Chad Taylor "What does the Bible say about where we live?"

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen Chad Taylor all right how you doing Chad I'm doing great oh great thank you John hey have a seat so what has it been you've been it's been so long did you been out here to Southern California how long has it been Oh years at least a dozen years dozen years well you know Chad and I along with I mean along with all a lot of the speakers we've been talking for quite a few months I think it's been like nine months now and we really developed a pretty good friendship I think online so this is my first time meeting of all you guys so it's been pretty cool but you we had talked a while ago and it makes made a mention about you're gonna be doing another book and so what's going on with that yeah so I'm still working on it it's not going quite as fast as I want it to but it's going to be a children's book actually tying into a lot of these subjects and after having kids it really puts so much more emphasis on what goes into my kids minds and it also really kicks me in the butt to try to plant seeds you know like be able to provide a resource to other parents that they can present to their kids at a young age to really get them to question you know this subject and then I really want to do additional children's books on other subjects as well just to get that seed of question for them very cool well towards the back of your book which is full of great information like I just can't go on and on more about that book you posed a great question and so I want to ask you that same question so after this conference is all behind us we all returned back to our homes what now where do we go from here yeah that's a great question so for me especially if you guys are new to the subject wanting to share this with other people it's like yeah I want to go share this with my friends or my family and I'm sure those guys in here that especially this is new to you you have people in mind that you'd like to share this with well how do I do that and I remember the first person I after my wife the first person who I share this with I remember being so extremely nervous to share this subject with a man is somebody I'm extremely close to and so I think doing it first of all in a humble way is key is not trying to prove I'm right you're wrong here's why but going about it in a very you know empathetic way where you're just asking questions because we were all ignorant on this subject and your friend is no different or family members no different and in the back of the book I do have five simple steps that I say for sharing you know it talks about sharing the book but I'm coming at things from more of a biblical aspect of how to share how the Bible actually describes earth with people because I've you know when I first got started with this my pastor I tried to show him hey look at this verse look at this verse look at expecting him to see what I saw and he hears a pastor he still didn't see it so until I drew everything out day one day two day three is we're gonna see then he's like wow it clicked and that's where you know I got all these images in the book as so people can see that and so I just used the book as a tool so that's that's my two cents is just sharing the subject with people and being willing to have people talk bad about you being willing to have people get emotional in your face or whatever because it's not about me it's about you know it's about God absolutely and sharing uh his creation you know great Thank You Chad so you can catch Chad several times a week I love coffee with Chad it's a great great time you talk about a lot of subjects so you can check that out on YouTube Chad your question everything question is going to be what does the Bible say about the earth so your slider code is ct5 ladies and gentlemen Chad Taylor thank you all right you can find me on YouTube Chad Taylor Facebook Chad - I do have my coffee with Chad podcast as well and and on that show I like to talk about very controversial subjects in his upbeat of way as I can and so yeah you can check me out on there and I just became a dad or excuse me I just became a father before I came down here and actually I already screwed up the joke we could talk about being a priest the Catholic jokes are you know as Paul said start with a joke so anyway alright so the question is what is the Bible to you now my goal with all this is to lift up God's Word over man's understanding and so when men in white lab coats say this well what does God's Word say you know and so my goal I and I know we all have different paradigms with where we're at with how we view the Bible all of us view this differently but that's my goal is to uplift what's in here and just how I live my life is over to uplift this so help them demonstrate that the Bible is trustworthy and help give a better understanding of God's creation this last part brings us to a big question if how the Bible describes creation is true what else is now in the Bible it says God is above us so is God really above us will the Sun and Moon stop shining will all the stars of heaven fall to the earth and will Jesus really descend on a cloud for everyone to see and lastly will millions of people come out of their graves at once really and so if you guys are coming from a non biblical aspect or a non-christian aspect these are really really heavy subjects and even for those of us that have come up in this these are heavy heavy subjects that are that are crazy to think about so our perceptions so all of us every single one of us walk around single day with our own perceptions every one of us they could be you know I grew up Democrat in a Democratic household I'm a Democrat I vote Democrat and we all and and you know we all view things certain ways I grew up Republican my parents a Republican I vote Republican I'm a Republican and we all have these kinds of things whether it's my dad my dad was a Ford mechanic he drove Ford trucks and so guess what I drove Ford cars and stuff right we all have these kinds of things some people are like cats are better than dogs you know and that so that might be one of those things that's a joke anyway Hey and so our perceptions are how we live our life but there's one person that did not have false perceptions and false biases and he came here and he was killed for trying to show others the right way to view