Challenger II… Down at the firing range!

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and now the old concepts of medium tank and heavy tank have merged into one the main battle tank the backbone of all modern armies this is the British Army's Challenger - and what a machine it is 70 tons all up heavier than a tiger tank and in the right hands with a top speed of 45 to 50 miles an hour much faster than a t-34 Sherman or Panzer it ticks all three boxes in what makes a tank great firepower armor and mobility there's a 1200 horsepower 26 liter diesel engine in there and the whole thing's covered in impregnable top-secret armor so door just a composite Armour all around me and out front a big gun a very big gun with a massive bore of 120 millimeters it's 50% bigger than the gun on the king tiger which brings me on to why these tanks are here throughout this film we've talked about the firepower of tanks we haven't actually fired a gun yet that's all about to change dear viewers because this is a firing range so there we are we can see our main target area to the right of the wooded area in the foreground we've got some moving targets which have been lumped on a rail moving backwards and forwards representing profiles of tanks and trucks and in the background you can just see there two static targets which are old chieftain tanks filled with concrete that are sitting done another one and yes it looks like another direct hit so what are they firing well here we have a Hesh round high explosive squash head inside here we have plastic explosives when the head impacts the side of the target tank it squashes like a cow Pat and explodes the explosion sends shockwaves through the armour of the target tank blasting off a chunk of the inside of the tank like so now one of these or fragments thereof pinging around the inside of a tank would make that tank a fairly unpleasant place to be moving on to the spin Sabo round inside this casing we have this finned metal dart no explosives and it doesn't crumple on impact which even on this training round is about 1,600 meters per second the darts doing several times the speed of sound when it leaves the barrel it stays intact when it hits the target and can punch straight through one side of a tank and out the other this is an example of a section of armor that was victim of one of these thin Sabo rounds it made quite a mess could ruin your day it's devastating firepower day and night the noise from those guns is impossible to describe it's so loud you can actually feel the shock waves going right through your body after being out here for 10 minutes you feel like you're being beaten up in an effort to show you just how powerful the shockwaves are I have here a pane of glass just watch what happens to it the next time one of these tanks fires that is massive power armor mobility firepower the Challenger twos got a lot
Channel: Engine Porn
Views: 321,953
Rating: 4.8582931 out of 5
Keywords: tank, challenger 2, chris barrie, military, vehicle, army, guns, challenger ii
Id: xbQPtyDQq1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 29 2016
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