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Hi and welcome to today's video all about cervix  dilation symptoms so I'm going to be talking to   you about what cervical dilation feels like  and how to tell if you're dilated. I'm Anja and I'm a hypnobirthing practitioner. My YouTube  channel's here to support you through pregnancy,   birth and motherhood :) I bring out a new video every  single Tuesday so please consider subscribing and   clicking the bell icon so you don't miss my weekly  videos. First I'm going to talk about the four   main cervix dilation symptoms that you could  experience then I'm going to talk about two   non-invasive and intervention-free ways that you  can check yourself to see how dilated you are. The first possible sign of cervical dilation  is experiencing something called lightning crotch. Lightning crotch is a sharp or shooting  pain in your lower pelvis, rectum or vagina   and it's a sign that your baby has  descended deep into your lower pelvis   and is pressing on ligaments and nerves which  could be causing these flashes of pain. It's   also a sign that your baby is pressing firmly down  upon your cervix encouraging it to start dilating.  Another cervix dilation symptom  is losing your mucus plug.   The mucus plug is a thick jelly-like substance  that your cervix produces during pregnancy   to block any germs or bacteria from  entering your womb and harming your baby-   but, at the end of your third trimester, as your  cervix begins to thin out shorten and soften, your   mucus plug becomes dislodged and you may notice  it in your underwear or on tissue paper when   you're wiping yourself after peeing or pooping.  Mucus plugs can vary in consistency and colour   but to know what's within the normal range  please check out my mucus plug video. The   link is popping up on the screen right now but  I'll also link it in the video description below. Another cervix dilation symptom is known as a  bloody show. Now this can sound a little bit scary   and alarming, it isn't meant to be. A bloody show  is basically a little bit of spotting that you   notice in your underwear at the end of your third  trimester and it means that a few capillaries have   broken in your cervix as it started to dilate and  soften. If, however, you noticed bright red, heavy   bleeding in your underwear obviously that would be  reason to contact your care team straight away but   a little bit of spotting is considered very normal  and very natural at the end of your pregnancy. A fourth sign of cervical  dilation is experiencing cramping.   When labour begins, many women  say that they experience   mild menstrual-like cramping sensations just above  their pubic bone at the bottom of their abdomen.   As labour progresses, these sensations will  last for longer, get stronger and closer together. So the first three signs that I mentioned  (lightning crotch, losing your mucus plug and   the bloody show) are all signs that your cervix  is starting to dilate but not necessarily that   your labour has started. So, just to be clear, when  you're experiencing those mild menstrual- like   cramping sensations that's a sign that your cervix  is actually starting to dilate progressively but,   in the lead up to that, if you experience the  lightening crotch, losing your mucus plug   or the bloody show, your cervix can start to dilate  before you experience contractions and you might   be like one or even two cm dilated  by the time your contractions actually begin.   Now I'm going to teach you the two main ways  that you can check how dilated your cervix is   without needing to have a vaginal examination. The first way is called the purple line.  This might sound weird or unbelievable   but scientific studies have confirmed this to be  true. When a woman is dilating she may develop a   purple or brownish line which rises upwards from  her anus to the top cleft between her buttocks - I'll link a real-life image to  this in the video description below :)  The purple or brownish line is usually only  visible in about 75 % of women who are in labour   but it's not usually visible in women  whose labours are medically induced.   If the line is visible, the more dilated you get, the higher the line will rise up from your anus.   It can be difficult to measure this line by  yourself so it's helpful for someone to do it for   you. When the line is measured, this table can tell  you how dilated you are at a certain point in time.  If the line measures 5.3cm, you're 1-2cm dilated. If it's 7.8cm, you're between 3 and 6cm dilated.  If it's 8.7cm long, you are between   7 and 8cm dilated and if  the line measures 9.6cm,   you're between 9 and 10cm dilated. Like  I said, since the purple or brownish line is only   visible in about 75% of labouring women, I'm going to  teach you another way to check how dilated you are. The second method involves you measuring the  space between the top of your fundus (or baby bump) and your bra line. At the start of  labour you should be able to fit   all five of your fingers between the  top of your fundus and your bra line.   As your contractions get stronger, longer and  closer together - that's a sign that your labour is   progressing and your cervix is dilating more and  more. Your fundus level will rise more and more as   your labour progresses because your contractions  will be drawing the muscles of your uterus   up and up and up so you'll notice that as your  labour advances you'll be able to fit less and   less fingers in between the top of your fundus  line and your bra line. When you can fit only   three fingers in the gap it's likely that you're  about five centimetres dilated. When you can only   fit one finger in the gap, it's likely that you're  fully dilated. Thanks so much for watching this   video today! I hope it's helped you to understand  a little bit more about cervix dilation symptoms   and how you can check how dilated your cervix  is. If you've got any questions, please leave me a   message in the comments section beneath this video  and I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Whilst you're here, why not sign up to my  next free hypnobirthing taster session on zoom? I run 2 every single month and you can sign  up to the next one by clicking the link to my   website in the video description below :)  Take care and see you in my next video!
Channel: Hypnobirthing With Anja
Views: 859,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cervix dilation symptoms, how to check yourself if you are dilating, how to know if you are dilating, how to tell if you are dilating, how to tell if your dilated yourself, signs you are dilating, cervical dilation symptoms, cervix dilation signs, how much am i dilated, how much cervical dilation, am i dilated, how does it feel when you are dilating, how to tell how much your dilated, how to measure cervix dilation, what does cervical dilation feel like
Id: kpZ2jXjF940
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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