Chainsaw Man - Dealing with LOSS

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foreign let's talk about loss in chainsaw man tatsuki Fujimoto is a man with a deep infatuation for Cinema with countless references mentions and appraisals for film and TV it's clear he holds this visual form of Storytelling close to his heart enough so that many characters within chainsaw man can be related back to the media that inspired him power's personality and characterization pull from the traits of Eric Cartman from South Park makama a clear reflection of harakar from fulukuli and denji and pochita's relationship influenced by the Friendship of Finn and Jake from Adventure Time but fujimato's adoration for Cinema runs thicker than Mia inspiration there's an Ardent Fascination in knowing what makes the story tick understanding what brings out the deepest of connections and emotions from its audience to play on the expectant and give them the unconventional and in chainsaw man's case Fujimoto picks and pulls at the heartstrings of readers by exploring the many depictions of loss through its Candor approach of constant death it makes sense with Fujimoto being so heavily influenced by Cinema the death would feel like a main character in the roster because death in literature is an omnipresent occupant forever lingering appearing in many iconic scenes in cinema where the Swift heartbreaking shocking or loving death's presence is constant however despite chainsaw man's aptitude for notoriously quick deaths and Breakneck pacing is through viewing the story from Genji's perspective do we witness the horrors of being at the epicenter of unceasing loss to withstand the Suffocation loss brings is in itself much scarier and crawler than death to quote the novel Norwegian Wood by haraki murakami death exists not as the opposite but as a part of life because in chainsaw man death is the impact but loss is the permanent hauntings for those still living within semiotic terms when the word loss is denoted death is primarily the connotation that said in chainsaw man the affiliation of loss can be found in the repeated themes of losing something not just someone throughout the manga denji is continuously compared to a dog an animal deemed obedient protective loyal and moreover compliant to their master and denji is deemed to stow away from the start hunting for scraps of food almost indebted to the Yakuza after his father's death a kicked puppy waiting for affection and a home and makama's introduction is what domesticates his behavior like any owner dangling a treat to a puppy denji snatches at the opportunity the first allowance of affection purloining the last remains of self-control summarizing the relationship built between makama and denji the possessor and the submissive it's bitter irony dingy surrendering Free Will of his own accord to the control devil herself without her powers ever being used the ultimate plan on manipulation to attain dire of basic human rights who is excessively willing to do anything for the essentials of food and shelter leading to the ultimate question to what extent does obedience become loss of control towards the epilogue of Chainsaw man Dengue realizes the extent of machama's manipulation how the trust him is placed never even existed but was a mirage of faux affection not for denji but chainsaw man denji is invisible to the eyes of many whilst his other persona takes forth the fame of a hero he's never made choices for himself Independence snatched away again and again obedience ordered death threatened continuous punishment and reward a never-ending toxic cycle it's through the recurring instances of violence and death axo gruesome and unfiltered that the young age of denji is often overlooked after all he's a 16 year old boy thrown into the pits of never-ending hell and cruelty the defining reason for him succumbing to the role of a dog to be rid of the feelings of fault guilt and pain handing over the freedom of his own life letting the numbness from loss of control feel like a small blessing for a fraction of time whilst all always chained to the power of others because denji loses so many in such short time and readers even more so with denji's mother and father out of the picture from chapter 1 to losing pochita his closest and first friend to a literal blow to the heart that is power and Aki's deaths only chapters apart concluding with the final death of his manipulator of whom he still holds dear throughout chainsaw man denji is a silent harbinger of death an assault Survivor of loss many suffer through the hands of devils thousands dying from the gun devil an island Community dying at the hands of Angel Aki losing his family and rotting with the burden of guilt and revenge takisha bear losing an old friend of whom he trained with there is no reprieve no forgiveness nor Second Chances himino expressed the matter that most who join as devil Hunters enter with an early expiry date only those crazy or numb to pain survive the Terrors that Devils unleash death is to be expected in this line of work as well as biting mockery to defeat a devil means one must enact a contract with a devil a sense of ridicule to honor and abide by a demon's bidding sacrificing parts of the body sight years of life whatever they decree a hunter must offer ultimately Aki's life grants the worst of endings to have a future so miserable short-lived and removed of Happiness nor retribution that a devil disregards a contract through sacrifice but sadistic entertainment to watch the downfall of Aki's last few weeks of living observing the Humane characteristics in forfeiting years of life to a devil beings he once loathed after already shortening his life through avenge a loss of a close friend but the most crucial depiction of loss disregarding death itself is a loss of conviction and motivation as a result of endless suffering having spent years training witnessing multiple murders and lacking a normal life to hunt for the devil that killed his family ackee's conviction for Revenge had been unwavering it's heartwarming then to see this conviction crack under the affection he grew towards power and Dengue letting go of the vindictive emotion that carried him for so long and allowing the warmth of an unconventional family that two dummy fiends were able to reignite in his life it may have been a loss of conviction but a fulfillment of love and this love carries on through denji having lost both Aki and power and his own loss of conviction in fighting does it take the words and reminder of power's existence to slavering out of determination in making denji's life have meaning it's an old sentiment that through continuing to survive did the lies of those lost still carry on as deaths are Swift in chainsaw man the aftermath lingers but the horrific scenes themselves happen