things what do you mean and so our perceptions have been developed since birth they help determine how we see our world how we see others how we see ourselves our beliefs our understandings and where did our views come from why do we believe the things that we believe and when did it all start when did we get these views that we have when did we get these biases that we have whether they're true or not or whether we think they're real or not on the topic about earth and the subject why I'm up here and why we grew up believing that this you know earth that we live on as a spinning ball in space when did the subject all start it starts into your tiny tiny kid even before this in school we learn about this even though this is all pseudoscience we see it on our lunchboxes we see it in cartoons we see on TV we have arts and crafts with it I'm going to turn on kids cartoons this stuff is absolutely everywhere and all of this is CGI all this is fake images that have already been talked about but we see this every single day since before you can walk and talk this is what we're shown and so to expect us to think of this any different by the time we get older it's ludicrous we all have these glasses our earth is a spinning ball and space glasses this perception and all of us have at one point walk around with everything we see about earth is a spinning ball everything we see about space is like we're shown on Star Trek and Star Wars movies TV it is everywhere why would we think any different you've seen this our entire lives [Music] and that's what we're dealing with we're dealing with the fact that our friends our family ourselves at one point or another viewed everything in viewed our world through these lenses and we have to understand that when we talk to people and we try to expect them to see what we're talking about they're viewing it through these that have been formed since before they could walk and talk and the older they are typically the more founded these are and so that's why I applaud so many people that you know or 60 70 80 and above that realize how to see if they've been because they've seen such heavy heavy events and are we seeing some things through views that are not God's views it takes humility to be able to examine ourselves admit we may be viewing something wrong and how do we know that some of the best examples we have of this are kids and I know in my with my son for instance when he's misbehaving or he's doing something that he shouldn't be you know I can sit him down and explain hey you know please don't treat this person like that here's why and I can sit him down and I can watch these these perceptions that he has just like okay no big deal it's amazing how kids are like that and didn't Jesus use kids as examples whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven which really brings us to the subject of humility and pride and I used to view pride as a pair of these lenses that we look through these are prideful lenses I but what I've come to realize is that pride is the glue that keeps these perceptions stuck to your face that's pride it is God will allow us if we dig in our heels and say oh this is how it is and I'm super prideful and I don't really care what this person says or whatever it is you know he'll allow it and humility to me is the solvent that will dissolve that glue where we can actually pull these off and will there be a day that none of us wear these glasses so I'm going to share a couple things here that are very very promising uplifting scriptures here so dear friends now we are children of God and what we will be has not been made known to us but we know that when Christ appears we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is that's pretty amazing and it will happen in a moment in the blink of an eye when the last trumpet is blown for when the trumpet sounds those who have died will be raised to live forever and we who are living will also be transformed and this is how a picture this is an image from my book slightly modified where you know during this time sometime in the future whenever that is you know we leave these false perceptions behind and I'm you know personally looking forward to that day until this day comes we have to work on these and I think just going off no I don't think I have any of those that's probably another pair of these you know all of us have these to work on and that's where the the humility comes in and when I talk to people being doing what I'm doing I've talked to you know countless people and I do see a big difference between humble people or people that are willing to kind of you know bite their lip at least before just you know coming at you and people who will just jump off the handle you know like Jarrod talked about last night so a big turning point my life and a big event happened back in 2009 dark in that for a sec so back to 2009 I let me give you a little bit of backstory I'm extremely passionate about music I've always grown up wanting to write music and play music for most of my life and so I had a recording studio of my house and I was basically going up to my eyeballs in debt going nowhere with something that I was super passionate about and that was going over living in a small dumpy house and then I started a second business on the side and then I was also working a job and I was really really frustrated with who I was at in life I had all these ambitions and all these goals but it was not where I wanted to be and I was super frustrating I was also helped my parents build the house with my brother and so there's a day and two that this was 10 years ago and I go you know I gotta get out of town I just I'm gonna take my dog I had a beautiful brindle 110-pound pitbull named I'm named him after big Darryl from Pantera if you guys are familiar awesome talk I you know and so it's just I was a single guy and I train that dog you know for hours every day he was just a fabulous dog so it's just me and him and I go we're gonna go off in the woods and at the time I was living in Northwest Montana and I said let's let's get going so I literally spent like this amount the time going okay where we're gonna go for a hike here and just drop what I was doing it was a spur-of-the-moment decision and we went off in the middle of the woods in in the Great Bear wilderness and I used to hike to mountaintops is where I usually go and so just me and my dog