Challenge - Answer 3 Questions & I will Accept Islam

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[Music] brother how you doing alhamdulillah how you doing I've been watching your videos one message Foundation excellent yeah are you a Muslim already or actually I've been studying for over 20 years wow EXC I'm not a Muslim well today's your day actually I I came to ask with three questions all right if I answer your three questions you're becoming Muslim how that that's very close all right now let's do it let's let's make it that way three questions if I answer them you're becoming Muslim today how are you doing all right great okay um well you know based on based on the people of the book you know on Adam and Eve okay humanity is about 6,000 years old we don't believe that Islamic Le uh-huh but you know the Earth is proven to be more than 6,000 agree dating the Earth is not proven from any Ayah of Quran or uh the the Bible for example has been changed and revised and edited and books added and taken out that we cannot take it as a reliable historic document right so we as Muslims do not give the Earth an age right we know it's been a lot more than 6,000 years right because even if you go back to the time of and mam we're going to be around 5,000 you know BC mam was there because YF alam's time people had moved to M so that means YF Alam is before that then before YF is going to his father yob then is isak I'm sorry uh no yeah yob and then isak and then ibraim right so YF then y then is then ibraim so now ibraim Alam is way before the uh the M which is the Egyptian pharaohs and pyramid so now we're definitely going to go past way way past 5 10,000 years right then then you got to go before ibraim Alam right you go all the way back to Alam andam and and then you go to Adam Alam who knows that could be millions of years or hundreds of thousands of years we don't know and there's no benefit in knowing if there was benefit Allah would have told us right but the young Earth theory which is a Christian concept is wrong we got one out of the way two more two more everyone knows that the year is 365 and A4 days uh well in the solar solar the solar year why do the Muslims use the lunar which is EXC 10 days less excellent we use the lunar calendar because Islam is a very practical religion for all times and all places right if you don't know if you don't have a calendar if you don't have an app if you don't have a written calendar and you want to know what day is it is it a day of of the middle of the month or beginning of the month islamically we have worship that's tied to it like for example Ramadan or or you this has to do with the the calendar right so how would we know well the lunar calendar you can just look up at the moon and know and that's that's amazing solar calar is not like that you can't look at the sun you shouldn't look at the sun anyway but even if you look at the sun you can't tell whether it's the 14th or the 15th and no one has a telescope I mean even if you have a telescope can you tell the date just by the sun right well you have to have that tracking system my mother-in-law she lives in a village may Allah protect her she doesn't have a account right she's in a village right and I was there and you know talking about Islamic dates I was just talking hey you know what date do you think it is and she would look at the moon at night and she would tell you it's the 14th of the month of this month I would look at my app and she would be right right I tested it years later I went to visit her and I said hey you know what do you think what what what date is it she looked at the C the moon at night she said it's it's the end of the month it's the 29th probably one more day there might be we'll check tomorrow she was right so without an an education without any of that you know she's she's from a farming family all that right just from looking at the moon she knew the dates that's amaz that's why we use the lunar calendar now for prayer times we use the Sun sunlight why because you can look at the Shadow and know what time right now if I didn't have an app and didn't know I could take a stick put it on the ground and tell you what time which prayer time is it right that's why Islam is so practical that for the prayer times we use the we use the the Sun's light because you can tell the shadows and for the dates we use the moon because anywhere in the world and any time we can look at the Moon and see which day of the month is it not everyone can use the two down one more one more uh which is more important or o good question what is more important or and I'm impressed that you know what that is um is the most important why because that's your belief what if you make a mistake in F and even if you follow a wrong opinion in it doesn't mean that you're not going to go to Jen right but if your is corrupted and depending on how corrupted is it then it could bar you from Jen right so a is the most important thing in Islam after then and all of those are wonderful not that is not important every Muslim it's obligatory on every Muslim to know enough to be able to carry out their daily worship right so is important were great are important is important all of that is important but is the most important because that's your belief three questions down and now we're doing your sh the most important so there are no two AAS right the basic let me let me I got you I got you basically a is the concept of the what you have what you are firm upon right now there are different approaches to the AA right so no doubt the a that the Sal of the um were upon and what the sahab were upon which is the a which is is later on called the what does that mean meaning you go back to you go back to the narrations right so if you want to know when Allah says this in the Quran about himself what does that mean you go to the Quran you go to the explanation of that from the or from the themselves right if the explained this Ayah means this if the Quran explains the Quran if a the explains the Quran this is your this is the no doubt this is the correct what some people call it today the Sala I mean we can we can discuss with anybody they like if any AA was better than this then the sahab would have been upon it right the later developments of