Cesar Millan on the Biggest Mistake Dog Owners Make | Ep. 162

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welcome to the show I've always been supremely interested in human nature I want to learn what makes us tick I want to learn what influences us why we behave the way that we do so of course when I heard that there was a guy who could train supposedly untrainable dogs and that much of what he was doing was actually reprogramming the owners of those dogs I was obviously fascinated now I think we've all grown up in some way maybe as big grown-up kids or otherwise with the dog whisperer and today on the Jordan Harbinger show we are here live from Cesar Millan's ranch talking to the man himself today we'll explore Cesar's journey from one of the most dangerous parts of Mexico to being homeless on the streets of LA not knowing a word of English to worldwide fame as the man we've come to see has damn near supernatural powers when it comes to training dogs and of course their human companions as well worksheets for every episode including this one are available on the website at Jordan Harbinger calm and if you want to learn how my network includes amazing people like Cesar Millan well I maintain those networks with daily consistency habits a little bit of software and I'm teaching you that for free in six-minute networking over at Jordan Harbinger comm slash course all right enjoy this episode here with Cesar Millan so when we what happens in the dog mind when I get out of the car I'm in your parking lot and they run up and I go oh hello and I'm doing this and I'm petting them and and it's like then I look at the sign ten minutes later so there's no touch no eye contact don't talk to the dog and I'm just like great we're already breaking all three rules yeah it's no touch no talk no eye contact if you were in a situation where this put is horses you have no problem behaving calm because for many many many many years people have told you their horses are a very sensitive species and the best way to get to their heart as if you are calm and you asked for space that means respect so calmness leads you to trust and space leads you to respect for some reason that information didn't go to the dog-loving world they stay with the horse loving world you know I would never run up to a horse and go I feel like I would get bit or kicked pretty quick oh you can make the horse run away from you so you experience of getting to know the horse will be zero right so you're not only going to do that but if you have a child next to you you make sure that that child follows that ritual you know because you know that's what is best for the next generation and for the horse as well that's interesting so you recommend that with all dogs generally don't run lean down and start petting them right away and start talking with them right away additionally because they don't know you yeah that's true yeah no no every dog is friendly the thing is you have to understand that if some dogs are born to be in the back of the pack and those dogs are very sensitive and so those are what people call fear aggressive and that's because they have to defend himself from this approach of talk I contact you know every single dog in the world regardless of what position he was born to be the way he gets to know another dog his nose eyes ears see when the dogs are born the born with the nose open 15 days later they open the eyes 21 days later they open the ears nose eyes ears this is scientifically proven and every breeder in the world can tell you that that is the order so the mother is sent before sight before sound but the humans we are ears eyes nose we talk to each other we see each other unless we develop an intimate relationship we don't smell each other yeah that's pretty rare I can probably count on one or two hands maybe the number of people have voluntarily smelled right yeah but that's not your inclination your inclination is to get to know that's all they're human based on what they say and how they look like you know that's why we it's so easy for us to lie to each other right because we listen for the words first yeah we're not we're not in tuned to the feeling or the energy that that human is saying and animals are the opposite so animal is like very honest if they don't like your energy they're just gonna fight flight avoidance how many dogs are on the property here right now we only have 11 11 11 dogs once we start bringing you know like you know start shooting the show or helping people it increases the amount because we also have farm animals so so our our dogs they live with me and they live here at the ranch they interact not just with dogs but with emus with the horse we'd argue that you know with it I grew up in a farm yeah and in a farm has a the ideal social environment that everybody looks to achieving and dog park a dog park is the less ideal social environment for dogs because humans don't talk to each other oh yeah they're sitting there not interacting so if a dog you know a lot of people said my dog is my child well you can tell that when when a human goes into a dog park that dog it's not a child because nobody leaves a child unattended you see how switches yeah it's their child when they want to pay attention to it I mean it's just the human button I mean in a very weird way switches from is it a dog or is it a child if it is a child is not a problem they still have to learn different so for those people who have kids with mental disabilities they have to shift the way the kid learn and experience the world well a dog learn and experience a world completely different so you can still call it a child but you have to treat it as the way he's capable to learn about the world and know about the world I know at one point you had 65 dogs and you were charging like ten bucks a day and you were illegal immigrant acts para now I bet I do man I do that buying a property you know I find out about once you start making enough money and you are different bracket of taxes yeah from zero to a lot from zero to yeah America's great no this is the line of quality opportunities and and immigrants will tell you best you know they there is there is no need for a person to have no job because if immigrants can get a job an American citizen should be piece of cake from you think yeah in many ways this is a good place to start because you're you're in many ways the epitome of the American dream you and I'll get the back story here in a bit but essentially this is a meteoric rise you know do it twenty thirty forty years to an overnight success I guess at this point so well I mean let them call it overnight success forty years yeah yes I mean it's it's a it's definitely it's definitely something that you work at it every single day and in the beauty of life you're gonna have those downs you know you're gonna meet those dishonest people those people without integrity those disloyal humans because I come from a different you know way of living in a more animal-like you know honesty integrity so it'll be and then you meet those humans but it's part of life you know what I mean it's part of life so yes it's definitely it's a rocket thing but then you meet those obstacles absolutely when you were growing up your the area where you're from in Mexico now is even more famous we were famous before but they don't thanks to Netflix we were like God made again famous yeah exactly let's go our status Pat a big I know you're from Sinaloa yeah yeah and so not only from Sinaloa I'm from Culiacan see okay that is the mecca that's like that's what I'm saying Medina mean was the mecca of dope the drug cartels and you know and that's what Pablo Escobar is from we have so many and the most famous right now is a chapel yeah and but we have so many I mean I don't know how but most of them came from there you were a kid was that your example growing up like oh my god yes it's that - soccer players Luis Miguel a singer who else telenovelas guys soap opera soap opera guy yes yes Cantinflas yeah but those guys were definitely the main the main source of what's huge what what a kid should become one day because that's all it is it's all it is that's all it's surrender they help a lot of people they you know they're if you ask him where who helps you more the drug dealers or the government they will say they're drug dealers you know I mean they pay medical schools close all the basic