Miss Philippines Earth 2009 Sandra Seifert Testimony

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okay happy Sabbath Polhemus Appetit kamusta po yung lunch new ok naman mess it up healthy good my lunch was amazing jalapeno selamat angry young host a min canina has a 20-watt eleganza semion ameno so thank you again for that a Hawaiian a big laugh and in Anna Nagar request Pocoyo Ellen saniana continued home Nishioka Nina so chambray whatever I can do to inspire you and to help you in your journey with the Lord ok and 7 kite India for Honda ballon se Lord no but the good news is that for those of you 19 Ichabod canina as a mature man a guy young sharing Co the testimonial cause I'll just give you a quick recap to uncle's a snobby Coconino know especially for our friends at the hope channel so Carina Omega beam on yakuza Fenella panoho noggin is an adventist cocina natal PAHO said adventist hospital in Taipei Taiwan very young parents can own Catholic papazilla and then growing up chambray surrounded camisa maha adventist nana park and a non-example nila so you mami Kunekune Anakapalli unknown that was eventually as we found our adventist friends d joseph Filipinas like start naming bible study sessions maha Bambaataa PAHO known illallah Hopa and then as I started accepting more and more truths kseniya wanting to judge open like a hotel Agha eventually I started going to church on sabbath na until i reached college kombucha Adventist faith in Europe in a practice go so Nagato chose in New York a Hawaiian annacarl non-nursing happened and the na ho I found my Adventist community in New York that's the beautiful part with Adventist Seba Kai Tong Lu Garza bong Armando meronym kata like a Makita Adventist or as I'd like to believe God I've got commandment-keeping people ayan so when I was in New York just to summarize a Hawaiian egg practice and I'm 10 years of Adventist principles including vegetarian now going on I was also going to Sabbath at a church on sabbath I was praying even during the prayer groups cool on Ellen nama baptized a ho so true enough now convinced Ahonen pastor Conan's in New York now ok and Sandra Needleman kailangan perfectly ok kappa gimmick be baptized qey basta you're ready to commit yourself to the Lord and walk together with him in life and because of this understanding I decided to get baptized in Manhattan seventh-day Adventist Church and then eventually pogba lacunae non Pilipinas cocina tapas Canadian pagará Kudo on na kaho new license co-op raise the Lord I wanted to spend some time with my family in the Philippines at Chicago's kisana extend ok lankan el horizonte ba-ba-ba-boom alex estates so that's when it happened Nakata to Calcutta on now I joined Miss Earth the pageant locally it's called Miss Philippines earth that was young the Navajo so begins Bennigan's Ahonen contracta and because of that contract I was able to stay longer in the Philippines and competes the international pageant and then international pageant a man I won first runner-up so my paella Juan contracted in a hoe so bad in again 2 years no mistake was the Philippines which was great because it just allowed me to spend more time with my family and friends here and of course go back to my my roots of the Adventist Church which I learned here talaga no sono tamanho da lang Yongsan New York you experienced good on and in this in this time that I was here I I realized as you know I was slowly becoming a celebrity I guess people started recognizing me sorry I was I was just thinking to myself I don't make oolong Parana but um even if everything's going so well and people know you I wanted to do more with that reach that I had as a hobby co-parent I want to influence people to do something good and you know do do more than what they can do for the environment because the annual message could do miss earth it what you can do to help the environment to help save mother earth that all I was really thinking of how I can help people and bring them closer to the Lord the bomb and because of that that endeavor as I said in Matthew 7:7 earlier if you seek you will find and if you really want to do something that's in the Lord's name he will guide you and that's how I really decided to re-strengthen my commitment with my face and be more active in challenge channeling the truths so Daniel short recap non-bank Adventists go and then of course what really attracts me to the Adventists truth is completo young truth not in diba it's a holistic system of truth lahat nama aspects nong bua not in covered the Bible and the spirit of prophecy so God will not leave us misguided he will really make sure if we seek the proper way to heaven and the proper principles he will guide us una una genuine 10 commandments right just to recap that's the foundation of it all but if you