Particle detectors: seeing the invisible

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the particle beams inside the LHC Collide at four locations around the accelerator in four large particle detectors Atlas CMS Alice and lhcb built by collaborations of physicists and Engineers from across the globe it is in the center of these gigantic instruments that collisions occur and where new previously unknown particles and interactions may be identified particle detectors allow us to look at the universe at its smallest scales the Technologies and materials developed by physicists to build and operate these instruments have fueled new developments in many fields from security scans in airports and borders through Medical Imaging to assessing the hazards of radiation in outer space positron emission tomography is a medical imaging technique that works by detecting photons emitted from positron anihilation cintilla and crystals used in the LHC experiments to measure particle energies are now being used to advance this technique the metapic readout chip was developed at CERN to track single particles at the center of the LHC detectors it works like a camera detecting and Counting each individual particle hitting the pixels this novel technology has found a vital role in medicine its color x-ray Imaging technique produces clearer pictures that will help doctors give their patients more accurate diagnosis by differentiating tissues with similar densities but different compositions the extremely high resolution offered by the metap piix chips coupled with their non-destructive spectral Imaging also provides a unique tool for authenticating and preserving cultural [Music] heritage in the harsh environment of outer space unique challenges arise especially in monitoring Cosmic radiation Stern's time piix device developed for the challenging radiation environment of the LHC now serves as a vital component aboard the International Space Station and NASA's Orion vehicle this technology is capable of measuring complex radiation fields and their impact on electronics thus safeguarding astronauts from The Unseen dangers of space radiation these are just a few of the applications of cern's fruitful collaborations with industrial and research Partners in the field of detector develop Vel m [Music]
Channel: CERN
Views: 2,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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