the and all of that that's all later developments when and the influence of the Greek and philosophy and things came in the um the Sal of this IM Abu IM Malik IM Shafi IM Ahmed none of them were they were all before that exact so if it was it was if it was good then then nothing better comes after that time right the best of this um is the generation of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam right so the AA the best of this um were upon that is our AA no doubt that is the correct AA and anybody who deviates from that and introduces principles that were not known to the sah and the Sal and and Sh and Malik anded those that were condemned by them because at that time this began and they condemned and all this stuff right then we say that this is a deviation right because the better generation didn't follow [Music] that pretty good I also want to let you know that I think you're the most educated knowledgeable and exposed person I've seen around San Diego Thank you not too many people you know were raised in Catholic actually went to Wilson High School you went to Wilson Middle School me too when did you go there oh shoot 197 when did when did you oh okay you were before me then you beat me how come you look younger than me you're in good shape said I've been staying years I went to Wilson I mean I don't know the years now but I graduated I mean I don't know if I show this on camera right I graduated high school in '95 so if you go back from that I was in Middle School I was in Wilson that's amazing me and you went to the same middle school that's amazing it was pretty rough back there it was rough yeah yeah it was rough when I went there yeah we had a drive by and to school during lunch you had a guy brought a Uzi to school ones yeah it was crazy times yeah a lot of stabbing shootings but uh I heard it's nice now they they've changed the neighborhood hard it's really cleaned up so that's good news well good me like I said I watch your videos thank you all what's stopping you from being a Muslim today well I'm I answered your three questions yes You' studied Islam for 20 years you know what a means like that's amazing right many Muslims don't know what a means right you know what means right you believe in one God yes you believe that God sent us Prophets uho You are Muslim I can't leave you let you go them right no they're the five greatest of them but are many anybody who got as and all of them being we'll get into all of that later we got to do your shahada for you know too much how would you stand in front of Allah knowing all this and not being a Muslim said I have these I had these questions that were just lingering in my mind all three are answered any other question you come up with I promise you I will sit with you you're in San Diego I won't recite the sahab unless I'm in a what I won't recite the sahaba unless I'm in the recite the sahaba or shahada take the shahada sh okay you want to do it in the Masjid unless tonight M I'll be waiting for you no way today in the mid we'll do it right here if doesn't but if you want to do it in the Masjid tonight cuz you can't let Shan procrastinate you you know too much you are too knowledgeable too H it for you not to be a Muslim many people they have an excuse in front of Allah they're ignorant you're you're knowledgeable right you know being being Filipino 99 got plent of Filipino Muslims cath we have so many brothers here in San Diego one of them usually comes but he's not here right now he's Filipino reverted to Islam here right I will introduce you I do know Edgar yes yes but there's also a brother named bashid there's a brother his brother Khaled all people who are Filipinos that became Muslims that their brother named yah we have tons right all their families were catholic and Christian and many of their families are Muslims many of their families took shahada we have a brother name mujah him his brother YF his brother jel they all became Muslims one became Muslim and from him the next and next until many of the far away family members became Muslim one of them now he's of Quran new Muslim he memorized the whole Quran you're going to be a next half inshah and Scholar of a we will teach you we got you like I said I would like to take the tonight 6:30 Ser that's it I'm serious let me give you can you give the brother address he's going to take Shada with us tonight at 6:30 inshallah all right get get get the brother's number give him your number send them the address we're not going to let Shan procrastinate you you are too mashah and all your questions that you have in the future I'm here his father became Muslim one of our friends this is his son ask him question that he has his father has they come they bring him to us alhamdulillah we answer questions if I don't know I will go to the scholars I'm just a beginning student myself no no watched your video I'm nothing but a beginning student right but there are Scholars of Islam and inshallah we'll take but tonight we're doing your sh 6:30 inshah after after but yes but you're right it is after M too because m is earlier than yeah it's winter so it's a shorter times yeah okay get the brother's number and then take [Music] his brother she has a question for you excellent excellent let me just uh finish this taking sh I'll get you right now sir sorry apologize to the my apologies let me just he's about the just okay so you got the number it's by college near L Mesa right it is L you go on 70th s send them a PIN to I'm going to be waiting for you get navigation 6:30 don't stand me up 6:30 I will see you make at home take a good shower ask Allah this is the greatest day 20 years of research brought you to this fruit today like I said three questions kept un blocking me alhamdulillah we we took those blocks away yeah alhamdulillah and any other questions you have we'll get you in take anything all this you're in San Diego anything you know I'll get you books myself inshallah you have a Quran I'm assuming uh I got two of those okay good you got it in never took that step tonight you will take that step don't letan distract you this is the most because the end you know when you're a race when you're at that ending line that's when your body starts to fatigue that's when Shan tries to you got to push yourself to