and this is prime grizzly country this is if you hear a grizzly attacks it's like right where we went that's you know anyway so just me and him and we went up there and I was just like you know what I'm bringing my Bible because I feel like God like this is a time this is a big turning point for me in my life were I'm gonna be closer to God he's gonna speak to me just felt like this is the moment right and so he and I go up we hike up this mountain I'm in my running shoes and this is late spring and I forgot there's still snow up there so I'm hiking through snow and running shoes to the top of this mountain get there right as it's getting dark and and set up and quickly set up my tent I and I'm sitting there by the fire you know just got my just me and my dog sitting there and warming out and just watch this watch the sunset and the beautiful sky and I'm just like wow this is incredible set up the tent and then this is what I want you guys imagine us hundreds of thousands of acres and there's almost nobody out there and all I see is mountaintops you know all covered in snow still just extremely beautiful country and knowing that there is very few people out there and so this is what it's like so the next day and I got pictures of this and this is a hike I went on that I documented for some reason I never took pictures on other hikes except for little the little disposable cameras on this hike I actually had a digital camera took tons of pictures imagine why yep I wake up the next morning and I just I do the David Hasselhoff pose and I'm just like open the open a tent and it's just like that's what I wake up to it's just so beautiful and just like I just sat there just took it in it was incredible and I get up and you know I say how did my dog cuz he stayed outside the tent and I grabbed my Bible I'm like oh man this is the moment this is the moment that I've you know I'm waiting for this I'm waiting you know for God to speak to me on this and just where do I start where do I start I don't know what to do so I'm like well let's start at the beginning why not Genesis 1 why not that's kind of silly why not - so I go okay here we go in the beginning God created heavens and the earth and the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep okay well when from God swept over the face of the waters oh wait wait hang on a second I forgot I was wearing these that's right No then God said let there be light and there was light and God saw that the light was good and the God separated the light from the darkness God called the light day in the darkness he called night and there was evening and there was morning.the first day okay I think I can follow that and God said let there be a dome in a dome and God said let there be a dome in the midst of the waters let it separate the waters from the waters and so God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that we're above the dome and it was so what the dome okay God called the dome sky and there was evening and there was morning.the second day I'm not kidding just that a couple verses right there I must have spent half an hour reading that over and over and over and God said let the waters under the sky be gathered together into place and let the dry land appear and it was so God called the dry land earth and the water as he gathered together he called seas and God saw that they were good then God said let the earth put forth vegetation plants yielding seed and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it and it was so the earth brought forth vegetation plants yielding seed of every kind and trees of every kind bearing fruit with a seed and God saw that it was good there was eating there was mourning the third day but where is the Sun at here and what is his dome thing there's plants growing without the Sun and there's a dome with water under and above it this makes absolutely no sense to me and God said let there be lights in the Dome of the sky to separate the day from the night let them be for signs for seasons for days and years and let them be lights in the Dome of the sky to give light upon the earth and it was so God made the two great lights the greater light to rule the day the lesser light to rule the night and the Stars God set them in the dome of this guy to give light upon the earth to rule over the day and over the night to separate the light from the dark and God saw it was good can you see why I was having a problem up there I'm I'm waiting for God to speak to me and waiting for this revelation and all it felt like was he came up and when he was right in the guts but in hindsight that was direction it was hey here you go you're ready for this now and it just turned me and set me on a course because I came back from that mountain and I started asking pastors and I started asking people and I started being really attentive to how what is this dome thing other translations say firmament what is this firmament thing and when I all I got was dismissive answers and dismissive responses from people I expected to have answers I'm like what is going on so has that been here guys as experience deal you know and so it's like they don't know what they don't know most pastors you talk to still will give the best answer they think they have but it's unfortunate so day six is when the land animals and mankind shows up and oh by the way this is out of the book to day seven God rests so yeah in hindsight you know what at the time felt like a super negative experience cuz I walked down the mountain that day going a dome in the waters a dome in the waters I was so frustrated but it was that frustration and that seed that was planted that just kept me going and kept me going and then it was after that years later I was studying you know Giants and eschatology you know that study of end times and I was giving a presentation to a small church group about Giants and eschatology and right about that time so it was June of 2015 I came across some of Rob's kiba's early videos on this on this subject and then he was referencing mark sergeant who was just up here and thank you mark by the way if you're in here and it was when I got to the bird wall video that he had because Admiral Byrd in Antarctica where I'm like wait a second I remember years ago hearing the subject of the US and Russia shooting missiles straight up into the sky and I go ding that was my moment where it it like clicked for