Chaffetz rips ‘woke crowd’ criticizing Canadian truckers: ‘Shame on you’

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canada is intensifying its crackdown on the freedom convoy after truckers protested covid restrictions shut down part of a major international crossing known as the ambassador bridge you've probably heard of it by now and as similar convoys are popping up all over europe and other parts of the world the department of homeland security is now monitoring reports that they could spread here i'm harris faulkner this is outnumbered today i'm with in studio emily compagno and kaylee mcinerney and rebel communications ceo and democratic campaign consultant laura fink is one of our guests today it's her very first time on outnumbered so good to see you here and in the center seat former utah congressman and fox news contributor jason chaffetz we're going to get at it now the freeman freedom convoy is now having major implications outside of canada with similar protests picking up steam in france england spain the netherlands new zealand as well it's also snarling traffic on the u.s ambassador bridge between detroit and windsor ontario and that wound up forcing ford to shut down its plant in the motor city because its car parts couldn't get through the blocked border crossing and this comes as the department of homeland security is now tracking reports of a potential truck convoy in america one that could even try to disrupt the super bowl last hour however because sometimes if you just go to the source and you ask people they'll talk to you and they'll tell you what's coming let's watch i think this com you know this coming sunday for the super bowl i think that's a little misinformation that's being played uh it's it's not that it's it's not really that soon it's going to come here the guys in america are going to show the world what we can do again we're the land of the free god bless america and god bless these drivers for everything they've done and what they will do you know what i loved about talking uh to brian eisley about jason was the fact of knowing his place in the world he said to the audience of the faulkner focus truckers rule the world you don't get your things and what's your life going to be like i actually was stunned because he's absolutely right and so for them to walk on this cause it's interesting to watch it because there will be some blowback there will be some traffic and some blockage and so on and so forth i think most americans probably just want to be left alone and if you look at the heroes as we started the the covid pandemic and all the problems they were our first responders the nurses they were the the parents that were suddenly having to homeschool and take care of their kids and they were the truckers that were out there doing their lives but here we are two years later and i think they're absolutely fed up with these mandates and mass mandates and and passports and other things and so when that mass of people led by the truckers now that can go out and take their trucks take their tools of their trade and be able to express themselves in a peaceful peaceful way it just shows that there are some real tone-deaf people out there who won't even talk to these people and understand the peril that they're going through for justin trudeau to not even talk to these people is just wrong and for the democrats and the woke crowd that thinks that hey you know this these are really bad people and all that shame on you the truckers have never been the problem they're the heart of america and my guess is they're the heart of canada too because they do a tough job and when we needed them at the at the pinnacle of when we needed them they were there doing their job when it we didn't know how safe or how dangerous it was they were out on the road delivering our goods yeah we didn't even know we called them essential and they certainly still are you know what's really interesting um and and laura i want to make sure that that we get it right right that this is not anti-vaccine and that's something that brian eisley and i were just talking about and and when you report it you want to say it's anti-vaccine mandate and jason put it beautifully mandating anything at this point let's let's mandate that they get what they need so that they can continue to do their jobs most of them and i was reading 90 of the truckers uh there are already vaccinated so this has nothing to do with that but you're asking them to to kind of be in a club if you will that you set the rules for and and they're saying no to that what are your thoughts on it laura well i think we have to determine who this really is because as you said harris 90 this has been about vaccines and that's from the truckers mouths themselves and ninety percent of the truckers are already vaccinated about mandates no no but ninety percent of them are i understand the the the but 90 of the truckers are vaccinated but 90 of the truckers don't support this protest this is a minority of loud and vocal minority of truckers that have protested this and i i respect this they're borrowing a page from the teamsters playbook but what i would say to this be very careful because you have to have the public on your side more than 80 percent of canadians are vaccinated similar numbers in the u.s i'm going to step in public on your side you can't get away with inconveniencing them stopping small businesses and really throwing a wrench in things for your minority opinion and cause so i would say to be successful they better be aware of the public and what the public thinks and not only that what other truckers think all right so laura i just i i don't want to conflate two things because i i've seen i think what you're reading the 90 and so the assumption is that if 90 of them are vaccinated then 90 must be against this well actually those two things don't