Champlin Park vs Eagan Girls High School Volleyball 2018 State Final

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] CCH sports presents coverage of the state class three-a volleyball championships it is the final Champlin Park and Egan for the second time in three seasons hello and welcome to Xcel Energy Center in downtown st. Paul John Jacobson along with Andy googors fergan Andy this is a matchup that a lot of people the volleyball community really pointed to before the season started paid should come down to Eagan and Champlin Park doesn't always work that way but it did this year absolutely early on that was the discussion as the season progressed in eighth lakeville North had a little something to say about it a couple different times both against Eagan and against Champlin Park but when you see the talent on both of these rosters when you see the coaching staff when you see the history this is the matchup everybody wanted we've been fortunate enough waiting feels like three months maybe even a couple years since the last great battle we got to do on this exact same court two years ago was Eagan defeating Champlin Park in four to win the state championship Egan's won seven titles and all Champlin Park looking not only for the first volleyball title and he's the second time they've been in the final first ever in school history in their 27 years they have not won a team championship in anything so a little extra pressure on those girls if they're aware of that in addition to wanting to win it for themselves and for their program I'll tell you what it's a great school history here Champlin Park I mean we've been covering them for the last five years down here at the state tournament they've got the pedigree to get it done this year look for them to be firing on all cylinders as they have been all weekend Egan used to being in this title match what were you tell me this is their 660 year rate yeah crazy well let's look at our key players starting with Champlin Park they're the lower seeded team the number two seed for this tournament Emma Schmidt played well this year senior 28 kills so far in two batches 28 kills in two matches and that tells a very small portion of the story we've talked every time she's gone to the service line she's been causing a lot of chaos for whoever's on the wrong side of the net her blocking is very powerful she does a great job as an offer defensively as well she does everything this team needs her to do and for Egon its Kennedy or she has been around seemingly for a long time she had an older sister the program as well still just a sophomore first-team all-state this year yeah Kennedy or going to Nebraska John cook can't get that kid on campus quick enough this is her fourth state final and she turned 16 a week ago so she's got a couple more years but looking to get her third gold medal in four tries as they fell the Lakeville North in the final last year and looking to get back after it again this year well I like other matchups for each of these teams there's no intimidation factor sometimes with team play again her team played shampoo park some of the kids can get psyched up before the match started that's not gonna happen today no these two teams used to playing against great level talent on the other side of the net most teams in the high school most teams in the state of Minnesota have a kid or two both of these teams come at you with three great hitters and then one of them rotates to the back row they don't even bother exhaling before they bring another kid who's getting looked at by a top 25 school who's touching ten feet who's got over 200 kills there is just a fleet saan a fleets on both sides of the ball here alright today Egan wins if they do what Champlin Park wins if they do what Egan wins today if they can get the role players to contribute they've got a couple big kids we mentioned or there'll be another one in Ellie Hewson who's going to get a lot of the balls if they can get Jergens and they can get Wong a few big kills early and spread things out that's the key to victory for the Eagan Wildcats for Champlin Park honestly their key is to just play the way they've been playing they're more athletic they've got bigger stronger kids and if they go in and become the aggressor and stay the aggressor no matter what's going on on the other side of the net this is Champlin parks match should be a good one here Egan and Champlin Park for the class 3a title today in high school volleyball Minnesota to take timeout we'll come back set one on your way next on CCX [Music] what makes your community feel like home is it knowing what's happening in your neighborhood or when people know your name connections make us a community for more than 30 years Northwest Community television has connected citizens neighbors even sports fans through video as life gets busier than ever we will still offer you a connected community experience through CCX media so you can stay connected to the place you call home a championship volleyball champion Park and Egan getting ready to go out port one here an excel to a championship just about finished as North Branch is battling Marshall earlier today Mineo to one class one ants look at the Eagle starters a Payton rude at least Houston 6-3 senior will be calling her name a lot today Lauren Miller candy or the outstanding sophomore Kelly Johnson and [Music] this is their libero and for the champion park rumbles alarm park Emma's Schmidt and Jordan stalfos on the outside Sammy Healy junior middle blocker Hannah Kraske in the middle is the Ashburn senior shutter and their libero is Caitlin whiner skirt you know Champlin Park we did their match yesterday and he had some errors especially early in the set John Young Kurd talked in the postgame about some of that is what the other team is doing forcing a little bit out of your comfort zone an industry mayor say maybe you would normally make yeah the the serving prowess that we've seen from both of these teams in the first two matches lead to opponent errors more than anything else serving tough blocking well allowing teams to not feel comfortable running their offense I think Younker hits the nail on the head there yesterday they got served off the court a little bit and even when it wasn't in ace they cut themselves in trouble in a one-hitter situation as aspirin not able to run her and tire off and she'll start us off with the serve ready to go championship match for 3a the top two seeds here going for all the marbles in there Ashburn gets her seven play ball in the middle and into the net and the first point goes to champion Park yeah big block in front of a beam oh and a gets a little distracted by the shadow and misses on the first attack attempt dug up by Miller set by Johnson outside the Kennedy Oregon fly mitt getting up with the block along with Kraske Trask e closing that block and getting them really excited about it that's a big block here great close Kraske dropping the left hand inside for the stuff Locke will tip up there now three quick points for jämtland Park that ball control we talked about early that's a tough pass Kelly Johnson does what she can to keep it but sends it across the net or a back row attack violation Gillen not much in the emotional coach four points in after this ace and the bottom drops out Madison in trouble Gillen off her chair and encouraging Johnson to get her squad going the sixth man is that what they call the channel art student section right behind us very engaged very entertaining across the way the pit Egan's student section could be a great one from that perspective as well all hit across finally by Eagan Park attack five nothing and Egon is going to take time Howard early early timeout here as Egan trailing five to nothing Adamo and Payton Rood used to be pretty dominant blockers but we see what happens when future Penn State player Lauren Clark gets ahold of a ball it's a big swing from her and no and rude not in any position to make a play just a gorgeous ball into the seam and Madison's stuck behind the block not able to get the dig it's an early 500 lead and I don't know that Egan is trailed by five points this entire season and here we are five points into the state championship match each teams lost just twice this year template Park lost two Lakeville more but then the Eagan and determine Layton season Egan hogs early in the year to minnetonka also oscillate Guevara yeah when Lakeville North lost two Lakeville South in the section final the number one seat was an easy pick for Eagan and Champlin maybe a little bitter about it coming up firing on all cylinders Mashburn's gotten this team off to a great start Johnson setting back fall hit across by Peyton rude or go to Schmidt this time with song until hitting air get begin their first point of the match Schmidt relaxing after the attacking air nothing wrong with that swing she just misses entering the game freshman D s Samara Amador surfs up here comes in along with Christine Jurgens outside to check that this one down and it's six one big swing down the line is or taking away the cross-court Schmidt says thank you very much this much room big swing inside the block and inside of Johnson Margery can Eastern Warren Clark Clark dropping pulling the trigger on that one bottom drops out of it Amador not one to get aced off and this one is a gorgeous serve the Amador here gently doesn't run that ball Kennedy or [Music] location off on that one is that passed not exactly perfect but or has to put the ball in play and you see Kathy Gillen lighting up the sophomore outside hitter penny or aspyn chipping it over the ball to the middle Hill against box it keeps it up and then over by Schmidt Johnson back to or I stood back row by caste in an hour and couldn't get it back into play big swing and Kraske in the backcourt almost stealthy and I always meant that at least once a match Delp is making us remember who she is with that great defensive effort but not enough Delphis digs this one that goes nine to Champlin is every time there's a small quick side out for Egan it is a quick return and Schmidt abusing the right hand of Kennedy or senior des Nicole Thompson in and serves all set outside for or tied up by Weimer Scourge asked for him back to Schmidt but point shampoo bar Schmidt you know and and John does this with his athletes all the time they find the abilities of your opponent and use them as strengths for yourself big blocking team is Egon and that's the fourth ball they've used off the edge oxide Guzman gets her first kill of the country's had a touch and the senior makes it ten to three huesemann one of four seniors on this egon squad you know I I got an opportunity let's take a look at this last play huesemann with a big swing inside the block late hilly pressing Oh little chance at Kennedy or the sophomore outside hitter whose sister Bree was on that state championship team with her two years ago looking at that a couple years ago there are a total of six players that were on the court in that match two years ago Schmidt aspirin whiner scourge and Stella's all playing for Champlin Kennedy or and Ellie huesemann the two lone players from Egan that handles that mine drive serve mastered and set outside stop this Madison way up in the air or able to get a pack in play and he's gonna bump it over why mr. Chuck asked for in fact said to Keely across the net or go over by Madison telemedicine front between Panzer and hilly for a rebel for a Egan point John Yunker immediately all over his back court Amador gets a second touch on that it's an easy free ball and there it is three people taking four steps towards the ball and then it dropping Weimer search takes this pass Val FEX pounds one for APO if he had really an outstanding match yesterday 13 kills just want getting error you know we talk a lot there's the big cross-court swing and another kill first up as we talked a lot about the four seniors for Champlin Park but stop us on my all tournament team with on pikmin and she's had a great three days here or over by Madison Angier gets this one answering back the Hiller and Clarke dug up by Miller and bumped over by Wong laying out for that fall was asked for here's Kennedy or except I've it down the hill for Peyton Reed Peyton Roode the senior right side attack are really getting through that ball as huesemann drawing the block of I believe that's yeah this is the rotation where they have aspirin blocking in the middle he has been floating over the surface myth gotta ask where all the way across her car [Applause] vilmer scooch up to answer at the antenna I was out maybe now and kind of just missed on him on the attack at a point for Egon a 12-6 big dig there by middle blocker le huesemann as she wears clark seemed swing [Applause] [Music] can't give it across well she dared you she did she funneled that Bob between the block and the net and it is a 