stuff you know the main poverty poverty is now that you have no money poverty is you have no medical help no education no roof over your head you know the food sometimes is just coffee so they can um cheer here we could drink coffee just for fashion over there they drink coffee because there is no food so it puts the hunger down that's right enough here people use it so they can lose weight we don't eat so we don't get hungry I'm sorry yeah you know and so when you were a little what you thinking I'm gonna be a narc oh yes I did yes I did Wow I was 10 years old when I came to my mom I said mom you know obviously in our tradition and I'm pretty sure a lot a lot of people are very I have a lot of empathy and compassion for moms because their end up taking care of the pack yeah you know and so I saw my mom taking care of us you know breakfast in school taking us walking us to school and then come back home and then start sewing you know so like sewing clothes those yeah so people you know because over there you don't throw anything you you sure you man things and so she was she was doing asses so I would stay right next to her like a puppy because she would go to sleep at 3 in the morning and so yeah so that to me was this is too much you know so you and you see a lot of people doing the same thing but something that they did in my heart so obviously I started I start thinking how I'm gonna get my mom to a safer place and for her not to kill herself job working my work you know but you know it's just they don't get paid over there by an hour and so they get paid by by two every two weeks or every month and and they're very very minimal and so that's from that point on I start looking at where I'm gonna make money and so those are the role models so when I when I was 10 years old I thought I was working since I was six but when I was 10 years old I told my mom mom when I go home I'm gonna I'm gonna be a drug dealer and she's across the face is if you want to kill me that's what you're doing does I didn't know that that was not the reason I just wanna make enough money so she changed my mom and one snap out of it my next question of course was well what stopped you from doing that and the answer was my mom slapped me in the face so you find out pretty quick like that's not something that I'm gonna she was very offended and she was very hurt you know by this thought you know I had no idea about the ramifications of that just so that this people had money they had good clothes - well I thought it was good clothes at that time and great cars and they will eat well you know they're always in good restaurants at least what I thought was good restaurants at that time yeah but that's a good one yeah so okay you decide I'm not gonna be a narco I'm not gonna be a drug dealer I assume at some point you go alright well I'm good with dogs I'm gonna be a dog trainer I started watching last year in teen teen last-last in pain that was the reruns we are first TV I was eight years old something like that and our first fan we were like 11 years old like you know cuz normally you got to do this like a fan in the house like a fan in the house it was a big celebration time Wow and there was a black-and-white TV so and then you can't be change it like that you know and then you then you move that little antenna thing yeah I mean it was crazy so I start watching you know last summer in teen teen and and that's when I start showing the castle the Disneyland castle thing and then the the the Hollywood vibe you know the star their stars the stars and and when I was 13 years old I told my mom mom you think you'd be the best oak tree in the world I should turn around she said you can be whatever you want she did agree with that Wow you know what I mean she agree with I was going to a judo competition and which is something that they have to do to redirect my energy you know copper yeah okay yeah yeah you know coming from a farm you have you have so much space to run in to help and physically burn your energy yeah the city is more mind than physical so I'm coming from a place where I you know I can run I can burn I can swim I can go to the river you know I mean your energy has been used to the max and then in the city no I have to go to school and so the way that we're burning my physical energy is they they've sent me to judo company though and then I started competing in definitely you know I definitely want but that's when I started saying well I like that lassi and reading anything you know I love animals obviously and I just didn't know that they that can be something besides a dog trainer mm-hmm which point do you side I'm going to the United States you know I'm gonna make my way here I got something bigger when I was 13 when I was 13 years so I said I want to be the best oak tree in the world in the end that's what I said about the great DT because the only place that I thought that I can become the best doctor in the world was the United States okay cuz I grew up watching awesome movies where the Americans were the heroes you know and so every day in America was the best in the world so so is that marketing brain watches using everything is here you know which in a lot of cases it is I just didn't know I had anything to offer to the American people you know like my wisdom of knowledge my with my my wisdom of energy my wisdom of connection with animals I had no idea that I can train humans I thought I was gonna come learn from the best you know I was looking for less and reading teen trainers in particular and that's why I say I'm gonna go to Disneyland or Hollywood okay you know that was my destination you know I was not you sunny it was not it was no New York it was no Texas nothing to me worse this Milan or Hollywood okay which they're all like places where you don't got to learn anything in all the world yeah I didn't know I thought you can go over there and learn and look for lasting everything okay around there will be a run somebody will be around with that blessing that's the that naiveness sure which is absolutely fantastic for me because it just gave me no obstacle you know what I mean that's that that naiveness way of thinking I said I just got to go over there that's it yeah that's it it's like when people come here yeah I gotta talk to T I'm from Germany just because like that that focus and people phone you know they they say well I just woke up one day and said I want to go see you like that so that that kind of focus it that was that's important part is the focus of do you believe that makes you achieve what you want okay so you decide to come to the States but you can't just walk over here well I guess you technically kind of did two weeks it took me two weeks to came on to me yeah I saw people die I saw people crying I saw pregnant women getting hurt I mean it's a it's a life and death situation the people risk is definitely it's definitely life in death I know it's not like walk in the park kind of thing yeah like America's welcoming you is like here's some water you know what I mean here's some food no you get you get caught you know you get caught and that one thing about American officers as they do feed you when you get caught yeah when you get caught yeah when you get caught America feeds you to give you a sandwich nothing special no no Jersey Mike's nothing like that see Mike's nothing like that no Philly cheese nothing like that it's just baloney sandwich - and pretty but this a man takes like heaven though I'm sure yeah in a coca-cola two weeks in the desert that Coke and baloney yeah yes yes definitely you're in the border so I was I wasn't it Tijuana border which is the most common so people they are from when I'm from they take that path you know for some reason everybody takes that path and you know it's like like Heep you know if you from the center of Mexico they go through Matamoros you know yeah so like the Dominicans they're always moved to New York all the Latinos like okay where's the where's the Colombia's there on that side there's no a lot of Colombians on this side that's yeah I never thought about that yeah see that mm-hmm at one point did you think I'm gonna end up going to the desert they're gonna leave me in a bath I mean we are things like go to Mexico you're gonna end up meeting somebody you wake up in a bathtub full of ice and your liver is gone were you afraid people were gonna take advantage of you