REGINA'S PARENTS HOUSE IS GONE! First To Find Hackers Clues Wins Viral TikTok Life Hacks Challenge

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hates my hinges all the spy ninjas are finally back together and we are safe at the safehouse you know that project zargo has so many hackers spread all over the world they have hackers in the Philippines in California in New Jersey New York everywhere well I'm really glad we're all safe but I need to go back to California California you just got captured we just got back from rescuing you if we go back over there and then the hackers come again there's actually something I haven't told you guys yet big juicy news oh did you finally get me or that birthday present you've been saying that you're gonna bring to me did you finally learn how to battle royale you know I bet you bought me a pet sloth it's not hauling legend Roy Buckley or whatever okay nothing to do with this how do you know that no unfortunately it was any of those things but better I saw my mom why isn't she here right now geez I found her house and I was gonna say hi but then just took me they might have taken her too so that's why we have to go back to California it's too dangerous we gotta come up with a better plan all the financials together now five of us we could beat anybody are you sure that it was really your mother I'm positive Chad everyone knows their mama when they see them you're right a daughter knows her mother we need to go save your mother oh man I'm really hungry I could go for some jello right now Oh snacks I would like some hot cheetos right now I was like a nice long yellow banana right now there's no time to stop anywhere right now we got to find Regina's mother all right let's just keep going guys I'm gonna board you guys bring any squishies it's pretty fun to play with you no no no swishes back here okay look up no number oh hello hello the quaint small enemy has a big secret that can't be kept for long the safe house is not the safe house is not so the safe house is not that means it's not safe what would make it not safe if any hackers found out where it is then that makes it not safe right it's a small enemy so who's a small hacker easy doom you're right no hackers know where the safe house is right wait a second there is someone who's small he did come to our house on Halloween peasy Squire yeah little shrimp he knows where we live well we were in disguises remember oh maybe he doesn't know I hope you're right but we can't take that risk Melvin pull over I gotta get out I'm gonna run back to the safe house someone has got to protect the safe house just in case peasy Squire told punt observable where we live yeah we're only a few miles right I can run back wait Chad no you can't leave us we need you for this mission and also mr. e he could be full of crap I think his main goal is to split up the spine ingest he's doing it again right now oh thanks that's so sweet of you what you're gonna do you're gonna do it anyway we should be like guys hopefully there's no offense a false already by the time I get there good luck on your mission you can do it oh my feet are too big I can't get out okay okay guys got a long drive I have a really fun game we can play to pass the time what if we all go around and we name different hackers you can't name a hacker within 5 seconds and you're stumped you lose all right I'll go first BB food come on I use a three one more I'm from ashram Anan cz seven one five Oh easy one pays AI 88 crampon after Billy Bob okay who is that it with sunlight PV 420 guys I'm trying to figure all my mommy's oh no my mom is a sensitive subject so we're we're on our way to find them I am worried about my mom you don't obviously don't care about mom PZ 37 your turn Regina there's Evan you don't know okay I just said a random number I'm lost I'm out [Music] yeah yeah pardon me someone just laid one Oh what what is it smell like I was like a bunch of worms why you think it was me no it isn't oh it was definitely Regina no I that whoever smelt it dealt it well whoever denied it supplied it well whoever is striving farted oh I've been going for about an hour now guys I guess I was a lot farther from the safe house than I thought but I gotta get there to protect it cuz I don't know who this mystery character is I don't know what he's up to you I feel like he's a good guy but you never know especially if like PZ Squire told somebody about the safe house location he did go trick-or-treating there after all I don't think he knew it was our house but you never know yes remember that when he was at a little Hulk and he got really mad because we only had full-size candy bars and said a king size what a brat huh he's - did you hear that I thought I heard her scream beam was coming from over here someone might need my help let's go whoa super here let me just look huh hey we meet again I see only one sign into this time you are four other Musketeers of disappear four musketeers I think I think it's called three musketeers but yeah I do have four other spine ninjas on my team I can still take you one-on-one no problem well you're not gonna special gifts for you I love gifts I'm losing power in the gas pedal honk is still pretty good are you sure you fill up the gas tank yeah but my car's getting old oh man I'm gonna have to pull over real quick great just what we need we have to see mom well I just gotta take a look under the hood I really don't know the basement black pyramid is