13 to 6 champion Park lead [Applause] macro attack on or Lapointe for Champlin Park Cathy gilang having flashbacks to last year when her server seats fell apart in the state championship match trailing 6 to 14 Delphis serves one into the nap here and it's 14-7 [Applause] Kelly Johnson back to serve hard to get Egan on a roll here that's been the park [Applause] market the big swing going over the block and it abounds teen eight little back to Clark [Applause] that's another Egon the edge and out-of-bounds the war we hear from the other side of the curtain or four-and-twenty set v 1917 we'll take a look at or take in the swing off the edge and down [Applause] Johnson across the war with jig fat crow Ashburn will tip over there by stealth' us Johnson back this time for rude of a good dig there's Clark attacking rally here Johnson setting it for Kennedy or floats it over now over the middle chipped over by Rick for the Joe great location to Schmidt out of the backcourt there is that ball dropped on the 10-foot line route takes a step Johnson takes a step great play here good location and Madison on the last second effort there not her ball in any way shape or form that's probably got to be picked up by Rudi Johnson setting go or Ashburn quickly front row that's Matt chase down by Noah and then over nicely by Roode Schmidt frustrated with her misfire there and an opening over the block and decides to throw it she's looking for that side line this is into the antenna Amador and Jergens back in for Egon Smith bushes at least by Jones we get a handout that mall Jurgens keeps it alive about Weimar search back Smith Jurgens [Applause] again Johnson Madison or will attack [Applause] [Music] it their little daughter ready for this man Champlin park looking for a touch what I love about after that point is the aspirin brings the whole team in it doesn't matter that's a big swing this rally extender here great effort the weimar scourge gets it across get off man this one a point for cheerful heart when an Eagan player in the van as well regardless 1611 champion park leads here late portion of set one [Applause] [Music] Clark serves late to get to that one and or able to keep it alive outside they go to Schmidt blocks point or Eagleman job by Kennedy or or just clamping on that ball the ball that she wasn't across on last time see how her eyes get across and then she goes drops the right hand inside as she knows that Schmidt is trying to use the edge of her arm that's burned too hilly in the middle Madison to or back row handle fights to help us Schmidt would start from Madison on this match after again the hilly Johnson the Madison outside and block by hilly big swing by huesemann blocked straight down by hilly and Steph is here and he'll against the lion's share of it you're absolutely right 17:12 grubbles thompson rotating back in the sir [Music] except ball hit wide by or missed a couple of times trying to hit that same shot yeah that must be in the scouting report that the right sideline is open that's where ore is trying to take this ball and misses again [Music] just misses not by much [Applause] 18:13 answer in for the decision by Madison to let it go as orders back over by war that's the OP in the air and an old alike [Music] more back at the cross by Guzman point for ego Madison bleeding after she'd go for that last ball will off the block here some long big play by Madison Wildcats hit and run that one down Madison still looking at her at her hand I think she did take yeah scrape your knuckles a little bit have done diving for that last ball one point ago 1914 Champlin Park Schmitt missing deep six they're not not her best effort on the serve they're typically she makes a better contact than that $1 serves Ashburn outside stalfos wild explain wrong and now he gets back to within three uncharacteristic step is swing there she doesn't miss hit many why there goes right onto the sidelines tapas doesn't miss hit many she misses one and then peppers that one down into the cross-court top there line sure enough 22:16 Lima scourge surf afro taken by Miller long attacks boats it over or back [Applause] battle epinet whiner scourge set up stealth fence against another one down back-to-back kills for the junior after she had missed one connects on the last two nice big swing and we'll get another timeout let's take a look at this crossbar swing Hugh's been late to get across her hands behind her head as the ball is contacted by Steffes and scalp is ripping another big swing cross-court for another kill Hall of Fame coach Kathi Gillen right now trying to get everybody under control 26th season 15th state appearance she coached for a big stint and then came back for a single year and then has been back six years straight and amazingly those are the six years has been in the state championship game I remember we were doing their semifinal match three years ago when or was a seventh grader and at 24 23 Egan was up and set for Gillen called a timeout and poked Kennedy or away from the rest of the team in front of this type of crowd and gave her very simple instructions I asked her about it about a month later I said Gillen what she talked to Kennedy about because I asked her she put sugar on her cereal that morning because volleyball wasn't what that Keaton needed to be thinking about and that's how you end up in the Hall of Fame being able to read your athletes like that chimpón Park up by five as you get have gotten as close as three or outside wall and pounding it to the end well play pack roll the time by Schmitz to help us across for backs up voted over my rule the meant all set again explaining the killed four feet intrude senior the senior right side hitter Nami not a all-conference player not the type of kid that you're going to game plan against but Kathy Gillan able to game plan against what other teams give her and that seems to be the match up they're going after he has been serving his part or all the way over to long off the tee Steffes gets blocks and why mr. shanks a but another point for Eagan again it's a 3-point scorer 21 18 long and Moe able to excuse me rude and Moe able to get their hands all the way across and get that block where the park come down Clark finding the 116 there knowing that humans in the backcourt meaning that we'll be open and it is stop with serving use or over the cross find a block early in this set it's a big point here big swing on the slide there as she gets the one-on-one and cuts it in between or and Madison scalp us drive serve or outside set point here Egon looking a little uncomfortable the Wildcats not used to being in this position or back to rule its clock or kicks out up in the air 25:18 big swings on both sides of the net but the blocking press it's a Champlin part oh by the Eagan Wildcats take a look at this point here Madison handling the ball it's at 12 feet that's not going to get it done long has to roll it across easy dig there for Schmidt at front to Clark who picks the roll wrong equal to the task we go back to rude block cover by or Madison with the high outside bump set and into the big hands of Ashburn see the reaction there from Champlin Park John young car just writing notes to himself everybody else really excited that they won that set will take time out we'll come back more of the state Class 3a Volleyball Championship on ccac's after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] where we go we're gonna go out there the rain get away oh yeah so much fun hmm maybe you can make retirement happen after all you made home ownership happen home spoiling yourself on loans beefing up your credit score so I'm pre-approved you were like yes sorry color coding listings ticking boxes and push and every toilet in a 20-mile radius home sweet home you waste house hunter now get the tips you need to get on track at Ace or retirement org Champa Park Winsett 125 18 over Egan a lot of these teams get to today's championship match Keegan defeating Stillwater and four sets we're in trouble and a couple of those sets who came back and won showing the championship medal in the end and defeating the ponies to get to today Champlin Park after the quarterfinal win against Moore heaven got a semifinal matchup against Lakeville South lost the first set and then came back Andy and won the last three yeah the Eagan match was closer than most people expected the Champlin Park match local south is running they're tough team to compete with but is two three and four it was Champlin Park serving that got Lakeville South uncomfortable and a little bit of predictability for himself as well in their offense at the bracket to like the South went on they did win third place earlier today here against Stillwater yeah it's been a great tournament lots of close matches big big competitive finals as we look at the stats from set one Egan hit- great blocking and defense from Champlin Park leading to a lot of that Clark misses on her first attack and Egan has his first lead of the day never could quite recover from that very quick 5ol start at Champlin Park had absolutely big hitters for Champlin Park and sat.1 Jordan step is hitting 300 Bill's on 10 swings and everybody else doing what they normally do Schmidt with five kills but also there's four errors and Lauren Clark hitting a solid zero two kills to Arizona Levin swings raspy missed on her attack and that server Sarah here gives Champlin park its first part point so a little slow starting here in the first three points set to Clark at the net and points the champion Park Clark controlling that overpass throwing it back into Johnson to to Ashburn serves up by Madison back set swing by Rudolpho stuff it's worldwide and I swing again on the backside for excuse me Payton rude [Applause] Amador Ann will serve here for Egon [Music] [Applause] esperan back to Lauren park off hands back row Johnson set of the cross swing there a Jergens handled by the rebels and calming it down was crafting for the kill Kraske big swing towards Johnson he gets her hands up Lake goes off her hands and out of her house great fine good work in transition class nicely done [Applause] Clark serves man out for free Egon lead here back to Eagan as there up for three and Wymer skirts will come back into the game we haven't called her name much in set one look for her to get a little bit more involved and they go right at her on cue - Brenda Smith almost epilation there for Egan or attacking her and appealing the part-time set up early call from the sixth man as that ball was getting passed up I heard an oh they knew Hill he was coming through on the swing and she does big swing here hanging two ball in the middle block from Egan up late [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when Anna Schmidt trying to get across and slow huesemann down and not able to keep her hands out of the net expecting that ball to come at her a little bit with a little bit more pace answer in [Applause] goes back to serve [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I'm wrong on the war there we keep trading points here five five [Applause] [Applause] long coming through that ball aspirin funneling it cross-court and Schmidt not getting her hands up on it in time oh it went off of the block and that's why it redirected a little bit Schmidt leading the rebels with seven digs in set one Delphis ties it at six stealth is just so fast she gets off the ground so well one speed for her we'll take a look she gets a nice long runway goes through the block and out of bounds here when I'm her spirits attacking I believe was that Miller she went after her yeah it kind of hits the Miller Madison seam and Miller late step for the ACE I'll stay in the barrel shirts again backtick goings in Houston gets the kill seven seven Hue's Minh one of those athletes that you'll notice every time she gets a kill the first thing she does is thanks her setter for a great ball as or puts that one on a tee threw the ball through the block and in the seam Guzman search Smith up to Ashford the car walked back and a point for Egan a good block by Peyton Reed Dayton rude NAB emo closing on that one and it is a huge block of Lauren Clark look for her to respond here thanks Dolphus gonna float that one across or back route again dug up by Panzer doubtful so over the blockers [Applause] Egon yeah quick whistle there from Phil Rodina as milord barely touches the ball and he already knows it's going to be a double stop it serves that attack by rude rude not able to find the edge of the court looking for hands maybe she didn't finish her swing it looked really uncomfortable rebels lead nine eight dig up back row Ashford able to get it across the snuff of the air21 [Applause] Barca floated across or for wall long big swing there into the cross-court the junior outside hitter not a sizable option but she just has a cannon and she brings that one in to the cross-court I