CERN in 3 Minutes (2009)

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[Music] [Music] CERN is the world's largest particle physics research laboratory it covers six square kilm scattered over 12 sites either side of the Franco Swiss border near Geneva in 34 km of tunnels and Cavern the size of cathedrals at over 100 m underground CERN hosts facilities for experimental physics scientists from all over the world work here in international collaborations to study and understand the mysteries of the [Music] universe stars planets Seas air humans everything around us is made of matter matter is made of atoms atoms are made of electrons orbiting around a nucleus which in turn is made of protons and neutrons inside these we find quarks in cern's newest accelerator the Large Hadron Collider particles Collide at nearly the speed of light to study the quarks and other particles many of these particles only existed in the early Universe for a fraction of a second after the Big B when all the energy transformed into matter in cerns accelerators we can recreate conditions that existed just after the big bang and shed light on such questions as why do particles have mass what is the nature of dark matter in the universe why did matter triumph over antimatter in the first moments of the universe making our existence possible what was the state of matter just after the big bang four gigantic instruments called particle detectors will study the data from the LHC Collision Visions in search of the answers to these fundamental questions the experimental and theoretical study of these conditions allows us to understand the fundamental laws of nature and to unveil the ultimate Mysteries that govern our universe in the course of their research certain scientists have often come across discoveries that have affected our everyday life the technology used for particle detectors is at the origin of security scanning equipment and several medical applications and the worldwide web was invented at CERN in 1990 by the British scientist Tim burnner Lee the web soon grew beyond the world of particle physics and has become our primary repository of information changing and improving the way people interact and communicate to treat these massive amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider physicists together with experts from industry are building a web of Cooperative computing called The Grid the grid will allow thousands of research centers and universities to share their data storage resources and computing power transforming the internet into a giant Global supercomputer and building capacity for the science of [Music] tomorrow
Channel: CERN
Views: 230,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cern, lhc, large, hadron, collider, physics, atlas, cms, alice, lhcb, particles, science, research
Id: 2jup2R9Jtnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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