Biden's Secretary Tries To LIE To Ted Cruz, Gets CAUGHT Instantly

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dracoon senator cruz secretary mayorkas you testified several times that our immigration system is quote fundamentally broken true or false under president trump we saw the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years um i don't know if it's uh within 45 years but we certainly saw in 2020 uh a low level of illegal immigration 2019 okay true or false secretary marcus this year under joe biden we've seen the highest rate of illegal immigration in 61 years again i don't know the number of years but it's certainly a historic high senator so you're right it's broken but you broke it let me ask you in the calendar year 2021 how many illegal immigrants do you expect to have crossed illegally into the united states i believe the um the total number of encounters has been referenced in this hearing earlier is approximately just under 1.7 million but there's two months remaining is it correct that you project over two million illegal immigrants in 2021 calendar year 2021 i believe that is correct senator and over the last three months we've seen a drop in the numbers by reason and how many children do you project in 2021 i'm sorry how many children will have crossed illegally in 2021 um i believe that thus far through october 31st uh senator approximately 125 000 unaccompanied children have been transferred to the shelter and care of health and human services now you told another senator you don't know how many got away has there been uh i will have to circle back up senator with that information so that wasn't a fact that that you thought was relevant to this hearing oh it is um uh absolutely uh uh relevant i i understand why the question is posed it's a fact of great time but you're not prepared to answer it how about this how many deaths how many illegal aliens have died crossing illegally into the united states under joe biden's administration i don't have that data so so the deaths you didn't prepare that that either all right how about this how many children have been in the biden cages in calendar year 2021 um uh senator i uh respectfully disagree with um your use of the term cages fine you can disagree with it how many children have been in the biden cages i've been to the biden cages i've seen the biden cages how many children have you detained at the donna tent facility in the cages you built told kids how many children have been in those cages uh senator i can uh uh provide to you the following uh figure that um when and let me let me say that when a child i i don't it's a simple question how many children have been in those cages uh i i respectfully i'm not familiar with the term cages and to what you are referring there are enclosures in which they are locked in in which i took photographs and put them out because you blocked the press and didn't want people to see the biden cages these secure facilities in which they are locked down in donna that those facilities how many children have been in them senator there are three types of facilities there's the donna tent cages the the donna tent city let's take the donna facility how many children have been there that is a soft-sided facility it is not okay are you gonna answer the question how many children have been in that facility i i will have to circle back with you with a precise number oh by the way here's a photograph of the biden cages that um senator um that is precisely why i articulated children sleeping on floors crashed in upon each other when i took this photograph the cove rate of covet positivity was over ten percent may i may i speak senator you can answer the question how many kids have been in these conditions that is precisely why i stated in march of this year that a border patrol station is no place for a child number one okay but number two all right that is the secretary mayor you're not answering my question so let me ask you this in the past year has joe biden been down to see firsthand the biden cages senator i will again has joe biden been down to see this facility yes or no the president has not been down okay no has kamala harris been down to see the biden cages this facility yes or no the vice president was at the border has she been down to see this facility i know she went to el paso has she seen the biden cages they are not cages and what are these walls senator has kamala harris seen them yes or no senator the the it's a simple question yes or no i do we don't need a paragraph yes or no has kamala harris been down to see these detention facilities she has not been down has any democratic senator on this committee been down to see the biden cages i will once again disagree with your use of terminology this facility says any democratic member of this committee given a damn enough to see the children being locked up by joe biden and kamala harris because of your failed immigration policies uh senator i cannot speak to um the members of this committee you don't know if any democrats have been down there to to oh i i believe democrats have been down to see this facility yes or no on a facility whether they are members of this committee i do not know all right let me ask you a different question then hey that what we how many women have been sexually assaulted being trafficked into this country in 2021 senator i have no ability to determine uh how many okay you don't know so you didn't try to find out have been sexually assaulted in mexico along the migratory all right how about this how many children have been sexually assaulted by traffickers or other people when they were coming in illegally i do not have that data okay so you don't know that either let me ask you this how many illegal immigrants have you released into the united states who were covet positive senator we it is our policy to test uh individuals i didn't ask your policy how many illegal aliens have you released who were coveted positive well let me just say when they are released they are placed in immigration how many have you released that were coveted positive i will have to get that number okay you don't have that answer either right let's let's try this how many illegal aliens have you released who had criminal convictions um who have criminal convictions in mexico in the criminal convictions in whatever jurisdiction uh those individuals if they pose a public safety threat how many individuals with criminal convictions have you released senator i do not have that okay let's specify it more narrowly how many murderers have you released i'm not aware of any murderers how many rapists have you released i'm not aware of any rapists how many child molesters have released i'm not aware of any child molesters whom we have released into the united states and i should say senior customs and border patrol age leadership have told me that your agency is slow walking and refusing to comply with the order from the federal court to return to the remain in mexico policy what would you say to the judge if the judge was asking why you should not be held in contempt and incarcerated for defying a federal court order it is because we are implementing the court's order in good faith we are working with mexico it requires a bilateral relationship and an agreement and i should also add have you or anyone on your staff expressed to mexico to resist going back to this agreement no and i should also indicate to you senator that immigration and customs enforcement ice under the sex offenders uh operation known as soar apprehended 495 individuals between june 4th and september first who committed sex offenses and were very focused on public safety thank you senator cruz senator verona thank you for being here mr secretary i want to talk about the policies that have that have gotten us to where we are with our effectively open border but let me first ask you about this you said as recently as this week that the border is closed is that still your position today borders is closed yes it is don't you think you bear any responsibility for the current crisis by telling the world earlier this year that the