All Spheres of Life - Pastor Francis Chan / 陳恩藩牧師信息分享 (中英文字幕)

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[Music] [Applause] man I really appreciated what Jeremy said just now because it was honest you know like we like to talk about our failures after the fact not when we're in the middle of them and and I love it because I I grew up going to a Chinese church and I feel like a lot of times we hide what's really going on at that moment you know and erm raised a little kid in the Chinese Church seeing these things and thinking everything was so good and then later when we grew up and me all my friends grew up you know I was like Justin you know famous now you know but I you know I was like him you know you just go you do your thing put on your your your jacket and you go and you do your your church thing and everyone looks like they're doing well in the church and me and all my friends you know we grew up and then I hear the stories of what their parents really were like and then I start seeing what happens as they grow older and then the church splits and then the fighting and this and that but meanwhile everyone comes you know that looking like everything's good and you don't hear things like what jeremy was saying you don't get on a stage you go you know what honestly this hasn't been a good season for me the last four six weeks it's been a struggle I feel you know I'm not sensing this intimacy with God I'm not on fire for him right now and I just I love that honesty I love Jim getting up here and just explaining all the struggle in his life because I think we can come to a place like this and be so fake we really can and church was a place where I had no clue what was really going on in someone's life and we have doubts and we have struggles we have to pretend oh no my faith is strong this this this this rather than really just being honest look I really don't believe this I'm not sure this I didn't even understand what the cross was all about my whole church experience as a kid I never understood it I never got it but I wasn't gonna ask anyone but I remember being terrified okay because uh my mom my mom died when she gave birth to me I was born in Chinatown San Francisco and my mom died while she was giving birth to me okay so my dad sent me to Hong Kong and I grew up in Hong Kong don't go me I know and and you know just grew up there first five years of my life came back to the states in fact we came to the Bronx we lived here in New York for a couple years and then we moved to California and when I was about seven my stepmother died in a car accident and and it was crazy it was just weird as his over and then my dad got married again and and then he died of cancer when I was 12 okay so when I'm 12 years old and here's what freaked me out okay typical Chinese funeral I mean open casket of the same with my stepmom you're looking at this body and then you know and then they to watch the body go in the ground as a kid I mean when you're seven years old then you're just going man that's my mom but then he's throwing dirt and I'll never see her again and then twelve years old and there's my dad and they're throwing the dirt on him and you might just start spinning so everyone else is you know playing with their transformers or whatever you know I'm seventh grade I'm just going what happens just fell so alone so confused like okay so was that the end of my dad was at the end of my mom I mean I'd go to bed at night and I just nightmares about thinking what did I just see and they're not here anymore just feeling so alone and seriously just scared because it's weird to watch life just end and I remember just thinking so what happened to him and that could happen to me tomorrow like after my brother tomorrow and we were asking my brother you know my older brother because you know as a kid you just I don't really want to go to I'm like so what happens do they just end do they just stop existing and my brother's I yeah I think so and but in my head I'm like no that doesn't for some reason I can't believe that I don't know why I can't explain it but as a kid I was like I can't believe that you just stop existing like one day though we know more Francis like that's just it because of that accident because of an illness because of whatever and I didn't even know when told later you know that there's actually a verse in Ecclesiastes that says that God puts eternity in the hearts of man but he doesn't know what to do with it and when I read I'm like yes yeah I knew it I knew my brother was lying you know their thirst and there's not you don't just end there's something more to this but this the struggle of trying to figure out God and try to understand because I just had to know by the time I was in high school I was like I've got to know what happens if something happens to me today what happens afterwards is it really about good people get to go to heaven bad people go to this bad place like what does the Bible teach about this this is the stuff I had to know when I grew up Buddhist I grew up you know in Hong Kong and I remember like I even then like I knew there had to be something and I would sit in those these Buddhist temples and I would stare at these statues and and and I remember I would start praying to them and I would just stare at their faces hoping like these little wooden lips would start moving like Hello oh my you know just just like come on move move I mean like cuz I I don't know I just knew kind of like what Jeremy says this doesn't make sense how are we on this ball of water right now spinning around and they're run a ball of fire right now and we're here laughing crying getting angry feeling this is and it all just happened out of nowhere or where people say is weather was gases and dust and it's like why do we believe gas and dust are eternal like where'd that come from like none of it made sense I thought there has to be a purpose there's gotta be something like I knew that even as a little kid you know and so I'm looking looking looking for these answers but then you guys honestly it wasn't from the church the church didn't teach me very much I started reading this book for myself when no one else was around I started reading this book and it started describing God to me and I was never taught this stuff at your maybe you are at yours I hope you are at yours if you go