when you were coming here yeah you do think about yeah you because in we're not thinking about like America is doing that to us it we think in our own people doing it yes you know me because you are definitely a human-trafficking type of thing yeah yeah and you can end up being a mule yeah you know I mean so yeah you and I myself on 21 years old I just my faith my passion and my instincts it's not smart at all no I'm not using my intellect to do that action I'm just using my instincts my passion and my faith so you pray a lot you pray a lot definitely you know I was trying my dad gave me $100 which I had it on my on my shoe under between my shoe and my socks and that's all I had $100 that was his life savings he said there was his life savings was 100 bucks and he just gave it to you he gave it to me because he saw my resiliency you know he saw my my focus is so my that I said that Mike it was not turn around yeah just eat just near was I was gonna leave he didn't know I was gonna make it he just knew I say I'm leaving because I was 21 so they couldn't do anything about it yeah you know how yeah so I left on December 23rd which is you know right before Christmas right before Christmas so is you know there were Catholics oh so it was a lot alike religion type of thing now it's Christmassy than that so I spent two weeks on the border so I spent Christmas and New Year's at the border trying to jump it Wow Wow thank close yeah same clothes no shower you can't shower you can't probably not much to eat I would imagine the adrenaline is a lot of food my friend that's really in the faith and the passion and they just that's how people interpret countries can actually make it you know I mean it's just the adrenaline to live the happiness of the next day the faith there are more believers in third world countries then actually in a country who has so much money here's a debate about what religion is better even religion exists over there we believe it does exist because we want that someone up there is looking for us UNITA man so that believe it engaged as an act in a relationship that at least someone who we can't see see us you know I feel like you would need that especially if you're gonna come to LA with your I say no plan but I guess your plan was to go to Disneyland but by now you probably think that okay I had no real plan now I had no real plan I have no real plan I have no real destination I didn't know anyone I didn't speak English I didn't know I didn't know the challenges that that uh that America would have for someone like me or someone yeah someone like me how did you get the first job then when you arrived job is peace okay job is easy oh my god yes part of the trip yes I mean people love hungry people you know like hunger in the way where he's a good one you know I mean that guy has what it takes yeah you know what I mean like it's like picking up a soccer player everybody can hit the ball but some guys have more hunger than the other in that's the guy you pick cuz I had energy you can't make it and so you know you don't get paid a lot but but early put that energy of being happy about sweeping for five bucks cleaning cars for five bucks because you know and then I learned you know in in am/pm and 7-eleven you got two hot dogs for 99 cents so I have to make one dollar a day people out there to eat that's it you grab those hot dogs put some you know tomato and onions ketchup and all that stallion eat it how long did you do my god dogs 2 months so that's a lot of hot dogs that's a 120 hot dogs yeah yeah you know I don't have to worry about making a lot of money you know and then I find out about the big goal experience so a big golf experience would you buy it once and you refill forever we don't get that look we don't have that in Latino countries we don't because what happens is we go and we feel it and just sell it outside you sell the big gulp refill thank you by the way other that's right we'll go but refill it and sell it outside so if you buy a soda from somebody on the side of the road it's probably a refill big gulp we die no you go you're gonna see a lot of people selling it selling you soda in a little bag with a straw yeah yeah I've seen yeah oh is that what yeah that's what yeah oh that's funny yeah I never thought about that my goodness yes you know it's so you talk about recycle we we were doing a recycle way before America came on more yeah you know I mean we recycle everything everything in an organic way before Whole Foods was open we were doing organic so that we just call herself poor that's poor exactly that here is like I'm vegan I'm vegetarian I have money you know what I mean that means you buy Whole Foods yeah but but to us that was just that your economy level was that so that's what we're very healthy you know yeah yeah we yeah we grow our own thing yeah we can't buy it we have no much so we gotta grow our own thing right there that's organic and you know you can't afford to kill chickens every day because you need to add more than the chicken right yeah and then the pig or the or the Kyle the goat that's for weddings right big events big events big big big events and that's all around the world if you go to Africa that's around the world yeah I've seen that I've heard you know I mean that's like a big event somebody's getting married okay now we're gonna do this okay okay and so at this point then your refill on the big gulp you're getting the surviving on two hotdogs a day but you get this reputation as the guy who can walk like 30 dogs that's when it wasn't when I can't that's with that it was in San Diego yeah okay so Dan in San Diego I got a job and a grooming salon with this two awesome white ladies and I learned my first sentence do you have application for work that's all I learned that was only was it after that I have no idea what to say and so the ladies you know I came in and and do you have application for work and they start telling me and asking me stuff I couldn't answer but they they had a cocker spaniel in the back and they show me a picture of this cocker spaniel how they wanted it to be groomed but the dog was biting them oh okay yes so I went in there grab the dog hold the dog touch the door again and start grooming the dog and of course their job went down and how do I do it you know I mean how this guy that is dirty can touch the dog and groom the dog without the dog feeling aggressive about it and the dog actually you know start moving the tail trust me you know it's the energy the approach it was different and so from that point on I went from judo to finding you know $5.00 a day whatever I you get was sweeping and watching cars they charge a hundred and twenty dollars for that dog room Wow which any groomer will get 50% of profit so that day I made $60 so a lot of hot dogs so that's exactly what is exactly what I say so I end up grabbing $50 and turning it back as I thought was just a one-time job at one time it's you know experience with them and so no no no no no I don't need to get in my head I don't need that many hot dogs yeah you know what I mean and so I give him $50 back I keep ten so I thought I was that was well was worth and all the ladies give me the $60 and they asked me to come back the next day yeah yeah so me being a Virgo I saw their place and I started cleaning that place like it was mine I you know we like things very very clean and so they were very appreciative because they were older ladies so I start moving Thames cleaning now but place was just perfect and so they loved that part I watching dogs I start watching preparing them for them so they can groom him you know I mean like bait them below try them and then so I was like a machine young guy with two old ladies that was like I'm from heaven yeah you know right so I made a thousand dollars in a month there and then shipped off to LA and then that's when I went to I don't know if you if you ever heard about Miller outpost know what is that it was a store it was a store where where they used to what it was it's like Target but so I went to buy my first 501 Oh gene gee yeah that was I was wearing the same clothes I took a shower in the bathtub and one of those baths the dog bath the grooming so you're in there like kind of I mean when you grew up in a farm you got a bucket that thing do you MacGyver it yeah so I went in bought my first with a thousand dollars my first jeans but it was the