Chan & Platt Multiply I-1 What is a Disciple?

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for some of you this is the first time you've ever actually discipled someone else and I remember when I was 17 was the first time I was going to this camp and my youth pastor said hey you're actually going to be the leader for the freshman guys and I thought man you know like it was just kind of scary to me thinking I'm going to teach someone else you know I'm 17 and I've got these 10 14 year olds I've got to teach now and I was a little intimidated and I just remember just over time working out you figure it out I don't know if you're more absolutely like I remember the first time I was with a small group of guys they can all right I've got a responsibility to teach them show them how to follow Christ but man where do I begin and I was same thing looking back I'm like man I had no clue but that's the great thing about making disciples is that God has promised to give us his grace and his presence to make this thing work so just to know from the very beginning that making disciples it's not really dependent ultimately on your gifts your abilities what you can do this is depending on the Spirit of God and when we give ourselves to the plan that he's outlined he's promised to bless it and so we know we're assured of his blessing and so there's a lot of confidence that comes in that yeah and I remember just struggling with arrogance too and I wanted to be able to answer every question and you know I think we all have some of that where someone has to something go yeah you know you make something up you know and and it's like don't feel that pressure to know everything and that's where we want to resource people I you know you got your pastor your church they should you know when you have questions that you don't know how to answer that's what I loved about having my youth master with me was I have throughout the week I made someone asked me this how do I answer that and hopefully you have someone like that in your life that you can go to yourself with those types of questions and not feel this burden like I have to know everything or every answer when someone else and even if you on those lines it's just such a humbling journey like we as we walk through questions and maybe even if you didn't have somebody that you could go to okay immediately I got a question I don't know answer but to even look at the person who's asking the question so let's think about that together let's investigate that together let's walk through that together I just got back from some time in India with some brand-new believers who have just no biblical backgrounds and they're working this thing out as they go with the word in the spirit and word the spirit is sufficient for this picture and so we definitely don't I think sometimes people have the idea that well I got to have everything figured out in order to really start making disciples no that's not the point at all we there's a lot that we figure out as we make disciples in fact I think if we're not making disciples we'll end up not figuring out a lot of things because it'll all be about us when we're walking through a journey with somebody else that's where our Christianity just takes on a whole new life of a gym yeah this first session was about you know what is a disciple and is this huge because now you're going to look at the people that you're you're sharing with and and really figure out where they're at with God you know what what do you struggle with because I think when it comes to surrendering to Jesus Christ and his promises and his his commands some people will struggle on the gray side like it's hard for them to actually believe that Jesus forgives them and in that there's this free gift because maybe they grew up trying to earn the favor of their parents and never feeling like they they got there and then other people will struggle with Jesus as Lord like I need to surrender and submit to him because maybe they grew up in a home where you know they didn't take their parents seriously or there wasn't a whole lot of authority and and so we can't take this baggage into our relationship with Jesus and I don't know what you you know what you struggle with more for me it was definitely grace like to believe that I'm forgiven this promise and it's nothing of myself and what why there's this yeah I seen in my own life I seen a lot of people that I've walked through and decided making kind of relationship with where people think all right okay so if I do these things then I am earning favor the favor of God and and it kind of misses the point from the start I think that's where this lesson in particular just really needs to focus on are you trusting in the righteousness of Christ for you the price he is paid on the cross this is the foundation and if we don't get this foundation right we'll miss the whole point because we'll walk through a journey where somebody you're thinking okay if I read the Bible if I pray if I do these things then okay then I'm going to be right before God but to say no you're by grace through faith right before God so really to make sure that that understanding is there but then to make the connection that doesn't lead to some passivity where we sit back and say okay whatever things figured out but saved by grace through faith this propels us to live with abandon to Christ and following with all of our hearts and minds soul and string loving him that's the overflow of grace and sort of keep that tension I think you'll have to really be careful to keep coming back that over and over again are you trusting the righteousness of Christ for you are you trying to earn God's favor make sure that's not happening at the same time is this grace compel you to lay down your life on a daily basis yeah and this is your job is really as a leader to listen to where is this person at in their walk which way are they struggling and this is what no one else can do for you that's your job is to hear them and then respond with the word of God accordingly and that's what I see Jesus doing is with each individual I mean that's why his message was different to each person was uh you know he knew what they needed to hear and how the Word of God came to bear in their life and that's really what all this material is is to get you more familiar with the Word of God so that you know how to answer people better we're all in this process together so listen to that person well and really make sure in this lesson that that we get this right what does it mean to be a disciple help serve that person by really focusing on trusting in Christ and then living a life as a Christian how the overflow of trust in this grace
Channel: WWESChannel
Views: 36,616
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: Francis Chan, David Platt, Multiply, disciple, church, David Platt (pastor), Christianity (Religion)
Id: bktCn6vqKvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2013
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