quickly and without Mercy is what makes for a variety of reactions to death even more so from the perspective of devils whose ideology doesn't comprehend the emotion of bereavement nor the understanding of loss from the start of the narrative with denji being a hybrid devil and human it's understandable his connection to humanity allows for compassion to be felt easier than for other Devils in the manga we learn from power that ignorance towards coping mechanisms of loss and indifference to the way she depicts dengue's process in Remembering pochetta's sacrifice as her devil instincts see death as just death nothing more and that's not so different to Angel's perspective either to view humans as lesser beings than devils and to suffer though it's difficult to know if his Viewpoint may have been manipulated as a result of machama's ruling his thought process towards the Simplicity of of dying is a constant discussion in his scenes to wish for death as a means of Peace as escapism from the back and call he finds himself bound to by the devil Hunters as his skill is that of a curse to enact loss of life or time of living to be exact it's perhaps this power he uses continuously that influences the nonchalant approach of death seeing loss as an inevitable not worth fearing but inviting denji does somewhat follow this approach on several occasions his lack of empathy towards other humans is a recurring matter a lack of conviction to save those just because they're human and an unbothered nature when discussing the death of previous teammates from his perspective of a life enriched through the means of survival only his indifference is somewhat understandable a gray morality sure but he hasn't known anything different during childhood is through reluctantly befriending power tolerating the presence of Aki and surrounding himself with those not wanting him dead on site do you see a slow shift in his ideology even though it's presented within a heartless and mocking fashion the death of himenor and his lack of emotional response makes him question his own ethics and lack of empathy regarding loss and this self-reflection enables the beginnings of humility watching him save people he would have previously lacked care for and even finding guilt in the many lost due to Reza's killing Rampage in finding him he shows a growth in understanding the value of people's lives and what it truly means to lose someone he was so close to to feel the pain in the lack of their presence and even more hauntingly in dengie's case knowing Aki's passing was by his own hand death is inescapable it's bound to happen to everyone and there's no true escape of the inevitable power starts the manga with these very thoughts that so many share but for a character-like power of whom I previously mentioned also lacked empathy towards the ordeals of loss to grow so close to a gross smelly and boom boobs as teenager is perhaps one of my favorite unorthodox examples of the power of friendship all puns intended the manga doesn't end with power saved or a particularly happy ending between the two and yet seeing two characters who first started the manga with no tolerance towards people's lives become so intertwined in their love for another leading to the salvageable Rescue of denji's life and a promise of reunion and friendship was Fujimoto at his best it circles the beginning of the manga both pochita and Powers sacrifices resemble the ordeals of sacrifice with love and dengie's growing appreciation in continuing his own life for the sake of honoring the opportunity both gave to him and learning to appreciate the companionships he will continue to make in life as the relationships built within the series are the turning points towards dengue's progression but also a Gateway into small Joys or heartfelt scenes juxtaposed to a cruel world Fujimoto is able to highlight those fractions of Happiness moments that Express the humanity in a loving makeshift family despite the high odds of death for example the initial occurrence of Disobedience from Dengue to makama is because of his relationship with power it shows the maturation in his decisions to deny the chance of a holiday with makama of which he desperately wishes to attend and instead considering the well-being of power the aftermath of the darkness devil caused signs of PTSD leaving her frightened beyond belief and acting very out of character for a girl normally so bold and daring is through choosing to lose a perfect opportunity with makama to support power do we slowly see the cognitive decisions and protective Behavior ignite in dengue's growing heart making the loss of power fill all the more horrible to experience furthermore the first glimpses of Happiness from Aki were from something as stupid as kicking the balls of the guy who killed him and all because denji encouraged the joys of simple Revenge that Aki had never experienced but always held in because Aki is too kind for the life of a devil Hunter he feels defeat and cries from despair like any normal human would despite the countless deaths that would become desensitized to others Aki feels the blow of every loss and he's growing fondness of denji and power encapsulates his character he's incredibly selfless except that considerate personality is the ruin of his life he reimagines the snowball fight with his brother moments before his death with the image of denji instead someone who wormed his way into a familial and brother-like status in his life makes the scenes of heartbreak slathered in trauma and the first crushing reality of suffering via death that denji first-handedly experiences as tatsuki fujimato pulls no punches in regards to make character deaths we're able to see how loss in itself is so frequent in dengue's life the relationships we build with others is a silver lining of Happiness bringing joy to one's life no matter how small or large of a participant and yet that connection is what brings upon the weight of grief in differing ounces I don't know whether we'll see the Lost devil or death devil in chainsaw man part 2 but if a devil's power is in its name and the consumption of Humanity's fears then which would be the greater evil because the story left me with one Sullen question are people more scared of the eventuality of death or the idea of losing others more thank you for watching the video and I want to give a massive shout to my patrons for allowing this video to happen by helping me reach my first patreon goal if you'd like to support the channel and would like more videos like this then patreon is a fantastic way to help me out whilst I make such heavily edited videos thanks again for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: lines in motion
Views: 39,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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