worst thing I did because they were hard it's what I want yeah I never knew you have to wash him first you never mean and so how was the worst thing but I got my first 501 nice yeah looking stylish looking better that's just not homeless that's right well yes not to homeless yeah and so I went to the Greyhound and then I bought a ticket but you have to learn when can you cross the San Ysidro what is San Clemente sorry when you have to cross San Clemente immigration point oh those checkpoints yeah I barely think about that because I don't get stopped at those me neither now yeah nice god yes and they know who I am so that's good every as a dog or they make sure you show help me a lot so so then you know you find out when they're not checking so you can take the bus because they will stop the bus immediately oh wow yeah so you can cross in a car that's not a problem but it's the buses they stop mandatory so you you know you learn the streets and then there and then one one time this guy say it's easier they're not stopping anybody right now so when it dropped the keys to the ladies oh you left like that on a butan plan it was like let's go yeah there's no planning in the street homeless people don't plan their day they just live the day yeah you know I mean it's a freedom behind which is awesome you know here I have to plan at the talk to everybody make sure I'm going to Singapore in February 10 and and so I have to plan you know in advance how I want the animals to do you know to work or to be you know all of that stuff and you know you still didn't speak English though right no so how did you end up learning English room alright I'm showing up in LA to dog trainer I'm you because the rep was you were kind of his underground guy for a while that could walk all these dogs in LA in LA with no leash and the gangbangers are hanging out here like there goes the crazy guy with all the dogs it's great yeah it's definitely crazy you know who that's that many dogs off leash road wider spindle German Shepherds you know to me you know it is if you see that painting right there that's normal you know and Mexico nobody has leeches on a dog you know dogs go to the market to churches to the beach in third-world countries that's that the leash law is not not even a a thing you know to me so the land of the free has more leash log that we call not free you know so for the animals Mexico is way better you know what I mean yeah they can fly they could swim they can run it can do their thing yeah so you learn English because of just by being around it are you trying to figure out how to get a better job at this back in that time well yeah of course my customers were NBA players you know NFL players so you're worthless prey yeah Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage okay and diesel you know how did they hear about you yeah you know that Mexican guy in the street oh you really that really sort of wet vibe yeah yeah yeah I never had like business cars so it was a you know it's a Mexican guy so back then that in the forum it was it was where the Lakers used to play you know and so I was from England with to South Central walking a pack of dogs and I was start walking pack of dogs so people their dogs were frustrated you know so we'll go around I was just boring and and I asked people hey do you want me to walk your dog and many ladies will say no most of times the ladies were at their house and the man went to work say no no and some ladies will say yes so that in in the hood most of the dogs that they are outside a rut why sure you know but it has a Labrador taking care of their home right you don't see Labradors in the hood you see Rottweilers pitbulls German shepherds so England and South Central is the hood and and so I started to meet their dogs you know just just if they were just run wild but to me I saw I seen a dog so I start walking walking and people start paying attention to that you know and I don't know if you remember but it was a radio show it was called Rick Dees in the morning yeah of course okay so I love Rick because I love his English it wasn't like like if you will listen to one of 105.9 you know like I was a lot more gangster more yeah yeah and I didn't want to speak you know with slaying and anything like that I you know I just want to speak clear so I start listening to - Rick you know start I had a boss Jay Rio he gave me a chance watching limos and he gave me the opportunity to have an astro van and so he only speaks English me you know it was a Caucasian guy and then later on I met Jada pinkett-smith and she had four Rottweilers and and that's when I told her listen I would like to do a little bit more than I'm doing right now I would like to have a radio show I would like to be part of a TV show you have to aim high it sounds crazy I'm already in America because you're washing limos and you're like yeah I want to be on TV yeah people must have been like okay buddy Oh most of them yeah yeah most especially the people close to you yeah you know they were totally doubt you faster than the people who is outside your intimate space and that's something that people have to be careful about it because I Hertz you know yeah if you believe what they believe you're done because you're Cesar the limo washer at this point you're not Cesar Millan and I'm like oh yeah hermano knowing glaze so yeah so that's that's a those obstacles those are obstacles you know but again as you believe as you is your faith as your passion and in this the opportunity that you're looking at you know I'm looking at I need to teach people what yours what you know what you see now you know I teach me about energy in the psychology and then how to train dogs so but to me it was like such a big opportunity yes have to speak I just have to speak healing I'd anyway I say I have to have papers it was yeah I just have to speak the language of these people who are so in a need of being trained that's when I start saying I don't train dogs I train people and rehabilitate dogs that's interesting yeah cuz I've I've heard and we're in the here at the dog psychology center doing this like in your can we say like dream dream business dream homes not really it's kind of both here where we are right like I would imagine you're washing limos you're not thinking one day I'm gonna have this giant farm full of animal dogs no no no I didn't think that way into I went to Runyon Canyon when I started walking and Runyon Canyon that's why I say I need a piece of land like this yeah and at one point I star a skin this is Runyon Canyon for sale you know impossible to buy the piece of land okay where I'm just gonna make my own Runyon Canyon so Runyon can inspire me to have my own piece of land is a perfect place for dog walking yes yeah don't know yeah oh this is the best but Runyon Canyon at that time became the place where you can practice walking and socializing and rehabilitating at the same time you know you know I study because people love to take the dogs to the dog park but riding Canyon you get everything you get the walk you get the social you get the if you need to work on anything you know with your dog you get to do that as you walk you know so that that was that to me was like okay when one day I'm gonna have my own Runyon Kenny you mentioned that you train people you rehabilitate dogs yes so you're kind of like yeah I know you're learning a lot from dogs because I read the book the lessons from the pack but if 60% of training the dogs is training the people you're kind of more human trainer than dogs right yeah yeah yeah I'm human trainer it just it has been and the history the people believe that you have to train a dog that's why that's why America opened our business for dog training you know and there is thousands thousands and thousands thousands of places where you can send your dog to be trained but but the most important member of the family who should be trained is the parent of that dog you know what I mean you're not into not only enter into parenting you also enter into a child it learns completely different than what you're used to you heard me and so he's a different species yeah he has a you know different state the same stations and their life but shorter for example a copy hood is from birth to eight months females becoming here at eight months she's not a puppy anymore oh wow so people keep calling puppy dogs were three years old