studied Rick 10 commandments deeper for instance thou shalt not steal is it is also applicable to your body how you should not rob your body of its health and how can we keep our body healthy it's by not polluting it and eating the right food and drinking the right things so that that then touches on the health message and so forth num but most importantly maganda young young system of truth kiss a when it comes for instance to the Sabbath from sunset to sunset device having I think Annina really have to keep it fully why why do we have to do followed it all these instructions cussing a sabe um sabes a Bible that if you want to enter heaven the standard is really high and you Monica salmon at any mana Boneta like enema angels so I'm just to re-emphasize that heaven isn't a place for everyone it is for people nutella gong hand up a de semana salah it upon you know an apnea I'm planning on having like a worships Allah at Khattab Anil among hell so so prambanan Lila Lila hood Yan very solemn and that's also how we should prepare ourselves in our worship here on earth so one day when we end in heaven and start our life with the Lord face to face than all the Angels as in Dina dynamic adjust now Machado cassis and I note I said practice not in here on earth so by realizing that bergna appreciate Katella gala ha Tijuana commandments I've been a guide sad then at market nothing kailangan is sooo not young no and then finally I also shared earlier that we need to raise the standard Malay opal on the pad Keaton a young adding difference among that was you know you can really see from the dress alone subpanel eita I'm not a Santa I telegin Adventist Shah and then when you dine with them Adventist then much more on more strict to Lhasa polka in etc there is a Malaya palanca Pat Keeton Ioan Cuza um God chose a specific people right back in the day it used to be the Jews de ba there of course and non Yaran Abajo see Jesus across combo God the Lord and always will have his own people in every generation through time and to summarize kite I know Monica Aqsa people of God the key here is that they are commandment-keeping people so it all goes back to the beginning which is to keep the Ten Commandments your Nana mental a guy young secreto is so keep the Ten Commandments and everything that is part of the Ten Commandments raise the standard a patty but delegate io we were entrusted with the greatest wealth of truth no according to testimonies volume 7 page 138 like I'm I tried to remember that because we were really chosen as a peculiar people as it says in Peter and we have to be proud as Adventists McDow mejia kites at church belong let's encourage one another we need to show that brotherly love I agree with pastor he emphasized that know that I use NASA for front non-example para Lilith out Allah God I owe as the people of God and indeed Mon Cala an apical ramming tire anyway even even in in politics not it the the popularity um it's not a popularity contest when it comes to the truth Busta hold on calanques a truth usually it's the minority that has the truth especially when it comes to faith and religion so let's just continue to seek the Lord that's my message in a nutshell belong get Co Hanina now I'm for this ternoon I thought Casa della Hanuman telaga young laptop code today maybe I can give you a little inspiration on proper Christian dress would that be good because it is very important so at least when you go home if you want if you have time you can rearrange your closet a little bit and for the women at least Marin clean idea Panem inanimate para like a Lolita is adventists and then for the men I also have a little bit of advice on how on what to emphasize as important when it comes to proper dress and appearance so I'll start off really quickly then along young guide go as I mentioned a big laugh Hanina I'd really like to highlight young fashion in today's generation the but Hong Kong la Loba style for example kites a mall or syllabus usually a maraming fashion conscious come baguette elegan Binnig is sipping nama-hatta on a young young phenom de nada Manila that kailangan yes soon it's also exactly trendy by young the Medeco map and Prescott by Omaha or you're young young crush go for example so your message Colombian is we don't have to impress anyone except the Lord and the Lord doesn't even mind if our clothes are very simple as long as they're clean and draw and also what we wear will affect our health why because that Patong sought not in for instance in the shoe department masha dong tight postman with baba ijebu means untighten at items ornament but a fitting talega charketa young katha one no it should be loose and it should cover the bones and extremities as I said earlier the pad semana baba Alam kenapa in a plane open come where the lung shorts nalang