nine look sir handled by stomp us Ashburn across car the blockers medicine digs it up for mo happy mo really nice attack in transition there I love the fact that rude took on Clark one-on-one and here we see the transition finish for a mo Nash for the Clark and across Kraske lined her up quite well just didn't keep her hands turned in and now it is a two point lead for the Eagan Wildcats their biggest lead of the man across three that's a big tent play right there is or going high in cutting frost take a look at this shot here off Madison's bump set and ooh by about 4 inches that's a great shot now we get the short sir to take the middle out - Brenda Clarke from Park gets applied and the mini run for Egan that serves it exactly what it is supposed to do they knew that prasi was going to go on the slide they take her out and there's one option Clark knows that everybody on Egan knows it and Clark still gets the point just let that Champlin Park back within one as Clarke playing two big big points in a row [Applause] Master named Player of the Year this week serves for Champlin Park need to scramble a little bit Mouse and get to the back as per back to Schmidt by the twelve Schmitt all sorts of downhill on that swing as that ball put on eighty buy aspirin let's take a look or chasing it late Madison not able to get stopped and turned and she diggz that one almost into the fan section outside we go to or walk jig on that ball [Applause] [Music] or the 4.1 V by one yeah great spot there Otis system and the ball gets tipped across the block across the net and Madison not able to make a play outside or blocked but aspirins there Wymer skirts will set up Clark dumped Weimer Scourge ask who keeps it off and although vines talis back set route across with a gig Weimer Scourge and over by Schmidt Johnson setting up a great defensive plays on this side of the net handy for the rebels yeah a really good great defensive effort here we'll take a look at this swing and a quick push across gonna get a free ball will go back to live volleyball maybe catch that one a little later after dr. Clark no contact call Egham and all southern 1512 a timeout by Kathy Gillen 7 6 6 ol along here for Champa bark yeah after the 4-point run for Egan Champlin responses six of their own everything that had been working earlier in the set for Egan now starting to fall apart as the Eagan Wildcats attack not able to take advantage of holes in the block or getting a little late on their swing and the defensive efforts from the rebels really the difference right now to 1512 Champa Barnett to be 1 sub 1:25 18 they look at their uh steep tournament appearances they also had one back in 2001 but since John youngers been head coach he's had five in consecutive seasons runner-up two years ago and all the seasons they've won at least two matches all of those turtles they want to lace two matches in the state tournament they'd like to win three today Abey yeah it's one of those I was talking with one of the coaches that won the consolation round and said yeah we're one of nine teams that ends on a win you'd like to end on the winning streak though if you have the choice [Applause] so out of the timeout you would you get them come back with and they get it to you rule into six old runs the champ and park you who's had the answer every time they've given her the ball really nice job by the senior opposite Amador serving iris Kurtz to Ashton goes to Schmidt flow to the cross handled by Jergens Bianchi really nice swing there from Brasky Jergens who's been very good earlier in the tournament not able to get much past the Champlin park block here we see this transition again jump set by Ashburn and press key able to hit what she wants Clark serving toward the sidelines the played there or far Cash gonna dump it over her kept up Johnson and then Madison great play by vegan go back to the middle of the hilly Wildcats oral tip it over bark Ashburn will set up Schmidt and there's a kids bootcamp umpire big swing everything happening on the antenna away from us Clark with a big pickup we go across easy play from Eagan and now the Ender as Schmidt goes around the big hands of order 1713 rebels now by three at twelve nine that they've bought on a nice run since then outscoring Ian 8:1 you say an eight - but now yeah Schmidt keep this rally going for Champlin carne a no fat girl on the attack raspy Johansson down that's a nine to one run nine to one run we called Pratt skis name four times in this run here that's the beauty of this champion part team they can go anywhere in fine points outside of Schmidt point four Egon looking for hands and missing [Applause] 18:14 there's these fans are getting into put Ashbourne outside to Schmidt missed again no touch is to call bat goes the middle this time met that one gets before finally ending the run for Egon and Champlin part we'll take another look here little hanging ball into the middle in Madison going to the floor early Johnson not able to get a second touch Thompson sir Jergens gets the fill Jurgens with the kill my cat-like reflexes all get out of the way if I need to just trying to save the monitor right now 1916 war but surely not wanting to go down an all-too hole here in the state file to the crosswalk line Schmitt touching Madison on her heels again and getting out of that rotation in a hurry 2016 rebels five points away from a to old [Applause] they deserve a line driver Madison 3 ball across after setting them south this Alfa's big swinging again this time she just misses I don't want to see her change her approach at all those she's been unloading for three days it's not going to go away look for her to get a ball here in transition Lauren Miller sure if you can't get it over the park trailing by four excuse me trailing by three is a tough time to put a ball into the middle of the net probably going at Miller here will be the rebels winder skirts to serve relation between two vegan plays that you get it across though we'll set up stop us again or scramble to the ball and Madison gets it deep wine or search a spurn the scalpers push it back corner handle by Miller or back across roots ball dug up stomp us again Madison or with setback from rude good rally here Weimer skirts have stopped us at the end quote to the boss dug up my wall Madison over aspirin back Weimer scourge [Applause] Egan's way there and they're back within three Wymer skirt she normally takes that second ball with her platform besides she's got time to put her hands on it and Miss Ennis Hughes been serving that Titan that a screw wins that battle effort if it even keeps it alive brutal flow to the cross banks Steffes gets the swing off the edge of the block as rude and mo not able to hold their press on the block time out for Egan as they are trailing 18 22 here in set 2 you know it's been some great volleyball back and forth I'm getting distracted a little bit by these new sections I really it's one of the things I write about every year when I put something out on any of the social media platforms I'm using just how exciting it is to watch these student sections engage I think we're bordering on some inappropriateness if I'm hearing things the right way but I love the fact that they're engaging each other they're also making it about the athletes on the floor really good work here from Egan and from chapel apart John yonkers team really kind of narrowing what Egon can do they're serving tough they're clamping on some blocks and making the on the unknowns for Egon really have to deliver and they've only done it a couple of times or been relatively quiet huesemann been very quiet it's been a lot of rude a lot of Wong as we see right here and that's not enough right now as chaplain is able to run whatever offense they want and we're back to live volleyball three points away from a 200 lead for the rebels Stoppa serves just cuts it over the net Madison or chases it down Madison over [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so well disguise Clark who normally hits with the hammer draws big on that one and then drops her hand and tips that ball over the net and around the block stop it's a really good book serving in this tournament Andy here's Clark again floats it over 4:18 they've got to prune the player on see what stopped the springs from the service line I'd like to see our lace on here and just go for it my corner off Miller Matheson over by room Ashburn sighs Clark kept alive by Eagan a side block by rebels or back set to rude over there up by Wymer school Mashburn the park and there [Applause] 18 is it's a tool weed for the rebels going into the short intermission here everything falling champions way big athletes taking big swings and answering the phone go in between sets take a look at this last portion here honest system ball Ruud is going to push it across through the opportunity taking away the slide point in the back row we're going to go outside here long off the block covered well by moat backs at this time Ruud overruns in a little bit not in the great space and this will be the Enders floor into the floor second set winner Clarke in her first state tournament definitely enjoying the moment 25:18 again rebels wanna mess up went away from their first state championship are you gonna have something to say about it when we come back in separate more state volleyball and CCX after this time out [Music] everybody has a dream mine was to see the ocean and with a little help [Music] I made it [Music] look at you you're at the top of your game you're unstoppable nothing to throw you off track wait is that your car my son that coming that will throw you off track you're looking at around 10 grand and fines legal fees and increased insurance rates let's try this again smart move because buzzed driving is drunk driving I got some oxy after I hurt my neck first I took them to feel better then I just kept taking them I didn't know they'd be this addictive I didn't know how far I'd go to get more opioid dependence can happen after just five days know the truth spread the truth I can Xcel Energy Center the class three-a volleyball championship for 2018 Champlin park the number two seed meeting number one seed Eagan two sets to none how the rebels got the done Andy and how what does Eagan need to do to keep this man alive you know you asked me that question before the match started I said the rebels had to keep playing the way the rebels had been playing in thus far and they did two sets in so far as they are up to Oh on Egon Chapman Park firing on all cylinders getting all of their attackers going here in set twos Emma Schmidt leading everybody with 10 kills selfish was 7 Clark with 7 Kraske with four hilly only with one on six wings that's because the block very aware of where she is on the other side of the net moe only been set twice 1 for an error Kennedy or the Nebraska commit and probable top-five recruit in the country in the sophomore class 5 kills 5 errors on 23 swings Eagan hitting in abysmal Oh 6-4 thanks to the great block tough serve an amazing floor defense of Champlin Park well see if rebels the rebels can keep up that aggressive play that's gotten them here Andy I'm they they played for the most part pretty clean volleyball especially compared to how they started yesterday against Lakeville South absolutely they've been playing clean they've been playing relaxed one two Ayers not getting in their way like it did earlier on the other side of the net Egan seems to be piling them up how about that play by Madison killing Madison's mother Roxanne probably just excited that her daughter's alive as that ball came with pace and Madison bounces it back across Madison handles this goes out to or handle back row by Stella still attacking again Johnson back scepter or and candy or what's he gonna head to old Kennedy are with a big swing in transition there is the sophomore finding a gap between stealth us and Schmidt [Applause] scrambled mold and aspirin get to the cross Johnson setting Riggins puts eager to hip Jurgens hanging the tutored excuse me Johnson hanging the two ball here to jurgens and it's still a solo block so much respect for human and/or on the pins bark pushing across or to Johnson back outside Houston Sybil would buy press key long rally couple athletic sets from both aspirin and Johnson there and he's been not able to finish on the last [Applause] Clark serve here at 3 1 here's the county of war for into the middle Gilley digs that ball or tighter than that left-handers he who's been in trouble just went wait a minute I know who's on the other side and he bumps the ball all the way across not being able to see anything in or goes up no block down for a kill she'll go back to serve Kennedy or having some struggles from the service line that I believe is her second service errand no aces for the sophomore an oasis yet for Egan for service airs Champlin part three