because the dog it has display for this position you know what I mean and that's because the dog is stuck into this playful state of mind so he's not moving on because humans aren't wedding because he must so the dog is alike it's almost like you're playing that that the song over and over and over and over and over so the dog becomes brain watch to stay in that frame of mind you know so when you want him to behave more mature again right because your tray because you know yeah it'd be like if you babied your kid until he's 30 years old you're shaving em and they're oh you're so pretty the classic mama momma's boys' right there is there is man who the mom has kept him in that state of useless guy was the date of woman he's four years old but he can't because he hasn't grown up yet I'm saying so so that similar to that interesting yeah that's funny Wow so behavior change in dogs and behavior change in humans it seems like there's a lot of similarities I've seen things on the show where this is a long time ago there was a dog have a tail between his legs or something and he was really had some behavior that was negative because of that nd I want to see you tied the tail over the dog's head to kind of force it you basically forced him to act more confident as a dog if you change your body position something happens inside of you that's what they sell things so your buddy the situation oestrus and the posture changes right and so that's what they tell you if you can do it internally do it externally you know so if you are you know Anthony Robbins follower he's gonna tell you that your physiology can influence your psychology sure you know and so so in a case like that I needed to change the physiology to change the psychology so most people will put a leash on the neck or on the muscle you know the whole tease or the harness but that's not gonna change this right you know yeah and so when a dog feels good about himself his tail looks high that's why in a Westminister situation they always grab the head in the tail hmm right they always do that so the dog presents himself as his most proud moment in its life all right so I know that the head has been touched many many times his humans have been pet you know the head so he has kept the head lower but one area they have never touches the tail nobody does you know because I've always think outside the box as that's part of being innovated and creative and so I put a leash on the tail and the dog you start running interesting yeah-ha this is the best day of my life on top of that I'm running fear fear is something that they have to run it out so it was very important that I put a rollerblade so this dog can run as fast as and as long as he/she wanted to it was a girl she wanted to run you know that day because I want to be attached to let's get rid of this fear and in the meantime feel good at it when you were raising your kids are you thinking alright I gotta do so I mean similar stuff right yeah same same same especially when you're raising boys and you know me being a male we're body mind heart you know what I mean is my boys are outdoor type of guys and and the mind have to be busy and you have to reward for the good things you know so exercise discipline affection right yeah they have to work for their things you know and they have to be rules boundaries limitations you know definitely I have to lead by example I want them to make sure they know that the only four energies they need in life is calmness confidence love and joy they don't need insecurity they don't need anxiety they don't need lack of love if human doesn't love them just find love with an animal don't worry about it you know of course of course you have to exercise love just yeah you have to exercise your body just let you have to exercise your mind just let you have to exercise joy you know so animals only believe in four energies calmness confidence love and joy that's it they don't believe in misery I can see that unless we teach them that of course as humans right we are the only one that teaches animals the negativity exists because animals will go through it but they won't live in it yeah they do there's no no don't even a moment they don't sit around thinking man almost kill us all oh my god let's just don't go back over there yeah see we create stories and those stories allow us to live in the past but anticipate the future so then we forget about the moment we forget about the presence but the people who actually are very present as the people who are about to die like cancer survivors are really good about that they let go the past they let go the future like that yeah there's no afford it yeah I can't afford it I can't afford it so why be a human who experienced that to live that way you see it so that means those humans went into an instinctual passionate spiritual way of being they stopped being more mental you know I mean they can't think about the past of the future they have to instinctively survive passionate love life and believe that they can pull it through you've had a lot of high visibility the TV shows taken off this business obviously is doing super well it's got all kinds of things going on from Asia to training people here do the animals keep you grounded because at the end of the day the dogs aren't like all Caesars so famous he's so successful they don't care those still bite your leg money fame and power does not exist in the animal world and that's why a lotta money fame and power people love them because they keep them grounded you know so when we have famous people here what they love the most is you know your dog doesn't know you are such and such yeah I mean that about him he tells me like it is you know to me but humans are not allowed to be that way you know what I mean yeah I really get rid of that no no I mean people in power like famous people are you know are easier to work the people empowered I mean like the billionaires like you know like politicians and those people are harder to ground them why do you think that is because they're so used to being told what I say yeah you know at least the famous people do yoga and meditation people they don't do that right they just buy stuff right so they're just telling everybody else what to do yeah yeah but then I have to go and tell them what to do right ssp oh yeah I said no I pay you to change my dog and teach everybody here right but does it work like that right here's a plastic bag to pick up the poop we can do that but yeah but the the part of them changing the part of them like being there for the pack sure you know they're so used to the pack been there for them right get it yeah so it's like it has to be a combination of a good pack leader is there for his pack and a good pack is there for the pack leader but it's mutual you know so one thing that I have learned as a dad and as a partner with my fiance is sometimes I lead sometimes I follow so you're not always in a leadership position because sometimes you're wrong so if you're wrong you shouldn't be leaving oh yeah you see I mean I don't I don't that can be I could see why that's hard for some people though yeah I can see that I that would be hard for me too yeah because and then you enter into right and wrong instead of letting the flow be the right who is right because it's about what's best for everybody else you know we're the only species that follow unstable pack leaders we are the only species in the planet that will follow unstable pack leader animals do not follow instability why do you think we do that oh because we focus on money fame and power ah yeah so if the person says that we're gonna be more famous more powerful more have more money we follow him or her you see a so our our focus has changed from harmony and balance to money fame and power so nobody comes to America to - for a spiritual retreat money people have to America for money fame and power but Americans go to Peru for a spiritual retreat and ayahuasca and ayahuasca yeah this year they go into the into the wilderness and they go into the jungle of Brazil they go you know and they go and talk to the they are the Guru's guys you know the shaman shaman guys I don't know how to read or write you know I'm saying so that's right like you're asking you know they don't they I mean they that's not their thing they're met their medicine man you know just like Native Americans here what we're medicine man you