to one but for me I had to start reading this book and when I started reading this book I realized what this book says about God was different from what I was taught I almost feel like sometimes in the churches we leave things out because we're spirit people won't like it or maybe we just don't want to read the whole thing and so we'll just have a couple of verses that we keep quoting over and over and over but I started reading about God it blew my mind and what I want to share with you right now is that there were certain things that Oh God that were real easy for me to understand like I got it right away I go I believe that I believe that I believe that but in all honesty and this is embarrassing to me it was just this year then I began to embrace some things about God that I just couldn't believe all those years and I know that's weird because I know some of you have listened to my teaching for years see I I had no problem with the holiness of God when I would reap you might you might I don't know what you have issues okay so I have no problem like you reading in 1st Timothy 6 verse 16 verses 15 and 16 listen to this when it describes God it says he who is the blessed and only sovereign the King of Kings the Lord of lords who alone has immortality who dwells in unapproachable light who no one has ever seen or can see to him the honor and eternal Dominion amen I read that and I go okay I get that he says there's a God who is the only Son means he's the only one who's in control you're not in control I'm not in control he's the only one who's truly sovereign like I think in my head I'm gonna talk for a few minutes and go sit down but I'm not in control of that every breath God has to give to me okay he gave me another one see like I understand there's a being who's in control who's off the charts like he is in control we're not in this room just by our own power he's the only sovereign it says he alone is immortal he's the only one who has life in himself I get it in fact the Bible even says in that passage he dwells he dwells and approachable light whom no one has seen or can see so do you know do you know that that's what the Bible says see a lot of us think of when I die I'm going to see God like no big deal no do you understand the Bible centers of being in heaven who dwells in unapproachable light like you can't just go into his presence right now what does that do to you to think that in fact when Moses says God can I just look at you can I see your face God says to Moses no no human beings he says can see my face and live through it that's the God we worship in fact my son-in-law the other day was sharing the gospel as I'm talking to someone about God in San Francisco and the guy flippantly says oh yeah I saw God and my son-in-law looks and goes no you didn't and the guy goes how can you tell me I didn't see God you don't know me because you didn't see God the God of the Bible hears you didn't see him I said how do you know I didn't see him because because if you saw him your face would have melted off your skull and he just goes do you understand that he dwells in unapproachable you don't just see him okay that's like saying that you all I was standing on the Sun today with some of my friends no you aren't standing on the side such a lie you worried you can't even get that close that's what the Bible says about God okay that part I believe it I understand I am no comparison to him I believe Isaiah Isaiah 55 Isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 says this this is what God says he goes my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts okay God says you know you think you're really brilliant he goes I just want to tell you your thoughts don't even compare to mine they go see the stars up there that's how much higher my thoughts are than your thoughts see I have no problem with that I go okay and I know some of you might you go you know what here's what I think here's what I think I'm gonna tweet it you know here's what I think I think everyone should I don't care what you're thinking I don't even care what I think because there's a God who says look my thoughts are so far superior to yours like I have no problem with that I understand you're so much holier than I am it's off the charts your brilliance is so far beyond mine I don't even have a problem with his anger okay the Bible says okay and this might be new to some of you but the Bible even talks about the anger of God the wrath of God in a home chapter 1 verse 2 it says the Lord is a jealous and avenging God the Lord is avenging and wrathful the Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies the Lord is slow to anger and great in power the Lord will by no means clear the guilty his way is in the whirlwind and the storm and the clouds are the dust of his feet he rebukes the sea and makes it dry he dries up rivers but Shaun and Carmel wither the bloom of Lebanon withers the mountains quaked before him the hills melt the earth heaves before him the world and all who dwell in it listeners who can stand before his indignation who can endure the heat of his anger his wrath is poured out like fire and the rods are broken into pieces by him it's like who can stand in his anger in the heat up so I know we live in a time when everyone's like oh gods all love he could never it's like no read the Bible sometimes he could and I have no problem with that I for some reason these things about God my mind goes okay I get it he's way holier than I am way more powerful than I am I get it he's way more brilliant than I am I even get it that his anger is off that you okay he's God but here's the part that was so hard for me and I just feel like I'm getting it this year the Bible talks about God's mercy like his forgiveness the Bible says that if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness okay now I've always believed that in my head if you gave me a test I said yes he does it he does it he does it but I was really honest with a friend of mine this was back in March we're going for a walk and I'm going man I got to be honest at that time we're reading through the story of David and I got to read the story of David and I read about David you know whom Jen talked about you know with the stone and everything about his sin if you guys don't know the sin of King David there was a time when he was king and he