put it into a project this thing should not have come out sounding as trash as it does I mean I guess I admire her for doing something off the beaten path and doing something outside of the industry I guess with putting this out for fans to listen to for free but it doesn't mean that it came out good in fact there are a lot of ideas and songs on here that are quite preposterous also so many ridiculous lyrics that you can't help but laugh at what a [ __ ] oh I'll never forget that one I will never forget it I will also never be forgetting I think because I am emotionally scarred from it our record in the number six spot that is Eminem with revival a record that is so bad that many Eminem fans felt that he came back and killed it on kamikaze also keep in mind that Eminem only rushed kamikaze out because revival was so bad god there's so many terrible things about this record Eminem's rap style has gotten suckier and suckier and suckier over the course of this decade not only that but some of his cringy a-- stand worst bars ever turn up on this LP some of the worst production he's been on too it's like he doesn't even give a [ __ ] about how his beats sound any more features generally on this thing terrible X ambassadors Jesus Christ and some of his worst song topics too and it's just so god damn long a record that is also malformed also too long and also I guess you could say an artist at their lowest that would be our number five spot chance the rapper the big day this record should have been great not only is the disappointment of this album crushing but it's also sad to hear chance just not put that much effort into his music the songs on this thing are clearly thrown together clearly not as much preconception went into what's here versus what was on acid rap versus what was on coloring book chance picks some really questionable instrumentals too and with whatever budget he had he goes into some really weird stylistic shifts and directions away from the sounds and away from the styles of music that with chance we know work we know he sounds amazing over these cool gospel and jazz infused hip hop instrumentals that are jumpy and jaunty and really energetic but instead he cashes out and trades in all of that credibility that unique sound and style for goofy trap instrumentals bad takes on hip house just about everything this album absolutely did not need somehow ends up on this album and not just one time but like three times oh not to mention that his singing on this record is bad like chance the rapper has never been an amazing singer but his vocals have been fine on previous LPS he has held his own vocally but on the big day like all that just goes out the goddamn window yeah this thing is a mess one of the worst messes of the decade and that's that's really all you can say number four on this list is taken up with the mother of all bad ideas the fourth installment of six feet under graveyard classics number of the priests death metal band six feet under which if you know anything about death metal are like in the D tier of the genre they're just like a small tiny cut above I don't know like the worst Gore or porno grind record that you've heard uploaded by some dude from your hometown on YouTube well every once in a while six feet under likes to do a covers album oriented around a certain theme or artist and this time around it's a bunch of crappy annoying cut-rate death metal versions of Iron Maiden songs Judas Priest songs too it's not good at all like that we did not need to hear this nobody needed to hear this despite six feet under being a death metal band with serious death metal roots treats its own genre as if yeah as soon as you have like some vocals on a song as well as like some down tune guitars and some double bass and everything yeah that's that's pretty much like death metal once you've achieved those things once you've checked those boxes BAM you got death metal at number three on our list is a record that is utterly detestable hideous mean-spirited unlikable [ __ ] annoying it's Doug walkers the wall nostalgia critics the wall Doug Walker aka the nostalgia critic basically employs a bunch of instrumentals fashioned to be renditions of classic songs from Pink Floyd's the wall and then over these instrumentals wails and whines and complains and does his own critical musical opera about how much he doesn't like the wall as an album as a film as an artistic franchise pretty much all of his criticisms and conclusions are dumb and cheap and not all that in-depth the only thing harder to swallow than his Papa's attitude are his shitty vocals I would come on here and say it's the worst and in some respects maybe it is the worst but it's only number three on this list and things do get worser number two here is lil zan totals anarchy god this thing sucks it's trash it is suck suck mix uh curtain the mayor of suck town a lot of mean and unfair criticisms often get thrown at this new generation of rappers that like to croon on beats maybe Rock a little auto-tune like these atmospheric woozy trap instrumentals and while I mean I understand that these albums these artists these songs don't scratch the same mental and emotional itches as a Tupac or a biggie and what-have-you some of the criticisms toward this new generation of artists like I don't know lack of substance stuff like that aren't totally invalid because there are certainly examples of that and I would cite little zann's totals Anarchy as the biggest example of that because yes little zan's music does seriously lack substance does seriously lack structure melody of everything that you would expect from just any semblance of a song and while it is deficient in pretty much everything and it is a bit of a void a lot like NAB's bad habits is one might ask Anthony what makes littles Anne's totals Anarchy that much worse well I could say an ABS defense at least he tries to write some semblance of a melody or a verse oftentimes little Xan will just mind-numbing Li repeat the same lyrics over and over and over and over because I don't think he's capable of writing much more than a few lyrics at a time so the instrumentals on this thing suck the vocals are creaky and awkward and nasally and hideous and weird listening to them for long periods of time kind of makes me a little uneasy so not only is there a total lack of anything that would be appealing on a record normally on this LP but it's actually repulsive to listen to on top of it and that is what I would say about total zan Archy which leads us to our number one spot which keep in mind in my opinion this is the worst album of the decade but simultaneously this album is placed in this spot with a lot of admiration in my heart because I feel like what this album does it's it's not just the worst album of the decade but simultaneously it is it is the worst album it is bad music as an art form okay it challenges the boundaries of what bad music can be the limitations of bad music it expands your conception of bad music in my opinion this record is not just bad but it's like musics answer to Tommy Wiseau's the room of course what I'm talking about here is Corey Feldman's angelic to the core a record that is so bad it's actually impressive I'm actually still impressed with this record I am amazed with how gloriously bad this record is I guess you could even say it's it's ambitiously bad even bad for lack of effort it's not bad for just simply having a kind of weird or off idea that didn't really work it's not even bad on the front of just simply being sort of cringe II do not misplace or misunderstand my feelings and emotions as I name this record the number one worst record of the decade because honestly I feel like angelic to the core is still a musical crown jewel of the 2010s that achieves things that no other album this decade did and I think achieves things that no record for a very long time ever will and yes this has been my worst albums of the decade thank you for watching let me know down in the comments what you think the worst albums of the decade were and I will catch you guys in the next one you're the best you're the best transition have you given any of these albums a listen did you love them did you hate him what would you rate him you're the best you're the best what should I review next hit the like if you like please subscribe and please don't cry hit the bell as well over here next to my head is another decade list video for you to check out hit that up or the link to subscribe to the channel Anthony Fantana music decade worst best forever
Channel: theneedledrop
Views: 2,599,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: album, review, music, reviews, new, lyrics, listen, track, update, the needle drop, anthony fantano, list, 2010s, worst, bad, rap, hip hop, rock, metal, pop, decade, 93punx, vic mensa, brokencyde, will never die, chance the rapper, the big day, miley cyrus, dead petz, eminem, revival, corey feldman, angelic 2 the core, imagine dragons, lil dicky, lil wayne, rebirth, lil xan, xanarchy, logic, supermarket, nav, six feet under, doug walker, nostalgia critic, the wall, xxxtentacion, bad vibes forever
Id: S-gAv3pO8iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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