Baro of course we have to be proper right so the longer the better but if you have to wear something a little shorter that but below the knees but in okay Paris mama Baba it opposed DTOs satting extremities long arms a chocolate chest area not in Tibet covered so to make sure that you have an idea of how it looks I dressed up like that limb today so at least it's possible it's still stylish and it's just a matter of a known unknown quality that but cotton because I'm a dreamer in it then I even open her not in Daytona and then um yeah I think you can invest in like Sabbath dress a Hawaiian like the design a porno mama Sabbath dresses so call my internet ki or Instagram or Facebook McVeigh post a monopod or name of a kitten in a man so if you're interested let me know Nina and AH Hashanah yawn but moving on I was saying about new fashion signing on panahon not a lotta horan cuz a during the week I work full-time for an Internet company so familiar Telegraph was internet and I noticed maraming a young fashion bloggers not anakena sila new manga manga but by and I mean Islam model pero so bronzy catalyst internet kiss a NAPA fashionable Silla so my manga blogs any mama fashion bloggers that was an arrow arrow Salman per post amoeba outfit nila chambray Magoo's oh mama Mahalo tapas Minton miniskirt and whatnot latinum I imagine you are on do not oppose Bureau no bina by Aaron Solana a job in the beginning maraming regalo de halong Napa ha influential nila my following si la cocina pakka stylish Scylla so our nila and the the problem here and I found I can show it to you actually from my laptop it song ba Baracus a panel Anya is clarify Ronnie she's Italian no actually I follow her as well she's a famous fashion blogger a chaja la pasta Katja no but going back to the principle itself is basically the risk with young people dial napkin grossness it as a fashion intern appalling linking Hanif bhai nila was it Napa enjoy Neil Young fashion is that in the end the diverting focus nila from the Lord to things like these and it becomes really risky because they could be doing other things that are in accordance with God's God's will and Lana so that's the problem kombucha fashion is also one of the snares of Satan so we have to be really careful when it comes to and resin and fashion because beside my mumble is it's so easy to compromise it's so easy now kombucha ok-lau Mike Leland Cosima Annette we tell ourselves and then belong Italy and unequally until spaghetti-strap Diane in fact I heard longest seventh-day Adventist churches the u.s. I'm Sabatini pastor ma a spaghetti strap Santino sought Neela for Sabbath the postman a miniskirt so I was just really shocked and we have to pray for them and we really have to show them that this is the proper way and it's still fashionable and beautiful and according to the Lord's will not so that's one thing aside from the fashion it's also really important now work done magnet on mug mug papinek mohan not then it says here not Allen Lewis Jezebel's a Bible there's a quote that says think it's in Ezekiel 23 40 Jezebel painted her face and tired her hair her head face painted ornaments belong to the uniform of the world so just a little example long so you make up in the Nana month I get Telegraph a long and the BA means an akuna like I can um concealer or whatnot um Wedeman saguru or lip gloss pero as much as possible you try to avoid an opposite we were we've already been blessed naturally I'm by the Lord so if it's not necessary show your natural beauty in a long live ah and then of course you can jewelry and another nunca la honey alumna young history now jewelry bracelets sorry it all came from the ancient times of slavery because I among slaves the Binaca annoyance illa yes and big and and eventually that's how it all started with it become you know like when X happiness happening Bible study malate bajo you know when you wear jewelry it's technically like you're a captive of Satan if you really think about it could say he shall not get been through it so I was like oh wow parish Ambria it's tempting and it's hard cuz I mean zangoose Mitaka fashionable but try to avoid it if you can watches are okay and then another thing that that also is a problem with the way women dress today in particular is kacica pug Mukunda young sought more chambray emphasized a leg a young new outfit more the problem there is it starts to develop into a mental type of snare where they develop young pride nothing I say so Brandon an outfit Co so ah ha um oh I know Mulla long but stomach and alum know like we start to think differently because a cocina you're appreciated in a certain way you have an effect on certain people now Wow I'm gonna need Amit Nia but I'm so Bronk and then now or so brown maja now it fosters pride in in the wearer's mind so