aces and for service errors talked about it in the middle is set to if Egan's gonna get going the role players are gonna have to go and here we see gherkins on the two ball again for the second time five to ijen as a table delay these kids have been subbing the same exact package for the last three months on both sides but the state tournament people want to make sure they get everything right so it slows everything down a little bit the first couple times through each set [Applause] we had a we did have a flip Jurgens and Amador hoose at the beginning of one and two got to start tuning set three and it's led to a five T need for champion preferred by Madison asked for the middle of the Hellenistic era Billy nice swing there that one in a little bit of a tempo not the fast like zero tempest she's used to running so they hang a little bit give her a little more time to see the Block in the floor and she does it serving line driver at Madison big swing first Elvis there she takes it into the 116 and off the bench will come Katie Prince and we look at this ball outside really gets a touch it's not enough as Miller not able to run it down Prince no match for the first time today took that ball there's one man across got it down between Ashburn and Gillian to the floor have we mentioned the fact that Ling Wong is too small to be really somebody want to worry about but she's just gonna swing big when she does it again six four [Applause] six to five stell puss with another big swing in a score high outside rolling across long sucked under the block not able to get a touch on it Weimer skirts sir today fern Steiner getting beat to her left and definitely less comfortable passing on that side of her body his print center you see her kind of cross herself up here and into the corner it would have been her chuckle adder again in Champlin Park has her first lead here in step three at seven to six it's Tempest is third kill in a row I believe on three swing opportunities this time she goes a little off speed and the ball has eyes into the corner or back outside there's Ashburn setting up the fart Clark a lot of real estate to work with there and she misses it just wide tied up at 7:00 [Applause] Kelly Johnson the senior shutter douche [Music] meant to kill that wouldn't drop us on the other side Madison will set up or back in front or with that intentional tool she waits and on the way down drops an elbow and hits the ball up into the block here it's a great looking swing and Clark gets the touch and Schmidt not able to get a second one even to the net or not violation as orden wanting to reach for it and I believe was that as I'm gonna go to a kill for a ski or stop us again yeah stop this will go back to serve here Kraske in the front row again here's a warm the oil for the kill or ripping that ball down the line nice swing first ball side out nine eight you know that's her changeup as the call and or late late on the block where the rebels nine eight Amador Cernik wire was falling all behind this has been right about every time they don't call them every single [Applause] that's the attack on the kill this time for Clark and it's nine nine deep five seems to be wide open and Champlin exploiting it stepping out rebels at the antenna walk point Creegan Jurgens with three kills here in this set of Egan's ten points they're really starting to find her a little bit more often and she's responding Madison search this dives over Wymer skirts got an aster I drove on to eight so the first four Egan in the mash Lebanon Island Wildcats now weimar skirts not rattled off and great effort here from Ashburn to lay out and try and get another touch on it but not high enough or add anybody human gets up along with Jurgen is big six three senior Houston their credit for the bonk and it's welcome great discipline here as Jergens doesn't leave early chases that ball down and Hearn huesemann closed on the block schmidt attacks off Madison out of play Madison for the first time today not equal to the task on the day that's the first ball she's touched that hasn't been touched by at least one more Egan wild have players who really impressed with the junior libero today it's been outstanding for Egan he'll serve out her ledger go down for a point surprise surprise Christine Jergens yet again a Center for most of her career but at Egan you just kind of do whatever Kathy asked you to do and Jergens yes ma'am has played middle for most of the year here for the Wildcats or stop us over by long the antenna at a point for Egan Oren lead has grown before here at fourteen to town Schmidt there's a blocking switch there is now huesemann who's been in the middle and on the left most of the year going out on the right to block Schmidt and Schmidt a little bit confused by it [Applause] to the floor while hanging at the net Jergens waiting for somebody to come in and set it everybody on Egan site thought that ball was going to get set but hilly taking full advantage of the overpass and dropping and right where Wong would have been had she not been ready to hit Thompson serves Amador wore set in the middle toward end this time kept alive by Campo Park tipped over by player in the net that violation there I believe on Wong the junior outside has 14 12 or setting back to Guzman aspirin in the middle of the Healey it goes to Wong and down for a cure Juan's older sister and played in that state championship match a couple years ago laying very same mannerisms as her older sister not known for her attacking prowess but one will not make an heir does a great job there actually this year switched over to her sister's jersey number that's how much respect to family has Bernstein is serving for Egan law 15:13 fern Steiner who hasn't seen much playing time this year in in this set beer and goes back to serve and just misses it look for them to attack her here with the serve as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over by Madison Panzer Ashford wicked of Gary gilli who was quiet in the first two sets here kind of coming alive and set three as the middle blocker turned attacker in transition doing the work and getting paid [Music] Schmidt serve an entire Bhagat spot that's 15 all to lay on the block from the champion park rebels leading to the first time that Wang has been stopped here in this match great delay from the rebels as hilly and Ashburn shut the door dig up on that ball by Panzer here's to help us can't give it the boss going for Eagle stealth has misfires as the block gets in her way and she tries to cut around it Keegan back in back in front 1658 [Applause] huesemann serve Schmidt Ashburn it's chilly over back it goes through advances that up by Schmidt over past master there to make the block on mold wrong eyeball dug up by Panzer scalp us over long to or the rule 8.4 Champlin par can be long rally couple big blocks there I love the fact that Ashburn able to recognize the ball going over turns finds great cover there again and will see the end of the rally as root over runs it and Haley shuts the door - Curt serves lime driver it's an ace a Soph long they're not a normal circusy we're not comfortable in this space very often and it goes to her right and she misplace it or dump it over great dive on that ball by sniff that time weights a little bit longer keeps the ball in front of her and is able to swing through the ball for a kill and were knotted up at 17 [Applause] touch off the block I didn't say or are the rebels touch by Egan watch its scheme across the map here yeah she hit the hep ball and immediately smiled at Kelly Johnson and looking for something there big swing everybody relaxed maybe maybe times are a little less relaxation on the Egan's side right now is they're about to get swept the way things are going right now this one though getting down low getting a much-needed point for the Wildcats well cats back within one Jurgens who's had a great set three back into the frontcourt and Amador to serve [Applause] [Music] Ashburn devarnè Clark back row and of the lure didn't get to an ephah dug up by or Madison or floated across Ashford the horn bark again 20 to 18 Bart just too good down the stretch here she unloads on another one and it'll be a timeout for Kathy Dylan 22:18 Chapman Park up here in set three five points away from not only the first volleyball state title but the first state title for the entire school a lot of pressure here Clark living for it big swing Amador Dixon nice palm play by or pushed across by Madison this ball on a tee and she's not gonna miss twice big swing outside the block of Moore and inside the middle back defender that's a heck of an angle right there for the Penn State commit elbows fans excited rebels team and if you tell you're near this coaching guys coach access how do they calm their girls Dunning we won't want anything yet right you know we're awful were look it looks good but it's about one touch at a time it's about remembering the game plan when it's when it's 24 whatever you don't get to suddenly go rogue and do your own thing there's a reason we got together in August we put this date on our calendar our goal for the season has been to win a state title you don't take your foot off the accelerator you don't unfocus until that last ball hits the floor Mashburn to serve Johnson to the minnow all over bye champ umpire out of the timeout gets a point takes a nice Jurgens yet again back within one are the Wildcats Madison back to serve just got it across blocks switched there from Coach Gillen as she swung or to the left and huesemann to the right paying dividends early 2020 race to five right love it love it that's why best seat in the house race to five couldn't couldn't be happier [Music] we're going to be encountered / 4.20 120 wild cats are one of three in a row Cavalli top 100 recruit le huesemann on the right side take a look at this point none we'll get to that Jergens pig tip and Weimar skirts watches and hit the ground le huesemann in the front row right now University of Minnesota commit top 100 prep volleyball comm recruit across this across the court from her Kennedy or top five recruit in the sophomore class going to Nebraska and Johnson twice in a row goes to kristinj arrogance who exactly according to people around the country people that have been watching this team for a few years know Jergens just called collected and a great teammate look for her she's so smart she's so aware of the situation knowing she doesn't need to take the big swing she just needs to make sure this ball finds the blue court and she does it again that might be her sixth kill of this set she has been the horse for Eagan here in set three now Wildcats will see if they can close this out and extend this match to at least a fourth sack Madison serves let's burn for car Madison back for or pretty good 2220 Wildcats or delaying her swing again hitting on the way down this time with some heavy topspin and stout this can't quite handle it stopped us for Ashburn much needed rubbles point the end the run of four for Egan back to serve is Clark who's been on a run a couple times here to see what she's got this time Johnson be huge minh pounds that ball nicely dug up by Clark it's got to get it over and does Jergens by far over by Smith Johnson setting up Jergens again to Ashburn go to hilly in the middle although by Kiehl's men with defense both teams on this rally punched over by Schmidt Johnson outside to all sides [Applause] Wow great rally the layout by Amador huesemann heads up knowing that Johnson not gonna get there just throws it across to reset the play a little bit later in the rally here we see why or is or big swing Kraske thinking that ball might be out of bounds but the heavy topspin drops it in or serving Schmidt this is an except for Egon Schmidt big swing there Hughes been late on the block and as a result little touch gonna get a timeout here from John Young Kerr his team down [Applause] Wildcats look to be dead after two came alive here in set three take a look at this big glass point here nice Paul onto the outside huesemann like I said late across Schmidt just too high on the block and it is yeah that one's gonna be a little wide but I love the swing intensity from Schmidt on the outside 2120 for John Young Carr calling his timeout late here in my opinion I would have called it a 23 but I'm not playing in the state championship match for the second time so will default to Younker and his expertise look for he got Schmidt on the outside here there or did they spin it no it looks like we're gonna have Schmidt in the five serve receiving hilly in the middle and Kraske on the right 24:21 Egan [Applause] the winds set three good rally late by the wild pass over Madison back to Wang Mashburn's on a junket over pan and set free those two Egan 25:21 Aspern who's been so calm the entire tournament the entire season honestly the last two three years