me and then pouring back into you know study the Bible and going okay what does this really say with all of this you know new information and so I want to get through some of the descriptions of earth and its surroundings here out of the Bible now there's a hundred one examples out of the book of how the Bible describes earth and for every one that's in here there could be multiple more that are that could be added in here it'd be a life I really believe would be a lifetime if not multiple lifetime goal to put every single example that could be in there I actually had 130 something examples I had to whittle down because of redundancy even then it's awfully redundant but so I think yeah I'm gonna have to follow along here that screams a little small so I just so every every example has four different Bible versions in it King James Version NIV ESV and NRSV and RSV is this one that I had with me on the mountain that day that's the one I grew up with because some people will say oh it's just this version that says that it's just that version that says that no it's every version that I've looked into describes the same thing and I actually when I started writing the book I wanted to have about eight different Bible versions but there wasn't room to put 8 in here not with the images anyway so I'm just going to skim through and just give some some of these descriptions and Joe how much time do I got left okay perfect alright so I'm not gonna do any particular version I'm just gonna rattle off some of these because I want to get through quite a lot of these so he raises up the poor from the dust he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of Honor for The Pillars of the Earth and are the Lords and on them he has set the world so the world is set on pillars and this is the order of part 2 and part 3 is from Genesis to Revelation so it's in that order that you'll find this examples in here so or darkness so that you cannot so that you cannot see a flood of water covers you is not God high in the heavens see the highest stars how lofty they are therefore you say what does God know can he judge through the deep darkness thick clouds and wrap him so that he does not see and he walks on the dome of heaven and on page 4 like we had to talked about on day 2 the firmament was called heaven is also called sky and so God is up there high in the heavens walking on the dome of heaven or is it just in Al Gouri so he stretches out the north over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing this is one of those I used to give two examples out of the Bible of how the Bible describes some spinning ball in space and that's pretty much as this one and isaiah 40:22 the circle of the earth right is pretty much the only two that anybody had ever used to maybe try to convince somebody that there's a ball spinning through space in the bible but when you take these into context that they absolutely go hand in hand with everything else we're going to see he had compass the water with bounds so there's boundaries around the water so the pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof on what you can see here is this is just a representation of God up here on top of the firmament where he walks and these are simplified images obviously not to scale but just to give basic examples of what is being described over here well what would that look like over here obviously grizzly bears aren't that big anyway so God gets angry up here shakes the firmament the dome down here it shakes the pillars of heaven which shake the earth and we see many times throughout the Bible the heavens shake and the earth trembles the heaven shakes and the earth trembles and you know I have little kids when I want to get their attention well my boy really when I want to get his attention sometimes I go hey hey hello you know to get his attention and you don't think our heavenly father might do something similar maybe so the descriptions here right up there on the top right the North is stretched over the empty space and that so for me that a lot of times the North refers to like what's directly at the highest point of this firmament of this dome yes the North concert is certainly referred to what we would normally consider like the center but it seems to me more specifically biblically speaking the North refers to this area right in here and the North being over empty space leads me to believe with other verses that the highest star that we see in the sky is significantly lower then the the very tippy top of where the firmament ends which would give it certainly many many reasons for why people way out here at the ends say South America they can't see the North Star because they're significantly lower in the sky but when Jesus descends in the future he's going to be significantly higher and you'll be able to see through that angle there that that's actually covered later in the book as well I just don't know if we're gonna get them for Earth is not hanging from anything it is set on pillars he inscribed a circle on the face of the waters and there's a boundary around the waters called the icy boundary aka at dark teeka heaven has pillars and they can shake at God's anger so do you know the balancing of the clouds the wondrous works of the one whose knowledge is perfect you whose garments are hot when the earth is still because of the south wind can you like him spread out the sky as hard as a molten mirror out of the north comes golden splendor around God is awesome Majesty so out of the north you know like the this reminds me of the Northern Lights I think most people would probably think that's the Northern Lights being described and so what are we told the northern lights are versus what may they actually be you know it's really interesting to think about so the descriptions your God spread out the sky it's described as being hard and strong it can also it is also described as being like a cast metal mirror all right this one's really interesting so people ask well okay so if the earth is sitting on foundations what's under the foundations that's a pretty good question I think so let's let's read what God said to Jobe and this is where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth tell me if you have understanding who demand determined it's dimensions excuse me its measurements surely you know or who stretched the line upon it so like these are construction terms