there's a risk for that come Machado I know extravagant young dammit not then and because of that it's better to keep it modest and simple the ban and then finally another problem that's existing right now a one-column behind ISA in your pero se tequila bus is Naha Mahanama diminish among designer bags designer shoes a chaja young un para Nagina gamut para la Mobilio moneybag and agony insane un para casi puede Pam Mutulu and Rebecca in behind Inomata una energy here apna better ending no monotone I realized because I stopped running grossness it as a fashion Nina LaMotte aluminum Michaela and I'm too long so it's always a risk in first Peter 3 verse 3 of 3 it says holy women who trust God do not adorn themselves the snow so home began by becoming banal depart indeed Diamox wat noggin yonder pot EB batalla Tata legate oh and then in Proverbs 7:10 McCain unquote o harlots are known by their dress I know he big Sabine and harlots I know prostitute yes harlots was the original were word used to describe you among women back in the day that the Lagaan they offer themselves to men in exchange for any any benefit right so in the Bible in Proverbs 710 it says that harlots are known by their dress Schembri obvious amantha like a the Milonakis a Yong Yong I'm senior analyst pan whatever your your character is young Bahama Mama hikita Anza she knows what Medina so in their case it's very obvious cipa I an so based on onion and analyzed nothing I own young tagged là-bas and what the current situation is how can we be different and what what should we really we're now so instead of looking at your mama fashion bloggers as my favorite icons not in Killarney pooh-bah see Kate Middleton I am see Kate Middleton the best shyona asawa hi Prince William I an Wahpeton unisza when you know Guapo's young prince so Kate Middleton Cosette she's a great example of dressing modestly mary pumpkin ting adjustments mengapa dish name Ogawa pero overall casi royal family shisha i'll on my dress coat la casilla kombucha if she observes the dress code known as a royal member i'm what more tyonna were royal members of the heavenly kingdom we should represent other way you know angels dress almost campaka right and that that modesty so young dress nice no Sonia Nieto debe mukunda parent sharp arrow come on time up sir instructions Neil our diva muhabba chamber didn't poop on Dutchess a song event pero you can cut it up to 3/4 like here still nice so you can animal and emit 'no didn't design go so sandy bug brain Iranian harper pellagra inspires some organ dung designs at colors it is a fun example parama drama major shortener very uncool i the bomb Melina's a Chaka Uncle John president a parenting unify Lang and mock jewelry my accessories nalang or embellishments young dress new my details Kamala D to hunting beadwork or dito beadwork the bomb okay an accent Lance the met neo so my options telega don't worry and then finally what Schembri sabbaq sabbaq Hanina lahat much um my bong fashionistas madam is long Gina Gaston in one not in kilometer basta it's our dresses clean or dresses modest it's helpful in fact my mama quotations novel gallons the spirit of prophecy I'm in ministry of healing Cosette what we wear should be healthful that but young rindy Machado Madiba so it covers all aspects and then it all very interesting joy Tirana me 22 five women should not wear men's clothes and men should not wear women's clothes and wienie adding I own I hope on a man merely got was a bunch because I feel so secure in pants pero as much as possible avoid not in mugshot no.1 Gannon bad guy especially in fashion right I mean I just had a little shot here but even in fashion among laughing I knew my latest designs now manga top designers yo mama la la coneja Dresner comeback Ayana uranium who saw which is not in accordance with the Bible according to joy Tirana me so we should really be cautious there and then finally what this is my favorite quote for Christian dress atcha how you can use this as a foundation if ever mug share cayenne and Christian dress cybo why don't we open our Bibles in first Timothy 2 verse 9 okay so dad I'm the Linnaean Bibles you know and just a little tip um cuz there are four temporal information overload the Lahontan Sheena share core kite Sheena Sheena Maha pastors nothing so I urge you every every Sabbath Magdala final note Boca Chica ballpen but I'm a selenium quote stop espaço we know the whole week you have time to research recap Latin and Latino run amok pastors or what you learned from me today at least my notes didn't chaos a one day millennium soon EXO sehun of napa gan dong hua distressed a post at noon Kannamma tag lapis oh but can also add more alum nuna alum in a bucket ninguna Hawaiian an empanada you uh know the bar because you have you studied it it's important