running the show rebels got rattled they're late really frustrated with her play on the last touch of the game passes good we go outside tipped up or reads it Madison with her seventh or eighth bump set to the outside in a very short amount of time open was the dump and aspirin saw it there that didn't get the ball across is a 2-1 lead for the rebels and we continue more volleyball from the class 3a state championship match at Xcel Energy Center on CCX after this timeout I try to keep up with what these young people is doing and noise I was at work and I was I just got a text from a number that I didn't know I sent him a text he takes me back and say who dis he and I just thought that was the funniest bang the next few weeks just they'd find me like would answer the door and say who dis who dis drop off a warm meal and get more than you expect volunteer at America let's do lunch org America I've been delivering meals on wheels to Leon for 13 years it's always a pleasure to see you Leon has definitely inspired me to put more into my relationships he really cared for his wife who was ailing for quite a while in such a touching way that inspired me to be a better person drop off a warm meal and get more than you expect volunteer at America let's do lunch org America let's do lunch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well just some of the fun we've seen in the first 70 minutes here is Champlin park leads to one buddy Egon coming back and he Dukas burg closing set three on a seven to one run and extend this to us at least a fourth seven yeah the big key right there for this third set was Christine Jergens who had six kills on ten swings in set three alone and Kennedy or who was a five 523 after three sets goes on for six kills and one error in 10 swings there in set three the sophomore woken up doing a really nice job on the other side Schmidt with for errors in three kills in the third set not playing her best volleyball will see if she can reset and get after it here and set for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so Champa tronco try to settle down after being outscored late in that third set Egan showing that too steep tournament championship game experience sixth year in a row like eg and it's been here [Music] she's fresh then I get to coach all the more we started Hey Samara Amador served before the whistle came the freshman real excited to be in a set for in chip [Music] Ashburn de Clark Clark finds the edge for the first point [Applause] is the Ashburn headed to Wisconsin next year of serving for Champlin Park lock-on Jergens ball aspirin goes to Schmidt George engine or get up for what we're tied at one Jurgens just playing with a little different eyes right now her she's got that passion in her eyes right now eyes across the net ready to block here [Applause] or across handled by Schmidt - per begin no back row by Johnson or swings and down for point big swing from or is that ball maybe pop the back line least that's what our line judge thinks we'll take a look here and ball is swung oh no I ball missed by a tile and those are 18 inch tiles Snippets throws it back row damaged by Amador over over I can't get it to a teammate that went 2.4 Egan 3 1 lead early here as the tool by Clark early the only point in its a 300 run miss Brenda Clark gets this one or losing the 6th school Penn State recruit not knowing where she was as she goes up with no block there that's it gonna end poorly for Eagan every time my best fans trying to get their team fired up here huesemann big Ashburn back to the middle of the court over by Lauren Clark middle Jergens help us gets a hand out kill for Christine Jurgens to make it for two Iijima Jergens really having a nice match here in the second half stealth us with a touch on that ball and Champlin not making a second rule very uncharacteristic for the rebels as we're back for a ski over or too long this is we have a touch Randy no looking it off nope no look at the touch [Applause] epic Gillan can't believe it that might have caught the top of the block there but silver and Dana not even looking for it take another look here great on-camera work as per always do we get it yep the left index finger of the block of I believe that was Stella piss or excuse me press key Thomson good sir an ace died before serving specialist Thompson really coming through in the clutch there another good serve handled by Wang she'll get the set from Ashford she's been on the other side falls through the walking down Jurgens reaching outside her body there and not staying at cross leaving a lot of opening for Schmidt to swing handled by Thompson asked for him back Schmidt that's your footsteps there or what happened I think she wanted a higher ball she wasn't quite ready for the tempo that aspirin delivered an aspirin looked over to Schmidt and said what that's on me we'll get that ball higher now they're still communicating on how they're gonna get out of this serve receive here in a hurry fans around for Thompson Bern Steiner serving front row tipped over by Steffes Jackson back for Juan out point Champlin Park rebels not quite sure who's even in the front row right now has they had four blockers up for most of that point six five Champlin park with schmidt serving or to wong pounce it hold for a point big swing from long there on the first ball side out opportunity [Applause] Madison dying off the net or big swing cross part from folks here Lima rich Mashburn just she is a lunchbox kid like you watch her play the game that she just looks like she's going to punch in do her work and go home playing with such passion right now my murse Curt serves his or acts at the law [Applause] tulay call from the line judge there on a big swing and block call was the ball went off the block and out of bounds point four Egan take a look here see if we can see it on our side or might a screen that one mark over all the middle took mm Oh Weimer Scrooge picks that up back to stop it there's another kill stealth is hitting with pace and playing with passion really really all about the junior right now great ball from Ashburn cross court and middle back defender oh I believe yeah that makes a little bit more sense she saw a seam in the block wasn't in position to make the ball [Applause] Johnson back over by rue - burn runs this fall down Schmidt's got a woman judge does get it over the net - Kennedy or this time puts it away or calm throat the rally does a great job finishing that one late in the rally big swing from her as she goes inside the block Jurgens back into the match Amador back to serve France key over the Wildcats lead 9 8 9 8 as that ball trickles in between Ashburn and press key not a cross very well here or great work in transition and there you see at the block not quite closed and or finding the gap Brenda Clark [Music] [Applause] ten eight seven four mark it down if Egan wins this that's the point that turned it great layout and then the off-speed and Clark watches it hit the floor [Applause] [Music] the freshman gets the wind sucked out of Eagan on a miss service aspirin serving [Applause] Johnson although the middle over by Jergens and again the rebels for the second time in three points watch it fall to the floor John young car frustrated at Lauren Clark just screamed Lauren play some defense we'll see how she responds here - Brenda Schmidt that's wrong no touch as Schmidt uncorking on a ball looking for the top of the Eagan Wildcat block let's take a look here see if she found it he maybe has been back to park and this one off Johnson's hands and out much-needed point for the rebels it's 12:10 Ashburn talking to Clark all the way back here great pass here back set the Egan's block looking at the ball instead of the Penn State commit and she beats one past them [Music] juergen bark takes that ball up Jasper the Kraske long competing errors and just errors in general for Champlin Park here in this middle of the set yeah one of the conversations across the country right now is eliminate or eliminating the double contact we've had some questionable sets that have led to errors on the attack so I'm on all on board with just getting rid of the call and Wow Weimer spurts great vision from the grow as she takes the third contact and rolls it into the ones 1/2 seam where no Egan defender is just crate shot Amador out of position huesemann already out ready to take her swing nice job Thompson at 1/8 last time there just went tough too long or deep faster and then fountain unable to scramble back into position to get a play on it great play by Kennedy or Kennedy or in her fourth state title game really playing like a veteran there she catches the Champlin park defense kind of mid transition stop it's a frog or across the wall gets blocked I said by Smith or again then you think it fly Schmidt's in a space right now look for the senior back at the service line it's peacetime I believe it's a quick set huesemann not in position to make a great play on it and Schmitt with the block she'll go back to sir it serves off Navis ooh Ashburn try to jump it all it's alive stomp us back bro - Madison - or back swing by yield Panzers great job by Schmidt and over by Weimar speech or the long bigpoint Champlin park rebels within one on a big swing from long looking for hands and missing good location so far from both setters we're seeing two that will be in the big ten soon dish and rocks everywhere Schmidt serves great dig by Weimar sturgeon over by Smith - the big attack another swing at block Killian stealth us block Houston Hill East alphys the juniors in a senior Laden lineup just closed the door here on Guzman that's a monster block stomp us got a hole that one we are tied at 14 gets it back 1514 Egan Schmidt big work out the service line gets a couple to tie it up but then misses the opportunity to take the lead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ashburn setting up stealth us and take to the net but over play by or here's Hillary attacking Hillary in schranz is one of the most beautiful things to watch in 3a volleyball the kid just does the work really nice job six hands in front of her here and she just bangs it through and Katie Beirne Steiner in front of the 10-foot line not able to make the play I'm her skirt serve or quick set tackle block net violation pamphlet and don't know if they called that one on Clark or on Ashburn either way it's a point for the rebels tot excuse me point for the Wildcats 16:15 Egan on top here and set forth [Music] Mashburn's Talpa down to a point to big swing down that line forced out this that was close to another big swing using all 30 feet on the other side of the court Johnson four pounds of point for Eden or with another big swing into the cross port Weimar skirts gets a touch on it but not able to corral it back into the court Jurgens and Amador back in Jergens had a great set three in an okay set for so far look for Johnson to find her a lot in the middle here been back for press key 17 all fast he's been quiet this match coming up big down the stretch here Mashburn back to sir we are tied at 17 [Applause] the middle Jergens folks at the CrossFit Ashburn Kraske get spot Jurgens with the block Jurgens and or sticking around in the middle there that's a really good-looking block here hang it I like I like the swing there by prasie Jergens getting the lion's share of that block though ask for an outside the Schmidt had some momentum coming forward and sings that one off the hands and we're tied at 18 Schmidt going downhill is a great swing again let's take another look great ball Jergens not getting across that time late on the read Clark serve or down to a point none of the ORS put the Wildcats back in front 1918 Egan here inset for Johnson coming way off the net or with a lot of court to work with [Applause] Ashburn will set outside to Schmidt again across Madison plays it Amador up for Wang Schmidt's hands Ashburn back to Schmidt again off the blockers Jurgens or and Huston can't get it over another tie game here at 19 and set 4 and into the game comes Nicole Thompson serving specialist for the rebels and an ace earlier in the set [Applause] I sit down for her second ace [Applause] coming up short on that ball as Thompson with a laser bottom drops out that's clean [Applause] another good serve this one handled by Amador block on Houston but dug up by ORS trying to scramble out of the way here [Music] Reimer spurts trying to set up stealth us or to Wang floats it across aspirin back milk floats it Mallinson again gets to that ball here's Wang putting it down couple of great defensive plays and Egan signing that to keep that rally alive when Wang finishes it I'm having flashbacks to two years ago Jon great defensive effort that both sides of the ball long coming into the cross board as the fights still open 20 20 same as we had in set three fern Steiner serving handle by Smith Ashburn