like a tape measure who did the measuring line it across it on what were its base is sunk so like the foundations what are they sunk into or who laid its cornerstone so the first part of the foundation you could say when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy I think there's a lot you can take out of this but basically this is God humbling job saying you don't know these things so why are you being so boastful basically and so to me this is God saying you don't know we don't know in this lifetime we probably will not know what the foundations of the earth are set on we're certainly not flying through space the earth is certainly not moving the big question is well what's under that far and your guess is as good as mine you know I do have some some guesses but they're just purely speculation on that and one other thing to take into account too is the morning stars singing in this well the morning stars it talked about on day four were placed in the firmament so they didn't have to necessarily be created that day but they were placed in that day just a side note it's worth mentioning so the heavens declare the glory of God in the sky above proclaims his handiwork I'm gonna have to keep going quicker he in them he has set a tent for the Sun which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber like a strong mayor runs its course with joy and so the consistently throughout the Bible it's going to be the course of the Sun Moon and stars they run their course the earth is always described as being fixed and movable it can shake it can certainly shake it has shaken it will shake more in the future talks about a earthquake that is unlike it that every island and mountain will be removed from its place you know at some point in the future there's going to be an earthquake like them so you cut openings for Springs and torrents you dried up ever flowing streams yours is the day yours also the night you establish the luminaries and the Sun you have fixed all the bounds of the earth you made summer and winter another version you have fixed all the boundaries of the earth it is you who set all the boundaries of the earth thou has set all the borders of the earth on a spinning ball what's does this make but it makes complete sense when you take everything into context when the earth totters with all its inhabitants it is I who old it's pillar steady just countless ones and this does become redundant and I think it's for a reason because it is for 1,500 years all the 66 books approximately from Genesis to Revelation it is a consistent theme all the way throughout covering 1,500 years and Matt you did a fantastic job by the way talking about the trustworthiness of all that let's see here the Lord is king he is robed in majesty Lord is robed he is girded with strength he has established the world it shall never be moved and I must emphasize tusers a difference between the world moving and the worlds shaking a lot of people will try to say we'll see it shakes oh it moves well it's like imagine that there's a you know a good sized earthquake here like right now and then it stops could you have a surveyor come out and say did they did that building move well no it's still sitting in the same place but it was just shaking so there's kind of a difference and so certainly there's no where you're gonna get that the earth is moving especially with how we're taught growing up with our glasses on so let's see he looked down from his holy height from the heaven the Lord looked at the earth and consistently there's going to be thousands there's got to be thousands of examples where it's up down ascend descend from above from below the aldis up down you know examples that are super duper consistent and in the flying through space heliocentric model that were taught that's ever expanding so meaning God is going further and further away from us every single day you know where is God in all of this well throughout the Bible it is extremely consistent descriptions of you know up and down heaven stretched out like a tent this is about Noah's Flood here he set the earth on its foundation so that should never be moved you covered it with a deep as with a garment the water stood above the mountain for your steadfast love is higher than the heavens and then oh god above the heavens let your glory be over all the earth so that's where you got you know over all this and this this is you know I have a lot of parents that use this book for as part of their curriculum for their homeschooling I have tons and tons of parents so it's kids get this stuff kids can go oh yeah that make sense above okay like no big deal and it's us that complicate these things in in general maybe not us in this room but people in general because we have to complicate them to fit our paradigm to fit our views that we're seeing it through it's amazing watching even creationist pastors that I would probably agree with on almost every other subject battle this subject and I don't understand why it is so difficult to understand the world has been lying to us why is it so hard to get through so because they're wearing these and maybe it's a humility versus pride subject as well praise the Lord praise the Lord from the heavens praise Him in the heights praise him all his angels praise him all his hosts praise Him Sun Moon praise him stars all the shining stars praise him you highest heavens and you waters above the heavens so you can see consistent Heights heaven waters above the heavens this is after the flood this is one of my favorite ones where in Proverbs when he established heavens I was there when he drew a circle on the face of the deep when he made firm the skies above when he established the fountain of the deep other ones when he set a compass upon the face of the deep you know compass and when I read this growing up I always pictured like you know I was a boy scout I remembered like the magnetic north type of compass but the traditional sense of the compass is like that where two sticks joined it the you know intersecting point to draw circles when he set a compass on the face of the depth when he established the clouds above when he made firm this guy above you know about the firm at the Dome when he established the founds of the deep which is in Noah's Flood when he assigned it to the seat its limit talking about that icy boundaries I like to refer to it or aka Antarctica