sees this girl bathing says I want her get her for me uses his power to get this woman but she's a married woman he sleeps with this woman gets her pregnant and thinks to himself I know what to do he has her husband killed just to hide his sin in fact his her husband was one of his buddies man that it's just so gross using his power in that way and but but I'm reading this story about how he gets confronted and he ends up marrying this woman that he slept with the wife of one of his good friends but then if you keep reading the book of second Samuel you realize okay then life moves on he's forgiven and he moves on and I've read that I thought wait a second how did he move on because I know me if I did something like that I would feel guilty for the rest of my life especially how do you look at your wife every day and go I killed her husband right and feel zero kill you but you read on it's like there's David again writing poems playing harp and I'm like God how did he do that because here's where I saw my buddy I go man I did stuff like 25 years ago then I still feel guilty about like I don't feel totally clean and and and I just remember praying to God I go god I gotta end this like today I want to end this today I'm tired of feeling guilt for things I did 25 years ago and almost a little bit of afraid to come into your present because the things I've done and I in and in my writing I you know I started confessing everything here's everything since I was a little kid you stuff I haven't told anyone that went through mine here's things that I did I mean it was embarrassing but maybe if I confess it to you maybe then I'll just get it off of my chest but that didn't do it and we prayed and here's the thing I told them as we're praying I go it feels like you know those old dry erase markers you know and and boards yeah Mickey door okay you know how those old dry race you know we're praying I go man I got this picture of like those old dry erase boards like you know how you write on it like here's my sin like oh here's a picture I got as we're praying like I feel like one of those old dry erase boards where you erase it you know but it never really works and you look close enough and you can still see it I thought that's what I feel like before God like I still feel like yeah I know I'm forgiven but I I still feel dirty and so that day man I went into the Bible again I just told God I go this is it I want to end it today I want to end it today where I don't feel guilt for this past anymore I mean from what I understand in the Bible Jesus died on the cross like he took that sin away why do I still feel dirty and and I so I went to Psalm 51 which is where David talks about his sin and he says some things there that I thought it hit me that maybe I'm hoping that you can walk away if today any of you and just because you're pastors or or leaders doesn't mean anything okay it means nothing you're a human being in the sight of God every breath is in the Sun every it doesn't matter if this is your first time here we need him to cleanses completely we're dependent on him there's no status in this room there's not like oh there's Jeremy oh you know it's no we're a bunch of human beings with one breath left in our lungs unless he decides to give us another one and I was reading this passage and it says this he says have mercy on me O God according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity cleanse me from my sin he says wash me and I shall be whiter than snow and I looked at that and I started looking at it and it talks about his mercy you know what mercy is mercy is like if you deserve punishment and someone says I'm not giving you any of it I know you deserve punishment I'm getting rid of it it's like you're you know like you're driving a hundred miles an hour and the cop just pulls you over and says you know what I should write your ticket don't worry about having a nice day I'm it's not gonna happen but you know like that's that's mercy okay but what David says is thank God would you have mercy on me according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions and I realize you know what god I've always believed that your holiness is off-the-charts I've always believed that your knowledge is off-the-charts I've always believed that your wrath your anger that's off the charts I can't even compare to that but when it came to mercy I don't know why I didn't see it as abundant like almost like God cleansed me 99% of the way and I'm looking at this passage going that doesn't even make sense when does God do anything partway and then the passage it really hit me was in 2nd Corinthians when it's he says he made him Jesus who knew no sin become sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God through him I thought wait a second so you made Jesus Jesus who was perfect the Son of God died on a cross and at that moment God made him the embodiment of sin on our behalf and he says so that we could become the righteousness of God and I started thinking wait the righteousness of God do I dare say there's any stain in God and do I dare say God when you wash something you wash that 99 percent he says no you washed me and I'll be whiter than snow and I said God I believe this this doesn't even make sense to me anymore to have any bit of shame he says if I confess my sins he'll forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness he says when he washes something and I just thought how dare I say God you watched me 99% you forgave me 99% when he says no I'm gonna wash you whiter than snow I I have to just go you know what if you said that then I'm whiter than snow and I'm not just a cleaned up version of Francis now he says Jesus became sin and I became the righteousness of God so that through my belief in Jesus I become not a cleaner version of Francis I become the righteousness of God I switched places with Jesus he took my sin on the cross and I took on his righteousness and I don't dare say oh there's still a little bit of stain in me and I tell you something happened to me back in March April where everything I did in the past it was washed clean completely I can't even when I try to feel guilty I couldn't I can't right now because of what the Word of God did in me I go no I'm hundred percent clean right now I'm totally loved by God and and then when I was talking to Jeremy as we're