over by Steffes it's the antenna that Searle is gone out and E that's a tough angle it may have but at this point in the match if you're Schmitt you're not going to let the ball dictate what you're gonna do I think it might have but Schmidt's gonna go ahead and play on the side of caution you definitely that's a two point one if it lands in Colette's MIT again Ashburn accept the Schmidt down balaiah they explain getting a gem next year and Schmidt putting this team on her back for the last few swings she'll go back to surf she was good for a couple a PSA's last time I swing down the line long the smaller block and they attack it 21 all and set for or dump Smith lost her balance fell down that's a point for Regan that's twice we've seen or flat-footed out of the back row on serve receive more kills another great great spot has yeah Schmidt saw it but you're right should crossed up her own feet and not able to make the play he has been sirs oh why her skirts just gets to that ball stop us a frog tied at 22 every time I watch her swing is just I fall more and more for what this kids about rossport big swing Hawaiian or skirt serves all of the middl ball nice dig by Schmidt ask furnace tapas float to the cross here's long pounding it dug up by weimar skirts we'll just come back for a car call the contact on the rebels point Edom ask where he got ahead of herself a little bit they're trying to do too much too little just make the smart set here is 23 22 vegan in in front and John Junger wants to call a timeout make sure that everybody's on the same page with what we're doing in this rotation as a serve receive team they are the ones that tend to actually be at the advantage when receiving serve so they will get the first swing right now will Champlin Park I believe they got Clark behind and Steph is out in front if I'm on my rotation wheel correctly look first Elpis on the big swing on the outside off the edge of the block serving for vegan is Johnson which means or just got to the front row if they get into a transition play or on the outside into the seam is probably the call Kennedy or who is hitting zero after two sets really come alive here in sets three and four you see the game face she's got right now looking to take this team Egon to a fifth set in the class 3a final [Applause] Johnson served over by Weimer scourge Ashburn Warren play by Madison again here's or another questionable ball there as Johnson with a little bit of a missed handle we'll take a look at it doesn't come out exactly clean we don't see it leave her hand there but there's or taking a big swing on a bad set and still finding the point yeah adds height to the nav a screw ball war pension and we go a fifth set 25:22 Egon we are tied two sets of peace great rallies throughout the entire fourth set down the stretch though Kennedy or fended aching over getting us into a set five as they'll get ready for the coin toss here and or doing everything right on her side of the ball got a lot of help we'll watch this last point here a little bit of chaos pushed across rude ready to pick it up Johnson we're going to go outside Clark going up expecting a big swing can't move her hand fast enough and or throws it down the line for set point and we're gonna go to five here in the 3a final one more set to play in the season Egan and chip apartheid two sets of peace wrap it up here from sick ball with set five on CCX after this timeout [Music] they'll test you try to break your will but however loud the loudness gets however many cheese puffs may fly you're the driver the one in control stand firm just wait and move only when you hear the click that says they're buckled in for the drive never give up till they buckle up meals on wheels gives me a chance to be totally selfless more than the food itself a lot of seniors don't have family so just to have someone to talk to them just to say hey how's your day that means so much more than a meal could ever be we have to look outside of ourselves to be that lifeline to other people swarthy [Music] [Applause] fans on both sides on their feet as we get ready for set five championship match championship sense chimp on Park and Egan in class 3a great volleyball on both sides of the net Kalyan Madison the story defensively as she has 27 of Egan's 80 pigs on the other side of the net Emma Schmitt actually leading champion park defensively with 20 digs of her team's 81 I'm having flashbacks to 2 years ago John great defensive effort down the stretch in that match there were four sets played in over 200 balls dug a little bit behind that place here if it's still great volleyball Lauren Clark still banging away she has 13 kills Schmidt was 16 and stop us with 15 we are underway and set 5 verse 215 Clark handled back row by Amador near Zoar across Ashburn set for our first point of sep 5 goes to champ on Park if your rebels you win the first two sets you lose the next two years got to be a little bit rattled how do you compose things here for sub 5 you reset you remember what you did in sets 1 & 2 [Applause] Johnson 2 or nice dig by Weimer Scourge played back they'll go back to Kennedy or again at Weimer Scourge who handles that Clark floats it over Johnson to or and up by Clark now to Singapore Ashburn middle tap it over Madison runs up on that ball Johnson tight to the head Jergens able to get a hand on it long rally here Clark engine good defensive effort Madison with a few digs Weimer skirts with a few big swings on both sides we'll see the under here as Clarke finding mole off the edge [Applause] Mashburn serves great job to get a hand on that Antron got it over we're back to Brie or this one down Kennedy or with her first kill of this set in set forth oh hey it happens to the best of us Kennedy or inset for 10 kills on 15 swings and no errors in set four alone [Applause] Madison dig up on stalfos Ashbourne then to Schmidt [Applause] Smits wing and fearless there in between the block of huesemann and Jergens and down for a point in a 3-1 lead for Champlin Oh Jergens just kind of late there's bark serves the phrase [Applause] or just looking at that ball watching it drop in front of her and Clark with the clean ace great serve on nobody moved [Applause] [Music] mark shirts on side used it off stop this car runs it down south fish over whistle she's off the floor when she made contact with the play with the ball it is a point for Egon as she is not allowed to leave the court and play the ball and that is the discussion that's going on between John Younker and our down official great play by Fulton great call by Phil Moonbeam are recognizing it's honestly it's a safety issue and after we'll take a look at this you see Clark Sprint's after this one she's clean but then the next touch that gets blocked Ashburn weimar skirts go back to Schmidt again [Applause] saying get on my back let's do the thing that is hearse I believe 18th kill of the match she just uncorks on this ball Madison expecting something with some more spin already commits to a platform play and it goes off her forehead Thompson the Houston gets pop and it's 60 champ on fire huesemann in trouble blocked again and it'll be a timeout for Hall of Fame coach Cathy Gillen and the Eagan Wildcats everything falling champions way they are up six to here in a decisive set five we'll take a look at this last point Amador decent pass they go back and the clamp is that hilly it absolutely is statistically that will get a half block for her and Steffes but he Lee all over that ball the junior middle blocker playing hard volleyball not a not somewhat not one of the glamour kids that we talked about often as far as getting the big kills and getting all the fit all the sets but she is the hardest-working kid on this Champlin part team [Applause] six-two Champlin park trying to continue what they've done well here in this fifth and final set [Applause] Thompson sir handel and Wong master hey Smith set up long again this time finds the pork big point for Egon and Ling long with the kill Ling Wong going through the scene in the block there big swing for the junior outside as not able to close that timeless hailey paying a little bit too much attention to jurgens with good raising Jergens having a great match in the latter half here burn Snider serves to Schmidt - Brandis tapas Lord along [Applause] that is a big swing and a laser accuracy on to the end line therefore linglong six to four burn Steiner serves late to react to that ball step it's over gets tipped back boy Egan green arrow for the wild pass that is the blocking vision that le huesemann uses to get herself recruited to Minnesota normally you watch the ball there and she's going to be on the way down she recognizes Steffes in a bad way and actually delays her blocked first alphys Madison nice play on the bar or SWAT to be over and is by [Applause] five schmidt one-on-one against Wong is going to end poorly for Deagan every time they do it it's a free ball opportunity and just a gorgeous bow and Smit able to take that ball into the one [Applause] block by aspirin point four champion car or pushes long into the net and it's an eight-five lead for the rebels [Applause] Emma Schmitt back to serve laser just misses where'd you see the other day Andy well I pay for the whole chair wedding he just absolutely it's an easy edge when you just need the edge Easter famine Schmidt going for it again misses that one [Applause] misspelled puss big or to the middle bumped over by prime Steiner learn to kill a this time he's been with the dig wanna get spa aspirin and Hillary get up for it nine six rebel to great defensive plays won by fern Steiner won by huesemann but eventually they met defense of hilly and Ashburn housing long or and pounded down by mole and called her name much plant lived at Abbey mold it's a big point for the Wildcats yeah always working always available they feed her every once in a while and it pays off they're cutting the rebel lead to to match ran outside the Lorne Park ten seven champion Park I'll see getting it done there Lauren Clark with the big hammer down the line on the first ball side out we'll take a look here she cranks this ball beautiful spot untouched conserved by selfish right dive by Johnson to get to that ball aspirin back Kraske right to the net or gets it down boy what a big point for Eagan looks like that was going to go down for Champlin Parkman you get it up and or finally finishes yeah the server seat ball very very poorly handled and eventually or able to take a big swing and the door serve stop us Ashburn Bart back to the middle nicely played by mol Merna Clark [Applause] for champion park Johnson with a on necessary double contact they're trying to do to watch play play Johnson facing the net [Applause] the contact coming over and it will be rebel point on the double contact love 1/8 a sperm back to serve [Applause] smiling down on the rebels right now as the serve patches tape and it is a 18 foot they are three points away from the first state title in school history in any sport and right now John Yunker trying to remind his athletes to just play one point at a time Egan happy Gillen on the other side doing what she asked you to call the team down and remember that we're gonna need one simple touch here as my friend Dennis Amundsen says all the time all you got to do is put three good contacts together and you'll get that side out you need to try and figure out anything short of that could be problematic here for the Wildcats in their sixth straight state final appearance they beat these rebels a couple of years ago and four of the rebels that we see right now stout this aspirin weimar scourge and Schmidt were on the floor as they watched Egan get the gold medals trying to get their own right now Ashburn across out of the timeout Johnson setting up all the more disturbance a adviced alphas Johnson Jurgens at the enemy by Ashburn Wireless version there's this big swing from snip there she's trying to take over on her own as well she should 9:12 [Applause] Madison to serve here now possessions got to run that fall down Schmidt pushing it teeth and long again Schmidt back-to-back airs from the senior outside here who has carried this team much of the way here in the final for sure stealth us aspirin back to Schmidt again Johnson setup or well the oven three in a row for Egon Kennedy or just taking over on that swing that is about the seventh or eighth out a system ball that everybody knew she was getting and she answers with another kill out a system vault bumps that gonna go cross-court off the block picked up nicely by Madison Johnson that fifteen feet one option she goes to or and/or goes over the large block for asking there and down into the corner for a kill we're just talking three points ago about how Champlin Park just needs to take care of some small things and finish it out and that's two errors by Schmidt and a big swing