know what I'm saying so so so that's the that's what people you know do here with what that's what we follow and because America is the pack leader of the world for many things you know fashion music television shows every actor wants to be a Hollywood actor and I just an actor in the country you know what I'm saying yeah so so America it's a big role model so because America does that and then we end up following unstable leaders everywhere right okay I see so since we're focused on some of the wrong values we follow the wrong people yeah yeah but animals don't have that and it makes sense I know that you talk about humans wearing masks and animals wearing masks in a different way right like a bird will pretend to be injured to get a predator away from its now correct but humans wear masks and then we leave that thing on for thirty years you have you forget we got it yeah we get comfortable with this stuff but but your soul your spirit will always remind you there's something wrong your instincts oh you know like people call since sixth sense or people call it intuition so that is real but why why do we be harm disconnected to it because we don't exercise it you said so you're in that question in yourself and believe in what others say oh is right you know I mean it's a no you're not you're not you're not leading yourself with what you believe you're leading yourself with what others believe and that obviously doesn't help you personally your soul you know began become sad your heart comes out your intuition becomes sad because you're not listening to you so you forget about you and you mind say no no no we listen to us yeah but it's only you mind making a decision it's not the four of us who are in agreement with this decision do you see it so animals every decision they make is made as a family nothing is move like the Congress man and the Honda senators and they're you know everybody's making the decision that's right so there is no agreement agreement is the most important word to do anything good or bad for animals it's all about good you see it even in the elephant were the elephant's were where the species that told humans for a long time the females can lead the pack until now we say females can be precedents of the world but animals have been doing that for a long time so if the male is unstable females get rid of him that's why the females lead the herd of in elephants yeah yeah I did not know that yeah for hundreds of years because the male when when he enters into musk he gets too too aggressive too disrespectful so to the point he can kill the little ones ah you know what I mean so he causes instability so then all the females gathered together said let's push him because he's unstable not because we don't love him you see they will not follow instability so the guy has to calm himself down before he comes in to romanticize one of them that's really interesting I did not realize that and I know that a lot of it there's a lot of talk over among and I saw this in your book as well the animals they can't be inauthentic really because always it's not in the programming they they don't you can be on a ten think when you think about it you know but when you react about it you can like like babies are not an authentic they don't know how so when you are in a baby stage you are instincts love in spirituality you have no idea what you're gonna talk about if it's Chinese if it's English if it's Spanish brain you have no idea about culture you have no idea about food you you know that you have to eat but you know that you're gonna eat sushi or you're gonna eat ribs so you're gonna eat tacos sure so but what you seek as a baby is calmness confidence love and joy right there's kind of no answer to your earlier point there's no anticipation I would imagine Chinese babies aren't like oh man I gotta learn Mandarin exactly you know exactly sat that time you are in your animal form you are in your spirit form you are in you heart form as gears in society wants you to be smart because if you're smart you make money right so all these where we go off the path is all because of these value descriptions right yeah so if we do like a combination above which is what I told my boy listen we're gonna be earth people and we're gonna mean money people of course I didn't jump the border for nothing yeah absolutely but we're gonna do it together you know and we have values to respect we have a purpose to achieve in the meaning of life that's it I've heard that dogs and I'm sure that you agree with this can read body language nonverbal communication better than we can as humans and so dot but you know people go like oh my dog I trust the guys that my what am I sure I say like women will say oh I date the guys that my dog likes if my dog doesn't like 1% but the dogs is a dog reading the other person or they reading our own love both love okay yeah because this is like it's how the internet works you know remain like a satellite it bounces from it okay so what is the respond right away between those two right so the guys smell that the dog smells he sees and feels he's not hearing he smells sees hear feels I'm sorry and then at the same time he's already connected to his human so if his human gets a little nervous a little excited or it's all related to that person you know yeah that makes yeah that makes sense yeah so they're reading us as we read the other person and they're also reading so it's a combination of all the factors and as you can hear we don't just have done yeah he said neutralizer of [ __ ] right so right away he's like okay do we trust this human oh no that's the first thing if you build relationships on trust and then respect then love is piece of cake what are you thinking when people come in and I'm sure you've heard this because I've heard this people go oh my dog doesn't like other races my dog doesn't like african-americans and thanks I can be right oh yeah my dog doesn't like Mexican sorry and I'm thinking does your dog not like Mexicans or do you not like do you have an issue with them right yeah yeah absolutely racism is something that you teach you know consciously unconsciously kids are not racists or animals are not racists they just they they're honest about not liking an energy but they're they're they have no clue that it is because the color off or the size of the person do you understand yeah yeah or if the person is a handicap they there is no that's what it's called unconditional love you know so no matter how you look outside what they care is about how you feel inside that's the beauty you know so only humans teach about the outside only humans teach that racism only exists in the human world only so what do you think when people bring you dogs and they go yeah the problem is my dog doesn't like men and you know I want to be dating you are you thinking you should probably go take care of your own issues about men or your own issues about no doubt about yeah yeah because you know that's does the part where I put my head of honesty yeah and I do want to help you but we're gonna ask I'm gonna ask you some questions they have to do with you answer in a very honest way yeah you know how do you feel about men right now yeah you know as simple as that throw my wife's cousin I'm throwing her under the bus because she got a rescue dog so there's probably some residual trauma there yeah yeah no doubt about she's like oh the dog hates men the dog hates men and it's like okay well how come the dog is never gettin better that maybe she's had a really traumatic experience with guys I don't know yeah but there maybe there's some files listen trash has level you can trust people at a lower level medium level high level so that has to do it it's very simple to answer the truth you not I mean so you do you trust man at what level do you respect man our level do you love man our level and that just gives you an insight you're right I got to work on that no wonder my dog is the one who's the only one who's honest right hey we don't trust man you told me that every night every time you go to sleep right every time guys she feels it right watching TV a person can can have an emotion and the dog picks it up that person has her doesn't have to bear beliefs eh you know why I'm having trouble with men right now and I just I just don't know how to get it out do that but they still can experiences like when when guys watch like