that where I am right now this is an undisclosed location that you will never find in California it sure looks like the black pyramid to me well we have the same decorator the project's all got headquarters so that would make sense ah what do you want just let me go you are here for bait soon the arts my ninjas will find you and come traitorous to you only to walk right into our trap when you're gonna trap Daniel via Regina Edmund to scream as loud as you want no noise yeah you know I'm not gonna screams I don't want them to come save me because you're just gonna trap them well you're catching on yeah I'm a smart spine in I know what you guys are up to okay guys it's like an hour I know he doesn't know what he's doing doesn't take an hour to fix a car I make it to California let's face it this is our life now we're gonna be homeless living in this car we're in the middle of the desert - we can't even stop and like eat something halfway from Vegas to California is nothing there's always any world it's the best gas station in the whole world come on Melvin hurry up sure did you fix it yeah I just have to do a little bit of this and a little bit of bad and it's good took five hours you did like 30,000 this isn't 40,000 that's [Music] are we there yet yeah are we there yet are we Melvyn you're the one driving you would know if we're there yet I guess we're not and Regina you're the one who knows where we're going you know for there yet we're surrounded by buffoons dee I know [Music] all right melvin i think just right around the corner over here that's where her house is right straight up ahead a little bit huh this can't be right What's Wrong boo there's no house here but okay well we made a wrong turn it was right here yeah my mom's house it was right here I looked inside the window and I saw a picture and it was of me and my mom and my brother my mom was on the balcony okay there's nothing here guys Regina I don't know your memories right did they use some of that fog on you again because this is an empty lot I swear I wrote down my mom's address this is the spot I think was just a dream you had it wasn't a dream I have it on film I didn't see that video yet did you see no I didn't see it yet either did the spy ninja see you yet this was my mom's house and I'm gonna prove it to you guys bunions this must be my mom's favorite snack I'd like her she likes spicy food like me there's a toothbrush right here I found a toothbrush that led to my parents had like their address on it I think my parents could be like dentists or something this must be theirs it's most nice still for real what'd he say guys I just saw some eyebrows Oh gnarly it's burnt remnants of a projects or go mask you bet the identification part was burnt off there's no way to tell whose it belongs to all right well this is some pretty big evidence we got to keep looking oh my gosh there's something out on the other side nothing what are you I've seen this picture before that's me and that's my mom in the middle I saw this picture in her house wait this is it is it you is that Melvin Lena looks like you you have a stuffed animal I'm picking your nose you do that all the time I don't pick my nose time this picture really does prove that this is your parents house or this one's house sadly gosh I hate projects ergo are they doing this to us not only ruining our lives put our family's lives ah alright and Regina maybe there's more clues that reveals where they went so are you okay Melvin what's the point of following mysteries clues imagine how cool would be to be reunited with mom I'm over it I'll stop being so dramatic yeah hold it together okay there's a clue whoa look it's a note it's all burnt something definitely happened here Wow my dearest daughter reveal your father and I have been dreaming of the day you returned home to us how they know I'm missing if they know I'm alive we miss you so much but you're needed elsewhere to make the world a safer place do they know I'm a spy ninja they must they know that you do a lot of good for the world I hope they're proud of me that you know I didn't become a doctor but hey confirm a few days ago we were happy to meet Bernie Bernie who said he is an old friend of yours and we shared stories about your childhood with him friend of mine you've a childhood friend named Bernie it was a bit odd that he wouldn't show us his face but he said he recently suffered some burns in a fire so we understood where darn second name is Bernie that explains what this is yeah pz6 burnt face Ernie destroyed your LA apartment and destroyed Regina's old house what my parents house what else is to say if only your brother were still here to support us our day would be brighter brother is that you it seems that way we'll look for you in Las Vegas and I hope this letter mace it to you on time they're in Las Vegas so right when we leave Las Vegas they come to Las Vegas staying it we missed him all right let's go back yeah let's go let's go oh we haven't famous in a long time you guys do you remember this back in the day printers ergo always used to leave us clues and maybe little triangles next to all of them maybe burn face is just old-fashioned and he's just resorting back to his old techniques why would they leave this here it's almost like they're saying mission complete we successfully burned down Regina's family's house first finding a toothbrush again and then this triangle yes sir we called big wait okay finally it's my turn [Applause] Chad hey I got captured by a hacker he threw a box on me what are you okay where are you right now it's some sort of project circle basement but it's in California that's all I know it looks very similar to the black pyramids basement okay Japanese like some coordinates or anything it must be near where you guys dropped me off I ran into a hacker something it was your road there's a tree I know it's not very helpful all right I wouldn't by staying it some more okay yeah do your best to find me I don't know if you can track my phone's location or something I don't know if there's any signal down here oh he's coming pull away do you think that's the same haircut that burn down the house that took Chad maybe well if chad is taken by a hacker that means the safe house is unguarded that's right oh my gosh what do we do my mom's take it away my dad is taken are the safe houses just like out there no choice the hackers but it's how we get they say house could be bugged and I got a plan I just keep on driving till we get to Mexico no we gotta get Chad first and Regina's family and my dog yet you know what I'm telling you this mystery guy who keeps calling us he's bad cuz every time mystery leads us somewhere there's hackers gonna get captured we gotta figure out who this mysterious guy is mill then why don't you drive where we dropped off Chad and then we can look around see if there's anything suspicious and then can figure out where Chad went from there hello hello who are you you hacker what's going on but you want the camera you're taking the camera wait what are you doing who are you you're tiny oh thanks ma'am yes yes dude who are you what's your name I owe you big time man thank you so much I'm tied to this chair thank you who are you I'll take the camera come with me hey dude are you coming wait where are you this leads outside come with me where where are you I gotta go let's go somebody just I don't know who that was those weird this place isn't safe those Packers here we gotta get in here go go go go go hey I [Music] know you guys what is some fish kids here you go B you want a squishy oh she's Daniels banana oh thanks Chad I love it Nolan almost run it over Butthead I got Melvin is jello us some jello okay I needed the exercise anyway else really fun yeah you can share my banana if you want it's okay just keep your banana to yourself Daniel spine edges you won't believe what happened some mystery person I don't know who was came and freed me yeah who was you didn't see space I didn't see his face what you weren't looking or what they were average height of average build couldnt really tell if those a boy or a girl and now I'm out of breath because I had to run so far thank goodness for this mystery person yeah I thought we're gonna have to bust an additional mission to save you whoever this guy was save me and I got free well good thing he was there and I got some fish would you like no thanks I know these are your favorite oh they're not yeah Chad Eaton wine since you guys are so hungry I stopped by to get you guys awesome snacks I remember earlier in the conversation CWU got them the next the jello I thought I decided I wanted to some Hot Cheetos I thought you said hot Chad toes oh I painted my toenails for you I thought that's what you wanted Oh jack I found a note from my mom really yeah right here whoa oh my gosh she writes really a lot but I can't wait to meet her Chad once we are together she's going to take me shopping really I mean ooh clothes Wow what no was gonna teach me all the new moves that she never had to teach me when I was little she's a karate expert she knows martial arts probably no she's not gonna do that she's gonna make me some chicken nuggets no well she's gonna teach me how to be on a balanced keto diet she's on the new keto diet how do you know that well she's gonna be the lead singer of my band your band it's our band yeah I'm a singer what Daniel his voice is amazing okay sure how to hack and we're gonna bond over that well I'm gonna teach her that I'm the best son I'm gonna teach her that I'm the best child I'm gonna punch you Regina hey you guys no need to cool it Regina cool it you guys need to stop fighting uh I get any fish skins I got you the job get me out of here Regina's breath stinks like fish oh now that are so annoying on this wild great chase for nothing well I was right but they just burned down mom's house yeah my secret room not yours so you should be thankful because you're a guest here well you should probably turn on the lighting it's too dark turn the lights on ah now I have to see your ugly face will you better enjoy cuz I'm gonna be around you for a long time Regina you want to go yeah are you hey what is this thing [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 23,199,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, regina, mom, parents, house, car, road trip, melvin, pz9, hacker, pencilmation, pencilmate, unspeakable, first to, iphone, morgz, most viral, tiktok, wins, challenge, 123 go, hacks, viral, tik tok, diy, ideas, faze rug, life hacks, ssundee, minecraft, mr. e, daniel, mr e, mystery, brent rivera, friends, vlogs, testing, secret, share, dantdm, 24 hours, surprising, vlog, crafts, riddles, how to, vs, funny, dobre, friend, safe, reveal, sml, vy qwaint, irl, cwc, spy, comedy, fun, ninja, clean, real, vy, video
Id: zSfqJIsDUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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