necessarily go together some of the very people who are protesting are vaccinated so they'd be part of that 90 percent which makes what you're saying in reality yes i mean like this is a true minority it's a small vocal minority but some of the ones who are actually protest protesting mandates because it's a slippery slope when you mandate things we're already seeing that with there's still a minority of truckers what we're a minority of that do you have a data point laura do i have a data point do i have a date yes they're all vaccinated and the teamsters union which represents vaccinations i'm vaccinated and i'm against the mandates i do have a data point that's okay this is the data point the gofundme that you made let's talk canadian federal political party in the last quarter of 2021 you don't have a data point what i do well here's i have well here's a data point for you the teamsters are against it and have said that this is in violation the teamsters represent the majority of truckers in canada where they listen to the worker yeah but they have to listen to their their worker voices one thing that we represent on this program is that we have to kind of give each other a little beat because you're on remotes and i want to make sure that we argue with respect so you brought up a point do you know where the money is coming from it is a gofundme situation so yeah they can tell you where the money is coming from and the big point has been that they have now taken that money gofundme and decided that they want to spend it on other things that they don't want to spend it on the cause of helping the truckers because they've got a political foot in this game so you've opened a little bit of a pan pandora's box with that but i wanted to give you some information on that let's go to emily now yeah i will just say that you know hearing that point of view unfortunately to me reflects frankly the bias and that sort of over-generalized narrative we're hearing from the left and from the mainstream media as well as some canadian leadership for example mayor drew dilkin who said which is the mayor of the canadian town that borders the bridge the ambassador bridge to the u.s he said quote we are not dealing all with rational actors he said quote police are doing what is right by taking a moderate approach trying to sensibly work where everyone can walk away nobody can get hurt and the bridge can open i will be brutally honest you're trying to have a rational conversation not everyone is rational this on the heels as well of justin trudeau calling this nazi sympathizers and a racially insensitive organization i think people have been painting this with a certain brushstroke including abc politico numerous articles and media coverage of this here in this country that say immediately in the first paragraph that there is some type of correlation between white supremacy between far right why do you think they do that totally ignoring the fact that what these people are is standing up for liberty regardless of partisanship and when they address that and say the truckers have stated we actually have zero allegiance to certain partisanship we are simply here for liberty then they try to counter balance balance that they bring up the fact that maybe that the 90 as um laura brought up who are vaccinated as some type of indication of where they stand and by the way i was a federal attorney which meant i was unionized so i know what it's like to be falsely represented by a union that absolutely does not represent my views but the notion that these guys are some type of fringe group i think is belied by everything i just said and b kaylee the 10 million dollars in donations for a gofundme and the almost eight million dollars raised since then by gives then go well i still want to know what they're going to spend the money on because they're not going to give those donations back and that's what senator ted cruz said should happen when you give all of that money to that organization gofundme to help those truckers if it doesn't go there they don't have the right to spend it on other things they need to to flow that money back to the people who gave it i want to come back to you though um and and i had a thought on what i was asking you so part of the reason why the media will count you know sort of couch it a certain way and make them look the way they do is because the white house doesn't want to talk about this of course the white house doesn't want to talk about that this and that's the problem harris there's a moment where the political elites are so far out of touch with the people and we are at that point and we've seen those moments in history the tea party brexit do you remember the brexit vote no one saw that coming the election of president trump over hillary clinton no one saw that coming the school board meetings where we're seeing parents vocalize their opposition to what the government is saying we're at that point again where people are so fed up with the anti-scientific pandemic peddlers in the white house that they're saying we're going to make our voice heard through the honking of trucks through showing up at school boards and standing up against mandates not vaccinations mandates
Channel: Fox News
Views: 278,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason chaffetz, jason chaffetz fox news, outnumbered, kayleigh mcenany, harris faulkner, emily compagno, trucker convoy, global news, canada, canada news, trucker protest, freedom convoy 2022, truck drivers canada, freedom convoy, trucker convoy protest ottawa, trucker convoy to dc, trucker convoy us, dhs trucker convoy, department of homeland security, politics, political news, empty shelves, supply chain, canada truckers news, canada truckers, truckers canada
Id: jVkQcion944
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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