from Oren suddenly the almost dead Eagan Wildcats are one point away from tying this thing up in a deciding set five Schmidt's gonna hit this ball really really hard John Galen Madison serving her team trailing by one here late in set five Ashburn to Schmidt roll over back to Kennedy or block park and Kraske it's a switch block there as Clarke had been hitting left side in transition they move her to the right and she lines up or perfectly stuff block her and Kraske closed 13:11 Clarke serves Johnson actor orb which is Econoline snelfus picks that up they go to Schmitt shift by ego point Champlin Park it is match point for the rubbles big swings for Schmitt there as she goes and cracks one off the block great used by the senior outside hitter championship point Lauren Clark and her first state tournament appearance ball tight to the net wars gotta get this home run guys Mashburn outside Schmitt off hands for the middle Madison set up three or [Applause] at 1412 Kennedy or another big swing in transition the sophomore Center having a little bit of a hiccup in the service category this tournament we'll see how she does here she's got a lace too in her own [Applause] Shambu FARC rebels [Music] gene twelve big swings all the way across excitement and elation Wildcats [Music] heartbreaking miss serve first time in six appearances they come away class three-a Champions John Yonkers Squad senior lateness for Division one players gets it done here at the X [Applause] six runner-up appearances and various sports for Champlin park through the years twice they lost in the prep Bowl and football twice and boys basketball once in baseball once and volleyball but not this time around this rebels group wins the school's first ever state championship Egan boys showing what they're made of though back in the Final Four a sixth year in a row down two sets come back and almost pulled us out yeah great great volleyball Kennedy or is going to play a lot of great matches in her life and not gonna let one miss serve be the definition and she's frustrated with herself the seniors bummed out for sure as two years in a row Egan comes in as the favorite in the state championship match and falls short Champlin Park the excitement the elation those kids been playing together year-round for a very long time look at the last point mostly for reaction purposes here we see a good toss that ball drops in and immediately the dog pile the excitement for Champlin Park so excited so excited [Applause] or 2018 big class champions [Applause] Hansen burger talked about this when he did the section final with me the champion Park white said I said as much as club volleyball is meant to him and big a bit acquire the type column important high school volleyball is and the communities in the school spirit and the dog files like that it's it's the best part of doing any match is watching the dog pile that happens right now the all tournament team is being named here in class 3a the the all tournament team shaaka peas Rachel killed Kelly Maddie Whittington of Stillwater einem Oldham from Lakeville South Hill and Madison Kennedy or and Ellie huesemann from Eagan and from champion Park itse Ashburn Jordans tapas Emma Schmidt and Caitlin Weimer scourge all very well they do such a great job there were four ginormous players for Chamblin part missing from that team is Clark who had a great tournament as well but you can't give up on Team five it's almost unheard of to give one team four in Champlin Park definitely deserving so today closing out our coverage today and a couple of the awards individual medals for both teams Andy and I will chat as we do and then we're gonna go to the postgame press conferences which you'll never get to see except maybe just snippets of but they bring in the the losing team first Egan coach Cathy Gillen are bringing one or two over players and then John Youngs will bring in a couple of his players and it will cover all of that for you as well coming up here on ccac's well what a match we had Andy huh you know it's been one of those things once in a while a team gets put together and I mean I'll be honest with you I've been I've been covering these these Chandler Park rebels with you since their first state appearance and the rebels everybody thought they were good because of Sidney hilly Billy graduates and everybody thinks well the coverage is not quite there they'll still be okay but that was their chance these kids were sophomores at the time these seniors and a freshman at the time in stop Asst and now here they are they get to raise the big banner they get to put up the first banner in high school history you go into other high schools we went in and we did the section final between Armstrong and Edina and they've got 125 state championships I don't even know where they hang them anymore there's gonna be one hanging there in the entire school and it's this 2018 class 3a champion or class 3a champion Champlin Park rebels great job for the for the rebels this year throughout the entire turn throughout the entire year they've been the big team to beat and we see him right now we one of my favorite parts of the state tournament after the championship the runners-up will be the ones that get called first and a handshake and a hug probably from each of the Champlin Park rebels here let's go to public address announcer a leek rock now for the awards presentation number three Elise Eliot number four Lauren Miller five Kailyn Medicine six Abigail mo number eight Kelly Johnson [Music] number nine Payton rude number ten laying the wall number 12 Katie Beirne Snyder number 13 the lady Forrester 15 Christine Jurgens at number 16 Elliot Houston student manager grace plunder assistant coach Steve Elliot [Music] assistant coach Kelly Schlegel and head coach for the Eagan Wildcats Kathy Gillen and now the captains of the Eagan girls volleyball team please come forward to receive the class 3a second place trophy let's give a big hand to the Egan girls volleyball team [Music] and now the 2018 Minnesota State High School Class 3a girls volleyball champion Champlin heart gold medals will now be presented to each member of the team number one Lauren clerk number two Sammy Healy number ten mi Schmitt number four and Nicole Thompson number five Megan Panzer number six Caitlin Weimer skirt number seven Jensen Lear's number eight Holly bless table number nine Lindsey rod number eleven is the effort number 12 Hana press key number 13 Jordan Stella Pez at number 15 Matty cop assistant coach Ellis and exness assistant coach Natalie Thomas and head coach for the Chaplin Park rebels John Yonkers [Music] and now will the captains of the Chaplin Park girls volleyball team first place 28 class 3a championship girls congratulations to Chaplin hard what a day for Champlin park volleyball champion park athletics sample in brooklyn park community and excited group of rebels girls here's camp off of great 32 and two season with a state 3a championship yeah there's one team at the end of the year that gets to say they won the big class and Champlin Park is that team this year rebels playing from behind a few different times never got real tight never got real tense always stayed loose and relaxed I mean even after an air they would get frustrated for a second but those seniors especially would look around to each other and recognize this is our moment we are going to take full advantage as we see the photo of the state champs Champlin Park so exciting for this community so exciting for John Young Kerr Allison axis and the rest of the staff and players for the rebels a long time in the making John has done a great job since he's taken over of getting down into the youth program they're young kids they're first second third graders are playing volleyball and no John young Kerr is he does a great job supporting the community and getting everybody from his community involved in volleyball as he puts it it's a lot easier to play this game than it is to play the the round ball throned orange ball in Champlin park volleyball bringing the first state title to the rebels congratulations to Champlin park on a great effort today and a great season an Eagan man coming back the way they did after looking out of sorts those first two sets they are B in step three and come back and win it as you see the champion park find us now the trophy other their fans congratulate them maybe get a hand on the trophy so cool yeah echoing what Carl said in the section final what I would have noticed with these athletes with these situations I've I've been fortunate enough to play in coaching some pretty big club matches and nothing nothing is anywhere near the atmosphere we have right here as Champlin Park the athletes just taken a minute to be with their student section the sixth man definitely a part of the victory for the rebels today you know I talked to one of a parent out in the lobbies I was getting my pass for the day and of a parent of a junior doesn't play said but what a great experience Murray maybe they won't get back here next year you might not hit the court today but what fun it's going to be part of this group but I never gets old does it never done here on the winning side of it it never at it never gets old it never gets I don't know that annoying is the word it's just it's such a emotional moment right now as the entire school following this program as they're trying to get more and more pictures going in in today's society where everything has a photo behind it this is one of those that will never get old you go back through the annals of time you get back in you and you look in Armstrong's gym when they were winning titles back in the day and it's the exact same picture with the exact same excitement from these young athletes so happy for them so happy for what they are about these seniors leaving a legacy that hasn't been dealt with here in Champlin heart we're gonna be going to that press conference here in a few minutes and hearing from Eagan and Champlin Park both that what a great season again Andy we had on CCX and fun teams to cover we saw Wayzata bounce back from that that tough season they had a year ago and get to the section final and push Champlin Park a little bit so a nacio team that struggled last year to win matches they were good this year and play the great semifinal match against white 7 those will be two teams to watch in our area next year arms drawn getting all the way to their section final without lauren cart having come from Armstrong over to champion Park this year just to name a few stories and obviously this group we're gonna go now to the press conference and let's hear from the Eagan Wildcats [Music] um I guess I wouldn't expect anything less you know we knew they were good when we played them in a tournament it was kind of the same thing you know it was only a three-set match but it was much the same so I guess I do I'm glad we came back and won a couple um but I kind of expected a battle I think our defense definitely got better and Christine Jergens started getting some nice kills in the middle for us kind of changed the tie a little bit finally they were scrambled in a little bit more than we were our serve receive got better too Elian the site in the third and fourth sets especially seemed like told the teams were blocking extremely well it sure seemed like that each team had each team and the other well scouted was do you think that was a case are you familiar enough with his team that kind of you kind of have an idea where the ball is going yeah I mean we prepared this morning obviously to like Scout the team but it also was just we both just wanted to block each other we both just like worked hard and did our best to help our team it's like at the at the net so I mean scouting can only help you so much it depends how you actually perform in the game just the team just stayed focused and staying together because the moment we pulled apart we wouldn't be able to win and it was just working our like hardest every single point and not taking one point for granted as a team I noticed I did notice silence I don't I told the girl I don't really really hear what's going on but I did notice silence but I didn't think twice about it I thought it was kind of nice you know I'm I'm proud of the way we played in the way we fought back as a team and I think that we've come a long way since the beginning of the season so it's nice to end our season on a big court like that well I've said it before it you know there's no magic potion it's just you know these girls have set a standard in the gym and it continues on with new girls that come in and they did they work hard they have found a perfect balance of working hard and having fun [Music] they just swing hard every single point and they're never afraid to go for it and they have some tough hitters that they're hard to stop so I mean they're just a