so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep moving quickly here I'm gonna start just by the way do you know of any you know secret society stuff that uses kind of imagery like that as well like with the compass you know I mean you wonder if that if they're trying to flaunt something you know so the Sun hurries back this is an Ecclesiastes the hot Sun hurries back to where it rises that the perspective of the Sun just like I said - as far as you know the Sun when it starts being so much lower and that's where the the Sun rise perspective it goes out of our sight just like a plane would go out of our sight you know at some point and then or come back into our sight at some point you know that's what the Sun and Moon do and then all the stars you know will fall to earth in the future so there certainly I know other people talked about the subject they're certainly not you know flaming balls according to the Bible uh you know right here they're certainly not big flaming balls that could engulf the earth there's nowhere in the Bible you can you can gather that so the heavens stretch out like a tent to live in from above the circle of the earth we seem like small grasshoppers like in was that numbers 1333 about the view from the Giants view to us it's ah it's gave a same kind of description because being so high up you know people look like grasshoppers to the Giants well God you know it's something similar to that just because he's above us looking down a consistent theme it's not a hundred percent of the time but it's more often than not we're talks about the heavens are stretched out and the earth is spread out the heavens stretched and the earth is spread many many examples of that it's not everyone but it's it's more often than not so God laid the foundations of the earth he got stretched out the heavens under the heavens same another one of many examples where the heavens shake and the earth trembles Amos 9 6 I forget who covered this yesterday I think Robbie did or somebody that talked about the same same thing like I said there's redundancy it's over and over and over you know at his right hand in the heavenly places far far above all with Jesus and the father spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places this is where I wonder the whole idea of black holes is there you know apparently you can see things that absorb light or whatever I just wonder if what we're talking about when we see black holes or something in there with telescopes what if it's just the spiritual forces of evil you know in in John chapter 1 it talks about the the darkness and the light and the dark did not perceive the light and I just wonder you know if that's something to it because in the future talks about when Jesus descends or sometime there abouts there's going to be like war in the heavens and I don't want to misquote that but there's it's briefly talked about in here with other examples so there's it seems like there's good and bad spiritual forces you know in the heavens as well like the prince of the power of the air is certainly a negative spiritual force so anyway coming down to us from God our Father from above part 3 so these are clues about earth and biblical stories these are stories like the Sun and Moon stopping in the sky you know or other examples of stories that how do they tie into what we've already covered and so this one Noah's Flood for instance that the three water sources you know in noah's flood which the windows of heaven that says this if you say windows of heaven typically most people think of noah's flood and that's a great example and so we have two extremely allegorize the subject because the windows of heaven are talked about many many times and then what does heaven have opened and will open again in the future at some point they certainly will and there's debt under the whole here's another example where talks about all the high mountains under the whole heaven remember on day four the firmament is referred to as heaven under the whole and also before I forget when we read the word heaven in the Bible we have to understand there's examples where the birds fly in the heaven the Sun when the stars are in heaven the firmament it's also called heaven and then the highest heaven is this area up here biblically speaking so when you see the word heaven it's important to say well which heaven is this referring to at this point just just a side note I want to point them and in this instance under the whole it's under the you know anyone of them really so all right this is the sign I think the rainbow is a fabulous question for getting people to question well you know why is a rainbow shape the way it is that's a great starter question you know ever think about that why is it shaped like a dome alright Tower of Babel people scattered abroad over the face of the earth God came down up rain down from the lord of heaven jacob's ladder a ladder whose top reached the lord and heaven above you know in a vision God went up from Jacob there cried rose up to God and the Lord came down the Lord came down in a cloud you know and the Lord came down in a pillar of a cloud and just noticed the redundancy just consistently so there is currently debate about the shape of the tent Tabernacle in the wilderness some say it was a rectangular shape others say it was a dome shape both are shown above that's why it's the rectangular shape and a dome shape Tabernacle I would check I would encourage you guys if you're interested in that subject andrew hoy is the guy to check out project 314 and how he shows that the tabernacle is actually most likely dome shape let's see unless they'll lift up thine eyes unto heaven same thing hole under the Lord cast down great stones from heaven and I used to as a kid I'd used to hear stories about oh God throwing these stones from heaven so is he just out in some galaxy far far far away and just kind of lobbing you know rocks at us or something or maybe he had to send those things on their courses you know during the Big Bang or something to know was gonna hit at that point wow he's amazing you know I'd have to kind of twist things or is it literally he's just throwing him down from heaven like like it actually says the most high part of the heavens and came down this is one of my favorite images here the earthquakes you know heavens shake there's quite trembles and also when the heavens are parted it seems