MBA or NFL and and their team is losing they go crazy and the dog walks away yeah cuz the dog doesn't stay there's no dog stays when the man is going crazy it's no way in the world he doesn't enjoy watching you going crazy and talking by yourself and screaming and stuff like that nobody watches I mean it has to be another guy that is going crazy with you yeah but it's not a dog that is gonna go crazy with you that's interesting I hadn't thought about that I know that in your past you had some traumatic stuff happened with the business the original show was owned by some production company related issues at the same dam and you've kind of had a spiral yes and it led to some recovery and a new maximum which was ownership control leadership yeah how have you implemented that what first of all how did you come to that well I didn't because I you know when my my whole thing wasn't to be knowledge about money fame and power I think came to America to be famous our fileting that I just came to learn so I can you know go go back to mom and I love my dad don't but you know but I we always talk about that way as a Latino says mom I'm meaning the whole family and support her you know support them both for their for the later part of their lives so so I was I thought that everybody you know has the same level of honesty integrity and loyalty to an idea I didn't know I didn't know that this honesty party in Hollywood yeah you know I'm a I'm a I'm still I was raised by my grandpa as well and he died when he when he was 105 Wow so that kind of man that kind of mind is your you last Mohican kind of thing you know whatever he says is gonna be done in his shake in and that's it and he'd rather died and do anything opposite of what he said you know so so that's that stuff doesn't work here God sees all about the paperwork you know here is about lawyers you you know you pack you better have a good pack of lawyers you know and that and that Constitution that they're making you sign it better be on your favor so you just kind of said sure TV show also yeah this looks great yeah because I manifested a TV show you know I was I was first interviewed by the LA Times and at the end of the conversation there lady says so what would you like to do next is I mean all these people coming to you I had a place in south-central my first dog psychology center you know a Nicolas Cage and you know it just came in at it's like a in South Center on me yeah dogs from Beverly Hills yeah come to South Central to get rehabilitated I'm surprised to hear that so from from the wealthiest place in the planet to the to the hood the dogs you know normally is the other way around yeah you know what I mean and so I say well we like to have a TV show so I manifested the TV show a way before producers came and but I just have no idea about that so of course yeah you just said great this is working for me sign it and then a few years go by and it's like wait a minute what do you mean I don't owned it that's right I don't know my name yeah I mean my kids don't own their names what do you mean I don't I'm not a an owner of this library you know what I mean I can't see the books you write I mean I saw all of those things that you are totally unaware of you know the shows in 120 countries you know why we're not getting any procedures you know what I mean it's like oh no it's not the read hasn't read 120 countries yeah it doesn't make you know I mean it's like in so they were spending money like I love these guys they were doing some amazing terrible things that only a brain or the mind can do it because the instincts can do it your heart can do it your spirit can do it there's no way your soul will let you do that there's no way your heart will let you do that there's no way your common sense will let you do that only you we could mine negative I will will go against honesty and daily loyalty yeah and it's just I mean that's one thing I never really understood it's like if everybody's going really well in one direction why screw somebody else over for an extra 10 percent I just that part is always even living in LA for as long as I have New York for as long as I have that I still don't understand what people do I just still I still naively looking for the best in people and sometimes my wife or my producer Jason or or there or other people yeah apparently your your parrot will do that that they'll go hey man what are you doing you got to be careful and I'm like oh yeah cuz I have to take a step back because I prefer to live in a in a world where it well possibly a naive world where people are going to do the right thing because it's better for everyone but remember body is you know III don't think of whatever I whatever gave that up I will never give up my honestly my integrity my loyalty you know I would never do that is this I didn't grow up in that a place my parents are not that way my grandfather was not that way the environment that I grew up was not that way the the my role models that I admired so much animals are not that way sure you know I I'm okay with with with the experience obviously in the beginning it was painful you know yeah you get to experience fight flight avoidance you get to like feel this lid down not sleep for a couple years and I already come from poverty so it's not that I don't know how not to have money I master that yeah so I come from from no money so it wasn't about the people stole my money it was about people now following honesty in theory that's what hurt me yes you know to experience humans at the level when they were saying you know that we're honest people therein so I believe I will I believe on that it's that part like that day evenings part that good human being side of it I'm never gonna let that go I mean it only made me more clear that I'm glad that I'm that way you know definitely I went through some some like very disappointed I even make myself put myself in a failure you know I'm a failure because I didn't I don't recognize those the situation but that was not in my role to recognize those situations you know I mean but I I blame myself for a little while that's why I you know try to commit suicide and it didn't work one of my biggest failures you know one of the biggest failure not to kill myself but you know what when it was not meant for you even if you put you in front of a bullet as we call it and Sinaloa it's not for you what elements of your of your poverty upbringing do you still have you know like my older relatives who survived World War two they'll keep like ketchup packets in their purse do you have any sort of I'm not ordered no not a horde at work but is there anything else where it's like oh when I get hungry I start to like get angry angry or you have any sort of quirks that you brought with you from the old country no just no overeat what's that I just go and they do they're like driving out here like where is this place man per year go eat sushi yeah rakita Shogun perfect place oh you can eat for 23 bucks not bad right there yeah after this no no I don't have that I don't have I don't have I don't Adam I like things clean I don't like to you know collect anything that it's no needed yeah you know I don't I don't just dogs no not even that ain't no way I have a limit know the 65 at that time I mean it was from 5:00 in the morning to 11:00 11:00 p.m. that's just that was my life at and you know I was a dad at that time I'm still dad but I was raising two little kids and they will have to come with as I do as I'm growing this business so I'm glad because they're awesome with animals so yeah I would imagine yeah both of them have a TV show you know so that that's that paid off yeah you know but on no I don't have any any anything like that I still have the same desire of helping my mom and my dad do you consider yourself now more Mexican or more American or obviously there's a blend you need both you need both yes you need both because Mexico is like my my mother you know in America as my father you know as a father is more like the sense of direction and the and the mother is the nurturing part of it you know so so both of the countries have definitely made me who I am you know America has a great thing too help you to to to self love yourself you never me and to find who you really are now you know me like be the leader you want to be there were countries or Latino countries it's all about being a follower really