to study it dilemma Koenig listening is half of it studying it applying it as the other half I an so first Timothy 2:9 in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array so Galle Nyanza bible miss one oh and another really nice quote for christian dress is in the Book of Numbers chapter 15 verse 38 so waiting in long Shia sulit nam but said numbers chapter 15 verse 38 malapa na kama tapas a Christians dress should remind him of God's law kombucha when we dressed the way we dress which is modestly and according to the law and the instructions of the Lord nevermind Muslera tyonna remind about god's law cause Adama young sought not in in his eyes according to his law so what we wear will also affect our characters and what we remember I an why am i dressing like this I said Oh young young and he like a gila grandpa on the bar so it has a deeper meaning than just dressing modestly itself so number is 15 38 to 39 yard and then I have to last quote snap agonda maybe you could just take note of them the first one is in messages to young people page 314 it is not your dress that makes you of value in the Lord's sight so what does that mean hindi young bin adamant inanimate more no not my baby guys say your num value setting in up hanging on so I know you'll important ek Lord it is the inward adorning the graces of the spirit the kind words the thoughtful consideration for others that God values do without unnecessary trimmings and lay aside for the Advancement of the cause of God the means thus saved Omega what really matters to the Lord is again you Pusa nodding and how we really behave what our characters are lighting the like in the young punk so long not didn't know so remember that and then finally in testimonies volume 2 page 66 and 610 to the 614 what should all Christians do it though all Christians should dress modestly I am number one healthfully tastefully and neatly thus representing the principles of the heavenly kingdom because it's a heaven yeah Numa qualities NASA makita's vanilla say angels so we have to in our own way here on earth start applying these things now so Alan Cohen Latin blanket come more on what women should wear but for the men among important taejun is because men in general they're very very formal Amanda by usually Mahakali earnest Allah haben I am an important ISA lelaki I am Molina's so cleaned up but from head to toe young bloke my iOS young um ya'know young Amoy my iOS ah da da Hye Jung Hwa Jung shoes na polish important now you know polish young shoes so you double check your shoes for the gentleman and make sure that they're polished for Sabbath can say young dress code in a month pretty and on all standard colored shirt Upasana slacks or pants and a nice belt so san americlean a to none and welcome a mulatto nunca yo sana camara Massicotte Koren but yeah I'd love to open the floor just for a few opportunities for questions if you'd like yes bye Tagalog or along the way AGGA none diets no gender okay Haga forbidden palagi nawafil manana cappella humming visit upon an churches kneel in an alumn door oh yeah Oh Tama Don's my point in Pocoyo teachings beliefs oh yeah yes mm-hmm yes Wow praise the Lord amen okay praise the Lord Inuyasha oh wow that's good good to hear and I'm Metro an Aussie game a home ballast and yeah I'll give you that all the information you need actually cuz in my program the mantle I guess Internet Napa demek upload namaha decks and presentations Ikaruga i'm gagawin cola human presentations co way Dyneema accessed on my download the post we're gonna improve power the optimize but yeah you know you now go on you and i encourage you to really take notes and learn casa you know the word young truth long telega i'm paella but not in it as jesus when he was tempted said it is written the biennium defense Nephi Satan can sit in a temp Chapel are gay but very very interesting to to know this feedback and cupola handy much I don't panic was happen marrow don't worry God is good god is patient and he's very forgiving and there are a lot of innocent people 19 de Manila alum and that is why people like I are here and pastor because we want to what we've learned share with you guys but I'm a llama Newton that was the choice is yours closeness London or Sun then in the future whatever it is but I always encourage you to apply right away and remember it's always for the best interest of the Lord so it's not difficult state of mind Longley on
Channel: Hope ChannelPH
Views: 69,580
Rating: 4.895535 out of 5
Keywords: Miss Philippines Earth 2009 Sandra Seifert Testimony, Miss Philippines Earth (Recurring Competition), Miss Philippines Earth 2009 (Competition), Sandra Seifert (Competitor)
Id: bW08Lq3ozlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 14 2014
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