great team all around mm-hmm they have no weaknesses you know they they were strong coming in and then when Lauren Clark moved in they got even stronger so it's you know they just they just have very few weaknesses so yeah all right sounds great Andy always a tough thing if you're the losing player to come in like the champ the state high school he's done this last several years now where they've gone to a press conference rather than you grab a player coach afterwards and and and they've said people the players that that are on the losing side they kind of like getting up there and being asked questions it might not seem like much but you know you kind of get a chance to calm down a little bit and and reflect on what a great match you've just played a great season you've had yeah absolutely I you know I teared up a little bit listening to Kennedy are there yeah just a great season for her only a sophomore but to have her season end that way really really frustrating for her Ellie huesemann again just a class act kid and I handled herself very well in that moment Champlin Parker's ready let's go to John young Kerr and his crew of four seniors she's an outstanding coach she's in Hall of Fame for a reason and a great team and probably the match everybody was expecting her or hoping for so great hats off to them and on another great season so we have seen around Schmidt senior Aspern senior Kaitlyn Weimer Scourge and senior Lauren Clark yeah it doesn't suck too bad no that's our running phrases it doesn't suck we yeah the first team sport to I know we had some individual sports and individual athletes win state stuff it's the first first team banner for for the school in 27 years so it's a not just a big deal for these girls and and and the volleyball program it was a pretty big deal for the school yeah um I mean just I think you'd feel this great anyway but at the same time just to have the school on her back like this is just makes it even better yeah we've been a state multiple times so like being able to accomplish our goal finally it just feels amazing and it was like a lot of pressure going into it because we wanted to be able to do that for our school we worked really hard this whole season and just to see that it paid off it it's really cool to be a part of history no Egan's a great team they have a lot of weapons they are great defense and we knew we're gonna have to come out and play our game and fight and use what the coaches are telling us exactly no just super proud of excuse-me their battle and compete factor first two sets were going our way and we knew they were gonna respond and you know we had some opportunities in the third and fourth set to me he put him away both those sets are really close and it was you know we talking about for him for the fifth set this is it you know the only anything left in the tank you got to go and a little tenant even a couple points in the third or fourth set just because it started to sneak into our heads like what could possibly happen we said okay refocus and let's go and you know they battled amazingly super proud of them so I don't know what I'll say about them yeah she it was like I said we just said we've got to be ready for just no more hesitation just play our game obviously pay attention to where we're Kennedy's at you know she's an amazing volleyball player and they were gonna get her the ball any chance they hadn't especially since she started to feel it a little bit and was making some shots and getting her swings in so you know the girls did a great job of responding and and making sure they tried to get in front of her in slow balls down and and we did that off a lot she got her swing since she got her kills but we were able to slow some balls down and counter-attack so yeah we have a lot of great hitters on our team and they're willing to take a chance and they're not afraid to make the mistakes even if it's going to cost us at one point they're gonna try let the coaches tell them and they're going to stick to the game plan and I think that's just what sets us apart from the other teams yeah for sure the crowd was very big but late we're used to playing in front of a lot of fans so I think we handled ourselves really well and really bounce back after the third and fourth cuz those were tough for us but we just said believe in each other we got your back let's go out and win I mean I don't really think we had doubt in our minds I mean we were just gonna go out and give it our all if our all wasn't enough then we take it but that's just what we're gonna do for me personally I don't think it set in yet I mean it's pretty we understand that what's happened don't get me wrong but it still hasn't set in the emotions of it there or whatever else because there's such a quick turnaround but yeah I mean to watch it go in it and we kind of look at each other the girls we rush the court the coaches looking at each other like this really just happened kind of things so like I said it's I don't think it's it set in for any of us completely yet but I won't take too long I don't think yeah I love working with them as Azia said multiple times in the past that were very competitive which has made all of us better and it's super fun because they pushed me to become a better person and a player and yeah it's super cool I love playing with them I'm gonna miss thought about what for a winning state yeah it's definitely crossed my mind a couple times but now that we've accomplished our goals it's great yeah we talked about that you know we always talked about it but we felt today especially we've kind of watched and tried to figure out what Stillwater did well yesterday to push them a little bit in and the main thing is yeah they have a lot of weapons too but if you can slow the ball down a little bit and makes life a little easier for our back row and it makes the hitters think a little bit and some balls went off the block and some were slowed down and some were huge stuff blocks I mean Lauren had that ball I don't matter what the points time I what score was but it doesn't matter what the score was cuz it was an awfully big momentum change when Lauren had that stuff blocked there in the fifth and yeah I mean that's one thing we tried to pride ourself on is is our defense and that starts with blocking and yeah this they executed what we asked them to so super proud of them you saw that tonight with Haley she had five kills but seemed like oliver's came and such a big moment along with us all of us with 15 a lot of double-doubles diverse team very very much doubt that I just came yeah I mean that's one thing we've been able to kind of hang our head all year is that we're gonna come at you from all over the place and everybody's gonna get their their chance and and maybe somebody's having a little bit of an off night and somebody's have a little bit better night but if you if you SARS to actually throughout the season it's pretty well balanced and not only as a testament to their physical ability but it's a testament to their selflessness they don't care who gets the kill they don't care who gets the block I let's just get it done um you know if it's my time you know I you know this year Sammy maybe flew under the radar sometimes I think but you know she comes in big and Jordan I know if the one of the radar you know we talked about his coaching staff that Jordans maybe the the difference maker for us just because people on the other team don't these guys are great all her hitters are great but people all shoot there's a kid out there we forgot about her and then by that time was too late like you said she had what 16 kills or something like that so I think it even surprised her a little bit sometimes how much she's involved in and things like that so but yeah we're very fortunate to have up the lineup we have then it's a it was a big reason why we were able to accomplish what we were accomplished and the service returns phenomenal what look like your sir was on he had three service uh yeah I struggled early in the season with my serve just missing a lot and I think I just changed my mindset to like going back there and just say I'm gonna get it in and over and I'm gonna put pressure on them to try and get them out of system to help my team I think all of us right now are still a little bit like in the game not realizing what happened at the end there but just knowing that we have that much support from our school and seeing them here on a Saturday and just how big of a crowd we had and how loud they were and just knowing that they support us so much helped us through that game they were really happy to have them out here no it's let me started number years back I know it was my first year we actually brought them down on the court after after matches you know and the girls sing the school song as we start to pull into the parking lot on the bus and it's just something that's carried over and and and you know we don't get a chance to do it every match anymore just it just doesn't happen every match but all all the big matches so like section we've done a couple times those sections and things like that I'm unable to get them engage in part of it because you know they do help us a lot and our student section was great for playoffs here now great to hear from the rebels congratulations on their championship again and Andy googors burger they finished off a 32 and two season a lot of happy smiles than that grew from this whole champion park the rest of the team that's still waiting on the court back behind I said what a terrific season for them and they bring home the hardware yeah absolutely hard work pays off and that's something that I know John yonkers been preaching to these girls for years and here they are state champs on top of the world for at least nine ten months until the target goes on their back as the defending champs when they start the 2019 season this group though a group that won't come back together for these seniors and even for these underclassmen as they may come back and put another good team together this team is done and only one team gets to say they're the champs of it all and Champlin Park very deserving let's look at some rubbles highlights from that fifth set again they had won the first two sets Ian come back and wins next units back and forth of the flip one cart got that started early yeah lots of big swings from the outside Clarke with that vicious ace for a big momentum turn here to see the otis system swing and Schmidt never took anything off it I don't remember calling her name on a roll shot or anything here's a big stuff block as Sydney Haley excuse me Tammy hilly we're both calling the wrong sibling and now we go back Schmitt again with the answer right there cross-court for the kill we'll go out to Clark that's it looks like the same ball it's a different ball with the exact same result another follow up ace there this time they use the home court equipment and then the big big stuff which may be the coffin right there big finish there and then Clark goes back and then we see the unfortunate end for Egon but a great great dogpile I could watch that you can run that on loop for the next 10 minutes I just keep smiling watching that great stuff Egon finishes their season with a loss for the great effort there's just their third loss of the season Champlin Park avenges that the state championship lost two years ago and the girls talked about this in the postgame this is what we talked about for a long time and here they are state 3a champions but a great season my friend thank you very much thanks for having me John can't wait to do it again next year how is great to be here for the state tournament we weren't able to do the games last year thank the State High School League in school space media for allowing us to come in the last three days cover the Champlin Park rebels and in the end Champlin Park wins the first the state championship for any rebels team in school history so for all of our great crew year over the last three days here at Xcel Energy Center Randy gugus burg I'm John Jacobson it's Champlin Park state champions for 2018 [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CCX Media
Views: 955,660
Rating: 4.8738527 out of 5
Keywords: sydney hilley, girls volleyball, volleyball sport, high school (school category), girls volleyball high school, high school volleyball game, girls volleyball game, champlin park volleyball, sydney hilley champlin park, volleyball sport game, high school volleyball girls, high school volleyball championship, prep volleyball, sydney hilley volleyball, Haikyu!!, Haikyuu, volleyball drills, volleyball (sport), girls volleyball drills, Volleyball girl, volleyball match
Id: nNCo_YFD36Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 16sec (9556 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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