to me like we also read about when right before Jesus descends about this the the firmament it says the sky will be rolled up like a scroll and I just wonder if that act is a violent act where it's not like where it's more forceful and that act of that will cause tremendous shaking and at that point is where the the islands and the mountains shake from their place it's just kind of the speculation pure speculation but at this point you know it talks about imparting the heavens and came down and at that time you know that there's a massive earthquake in this example even the highest heaven cannot contain God the earthquakes and its pillars tremble under the whole heaven from the end of the earth the corner of the earth this is a good one from job about have you commanded the morning since your days began and caused the dawn to know its place so that it might take place might take hold of the skirts of the earth so skirts the rim periphery or environs of an area so you can picture like some kind of skirts of the earth and then and the wicked will be shaken out of it it has changed like clay under the seal and you just picture clay being pressed under ceil I mean this is kind of no-brainer like you could let a eight-year-old read this and they go yep yep I get it and I think that's how it's meant to be I don't think you have to be some scholar to be able to you know read your Bible we cannot comprehend the height of heaven height and this also cannot comprehend the depth as well this one's this one's one of my favorite of the ecclesiastic so though the wisest man that has ever lived or ever will live from the way I understand King Solomon it says so he wrote Ecclesiastes right so in the King James Version of Ecclesiastes Under the Sun is used 29 times under the heaven is used twice and under heaven is used once so all these right here are the different verses in Ecclesiastes did it that under the Sun under the Sun under the Sun and the heavens is used from the wisest man that ever lived I think he may have known a thing or two from the four from the four quarters of the earth you can see the four quarters heavens shake tremble stars give off no light this one's really interesting this is Isaiah 14:12 through 15 so the order that this is described and this is talking if I remember it's God talking to Satan here and it says how you are fallen from heaven Oh shining star some say Oh day star morning star King James says o Lucifer son of the morning you have been thrown down to the earth so just picture the directions here thrown down to the earth and that's why I have all these dictionary definitions I forgot to mention this so although any words that are underlined here they have the dictionary definition that goes along with it so if you want to know what the definition of the word down is the definitions over here and it's just because in simple terms that's not overcomplicate this do you guys know why when geese fly above when you can see geese flying when they're migrating or whatever do you know why one side is always longer than the other you guys know why because that's more geese on that side you know let's not overcomplicate this you know that it's just let's read the descriptions here okay so all right you have been thrown down to the earth you who destroyed the nations of the world for you said to yourself I will ascend so from down to up right that's what he's saying I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars same direction right I will proceed on the mountain of the Gods far away in the north like I said it this is more than there's more examples than this where significantly north a lot of times is referred to in this general area the mountain of the gods far away in the North I will climb to the highest heavens right highest heavens and be like the Most High picture the Most High right instead you will be brought down to the place of the dead down to its lowest depths so I just have simple descriptions of those directions you know ascending descending and the mountain of the gods far away in the north is a really interesting subject and that's why right there I have revelation eight eight question mark because if you look in Revelation 8 8 it talks about a great fiery mountain falling into the ocean right well before that it's talking about things from having from heaven falling to earth and after Revelation 8 8 it talks about things falling from heaven to earth also it doesn't specifically say where this mountain comes from but I'm just one this is pure speculation that's why I put question mark because what if after the sky you know rolls up like a scroll that allows room for this great mountain to fall pure speculation I don't know just decide no that's I just want to that's why they put this little tidbit revelation 88 question mark so people can go on their rabbit you know on their journey to see if what I'm talking about there okay this is one where it talks about him he punishes the host / gods in heaven the little G gods so at some point in the future is how I read he's going to punish I'll you know all the the wicked you could say fallen angels demonic stuff whatever the host in the heavens there's other versions to talk about his sword something about a sword being bloodied in the heavens or something to that effect rolled up like a scroll you know this is Isaiah I mean so many guys would know the timeframe of Isaiah when that was written verses when Jesus was around you know in the time I'm sure you guys know better and I do the timeframe but he's saying the same thing that is said in the New Testament as well this guy rolled up like a scroll that's where I wonder it says you know so as lightning shines from east to west so she'll coming of the Son of Man be I wonder if when this guy rolls up like a scroll in the future if that's going to be scrolled up from the east to the west just just wondering this is Isaiah 38 where the Sun stops in this guy it goes back ten degrees and then at some point goes forward again so the Sun stops in this instance it would make sense in our traditional heliocentric spinning ball model it makes absolutely no sense you know it'd be absolute catastrophe on the earth to say the least so looking upward to heaven and the starry hosts the Lord will be your everlasting light in talking about future events all right let's see rend the heavens and come down so the heavens torn open