border was open your words were we're not telling you not to come we're just telling you that we're putting a system back in place in which you can come i mean don't you think people took your words at face value then uh senator i've never said that the border is open and i've never been we're not telling you not to come how would you parse that uh senator i've never said that the border is open and i've never believed that it should be an open border we have laws that congress has passed uh that our laws of accountability and also laws of humanitarian relief you did say that we're not telling you not to come though right you said that you remember that i'm sorry senator i apologize i did you remember saying don't you that we're not telling you not to come those are your words that you said in a press conference you you said that right i don't i don't recall saying that i don't believe you don't recall saying that that's correct senator i have never said we'd be happy to refresh your memory for you and some questions for the right i'm sure that that is interesting news that i'm sure everyone will the secretary has just said he he doesn't have any memory of making those comments that's extraordinary senator i have never said that the border is open let me ask you about this cbp data says that the agency had 178 thousand enforcement encounters at the southern border in april it's the highest in two decades of that total what percentage we're subject to immediate expulsion i will get that data to you i don't have that at my disposal this morning is it 100 is it 60 is it 20 do you have any any idea um 100 of families and single adults are subject to expulsion except for those with acute vulnerabilities and we exercise that discretion however our ability to actually expel families under cdc's title 42 authority is limited by for example mexico's ability and capacity i should say to receive the expelled families and that is what we are addressing as a result okay i think i think the number is around 60 or so or subject to immediate expulsion which means we have a very large percentage of migrants who are permitted entry into the united states and are still here but we'll give that question again to you for the record so that you can go and look it up let me ask you this why is it that um this week actually late last night it was reported that cbp terminated a flight program that transferred families across the southern border for purposes of expelling them under title 42 these flights were apparently canceled due to the pressure of left-wing groups is that accurate senator we make our decisions as we consider to be most effective in furtherance of our mission and not because of pressure by outside groups i'd be pleased to look into the cancellation of the lateral flights and respond to you after i've done so so the uh you're telling me here that the aclu had no role on the termination of these explosion flights so your testimony uh senator uh we are addressing the claims of the aclu the aclu has claimed that our exercise of the cdc is title 42 authority is not supported by the law and we are working with the aclu um actually adverse to the aclu you're working with them um if i may uh senator we are uh adverse to the aclu but you're working with them in this program is that why you canceled it if i may if i may finish um senator uh we are uh adverse to the aclu in litigation with respect to the legal authority underpinning our exercise of the cdc's title 42 authority right but but but they had a role in terminating this you're working with them in determination of these expulsion flights uh senator the decisions with respect to expulsion flights are ours because of the decisions that we have made based on the reasons that we think are necessary to execute on our mission uh-huh well i think the fact that you're working with them is interesting news uh so that that's also quite relevant we'll give you this this information is a question for the record senator they're suing us and we're defendants that's not what i i'm just quoting back what you just said you just said that we're working with them the news reports indicate that you've canceled these overflight these flights rather at their behest you and i both know that there can be such a thing as friendly litigation mr secretary i mean let's not pretend otherwise i'm just i'm just repeating your own words to you we'll give this to you as a question for the record so that you can look into it more further i think that's interesting news let me ask you about why you cancelled the safe third agreements with the governments of el salvador guatemala honduras these are negotiated agreements negotiated by the previous administration that the president canceled once he came into office the president says that he's an avowed multilateralist and yet one of the first things he did was to tear up these international agreements with other countries how can you address the root causes of migration as you keep talking about if you're going to tear up international agreements that try to address these problems so i will answer your question and make one comment before i do so i've been a lawyer now for 35 or so years friendly litigation is a phenomenon with which i'm completely unfamiliar um really um you're not familiar wait wait a minute wait a minute you're not familiar with an outside group bringing litigation against the government that the government then accedes to in order to change the law you've never heard of that phenomenon uh senator i'm i'm not familiar with friendly litigation as a federal prosecutor um i was a strong advocate for the united states government in the pursuit of criminal accountability you've never heard on the right way this is interesting and you just brought it up you've never heard of a regulatory lawsuit in which outside groups bring suits against the federal government the government there then agrees to settle the suit or to change its rules and it reaches a settlement that is is favored that the government actually wants to achieve you've never heard of that before senator i've heard of resolutions of litigation i've heard of settlements of litigation i've heard of arbitration i've heard of mediation friendly litigation the commencement of friendly litigation is something with which i'm unfamiliar the reason why this is extraordinary the reason why these safe third country agreements were terminated is because there was nothing safe about them i'm sorry by which you mean what senator um to um to have an individual uh fleeing persecution from guatemala and considering honduras a safe third country is actually empirically incorrect because and we can take a look at the migration from honduras and the number of people leaving honduras for fear of persecution and that is not our concept of a safe third country it's not your concept so you think it's wise policy to come into office to terminate these international agreements based on your judgment about these other countries without consultation with them apparently and then we see this massive spike would you say that the children who have come to the united states and have gone through the border crossing have had to pay do who knows what for the cartel are more safe because of your actions you think that you put them in less danger because of the agreements that you terminated and this and the opportunities to seek asylum and then wait in the third country you've denied to them do you think that your actions have made the situation better senator senator you've gone over your time but can i get an answer to that question yes oh absolutely so secretary you may answer that question but we have a respectful of our three other members that are waiting the safe third country agreements in my opinion put children in harm's way thank you senator hawley senator uh
Channel: Real Patriots
Views: 420,096
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Keywords: Congress, News, Update, Ted cruz, Lie, Caught, Biden's DHS, Mayorkas
Id: dYMN6VCOr3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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