talking about this conference I go I think something that we struggle with you know Jen and Jeremy and I as and and we're you know predominantly Asian in this room except for him but yeah you know I planted Linsanity and racial diversity um no but you know what something that we wrestle with is grace all our lives is about earning all our lives is not about mercy we struggle with that it's funny when you're talking I was even remembering being out here at public school in the Bronx PS 96 and ever one day they gave us these coupons for McDonald's and and and we got this free hamburger you know why can't do I head over there and I came home so excited dad that rook rook rook you know free hamburger and he just looked at me and goes nothing is for free you know like I just remember that like you know okay okay fro way fro way you know it's just it was just this mindset of no nothing's for free you earn it and years I just felt like I never earned his approval to the day he died and searching and trying to measure up to all of these different things and so my mindset has been earning earning I'm not good enough so I'm not good enough I'm not good enough and it was until this year then it was just like that's what the Bible says though is mercy and it doesn't make sense to me that God would cleanse me partway and so it was just like this breakthrough where I just fell on my face I'm gonna god I believe it I'm totally free right now I am the righteousness of God because his cross was that powerful and I just believe there are people in this room right now that you're still afraid to come into the presence of God if you're really honest and I don't care what church or how long you've been in church or how long you've been in a bit of a pastoral role there's people in this room because there's stuff that's deep-seated in us there's baggage there's garbage that we have to depend on the Word of God in the Holy Spirit of God to cleanse us from and my prayer is that today you'd be sent free from that I'm praying that we walk out of here like no longer believing like we're like this dry erase board and if you look close enough you can still see the sin and the stain from things we did years ago or maybe even this week but that you believe in what the Word of God says that you hear me today and you know well that's a word of God I became the righteousness of God I can become whiter than snow I want it today I'm done with it and if that's you I'm gonna give you an opportunity a moment just to come before God and confess to him and just say god I'm done feeling the shame I know I know that was so gross what I thought and no one else is even in the room even knows about this and that was so gross and evil what I did but I believe that what you did on the cross really was that powerful man you're amazing your mercy is amazing just like your holiness just like your wrath just like your knowledge so is your abundant mercy it's off the chart when you clean someone you don't do it happen well you never do anything halfway or 99% you believe me I'm hundred percent and I'm whiter than snow now and it has nothing to do with me and my works in my earning all glory goes to God and so if that's you today and you just said you know in Francis I've lived with this guilt and today I'm gonna believe that the cross of Jesus Christ washes me whiter than snow I want to become the righteousness of God so that I have no fear of coming before him at the end of my life because jesus paid it all and I just want to worship Jesus and so if that's you today and you've been carrying this and today you want to say to Almighty God he's watching right now and you want to say to Almighty God I believe you can forgive me right now I believe what that that the Cross has done that I'm just gonna ask you to just slip out of your seat right now just stand up even though people are watching and come up to the front and just get on your knees before Almighty God right now and I'm gonna pray over you that he would wash you why does snow there's anyone in the room right now that's just done holding it in and saying I want Jesus and what he did on the cross to wash me awesome the Bible says God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ those of you who are Christians and you're sitting in your seat pray for these people up here right now because I know Satan's gonna try to plant doubt in their mind pray for them so awesome to me is that God in heaven right now like he wants this that's why he watched his own son die on a cross was because he wanted to cleanse us he wanted fellowship with us just crazy to me I mean that a God so powerful so mighty wants me no one ever wanted me he loves this [Music] because I'd really believe in the power of God seriously like I believe when I pray things happen I've seen it so many times in my life like miracle miracle miracle like insane when I talk to the god of the universe something happens so I'm gonna pray for those of you who are up here on your knees right now I'm gonna come into the presence of God and ask him to really help you internalize everything that I said so that you don't walk here 99% clean but you go no you do oh I'm gonna pray for that and I'm asking those of you who are already Christians in the crown man prayed there's power okay this is not a formality of a way to end things it's like there's power in this something is going to happen right now because we're going to come into the presence of God so picture there's a God in heaven and he dwells in unapproachable light the Bible says his eyes are too pure to look upon evil but because I've been cleansed by Jesus there's no evil in me I'm the righteousness of God so I have the right to currently come before that God and pray for you do right now - to join me [Music] god I thank you so much for the honesty in this room right now God so many of us are just used to lying [Music] we don't want to make as it seemed for the things we've done but here it is God you know I thank you so much for giving these men and women courage to come into your presence and just confess okay here's the truth about me and I'm afraid to come into your presence because you know if this grossest in me but God today we're saying we believe that Jesus Christ took it all like everything on the cross he became sin and we became the righteousness of God and you