yeah yes so do you know that's not if you were born a leader but if they tell you no well your your you have to you know go and work for somebody else and so so you never get to be who were your poor your point to be in America it's all about self help you know that's self-realization and America has the Tony Robbins the you know the wind I or the the Oprah's of the world you know the Deepak Chopra is all of those people who are helping people to be themselves you know so in a tober country we don't get it you know we don't we don't get it in India I mean if you born a certain kind of caste like that's who you were born to be I couldn't handle you know I mean like the place where people will be good karma like the place where spirituality then you have to stick in that stay in that now I mean that's what America has America has that ability to to really bring that side of you you know I love the part of Mexico make a super family-oriented you know here you become very self oriented over there you become family-oriented so the combination of both you become a good pack member yeah where are you recently married you still engaged I'm engaged I'm engaged to a Dominican awesome woman yeah yeah she loves animals that's not my eggs what yeah hey do you have any pets you're like 65 dogs she's like check please we just got pregnant too soon oh I see yeah but you know I have two awesome boys from from that and but she was not an animal person so it wasn't going to work well yeah oh my gosh yeah imagine what kind of tension that would have caused oh yeah we just yeah we would just not even thinking about that I heard Will Smith doesn't like animals but Jada has like JD you know Jada's Maya is my soul friend we've been friends for 20-something years actually the boxer that you saw for them yeah will will is an admirer of animals yeah but he grew up in the city so maybe he just didn't have any a lot of people they grew up in a city Jerry grew up in the city oh yeah and multi more yeah but uh but this is you're an animal person you're not you know yeah yeah I always find that it's I feel like there's a part of me that just thinks everyone's an animal person it just doesn't know it yet or something but maybe that's naive I don't know it's three kinds of people in the animal world people who love animals people who are afraid of animals people who don't like animals and that's that's pretty much it you know I mean those are the three the three energies in the word if you think about it some people love people some people are afraid of people so people don't like people huh yeah I suppose that's true yeah yeah and I just can't imagine not being around animals like I grew up with dogs and now I have cats and they've got all kinds of if it were up to my wife we would probably build a little shack back here somewhere she would be petting dogs walking around with a bird that's the best man there's the best best feeling we were driving in and she goes I want I want a place just like this oh man I thought okay yes oh you haven't seen the whole place yeah but this there is a dream it is definitely the mecca for a lot of the dog people and the energy people because that we inviting also yoga people I mean and Asian people we got we got many different places for you to meditate until you to do this this connection to nature and yourself and your heart and and the thing is we provide animals who are not relaxed a for example if you want to do yoga right next to llamas and alpacas the energy is incredible you know or emus the energy is incredible a horse I've seen goat Yoga outstanding people are something that don't go outside on top of the people yeah that's cute yeah that's best to walk with the goat then actually do yoga with the goat is the yoga is best with the animals who actually just like you're around a camel I can dig that yeah yeah cuz they're just hanging out relaxing yeah I mean the energy that those guys do when they're killing is what you need to imitate the goat never chills that's it yeah that's always running around yeah eating grass or worse yeah so they're bouncing all the tires like right you can't concentrate yeah yeah that's good point well my last question honestly is what kind of what kind of lessons from the dogs are you bringing into your new mayor or your new relationship with your with yours fiance compatibility number one you know what I'm saying compatibility is definitely a main main ingredient to be with someone for the rest of your life you know and then it's the values do we have the same values about life you know is the same purpose of our life at the same meaning about life do we have our same it spirituality you know and are we willing to follow in love a hundred percent you know no matter what and that we're willing to make sure our senses are a hundred percent you know our eyes our ears our everything you know it's like that's why we exercise discipline affection it affects your senses in a good way you know that that kind of thing and I we willing to build this business together and we are you know what I mean so it's that if the four worlds in some shape or form you are you can partner with that person you're gonna build a good life you know and and in my case it's also we build enough for the third time of business yeah I mean so this is my third time yeah picking up myself and taking it to another level you know business-wise and and it feels good the the the team is smaller but only wolf him and this time yeah only wolf yeah wolves are a great hunters because they never stop hunting so when you want to do business and you want to grow the business you want those guys to be wolf like oh so other people on your team are only wolves live like right know as opposed to dogs dogs okay yeah the dogs are good for the maintenance go get her - yeah that's right yeah then then you follow play explore you know that's a dog thing yeah those are definitely more play for the Wolves yeah the wolf you know it's known to be the greatest hunter in the planet yeah they don't turn it off they never turn it off the wolf of Wall Street you know yeah well you know the ethics yeah I know but but but he was a hunter sure I mean how he did it for for the movie is a negative thing but you know the spirit of a wolf that's what a lot of Native Americans were very you know very respectful to the wolf you know it has it has its in a higher place for for family purposes and for medicine purposes if relaxed it's just it's just right now the team is smaller but more powerful that's great yeah that's exciting I'm excited to see yeah and I'm excited about I'm about to be 50 this year and and loving life more than ever the people that are that I have around me right now is definitely the people that that I I'm glad that they are with me right now in this era of my life my kids are in a perfect place greatest woman in the planet my parents are fine and all these opportunities you know there's coming our way it's incredible you know is this so you got to go down and then come right back that's the beauty of life you know like the whole thing about checking yourself and move on and do it again I love this you don't feel your common sense as long as you don't long as you don't lose your common sense as long as you don't lose your faith as long as you release your page your passion you're gonna be fine you know I mean you're gonna be fine that's that's all you need not to lose you can lose money all day long but you can make it again especially a guy like me they count that came with no money you know what I'm saying so I just got to go do it again that's it Caesar thank you very much this has been great thanks thank you thank you thank you Alfie you did great oh yeah you
Channel: The Jordan Harbinger Show
Views: 2,862,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, interview, best podcast, top rated podcast, lifelong learning, the jordan harbinger show, jordan harbinger, soft skills, social science, social influence, social psychology, personal development, self development, podcast full episode, dog whisperer, cesar millan, the dog whisperer, dog training, how to train your dog, dog whisperer jordan harbinger, cesar millan jordan harbinger, cesar millan podcast, cesar millan interview, dog whisperer interview, obedience
Id: mYmoK_ybzJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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