get past that line we're going to do it today in Allah ask Allah watch the video this morning about the morning the knife attack oh yeah yeah yeah we had that right up here alhamdulillah we're still here alhamdulillah we'll see you tonight inshallah so our brother Willie was with us Mah at the park today uh and we had a great conversation and he said he wanted to do his shahada in a maid so alhamdulillah we are here but before we get to that so tell us a little bit about how you learned about Islam what did you benefit from from watching the videos so that we can encourage other people also to share the videos and get the da out actually I have to apologize but I I told you a lie earlier today at the park uh I didn't study for 20 years I actually bought my first Quran in 1982 that's amazing it's still 82 is a long time ago M to have the Quran that's amazing better late than ever alhamdulillah alhamdulillah 20 years in the making Allah brought you here today 1982 so that's 92 that's more 40 years yeah 82920 40 years Subhan Allah amazing yeah you know like they say better late than ever yeah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah so yeah but I was um I was uh I grew up in San Diego Mah went to Wilson Middle School we went to the same middle school can you believe that crazy Subhan Allah and um it was rough back then too huh it was rough back then more fights back then and then when I went to Wilson it was it was rough uh we had we had a I was telling you at the park I mean we had a Dr this is a middle school M so like 6 7th 8th it's not even like a high school and we had a drive by they shot up our lunch Middle School we had a we used to have metal detectors we had a police officer on on campus at a middle school if you can believe that yeah there were always fights every day and it's you know it's always groups of people different groups you know and unfortunately but you know that you grow past that I guess alhamdulillah and so I grew up in San Diego and uh you know I've been Christian most of my life uh but I like I said I've been studying the Quran and Islam and um the one thing that made me change recently other than those three questions that I asked you today is U I had a dream and it was just so real Subhan Allah and I said I and that was like two weeks ago and so after that dream I said you know I I probably know more than most laymen might as well go for tell us if you don't mind M share your dream um I'd rather keep that private okay we'll keep it private that's good otherwise going to make a Hadith out of it no no no you're good you're good we don't base Hadith on dreams don't worry but mallah the brother I mean his questions were such that you would expect from students of knowledge you know about and and any very very in-depth questions alhamdulillah uh so brother willly mallah you've done your studies you watch the videos I'm assuming uh yes they're very good and and like I said I don't know anyone more knowledgeable or experienced or exposed as you you know I'm just uh exp I'm a I'm a very beginning student alhamdulillah we will introduce you to Scholars that are much much better than me but I appreciate that uh may Allah subh make us all students of knowledge and uh Allah has given you a blessing that you you're coming in already knowing a lot of the terms and terminologies from your background so inshallah we have lessons here you can plug into we have our brother Bashir Mah he's also uh somebody from the same background as you Filipino and he's been a revert for how many years now um I was 23 years old when I embraced Islam and I am now 49 so you do the math you don't look that old neither one of you looks your age man I'm the only one that looks old what's going on here we call it the Asian curse but it's a blessing alhamdulillah I remember bashid before he was Muslim yeah oh really yeah I remember meeting him in Sero LA and we were he sat down and talked about he had a book about Islam and he looked studious mallah even at that time but you were so you were Christian prior to the Catholic you know Catholic that's Christian yeah yeah same yeah most Filipinos are from the Catholic uh backgrounds and things but alhamdulillah as we've heard even in the Philippines Islam is growing very fast and as we know um Philippines used to be all Muslim before even if you look at talo the span the Filipino main language and there's many languages in the Philippines when you say thank you you say Salat which comes from Sal from Arabic and when the Spanish came uh they didn't come to do da they came with a sword and forced the people uh with Christianity and Catholicism and uh genocided there as they did in uh South America and Central America and other places and they pushed all the way down and minda was the only one they couldn't take so still issues are going on but alhamdulillah uh Islam is Reviving in the Philippines and many people are accepting Islam and we ask Allah to make you Brothers the means so for the community here the Filipino community in San Diego and for the Philippines inshallah it's a tough task it's a tough task 99.9% of them are my family that's so this is one of the reasons I invited brother Bashir to be with you because I know now Mah his brother is also Muslim and uh his fames majority still Catholics yeah we have some relatives that have inversed Islam alhamdulillah ald you know as you mentioned it seems like an impossible task but everything's possible with Allah aldah so in fact most of my family is uh living in mind now okay oh Subhan Allah that's interesting but they bir you know that the Christians yeah inshallah soon uh this religion will enter every household so as has told us and as we see we have people that watch the videos Allah reward everybody who shares the videos and things that accept Islam in places that you couldn't imagine uh we have people in a particular person right now 15-year-old in Oklahoma Christian household all followers of very hardcore anti-islam all of that mhm um they watched the debate that we had with David wood and then they continue to watch the rest of them and 15-year-old goes to Christian Schools alhamdulillah accepted Islam he's to keep it secret right now unfortunately because of the family until you're 18 they can get out but but the