this is another thing oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens that that wood has come down that the mountains might flow down at thy presence mmm it definitely sounds like revelation talk there so Jeremiah 49 so this is from the quarters of heaven from the from the four quarters of heaven Ezekiel this is another one of my favorite images you know about the cherubs with the looks like the and above the firmament you check this out so over the heads of the living creatures there was something like a dome shining like crystal spread out above their heads under the dome their wings were stretch out and straight I'm gonna fast forward let's see a voice from above the dome over their heads you know God's voice and then at and above the dome over their heads there was something like a throne and the parents like sapphire and see it above the likeness of a throne was something that seemed like a human form so just like one side of the Flying V is longer than the other let's just take it for what it says lift it up between heaven and earth God makes the Stars dark overhead this is a vision that daniel has about the tree tall enough to touch heaven and this isn't a vision but the vision obviously coincides with everything else we've already covered it would make no sense for the vision to be on a spinning ball in space stars give off no light the moon Stood Still Sun Stood Still this is Habakkuk and then I also have with Joshua as well the star stopped over where the charl child was so when Jesus was born you know we've all heard the story about the wise man and the star leading you know the wise men there well how can a star can you guys at nighttime say well that star that I see right there is directly over my friend Bill's house well it's impossible how can we know where these stars that are so high up there so to me one of these stars that have to come drastically lower to the ground drastically lower to start to be able to stop over a specific house to know that oh he's right there so long story short stars are certainly not what we're taught the earth he showed him all the kingdoms of the world that's Satan taking Jesus up to a high mountain the Son of Man returns on the clouds this is another one my favorites too as well future event when Jesus comes again in the future so this is you know it seems like the order so the Sun and the moon go out all the stars fall to the earth so every single star the Bible says I don't know how many times many times if all of the stars are going to fall to the earth and so just picture this this is it seems to be round about the time I don't know if it's before after whatever a massive earthquake and so you better believe this is going to get every single person's attention and then we're gonna see him you know Jesus descending on the clouds just as he went back in acts when he went up I think for a large portion of the people they're gonna be extremely excited and the remainder will be extremely terrified when that happens my opinion anyway joined by the armies of heaven ascending and descending from heaven Jesus ascending into and descending from heaven Jesus came down from heaven Jesus taken up in a cloud Stephen looks up up to heaven and sees a father and son I mean you see the redundancy here a sheet with animals on it descends from heaven this is in a vision as well let's see up down up to the third heaven Jesus descends from heaven all right I want to skip ahead here rolled up like a scroll I already can I can talk about that through it to the earth the star falls to the earth how we doing in time Joe okay he raised his hand to heaven then up to heaven in a cloud man it's just more and more and more so I guess common themes in review let me skip ahead here and I'll finish with this actually well let me skip way ahead I don't got time to cover this so navigation just a simple what the navigation would look like with the compass right well wouldn't I go off some edge if I just headed west well no its navigation like it's always worked for instance magnetic north the ice rebound or a series of strange events cycles of the earth let's see and I wondered so that's suggestions for sharing the book with people as well final thoughts to ponder I'll finish with this as they strain to see him rising into heaven to white robe men suddenly stood among them men of Galilee they said why are you standing here staring into heaven Jesus has been taken up from you into heaven but someday he would return from heaven in the same way you saw him go and I really want to finish here so interesting similarities so the events that sir events around the time of Jesus crucifixion death burial and resurrection and ascension on the Left right here obviously you can read that and events around the time of Jesus return in the future so the Sun is darkened when he was crucified the Sun is darkened in the future the veil is torn in the temple that was like a separation between us and God in the in the in the temple the firmament is going to be torn in the future that separation between us and God there's a massive earthquake when Jesus was crucified when he died there's a massive earthquake in the future when he returns many Saints were raised from the dead when he was resurrected and all saints raised from the dead when he comes back Jesus ascends to heaven on a cloud and like I said in acts 1 and Jesus descends from heaven on a cloud in the future and at that time God gathers his son and in the future God gathers the rest of his children just some interesting similarities I just wanted to throw in there at the end that's it ladies and gentlemen Chad Taylor Thank You Chad thank you I know you were rushed through that that that great book but you know I want to encourage you guys to pick take a little help over there there's just so much stuff there especially if you can see yourself that I'm pretty knowledgeable about the Bible when you read that book and you see what it actually says from a visual standpoint if you're like me here have your mind blown so we're gonna
Channel: The Question Everything Conference Channel
Views: 209
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Taylor, Where are we the book?, Flat Earth, Biblical Cosmology, QE2019, Question Everything Conference, Coffee with Chad
Id: YqqaySzl6_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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