watch this and you made us whiter than snow this is gonna bring for every person it's up to you right now that they would believe it from their heart God then they wouldn't be like me and go years thinking I'm a little bit dirty but just go no it's I'm pleading not doesn't know in our heads but believe it in our hearts God I pray that you would make that happen to them so we can walk around wouldn't foodle freedom total joy total rejoicing God I'm so grateful I believe you hear me from your throne in heaven [Music] and we're asking to Holy Spirit [Music] that you would use them for your glory now and they would spread the good news of forgiveness [Music] help me believe it's so much in their heart that their friends their family can see it and they can just spread it [Music] and Jesus my boy [Music] hey you guys that are down here I just want to say I'm and remember making a decision like this at a younger age and you know you you'd think okay God now that I've done this bless my life right and he will there's a spiritual blessing of you really are clean before God now but the Bible also says there's an enemy and I remember just all the struggles I went through after because then Satan starts trying to get in your head and all the temptations start coming around you because the Bible says there's a real enemy but the Bible says greater is He Who is in you than he was in the world there's a new power about you and you can put these things to death man trust the Word of God the Bible says this Satan will try to whisper things into your ears the world will try to tell you things you'll even try to tell yourself things and I've had to remind myself it doesn't matter what I tell myself my thoughts are not as great as God's thoughts okay cuz Francis wants to condemn himself but who cares what Francis thinks God's thoughts are infinitely higher than mine and he says you know what if you believe that my son took it on the cross you will be forgiven those are my thoughts God says when I wash you you're whiter than snow those are my thoughts and so for when Francis starts talking go oh well maybe you're still a little bit dirty or that was really bad what you did at that time I just have to shut myself up and go doesn't matter what I think I'm not gonna trust my feelings my experience I trust the Word of God and the Word of God says I'm whiter than snow I'm the righteousness of God and I'm loved by my Creator and the Bible also says he gives us the local church to help us in these ways and probably you came with someone from some church and that's why I gave you those little cards that you could fill it out and just just say on there men here I was here and I need people to stay alongside of me and do this together you know that's why I love hanging out with Jen and Jeremy and working together you know it's like a team you just feel stronger that's why the church was supposed to be if you one thing if I just spoke but then it's like no together we just feel like I had so much stronger and that's what this was about and that's what the church is about so I really encourage you even if your church isn't perfect which none of them are everyone has their faults they all have their faults number one get alone with the Word of God but also get plugged in with other people because that's God's desire is this type of relationship because we this world is getting ugly and we have to stick together and remind each other of the truths of God so the ones Satan starts whispering in your ear and telling you you don't have the power over that sin you haven't been cleansed by that hopefully someone like me comes like oh no no shut up shut up shut up don't even listen to yourself here's what the Word of God says that's what we do for one another and I know there's people that are here that you're sitting and you're still holding on to stuff and you're lying about stuff I've sat in rooms like this and just lied through it because I didn't have the courage at some point muster up the courage and just tell someone come to the presence of God tell him first and then tell someone let's get this right with God are you guys excited about what just happened with your friends [Music] and I'm afraid I go God draw the right people here who feel some of the same and really have it happen where they walk away and they're free when I made that decision when I was young and man I've never regretted it yeah I had issues I had baggage as the Lord had to free me up over the years but man there's nothing like knowing in what matters our lives are to be over in a second the only thing that matters that this is right you heard from Jeremy who was the most popular person on the planet style and he's just telling you there's nothing in that that was our stories like man with Jin everyone knew him seated back in the day just like man we we we that there is nothing but no one Jesus no way that he calls me his son and I'm clean and any moment I'm gonna be with him forever no more pain away there's nothing like that and that's the whole reason why everyone went through all this work for today as we were hoping and praying that just some of you would get it because he's changed our life and nothing else compares to that so let me just pray and thank God for the time we had join me god I just thank you I thank you for this day I thank you for all the people in this room I thank you for the way that you moved and will continue to move and god I pray for all of those who who maybe they just got a glimpse of you I pray that they would be able to rest until they embrace you and ask you to come into their lives and cleanse them and change them and they would join us just telling this good news of what your son did there no one has ever loved us more thank you Jesus thank you Father Thank You creator Almighty God thank you for your mercy in Jesus name we pray amen god bless you guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CCHC
Views: 13,074
Rating: 4.8626609 out of 5
Keywords: 角聲, Christian, Christianity, Love, Hope, Faith, CCHC, Gospel, Rev. Lo, Jesus, God, Evangelism, francis chan, francischan, pastor, preaching, message, sermon, crazy love, crazylove, book, the brooklyn tabernacle, thebrooklyntabernacle, author, book author
Id: rcXufRo9x0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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