Islam is entering places through YouTube through ways that people could not have imagined before and we have people accepting Islam we have invites right now for us from Greenland and Finland and places where you couldn't imagine alhamdulillah the da is growing so we ask Allah subh to guide all of mankind towards the truth and without further Ado we're going to do your shahada inshallah 40 years in the making alhamdulillah so uh we will do uh Arabic first or English first uh we'll we'll do English first English first excellent and actually I've been through several Christian denominations whether it's U um Mormon Catholic uh prot and you know they always have a ceremony of baptism it's a big ceremony invite the family invite we're not going to dunk you in any water don't worry the shahada is really something between you and Allah we do it together um as first to teach you the wordings and kind of help you with it and secondly as a witness for you but in the end in Islam it's all between you and Allah right Islam starts in the heart your belief is where it begins and then it is professed on the tongue and then it manifests on the limbs meaning first and foremost you have the belief and today at the park alhamdulillah we went through your last three questions and you have the belief you believe in Allah you believe in the prophet you believe in the guidance that was sent the books the Angels so now you have the belief now is the next step is to profess it that's what you're doing now yeah I have professed it yet and then after that it's going to be daily it's prayers fasting and inshallah brothers will keep up with you and teach you and help you I mean we have all these brothers here all of this community is your brothers and sisters around the world 2 billion 1.8 billion whatever the number may be we're all brothers and sisters now but we don't have any kind of crucifixion or washing or dunking in water all that almost drowning yeah almost drowning you know um all those all those madeup ways have been invented you know if you look at the original message of is and you look at the message of M and ibraim they didn't do all of this their belief was the same believe in one Allah one God follow the prophet of your time if you were in the time of Moses you follow Moses if your time of Jesus you follow Jesus in Time of Muhammad you follow Muhammad peace and blessings be upon all of them right we know the last prophet was the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him so till the day of judgment now whoever wants to be a believer a Muslim a submitter this is the way the way of the Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam people make up things like if you look at the Mormon religion if you look at the Jo witness if if you look at uh most of the Catholic practices it's all made up you know growing up I grew up with Mexicans I mean this is you know the City Heights where I was at and we went to Keras we went to churches we went and gang members would commit all kinds of horrible crimes and things on Saturday night Sunday morning we'd all be in church I wasn't even really you know with them but I was there suited up you know and you know you would go to the little confession box and you'd be like hey last night I robbed people I did this I did that and and they would just be like H say these many hell Maries and donate this much and this you're good you know and you'd come out you're like I'm good where are we going tonight and and that's not the way Islam is Islam is the way of Truth we don't make up practices when you see us pray when you when you insh will learn everything we do according to the way of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam we don't innovate celebrations even if some Muslims do they're not not all Muslims you you will learn some Muslims don't know their religion some Muslims have cultural practices that are against Islam right we reject all of that our religion is pure based on the Quran and the authentic of right the way of the Quran and the Sunnah the pure way the way that's checked and accredited not just any Hadith but the and that way your worship your daily worship will be not some Sheik some priests some rabbis you know like if you look at the Orthodox Jews the hats they wear the clothing the it's all cultural practices from Eastern Europe got nothing to do with M if you look at popes that wear red shoes and put out white smoke for decision all this is made up right if you look at Islam till today we fast Ramadan the way the prophet fasted we make Haj the way the prophet fasted technology may change we may take a plane instead of a camel but we still make the TA we still drink the zamzam we still make the ibim and you will learn all this in and we still pray 2 and 4 and and 3 and the way the prayed it right and if we have disagreements we always go back to the Quran and so this is the beautiful this Shah here you're Muslim you're as Muslim as the rest of us in fact you're better than us because today your slate is clean any past sins anything forgiven turned into good rewards you are like a newborn baby all of us whether we became Muslim by accepting Islam or were born into Muslim households we're carrying the sins that we have past us there right you clean slated right now you have to make sure you keep your plate clean so insh slowly slowly you will learn don't worry about anything we everything books teachers support friends family we got you all right yeah cuz my family don't got me you you have a bigger family than that now you have a family of two billion strong Muslims alhamdulillah so uh I bear witness I bear witness there is none worthy of worship there's none worthy of worship except Allah except Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that the prophet Muhammad that the prophet Muhammad is his servant is his servant and messenger and messessenger all right illu muham MMB Muslim
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 1,530,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Quran, Islamic lectures, Islamic reminder, Bible, Dawah, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Uthman Ibn Farooq, Street Dawah
Id: 1J2_8H0_0GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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